City Council Minutes 11-05-1963 SpecialI.Tover,,fber 5., 1963 Special meeting of the villarge council held t1iiis date at 10:00 P.1,41. in the village hall to canvas -Uh-e results of UII-)e village election. Hienbers present- Bal"Cer3 Kas,,)e--,, aid Swanson. Absent- OjaIcm�-,Cas and Adams. Hotion by Suanson to accept the results of the election judges as t -le election was held in accordfimonce idth Gie l -a -v,-,_, and to certify these results as follows: Total vote -.-s- 610. For mayor- 'HIarry A. Bergstrom 2253 votes, William (Ans) Anderson 23-31 votes., Francis E Klein 121 votes. Bergstrom declared elected. --U For Tl --O Madsen 356 votes, Lando Kirsc.'�-- 145 votes., Donald Dorf 103 votes. . '�I I Otee-�- 3 . I 'Yadsen declared elected. For treasurer- William Jongerv;aa-A-d 567 votes. Jongei-,-aard declared elected. For Justice of Peace Rill I. (Bud) EcPn6rson 564 votes. 11-icPherson declared elected, For Constable- Per -i -Y Analters 30 votes. IvIalters decl;cxed elected. E-otion seconded by Ka, -per ond carried. `On moclion ad j ourned. Clerk. lerk. LI i