City Council Minutes 12-06-1966ba November 9 continued I -lotion by Madsen to reduce the Drying Plants sewage charges to $1,000.00 per year until they resume operation. This to be effective as of January 1., 1966, Seconded by Kasper and carried. On motion adjourned. i December 6, 1966 Regular meeting of the vilIagerh-aTl he d this date in the village hall. Members present- Erlandson, Kasper., Topel and Sandberg. Absent- Madsen. Mr. Kemp df Americian Pipe Cleaning give suggesti6ns for clearing up our water supply by machanically cleaning the mains. The cost quoted was $35502.00 for the four inch mains and $8,344.50 for the six inch mains plus digging and couplings for an estimated total cost of approxa-mitly$15,000.00. No action taken on this at this time. J. Brouillard requested to know if the village would consider selling him the sprayer and contracting with him to do our insect spraying in the summer time. Brouillard was asked to come to our next meeting and present the council with cost figures for spraying the village. Motion by Topel that we pay the village s!'1are of the 1965-1966 PERA & P&F in the amount of $1.,889.60 from the General fund and $856.67 from the Liquor fund. Seconded by Sandberg, and carried,, I Motion by Sandberg to approve the following license to sell cigeretts f(r 1967: 11661, Service station Washington at Broadway; Holkers Drive In; Maus Food Market; Gould Bros. Chev.; Lauring Drugs; Crandall Drugs; Schneiders Pool -Room; American Legion Post 260; Clausens Dairy Store; Stellas Cafe;Nelsons Food Market; Topels 11661, Station; ToWn Cafe; Elmers Sport Shop; Municipal Liquor Store; Monticello Recreation; Recreation Cafe; Bill E Reds Service; Hitters Meat I'larketand Bobs Standard. Motion seconded by Topel and carried. Motion by K',seer that we approve the renevial of the Club Liquor liscense for American Legior Post 260, Seconded by Sandberg and carried. cls Three applications were recieved for full time village clerlc. Motion by Erlandson that we advertise again in the St. Cloud., Mpls.., Elk River and Buffalo papers and the Monticello Times for a full time clerk. Seconded by Kasper and carried. Motion by SA-ndbe-,,-,g to -pay the bills as read. Seconded by Topel and carried. There' was discussion on purchasing a radar unit for the police department. Motion by Erlandson to purchase the sweeper from Olson Eqtipment Co. for $2,075,00 provided they forst furnish an additional broom as per contract. Seconded by 2 Topel and carried Sandberg voting no. On mot*'n adjourned 11:15 P,Yl, Clerk.