City Council Agenda Packet 08-14-2006 . . . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 14, 2006 -7 p.m. Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. 2B. 2C. 3. 4. 5. Approve minutes of July 24, 2006 regular Council meeting. Approve minutes of July 25, 2006 special Council meeting. Approve minutes of August 1, 2006 special Council meeting. -+v" >--1c:.-F g S ('vtL G'ris Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Y ;Vi j(. 1bvD<p' (;,-<>S J "".,it:' S Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. Consent Agenda: ....--;'0 ~ ~) sri --rc --- A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC and liquor store. B. Consideration of approving a temporary gambling license for the St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 16th_17th. C. Consideration of approving a temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 16th_17th. D. REMOVED E. Consideration of a request to close Vine Street on Labor Day for a block party- Applicant: Brad Fy1e. F. Consideration of final payment to Greystone Company and acceptance of work on Library Expansion, City Project No. 2004-36C. G. Consideration of final plat approval for Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. H. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2004-06C. 1. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvement for the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2004-06C. J. Consideration of accepting roads and utilities in the Prairie Ponds Addition. K. Consideration of acceptance of improvements for the Club West development. 1 . . . Agenda Monticello City Council August 14,2006 Page 2 L. Consideration of authorizing purchase ofUV system for the MCC pool. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 7. Public Hearing on the vacation of a sanitary sewer easement across Outlot F in the plat of Jefferson Commons. 8. Public Hearing and Ordering Project on the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and Dalton Way, City Project No. 2006-15C. 9. REMOVED 10. Consideration of agreements relating to exchange ofland between the City of Monticello and River City Lanes developer, Consideration of final plat approval for Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition (River City Lanes), and consideration setting direction for defining use of landlbuildings received in the exchange. 11. Consideration of adopting resolution supporting constitutional amendment for dedicating MVST funds to Transportation. 12. Consideration of granting increase to the individual pension for volunteer firefighters relief association members. 13. Consideration of award of bid for Xcel Ballfield Fencing, City Project No. 2006-19C. 14. Review oflighting plan and cost estimate for School Boulevard and update on other lighting projects and costs and consideration of ordering feasibility report for street lighting on Chelsea Road East and a portion of Dalton Avenue. 15. Review of site plan, building floor plans, updated cost estimates and schedule for the biosolids dryer Project No. 2003-02C. 16. Department Activity Report - Steve Joerg, Fire Chief 17. Approve payment of bills for August. 18. Adjourn. 2 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 24, 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Mernbers: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledl!:e of Allel!:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of Julv 10.2006 rel!:ular Council meetinl!:. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 10, 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of Julv 17. 2006 special Council meetinl!:. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 17, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. Glen Posusta added discussion of storage at the Public Work facility. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and concerns. Residents from the Groveland area were present to address their concerns about the relocation of the bowling alleylrestaurant to their area. Mike Brandt, 3529 Redford Lane questioned why there was no public hearing process involved in the relocation of the bowling alley to this site. The Council indicated that because the site did not require rezoning for this particular use no public hearing was required. Mr. Brandt also expressed his concern about having a liquor establishment that would be open to 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. placed so close to a residential area and the amount of traffic that this would add to the residential streets. Glen Posusta stated that Hawk's Bar and Grill is located in a residential area. Mr. Brandt countered that the bowling alley is a much larger establishment than Hawk's and would have more of an impact on the residential area. Mayor Herbst stated that although a public hearing was not required there had been an informational meeting on the relocation of the bowling alley to the proposed site in the Jefferson Commons development. The residents present indicated that only a few property owners in the area had received notice of the informational meeting. The residents wanted an opportunity to have their concerns heard and addressed. Clint Herbst stated that this 3 . could be an agenda item for a future Council meeting but there would be no public hearing on the matter. Brian Stumpf felt the developer should meet with the residents and hear their views. Clint Herbst said he would meet with the residents and developer and discuss the concerns but he didn't think the City should stand in the way of River City Lanes building in what is a proper zoning district for their use. Mike Sutherland. 3554 Redford Lane, stated that three homes were notified of the informational meeting which did not cover all the residents who would be affected. Glen Posusta pointed out that the area was zoned for commercial use long before any ofthe homes were put in. Mr. Sutherland stated that since the City was standing to gain from this relocation, the residents couldn't expect that the Council would be sympathetic to the residents' position. Dean Smith, 3551 Redford Lane, stated the City has the responsibility to look after their residents and should learn from past mistakes made by other cities. He cited his concerns with traffic from the bowling alley/restaurant establishment going through the development. He noted the number of residents who were present at this meeting who wanted to voice their concerns and for the Council to say they are not going to listen tells him something about the members of the Council. . Wayne Mayer asked the developer why he would not want another meeting with the residents. Duane Lindenfelser asked what another meeting would accomplish and noted that the residents were having an opportunity to speak at this meeting Jeff O'Neill stated that the City has the buffer yard standard in place to keep separation between residential and commercial development. Tom Perrault said with other developers there were agreements in place. In this case there is nothing in writing that states what is being constructed, when it was going to be developed and what was going to be done with the remaining 3.9 acres. Brad Weske, 3647 Redford Lane stated he was not against the proposed bowling alley/restaurant but he was concerned about safety. He stated that they had not received any information when School Boulevard was going to go through. With the extension of School Boulevard and loss of their cul-de-sac the traffic problems have increased significantly. He added that this is an area of young families with children so the increased traffic is a concern. He suggested as a compromise that the cul-de-sac be recreated. Clint Herbst stated that the traffic and safety concerns brought up by the residents will be forwarded to the Police Commission. Susan Day, 3565 Redford Lane cited concerns with increased criminal activity, noise from bands and the outdoor eating area and traffic. . Brian Stumpf suggested that the City look at increasing the number of patrol hours with the County. He felt it would be advantageous to have a roaming squad within the City. Glen Posusta said it is to be expected that growing communities will see an increase in crime. Shelli Sutherland, 3554 Redford Lane, indicated her issue was also with traffic volume and she felt the Council showed a lack of value for the residents concerns. 4 . . . Mark Parnell, co-owner ofthe River City Lanes, extended an invitation to residents to meet and hear their concerns. Mr. Parnell said they were open to listen to what the residents had to say and would like the opportunity to explain to the residents what they were proposing. The meeting with the residents will be held Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 6 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall. 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of appointment of election judges for the 2006 primary election. Recommendation: Appoint Fred Anderson, Gregory Ashfeld, Joan Bondhus, Joan Brandon, Donna Brauch, Ron Broekemeier; Janet Bromberg, Lucille Clausen, Edith Custer, Rosemary Dahl, Mary Daniels, Kristi DeMarais, Richard Doucette, Jamie Fisher, Kaye Gauthier, Lynnea Gillham, Judy Holley, Jan Irvine, Lori Kraemer, Florence Mayer, Arlene McIntire, Judy Moody, Merrijo Nesland, Richard Quick, Jeanette Smith, Randy Smith, Darlene Solberg, Rita Soltau, Patricia Sonju- Thielman, Opal Stokes, Sandy Suchy, Diane Wefel and Lorraine Wolffas election judges for the 2006 election contingent upon receiving certification as election judges. B. REMOVED. C. Consideration of approval of easement agreement for MMC Land Company. Recommendation: Adopt the agreement with MMC Land Company relating to the purchase of easements and right of way necessary for the improvements to CSAH 39 and the interchange proj eel. D. Consideration of approval of contribution from Dick Slais/Senior Center for Riverfest Expenses. Recommendation: Approve contribution from Dick Slais/Senior Center and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor. E. Consideration of proposal to repaint the top of first stage digester cover and to paint bottom of second stage digester cover at wastewater treatment plan. Recommendation: Authorize PSG to move forward with the low proposal of $49,600.00 from Rice Lake Construction to have the painting done to the digester covers as well as the piping repair. F. Consideration of approval offeasibility study for drainage ditch improvement project between Kampa Circle and Monticello Country Club Golf Course. Recommendation: Approve the feasibility study for a drainage ditch improvement project between Kampa Circle and the Monticello Country Club Golf Course. G. Consideration of approval of the final grading plan and specifications and authorize the advertisement of bids for grading a portion of the Otter Creek Industrial Park. Recommendation: Approve the final grading plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for grading a portion of the Otter Creek Industrial Park. H. Consideration of approving Change Order #4 for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-01C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.4 in the amount of$847.00 to R.L. Larson for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No.2004-01C. 5 . . . 1. Consideration of review of bids for Riverside Cemetery Fencing, City Project No. 2006-17C. Recommendation: Award the contract to Authority Fencing in the amount of$36,995.00 for the installation ofa 4 foot aluminum fence along the front of Riverside Cemetery. J. Consideration of accepting the feasibility report, set public hearing date and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extension of Dalton Avenue (Formerly School Boulevard) and the westerly road (Dalton Court) adjacent to the proposed A VR site. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report, order the public hearing for August 14,2006 and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extension of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. Shibani Bisson noted a correction on item #5H, the change order for the interchange proj ect. The correct change order amount should show a deduct in the contract price of $4,353 .00. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5E, #5F AND #5J AND WITH THE REVISED AMOUNT NOTED ON #5H. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS I. y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!:enda for discussion #5E Painting offirst stage and second stage digester covers at wastewater treatment plant: Tom Perrault questioned who was going to be doing the piping work and noted that on one of the bids received which was dated June 27, 2006 stated the bid was only valid for 15 days. John Simola indicated that he had been assured that the proposal was still valid. Tom Perrault also questioned why no bond was required. John Simola responded that no bond was required because the contractor would be paid in a lump sum after the work was completed. It was estimated that if approved, the painting would be completed by September 1,2006. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PSG TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE LOW PROPOSAL OF $49,600.00 FROM RICE LAKE CONSTRUCTION TO HAVE THE PAINTING DONE ON THE FIRST AND SECOND STAGE DIGESTER COVERS AND THE PIPING REPAIR DONE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5F Feasibility study Kampa Circle/Monticello Country Club drainage improvements: Tom Perrault questioned iflabor costs were included in the project costs. It was noted that the work would be contracted out and not done by city staff. Brian Stumpf questioned Section 4.3 of the feasibility report relating to easements asking if this had been discussed with the owners of the golf course. Bruce Westby indicated that there had been a verbal agreement made sometime in the 70's wherein the golf course allow the water to run through their site. At this time the golf course wanted the verbal agreement formalized in writing. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A DRAINAGE DITCH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BETWEEN KAMPA CIRCLE AND 6 . THE MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5J Feasibility Reportfor Extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and Dalton Way: Tom Perrault questioned why the City would not want to include the extension of Dalton Way since it would open area for development. Shibani Bisson noted that inclusion of Dalton Way would add approximately $400,000 to the project cost. 7 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDER THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 14,2006 AND AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE EXTENSION OF DALTON AVENUE, DALTON COURT AND DALTON WAY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF DALTON WAY TO BE SET UP AS AN ALTERNATE BID. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearine: on certification of delinquent utility accounts for 1 st Quarter 2006 to the County Auditor. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the delinquent utility accounts for the 1st quarter of 2006. No one present spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES FOR THE I sr QUARTER OF 2006. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of settlement ae:reement/land exchane:e - A VR Site. City Attorney, Tom Scott, provided background information noting the Council has been working on a settlement agreement for some time. This settlement agreement covers the acquisition of the old A VR site by the City and the relocation of A VR to the Otter Creek Industrial Park. This agreement would settle all issues relating to the acquisition and relocation. The basic terms of the agreement are that the City would pay A VR $1,500,000 in cash and provide the relocation site. The relocation site is 14.6 acres of which approximately 3 acres is covered by utility lines. Ifthe agreement is approved by the Council, the closing would take place sometime within the next couple of months and construction of the new A VR site could start this fall with completion in 2007. Staff recommendation was to approve the agreement subject to final approval of all plans relating to the site and Council determination on whether trunk fees would be at the 2005 rate or the 2006 rate. Going with the 2006 rate would increase the fees by approximately $245,000. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AS PRESENTED AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY ADMIISTRATOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY CONTINGENT UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF PLANS RELATING TO THE SITE AND TO APPLY 2006 RATES TO THE TRUNK FEES TO BE CHARGED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . . In further discussion Wayne Mayer stated that this has been a long process and the question was raised whether A VR would even be willing to relocate to the industrial park. He was not in favor of relocating A VR to the industrial park initially and still does not believe it is the proper location but felt it was important to approve the settlement agreement. 9. Consideration of interim approval for si2na2e for Best Western Motel. The Best Western Motel wants to proceed with erecting a pylon sign on their site. The proposed sign would require a variance from the sign ordinance because it exceeds the area allowed by ordinance. Although they have submitted an application for a variance this matter has not gone before the Planning Commission. Best Western wants to proceed with the construction of the sign in the anticipation that the variance would be approved. leffO' Neill showed where the sign was proposed to be located. It was noted that originally this site was comprised oftwo parcels belonging to one owner. The parcel that would qualify as a freeway location under the sign ordinance was sold. The sign being proposed does not meet the criteria for the location that is being proposed. Staff indicated that if the Council was inclined to allow the construction of the sign prior to the Planning Commission acting on the variance request, it could be defined as a temporary sign. A temporary sign is allowed at a location for 40 days which would be adequate time for the Planning Commission to act on the sign request. If the Planning Commission does not approve the request, the sign would have to be removed after 40 days. Staff felt that the proper procedure for reviewing this request should be followed. Wayne Mayer asked ifthere are any means that the Council could vote on the sign request. Staff indicated the Council does not have the authority to grant approval without the request going before the Planning Commission. Clint Herbst felt the property owner was showing a good faith effort. Brian Stumpf agreed that perhaps it was a good faith effort but it raises the concern that others will try to bypass the Planning Commission and attempt to get things approved by the Council. He stated while he did not oppose the sign that was being proposed he was opposed to the process that was being followed. It was noted that the sign area exceeds the amount allowed by ordinance and therefore a variance is required. Glen Posusta felt this was a unique situation because one owner had both parcels and this sign would have been allowed had he not sold one of the parcels. Brian Stumpf felt it would not be appropriate to have the Council approve this and then the Planning Commission not approve it. He reiterated he did not like the process being followed in seeking approval of the sign. The property owner indicated that because this is a busy time for them they wanted to move ahead with getting the sign installed. Wayne Mayer noted the sign had been purchased before the other parcel was sold so that was an extenuating circumstance. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO DEFINE THE PROPOSED SIGN AS A TEMPORARY SIGN, ALLOWING THE SIGN TO BE PLACED AT THIS LOCATION FOR A PERIOD OF 40 DAYS. IF APPROVALS ARE GRANTED FOR THIS SIGN AS A PERMANENT SIGN, THE SIGN CAN REMAIN. IF APPROVAL IS DENIED THE SIGN WOULD NEED TO BE REMOVED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION 8 . . 11. . CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION STATING HE OPPOSED THE PROCESS BY WHICH APPROVAL FOR THE SIGN WAS BEING SOUGHT. 10. Consideration of providinl! input on budl!et process prior to development of preliminarv budl!et. This item was brought before the Council to get input from the Council before staff and department heads developed the budget. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted staff is in the early stage of budget preparation with the budget to be presented at the workshops scheduled in late August. Rick W olfsteller noted in past years there has been an 8%-15% increase in market value which would allow approximately a 10% increase in dollars without increasing the taxes for residents. Clint Herbst asked if any bond issues were going to be paid off. Rick W olfsteller replied that none would be paid off and added that the payment for the MCC bonds is increasing and the bond issue covering the interchange and other proj ects will be added to this years budget. The Council discussed options such as increasing the 2007 levy just to cover the increase in debt service; charge more for services as a means to raise additional revenues without increasing the tax rate or set the budget trying to keep the tax capacity rate the same as the 2006 budget. Brian Stumpf felt the Council made their intent quite clear with last years budget and department heads should have some idea as to what to put in the budget. Tom Perrault felt staff should look at the impact of high gas prices and consider contracting services out. Wayne Mayer elaborated on Brian Stumpf's comment stating that department heads should realize that this is a "lean" Council and respond accordingly. He didn't think the Council could say now whether they would raise taxes, lower taxes, or raise fees because at this time they don't have enough information. Rick W olfsteller asked ifthey want to stay with the same levy amount as last year or have the tax capacity not exceed 59. Clint Herbst suggested contacting the assessor to see how much the market value has gone up. Consideration of authorizinl! Madden and Associates to revise City personnel policv and personnel ordinance. Staff noted there is a number of inconsistencies between the City's personnel policy and personnel ordinance. They are proposing to have a consulting firm update the documents to eliminate the inconsistencies and update the language to reflect changes in statutes relating to personnel matters. The estimated cost for this work is between $4,500-$8,000. Tom Perrault noted this is an unbudgeted item and requested that this item be budgeted for in the 2007 budget. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE FRANK MADDEN AND ASSOCIATES TO WORK WITH STAFF AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE IN REVISING AND UPDATING THE PERSONNEL POLICY AND PERSONNEL ORIDNANCE AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $4,500 TO $8,000 AND TO HAVE THIS EXPENDITURE BUDGETED FOR IN THE 2007 BUDGET. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9 . 15. . . Consideration of terms of sale of remnant parcel of land resultin!! from re-ali!!nment of Otter Creek Road - Tom Holthaus. Because the property owner was present, this item was moved up on the agenda. Jeff O'Neill provided background information noting that the fifth lot for the Pineview Addition was to be created by the realignment of Otter Creek Road. It was estimated that 5,000 square feet was to be realized from the realignment. The Council was asked to determine whether this property should be given to the developer at no charge; whether the developer should be charged at the same rate the City paid for the land necessary to realign Otter Creek Road ($2.75); whether the sale ofland should be a flat amount equal to the amount the City paid to shift the road ($7,139) or some other rate established by the Council. The reason to look at a reduced rate was because this is a redevelopment project. Brian Stumpf asked what had been done with other redevelopment areas. Rick W olfsteller noted that it varied and in other instances the City did not have to purchase additional land. Brian Stumpf suggested going with a $1.00/square foot if that was what was done on other sites. Tom Holthaus and Matt Holker spoke to the Council stating this project has been going on since March of2004 as a redevelopment project. Back in 2004 the realignment of Otter Creek Road was discussed. Tom Holthaus stated that the Mayor at that time had said "if it was up to him he would give the land away to get this site redeveloped." Tom Holthaus provided a history of the redevelopment process for this site. He stated he was frustrated with the long delay in getting this project done and added that the fees had increased significantly over the time frame the development took place. He felt that because there was no extension of utilities needed to serve the property this project should not have taken so long. Tom Holthaus stated that he was told by staff that he could not move forward on his project without some decision on the realignment of Otter Creek Road. Brian Stumpf noted that this redevelopment project abuts a County Road and the County also had to review the development which added to the processing time. Wayne Mayer asked the property owner what the Council told him the cost of the land would be. Mr. Holthaus stated the matter never went to the Council but he based his development cost on what the mayor at that time said. Wayne Mayer asked if the financing was that close where $7,100 in land costs would kill the project. Tom Holthaus indicated it would. Clint Herbst pointed out that the statements made by one individual do not represent the full Council. Brian Stumpf noted his concern about setting a precedent on this matter. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SELL 2,596 SQUARE FEET OF LAND TO THE DEVELOPER AT A PRICE OF $1.00/SQUARE FOOT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. Wayne Mayer felt the Council should get $7,139 which is the cost the City paid for the land needed for the realignment. He added that if one city officer makes a statement it carries no credibility without the approval ofthe full Council. However, he felt the need to get this done and on the tax rolls which is why he seconded the motion. Tom Perrault felt the City should get more for the land since the developer needs the land to create the fifth lot. 10 . 12. . 13. . UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Request for clarification re2ardin2 TH 25 and River Street si2nal system removal and TH 25 corridor traffic analvsis. Bruce Westby said the purpose ofthis item was to update the Council. Staff has looked at the intersection and they have done some informal traffic studies to come up with some ideas for the signal system. A proposal will come back to the Council in August. Clint Herbst asked about blocking off River Street and closing offthe turn lane so they can study how traffic moves without the signal being tripped. Bruce Westby stated that although he has not talked to MnDOT about this, he did feel they would be supportive of this request. The Council discuss the impact, if any, the opening of the interchange would have on traffic in this area. Brian Stumpf felt the study should include the traffic on TH 25 because the volume of traffic is the problem whether the traffic is coming on River Street or TH 25. Bruce Westby stated if the study includes TH 25 then the City should look to have a firm like WSB to the study. The Council discussed having the lights on TH 25 synchronized. Bruce Westby will contact MnDOT to find out how the lights work. He felt the TH 25 study would involve lights and therefore be more costly. He indicated that there was a lot of cut through traffic on River Street. There was also discussion on the light at th Street and TH 25 and the amount of traffic that road carries. Staff directed Bruce Westby to contact MnDOT regarding this matter. Consideration of providin2 staff direction in re2ards to future mini-stora2e request for Kiellber2 Mobile Home Park. Jeff O'Neill said that the staffis expecting that a request will be forthcoming from the Kjellberg West Park to construct a mini-storage facility to be used by residents ofthe park. The issue of existing non-conforming conditions and how the Council wanted those addressed was raised. Did the Council want to require that the non-conforming conditions be brought up to code at the time an application is made for a conditional use permit or would they approve the conditional use permit without having compliance with the code. Clint Herbst felt that before the mobile home park came in with a request they should be required to come up to code in any area that they are not in compliance. Brian Stumpf felt the City should take control over what is going on out there. Glen Posusta stated this is not zoned for mini-storage facilities. City Planner Steve Grittman noted this not commercial mini-storage but is an accessory building for the residents use. Glen Posusta asked if any existing non-conforming use required it be brought up to code before the use could be expanded. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT STAFF COMPLETE A DETAILED INVENTORY OF NON-CONFORMING CONDITIONS AND REQUIRE THAT THE MOBILE HOME PARK BE BROUGHT UP TO CODE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN APPLICATION FOR A CUP ALLOWING DEVELOPMENT OF A PARK USER MINI-STORAGE. Brian Stumpf said even if everything was brought up to code he would like to have it brought back before Council. Jeff O'Neill stated there is a magnitude of things to be done 11 . . . before the site is in compliance. Brian Stumpf felt the City should not act on any request for the mobile home park until items are in compliance. He did not feel staff should be doing an inventory of non-complying items until an application was submitted. BRIAN STUMPF RESCINDED HIS MOTION. 14. Consideration of cost estimate and schematic drawin!! for placin!! swans on the water tower. Public Works Director John Simola reviewed the sketch of the water tower showing the location of the lettering and the logo. If the City was to change from the logo to a drawing of a swan with the artwork and stencils not being more complex than that of the logo then the cost would be $5,000. A number of drawings depicting swans were submitted for Council review. After discussing the drawings and timing for getting the work done, Brian Stumpf felt the swan drawing for the new water tower should be scrapped because of the cost and because it is rather late in the process to be making a change. It was suggested that for the new tower the City go with its logo and the lettering and when the water tower at the Monte Club Hill is repainted use the swan drawing on that tower. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO STAY WITH THE EXISTING MONTICELLO LOGO ON THE WATER TOWER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. Wayne Mayer asked about the time frame and John Simola responded that the painters would be starting next week and it is expected that the project would take 5-6 weeks so there is not enough time to select a drawing and get it back to Council for review. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MAYER, PERRAULT AND STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND POSUST A AND HERBST VOTED IN OPPOSITION. 16. Review of annual sidewalk inspection report and consideration of acceptance. The Council had received a copy of the sidewalk inspection report. John Simola noted 49 panels needed maintenance and 9 panels needed replacement. He stated that the City had relaxed their criteria for maintenance and replacement somewhat last year. He indicated that some of the panels are not on the grid system. The grid system basically covers the core area of the City. For those panels not on the grid system, the City will be contacting the property owner regarding the repair/replacement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT AS SUBMITTED WITH NO CHANGES PROPOSED TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR WHICH THE INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENTS ARE DONE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Consideration of replacin!! John Deere skid steer loader. The Public Works Department is again requesting authorization to replace the 1997 John Deere skid loader. The unit is an older unit and the Public Works Department has spent $7,000 in repairs on this piece of equipment. They did re-analyze their needs as far as the 12 . 18. . . 19. skid loader and have determined to go with a Case 430 which is a smaller unit. Public Works staff was also requesting rubber tracks for the unit as that would be necessary in order to use the unit for removing sediment from the ponds. The total estimated cost for the unit including trade-in of the 1979 John Deere model is $25,876.31. Street Superintendent Tom Moores stated that all three departments use the skid loader so it is a piece of equipment that is heavily used. At the present time the Public Works Department has two skid loaders. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THEPURCHASE OF A NEW MODEL 430 CASE SKI STEER LOADER FROM ST. JOSPEH EQUIPMENT OF ELK RIVER, MN UNDER THE ST ATE CONTRACT INCLUDING THE LEXAN PROTECTION DOOR AND THE RUBBER TRACKS ALONG WITH THE TRADE IN OF THE 1997 JOHN DEERE SKID STEER LOADER FOR A TOTAL, INCLUDING SALES TAX, OF $25,876.31. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Review of proposal for Cedar Street Li2htin2 Proiect and consideration of award of contract. John Simola provided background information stating that the plan is to not place any lights on Dundas Road at this time. The City received a proposal from Wright-Hennepin Electric in the amount of$89,675 to provide lights for Cedar Street. In addition a 15 year maintenance program at a cost of$18.85 per pole per month was also made part of the project but is not part of the $89,675 cost.. The City was informed that Xcel Energy no longer carries this type of pole or fixture and therefore did not bid the project.. In the feasibility report the estimated cost for street lighting was $108,680. This would be the second city contract with Wright-Hennepin Electric. The first contract covered School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue. Glen Posusta didn't feel it was right for the City to saddle businesses and developers for the street lighting costs since everyone benefits from them. He felt there should be some kind of program that would recoup these costs in another way. Glen Posusta added that residents had concerns about the street lighting in the City. He felt the cost of providing street lights should be part of the cost of city government. It was suggested working with Xcel Energy on a franchise agreement that would set up funding for street lighting and underground wmng. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AWARD THE CONTRACT TO WRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC FOR THE STREET LIGHTING PORTION OF THE CEDAR STREET PROJECT AT A LUMP SUM COST OF $89,675.00. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Consideration to installli2hts on the new CSAH 18 interchan2e brid2e, Citv Proiect No.2004-0IC. Shibani Bisson from WSB & Associates indicated this item was presented to the Council previously. At that time they had received a price quote of $18,000 for the installation of the 13 . . . lights. The Council had directed them to look at bidding the bridge light with the lights for the roundabout to see if there would be any cost savings. Shibani Bisson stated that because the lights for the bridge and the roundabout are not the same kind oflights there is no cost savings to bid them together. In addition there is a six month waiting period for bridge lights so the lights would not be installed at the same time. John Simola suggested have Xcel Energy approve the lighting system so that they can be covered under a maintenance agreement. Clint Herbst questioned why the County would not be doing the maintenance of the lights since it is a county road. Tom Perrault felt if the City approves the contract now they would lose bargaining power with the County as far as maintenance of the lights. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A WORK ORDER FOR PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING THE LIGHTS ON THE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE SUBJECT TO XCEL ENERGY APPROVAL OF THE LIGHTING SYSTEM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added Item: Glen Posusta stated the issue of outdoor storage in the industrial park has been discussed for two years. He questioned why the City could store materials outside without providing plantings, screening or fencing and cited the Public Works facility as an example. John Simola stated that they had planted 6-7 trees along County Road 39 and some additional trees on the west side. Public Works had proposed a building that would have been used for storage. However, the Council froze funds for that building so the material continues to be stored outside. John Simola asked what he could do about screening ifthere were no funds available for him to use. Clint Herbst asked about additional storage at the farm. John Simola said a building is being constructed as part of the biosolids facility at the wastewater treatment plan which should open up some space at the farm that could be used for storage. 20. Consideration of approvinl! payment of bills for Julv. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 21. Adiourn. Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Recording Secretary 14 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday July 25, 2006 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. for the purpose of conducting interviews with two candidates for the position of City Administrator. Interviews were conducted with Mr. Pat Klaers of Elk River and Mr. Jeff O'Neill of Monticello. A third candidate selected for an interview, Mr. Steve Robertson of Plain view, Minnesota, decided not to pursue the position at this time. The interview process was completed at 7:15 p.m. After further discussion of the two applicants, it was the consensus of the Council to get some samples of employment contracts used by other cities that would be used as a basis for an offer to a new administrator. In addition, it was the consensus of the Council that another special meeting would be held on Tuesday, August I, 2006 at 6 p.m. for the purpose of further reviewing the applicants and possible terms of an employment contract. Recording Secretary 15 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday August 1, 2006 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. for the purpose of continuing discussion on the two applicants interviewed for the position of City Administrator. Mayor Herbst noted that legal counsel will be preparing some contract options that can be used by the Council in offering the position to a selected candidate. After reviewing the qualifications of the two applicants interviewed, motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Clint Herbst to offer the position to Jeff O'Neill, current Deputy City Administrator. Voting in favor of the motion were Stump and Herbst, voting in opposition were Perrault and Posusta with Wayne Mayer abstaining from voting at this time. Additional discussion of the candidates continued with Councilmember Mayer noting his concern about a new administrator being appointed by a divided Council. Councilmember Mayer felt it was important that this position have support from the entire Council and the Council continued discussion on possible ways to achieve Council solidarity in any hiring decision. It was the opinion of Councilmember Posusta and Councilmember Perrault that there may be public perception that the Council did not interview enough candidates even though one of the applicants dropped out at their own choosing. As a result, motion was made by Glen Posusta and seconded by Tom Perrault to re-advertise the position prior to making a final choice. Voting in favor were Posusta and Perrault. Voting in opposition were Mayer, Herbst and Stumpf. Discussion by the Council continued on whether re-advertising the position would generate any additional applicants who could be interviewed and it was suggested that the advertisement include a salary range and note that the salary was dependent on qualifications. In an effort to achieve Council solidarity in any hiring decision for the job of City Administrator, a motion was made by Wayne Mayer and seconded by Tom Perrault to renew the process by re-advertising the position with the League of Minnesota Cities, available league organizations from adjoining states and in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Deadline for submittal of applications would be August 18,2006. Voting in favor were Mayer, Perrault and Posusta. Voting in opposition were Herbst and Stumpf. Recording Secretary 16 . Council Agenda - 8/14/06 SA. Consideration of approvinl!: new hires and departnres for MCC. Pnblic Works and Liauor Store: (RW) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Public Works and Liquor Store, As you recall, it is reconunended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. . 17 . . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hermosillo, Lori Wheel Park Attend. MCC 7/17/2006 PT Vogt, Kyle Climb Wall Attend. MCC 7/11/2006 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name . Jenson,Joseph Reason Involuntary Department MCC Last Day Class 7/11/2006 PT . employee councillist.xls: 7/25/2006 18 Class . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Johnson, Keith Clerk,Cashier, Stock Liquor 7/25/2006 PT Hoglund. Ron Operator Mechanic Public Works 9/5/2006 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day . . employee councillist.xls: 8/8/2006 19 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 SB. Consideration of approvinl!: a temporary charitable l!:amblinl!: license for St. Henry's Catholic Cburch. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: St. Henry's Catholic Church has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at their site located at 1001 East 7'h Street on September 16-17,2006. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling licenses for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to St. Henry's Catholic Church to conduct charitable gambling activities at their fall festival on September 16-17, 2006. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling license request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Approving Charitable Gambling License 20 Clint Herbst, Mayor . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2006-58 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, St. Henry's Catholic Church has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at 1001 East 7th Street on September 16-17, 2006, WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by St. Henry's Catholic Church for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at 1001 East 7th Street on September 16-17, 2006 is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of August, 2006. . ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . 21 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 5C. Consideration of approvim! temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henrv's Catholic Church Fall Festival. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: St. Henry's Catholic Church is requesting a temporary 3/2 beer license for their fall festival on September 16-17, 2006. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve a temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Catholic Church for September 16-17, 2006. 2. Do not approve the temporary 3/2 beer license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Catholic Church. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 22 Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . 5E. Consideration of a request to close Vine Street on Labor Dav for a block party- Applicant: Brad Fvle (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider allowing temporary closure of a segment of Vine Street during afternoon hours to allow a block party sponsored by Brad Fyle and Lori Kraemer who are residents in the area. Local driveway access would not be blocked by the party, only through traffic. The current ordinance requires Council approval of such a request. According to the City's consultants, allowing temporary closure of public streets for such use is commonplace and usually is allowed directly by administrative permit. A change in our ordinance would be needed in order for the City Staff to issue a permit in this regard. The City Attorney has reviewed this request and notes that the City insurance coverage would cover in the event if a mishap or accident occurs in the right of way as a result ofthe Block Party. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize temporary closure of the Vine Street right of way as proposed and direct the Street Department to provide barricades accordingly. . If so desired, Council could take this off consent agenda and request that staff develop language that provides for an administrative permit allowing temporary closure of the right of way for such use. 2. Motion to deny request for closure ofthe Vine Street right of way C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative # 1. If Council thinks that this request should be handled administratively then it would be appropriate to request such a change. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . 23 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 SF. Consideration of fmal payment to Grevstone Construction Company for the Librarv Expansion Proiect. City Proiect No. 2004-36C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to approve the final payment to Greystone Construction for the 2004-36C Library Expansion Project. The final two payments total $4,374.00 and include the retainage amount of$I,500. This would bring the total project cost to $672,615 for the construction portion of the improvement. As you will recall, the remaining issue related to the service desk modification and countertop installation that was resolved when Greystone Construction Company agreed to split the cost with the City for the additional labor to fabricate the new countertops. This change order amounted to $1,338 and is included in this final pay request. The Kodet Architectural Group also agreed to split the remaining cost ofthe change order with the City and contributed $669 towards the cost of the countertop installation resulting in an additional cost to the City of only $669. Kodet Architectural Group has reviewed the final installation and is recommending that final payment be made to the contractor. The GRRL library staff is now comfortable with the service desk modification and countertop installation as modified. Greystone Construction Company has supplied the appropriate lien waivers, Departroent of Revenue withholding forms and surety bond company consent to final payment. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should authorize the final payment to Greystone Construction Company in the amount of$4,374 covering the remaining work and retainage bringing the total project cost for the contract to $672,615.00. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the GRRL staff, Kodet Architectural Group, and City Administrator that the final payment be made as outlined. I was pleased to see that Greystone Construction Company stepped forward and agreed to cover half of the countertop re- installation cost and also want to acknowledge that Kodet Architectural Group agreed to split the remaining half with the City has a compromise to get the project completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Payment request #11 and #12 24 . . . 'P -.J .P c~ .. . .. 0 ;;; g 3 ~ ~ ~ o Q ""S it. S' ~ < ~ ~~ c." .. 0 !:!:;Z g ~ o " -m :;:~ iii" :!i c.~ 0" " 0 " Z 3 ~ lD ~ ;a~ ""~ '< ~ ~ ~ .0 ~ Iii ~ .. m !:!:.o " ~ CD 5 .. Z " . o " 3 6 ~~ (;" ~ c. l> l> c o " " 3 .. ;a c ... o~ -x , m o' lD ~ ::l." 3i~ " Z .. - !:!:.~ o _ " ~ o ':i _ m c~ g ~ " " 3 , .. ~ " " ;]pl l>~ !O,rn ::rZ !l ~ ~d -, ~ '<" =r~ o. 3 Z ~ ~ ::r. .. ~ C~ g z " ~ .. 0 ~ ~ " ~ . ~ m Z m .., n :I: S;: o m '" ~ n ~ '" ~ Q ~ !'l .... 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R g g- rs Q n [ a. ~ IS. 0 IV Ii !l a:- {") 0 ::n '"0 a ~c l'f f!l 0 ('l ~ (1l : > < ~ ~ :j ~. 8" ~ ~ ~ a. g. > ~ S (II Z iil s:. po d a (1l n t:l ii1 tJj ~ @ ~ S' ~ 23 "~ () 2. > S'S' -l (1l:"1 15 ~ ~ a !il ~ "' i =< c< ;;: "' }1 o ~ . 2: " ~ r " ~'" ~ ; <~ ~r :::: o ;t ". :<. 0' ..... 6' ~ = ~ '" ~ ~ ci5 " "" ~~ no "'0 Z.., QQ G) () ~ CD~ ~::, 0<0 C5 en ~ m " o ~ ~ N ~...... ~ ~..... rn ~~ -" ~~ ~::3 o~ ~$ o o z ::! z c )> ::! o z fJ) ::I: m m -I :... S;: b a C") ~ ~ '-l G " c "" . SG. Council Alenda: 8/14/06 Consideration of Final Plat Approval for Otter Creek Crossin!! 3r Addition (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition plat consists of approximately 52 acres within the original Otter Creek Crossing plat. This plat includes the proposed A VR site (approximately 14 acres) as well as approximately 33 acres for development of the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Industrial Park). The remaining 5 acres consists of a wetland area adjacent to Chelsea Road. This wetland area is being platted now in accordance with the agreement with John Chadwick and Jim Bowers to acquire portions of the wetland area as the City continues to purchase remaining parcels of the Otter Creek Crossing plat. The proposed Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court, and Dalton Way right-of-way is also included with the plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . C. 1. Adopt a resolution approving the final plat ofthe Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. 2. Deny adoption ofa resolution approving the final plat of the Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Final Plat C:\fuClllfWtll.fan,} s.:"ings',dlJ",",grtm{nge.-iLocol SettingslTernpar4lY Iilterne! Fiks',OLKJIAGN lTM.0tIerOu1c3rdPIIJI-(l8140f"Jot; 28 . II . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z o ~ ;; . o u o z . z ~ . ~ o " o ~ . ~a . , . . ::<i z" 0' , i=<D I 'i.~g 0'" < ' ' O~ ffi~ 00 z 0 W ~ I 2,..' Z"-' uuo <"' w.' w - . z 0 u 0 ~ -i ! ~ "E:1 o si 'SUi! 1i!g'B' Co'~ ._ .'!l ~ i ~1i:E . E , o I , ! ! o . "" ~N"", " " ..:g.c 'Jim ~ ..s ",8:1i I(ju;E ;:212 ~~ ~ ". is(/)- 011, '" <(!lJ!l 00' i!i~~ ~ ~i. I ~~,go' ~-5'~~ (.l::1: 5' I l<: E:;: I ~ ~~ i u ~5 : Il::'aQl I ~ 8~15' 0<>0>. iil~' Q.Q.U , .!!2 @_~",I i5mU:S " 1~12 'oN '0" I'E~ ,j ill l<i" 1"fi.rJ , .~ j; ~ I Iii ~ ',0 1.915 '0 , .. o <: ~ '0 .~ Iii. " ,0 ~1 l!-sl I ~ 6.d ~";;; @ '0 ~ i '~J!1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ '1:';1 H. .. I ~ ~ I :, I . 0 I j;.." E;1:S , !, i~ '.. 1.0 " I~ I.~ 'u Ie ,. lli ,< I" " " :>:5: . I 1 i " '. i~ '~ " '" ,- '0 ju , " > . z o ~ > Z o o ~ z o o u ~ ! E 8 , o o . o ~ , . w o E j ]i 00 o' ~~ . . ,. 00 ~" ~ 01,.; ;:~12 ~ l~ ~ IE ~ 1$ ~ !~ g, I~ ~ '!'l ",0 Sl 0.' 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'. / / .:.: /.",()'} /.{).,,~ /<J'''''O-' , , '-.., I 'j .. --~~\,; < I\" '.' ~:(J ~ ~~ 0:' I i ~~ , , F"~" ",//; <(;{ '~1- , " ""sSO"O"]l~-" I ".lUOGlOlcOO>lO" en ~! ~ ':J ~ " o w ~ o '" " o , \...'--7---- ci -i LO'';9. ~..~~,oo.oaN w 0" " "0 ~: ~f? --, *- 0' JnN3Av 1'1011'1'0 '. -"'. ~ '- %'1.~ ~'~ \S~ -, , --- ~~'D\'r'-., '''G'''',r~.., ~O'O.....~ "TS, ;; ~,,9().OO.<w)N .. 0' ,,~ '" l)~ '!;:~ " -U ~O O~ ~<D i; ;,. ~NI,SO"O ~]~~_' "lUG 8 1011oo ~ a ""' . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 SR. Approve Chanl!e Order No.1 for Core Area Street Reconstruction - Area 2 (2004 Street Reconstruction) (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-06C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the excavation of the street section on Meadow Oak Lane, a section of the existing storm sewer was exposed revealing that the pipeline had a hump in the middle, which minimized the pipe capacity by approximately one half. It was determined at the time that the existing pipe should be salvaged and reinstalled at the original grade to provide the designed capacity of the pipeline. The work on the project did not have a pay item for this work and has not been paid to date. The final assessments for this project were based on a unit price for single family residential lots independent of final project costs. This work will be paid from the City's trunk storm water fund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$6,787.00 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that Change Order No. I in the amount of$6,787.00 be approved for payment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No. I Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. CIDocwnenlsand Semnp',dalm,grms/Ilgerll.ocal SeIll"gslTemparory In/emf?( Files',OU:3IAGN ITM-ApproveCO#I.08fJIJMdar 31 . WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763.541.4800 Fax: 763.541-1700 August 9,2006 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Altn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.1 Area 2 Street Reconstruction (2004 Street Reconstruction) Street, Stonn Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-06C WSB Project No. 1494-03 . Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Please find enclosed Change Order No.1 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approvaL The increase to the original contract amount is $6,787.00, resulting in a revised contract total of $953,093.50. This change order amount will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No.1 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7193. Sincerely, i~~ ;.O\LiX Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosures . cc: Kris Holthaus, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. srb Minneapolis. St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer f:\W1'IIl/M/4W.{)_i\U"R co 1.'.''''f,,,,II...(PIlJ!XNl,dt><" 32 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:33 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUI...-2S-2B06 138:44 FAX No, 7636826522 . CHANGE ORDER NO.1 p, 008/009 P.B8/09 JULY 11, 2008 MONT. CORE CITY STnI!T IU!CON. . AREA. 2 STREET. STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, AH\) APPURTENANT WQRK crN OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2DU.oSC W$B PROJECT ND.1484.D;l OWNEft: COIlTIlACTOR: CITY OF MOPITICELLO 505 WALNUT UReIlT, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN S53U BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. P.O. BOX 3'7 BUFFALO, Mil '"13 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOI.t.OWlNG CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT QUANfTIES ARE. MODIFIED AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED DETAIL. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME ElCTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN AINWAY. SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVe. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: .!