City Council Minutes 11-02-1964I ;1 /-64 Noveraba. 2. 0 1 I Regular maetiL)nr- o ' the vill,C .,.re council held this date, '1n the village hall. ''embers present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper., 1,11adsen and Swanson. Absent- I'lone. :D Einutes of the meetimg of October 5were approved as read, F. Topel and G. Link requested that all bids for fuel oil bids be rejected and that-Une village continue rotating puhas s o. L;uel oil. Lotion by Swanson to reject all fuel oil bids'. Sec,,,)nded b-A.dcar --ied. Motion by Kasper that A. 14cIntire draw up specifications for a n --W police car to be rented by the villa, -e and to take them to all local c, -,.r dealers to see if they � wished t6 bid on it. Seconded by Ira dsen and carried, There was more discussion on finding land to be used as a village durT-. It was decided to advertize again for land to be purchased pr leased by the villo,�e. I'lotion by 1,,adsen to advertize our troanqualizer gun, case and supplies for sale in the League of 1-1unicipalities magazine for $150.00, Seconded by Kaspe-.o and carried. Lotion by Adams to raise A. Yclntire salary to A 425-00 per month effective Nov. 1., 1964, Seconded by Swanson and carried. 141otion by Kasper to renew tile Legion Clubs on Sale liquor license for one ye, -T. Seconded by 11adsen and carried. notion by Kasper to have a new street light installed between the Assembly of God church and their new P,--rsonage. Seconded by Adams and carried. A complaint was recieved that t,To or three outbide toilets were still in the village. N. I -lassie was instructed to have the health officer check on t1hese and have them removed. 1--otion by Kasper t1hat, we canvass the election returns Ilovedber 3rd at 9:30 P. M. Seconded by Swanson and carried, Lotion by Madsen to renew the sewer dim7-inr, permit of Big Lake Gravil Co. and also 4 zD � C� that of Pauls PliriTaing subject to his purchasing the license and furnishing bond. Seconded by Swanson and car-i-ied. Notion by Kasper to pay the balance of the contract to Nortll-idale Construction Co. -vdti-lioldin�--C3 $124.40 to cover the repair to sidewalk and street compyleted b- the - village maintainence crew. Seconded by Swanson c�md carried. Motion by Swanson to grc-nt a hermit to E. G. Eastman to construct a basement under his house on lots 4 & 5 block 22 in Lower 17-onticello. Seconded by Kasper and carried. Elotion by Adams #aat the village pbrchase a new United States flag. Seconded by 11adsen and car --,-,ied. 1111otion by Madsen that the village attorney be cont. -acted to see if the village is liable to pal,,T all of the bill from Bergerson CamTell Co. Seconded by Kasper and c ar--1- i e d. * 1-11otion by Swanson that the village purchase a reconditioned National- cash re ;ester seried 1900 from Cash Regester Sales Co. for $500.00. Seconded by Adams and carried. A bill in the amount of 76.95 was recieved from Attorney G. Swenson along brit -, a note informing the council that he was i,,Tit7 7idr--awin7 from the lachaelis Vs. the Village of ETonticello case. Bergstrom stated thlat -oaymcnt of the bill s1riould be beim. for V1 -ie time bei Motion by Madsen to hire Attorney Il ' ichael Burns of St. Cloud to represent -ie v-illge , of Mlonticello in tlie nich-aelis ma -ter and to pay him a retainer feeof "25o.00. Motion seconded by Adaims AM carried Kasi)er voting no and Swanson obst I uaininry, 1 -lotion by Swanson to check vdiUlri the villa� e attorney regbxdin!-- the adoption of an ordinance outla-�,-Lng BB guns and unsupervised archer�;, in the villag-e limits. No seconed. Complaints i,aere recieved regarding excessive speed by trucks to and from tie Feed hill. A. IL,.-,cInti:,.