City Council Minutes 12-02-1963December 2., x.963 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. 'MeTabers present- Baker., Adams & Swanson. Absent- Ojakangas &- Kasper. Baker presided as present of the council in the absence of th-e mayor. Minutes of the meetings of November 4t-11 & 5th were ap ovedas read. g pr Re-presentatives of Ehlers z Mlann & associates talked to the council about the issuance of refunding, bonds to replace the General Im - i-)roven ent bonds. The council was informed that approxamitely $37,00'0-00 Was needed in the sinking fund to pay off old bonds and indelatedness before . re -issue of bonds could take place. The natter vras dro.ped for the ti -pie being due to lack of necessary funds. Lotion by Adams seconded by Swanson to approve the folloifizgg cigerette listens for 1964:-iiayls t16611 Service; Snell Service Station; Haus, Food 11,arket; Gould Bro. Chev,; Lauring Drugs; Crandall Drugs; Schneiders Pohl room; Vern Is Cafe; Nelson Pxros, Food 1,--a-rket; To= Cafe; Elmer 's Sport Shop; Bob ts Texaco Service Station; lrionticello 11ecreation; Recreation Cafe; American Legion Post 260; Dairy Store; Monticello Caf6;. A discussion was held regarding the prevention of minors from buying cigeretts. It was decided to add to the notion that the council reserves the right to revoke Vriese license if the liscen- see does not help in the prevention of cigerette sales to minors. Motion car-ied. Motion by Swanson to approve the expenses of 4'37.50 per person for H. Bergstrom and J. E. Madsen to attend the University of Ydxlhesota extendion coerce for councilmen to be held Jan, 4, 1964 , Seconded by Adams and carried". Kiotion by Manz to hire C. Johnston as part, time bar tender for liquor store, seconded by Swanson and carried, Motion by Sv-anson to approve t1je f ollovdng building permits: Peter Clare to build an enclosed porch 112-1 x 18 feet on t., -e -vTest side of itis douse located on lotl C"Z- lot 2 exc. izest 10 feet of block 6 in 1vuer tbnticello, Rill micPllierson to build a 24 x 14 foot extension to the back of his house located on lot 7 block 31. 1,11otion seconded by Adams and carried. A note was recieved from ti,,,o members of t.,, -.e state board of health in iurh I ic-d they stated that they had ex.-Lmimed tae smuage des-posal plant and found it to be very clean, The- suBested that 'Whe council comnend R. I-richaelis for his fine wo',k, 11.10tion by Swanson to approve bills as read, seconded by Adams and carried. Jim 1.1erium was to appear beforb the council to ansTv,,er questions concerning long distance telepiaone calls. It was suggested ttiat he corse to our next regular meeting instead. It was announced that a meeting of the Sierburne- Wrig'-!t county Civil Defense mould be held in the village hall December 11., 1963, ense,personal 'Ehere may be a meeting, of the Wright and Sherburne Countr members hleze on December 12, 1963# On notion adjourned. C. 11. Swanson Acting Clerk. DecerLer 18, 1963 Special meeting of the villla'ae council held V,Iis date in t1he village -...Dolice station. 1,iiembers present- OjakamTas, 13aker ('-- Swanson. Absent- Ada rz L, Kasper, 'D The council meet ivit1i members of t -,I -e h1onticello-Big Lake 11-11ospita-1 board to review their request that all =,.ssessments on the property purchased fora construction of the new hospital be removed and that ti -lis prope-L-by be free of all assessments. lotion by Baker to gave all the general improvemmt assessmients on the property purchased b�-,T the ' rl ospital board in blocks 19, 20, 23 8, 24* Seconded by a.-Tanson and carried. On motion adjourned. L. Baker Acting clerk,