~OUSeHANGEORDERS; WA NTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE OflOEf\: NET INCREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PItlCE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANG E ORDERS, $946.306.51) ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: SO.OO NET CHANGE FROM P~OUS CHANGE ORDERS: S946,306.50 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: $6.787.00 NET INCREASE OF CHANGE OROER: $853,093.80 CONTAAOT TIM! WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: 6131l00S NONE 61312005 NONE 6/312006 RECOMMEn:y:rs. ~ KElliN B. KAWI.EWSKI, P.E., PROJECT MANAGER ~ ' A GNATURE WSB&ASSOCIATES.INC. ENGINEER BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. CONTRACTOR -r--T~y , APPROVED BY: CITY ENGINEER CrTY ADMINISTRATOR DATIE DATE . F:1WJI'lWII'4JUS\e:ICC&l1"~ co f..o1f1HeGo1' 33 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:33 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUL-2S-2B06 08:45 . . . FAX No. 7636826522 . , , Chlnge Order No. 1 Detail MONT. eORE CITY STREET REeOH. . A~I!A 2 STREET, STORM SEWER, SANITARY S!W!~, WATERMAIN, AND APPURTENArfT WORK CITY OF DII0NTICELLO PROJ!CT NO. 2004-01e WSS PROJECT NO. 1''''03 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description QIy Unit Price 142 REMOVE AND REPUlCE STORM SewER 1 LUMP SUM $6,7B7.00 TOTAL INCREASE CHANGE ORDI!" NO.1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT P. 009/009 P.<l9/09 JULY 11,2006 Eldllndad Amounl S6,7B7.0ll $&,787.00 $&,787.00 M_~14U'lSC'C'a.t1""" co f..N"'COf II_II TOTI'1L P.09 34 . 51. Council Agenda: 8/14/06 Approve Final Payment and Accept Improvement for Core Area Street Reconstruction - Area 2 (2004 Street Reconstruction) (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-06C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . . The Core Area Street Reconstruction - Area 2 (2004 Street Reconstruction) project was initiated in the spring of2004 and completed in the summer of2005. This project represented the second phase of the Overall Street Reconstruction Program and consisted of the following areas: . Fairway Drive (Area 2A): The Fairway Drive area consisted of Fairway Drive, Bunker Circle, Center Circle, Sandtrap Circle, Eagle Circle, Campus Circle, and Clubview Drive. The construction in this portion of the project included pavement reclamation, new bituminous pavement construction, and curb and gutter spot repair. . Meadow Oaks (Area 2B): The Meadow Oaks area consisted of Meadow Oak Avenue, Meadow Oak Lane, White Oak Circle, Acorn Circle, Red Oak Lane, Meadow Lane, Oakview Lane, Meadow Oak Drive, and Red Oak Circle. The reconstruction in this area also consisted ofthe reclamation ofthe bituminous pavement with subgrade excavation for the installation of a 2-foot sand section and installation of a new street section. This area also included a 12-inch watermain extension along Red Oak Lane and Meadow Oak Drive to provide looping for the Gillard A venue area. . Sandberg Road (Area 2C): This part ofthe project included the reconstruction of approximately 350 feet of Sandberg Road from Chelsea Road to the north. . School Boulevard (Area 2D): This portion of the project included the application of microsurfacing between Fallon Avenue and Edmonson A venue to address pavement rutting. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amount of $99,081.99 subject to receipt ofthe final paperwork including: . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons ofthe contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. . Two-year maintenance bond. C:\DocumenlS and SellinglldQIWI.grossinger'cLocul SelJings\Temporory Internet Files\OLK3\AGN lTM.A.pproveFinaIPaymenl-0B0806_doc 35 . B. Council Agenda: 8/14/06 The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract, payment for Change Order No. I, and the release of the retainage on the contract. This project was previously assessed. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of$99,081.99 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . . It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council accept the improvements for the Core Area Street Reconstruction - Area 2 (2004 Street Reconstruction), City Project No. 2004-06C, and authorize final payment to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amount of $99,081.99 subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.6 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. CIDocuments and Settingsldawn.grossingulLocal Se.ltingslTemporary ltttcntel Files\OLK3I.AGN ITM~ApproveFinaIPaymem-080806.doc 36 .. WSB . & Associates. Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 August 9,2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 6 (Final) Area 2 Street Reconstruction (2004 Street Reconstruction) Street, Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-06C WSB Project No. 1494-03 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $99,081.99. Voucher No.6 does include payment for Change Order No. I at this time. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: . I. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerel y, ir &~SOCW Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosures . cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Kris Holthaus, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. srb Minneapolis I 81. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer f:\W/'WIM/4W-I.IN.1'H V()~ FNI._Jmo<<.{)If(J!J(/f>.,w," 37 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:31 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUL-25-21ill!16 08:42 FAX No, 7635826522 p, 002/009 P.B2/11l9 . A WSB OWner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut 51 Monticello. MN 16382-1147 For Period: 8111Z006 to 7/11/2006 Contractor: Buffalo Biblminous, Inc. 2852 County Road 12 North Buffalo, MN 55313 P., Vouch.r MONT - Core CIIy Street RlCOn. - Area 2 CRen! ContraCl No.: project No.: 01494-03 Client Project No.: 2004.06C Date: 7/14/2006 RequN! No.: 8 & FINAL 01 .IsJc<1rllrl, /nt:. fmicl;1 SummarY 1 Original Contract Amount $946,306.50 2 Contract Change& . Addition $8.787.00 3 Contract Changes - Deduction $0.00 4 ReviMld Contract Amount $953.093.50 6 Velue Completed to Dale $928,790.96 6 Malerlal on Hand $0,00 7 Amount Earned $928,790.96 B less Retaltr.lge $0.00 9 Subtotal S928.790.96 10 lell Amount Paid Previously $B29, 708. 97 11 liquidated Damages SO.OO 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO.8 e. FiNAl $99,081.99 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAa BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMP~ETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINA~ VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for ApTmrDVDI by: ConstNctJon OlIserver: was & r'..OCllltes, c. ~l,...; ~. Approved by Owner; . City of Monticello Approved by Contractor. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Speclfied Contract Completion Cate: 101112004 Comment Dale: . 38 10f6 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:31 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JlL-25-20E!6 08: 43 FAX No. 7636826522 P.003/009 P.El3/El9 . Projec::t Maurlal Status ,..", No,llIom lo-iption IUnl" IUnl1 Prioo Ico".,.OI OU8ntib' IQuonllly to ootel Cu,,",,1 _nil,>, 1""'0"'\ to 0... SCHEDUL.E A . AREA "'1MP~OVllMIlHTS 1 2021.601 MOIlLlZATlON WMP SUM 120,000.00 1 1 'a I2O,OClO.oO 2 2104.601 ~1!MO\IE CURB ANIl GUTTER LINFT S3.DO 100 1210 a Q,m.oo 3 2104.503 ReMQIIE CONCRETE D~~Y P"1IeMENT savo S'Il,oo 5 1.1 0 "'.00 . 2104.503 REMOIIli IIT\IMINDUS DIUVEW/o.Y PAVEMENT .avo IS.DO 5 ..1 a 145.5D . 2t04.sag ReMOIIli CMllNG EACH ISO.DO 3 0 a 10.00 6 2104.61. ....WlNG BITVMlNOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH\ LINPT 12.75 2io 2A7.5 0 SUM. 7 211101.611 SAWING CONCRETE PAI/EIotENT (FULL DEPTH) UNFT SUA 16 5 0 '50.00 8 2106.507 SUB_DE EXCAVATION (PI CUVO 16.ao 60 0 0 $(1.1:10 I 2105.522 SELECT G~ULAIl aOAAOW ICY) (P) cuvo '1.00 50 0 0 50.00 10 2211.501 AOO~~GAlE WE ClASS 5 MOD TON $3.76 75 a 0 50.DD " 25" .600 ,ITUMINOUS PAVEMEHT RECLAMAnON SQYD 52.00 182.50 21146.6 2B8iA S42j:ilS1.00 '2 2531.808 TYPE., WEARING COURSE MIXT\IRE TON 527.15 1611D , 132.18 0 Sol8,2I2."" '3 2521.81. TYPE 3\ BASe COU~SE MIXT\JIlE TON 12$.15 2100 208O.~ a 1ll1.72S.1S 10 2saU,8 TYPE. 1 t1TVMINOUS MIXT\JIIE POll PATCHING TON '100.00 5 1.5 0 S150,00 1S 2aSl.m BITUMINOUS M,,'RRJAl FOR TACK COAT GALl.Otl 11.00 1000 1070 a Sl,070,OO 16 25DU02 RiCONNlCT WlITARY SEY09 SERVICE EACH 1526.00 5 a 0 so.ao 17 21102.102 0' PVC SANITARY SEIlIIICE PIPE LINFT 128.2. '60 a 0 10,00 II '60U02 RECONNECTVIl'oTIR 6EI\VICE EACH m5.00 s 0 0 10,00 11 2504.602 VALVE BOX EACH 5B2li.OO 2 a 0 SO,OO 20 250<.602 ADJUST G"Tt VALli\! ....CH 1279.0. 20 1& 1 ....6..00 21 25".602 ," DURa STOP' BOX EACH 123O.CO 5 0 0 '0,00 22 ZS04.803 1Jo TYPE I( COPPER PIPE LINPT 123.0D 160 0 0 10.00 22 2.50U22 ADJUST FRAME & RING e,o.snNG ( SANITARY) EACH S5lIO.OO lT '7 , ".ISO.OO 2501.522 ...oJUST PRM1! & ~ING e,o.snNG I STORLIl I:ACH SHO.OO 9 B 0 $5,220.00 2508.602 CMfING ASI!MIL Y (MANHOLE) I:ACH ''''.00 1 a 0 SO,OO 2& 2508.602 AOJUST D.o.TCH BASIN v,cH "DO.OO 1 ,. 0 S1,300,OD 27 250$,$02 CASTING ASSEMllL Y (CA1CHBASINl SACK "50.00 2 0 0 so.ao 2B 2511.101 CONCRETE CURl' GUTniIl. DESIGN 101001 FlED 0 LIN FT 511.00 100 1:.0.7 0 112.1147.70 ac 2111.507 ;" CONCReTE O~Y PA\lEMENT SQYD .....00 s 1.1 0 '''1.50 50 2565.60' TRAl'F~C CONTROL LUMP SUM '800.00 1 , 0 I!SOO.DO " 2515.505 SODDING. TYPe LA~ pNCL TOPSOIL' FERT" SQYD ".50 110 90 0 '085.00 32 21'10.$01 WATER 101 GALLONS S17.5O o. 0 0 sO.OO To181. For _ SCHeDULE" .APIl!A ....IMPROVEMENTS: 1210.45'.12 IC}jIillULE B . AREA 28IMPROVEMeNTlI u 202'.50' MOSILI2AnOtl LUMP SUM ., 1,000.00 , 1 0 111.DIJO.DD ... 210&.501 ~Io\DVE SEY09 PIPE (STQ~M) LlNFT 115.00 24 0 0 $0,00 35 2'OUOl ~IMD\lECURB,,"DG~ LlNFT 12.75 22..0 34ll2.2 a $tISTe.~ 38 2'''.505 ~EMOVE CONCRETE DRIVew,o.y PAlliMiNT SQVD SlOO 200 118 a 1\.408.DO sT 21CW.505 REMOIIE IlffiJMlNOUS OIlIViWAV PAVEMEfO' savo SUo 1380 .29.8 0 S\.50~.6S !6 2104.505 ReMOVE 6\TUMINDUS PAVEMENT SQTO 11.60 \380 240M \2211.5 1'8.421.SS .9 210&.513 SAWING B\TUMINOUS P"VEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UNFT 12.75 700 60s a Sl.615.15 40 211M.5" SAWlNCl CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UNFT 55.DO 71 121,1 0 SS~4,50 01 2' Oll.S01 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) cuvo S8.25 '2000 12..., ..2 118,012.60 42 2'06.522 SELECT GRANUlAR BOAAOW (CII) CUYO S~.3D 11100 DOl 006 112,2,.,.10 .. 2105.525 TOPSOIL BOIIROW (0'<) CUVD 120.00 '00 28 0 $SUO.CO .. 2211.501 AQGREQATE BASE ClASS 5 MOD TON ".60 '00 '55 155 11.162.50 4S 221t.B07 MGREllAlE BASE PLACED CUVD '..5-OD Z40 331.2 326.2 ....986.00 46 2UI.... BITUMINOUS PAIlEMENT Re:l.AWonON SQYD $2.00 24700 24700 0 14','00.00 07 2UO.S11 'TYPE.. BITUMINOUS MIJ(T'URE FDR PATHS 10N SlU8 1110 362.5 ".G 314.405.38 48 2331.508 TYPE., WEARING COUR6EMIX1'URE TON .121.60 2275 21161.7 0 161.1...75 . 2of6 39 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:31 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUL-25-201il6 08:43 FAX No. 7636826522 p, 0041009 P.04/09 No. llem o-.iPlion . un~. Unit PriCl conl/lel QUI/lIIIy QuonMly to Dolo CurrenlQuanIi\y AmO\ll\llo 0.10 2331.514 lYPE 311lASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 121.76 3000 2BS5. 1 0 $82,084.13 s. 2311.616 TYPE41 BITUMINOUS MUmJRE FOR PATCHING TON .$42.00 20. 100.2 0 $4,208..0 61 2357.SC2 BrTUMINOUS MATERlAL FOR TACl( COAT GN.l.ON 11.00 1300 115D 0 11,1S0.ao 152. 2502.541 8" PERF PI PIP& OAAlN UN FT $8.00 1140 Il1S 0 57.320.00 53 2502.521 ." PE PIPE DAAlN UNFT $7.'0 <400 441 0 53,307 AO 5' 2503.541 'S" RC PIPE SEWER DESlGN 3008 CLASS "' UNFT 111.00 24 0 0 So.oo is 2503.ao2 ReCONNECT SANITARY S'EWER SERVICE ElICH $51$.00 5 0 0 10.00 51! _I ." PEltZ'PE PIPE TEE EACH $175.00 6 6 0 $1.050.00 5/ 2603.803 .. PVC SANrTARV seRVICE PIPe: LINFT $21.00 150 0 0 SO.DO 58 2.504.802 RECONNeCT."...TeII ~R\IlCE EACH 1525.00 I 0 0 SO.OO 59 2.504.802 VALve lOX EACH IISo.OO 2 0 0 SO.OO so 2604.102 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH 130.00 25 28 3 U,1:!O.OO 51 2504.102 1" CURB STOP. BOX l!ACH 1230.00 5 0 0 $0.00 12 26040603 1" TYPE K COPPER PIPE UNFT 123.00 '50 0 0 10.00 S3 2.506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING I SANITARY) EACH 3580..0 25 25 1 S14.S00.ao S4 2.5".522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING I STORM] EACH 1580..0 T . 0 $4,040.00 BS 2506.602 CONNECT INTtI ElClSTlNG STORM SE\IUER EACH "30.00 2 0 0 SO.OO 66 2506.602 CONNECT INTO ElCI$T1NG CA7CH !lASIN EACH 8150.00 11 33 0 $1,950.00 67 25_U02 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACI4 '"'00.00 1 0 0 50..0 60 25Oll.IOZ APJlJST CATCH BASIN EACH '1(10.00 19 2S 0 $2.500.00 19 2&OU02 CASTINCl ASSeMBLY (CATCH!lASIN) EACH 5450.00 , 0 . 10.00 70 2631.501 CONCRETE CURB 6 GIJ'TTER DESIGN 9m UNFT 112.50 50 306.04- 0 53."7.50 71 2501.501 CONCRETE CURB 6 GIJ'TTER, oeSIGN MODIFIED D UNFT 811,00 2200 :n')'6,' 0 Sl4,044.1ll 72 2531.507 8" CONOR&TE DAlVE""",,Y PAVEUENT sa YO las.OO 47 170 0 2I.1S0.00 73 25Sl1.GOl 1lW'FIO CONTROL LUMP SUM 1500.0_ 1 1 0 1800.00 74 2575.110& SODDING, TYPE LA~ pNCL TOPSOIL & FERT.} 9QYO ".50 1500 ,.77 1007' 17,573.50 75 2'30.50' WA'IER M CA~~ONS 117.50 40 55,6 0 '973.00 Tala,. ForSeclicn SCHEDULE B . AREA 2B IMPROVEMENTS: SSG9,'l7.76 ~H!OULE C . AREA 2C IMPROVEMENTS 71 2021.501 MOSILIZATlON LUMP SUM 51.00 1 1 1 S1,OD 77 2'04.50' REMOVE CURB AND ClUTTeR LINFT ".50 15 31 01 51 OU. 71 2232501 Mill BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") sa YO 11.7& ~O 1167 1167 52.042.2& 70 za:n.501 TYPE', WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 117,CO 300 3DS.s 305.5' 30.2'0.50 00 2$57.802 BITUMINOUS MATERW. FOR TACK COAT GALLON .$1.00 130 55 05 S55.DO II 2.504,00,1. VALVE BOX EACH $550.00 1 0 0 SO.ac o. 2504.801 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH SISD.OO 1 1 I 5160,00 IS 2S08.522 ADJUST FllAME 6 RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH 1560.00 . . 3 i7GD.OD 84 2508,522 ADJUST FRAME 6 RING CAS'TlNG (STORM) EACH U80,0CI 2 ,. 7 ...,.0.00 1& . 2531,501 CONCRETE CURB" GUTTER. DESIGN MODIFIED P UHFT '111.00 16 31 . 31 1341.00 15 258:!.eOl TRAFFIC CONT1\OL LUMP SUM ""0.00 1 , 1 $SOD.DD 17 2514.103 ." DOUBLE 8OUO UNe YELlOW-EPOl(y UNFT $0,85 560 0 0 50.00 II 2575.505 5OOONCl, TYPE LAIIftI pNOL TOPSOIL 6 ~ERT.1 SOVO I$.SO 10 a 0 10.00 ToI8l, For SoClion SCHEDULE C .AREA 20 IMPROVEMENTS: 517.110.25 SCliEDULE D . AREA 2D IMPRDYlMlNTS 6. 2021.501 MOBILIZATION lUMP SUM li1,OO 1 1 0 11.00 90 2232.501 M1U, BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0"1 .sa YO 51.75 800 0 0 10.00 91 233'.&Cll CAACK SEAl.ING LUMP SUM 12.000.00 1 1 0 12,000.00 !12 2331.618 TYPli'l BITUMINOUSMIXTURi FOR PATClflNCl TtlN Iso,ao 50 3 0 $150,00 n 235&.606 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOIl "ICRO.SUR~ACINCl GAUON 1200 7S00 7313.5 0 S'~&27,00 ,. 235t1.&o9 MICllO-SURFAClNG SCRATOH COURSe TON 5'10." liD 111.54 0 $13,'41,040 . 30f6 40 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:32 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUL-25-2006 08:44 FAX No. 7636826522 P. 0051009 P.0S/l39 Item No. lie'" ~n unit> Unit Price COnll8C\ Quantity QUlnUil/ 10 01.. Current Qusntity AmoLlfll to DaI8 I 2356.<09 MICRo.sURFACING SUR~ACE COURSE TON $1'0.OD 220 11i.S. 0 S,,-,OUO 98 2357.502 BlT\JMINoUS WlT8RIAI. FOR TACK COAT GAl.LON 11.0D 1000 601 0 . leoS.OD 91 2863.601 TRAFFIC CONTROl LUMP SUM 15lI0.00 1 1 0 $500.00 as 25G4,eo. ~'SOUD ,INE WHITE-EPOXY tIN FT 10.30 7500 "320,6 0 53.398.88 88 2i84.60S e' DDUB~SOUD LINE YEUOw-el'QXY UNFT 10.85 3800 5968 D 13,876.60 100 25&1.80: 2.' SOLID UNE _TE-EPOXY LINFT $7.00 '0 81.5 0 1830.50 Toll.. For SlIOIion SCHEDULE 0 ,ARI!A 2D IMP~OVEMENTS: $SI.88D.18 SCHEDULE E . MEADOW OM< WATEAMAIN IlXT1iiNSlDN '0' 2021.$01 "OBILI~TlON LUMP SUM I1,DD , 1 0 11.00 '02 2'01.S0, Cl.EARlNG ACRE I3,DDO.OD 0.' 0.1 0 $30D.00 '03 2t01..506 GRUBBING ACRE 13,000.40 0.' 0.1 D 1300,00 ,QI 2101.502 ClEARING TREE 5,5D.OD , D 0 10.DO 106 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE S'OO.OD , 0 0 50.00 "' 2100\.501 RE~ seweR PIPE (STORM) UNFT 513.5' 60 0 0 SO.OO 107 2'08.513 SAWNG BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UNF"! $2.16 28 20 0 $S5.00 ,09 2'05.60' DEVoloITERlNG UUMPSUM ".00 , 0 0 $O.DD '09 2211.607 AGGREGATE I!1,SE P,^CED CUYD 120.00 20 20 0 I.DO.OO 110 2380.518 NPEOl BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FO~ PATHS TON S50.00 15 40 0 12.00D.00 111 26015'4t 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 C,^" V UN FT 110.00 30 D 0 SO.OO 112 2503.541 18' RC PIPE SEVoSl DESIGN .008 CLASS III UNF"! $9S.0Cl ZD D 0 10.00 11. 2501.602 CONNeCT INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 5~SO.00 :I 0 0 10.00 110 25015.602 CONNICT INTO exiSTING MANHOLE EACH 1710.00 1 0 0 $0.00 115 28....02 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH U2S.00 1 I 0 1625.00 118 2504.102 12" GATE VALVEAIIO BOX EACH 11.550.00 2 2 0 $3,100.00 117 ZSoU02 AIR RElEASE VI>J..VE WTH MANHOLE EACH 12.850.00 1 , 0 12.850.00 1\8 250<1.603 r Wt.TER MAlN-DUCT IRON Cl!2 L1NF'! 530.00 20 7.5 0 $226.00 . 2504.605 12' WATER MAlN-DUCTlLE IRON cv.SS so LINF"! 1311.50 ,31$ ,27s.s 0 "1,210.75 2504.603 ae- $!CEL CASING OIPIiIJACKEll) "N F"! 1185.00 Z2D 220 0 .$.2,800,00 2501.601 0' POLYSTVRENE INSU,^T1ON BQYD la.oo 80 6ll 0 '1.711.00 122 250<1.820 OUCTiLE IRON FlTTlNGS POUND 13.00 15'0 . 1515 0 14.755.00 '23 . 2S08.602 HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH '2.700.00 2' U 0 14.IliO.OO 124 2S13.502 SILT FENCE. TYPE HEAI/Y OllTt llNFT 13.0D 1300 0 0 10.00 '25 2575.505 SODDING. TYPE LAWN QNCL. TOPSOIL I FERT.) sa YO S5.SQ 900 0 D so.oo 126 2675.1106 SEEOING. MIX SDB (INCL. rOPSOI, I FERTILIZER) ACRe $4.000.00 0.8 0 0 $O.DO Tolllls FOI SIC1ion SCHEDULE e. MIiADOW OAK WATERMAIN E)(TENSlON: 5113.347.75 SCHEDU~ F . MEAIlOW OAK S10RM seWER IMPRO\IEMEMT 127 2021.501 MOel"~TlON Lu.I.1P SUM .1.00 1 , 0 $1.00 128 210'.502 CLEARING TREE 1150.00 2 0 0 $0.00 123 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $'00.00 2 0 0 SD.OO 130 2'0'.SOlI REMOVE CONCRETE APRON EACH $10.00 Z ,2 0 $160.00 131 210..501 REMOVE WOOD RETAINING \IlW. LINFT '10,00 DO se 0 AOO.OO 132 2451.801 GAANULAR I'OUNOA110N AND/OR aEOOING CUYD _00 ID 0 0 SO,DO 133 2'06.~ T0P8OlL BORROW(C\1) CUYO 122.00 100 1S. 134 12.948.00 13. 2603.5~ 1 '5' RC PIPE SEWER OESIGN :iDD8 CLASS V LiNFT $31.00 210 300.5 0 S9.~15.S0 135 280\.518 IS" RC PIPE APRON EACH "75.00 2 3 0 1'.nS.DD 136 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUOTURe DESIGN 48..00II EACK 51.m.OD 2 3 0 $3,870.00 '37 2506.802 CAST'NG ASSEMBLY (MANKOI.E) EACH ..ZS... 2 3 D 11,216,00 13.8 2573.502 SILT FENCE, NOli HEAW DUTY "N FT 53.00 lDD 0 0 'D.DO '38 :1513.530 INLlIT PROTECTION TYPE A EACH 1100.00 2 0 0 $D.OO 110 '.573.BDJ BlOROt.L LINFT 16.00 SO 0 0 SD.OD . 40f6 41 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:32 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUl-2S-20e6 08:44 FAX No. 7636826522 P. 006/009 P.06/09 m No. 110m DoxtIIl~... U"",, UnII Price Ccnlraol Quo.1lly Quaml1l' 10 Dale c...r.n. QuanUIV Amounllo Dele ,., 2575.50& SODDING, 'lYPE LAvm (INCL TOPSOIL" FEI\T,) SQ YO IS.SO 7DO 0 0 $0.00 TolllIo For SoctJon SCHEDULE F . MEADOW ().'J( STORM SEWER IMPI\OVEMENT: S'9.69SS0 Change Old,., 1 142 . 11825 REMOVll AND REPlACe STORM SE\M!R LUMP SUM 16,717.00 1 . . , 1 TotIrs FDr eht.l~;. Ord,r 1; PlOlliJctTb1&/J: 16.767.00 ".767.00 $92e,790.1. 5of6 42 AUG/08/2006/TUE 08:33 AM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS JUL-25-2006 08'44 FAX No. 7636826522 P 007/009 P.07/"9 . Project Pay ment Sl.atus Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: C~ent Contract No.: Project No.: 01494-03 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, lne. No. C01 Type Chenge Order Dale 711112006 Description Additional contract Quantity. Amount $6,787.00 Change Orde,Tot.ls: 56,787.00 No, From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Ratainage Completed 1 7f13/2004 7/3012004 $63,087,31 $63,087.31 $3,320.39 $3,320.39 566,407.70 2- 7131f2004 911112004 $539,698,79 5802,778.10 $28,404.67 531,725.06 $634,501.16 3 9n12004 913012004 $147,078.01 5749,854.11 $7,740.95 539,466.01 $789,320.12 4 10f1f2004 111SJ2004 568,867 .57 5808,721.68 $3,098.29 $42,564.30 5as1,285.98 5 111612004 7/3112005 $20,987.29 5829,708.97 51,104.59 543,668,89 $873,377.86 6 & FINAL 8fl12006 711112006 599,081.99 5928,790.96 (543,668.89) 50.00 $928,790.96 Payment Totals: 5928,790.96 . 50.00 5928.790.96 f.toj~t 9ummarv .,.,te,lal On Hand: '-otal payrnentto Dale: Tollll Retillnlllle: Totlll Amount Earned: $0.00 $828,780.18 Original Contract: '0,00 Contrllct Changes: $.1128,780..88 Revised Contraet: 5946.308.60 S6, 787 .00 $953,093.50 6 of 6 43 . . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 SJ. Consideration of Acceptinl!: Roads and Utilities for the Prairie Ponds Development (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-14P) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The developer (Brad Larson) of the Prairie Ponds development has requested final City acceptance of the public improvements within the development. The final lift of pavement has been placed and all public utilities have been tested and approved. The slope to the existing pond adjacent to TH 25, where storm sewer was extended, is experiencing erosion problems and will need to be corrected by the developer. The developer has been notified of this item via punch list. Mr. Larson will need to supply a 2-year warranty bond, commencing from the date of acceptance, for the improvements constructed. The City will retain 10% of the current letter of credit until this warranty is supplied. City staff will begin the process of reconciling expenses for the project and will retain monies for the final warranty inspection. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. City accepts public roads and utilities within the Prairie Ponds development contingent on the erosion problem to the pond being corrected. 2. City does not accept public roads and utilities within the Prairie Ponds development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept the public roads and utilities. 44 G:'.Q>undlReporlS',2006lAugusILAGN nM_Acceplprtlirie ponds-fJ81406.<kx Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . 5K. Consideration of Acceptance ofImprovements for the Club West Development (Citv of MonticeUo Proiect No. 2005-16P) (WSB) . . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The developer (Back Nine, LLC) of the Club West development has requested final City acceptance of the public improvements within the development. The final lift of pavement has been placed and all public utilities have been tested and approved. The developer will need to supply a 2-year warranty bond, commencing from the date of acceptance, for the improvements constructed. The City will retain 10% of the current letter of credit until this warranty is supplied. City staff will begin the process of reconciling expenses for the project and will retain monies for the final warranty inspection. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. City accepts public improvements for the Club West development. 2. City does not accept public improvements for the Club West development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept the public improvements. F:,da"flg',lWI'IIproc '21106 Caundl Agefld....,s-14..()(j ccagel!tkl'SKAct:epICIubWesl-0lI1406,rkJf] 45 SL. . Consideration of authorizinl! the purchase of a UV System for the community center pool. (KE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In an effort to improve the water quality and the air quality in the community center pool, we are requesting the authorization to purchase a UV (Ultra Violet) Water Sanitation system to be installed in the pool. '~SP\ Our research on facilities who have installed this technology shows major reductions of the levels of combined chlorine in the pool water and a marked improvement in the air quality in the pool environment. Each of these two areas are a major concern for any indoor public pool for the comfort and safety of its employees and customers who work in or use the pool. We had a presentation from Aqua Logic Inc., the vendor we would use if this purchase is approved, on how the system works and what we can expect for improvements. One of the requests that came out that presentation is to be able to write into the contract goals to be met with this sanitation system and recourse if the goals are not met. The vendor assured us that based on the history thus far with this system, we should have no problem meeting or exceeding any goals we might set and that goals and recourse could be negotiated in the agreement. . The price quote from Aqua Logic is $34,900. This does not include electrical work. We would need to contract on our own for this. The community center does not have this budgeted for 2006, however, Rick W olfsteller suggested that surplus funds for the community center and escrow money budgeted in the past could be used to cover the cost of installation this year and then budget to replace the funds in 2007. We would anticipate beginning the work in September during our annual maintenance shut down after Labor Day with completion to be most likely in October. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To authorize the purchase ofthe UV System for the community center pool. 2. To not authorize the purchase ofthe UV System for the community center pool. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Community Center Advisory Board and the City Administrator recommend alternative action number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . 1. 2. Quote from Aqua Logic for the UV System Information packet on the system . . . ~r.~~iC Inc. 50 I Industrial Blvd. Waconia, MN 55387 952.856.7550 952.856.7551 www.aqualogicinc.net August 10, 2006 Job Site: Monticello Community Center Monticello, MN Contact: Kitty Baltos 763-295-2954 PROPOSAL Aqua Logic proposes to furnish and install the following new equipment on the on the leisure pool: I - Ultra Violet Treatment System by E-T-S, Echoflow Model # ECF-215-6 to include: Pipe, valves and fittings for installation of bypass assembly on return line UV Treatment Chamber Spectra Control Panel System Start-up and Staff Training Total: $34,900 Respectfully Submitted By, Bob LaDuke Field Rep Notes: Price valid for 30 days Price excludes all taxes, permits and fees Electrical (power to Spectra Control Panel) by owner/other 480 V, 60Hz, 3-ph Pool closed for time needed to install bypass - approximately 6 hours. No pool closed time for actual UV installation ~s\b Engineered Treatment Systems - Specializing in Ultraviolet Treatment Systems Page 1 of2 . Engineered Treatment Systems Install an ETSj ATG ultraviolet disinfection system today and realize the benefits tomorrow. . Eliminates the cause of red eyes and skin irritation . Reduces the need for superchiorination . Prevents degradation of heating and ventilation systems . Increases customer confidence Applications j Benefits of Ultraviolet Light Ultraviolet Light (UV) provides a non-chemical, environmentally friendly treatment option for processes rani municipal drinking water, food and beverage services, to pharmaceutical applications, and swimming pools Most microorganisms, even Cryptosporidium and Giardia, are inactivated in less than a second by high dOSE light. Additionally, UV will break down organic and inorganic pollutants in water. This is particularly true in t swimming pool industry, where a significant reduction in combined chlorine (chloramines) can be achieved. . Dose The disinfection efficiency of UV is based on the applied energy over a given surface. This is expressed as 0 Dose=Intensity x Time. The Intensity is determined by the UV lamp power and Time is determined by the f ETS/ATG has performed extensive research to ensure adequate flow and bulb intensity is maintained to ac~ desired results. For swimming pool applications, ETS/ATG UV units deliver a minimum Dose of 600 J/m2 (6C while treating full recirculating flow. . J"foul:lllor_in.e ,45ftm u,s.G http://www.engineeredtreatmentsystems.comlmodules/web/index.php/id/l 8/1 012006 uS\') Engineered Treatment Systems - Specializing in Ultraviolet Treatment Systems Page 2 of2 . ETS/ATG designs utilize medium pressure single or multiple lamp chambers. Our medium pressure (polychromatic) lamps produce a multiple wavelength energy band in the region between 200 to 315 nm. This energy band makes medium pressure lamps most suitable for chloramines destruction. III Wavelength.pdf . P.O. Box 413 - Beaver Dam, WI 53916 - Phone: 920.885.4628 - Fax: 920.885.4386 HOrrJl2page ! Product SpecifiC9.tions 1 CQntqct Us I Pistrjbutor~ (92006 FinishLine Studios. All Rights Reserved. TermS of Use I Site Credits . http://www.engineeredtreatmentsystems.com/modules/web/index.php/id/I 8/10/2006 All in the Wavelength" onf)~t):1ofattiifieZ4?nm iI'richlof8n'lih-e 260rim & 340:pm, Dj:chlof'~mine 297ri.m ~;i,,, .towPr..nmLUll.fi:O~UI:. ......... J.hdi\lft:lPr~U\U"O Lml.p'Ollll'ut ,~. .li4~;n;.