-e was instructed to contact D. Nagel and see if a sign could be posted at the mill or if some other ne,,3ns could be derived at to inform the truck drivers cornin,01 to and frog{ t'. -ie niill to reduce their speeds and proceed with caution, Bergstron informed t1he council that Astleford Equipment Co. of 11[inneapolis 11"las a 1954 Diamond T truck wit'-, V and streight ploi�,rs for sale for $695.00. STI,anson was instructed to ched-k on the condition of this. Motion b,.7- Hadsexi-Uo pay bills as read. Seconded by Swanson and cirri ed. Motion by Swanson to -Ip-,,- �J _-)Jy to t1 -,e Coriint-issioner of Aironautics for a certificate XW 01 approval for, Flyauls airport as a municipally ai-,med airport. Seconded by Adams el Noveiaber 2 continued. a7 and carried. Madsen voting; 11o. There` eras (a discussion regarding ice scating rinks and a warming mouse. It was decided to put an ad in the paper to see if a war>>dzZg��ouse could be obtained. 3 On motion adjourned 11:45 P-1-1. Czr&, November 3, 1964 Special meeting of t -ie village council held this date in the villa. e hall at 1130 P. . Members present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kaspe- and I11iadsen. -. Ke , Lotion by Madsen t^ accept the results of the election judges as t= e election was Held in accordinance wits the law, and to certify the result . -I as fo _loz-Us: Total votes- 709. For Councilman- William., Sandberg 211 votes, William_ Anderson 191 votes, li'alte-r I2 arkling 166votes, Donald Dorf 120 votes. Sandberg declared elected. For clerk- Kasper 643 ' votes. Kasper declaired elected. For justice of tale Peace - C. N. Christianson 532 votes, Christianson declaired elected. For constable P. Walters 30 votes, A. ,"-clntire 9 votes and G. 1) vis 6 votes. For Hospital board t, -,--Le follovTin ; votes i-:cre recieved. 11onticello vill_3.ge deligate- eorge Phillips 615 votes. For deligute at large A. Cf risti: zsor_ 53 votes end F. E. Klein 105 votes. motion seconded by Ms -per and carried. Mebtin- adjourned, Clerk, Nj ovember 17, 1964 Special meetin_; of %h.e village council held this date in the village hall. I, embers present- Bergstrom, Adans, Kasper, Ty adsen and Si anson. Absent- done. llotian bzt 3-<Tanson to grant a use permit to Uorth Oaks Properties to brild a 6 ft. red.,iood basket heave f ehce along the east "side of' their property located on lots 12 &,13 block 11 of Lov.'er honticello, this fence to extend no furt:'e foreS.,;aru 30 feet from the edge of Voe street. Seconded by Kasper, and carried. Motion by I-fadsen to adopt a resolution authorizing and directing; the issuance and sale of $35P000.00 on water revenue bonds of 1964. Seconded by Adams and carried unanamously. Lotion by Kasper 'to pay A. 1 clntire two weeks vacation pay 'of $200,00. Seconded by S7-Tanson and carried. I -lotion by Adams to have Justice court held in the village 'spall instead of in the police department office. Seconded by Kasper and carried. The hospital board informed the council th _.t they had ap�rol1irsiately 400 to 450 ,yards of fill to be removed from V e hospital property with an estimated cost of removal to be about $300.00. ':obey, requested to kno-o if the village wmuld be frilling to pay part mf this cost of removal if the fill were to be put along the north side of river street in back of the hospital. They also requested that the village slope the west side of Oak street down to conform wit11 the perking lot. Ylotinn by Kasper to pay 'Y150.00 of the cost of the dirt removal and to lilave toe West 11alf of Oak Stmet sloped to conform with t le hospital parking lot. Seconded by 3�,-anson and carried. I -lotion by Kasper to hire Zanao n .r scat as village assessor for 1965 for a s nary of 71O.U0 and to allow him expenses of $8.00 per day for two days of assessors schooling. Seconded by Iyiadsen and carried.. Adams voting; no On mot'on adjourned Clerk.