City Council Minutes 03-07-1967,000 7 Mp r ch 1967 Regular meeting of'the Village Council held this time and date in. the Village P11. Members present: Mayor Erla.ndson, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, and Sch-k.ffer. absent: Councilman Sa_ndbe r Minutes of the me -tiny, for F!�bruary 7, 1967, ;ere read and approved. Civil Defense Director Lee d. PicKinnon discussed flood control m-asures for this spring;. He stated that l,r. Vokaty will k-^.:, a T�+�:tci� nn thA w -;.tear level of the river, ane if it ris-:s more" than 6211 per hour, he will notify thr: Village Clerk rand the Civil Defen4* Director. 111r. L-.; G. 'McKinnon requested that he be authorized to attAnd the Civil Defense course on°IntAlligeince to be given at Arden Hills on March 15, 16, and 17. i''_lotion made by Councilman Kasper that Lee G. McKinnon be so authorized. Motion so:-conded by CouncilmF.,n Schaffer and` carr -led unanimously. 14r. J. Miller filed for a buil6in'g permit to build. a double bungalow, CD 29' x 601, on Lots l4 and 15, Block C, Lower 1,11onticeillo. Motion by Council- man Sbha--"fer to issue same. 1"+otion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. St.. Henry's Catholic Church _�'il:-d for a building permit to build a new rectory, 36' x 761, at Lot 5, Block 28. Xotion by Councilman Kasper,to issue same" and motion seconded try Councilman Schaffer. Carrie -d unanimously. Ex. Red hiichatlis filAd^ for a building permit to move the old St. Henry's rector, 34' x r,5 ' fron Lits -resent site at Lot 5, 8�.�;ck 8, to lots '� and 5, E lock 38,"o Mtdtioon made1 by Councilman Schaffer to issue same, motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously. Mr. E. C. Schlink of the P nne¢sota. Highway Department spoke to Council regarding a proposed holding pond for water run-off from the inter- change of the proposed new interstate highway. This holding pond area would take* in Villages property, namely portions of lots 3 & 9, :dock 15. The state submitted an offer of $25.00 for each of these two (2) properties, to a total of $50.00. This was tabloid until such timA as the Council confers with Mr. Hefl'ernan, the Village attorney. Mr. Ray Georges asked the Council about having the storm and sanitary sewtr brought out to his properties. This was tablAd until after h- has spoken to Thor Meyer En.gin«-erin;-r Firm, on the cost of this project. .Bids were received from Gould Bros. Ch-vrolst for purchasing or renting a police car. The Council discussed the merits of Durehasin� a_ car for `28.60.00 or renting; one for `"175.00 per month. It kTas dec'Ldd that it would be more economical to purchase the car. Lotion made by M^yor Erlandson t? --at the car be purchased. S-conded by Councilman Topel and carried. unanimously. Motion made by Councilman Kasper that the Village agree to rent the present police car from 1,1r. Milo moon through the And of May 1967 and lon7o-r if deemed n-cAssa.ry. Seconded by Councilman Schaffer and cerried unanimously. ( cont' d next page) L�.—_ V (7 March 1967 Cont'd) Yotion by Mayor Erlandson th-;-i-IL the Vi'_'Llpge purchase a publication mntitled Minnesota MuniciDal Law and Proc,-!!dure. Mlotion seconded by Councilman K,,;spP_r, and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Kesper that off sale and on se-Ii.le non -intoxicating malt liquor lice-nses bc renewed for folloL-,.d*ng establi3hmtnts: Mr. Georg* � Davi;, C3 Mr. Ken Sorin Borg, and Mr. Thomas Snyder. lotion sm.conde-d by Councilm--in Toprel and carried unanimously. ,vIotlon by Councilman Kasper -.-h,_A th- Ydnn,?-sota State Public miners audit theD " records La -ch year. Seconded by Topml and c-'rried unanimously. I�"._Otion by 1,,'1_9yor lErlandson to advertise _ for the hiring of a dog cetchmr. Motion secon:_3,*,d by T. -)p, -,l and c;rried unanimously. Motion made by Councilm,-.-..n K?,splr that thra Village Council meet twice per month for th(- next two months on the 1st Prrd 3rd, Tuesdays. '11otion seconded. -P by Councilman Schafj.,ar and carried unanimously. Thi Council discussed the Village water tr,!t'Altirent situation, It Was decided to havg� Cle=rk O'chnelle write to 11,sx. Shipp, S_�.Ifl-s Manager, 114odern hem Company, to ask that 'Mir. Shipp attend th,,k, next mF.-eting of the Council to discuss treatment of the water. Council reau-�sttd that Cl ­rk L'-D'chn.-11(-- call Dr. Kunk,!-!l of St. Michael, Minneso'Lle, in re&rd to setting up .4 clinic 9t the Village lriqll for the purpose C> of giving rabies innoculations to dogs prior to the issuing of dog lic,�nses. 1.) k o C1 -rk Schnellt made sn.vera,l recommendations and suggestion to the Council regarding admiril-Itrative Procedures. Council approve•d that Clerk 3chn-111attend r. conference- for Municioal Clerks nd Finance' Officers b�;inpr of f tredOy �r- LvwaMinnesotauo- of Minnesota 11!1'unicipiliti!�-s on 141arch 21 ';�.T-ld 22. I thr" Eotion by Councilman Kasper to adopt a rP3olution to write to the govenor and to trie StV,-.te,- Legislators stating that the Villa.gt, is apposed to th,!- proposed gross earning ta.X legi3lP-tion on private utilities* S,-!cond-d by Councilman Scl-�,;ffer 0-1.nd carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Kasper that bills be paid_ as prr;sf-nted. Mlotior seconded_ by Councilman Schiffer and carried unanimously. Motion. by Councilman Kasper for adjournment. Seconded by Councilman Top el and carrLll-d ljnanimously. Yleetin.fy.' adjourned 2.t 0045 A.M. Si_fnad