(i~..Dioin:f~ctWn'Sp~ctl'1Jil:i UV Dose & Inactivation iency of UV is based on the applied energy over a given surface. mlnology refers to it as dose (a more modern and scientific term is res sed as: Dose = Intensity x Time. The intensity is determined r and time is determined by the period in which the process fluid is hI. Flow rate is a critical factor affecting time of exposure to UV. extensive research to ensure adequate flow is maintained to results. lied dose is dependent on the species itself. Some simple bacteria, ire relatively small doses, while other microorganisms (Hepatitis A, urn) need substantially higher levels. Examples of doses for 90% ommon microorganisms are shown within the table on the a specific organism has a logarithmic effect, such that doubling the lion will result in 99% inactivation. The number of surviving refore a function of their initial number and the applied dose. ETS Manual Updated 10/24/05 l\ S ,e. Many industrial applica depending on the spec and designs their syst for a dose of 30 mj/cm2. Doses vary ieved. For swimming pools, ETS recommends 60 mjlcm2. for a 90% or 1-log In-activation mmon Microorganisms s cerevisiae rea tic Necrosis DOSE 12 4.9 2.1 5.5 4.5 11 12 6 60 Clarity The efficiency of fluid (air or wate of contaminatio water quality an suspended I di t is dependent on the transmission of UV light through the . UV transmission through water decreases as the level he most important factors to consider in determining sian are color, metals, organic matter, turbidity, and ore applied UV power to achieve the required dose. ransmission Rates for Water TRANSMISSION 45% 90% 92% 94% 94% 100% ETS Manual Updated 10/24/05 ~St-- . 7. Council Agenda: 8/14/06 Public Hearinl! on the vacation of a sanitarv sewer easement across Outlot F in the Plat of Jefferson Commons. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City is in the process of a land exchange with River City Lanes which would result in their relocation to the City-owned Jefferson Commons developments. In a related agenda item the Council will be asked to approve the final plat of Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition which covers the land proposed for the River City Lanes facility. One ofthe steps in the platting process for the Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition is to vacate the existing sanitary sewer easement that currently runs across the property (Outlot F, Jefferson Commons Addition) as shown on the attached map. Any replacement easements will be included in the plat of Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . . 1. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Council can approve the attached resolution approving the vacation of a portion ofthe sanitary sewer easement that runs across Outlot F in the plat of Jefferson Commons. 2. Do not approve the easement vacation at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff considers the vacation of a portion of the existing sanitary sewer a housekeeping matter that needs to be addressed in order for the City to proceed with the platting ofthe Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition and therefore recommends approval ofthe easement vacation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Vacating Easement Map depicting easement area 46 . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2006-59 VACATING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT OUTLOT F JEFFERSON COMMONS ADDITION WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of drainage and utility easements over and across the following described property was held on August 14,2006 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall; . The west 20.00 feet of the east 100.00 feet of Outlot F, Jefferson Commons, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, lying south ofthe north 100.00 feet of said Outlot F. And the south 20.00 feet ofthe north 100.00 feet of said Outlot F, lying west of the east 80.00 feet of said Outlot F, and also which lies easterly of the northwesterly 60.00 feet of said Outlot F. And also the east 20.00 feet of the west 100.00 feet of said Outlot F, lying southerly of said northwesterly 60.00 feet of Outlot F, and also which lies northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 437.77 feet south of the north line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the sanitary sewer easement described above is vacated contingent upon any replacement easements needed being contained in the plat of Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of August, 2006. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor . Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 47 . . . -------- ---- /i /" /" 'u ,'. ::>- -l- ,._ " "" N ( I I I , N o ~ . ~ . " Z " "00> M.gg,L".OON . ~ :.::: tJ " \2 ~ a3 ~ OJ ~ "tJ " OJ tJ ~ Q:: ~ "- I- o --' I- ::0 o 0>"" ~ -~ /,:- 'r::',_, \::~" ''<:} fU ~ = ~ ~ : ~ ':', ~~ '.' ~~~ - Co >r'N" Pal"': ~~ ~~ ~ Z~5! <': '" " c., ~.-- ----- ,', '.' ~ ~: .., '-' '" '- '- '- --- --- --- ", /' /",," /" ,-- ./ ./n ./ ;'", '/ \ ./ ./ g o " w " " Z W > W ~ < W ~ W ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ o z ~ ~ X w I I / 00' / / l / IJSJHi,j()_/ 91~,~1!lt~3Nf7-fnlf ,', '-:.,:. ":?_~-- 'oS, ';:~':, LL'Lr.-v i~ "., . " . ~ 2- ~: ." u g I- ~~ ::or-..: o .~ . i;j.. . p ! . i;l:; ~'2 ~... ~; . " " <> tJ 0, ~ " I I I I I I / I I I I / '~\j., ^,' I , I I / ~ I / I I I / I / I I , / \'.f. !~', ' / ':~::' I: I I I I / -+se"OOS-r / 1._ I ," .;:~- \::~}, " ':~::' gg.~a I I I I I f 1/ I ! ~ , " ;*.11 ~t\ . \ \ I I , I \ \ \ I \ I I I 1 1 1 i ; ~ I a d ~ ~ a. ,..... ~.>-- ,- ", \ \ \ I I I l. " 0 '" B " '" 0 > E ELL c 015 Q.) ():PE ":0 " 00", l'! '" I " w / ~ Cii I ...., 'E '" 0.. ~'! Ii ~:f ~tl ,- I' I! ., . . i I f , , -- ~I'~ ,- I - '~. f "3:; !I ,- f 00 -0- . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 8. Conduct the Public Hearinl! and Order the Proiect for the Extension of Dalton Avenue (formerlv School Boulevard), Dalton Court, and Dalton Wav (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-15C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed project includes the extension of Dalton Avenue (formerly School Boulevard), Dalton Court, and Dalton Way within the Monticello Business Center (also known as the Otter Creek Industrial Park). The infrastructure improvements will facilitate the development of the second phase of the business campus for development by the City. The proposed improvements will also provide access and utility service to the currently proposed A VR site to be located at the southwest comer of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The City has authorized the purchase of additional property for this project from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers and staff is in the process of finalizing the purchase as part of the contract for deed for the property and anticipates closing on the property by the end of August 2006. The Council has approved the A VR land settlement agreement. A VR would like to have Dalton Court constructed yet this fall, with the remaining improvements completed next year. The Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications at the July 24, 2006 Council meeting in order to expedite construction ofthis project yet this year. The proposed improvements include extending Dalton Avenue from its existing terminus approximately 800 feet south and the construction of Dalton Court from Dalton Avenue northwest approximately 830 feet to the west edge of the business campus. Dalton Avenue is planned to extend to 90th Street through the Spike (David and Mary) property and eventually extend through the YMCA property to CSAH 39. Dalton Avenue will terminate with a temporary cul-de-sac at the south end of the business campus. The grades at this location are steep and staff is reviewing extending the cul-de-sac into the Spike property where the grades flatten out. We have met with the Spikes and they have indicated that they would like to proceed with the cul-de-sac located on their property. An easement would need to be obtained from them to extend the cul-de-sac onto their property. In addition to extending Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court, the Council authorized extending Dalton Way to be bid as an alternate. Dalton Way would extend east of Dalton Avenue approximately 600 feet. This roadway was included since the City is purchasing property east of Dalton A venue and that property could receive access from that street. It also may be beneficial to start construction of this segment this year as a potential cost savings for future construction cost increases. The proposed improvements include constructing the roadways as 44-foot-wide urban streets with a bituminous pathway extending along the east side of Dalton Avenue connecting to the existing trail along Chelsea Road. Street lighting will be bid separately but will be constructed with the proposed improvements. Trunk sanitary sewer and watermain systems are proposed to be extended within the roadways and will be sized to service the business campus and the immediate area south to 90th Street for future development. The storm sewer system will extend within the roadways and will be sized to accommodate development inside the business park. The CIDc,_"IlIC~ls ""d Selh'~IiI"',rIa,."gro...;nger'.LocaJ Sel1inlil"',Temporor).' lmemet FileilOLKJI.AGN fTM.DalI(JtlAve""blic Hearing-0814Q6.doc 49 Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . storm sewer system will discharge to a pond proposed along the west side of the site and will outlet to the existing pond located south of Chelsea Road and west of Dalton Avenue. This pond has an existing outlet to Otter Creek. The estimated project cost totals $1,331,900 for the extension of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The estimated cost for the alternate construction of Dalton Way is $391,500. Funding for this project will be provided from City funds to be recouped with the adjacent lot sales and tax base generated from the business park. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Conduct the public hearing and order the project for the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court, and Dalton Way. 2. Conduct the public hearing but do not order the project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Economic Development Director, City Engineer, and Public Works Director recommend that the Council authorize Alternative No.1. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . C: '.Doc~rnenl.llJ7d Selling,<\da.....gnmi1lger',LIJC.a1 Serling.ITe"'fH"W')' Inlernel File.IOLK3\AGN ITM-Da/lanAvePIlblic Hearilfg-08141J6 doc 50 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 10. Consideration of a2l"eements relatin2 to exchan2e of land between the City of Monticello and River Ci,r Lanes developer. Consideration of fillal plat aporoval for Jefferson Commons 3' Addition (River City Lanes), and consideration settin2 direction for defillin2 use of land/buildin2s received in the exchan2e. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider giving formal approval of the exchange ofland as proposed on May 22, 2006. As you recall, Council gave concept approval of an arrangement that called for the City trading 12.9 acres of the Jefferson Commons property for both the Monti Club Hill site and the current River City Lanes site. The basic framework of the exchange and associated conditions remains the same and have been incorporated into the formal agreements. For a recap please review the attached spreadsheet from the agenda item provided at the time of consideration of concept approval. Following is important additional information relating to the exchange. Neil!hborhood Meetin2s. The developer has made a strong effort in preparing detailed plans following the original approval. An additional neighborhood meeting was held on the topic subsequent to the input received from area residents on July 24,2006 comments portion of the City Council meeting. It is not known to what extent the concerns of this group were addressed at the meeting but the information provided gave the concerned residents a better understanding of the project and the potential impact on their property. Lieutenant Dan Anselment from the Sherriff s Department was also present to listen to concerns relating to traffic and traffic law enforcement in the area. Si2R Svstem. With regards to the sign system for the development, the developer has reviewed the site and associated road alignments in more detail and found that it is likely to be more advantageous to utilize a combination of pylon sign and wall signs completely on site, versus utilizing an off premise pylon sign. Therefore there is no need for a PUD allowing an off premise sign. However, the pylon sign proposed on site is slightly higher and larger than allowed by ordinance and thus a variance is needed to be processed accordingly. This request will be processed via the September planning cycle. Sewer Access Fees. The reduction in the sewer access fee as originally proposed is no longer a part of the deal.. After further review of the size and operation of the facility, it has been found that the original SAC calculation was overstated largely because it presumed that each event would provide "full plate" service. According to the operator, approximately half of the events use ''paper china". SAC fees have therefore been calculated accordingly. The final SAC expense based on the new calculation ended up close to the fee that was proposed in the original arrangement. This modification to the original finance plan using the standard fee calculation formula eliminates the precedent created by reducing the SAC fee as a financial incentive. Security assurin2 construction of planned facility It has been noted that the City needs to make sure that there is some security in place that guarantees that development occurs as proposed after closing. In other words the City does not want to make this trade without the development occurring. The City Attorney does not recommend including provisions for 51 Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . "undoing" the trade, but recommends that it be demonstrated that the underlying financing is in place before the trade is made. Phase I Environmental Review River Citv Lanes. In an effort to make sure that the City would not be adopting an environmental problem (asbestos removal), a Phase I environmental review is being prepared for the River City Lanes property. This information will be available for review prior to Council action. In addition, the agreement requires that the original owner pay for extraordinary costs associated with demolition in the event extreme measures are required to accomplish demolition and disposal. Staff has completed a walk through of the facility and documented items that will stay and items that will go when the operation moves to the new facility. Although the original deal did not anticipate re-use of the building, the remaining structure does have potential for re-use. It should be noted that all heating and plumbing systems will remain, however some cooling equipment will be moved to the new site and it is likely that re-use of the site for office use would require installation of a new or modified heating/cooling system. It should also be noted for purposes of the trade value, the building value of River City Lanes was set at $0. Phase I Environmental Review - Monti Club Site . A Phase I review was completed by the owner in conjunction with the previous Emerald Heights proposal. Although this document has not been reviewed at this point, the owner has indicated that asbestos has not been identified as present or a problem. River Citv Lanes Development Update The development agreement includes a provision that requires development of a facility that follows as proposed under a set of plans that are near completion. The fmal plans are similar to those reviewed by the Council in May. Plans will be available for review at the Council meeting and will incorporated as an exhibit to the development agreement. Re-Use Concepts - Little Mountain 52 It should be noted that input from the public regarding city acquisition of this important landmark has been universally positive. Now that the Monti Club as a use ofthe property no longer exists, it makes sense to switch the name designation of the property from "Monti Club Hill" to "Little Mountain.". City Council will now need to grapple with the question.. What should be done with the Little Mountain site and the building that remains. Council is asked to consider setting up a process for determining the future use of the property. Following is input provided to date on the topic. Resurrection Church Youth Center Concept - or other ParklPublic use. . Resurrection Church has presented a concept for development of a Youth Center to operate on site. It has been requested that the City delay a decision to remove the structure thus providing time for organizers of the youth center concept to develop the concept. Please see the request from Resurrection Church as attached. Others have expressed interest in preserving the site in its entirety for public use. . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 Residential Development. Members of the City Council have noted the possibility of allowing development of a portion of the site perhaps in conjunction with development of the Spirit Hills R1-A site. Under this concept, the Spirit Hills plat would be modified to allow access to Little Mountain via the road serving the Spirit Hills lots. The owner of the Spirit Hills property has been provided an update on the status of the Little Mountain. He has expressed interest in submitting a proposal to the City for purchase of a portion of the site. It was noted to the developer that an east/west pathway connection from Fenning to the Water Tower Park would likely be required with any residential development. In addition, the site design would need to conform as much as possible to the existing topography. Next Steps. Council is asked to discuss this matter and provide direction to staff accordingly. Is Council interested in establishing a subcommittee of the City Council to research this matter further and provide options to the City Council? Does Council wish to wait to on setting direction for development ofthe Little Mountain pending completion of the Comprehensive Plan? B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1. Consideration of granting final approval of the land exchange and associated documentation. 1. Motion to grant final approval of the land exchange in keeping with the basic concept as approved on May 22, 2006 and articulated in the associated agreements governing the exchange as defined by the associated agreement prepared jointly by the City and Developer attorneys. Under this alternative the City Council may wish to add modifications if so desired for further review by the developer. 2. Motion to table or deny approval of the land exchange as originally proposed. Decision 2. Consideration of approving the final plat of the Jefferson Commons Third Addition. The proposed site (approximately 13 acres) is located entirely along the north side of School Boulevard within the Jefferson Commons plat. The property is proposed to be split into two lots, with development of the River City Lanes facility on the west parcel being proposed at this time. The plat is required to be recorded with the County prior to closing on the property. The developer wishes to close on the property shortly. 1. Motion adopting a resolution approving the final plat of the Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition. This motion should be adopted if Council wishes to proceed with the land exchange. 53 . '. . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 2. Motion denying adoption of a resolution approving the final plat of the Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition. Decision 3 - City Council to provide staff with direction with regards to re-use of Monti-Club Hill site. As noted above, Resurrection Church requests that the City delay decision making with regards to re-use ofthe site pending an "exploratory initiative to seek community partners who are interested in developing the Monti Club as a potential site for a Community Youth Center". Council is asked to discuss this matter and provide staff direction accordingly. With regards to re-use of the bowling alley site, the facility will be in use for a number of months by the current operator. This gives the City some time to explore options for the facility once the move occurs. c. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of spreadsheet identifYing basic component of original exchange, copy of draft agreement identifYing terms and conditions of exchange, copy of Phase I environmental report to be available at the meeting. Letter from Resurrection Lutheran Church regarding Youth Center concept. 54 . . " c .2 ~ . . :2 (Il ~~ o c U~ ~ c 2::i .!!!.c g~ "aJ <~ ~ . c E o 0 .n. g'-/O o m -5'" ill ~ ~~ j;g ]~ "- o 0 o.~ cl:5 . - . m ~ em >-> 0> .S Q) " ~ '5 m m> -g~ m 0 ~> ""1L ~ ~ u 0 tV .~ Z", l" m_ ~ . ". VJu. . l" o .., 1 ;;' ,~ .u '" m <'" -~ . ~ Z<n .., N 0> :;; "' o '" N c o ~ ~ .. ~ .., '" o '" '" '" N w .., '" o '" '" '" N W o '" .., '" o '" '" "'. N '" '" '" .,; w ~O> "'.., "'~ N'o:i N .., N .., ;::N ",0 . . ffi :f ~~ ~ ~ Gu Qj c > 0 c:: ~ NO> o~ 0>0. 8a; CO.CC? Z;;.tI'). 00 00 0> o. ~~ ~w . 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DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 8/8/06 Monticello City Council Resurrection Lutheran Church-represented by Traci Woytcke Proposal for Youth Center in Monticello Monti Club has been a recognized and well-regarded establislunent in the Monticello area for many years. With the pending change in ownership, Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC) would like to propose a concept for your consideration. In Monticello nearly 2100 youth, from the ages of II - 18, are currently enrolled in our middle and high schools. One growing concern, according to our Wright County Sheriff's Department, is that minor crimes such as vandalism, minor consumption and loitering are being committed by younger and younger youth. We need to reach this age group more effectively now. Once our youth reach high school age they have started into more serious crimes. Based on these serious trends, RLC is called to spearhead an exploratory initiative to seek community partners who are interested in developing the Monti Club as a potential sight for a Community Youth Center. In fact, we feel it is an amazing opportunity to create a nationally recognized community youth center that is a leader in driving excellence in outstanding youth development. . Here is our plan: o RLC will identifY and approach organizations, individuals, foundations, churches and business leaders in the community to introduce this concept and seek written agreements for support. o Meet with youth to identifY needs and to engage them in the possibilities of making a community youth center a reality. . Look at funding options with the city and the groups identified in point one. . Learn from other models for youth centers that have been successful and ones that have not. o Investigate potential tenants who could collaborate for youth such as Prairie House, TimberBay, ALC, and the Tom Keating Foundation. 56 This community youth center has the opportunity to "put our youth on top" of the hill! Unsupervised youth would have a place to turn. This facility would provide a safe, open, diverse and values-driven outlet for our youth. Programs that could be considered include: o Before school programs and food service . After school tutoring, mentoring, and computer access . Game room . Peer support o Support groups and caring adults to just listen . Cafe . Stages with music and for band rehearsals . Organized group activities including movie nights, concerts and "lock-ins" o Outdoor activities in every season. From sledding or snow shoeing to basketball and volleyball o 'Safe zones' for vulnerable, physically at risk youth . The options are endless. We need to take steps now to ensure that our younger generation is not lost. This is one way to help ensure that there are enough people watching out for the youth of this community. Please help us move this dream forward by saying yes to this possibility, and then finding ways for the city to step into the process. . . . WHOIHOW: Community Partners for Youth RLC would spearhead the initial Faith-based Community leaders such as American Legion Individuals with gifting in areas of electrical, . .... City Grants School district Foundations TIMELINE 57 . . LA PRIVATE DE 2006, by, between pany ("L&C"), L&G, LINDENFELSER and "fe, and L TTE GAGNELIUS, a single ed to herein as "Exchangors") and the ration, (the "City")" e real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto e "t for development; and e fee ner of certain real property, situated in Wright County, d on Exhibit "B" hereto, that contains a bowling alley ("Bowling WHE d Lindenfelser/Gagnelius are the owners of certain real property situated in Wright , Minnesota and legally described in Exhibit "B" hereto, which property was form used as a restaurant ("Monte Parcel"), and more specifically, L&G is the owner of Parcel B ofthe Monte Parcel and Lindenfelser/Gagnelius are the owners of Parcels A and C of the Monte Parcel as legally described the attached Exhibit B; . WHEREAS, the Bowling Alley Parcel and the Monte Parcel are collectively referred to herein as the "Exchangors' Properties"; 126323.02 . WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement there has been a proposal that the City approve the sale of the City Property to the Exchangors in exchange for conveyance of Exchangors' Properties to the City so that the Exchangors may develop the Property with a 72,000 square foot banquet facility (the "Project") on one of two lots to be platted out of the City Property ("Banquet Lot") with the remaining lot being held for future development by Exchangors ("Second Lot"); and "Exchango Exchangors conveyin WHEREAS, the City believes that the Project and fulfillme Agreement is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety. residents of the City and in accord with the public purposes an and local laws and requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofth parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant "Articles a~ Sections of this Agreem er only are the respective Articles and In this Agreement, unless a differ . "Agreement" means this Exchan between the City and the Exchangors, as the or supplemented. limited warranty deed to be executed by the City conveying the " means the limited warranty deeds to be executed by the Exchangors' Properties to the City. "Exchangors" means L&P Ventures, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, L&G, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, Duane and Patricia Jo Lindenfelser, husband and wife, and Lynette Gagnelius, a single person. . "Event of Default" means an action by the Exchangors or City as listed in Article VI of this Agreement. 