City Council Minutes 04-05-1966I-) t I April 5, 1966 Regular meeting bf the village council held this date in the village hall at 700 P.M, Members present- Eriandson, Kasper, Topel and Sandberg. Absent- Madsen, Attornies G. Latimer and L. Heffernan met with the council to review the civil def erase ordinance. Pete Halliger requested that the village put the village ball field in shape for playing soft ball. Jdm Motion by Topel to have the maintainence crew work 'with the soft ball tear to improve the ball field. seconded by Kasper and carried. E. Schaffer, C. Johnson and A. Grimsmo, representing the chamber of commerce,, requested that the village have the village streets sweeped. Following discussion on this the council agreed to check into the probability of purchasing a street sweeper. R. Georges requested that the street by his home be graded so that the snow plow would be able to remove snow int he winter months and he requested a storm sewer be installed by his property. Action on this tabeled until the council meets with Mr. ffeorges to examine the street by his place at 12:00 noon April 61, 1966. A ' complaint was recieved that Moon Motery was empting oil onto the ground behind his shop - and that the rain was' washing this onto other private property. Kasper was instructed to talk to Mr. Moon and request his cooperation in preventing this. Motion by'Kasper thgt we approve a building permit for J. W. Miller to construct a 132 X 30 ft. self service car wash on lot 15, block D. Seconded by Topel and zz Motion by Topel that we approve the following building permits: Carl Larson to build a 24 X 42 ft. house with attached 16 X 24 Ft. garage on lot 34 West 2 of lot 4 block 26;and Robert Robinson to build a 24 X 44 ft, house with attached 16 X 24 ft. garage on lit 9 and east 20 ft. of lot 10, block 24 Lowor Monticello. Motion seconded by Sandberg and carried. The council talked to Mr. Peterson of Peterson Pipe Cleaning regarding establishing a set fee and a working agreement for cleaning tillage sewer lines when necessary. Mr. Peterson agreed to furnish his machine and two men at $20.00 per hour. The minutes of the meetings of March lst and 15th were approved as read. Motion by Sandberg to approve renewal of the following on and off sale malt liquor license: T. Schneider, G. flavis and K. Springborg. Seconded by Topel and carried. A. McIntire and Bill Fish were appointed as the village councils representative to the recreation board. Motion by Kasper to pay Schluender Plumbing $109.53 for installing water meters in 'the public schools. Seconded by Topel and carried, Sandberg voting no. The council reviewed applications for disposal plant operator and maintainence man. The clerk was instructed to call Mr. R. Enga of Windom, Minnesota and ask him to come to Monticello for personal. interview. A. McIntire requested a full time or two part time policemen to assist in giving police protection. Motion by Topel to advertize in the Monticello Times and they Minneapolis Star for a full time policeman with wages to start at $375.00 per"Z. Sedonded by Kasper and carried. Motion by Kasper to pay bills as read. Seconded. by Topel and carried. On motion adjourned. 0 Clerk.