City Council Minutes 08-17-1964 Special2 August 3 continued, Motion by Si>;anson to approve t'.,Le Vi-Ils as read. Seconded by Adams and carried. on motion aAjourned 1:30 A.114 f. A erk August 17., 1964 Special meeting of t he village council held this date in t he village .all. Ilerbers present- Bergstrom Kasper and Swanson. Absent- Ades and ',',adsen. The following bids were recieved for extension of thb -vratermain and installation of one block of storm se -,,,Ter: Barbarossla and Sons, Inc. of Osseo- $11.,902-50 plus 455 ,85 .00 for valves md h.-,,rdrm_is and a deduct of $225-01, if no biturdinous surfacing. Northdale Construction Co. of llinneapolis- $10.804.30 with a deduct of $150.00 if no bituminous sin. -facing. F. D. Chapman Co. of 1,:inneapolis - $13,168,00 with a deduct of $450.00 'if no bituminous surfacing 0 A. N. Johnson Co. of Elk River- $11,372.25with la deduct of $150.00 if no bituminous surfacing. Union Centr--m Contracting Co. o --F' ldimibapolis- $12L. 871-10 with a deduct of "4035,00 if no bitirdnous surfacing. S. G. 1.1clfillims of Long Lake- X13,397.80 i -d' i a deduct of $800.00 if no bituminous surfacing. Three Way Construction Co. bf St. Cloud= $11,366-30 wit 11-i a deduct of $607-50 if no bituminous surfacing.. The cost of the waterrw-in extension only on River street from Washington to Elm and on Elia. street (vacated) to Broadway was given at $7,152.50 from th e low bidder of Northdale construction Co, this would set the cost at $2.95 per front foot and if t-v.To thirds is to be assessed to propeloty oimei-s their assessment would be approx. $2.00 per front foot, Mayor Bergstrom opened the n.eetin,- to hear objections of the proposedassessment asessnent 1, on extension of this eater main. The follow:Lng property ownersstatedobjections to the proposed assessmen%: John and Bessie Kaz; William Sandberg; Wilhelm --=,d Helen Vi -,en; Walter and Helen Klatt; Leroy Jensen and Ed-vrardnein.They all objected U a because they -felt they would not be benefited by t1lis extension of the ,zater'main and because tere had been no assessments to propert-T,, oTme-rs previously for inst, iation of-wate-,.- mains, Mlotion by Kasper to fin.�,=e this project b7T other means i-rit-11-out assessing 1� , property oimers. This other means to be studied and derived at by the council. 110 second. Following much discussion L-ayor Bergstrom. adjourned the hearing until 8:00 P.1�1 LLI august 24., 1964, G. Phillips representing g the hospital board requested tie council consider establishing 7 the curb ,rade in front of the hospital. No action taken on this at this tie. $ 1 Dr. J. A. Kasper 0- ,�� e