2 . "Minimum Improvements" means construction of a bowling alley on the City Property in a size consistent with the site plan prepared by , dated and constructed in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations governing such facilities. "Parties" means the Exchangors and the City. "Party" means either the Exchangors or the City. . "Project" means the Property and the completed Minim "City Property" means the real property legally des hereto. "Exchangors' Properties" means the real attached hereto. "State" means the State of Minnesota. LEII. ATIONS AND WARRANTIES d Warranties by the City. The City represents and (a) y is a nnesota municipal corporation duly organized and existing under . e State. Under the laws of the State, the City has the power to enter greement and carry out its obligations hereunder. (b) There are no other parties in possession of any portion of the City Property. . (c) There are no pending or to the best of City's knowledge, threatened actions, suits, condemnation or other proceedings before or by any judicial body or any governmental authority, against or affecting City or the City Property. 3 . (d) There are no exclusives or other restrictive use covenants which would in any way impair or prohibit the use of the City Property for the Exchangors' intended use. (e) To the best knowledge of the City, no entity or person has at any time: i) "released" or actively or passively consented to the "release" or "threatened release" of any Hazardous Substance (as de ed below) from any "facility" or "vessel" located on or used in connectio e City Property; or . ii) taken any action in "response" to a "r City Property; or st ces", "toxic substances", "hazardous CERCLA, Resource Conservation and 2 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq., the Hazardous tion Ac, .S.C. Sec. 5101 et seq., the Clean Water Act of 51 et seq., any state laws regarding environmental romulgated pursuant to any of the foregoing statutes. ledge of the City, no entity or person has at any time installed, any underground storage tank on or in the City Property; and (g) owledge of the City, no entity or person has at any time deposited n or other debris on the City Property. (h) City's warranties and representations contained in this Section shall survive the delivery of the City Deed, provided that any notice of a defect or claim of breach of warranty must be in writing, and must be given by Exchangors to City within one year of the Date of Closing orbe deemed waived. Exchangors shall have the right to have inspections of the City Property conducted prior to closing. Unless required by local ordinance or lending regulations, City does not plan to have the property inspected. Other than the . (i) 4 . representations made in this Section, the property is being sold "AS IS" with no express or implied representations or warranties by City as to physical conditions or fitness for any particular purpose. G) All utilities (including, without limitation, domestic water, water service for fire protection, sanitary sewer and storm sewer and storm water management facilities, electric, natural gas, cable and telephone) are located on or at the boundary line of the City Property in a size, capacity and manner to which Exchangor may connect for use with for Exchangors' i ed use ofthe City Property (collectively, the "Utility Services"). (k) The City possesses good and marketable fee si subject to the Permitted Encumbrances and sh . trans Exchangors by limited warranty deed date 0 he Clo (I) All streets and roads necessary for acc to an use of the Cl been completed, dedicated and acc for mai tenance and pu . appropriate governnIent authoriti , ts are required . e City for such use, unless dedicated in the plat of ro rty as provi ed under this Agreement or as otherwise stated in this A ent. (m) Subject to satisfaction of s and conditio, convey the City Property t gors for de the terms of this Agreement. . (n) Prior to co City Pro, layo angors, the City shall plat the of Exchangors ofthe lot sizes and Section 2.2. property, ea ies by the Exchangors. As to itself and its that: ity to enter into this Agreement and to perform the operty is conveyed to the Exchangors, the Exchangors will e and maintain the Minimum Improvements upon the City rdance with the terms of this Agreement, and all local, state and and regulations (including, but not limited to, environmental, zoning, code and public health laws and regulations). (c) The Minimum Improvements will be constructed by the Exchangors, at Exchangors' sole expense, in such manner, and at such expense as are necessary to make the City Property usable by the Exchangors, including all such improvements as are necessary to make said facility comply with all applicable federal, state and local rules, regulations, ordinances and laws. . 5 . (d) The Exchangors will use their best efforts to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with all local, state or federal energy-conservation laws or regulations. (e) The Exchangors will use their best efforts to obtain, in a timely manner, all required permits, licenses and approvals and to meet, in a timely manner, all requirements of all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations which must be obtained or met before the Minimum Improve ts may be lawfully constructed. The City will cooperate to expedite the . g of any application filed with the City by the Exchangors. The City d ot hereby warrant or represent that it will approve an application fil angors. . (f) The Exchangors will cooperate with the C" an Exchangors with respect to any litigati om Property or the Minimum Improv cooperate with the to the City (g) the cons tion ofthe ment of or compliance with the d, limited by or conflicts with, . sions of any corporate r instrument of whatever .ch it is bound or (h) y the wling Alley Parcel subject to the Lease described under , to be executed between the City and River City Lanes, Inc. the Bowling Alley Parcel by River City Lanes, Inc. pursuant to emen ned lease, there are no other parties in possession of any portion of rs' Properties. (j) The co sideration being exchanged in this transaction includes payment for any relocation benefits to which Exchangors may be entitled under federal or state law relating to the Exchangors' Properties. Exchangors will indemnify and hold harmless the City from any claims by any third parties for relocation benefits relating to the Exchangors' Properties. . (k) There are no pending or to the best of Exchangors' knowledge, threatened actions, suits, condemnation or other proceedings before or by any judicial body or any 6 . governmental authority, against or affecting Exchangors or the Exchangors' Properties. (I) To the best knowledge of the Exchangors, no entity or person has at any time: . i) "released" or actively or passively consented to the "release" or "threatened release" of any Hazardous Substance (as defined below) from any "facility" or "vessel" located on or used in connection w' the Exchangors' Properti es; or ii) taken any action in "response" to a "r Exchangors' Properties; or 7 ledge of the Exchangor, no entity or person has at any time d, use r removed any underground storage tank on or in the Exchangors' Q (n) To the est knowledge of the Exchangors, no entity or person has at any time deposited construction or other debris on the Exchangors' Properties. (0) Exchangors' warranties and representations contained in this Section shall survive the delivery ofthe Exchangors' Deeds, provided that any notice of a defect or claim of breach of warranty must be in writing, and must be given by City to Exchangors within one year ofthe Date of Closing or be deemed waived. . . . . (P) City shall have the right to have inspections of the Exchangors' Properties conducted prior to closing. Unless required by local ordinance or lending regulations, Exchangors do not plan to have the Exchangors' Properties inspected. Other than the representations made in this Section, the Exchangors' Properties are being sold "AS IS" with no express or implied representations or warranties by Exchangors as to physical conditions or fitness for any particular purpose. The Exchangors possess good and marketable fee simple title to the Exchangors' Properties subject to the Permitted Encumbrances and 'transfer title to the same to Exchangors by limited warranty deed dated fth Closing. Subject to satisfaction of the terms and conditio Agreement, the Exchangors will convey the Exchangors' Pro ity. (q) (r) ARTICLE CONVEYANCE 0 Section 3.1. Land Exchange. Subject to the City and Exchangors agree as follows: (a) Conveyance of City Prop Exchangors as tenants in common by limit interest determined by Exchangors prior to Section 3.6 herein. vey the City Property to changors' percentage ed Encumbrances under (b) Convey: limited warranty de Section 3.6 herein. onveyance of City Property and Exchangors' shall bligated to accept title to the City Property subject to , writing by the Exchangors, of the following conditions ty not being in default under the terms of this Agreement; (ii) t closing the City shall have delivered to the Exchangors, in a form reasonably acceptable to Exchangors, a Limited Warranty Deed. Exchangors shall accept the City Property on an "as is, where is" basis. (iii) Any physical evaluation or testing work that the Exchangors deem necessary in their sole discretion, at Exchangors' expense, including without limitation, geotechnical, environmental, engineering, and floodplain evaluation which results must be satisfactory to Exchangors in their sole discretion; 8 . (iv) Recording of a plat of the City Property, creating two lots; (v) At Closing, the City entering into a lease with River City Lanes, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, for the Bowling Alley Parcel in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C; (vi) Exchangors and Exchangors' Title Company satisfied with the results of the matters disclo Property and the Commitment; determining that they are by the Plat of the City . (vii) City approval of the Exchangors' site Property, showing 493 parking stalls fo (viii) 00 feet to 80 feet through the (i) s of this Agreement; (ii) At 9 esting work of Exchangors' Properties that the necess its sole discretion, at City's expense, including n, geotechnical, environmental, engineering, and floodplain ts must be satisfactory to City in its sole discretion; ... angors providing the City with a survey of the Exchangors' , at Exchangors' expense and City and City's Title Company . ng that they are satisfied with the results of the matters disclosed by ey of the Exchangors' Properties and the Commitment for title rance required under this Agreement; (v) Exchangors demonstrating to City's satisfaction that they have adequate financing and disbursement procedures in place for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and compliance with this Agreement. . If the contingencies have not been satisfied or waived by parties on or before August 31, 2006, ("Closing Date") or the dates listed above, then the respective party may elect to terminate this Agreement by written notice delivered to the other party or may extend the period of time for the . satisfaction of the contingencies set forth above for any additional period of ninety (90) days by giving written notice to the other party prior to the Closing Date. If the Agreement is terminated in accordance with this provision, and except as otherwise provided herein, neither party shall have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement and the parties agree to execute any documents necessary to memorialize the termination of this Agreement. Section 3.4. Closing. A. At the Closing, City shall execute and/or deliver to Exchang (collectively the "City Closing Documents"): (I) . for City Property in ors, which shall tations: (a) . (b) y wells on the described (2) . rd form a avit by City indicating that on no outstanding, unsatisfied judgments, tax r involving City or the City Property; that material furnished to the City Property for ade or for which mechanic's liens could be . other unrecorded interests in the City Property. 10 >"dh Certification. A certification in form and content ry to parties hereto and their counsel, properly executed by taining such information as shall be required by the Internal Code, and the regulations issued there under, in order to establish that C, is not a "foreign person" as defined in S 1445(f)(3) of such Code ch regulations. (4) toral!e Tanks. If required, an affidavit with respect to storage tanks pursuant to Minn. Stat. S 116.48. (5) Well Certificate. If there is a well located on the City Property, a well disclosure certificate in form and substance true to form for recording. . . (6) Certification. A certification that the representations and/or warranties made by City are the same as were in existence on the date of this Agreement; and (7) Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by either party and the title insurance company to be necessary to transfer and provide title insurance for the City Property. B. At the Closing, L&P, L&G, and Lindenfelser/Gagnel" execute and/or deliver to the City the following documents for the portion of the hangors' Properties to which the executing party holds title (collectively the "Exchan ing Documents"): . (b) (I) Limited Warranty Deed. A limi Properties in recordable form shall include the following h Exchangors' o City, which e ations: (a) (2) d form affidavit by Exchangors indicating e e no outstanding, unsatisfied judgments, i erson Certification. A certification in form and content . ry to the parties hereto and their counsel, properly executed by ors, containing such information as shall be required by the I Revenue Code, and the regulations issued there under, in order to lish that Exchangors are not "foreign persons" as defined in , 1445(f)(3) of such Code and such regulations. (4) Storal!:e Tanks. Ifrequired, an affidavit with respect to storage tanks pursuant to Minn. Stat. S 116.48. (5) Well Certificate. If there is a well located on the Exchangors' Properties, a well disclosure certificate in form and substance true to form for recording. . 11 . . . (6) Certification. A certification that the representations and/or warranties made by Exchangors are the same as were in existence on the date of this Agreement; and (7) Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by either party and the title insurance company to be necessary to transfer and provide title insurance for the Exchangors' Prop ies. Section 3.5 Closing Costs. The costs relating to the clos' paid as follows: A. City shall pay: (1) Recording fees for the Exchangors' (2) One-half of the closing fee; (3) all costs associated with including name searches, (4) The premium for owner's ti (5) (6) eed for the City Property; angors' Properties deed; (3) .. ted with obtaining the relevant title insurance commitment, e searches, bankruptcy searches, and property inspection fees; (4) (5) One-half of the closing fee; and (6) Recording fees for corrective instruments required to remove encumbrances and place marketable title of Exchangors' Properties in the name ofthe City. 12 . . . Section 3.6. Title and Permitted Encumbrances. Within 10 days of the date of this Agreement, each party shall, at its sole cost and expense, obtain from the Title Company a current commitment for the issuance of a AL T A Form B owner's policy of title insurance (the "Commitment") in the amount of the value of the property that the party is conveying under this Agreement, committing to ensure that the party acquiring the relevant property will have good and marketable title to the property subject to standard exceptions to title, zoning and other governmental ordinances, regulations, requirements and laws, reservations of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, pending or levied special assessments as set rth in Section 5.1 herein and matters to which acquiring party may consent in writing , ~itted Encumbrances"). A mortgage, monetary lien or any other lien or brance against the property shall be deemed to be a title objection, except as oth 'ved by the acquiring party. Each party shall have a period of fifteen (15) days aft eceipt,. . e Title Commitment to notify the other party of any objections to or defects i c dition 0 If such objection notice is not delivered to the other party within the 15-. pe d, the condl f the relevant title as disclosed by the Title Commitment shall be med ap oved by acqm art , and the acquiring party shall take title subject to the exc et fortH erein. In the e y exceptions are listed in the Commitment (except for P , brances), if e conveying party does not immediately remove the exceptions, the ac g party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as the acquiri arty's sole and e 've remedy and in such event neither the City nor the Exchangors shall obligations bilit to the other hereunder. s ackno dge that the City makes no f the soils on the City Property, its fitness for os for which the Exchangors may make use ble access to the City Property for the s conditions and hazardous wastes as the represen ' fitness for use of the Exchangors' Pr hazardous wastes a 1fhe City acknowledge that the Exchangors make no to the. nditions of the soils on the Exchangors' Properties, their provements or any other purpose for which the City may make rties. The Exchangors will allow reasonable access to the e City to conduct such tests regarding soils conditions and may desire. Section 3.8. harges to be Paid by Exchangors. Except for those fees being paid by assessment pursuant to Section 5.1 herein, the Exchangors shall be responsible to pay, prior to obtaining a building permit for the Minimum Improvements all fees normally charged by the City for development of the City Property. 13 14 . Section 3.9. Right of Entry. A. Citv ProPerty. Upon reasonable notice to City, Exchangors and Exchangors' authorized agents shall have the right during the period from the date of this Agreement to the Date of Closing to enter in and upon the City Property in order to make, at Exchangors' expense, surveys, measurements, soil tests, geotechnical tests and other tests that Exchangors shall deem necessary. Exchangors agree to restore any resulting damage to the City Property if this Agreement is terminated, and, in all events, to indemnify, hold harmles d defend City from any and all claims by third persons of any nature whatsoever arisin changors' right of entry hereunder, including all actions, proceedings, demands, ass ents, costs, expenses and attorneys' fees. . B. Exchangors' Properties. Upon reasonabl authorized agents shall have the right during the perio Date of Closing to enter in and upon the Exchango expense, surveys, measurements, soil tests, geot necessary. City agrees to restore any resulting damag Agreement is terminated, and, in all events, to indemnify, from any and all claims by third person any nature what entry hereunder, including all actions, pr . s, demands, attorneys' fees. rovements. The Exchangors agree that ovements on. Property and will operate and maintain, ause the Minimum Improvements to be he ap ances and every part and parcel thereof in good the Minimum Improvements shall comply with the site ntrols attached hereto as Exhibit E. (a) of closing, the Exchangors shall submit to the City a site plan for rty ("Site Plan") and the Construction Plans for the Minimum nts. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minim Improvements and shall be in conformity with this Agreement, the Site Plan, and all applicable state and local laws and regulations. The City shall approve the Construction Plans in writing if, in the reasonable discretion of the City: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal, state and local law, ordinances, rules and regulations; (iii) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for the construction of the subject Minimum Improvements; and (iv) no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. No approval by the . . . City under this Section 4.2 shall relieve the Exchangors of the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improvements. No approval by the City shall constitute a waiver of an Event of Default. The City shall review the Construction Plans within fifteen (15) days of submission of a complete set of Construction Plans and either approve the same or provide Exchangors with a list of specific required changes to be made to the Construction Plans. Upon making the specific changes to the Const . 'on Plans as required by the City, the Exchangors shall submit the Constructio with the required changes to the City for its approval and if Exchan made the required changes, the Construction Plans shall be approved. (b) nstruction Plans roposed change . th xchangors shall or befo September 30, 2006 subject te construction of the n or before September 30,2007. e ty or to Construct. In the event that the a in Section 4.3 ofthis Agreement, the al cash payment of $_. As security for and 1 ion 3.2, the Exchangors shall deliver to the City dit or other security satisfactory to the City (cash deposit) rty"). The Security shall be retained by the City until prove nts at which time it shall be returned to Exchangors. all not be construed to prejudice or limit any additional rights of .. s Agreement. 15 . , Section 5.1 City Property. Property taxes due in the year of Closing on City Property shall be prorated to the Closing Date. City shall pay all taxes, interest and penalties on the Property due in the years prior to the year of Closing. The City shall pay all special assessments levied or pending as of Closing and any deferred taxes or assessments due as a result of the sale contemplated under this Agreement, except that the City Property shall be subject to the following assessments: ARTICLE V. L PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS . · Street assessment in the principal amount of$280,962.00 · Assessments for the following charges totaling $196,494: Sewer Access Water Access Trunk Water Trunk Sanitary Trunk Storm Sewer Misc. Misc. $139,195.00 3,831.00 14,297.00 18,560.00 20,461.00 50.00 100.00 The assessments shall be spread over a ten (10) year pe . calculated at five and one-half percent (5 1/2%) per The assessment shall be deemed adopted on the da the first installment payable with the 2007 payab prepaid at any time. The Exchangors waive any and the assessments including any claim that the assessments The Exchangors waive any appeal right erwise available . Dermed. The following shall be "Events of Default" under ault" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement y one or more of the following events: (a) . changors to pay when due any payments required to be paid under (b) the Exchangors to commence, diligently pursue and complete cons tion of the Minimum Improvements, or portions thereof, pursuant to the terms, conditions and limitations of this Agreement. (c) Failure by Exchangors to observe or perform any other covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed hereunder. . (d) If any warranty or representation by the Exchangors in this Agreement is untrue in any material respect. 16 . Section 6.2. City's Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default by Exchangors referred to in Section 6.1 of this Agreement occurs, the City may take anyone or more of the following actions and unless otherwise provided such actions may be taken only after providing thirty (30) days written notice to the Exchangors of the Event of Default and the Event of Default has not been cured within said thirty (30) days or, if the Event of Default is by its nature incurable within thirty (30) days, the Exchangors do not provide assurances to the City reasonably satisfactory to the City that the Event of Default will be cured and will be cured as so as reasonably possible: . (a) Suspend its performance under the Agreement until' Exchangors, deemed adequate by the City, that and continue its performance under the Agree 17 (b) Terminate this Agreement. (c) es. any Event of Default occurs and either the City s for the collection of payments due or to become due or for ce of any obligation or agreement on the part of the .. ent, th xchangors agree that they shall, within ten (10) days of to tile City the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other y; provided, that the Exchangors shall only be obligated to make party prevails in such collection or enforcement action. ARTICLE VII. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Section 7.1. Restrictions on Use. The Exchangors agree for itself and its successors and assigns and every successor in interest to the City Property, or any part thereof, that the Exchangors and such successors and assigns shall devote the City Property to, and only to, and in accordance with, the uses specified in the City Code. . . Section 7.2. Equal Employment Opportunity. The Exchangors, for themselves and their successors and assigns, agrees that during the construction of the Minimum Improvements provided for in this Agreement it will comply with all applicable federal, state and local equal employment and nondiscrimination laws and regulations. Section 7.3. Conflicts ofInterest. No member of the governing body or other official of the City shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the Project or any contract, agreement or other transaction contemplated to occur or be und aken there under or with respect thereto, nor shall any such member of the governing body or cial participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his personal' est or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which he is, directly 0 , interested. No member, official or employee of the City shall be personally liable to or any successors in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City . h may become due to the Exchangors or successor or on any obligations ent. . several parts, Articles and nl y and shall be disregarded Section 7.5. Titles of Articles an Sections of this Agreement are inserted for c. in construing or interpreting any of its provisio gors, is addressed or delivered personally to: ynette Gagnelius 20561 County Road 50 Big Lake, MN 55309 . 18 . and Mark Parnell 8605 Barton Avenue, N.W. Buffalo, MN 55313 contained i by the Exchan and agent, limit with copy to: J. Patrick Brinkman, Esq. Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt, P.A. 220 South Sixth Street, Suite 2200 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (b) In the case of the City, is addressed or deliver City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Telephone: 763-295-2711 with a copy to: . 19 er of ationship. The Exchangors acknowledge that nothing any act by the City or the Exchangors shall be deemed or construed erson to create any relationship of third-party beneficiary, principal er or joint venture between the City and the Exchangors. Section 7.8. enants Running with the Land. