City Council Minutes 03-21-1967P:00 P. * 21 March 1967 Regular meetir 'of tht Village Council. held this time :end date in the Village Hall. Iliembzrs present: Mayor Erl,;�_ndson, Councilmen Kasp-r, S-ndbtrg, Topel, and Schaffer. Absent; None. Mlinutes of th- 7--eting for Mirch 7, 19u7 were read and approved. Councilm;in Sch;;-if-r brought up thea po3sibilitios of renting sn.cwplowing equipm-rt for next winter. The Council discussed th- matter ard then t=bl�-d it for discussion a.t lat*r date. n otion by Jayor ErL� rdson to run a: notice in the Mlontic:-llo Times for two weeks that Dr. Haggerty, the vet-rina_rian, would b,!� p.t t'-A� Vili.ag Hall from 173 2 P.1Y1. throu,zh ;:30 r. %-7. 'on April 8, 1'y67, to innoculate dogs for r�bi-s. At this time dog lice-nsP5 will also b- is su.: J. No dog lic rses gill be issued unless t'rie- ownFur has an up-to-date rabies shot record for bis dog. 1, otion wa.s s eord.ed by CourcilmaA Kr seer grid carried unanimously. 14.r. 'Ojakangas of the village pl.;-n ing committees discussed with the Ccurcil the merits of P. planning program under the► Urb3_n Pl'anninc: Assistance Program 701 by hiring a . professional pl;;.nrir. i4lotion was m -a ie by Councilman Topel to hirm a professional planr-w!r to make a orel•imin: ;ry study -It the approximates cost of :.'C0.00 tc see. what type of planning progr.)m the villages would Meed and thm. cost of this pro ram. I'iotion secorded by Councilman K, --=per :-.n6 ca.rriAd unanimously. the Council discussed with Mr. Tgrt-Id4 of the Tart -Ids Corporation; i,ir. Shipp of Pied-R:.t Controls, Inc.; :nd Risks, Carroll and uller, C6n5ultari.t Eaginee�r•s; on tre�itmw,,_rt of tb-i� Village wet, -r --u,)-ply. A motion r-ras made by C-)uncilman Schaffer to hQvt Rieke, C Troll, and Muller, consultant engiree*rs for the Villag-v of 11;1onticello, to do a study on th+* Village w=ater supply. They a.re to give rcomrnenda.tions as to wh.;_t course of wester treatrrlerlt b* pursued with estimzte on cost of these treatrrien ,s. Motion w;�,_s sf-conded by Cour+cilmian Topel and carried v.naximously. They r�-nue ste-d. that Clerk Schnellc ha.v� a notice published in the Yontic-110 Times t'n t efff-etiv- immsdiat*ly there would be► a. 4 -ton axle weight limit on fret village streets. It was furt'h<!,r requested that all street be posted immediatey. The Council, after hla.ving compl«ted z study on other local munieipa.l police. depa,rtmcnts, discussc-d policy salaries with the Chief o? PolicF5, Art ,, cIntirt. A motion was made by Councilman Top�51 to increase the salary of the Chief of 'office to =$550.00 per month T ith no pay for ov_<rtim-, and th-, sal..ry of the patrolmzn to 4.50.00 p r month with no pa_y for overtime. The above so_lary in- creases will go into effect for the p:�y period coYL-meting April 1, 1967. Council ;jlso authorized Vie h=iring of a, patrolman when nev:d�d. hvotior sAcond,!?�d by Councilm,7n Schaffer and carried unanimously. A motion was made by 1,iayor Erlandson to r*vimw salaries of a.11 village moloymess in august of each year. Seconded by Courcilman Kasper a.rxd. carried un±anir�•ously. L. 0 'March 21, 1967 cont' d ) Council discuss,*d th- ws 41kway bntwscn Stell: 's P.f.-s `_.urant and. Klimmtsk's Dep;�.rtm�►nt Store = s a.; 6e H �_ as the own -r of this walkway, Mrs. MO-Irgar,*t Rush, w.;;n .:-d th- Village to assume full r-sporsibility for it. Such retsporsibility would include: li.bility insurance, keeping thy► walkway fr+e of icy and snow, provide li-7hting, and orovide a. do -duction for prop=rty tax for this portion of the property being used as a. wplkway. A motion was m.dm by Councilman Top*1 thT?.t the Villago would not assume rmsQonsibility for ths► walkway as described above. lotion so -corded by Councilman Schaff r ard carri.-=d. unanimously. i.ia.c^-y SiFrn Company :applied I'OT, a us�-;.I buil,iir�y permit to install a sign_ at the Stuart Oil Company S*rvict Station. A motion was mads by Councilman Kasper th=at -the sign could not bo,, morm thax 7 feet high and 8ef,-et widw and that it had to bn at 12 f -et off the ground le v-1. Notion smconded by COuncilM n Schaffer and ca.rri:-d unanimously. Council dlQcu.ss d the mCnn-r of contra.cting for fire, protr ction in th-a tov ships. This - was tabloid until they have had an opportunity to Jiscuss it with the Qublic examiners. Council approved of having a clianing man clst;in th- Vi.11Q-g t Hall at least once a. month at th,-, cost of $7.50 p -r month. This would r-ntail scru.bbinrr, iia.An,,,r and buffin;; the floor. The Council approved of th,A colistruction of open end closed "shelve:s and door courttr,.in the cl-rk's officer. i�iotion wa F, mad+ by Councilman. Schaffetr r -'or adjournment. +'otion s-conal.*d by Mayor Erl,a.ndso)n And ca.rri,�d unanimously. 1,iteti.mg ad jourrewd ,at 11:50 P.I•'9 it ,age Clerk