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be d emed to be covenants running with the City Property and shall be binding upon any successors or assigns of the Exchangors and any future owners or encumbrancers of the City Property. Section 7.9. Counterparts. This Agreement is executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. . . . . Section 7.10. Law Governing. 1bis Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Minnesota. Section 7.11. Facsimile Signatnre. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that in order to expedite the signing of this Agreement and the processing, and review and compliance with the terms hereof, the parties may utilize facsimile equipment to transmit and convey signatures hereto and such other information as may be necessary. With respect to any such transmission bearing a signature for any party hereto and on which the receiver is or may be r onably expected to rely, than if such a facsimile transmission is corroborated by regular fa rintout showing the telephone number from which transmitted together with a date an e of transmission, it shall be binding on the sending party and may be relied upon by the p g the same. The sending party hereby acknowledges such reliance and weighs any den of such documents or signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has c name and behalf, and the Exchangors have cause and behalf, on or as of the date first above written. Rick Wolfsteller Its City Administrator EXCHANGORS: L&P Ventures, LLC By: L&G, LLC By: Its Chief Manager Its Chief Manager Duane Lindenfelser 20 . . . Patricia J 0 Lindenfelser Lynette Gagnelius STATEOFMINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Clint Herbst and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City 1 ator, re Monticello, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corpora' , on 1 s behalf. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. ) COUNTY OF CO The forego 2006, by company, on ben 2006, by 'vely, of the City of day of entures, LLC, a Minnesota limited Notary Public cknowledged before me this _ day of the Chief Manager of L&G, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability any. 21 Notary Public . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by Duane Lindenfelser and Patricia Jo Lindenfelser, husband and wife. STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before 2006, by Lynette Gagnelius, a single person. DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. 1380 Corporate Center Eagan, Minnesota 551 Telephone: (651) 45 . AMP 22 . . . EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CITY PROPERTY . EXHIBIT "8" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EXCHANGORS' PROPERTIES Monte Parcel: . Parcel A: The South 478.5 feet of the West 495 feet of the Southeast Qu Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25. Parcel B: Commencing at a point 412.5 feet South of the No of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Townshi a point; thence North paralleling the West line. Quarter a distance of 412.5 feet to the North me . section line to the Northwest comer of the Northea said Section 24; thence South a dista ce of 412.5 feet Abstract Property Bowling Allev Parcel: . All of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds, in and for said county, LESS AND EXCEPT, the North 300.79 feet of said Lot 1, Block 1 AND LESS AND EXCEPT . the following described parcel, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the North 300.79 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, thence in a northerly direction upon the westerly line of said described parcel 75.00 feet, thence easterly at a right angle 100.00 feet, thence southerly at a right angle 75.00 feet, thence westerly at a right angle 100.00 feet to the point of beginning on the West line, AND South Half of Lot 2, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park. Subject t easements, roadways and conditions of record. Abstract Property. . . . . . EXHIBIT "c" LEASE THIS LEASE is made on , 2006, by and between the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Landlord"), and River City Lanes, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("Tenant"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the herein contained and agreements contained in tha Development between Landlord and Tenant to which the Parties agree as follows: 1. PREMISES. Landlord does h hereby rent from Landlord the building commo situated on property legally described on the attache Minnesota (the "Premises"). 3. any base rent for the Premises. 4. (includi shall Pre 1 Tenant's sha and discharge all real estate taxes xes), assessments (if any), and utility charges which r vied, or become a lien upon or on account of the during the term of the Lease and/or as a result of s use of the Premises shall be limited to its current use as a , 2007 at which time the business will close. Thereafter, and until the end of the L e Term, Tenant may only dismantle Premises and remove fumiture and equip ent as identified under Paragraph _ of this Lease. Tenant hereby accepts the Premises on an "as is" ''where is" basis without any representations or warranties as to its fitness for a particular purpose. . 6. UTILITIES. A. Landlord agrees to cause mains, conduits, and other facilities to be provided and maintained to supply all necessary utility meters for gas, water, and electricity to the point where they enter the Premises property, and Tenant shall provide and maintain the same on the Premises property and pay when due all billiugs for gas, water and electricity used in the Premises. . B. Landlord shall not be liable iu damages or Landlord or by any other supplier of any utilit Premises shall be interrupted or impaired by fi e, the making of necessary repairs or impr. Landlord's control or if service may regulations issued by any lawful autho . ise if the furnishing by r other service to the strike, act of God, causes beyond d by energy 7. COVENANTS BY TENANT. A. Tenant covenants and a neat and orderly, and to prev property. . ses, to keep the Premises e, loss, or damage to B. The Ten within the Pr g and maiutaining all property respo. Ie for all maintenance and repair of the nant, its employees, contractors, guests, or , 11 be ponsible for ensuring that the Premises continue to ." rm ire Code, provided such compliance does not include to the Premises. rein provided, Tenant shall not make any structural alterations the Premises. 8. COVENANTS BY LANDLORD. Landlord covenants that Tenant, upon performiug the covenants, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises for the term of the lease. . . 9. WAIVER, LIENS, ASSUMPTION OF RISKJINDEMNIFICATION. . A. The Tenant takes possession of the Premises under this Lease subject to the usual hazards of operating a building, and agrees to assume all risk of accidents to Tenant, Tenant's guests, Tenant's invitees, Tenant's employees, and/or agents in furtherance of the use of the Premises. Tenant agrees to hold Landlord harmless, indemnify and defend Landlord against any claims, suits amages, losses, costs and expenses, resulting exclusively from Tenant's use Premises. Without limitation of the foregoing, Landlord shall not be. to Tenant for any, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from all damage ation or claims arising from: loss or damage to property, books, re.. rds, money, securities, negotiable instruments or other papers in 0 t e Pre . the necessity of repairing any portion of the Premises the amenities wit, without the Premises; the interruption in the use 0 remis. accident or resulting from the use or operation by Landlord, t, other pers or persons whatsoever of heating, cooling, electrical 0 bing equipment or apparatus; any fire, robbery, theft, or an ther casualty; akage or bursting of pipes or water vessels or any roof or w age, in any p the Premises; water, rain, snow or underground water that .nto, flow flow from, any part of the Premises. . (ii) Commercial general public liability insurance covering all acts of Tenant, 10. E BY TENANT. Tenant agrees to purchase, in advance, and to carry in full force . d effect the following insurance, and such insurance policies shall name Landlord as an additional insured: (i) "All Risk" property insurance covering the full replacement value of all of Tenant's leasehold improvements, trade fixtures, inventory and personal property within the Premises; . its employees, agents, representatives and guests on or about the Premises, containing a contractual liability endorsement, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000 and written on an "occurrence" basis. The insurance shall be with an insurance company authorized to do business in Minnesota and reasonably satisfactory to the Landlord. Tenant will provide Landlord with certificates evidencing such insurance during the Term and on Landlord's request. The policies must give Landlord a minimum of thirty (30) d ,'tten notice prior to cancellation, termination or change in such insurance. . 11. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. nor sublet the Premises, nor allow any other grou obtaining the written consent of Landlord. Agreement are and shall remain unqualifi providing the purchaser assumes all obligatIOns shall thereupon be entirely freed of all obligations shall not be subject to any liability r lting from any after such conveyance. t a es that at the expiration of Premises to the Landlord, in , ere enter ' upon by the Tenant, reasonable one excepted. Tenant shall surrender all except that t shall own and will remove the of pers, al property listed on Exhibit "A" hereto. n of such items shall be repaired by and at mptly surrender all keys for the Premises to Landlord. the Premises in good working order. Except as Lan a agrees to accept all Tenant improvements not -is" condition. 13. PREMISES. Landlord reserves the right to enter upon the Premises upon not 24 hours prior notice in order to inspect the same, or to make necessary repairs, a itions or alterations to the Premises. Landlord may exhibit the Premises to prospective tenants, purchasers or lenders during the Term of the Lease. Landlord may, however, enter at any hour in the event of an emergency. 14. DEFAULT. . A. Tenant Default. If Tenant fails to pay any amounts due hereunder within five (5) days after notice of default, or if Tenant breaches this Lease Agreement and . does not cure the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice of such default, or if Tenant suffers this Lease Agreement to be taken under any writ of execution, then Landlord, besides other rights or remedies it may have, has all of the following rights: (1 ) Landlord may terminate this Lease Agreement. (2) Landlord has the immediate right of re-entry and may remove all persons and property from the Premises and such property may b . . oved and stored in a public warehouse or elsewhere at the cost of, and fi. e a ount of Tenant, all without service of notice or resort to legal proc without being deemed guilty of trespass, or becoming liable for oss mage which may be occasioned thereby. (3) If Landlord elects to re-enter, or if . suant to legal proceedings or pursuant to any no . provi d for by la a without terminating this Lease Agreement uch a ations and re as may be necessary in order to re-let the Premis said Premis s or any part thereof for such term (which may be for a extending beyond the Term of this Lease Agreement) t such rental upon such other terms and conditions as Landlord in it . cretion may dvisable. (4) Upon such re-Ietting all renta the L rd shall be applied first, to the payment of any indebte . ss 0 due hereunder from Tenant to Landlord; d, to the P expenses of such re-Ietting, including es, attorne of costs of such alterations and repairs; ayment of ent due and unpaid hereunder, and the residue, if a held by Lan and applied in payment of future rent as the same m able hereunder. If such rentals received -lettJ ing a onth are less than that to be paid during that month by t he er, Tenant shall pay any such deficiency to Landlord. Such deficie hall culated and paid monthly. No such re-entry or g possess of mises by Landlord is an election on its part to , .' ate the L e Agreement unless a written notice of such intention be glV. Tenan r unless the termination thereof be decreed by a court of compe . Cliction. Notwithstanding any such re-Ietting without terminati dlord may at any time thereafter elect to terminate this Lease Agreeme (5) In addition to any other remedies it may have, Landlord may recover from Tenant all damages it may incur by reason of such breach, including the cost of recovering the Premises, and reasonable attorney's fees. (6) In case suit shall be brought for recovery of possession of the Premises, for the recovery of Rent or any other amount due under the provisions of this Lease Agreement, or because of the breach of any other covenant therein contained on the part of a party to be kept or performed, and a breach shall be . . . . . established, Tenant shall pay to Landlord all expenses incurred therefore, including reasonable attorney's fees. B. Landlord Default. If the Landlord breaches this Lease Agreement, the Tenant may terminate the Lease Agreement by providing the Landlord with thirty (30) days written notice of the Landlord's breach and the Lease Agreement will terminate at the end of the thirty day (30) notice period less the Landlord has cured the breach during the thirty day notice period. If Iijult is of a nature to require more than thirty (30) days to remedy, th ase Agreement will not terminate if Landlord has undertaken procedure e default during the thirty (30) day notice period and diligently p ss sucH rts to complete the cure. 15. HOLDING OVER. If Tenant the Term and without the execution of a new Ie said Premises as a tenant from month to month, su and obligations of this Lease Agre ent in so far a month-to-month tenancy 16. MISCELLANEOUS. erne ws of the State of Minnesota. If any term is declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of ted by such determination and shall continue to be contains the entire Lease contract between the parties D. Nothin ontained in this Lease shall be deemed or construed by the parties hereto or by ~ny third party to create the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of joint venture or of any association whatsoever between the Tenant and the Landlord, it being expressly understood and agreed that neither the payment of rent nor any act of the parties hereto shall be deemed to create any relationship between the Tenant and the Landlord other than the relationship of tenant and landlord. . E. The section titles herein are for convenience only and do not define, limit or construe the contents of any paragraph or provision hereof. Whenever the singular is used, the same shall include the plural. F. All notices and requests which may be given or which are required to be given hereunder shall be sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified with return receipt requested as follows: . IF TO LANDLORD: G. In the event that the Premises other casualty such that the Tenant is un alley, this Lease shall immediately terminate. y fire or r a bowling H. Landlord is not respon' . reasons beyond the Landlord's Tenant for any consequential, spe this Lease Agreement for rd is not responsible to tal damages IN WITNESS and year first above ORD: OF MONTICELLO Clint Herbst, Mayor And: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . This instrument was drafted by: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, PA [AMP] 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 317 Eagan,MN 55121 (651) 452-5000 , President . TENANT: RIVER CITY LANES, INC., a Minnesota corporation By: . . . EXHIBIT "A" TO LEASE Lel!:al Description of Premises: . . . EXHIBIT "D" CITY PROPERTY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT . . . EXHffiIT "E" SITE PLAN. DESIGN STANDARDS AND ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . 11. Consideration of Supportin2 the MVST Constitutional Amendment Coalition (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to consider joining the Coalition for Better Roads and Transit as it relates to support for the Motor Vehicle Sales Tax (MVST) constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot in the November statewide election. This constitutional amendment was proposed as part of a larger transportation bill by the House and Senate, which was subsequently vetoed by Governor Pawlenty. State law, however, does not allow for the vetoing of a proposed constitutional amendment so therefore, the amendment has stayed on the ballot for the November election. Governor Pawlenty is in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment. The wording of the amendment is noted as follows: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to dedicate revenue from a tax on the sale of new and used motor vehicles over a five-year period so that after June 30th, 2011 all of the revenue is dedicated at least 40%for public transit assistance and not more than 60% for highway purposes? " . The motor vehicle sales tax was originally intended to be used for transportation purposes and has, over the years, been re-dedicated into the general fund. Currently, only 54% of the sales tax paid is dedicated to transportation purposes. The remaining 46% is dedicated to the general fund. The goal of this constitutional amendment will be to transition that percentage to 100% over a five-year period. From that point on, because it is constitutionally dedicated, legislators or future governors will not be able to take the tax away from transportation and put it towards any other programs. Once the phase-in is completed in 2011, transportation funding will be boosted by more than $300,000,000 per year. While this is not the full solution to the transportation funding shortfall, it is certainly a step in the right direction. The Coalition believes that legislators will be watching this constitutional amendment to determine whether or not Minnesotans are serious about transportation and as such, it is very important that all of the Coalition partners work together to achieve a positive result on November 7th. Current information identifies that the state of Minnesota needs to invest at least an additional $1,700,000,000 per year over the next ten years to meet the safety and efficiency demands of increased population and economic growth. Currently, in 2007 and beyond, less than $500,000,000 is currently in place. This is the first step in convincing the legislators that it is time to move forward with a more consistent approach to the state of Minnesota's transportation needs. The City of Monticello will also benefit from this constitutional amendment through an increase in State Aid funding through our Municipal State Aid Transportation System. The constitutional amendment currently is planned for a phase-in over a five- year period beginning in 2007. This will allow for a gradual planned adjustment in the general fund. The current four-year budget forecast shows that with growth in other tax revenues the MVST revenues can be transferred without leaving a hole in the general fund. . The MVST Coalition is a broad based coalition of hundreds of organizations from around the state that have united to support better roads and transit through the passage ofthe MVST constitutional amendment. Leaders from the business community, environmental 58 c: IDoCl/1IIenlS and SetnMgJ'dllwn.grossil1ger'tLoall Seu;ngs',Te"'PfJlY''Y l~lemel Fi!eSLOLK)IAGN lTM_MVSTColISJAmend_OBU06.dcc . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 organizations, organized labor, transportation advocacy groups, the construction industry, nonprofit and civic organizations, and local government have stepped forward to lead the public campaign to say, "Yes to MVST." Included in your packet is a sample resolution for consideration by the Council and a list of the organizations that are currently supporting the MVST constitutional amendment. Considering the City of Monticello is on a major transportation corridor that will need to be upgraded in the near future, it is requested that the Council seriously consider joining the Coalition in supporting the MVST constitutional amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider the attached resolution of support for the MVST constitutional amendment as stated. 2. Consider a modified resolution of support for the MVST constitutional amendment. 3. Do not pass a resolution at this time in support of the MVST constitutional amendment. C. RECOMMENDATION: The MVST constitutional amendment is the first step in passing long-term transportation funding for the state of Minnesota, which is necessary to the City of Monticello and the state of Minnesota's economic vitality. It is recommended that the Council pass a resolution in support of the MVST constitutional amendment in a form that is acceptable to the Council. 59 C-'Alcwnenrs and SerriJlg.'da.....grosd1lgl'rILocal SeJI~ITemporwy Jouemel FIIes',OLK3l4GN rrM-MVSTCo'l'iUmelld-0814Q6doc JHllllesotansfor Better Roads and Transit . Sample Resolution Whereas, Minnesota's transportation infrastructure fOTIns the backbone of the state's economy and a has a direct impact on future economic development; Whereas, too many Minnesotans are being killed in traffic crashes on dangerous roadways; Whereas, funding for highway and transit systems in Minnesota has remained stagnant and is failing to keep pace with growing population and growing demands; Whereas, local governments throughout the state are struggling to maintain local transportation systems while the state's gas tax has not been increased since 1988 and transit budgets have been cut in recent years; Whereas, the Minnesota Legislature has repeatedly turned to revenue from the motor vehicle sales tax, which has been viewed as user fee revenue, in order to fund both highway and transit systems including the current dedication of 54% of motor vehicle sales tax for transportation purposes; . Whereas, the legislature passed a proposed constitutional amendment during the 2005 Legislative Session that would appear on the ballot November 7,2006 asking voters if the remaining 46% of motor vehicle sales tax revenue currently used for other purposes should be used for highways and transit systems; Whereas, passage of this amendment would mean an increase in stable revenue for highway and transit systems throughout the state that would rise to approximately $300 million per year once the transfer of revenue is fully phased-in by 2011; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved That (city, county, township) strongly supports passage of the proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution dedicating all of the motor vehicle sales tax revenue to transportation with at least 40% of the revenue for public transit assistance and not more than 60% of the revenue for highway purposes. Please send to: Margaretl@transportationalliance,com Or fax: 651-659-9009 . 60 MINNESOTANS FOR BETTER ROADS AND TRANSIT . Constitutional Amendment to Dedicate MVST Supporters As of February J 6, 2006 . Advocacy Organizations AAA Minneapolis AAA MinnesotalIowa Alliance for Metropolitan Stability American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota Central Minnesota Transportation Alliance Dakota Area Resources and Transportation for Seniors (DARTS) 1-494 Corridor Commission LOCATE Metropolitan Council Minneapolis BOMA Minneapolis Downtown Council Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association Minnesota Business Partnership Minnesota Concrete Pipe Association Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy Minnesota County Engineers Association Minnesota Grain and Feed Association Minnesota Public Transit Association Minnesota Senior Federation Minnesota Transportation Alliance Minnesota Trucking Association Minnesotans For An Energy-Efficient Economy National Assn. of Industrial and Office Properties Sierra Club, North Star Chapter Southwest Corridor Transportation Coalition Suburban Transit Association The 1-35W Solutions Alliance Transit for Livable Communities Women's Transportation Seminar. Minnesota Chapter Business Best Buy Co.. Inc Davisco Foods International Inc. Ecolab Inc. Federated Insurance Companies Harmel Foods Corporation LDI Fibres Lumberman's Underwriting Alliance Marquette Financial Services Marvin Windows and Doors Northern States Bank Northern States Supply Target Corporation The Schwan Food Company Wells Fargo Bank, Minnesota, N.A. . Chambers of Commerce Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce Burnsville Chamber of Commerce Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce Cottonwood County Chambers of Commerce (Con't) Greater Mankato Area Chamber of Commerce Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce Herrnantown Area Chamber of Commerce International Falls Ares Chamber of Commerce Marshall Ares Chamber of Commerce Minnesota Chamber of Commerce North Hennepin Area Chamber of Commerce Red Wing Chamber of Commerce Richfield Chamber of Commerce River Heights Chamber of Commerce Rochester Ares Chamber of Commerce Saint Paul Ares Chamber of Commerce Saint Peter Area Chamber of Commerce Twin West Chamber of Commerce Waconia Chamber of Commerce Wayzata Chamber of Commerce Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Labor AFSCME Council 5 Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1005 International Union of Operating Engineers. Local 49 Laborers District Council of Minnesota and North Dakota Local Governments Anoka County Anoka County Transit Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Beltrami County Benton County Blue Earth County Brown County Chippewa County City of Bird Island City of Bloomington City of Bumsville City of Carver City of Chaska City of Eden Prairie City of Edina City of Golden Valley City of Hutchinson City of Lake City City of North Branch City of Norwood Young America City of Plymouth City of Richfield City of Victoria City of Waconia City of Woodbury Clay County Douglas County 61 . -. . Local Governments (Con't) Downtown Minneapolis Transportation Management Organization Duluth Transit Authority Faribault County Far North Public Transit Fillmore County Goodhue County Hubbard County Kittson County Koochiching County Lake County Lake of the Woods County leSueur County Lyon County McLeod County Meeker County Metro Transitways Development Board Metropolitan Inter-County Association Municipal Legislative Commission Murray County Nicollet County Nobles County North Metro Mayors Association Olmsted County Pennington County Pipestone County Ramsey County Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority Regional Council of Mayors Renville County Rice County Sherburne County Sibley County St. Cloud Area Plauning Organization St. Cloud Metro Bus Steele County Southwest Metro Transit Tri-Cap Transit Connection Wabasha County Watonwan County Winona County Transportation Industry (Con't) Braun Intertec Corporation CH2M HILL, Inc. Cobb Strecker Dunphy and Zimmerman Concrete Paving Association of Minnesota Costas, Inc. Cretex Concrete Products North C.S McCrossan Inc. Duininck Brothers Edwards and Kelcey Inc. Gale- Tec Engineering, Inc. Grande American Bus Sales Hakanson Anderson Assoc. Inc. HDR Inc Highway Construction Industry Council HNTB Corporation Holte Contracting Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson KGM Contractors Inc Kraus-Anderson Laidlaw Transit Services leFebvre Companies, Inc. LHB Inc. Martin Marietta Materials Mathiowetz Construction Company Mathy Construction Company Mid-State Reclamation and Trucking North Central Aggregates North Central Cement Council Northstar Partners Orion Search Group Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. Progressive Consulting Engineers, Inc.. Road Machinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridge Johnson Equipment Co Inc Safety Signs SEH, Inc. Sellin Brothers, Inc. Shafer Contracting Co. Inc. Shamrock Disposal Simplex Construction Supplies SRF Consulting Group TFE Taro Express . The Hathor Group Tiller Corporation TKDA Tower Asphalt Ulland Brothers URS Corporation Valley Paving Weis Builders, Inc. Wheeler Consolidated lnc Wm Mueller & Sons, Inc. WSB & Associates, Inc. Yaggy Colby Associates Ziegler Inc. Transportation Industry AAA Striping Adolfson & Peterson Aggregate and Ready Mix Association of Minnesota AIliant Engineering American Agency, Inc. Ames Construction Anderson Brothers Construction Company Anderson Trucking Associated Builders & Contractors Inc. Associated General Contractors of Minnesota Ayres Associates Beckman Trucking Bonestroo and Associates 62 Council Agenda: 8/14/06 . 12. Consideration of l!:rantinl!: increase to the individual pension for Volunteer Firefil!:hters Relief Association members. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighters Relief Association membership is requesting the City Council approval of an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $3,050 per year of service to either $3,275, $3,300 or $3,325 per year of service for more than 20 years of service on the fire department. If the middle option was selected, the increase would total an addition $250 per year (8%). The following is a summary of the previous benefit increases that have been approved: . YEAR 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 BENEFIT AMOUNT $1,300 $1,325 $1,375 $1,575 $1,925 $2,025 $2,085 $2,175 $2,225 $2,625 $3,050 By August 1 st of each year, the Fire Relief Association is to present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and the total liabilities associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the association. The three schedules enclosed with the agenda indicate that the first two increases could be provided to the members without any municipal contribution being required, but the third option would require City tax support of $924. At the requested amount of $3,275, the report indicates a surplus of $2,429 while the $3,300 option reduces that surplus to $756. . In the past it has been City Council's policy that they would only consider increases to occur in the yearly pension amounts if the association had sufficient income projected to cover the increase. In other words, the state aid and interest earnings on investments need to be at a sufficient level to cover the normal cost of the pension calculations based on the requested amount. According to the schedules, an increase to $3,275 or $3,300 meets this requirement. In the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would require a contribution from the City as a tax levy (the third option $3,325). Because of the large amount of the state aid that the relief association receives, the members have been able to obtain substantial increases in their pension benefits without the need for any taxpayer support and the pension level provided under any of the options would provide benefits that are equal to or higher than many surrounding volunteer fire departments. The schedules prepared by the fire department follow state formulas for determining benefit levels and assume that the association's assets will continue to earn at least 5% interest on their investments and also assume that the state aid payments received by the Fire Department continue in the future. The state aid for the relief association has grown substantially over the years now amounting to over $96,000 in revenue. While any benefits that are increased and approved by the City Council 63 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 assumes that interest income and state aid continue at its present level, there isn't any guarantee that state aid couldn't be cut by the state in the future like they have done to other state aid programs. While it is very unlikely that this would occur, once benefits are approved by the City Council, the City would be obligated to maintain those benefits regardless of the association's income in the future. The only reason I mention this is to caution the Council that some of the association's income is subject to the control of other agencies which could leave the city vulnerable for any shortfall. The continued increase in state aid payments to the Fire Department relate to the amount of insurance premiums paid by local residents and businesses, and with our continued growth in both commercial, industrial and residential properties, this is the main reason for the relief association receiving increased state aid payment. There is no reason to believe that this trend will not continue in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant an increase to $3,300 per year. This increase, according to the relief association's schedule, would not require a city contribution and should be able to be funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, although there is not a guarantee. This amount is the middle option provided by the association and indicates a cushion of approximately $756. 2. Grant an increase in benefits somewhere between the current $3,050 and the requested $3,300 per year of service. 3. Do not grant an increase in benefits at this time and only allow the increase to occur when the association has more assets than liabilities. At this time, it would still take a few more years for the association to have enough assets to equalllO% of their liability which would allow them to increase their own benefits without Council approval. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In the past, the Council has granted increases that have provided a general cushion in the area of$2,500, which would only allow an increase to $3,275 per year (the low option). The middle option does still provide an estimated cushion of $756, but any downtown in the economy or reduction in state aid could have a potential liability for the City that would require contributions from taxes to continue the pension program. lfthe Council wishes to continue with a general surplus in the area of $2,500 when considering increases, the aunual benefit of $3,275 should be selected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Computation of benefits for each member at $3,275, $3,300 and $3,325 per year level. 64 amendment is approved, it would be phased in over a five year period. Brian Stumpf liked the proposal since it could increase the state aid funds the City receives and he noted that it was not just the metro area that was supporting this. Tom Perrault stated he did not support this resolution because at least 40% could go to mass transit and he felt it should all go to roads. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE MVST (MOTOR VEHICLE SALES TAX) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 12. Consideration of l!:rantinl!: increase to the individual pension for volunteer firefil!:hters relief association members. Brian Stumpf stated that as a vested member of the relief association, he would be abstaining from voting on this agenda item. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated that the relief association must request Council approval of any increase in benefits by August 1st of each year unless the assets of the relief association exceed the liabilities. In that case, Council approval of a pension increase is not required. Currently the pension benefit is $3,050 per year of service and the relief association submitted information for three options: 1) Increasing the pension benefit to $3,275; 2) Increasing the pension benefit to $3,300 and 3) Increasing the pension benefit to $3,325. The relief association gets their revenue from state aid payments and investments. Of the three schedules presented, the increase to $3,275 and $3,300 would not require any City contribution but the increase to $3,325 would require a contribution of $924. Wayne Mayer felt that by increasing the pension benefit, the liability amount is increasing which widens the gap between the assets and the liabilities. He felt that perhaps the pension increase should not be as great so that the relief association can close the gap between their assets and liabilities and at that point be able to determine their pension benefit without the need for Council approval. Brian Stumpf stated that there was only one occasion where the City had made a contribution to the relief association and that was a minimal amount. He emphasized that the pension benefit was not coming from taxes and posed no hardship for the taxpayer. Wayne Mayer stated the reason he would propose the $3,275 amount is the hope that it will help the relief association assets catch up with the liabilities so the relief association can then make their own determination of pension benefit. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO GRANT AN INCREASE TO THE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR THE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS OF $3,275 PER YEAR. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AND BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. o ~ o '" en ?' ~ :-' ~ ?" '" > ~ ~. >< " w -< " w >< '" v> ~ - ~. >< 1;1 ~ ~. > ~ ~. >< " v> > ~ ~. >< 1;1 ~ ~. - v> 1:1 '" ~ =l 8. 9' ( - w 1:1 '" if 8. i' Ol ~ - v> 1:1 '" if 8. 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B.. g '" 0 0' = lD ~r go = Q, r- ~ ~ 0 S ~ .g g' ~ e- - '< ",. .. l; ~ a I o '" ~ ~ ....,,,, .. ..- g- B. '" ~ i ~ ~. .~ '" '" ~ .5 ~ ~ ~ g '" .. a. ~ .. ~ 2.. ::t. Q l r~ 0 a- '" = " 6- 6 g- ~ s- f ('. ~~ If f ~ n, }. .. ~ " to.> 3: I. ~ l - .. '" 0 ~. g ~ e-a; of = 1ll.1 rLJ a. "" g ~ '" !3 1 ~!f I!. ~. f~ "" n $ If >6' ",,< ! . ~ :..., p:- I!. -.J ~ J ~. to.> 5' i ~ g.g- g, Co 6' i Sl "" i..J :ij [ t g- " '" " ~ ;; =;" g- of ;:::.-- o 2.. i ~ ~ .. i ,.J ~ ~ . ~. ~ ,,0 i a3' '" - ~ .... '" s r ~ 2 <>. 0 !;! 1"' () 0" .g >6' = ~ S' 0 '< '" o .... ~ .. ....,8 ~ '" e-s. I!- ~ ri . 13. Council Agenda: 8/14/06 Consideration of Review of Bids for Xcel Field #4 Fencinl!: and Backstop City Proiect 2006-19C. (S.N.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Xcel Recreation Ballfields were constructed in 1992 with a design based on softball and baseball use as the primary recreational use for this sports complex. Xcel recreation fields are set up with fields 1,2,3 as softball fields and field #4 as a baseball field, promoting different uses for the fields. Field #4 was used for several years by the baseball association, but slowly received less use. In 2001 the baseball fields were constructed at the new high school and Field #4 at Xcellost most of the use by baseball. In 2003 the only baseball being played at field #4 was the Monticello Polecats on occasion and they ceased use on the field as well. The last three years Field #4 has solely been used by the softball association as a backup field with the Park Department installing a temporary backstop and outfield fence to make the field usable by softball. The temporary fence and backstop that has been installed every year is a safety issue because the fence is not designed for this type of use. . The Parks Department has had fields 1,2,3 fencing and backstop replaced in the last few years due to old and unsafe fence. Field #4 is the last field in need of new fencing and would be replaced with fencing according to softball regulations, so the field could once again be used as it should be. The Parks Dept. has discussed this change with both baseball and softball associations and they are in agreement with the Parks Department. Softball association would benefit by being able to play more games and host more tournaments because of the extra field. This will increase concession sales and travel to the area for the games and tournaments. In 2006 the Park Superintendent began looking at ways to install barrier netting at freeway soccer field. The poles from the old backstop at Xcel fields could be used for this project. The barrier net and poles have been installed at the south end of freeway soccer field but the backstop poles from Xcel could be used at the North end of the field and save the City of Monticello approximately $1000.00 for the cost of the poles. In mid-July, 2006, plans and specifications were drafted for bidding the Xcel Field #4 Fencing and Backstop using specifications similar to the other three fencing and backstops that have been replaced in the past three years at Xcel ballfields. Bids were due to be returned on August 4th, 2006. On August 4th, 2006, bids were received from 2 separate fence companies. The lowest bid received was from Oberg Fencing of Deerwood, MN for fencing and backstop at an installed price $19,867.00. Authority Fencing of Monticello, MN, with offices in Clearwater came in at an installed price of $29,120.00. After the bid opening, it was determined that the price from Oberg Fencing was very low and that it was $9,253.00 below the second bidder. In checking the bid further with Oberg Fencing, it was determined that they had missed the concrete work in the specifications. Oberg Fencing then decided to retract their bid. . Funding for this project is in the park budget in an amount of $30,000.00 for park improvements. 92 . . . Council Agenda: 8/14/06 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative action would be to reject all bids and to direct staff to re bid the project and return all bid bonds. 2. The second alternative would be to inform Oberg Fencing that their bid bond would be cashed for failure to obtain information on contract. Then reject the other bid and re bid the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Parks Superintendent and Public Works Director recommend re-bidding the project as outlined in alternative # 1, D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid tabulation, map of Xce1 Ballfields and field #4, and pictures of existing fence and old field #4 fence. 93 Council Agenda - 08/14/2006 . 14. Review of lil!htinl! Dlans and cost estimates for School Boulevard and uDdate on other lil!htinl! Droiects and costs. and consideration of orderinl! a feasibility reDort for Dendinl! lil!htinl! Droiects. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous Council Meeting in July, Councilman Posusta questioned why street lighting, other than intersections, had not been installed on School Boulevard from CSAH 18 (Fenning Avenue) to Edmonson A venue (Old CR 117). Councilman Posusta indicated there was a great need for lighting along this street as it is very dark and there is a lot of pedestrian traffic with the schools and playgrounds. In addition, Mayor Herbst requested information on the upgrading of our residential lighting throughout the community and requested information in regard to what lighting projects were anticipated in the future along with what has been done recently. With this information in mind I put together a spreadsheet showing major lighting projects which are currently in the planning stages or completed or scheduled for completion this year. . If you refer to the spreadsheet which is included in your agenda packet, you will see item #1 and #IA involve lighting and pedestrian safety improvements to School Boulevard. It is unlikely that any significant portion of this project could be assessed. We have talked previously about possibly assessing the school district for a portion of the pedestrian lighting but the bulk of the costs would have to be paid for by the City. Without assessing these costs you could order the Public Works Director and the City Engineer to begin work immediately to make the lighting and pedestrian safety improvements as noted in Phase II ofWSB's report and the lighting layout included in your packet. Item #2 on the Lighting Projects in Process is the Chelsea Road West and Dalton Avenue project in the new industrial park. This involves the existing streets and this project could be assessed, although the City owns most of the property out there. The north side of Chelsea Road could be assessed to Chadwick and Moon Motors. I believe the Industrial Development Committee and Ollie would like to see this moved forward. The City could order a feasibility study, accept the feasibility study as written and drafted with this report and order a public hearing on the project. Item #3 on the spreadsheet involves lighting East 7th Street from Washington to St. Ben's driveway. This area is extremely dark and there is really no power laid out along the street. A portion of this project could be assessed to the church. There are some undeveloped parcels, however, along the freeway as well. If the City Council wishes to move ahead with this project which is probably a good idea since this street will see major traffic in the near future. They could again order the feasibility study, accept the information contained within this agenda packet as the feasibility report and order a public hearing. . Item #4 involves the street lighting through the Ryan property along 7th Street and Highland Way. City Staff and WSB have been working with the Ryan Corporation to get them to do this lighting as part of their project by working through Xcel Energy. They have indicated they felt that the development agreement only refers to one light when it indicates that the developer should light 7'h Street and Highland Way. They take this to mean one light at the intersection of Highland Way and 7'h Street and that they are not required to meet the City's lighting policy. It is my understanding that they are now looking at having the work done themselves or having the City also bid the work out. I did a layout for the Ryan portion of 7th Street and Highland Way 98 . Council Meeting - / /2006 and it appears that it would take approximately nine lights to light this area in compliance with City Policy. Originally a rough estimate without doing a layout or the final plan indicated five lights would probably be needed. An unverified construction cost estimate for this project would be $81,120. Unverified means that it has not been estimated by a contractor or utility company. Item #5 from the Lighting Projects in Process spreadsheet is the ornamental lighting being done on Cedar Street from Dundas to Chelsea. This is provided for your information only as this work has been ordered and will be assessed as part ofthe project. Item #6 is a lighting plan for Chelsea Road East from Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18 which is Fenning Avenue. It is my understanding that an agreement with Sean Weinan indicates that this road will be improved next year. Consequently, the lighting plan is in place to do that and estimates are included on the spreadsheet. Item #7 on the spreadsheet is lighting along Oakwood Drive from TH 25 to the end of the cui de sac. There is a lot of pedestrian traffic in this area and the only street lighting are at intersections. This project would consist of using the double fixture ornamental poles along Oakwood Drive from TH 25 and would include the intersection of Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive. After this point the lighting would change from the ornamental to the rectilinear 250 watt high pressure sodium fixtures on 25' aluminum poles. . The estimated construction cost on this project would be $43,200. This does not include lighting the section of Cedar Street between Oakwood Drive and Chelsea Road. No one to my knowledge has officially requested or petitioned for the lighting along that street. It seems appropriate that some time in the future the ornamental lighting would be continued between Oakwood Drive and Chelsea Road to compliment what is already there. That could be added to the Oakwood Drive Project if such a request is made from the property owners or the City Council wishes to complete that section of the lighting. The last item on the spreadsheet is the Meadow Oak Avenue lighting from CSAH 18 to Freeway Fields. The lighting on Meadow Oak Avenue was put in last winter due to the high volume of traffic in the area, the lack of lighting and the curves in the road. Originally planned as temporary lighting, leased lighting was installed which is semi-permanent which consists of direct bury fiberglass poles and wire installed without conduit. The up-front cost is less than normal lighting but the monthly charge is approximately three times the normal rate. In addition to these lighting projects, we are upgrading the lighting along the core city projects on the west end of town. Last year several lights were added to West River Street, Sandy Lane and Oak Lane. This work was done through Xcel Energy in conjunction with the Core City Reconstruction Project. Similar requests had been made of Xcel Energy to add lighting along Otter Creek Road and West River Street as part of this year's Core City Reconstruction Project. With Xcel Energy's current workload, I would expect this lighting to not be complete until late in the year. . Fill in lights have been added over the past couple of years in the Klein Farms Development, the Oak Ridge Development and the Wildwood Ridge Development. $35,000 has been budgeted for add on lighting in developments for 2006 and $100,000 has been placed in the 2007 budget for step up and added lighting. 99 Council Agenda - 08/14/2006 . For 2006 four additional lights have been ordered from Xcel Energy for the Klein Farms Estates Developments. In addition, a plan has been developed to add at least five more lights in the Klein Farms Development. These lights will be of the new style and plans are being developed with Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric to begin replacements of some of the older lighting with the new fixtures. . Some of the major projects discussed previously in your agenda packet could be completed by late fall or early spring. Certainly the School Boulevard lighting project and pedestrian safety project has merit and could be moved forward. The Chelsea Road West and the Dalton Avenue lighting in the new industrial park should be ordered and you can take action as previously discussed to get this project rolling. I would also recommend that you seriously consider installing the lighting on East 7th Street from Washington Street to St. Ben's driveway, and either install the lighting in the Ryan Development and assess them for it or have them install the lighting through one of the utility companies in accordance with City Policy. The other projects in the planning stages such as Chelsea Road East and Oakwood Drive could wait until the franchise is completed with Xcel Energy and a franchise fee is established to assist with lighting projects. That could take some time to complete. There are also many other lighting deficiencies within the community that have big dollar signs attached to them. Certainly CSAH 75 on the west end of town is totally dark as is TH 25 south of the freeway. There are many other corridors which serve as pedestrian ways which are also dark and should be looked at. The rest of 7th Street East from Washington to TH 25 should be looked at. Consequently, when 7th Street is completed on the other side of TH 25 lighting should be established on there as well. As Public Works Director I have made it a priority to get funds put in the budget that will allow me to continue to upgrade the City's lighting system and add new lights as well. We also continue to struggle with Xcel Energy in ordering and getting new lights installed, as well as even relamping our old lights. These efforts will be ongoing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: SCHOOL BOULEVARD: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the Public Works Director to advertise for proposals to complete the lighting between Edmonson Aven'T (Olc1 l:R 117) ~ Fenning Avenue (CSAH 18) based on an estimated cost between $250,000 - $300,000J This alternative would also include moving forward with portions or all ot the recommended pedestrian improvements presented last year at this time by WSB. Doing all ofthe Phase II proposal could be $157,000. 2. The second alternative for School Boulevard would be to do only a portion or none of the lighting project or a portion or none of the pedestrian improvements as recommended by WSB. CHELSEA ROAD WEST AND DAL TON AVENUE FROM 90TH TO CSAH 39: 1. The first alternative would be to order a feasibility report and to accept the information contained within this agenda packet as that feasibility report and send notice to benefiting property owners of a public hearing on the project set for the 28th of August if that date works with the advertising. . 100 . . . 2. Council Meeting - / /2006 The second alternative would be not to move forward with the project of lighting the industrial park. EAST 7TH STREET FROM WASHINGTON TO ST. BEN'S DRIVEWAY: 1. The first alternative is to order a feasibility study and to accept the information contained within this a~enda packet as that feasibility studl and to order a public hearing on the lighting of 7' Street East to be held on the 28' of August if that date works for the advertising. 2. The second alternative would be not to move forward with the lighting of East 7th Street. HIGHLAND WAY & EAST 7TH STREET FROM ST. BEN'S DRIVEWAY TO CSAH 18 (RYAN PROPERTY): 1. The first alternative would be to order a feasibility and accept the report based upon the information contained within this agenda packet and to order a public hearing on the lighting improvements to East 7'h Street & Highland Way in the Ryan Property. The public hearing to be held on the 28th of August if that date works with the advertising. 2. The second alternative would be to not move forward with the public hearing but to order the Ryan Company to work with Xcel Energy to establish lighting along East 7th Street & Highland Way in conformance with the City's Lighting Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council move forward with the lighting and pedestrian improvements to School Boulevard as originally requested by Councilman Posusta and to order and accept the feasibility reports and order public hearings for the Chelsea Road West & Dalton Avenue Lighting Project in the industrial park, for the East 7th Street Lighting from Washington Street to St. Ben's driveway, and the lighting within the Ryan Property with the public hearings to be held on August 28, 2006. It is further recommended that we continue and renew negotiations with Xcel Energy to complete a new franchise agreement and franchise fee to move forward with the many lighting projects down the road in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Lighting Projects in Process spreadsheet and the layouts of the lighting that accompany those spreadsheets; Copy of the Council Agenda Item and Report from August 22, 2005, regarding the School Boulevard Pedestrian Crossing Study done by WSB. 101 00 f- f-'O:: Zo..O w:ao.. :a::>w WWo:: 0:: 1Il >f-W lo:: OZoo w 0:: o::w:;: 0 < o..~o:: 0:: ::;; ~:aw 0 w Z 0:: >-0::0.. 0 <woo :;:0..< IOoo f-Zf- <<::> 0.. 0 f- >- >- 0 h: w h: a:: w --' f- 0.. W"'- W 00 0 <0> 0.. .. - ('0 15 ('. 0:: D- O w 0..0:: --'Clo:: 0:: -' --'z ~~ 5zw 0.. 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Each one of the 200 series offers a specific and different appearance, yet each provides unmatched photometric performance while utilizing reflec- tors, rotolok ballast assemblies and refractors common to all, thus minimizing inventory needs From roadway lighting to parking lots, walkways, waterfronts and recreational areas, one of the exceptional luminaires from the 200 series can fill your needs K201 The Radian - -II ;; I I J l T --= -., K202 The Argosy K203TheFalGOnridge ,,:(.{., . (2) 5/8--1t THRU 9OL.TS (U'HCIII TO Sf cmRlllNEIl) KAJO-S-I' .... \ C/W DECORA7M' SCROLL. WEIGHT: 15 LaS toPA: 1.30 SQ.FT PAINT: T.s.... S' c. (,Y'POOx.) REV. ALTERATION ElY 31 1/2- \ (~J I IIN'N"rw ~"~II"'Jr.J.TTnN~ CATAUlGUt No" I<2OS-EGP-III-.IOOC(lO()() -x)l)C-lOOC-KPr..2.0 .... ll.Wll.lS LU~A!' WEIGHT': T II LBS E.P.A.: 1.42 SQ.FT' PAINT: T.8-, l>1J<Um1"y, GUJJE: MAT'lJ ti-ASS IES CLAS$U'It.i TYPE In "linAGE- T.I.A. UGHT SI1IJRC[I T..A. LIHE VC\.TAOO T.lA PAlNTl T.JA. omaNS< kPcao LEVELlHG DE:VIa: tmD LAMP IV anos ..,-j2"f- ~ IT II/:l" IS- ...- ,. . Mft! '""" - 12" 1<MO-5-'-3' II SCROt.L NI>> elW 1lEl:0RAlM: SCROLL f-." I WEK>>m 11 LBS -, ~~:r: i.~ SQft ARMUOUNTlNG 81Ur.KEl" I 1I111"'.'D~ ~PN"fnr.ATTI"lN~ CATAUJGUE He.. KlGl-EGP-nr'"'XXJ((lUU() -....-......1<l'Ua llUAortTYo GLDIE: HAT1.J a..ASS ra Q.ASS'IF'Ic.. TYPE II[ 'w'ATTAO& T.U. LIGHT sm.MC[l T.I.A. l.lHE va.. TAtiEl T.M PAINT. T.B.A. IPTl[J($I KPLlO l.tVEUNG DEVICE tIm'l UJIP IT DTtDS 3/iJi" - · HI:< H~ !Ol.T lC I 1 2'" L.OHC I. 3/'"-" UHC tAPPm ij~ lHRlI A1 WS1' 1/2 lHK. WA'TERWJ ARM tprr.rnr...~ C",TALDGUE HD.l J(A3Q-oS-HS' RUANTml ~TERfAl.J .....- (2) 3/+. :c PAJHT. l-tl2"'~ ALUMINJH T..... ..~ ~tt1"r:ATmN! CATAUlGUE NC.i KA<fO-S-l:-3' .....TtTYo HA TERlALJ AUlHINUH PAINT! T.lI.A. JO' 0" C21 0/8"-11 "''''' ....'" ILDlcmt TO 'E OiTER",HED) 1<211,_ ~~'LllS !.P....: 1...., SQ.fT PAINT: T.8.A. 3/8--11 HEX HDD BDl.T , I 1/2" LO~ CN!ED!l~ ""-I. UIlC tAPPED PH "'RU .,. wsr, __, OCTACONAL POLE BY "",EllS - -(,z- I POLE En' OTHERS lC 30 ~ '" 1'- I..c. (,Y'I'ROX.) TOP VIEIJ ~ raNG LUMlNAlRE -- 6I01IlUUl'Iurtr.f',c....,. ,.'O'_2..~CI<<J llUlIMIaN. OM'MD, ~ U'I>> nu srm: IKlUII .... .....-, ....-....... CONCEPT D'WG ~CT/OJm:I,l~ REV. .IWlE XCEL MONTICELLO \,DWQS\201.u103 ~o(a~ .,f/-PL(;;ooS' Rectilinear Straight to the light The Rectilinear has a straight forward approach to providing optimum light levels and a clear crisp look to your community. I\SP 1971 Gateway Boulevard, Arden Hills, MN 55112 . www.nspco.com . 1-800-960-6235 =2000 Northern States Power Company . .' . i. Council Agenda - 8/22/05 15. Accept Report and Authorize Staff to Implement Recommendations for the School Boulevard Pedestrian Studv) (WSB/JS/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . The City Council requested that a pedestrian study be completed for School Boulevard between CSAH l8 and TH 25. This study has now been completed and is attached for City Council review and approval. The purpose of this study was to review the existing pedestrian crossing locations and recommend improvements that would improve the pedestrian safety and flow adjacent to and across School Boulevard between CSAH 18 and TH 25. The study included conducting an inventory of the existing in-place pedestrian signing and pavement markings, conducting a pedestrian and traffic count along the roadway, meeting with school district staff to review alternatives, and preparing final recommendations and cost estimates for alternative improvements. The results of this study recommends a two-phase implementation. The first phase (2005) would involve installation of "low-cost" improvements including signing and striping improvements, pedestrian ramps, and temporary bump-outs along School Boulevard. The second phase (2006) would include reviewing the temporary bump-outs, consideration of installation of a pedestrian flasher, and the addition of bituminous path segments on the south side of School Boulevard. In addition, the results of the speed study would be known and could be factored into the need for additional improvements. The estimated cost of the Phase I improvements is $9,000, of which the school district has agreed to pay 50 percent. It is assumed that City maintenance forces would fabricate and erect the signs within the City's right-of-way. The other items will be completed by a contractor. The Phase II costs are estimated at $ I 57,000 and would primarily be City cost. The cost assumes that permanent bump-outs would be installed. It is anticipated that the Phase II improvements would be reviewed and brought back to City Council for approval at a later date. The study process included input from the Jim Johnson, Superintendent of Schools who reviewed the preliminary analysis/recommendations from the traffic engineer and provided input accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . c. I. Motion to accept the report and authorize staff to implement recommendations. 2. Motion to accept report with alternative recommendations. 3. Do nothing at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No.1. ('. '/.)"<1/1I1L'//I,'- ,,,I<' S"/Iill.l!.,idu'm.;:mn;I1J-'l''', ("PJ."cul S~lIi"K." l~ml"mlr.r flll~r/l(!1 h/re_'if )/.1';,-1 ;.~(;,V IlAf..!'t'd<'SIJ'iWI em.,sillK Smd".rJN!21J5..lrJi I ~ -.:2 7,1 ~ . WSB & Associates file. Memorandum To; Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From; Chuck Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E., Transportation Engineer Date; August 17, 2005 Re; School Boulevard Pedestrian Crossing Study City of Monticello, MN WSB Project No. 1627-18 Introduction I Backl!round . Traffic and pedestrian volume on School Blvd. are continuing to increase. This is evident with the recent completion of the Wal-Mart store and other planned commercial areas along School Blvd. In order to provide for the safest conditions for both pedestrians and vehicles, the City Council requested that a Pedestrian Crossing Study be completed documenting the existing deficiencies and recommending improvements to improve safety for pedestrians in the corridor. The study was conducted along School Blvd. from County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 18 to Trunk Highway (TH) 25 and included: I. Collecting the existing traffic and pedestrian flow in the corridor. 2. Documenting existing signing and striping along the corridor. 3. Analysis of alternatives for improvements to safety and operations. 4. Recommendations of improvements to improve safety and operations. Existinl! Conditions The existing conditions in the corridor were documented and are discussed below: I. Traffic Volume I Pedestrian Volumes A pedestrian and traffic volume count was conducted during the week of April 18, 2005. Based on this data, it was found that the average daily traffic on School Blvd. between Fallon Avenue and CSAH 18 is approximately 5,800 vehicles per day. During the period from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., there were approximately 40 pedestrians crossing School Blvd. between TH 25 and CSAH 18. Over the period from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., there were approximately 130 pedestrians crossing School Blvd. . '-')J,,,,,,,,,.,,,., .",,' ,"'''ii,,~., """"..~""'si.,~<',. (N""""S".'''''C''''/'''''I''Ir''~'' ''','em,-' I'i., f!l,;';.IJII \/lI_i"", _"".',<115..1." 15-d31 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello August 17.2005 Page 3 The existing marked crossings will be maintained at: . Pelican Avenue . Mid-Block at Little Mountain School . Edmondson Avenue . Cedar Street . TH 25 This alternative would provide the following: a. Advanced pedestrian crossing signs for westbound traffic at CSAH 18 and for eastbound traffic at Edmondson A venue. b. Crosswalk signing would be located at each existing and new crosswalk with a down arrow through the corridor. c. Relocation of the existing marked and signed crosswalk at Fallon Avenue from the west side to the east side. d. Addition of a new marked and signed crosswalk at a mid-block location adjacent to the high school. e. Installation of pedestrian curb ramps at Pelican Avenue. All signing would be the pedestrian crossing signing, not the school crossing signing in order to be consistent through the corridor. Estimated cost: S 7. 500. This cost includes fabrication and installation of signing within the City right-of-way by City forces. All other costs will be contracted. 2. Bump-Outs Two mid-block locations between CSAH 18 and Fallon Avenue have a considerable number of pedestrians crossing during the peak hours. These locations were at the existing crosswalk between Little Mountain Elementary School and the High School and at a location adjacent to the High School driveways between Eider Lane and Pelican A venue. This alternative would provide six-foot bump-outs at each of these locations. These bump-outs could either be in the form of temporary removable bollards or permanent raise concrete curb and gutter sections. The purpose of the bump-outs would be to bring attention to vehicles traveling on School Boulevard that a crossing condition exists at these locations. They would provide a safe location for pedestrians to congregate prior to crossing. In addition, it would reduce the length of street that a pedestrian would have to cross. Estimated Cost: Temporary bump-outs 51,500, permanent bump-outs - 572,000, installed by City Maintenanceforces ('.-,I),.c.."""U;.,"'..,'';"''i'''''../'',,.,,..,.,,'.........V,.,' fl.'" 1I'("li"."_"'/"",(""',,r, i",.,,...,- Fii"_""""-.I'.'.I!:"Iftf_/"""'.'J,I',,_'.,j.,, JS-dY{ . . . Honorable Mayor and City Counci I City of Monticello August 17,2005 Page 5 5, Several pedestrians were also crossing School Blvd, on the east side of Fallon A venue, where there is not currently a marked crosswalk versus the west side where there is a marked crosswalk. 6. The current signed and marked crosswalks are adequate in some cases; however, a more consistent and logical system should be implemented. 7. A school speed zone is posted between CSAH 18 and Fallon A venue reducing the' speed from 45 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. when children are present. This speed is excessive especially with the amount of pedestrian volume and vehicular volume through the corridor. A speed study should be completed to review possible reduction in speed limits. 8. Providing a safe location for pedestrians to congregate and be visible to vehicles on School Blvd. should be considered. Recommendations Based on the conclusions and findings discussed above, a phased improvement implementation is proposed. 1. Phase I - 2005 Improvements a. Provide crosswalk signing that is more consistent and to identify all crosswalks throughout the corridor. b. Mark a crosswalk connection from the high school across School Blvd. This would incl ude striping of the crosswalk and signing as indicated above. c. Relocate the marked crosswalk at Fallon Avenue from the west side to the east side of the roadway. d. Install pedestrian ped ramps at the existing Pelican Avenue crossing e. Install a temporary (removable bollards) bump-out at the two mid-block crosswalks between Fallon Avenue and CSAH 18. The bollards would be removed for winter snow plows. The use of the temporary bump-outs would be evaluated in the spring. The estimated cost for Phase I improvements would be $9,000. .. -:'/),,,.,,,,,,.,,,, '''',' S,'lIj"g'-"""'n.~,'"x_'''',,'r.( N..,..' "di"'.".,',J~"".r:"mr', :'",'rm" /-ih'"" JI./.. \/!;',' " L!""v_'I".'.W'..i", 15-d'-i3 . Council Minutes. 8/22/05 facilities at that time noting that the lift stations can more easily be adjusted to accommodate growth than a force main. It was noted that before the annexation boundary could be extended, 75% of the area would have to have been annexed into the City. Wayne Mayer asked about the cost of going from a 6" force main to 8" force main. Bret Weiss said they could probably keep an 8" force main clean. Bret Weiss said they would see how far they could serve with a 6" force main and do a comparison with an 8" force main. Tom Perrault stated that because he has a relative involved in this project, he would abstain from voting on the item. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. 15. Consideration of acceDtinl! re90rt and authorizin~ staff to imDlement recommendations for School Boulevard Pedestrian Crossin!!: Studv. . WSB & Associates'did traffic and pedestrian counts in the area of School Boulevard from CSAH 18 to TH 25. There is currently a pathway extending along the north side of School Boulevard and there are some segments of pathway along the south side of the street. The speed limit is 45 mph or 30 mph when children are present. In doing the study they found there was not uniformity in the signing for existing pedestrian crossings. The study results in a proposal for short term improvements to be made as well as long term improvements. Phase I improvements which would take place in 2005 would include: I) Update the pedestrian crossing signs including striping improvements and pedestrian ramps; 2) temporary bump-outs along School Boulevard. Phase II would evaluate the effectiveness of the temporary bump-outs. If effective, permanent bump-outs would be installed as well as a pedestrian flasher and completion of additional segments of pathway on the south side of School Boulevard. The estimated cost of Phase I is $9,000 and Phase II is estimated at $157,000. Bret Weiss felt there would be a better chance oflowering the speed limit if the pedestrian improvements are in. He noted there are two issues on School Boulevard; one is the speed of vehicles and the other is vehicles do not stop for pedestrians. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PHASE I OF THE RECOMMENDED PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS FOR SCHOOL BOULEVARD. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: . Sandberg Road: Tom Perrault noted that work had been done on Sandberg Road north of Chelsea Road and he wanted to know when that work would be completed. Bret Weiss indicated that the previous Council had approved milling the blacktop off and putting an overlay on it. At a subsequent 16 . . . Council Agenda - 08/14/2006 15. Review of site plan. buildinl! floor plans and updated cost estimates and schedule for the Biosolids Dryer Proiect. #2003-02C. (I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The design process for the Biosolids Dryer Facility at the WWTP is well under way. Site plans and grading plans have been completed for the construction, as well as building layout plans for the dryer buildings using a different layout for each manufacturer of equipment. In addition, the layout has been completed for the Biosolids Vehicle Storage Building which will house some of the equipment currently at the farm and the 4,000 gallon nurse unit which is currently stored in the repair shop. Site plans and building layouts are included in the agenda packet for your review. Also included is an updated construction cost estimate for heat drying. This estimate not only includes the heat drying portion but the expansion portion of the plant which looks at modifYing the existing sludge storage tank for a secondary digester and adding a new DAF facility in place of one of the sludge storage tanks. Proposed construction costs are up slightly from a year ago at this time when the costs were estimated at $4 million for the heat drying, $3.75 million for the expansion of the plant, which would be $7.75 million. Current estimates are $7,450,000 for both sections. This does not include the construction costs for the vehicle storage building estimated at $265,000. Adding a 10% contingency for the project is $745,000 and adding a contingency for the vehicle storage building is $26,500. Bob Brown will update the Council at the meeting and discuss any changes the Council may wish to make. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to review the project with Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk at the Council Meeting and authorize to continue moving forward with the project including the biosolids vehicle storage building. 2. The second alternative after reviewing the project with Bob Brown would be to again delete the biosolids vehicle storage building and other changes as requested by the Council and continue moving forward with the project. 3. The third alternative after review of the project would be to cease moving forward with the project and look at other alternatives. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since our Building Committee has not met to go over all of the recent data I cannot speak for their recommendations, however, as Public Works Director I would recommend that the core project continue and I would hope that the City Council can see fit to build the biosolids vehicle storage building at this time rather than delay it again to some future stage. As Public Works Director I would recommend alternative #1. 102 . . . Council Meeting - 08/14/2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the cost updates, site plans and building layouts. 103 e Updated Construction Cost Estimate Heat Drying City of Monticello, Minnesota AUl{ust, 2006 Item 1. Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance 2. Site WorklExcavation 3. Site Piping 4. Anaerobic Digestion Modifications 5. Building 6. Belt Press (2) 7. Heat Drying Equipment/Platforms 8. Pumps 9. Chemical Feed Equipment 10. Process Piping & Valves II. Bagging/Solids Loadout Equipment 12. HVAC 13. Equipment Installation 14. ElectricallControls 15. Demolition 16. Odor Control Connection S ubtotaI e Contingencies (10%) Total Estimated Costs e Cost $ 300,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 950,000 550,000 2,450,000 150,000 50,000 250,000 200,000 500,000 300,000 750,000 50,000 150,000 $7,450,000 745,000 $8,195,000 e Construction Cost Estimate Vehicle Storage Building City of Monticello, Minnesota AU2llst, 2006 Item 1. Site WorklExcavation 2. Masonry 3. Concrete/Bituminous 4. Garage Doors 5. HV AC/Mechanical/Plumbing 6. Electrical 7. Painting Subtotal Contingencies (10%) Total Estimated Costs e e Cost 5,000 120,000 50,000 35,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 265,000 26,500 $291,5000 / ~ "I //'///' /,,,,/" ~~ '" rt'^' / / I /- ~/. \ I //>/:/;////,,~ I I '0' ' " ~ ,//,/;u/J/, \, I // /./ / / /' / 1)//'/////;"'/ ") 1/ " ---- '1'1//// //';';'1//;:;;0/'/1")',"(\ ~ j'l / j//- /' // /' !!t!ti' I/'~//:<-:/ '- -::-// ,,' ,/ '7/ /'/,tJ/ II' '( / r ./j/ // / //"/ 1/'/11///1 II <" ,\'\W\\\VI :---;/'~./ ///;'>;;'9/ ~,/!I(((,IUI\Lv".'\. 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"''0 >-' CD H 0 .... 0 '" '" O~' "'~ "'CD QGl " t"t"' uw " ..'" ....'0 00 OH :<lUl" , H <:cl " 0><: '0 '" ,0 '" oJ'" '0 '" 3: 00 oz <:cl ",H "''' '0", ,.'" "'" ",0 . Council Agenda - 08/14/06 Council Update - MN Department of Revenue sales tax audit. (C.S., R.W.) This item is to make City Council aware of an upcoming sales and use tax audit being conducted by the MN Department of Revenue on August 16 and 17. In 2002, the Department of Revenue made some major changes in the sales tax guidelines that determine what is taxable and what is not taxable in the state. Since that time, a majority of the information has been available through fact sheets on the department's website. It has been the responsibility of local governments to become familiar with this information by reading fact sheets and attending sales tax seminars. Over the past few years, the Department of Revenue started conducting sales tax audits at various county and city governments to determine if the correct sales and use tax has been paid to the state. In cases that we are aware of in the surrounding area, the findings have been in favor of the state. The audit process assumes that the Department of Revenue can go back as far as three years to bill for sales tax liabilities. This has resulted in local entities receiving bills in amounts ranging from several thousand dollars to over $100,000. . The finance department wishes to assure Council that we have made diligent efforts since 2002 to keep up with the sales tax guidelines and interpretations. We have attended sales tax seminars, printed most fact sheets from the website and read them, and emailed the Department of Revenue when we were not sure of the taxable status. Over the past three years (and probable audit period), we discovered various situations that should have been taxable and made changes accordingly. We do believe that there are areas where the Department of Revenue may find discrepancies within this three year period. Since this audit could result in a billing to the City, we wanted to alert Council to this possibility in advance. We will make every effort to conduct the audit in a professional manner and report back to Council when we receive the results of the audit. . . City Council Agenda - 08/14/06 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: . . A. Karlsburger Foods, Inc. - According to WSB, the trunk line installation is completed Land conveyance (closing) will take place August 14,2006. Construction will commence August 15 or 16. The Assessment Agreement was recorded at the County stating a minimum market value of$l million on January 2,2007. Just received preliminary application for EDA loan for machinery & equipment. Washburn Computer Group - Paul Kleinwachter, Ron Hoglund and myself visited this St. Louis Park company on July 19th. The company closed on the purchase of the 31,000 sq ft Clow Stamping building on July 26, 2006. After improvements are made to the building, they hope for a October move-in date. The company is a third party maintenance service company with a national customer base such as Target and Home Depot. Forty to fifty employees (skilled [technicians] and unskilled). The company hopes to grow and expand the facility by 20,000 sq ft within two years. Precision Technologies - Completion of 10,000 sq. ft. of the 25,000 sq ft Blue Chip building along Dundas Road is moving along with Precision expected to relocate from Rogers next week. Eleven full-time jobs and with future growth of additional 5-7 jobs. I attended groundbreaking. The company specializes in CNC turning & milling, quality assured through SPC. Jim and Connie Harwood, owners. Dahlheimer's Distribution - City and IDC Grand Tour - August 17, 3:30 p.m. Don't forget to show your appreciation. Albertville Company - The first proposal based on project development expired June 1,2006. With the company's growth they are projecting a greater increase in jobs. Requested re-appling in order to prepare proposal based new projections and HRA criteria. Leads: Fabricated Glass Product Company - Requires 1-2 Zone, requested direct phone contacts of Monticello property owners. - 48,000 sq ft warehouse/distribution - also looking at JobZ in Little Falls. - Carlson Real Estate Company looking at potential future park development. - Local industrial business - I'm looking forward to working with company on future expanSIOn. - Landscape restoration/seed company - 90,000 sq ft building. 15 full time and 15 part time. Looking for 3 acres. Mailed info. - Extrusion company - looking for 60,000 sq ft existing building. 30 employees. May build. - Plymouth Landscape company - referral Chuck VanHeel. Owner lives in Monticello. Left message. B. C. D. E. F. 1 . City Council Agenda - 08/14/06 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: . . G. - Road construction contractor for State of Minnesota - 2-3 acres, seasonal workers 20-100. Trucks stored in Twin Cities. Attended Open House for Premier Bank in June. - Hosted Recognition Breakfast for Sunny Fresh in June. Thanks to those who participated and attended. Photo booklet sent to company. - Attended the Retail Trade Analysis for Monticello sponsored by the Chamber. - Made an appearance at the Manufacturing and Food Processing Seminar hosted by the County Partnership. -Was asked to facilitate round-table discussions on economic development at the Workshop on Regional Collaboration and Land Use. - WSB working on Ribbon Cutting Event for new interchange scheduled to open by August 31, 2006. - Wright County Economic Development Partnership Board meeting, July 21,2006. - Attended the BRE meeting at UMC on presentation by Jeff O'Neill- City Commitment to Service. - Attended Sunny Fresh Employee Appreciation on August 2. - Attended Focus Group for Monticello School District referendum on August 10. A VR - The city is moving forward with the purchase of an additional 53 acres from Chadwick. Fourteen acres (12 developable) are planned for conveyance to A YR. The agreement between the City and A VR is subject to approved site/building plans. Dalton Avenue will be extended southerly to property line and Dalton Court will be constructed to the west allowing entrance into the A VR site. A portion of Dalton Way is included as an Alternate Bid. This gives the City another 40 acres to market with infrastructure improvements completed by summer 2007. Transformation Home Loans - Breiwick closed and recorded mortgage document returned to HRA. $20,000 payment to title company for disbursement on behalf of the HRA. - Petersen loan closed on June 26, 2006. American Quality Title Company recording HRA mortgage. Original not returned yet. The $19,846 paid to title company who reimbursed the property owners. Recording and attorney fees responsibility ofthe HRA. Annual TIF District Reports completed and wired to the State Auditors Office, July 28. - Semi-annual TIP pay-as-you-go disbursement payments mailed August I, 2006. Marketing Committee to met August 3 to determine budget request for 2007. Fliers were mailed to local banks and Chamber office. Billboard will be up again this fall for four months beginning in August. Advertised in County Partnership membership directory and donated toward the West Metro Fringe Enterprise Network Systems H. I. J. K. 2 . . . City Council Agenda - 08/14/06 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1. M. N. Analysis. Broadway Square and River Park View Apartments (affordable senior/disabled housing units) located in TIP District No. 1-2 has been sold to Metro Plains Development Properties Management. They are applying for prepayment of its USDA Rental Housing Loan for River Park. Prepayment will give them three options: continue as affordable rental, operate as market rate housing, or sell to new owner. I'm aware Metro is looking to do improvements at Broadway Square. Fiber Optics Task Force met August 7 to review financial scenarios based on the results of the residential and business surveys. They discussed financial and legal options to begin formulating a recommendation for City Council action in September. Presentations will be given by Mayer and Dahl-Fleming at Rotary (August 28) and Chamber meetings (August 15). A Council workshop will proceed the September Council meeting. EDA Loans - The EDA loan with Eric, Carl, and Joe Bondhus has been paid-off and the balloon payment on the EDMA loan is due September 1, 2006. Otter Creek Crossing - On July 25 a meeting between city development staff and consultants discussed plans and funding for aesthetic improvements to the city owned industrial park. We market the property as an investment and the city, as the developer, requires the businesses to landscape and irrigate through recorded covenants. Things discussed were lighting along pathway for safety and boulevard tree plantings. How will the public wetland/pond areas be maintained? What has happened to the boulevard grass? What are the city's plans to landscape, irrigate, and hard surface/curb the parking area at the lift station along Chelsea Road? See attached. Comp Plan Update - Neighborhood meeting for businesses, August 16, 7:00 p.m. O. P. 3 . Otter Creek Crossing Lighting and Forestation Plans and Budget July 25, 2006 CHELSEA ROAD 2006-2007 Lighting - poles every 300 feet alternated along both sides of Chelsea Road (John Simola pricing) 3 to 4 months from order to install. Forestation - Five trees (2 inch caliper) between each light pole on south side of Chelsea Road. Estimate about 40 trees - credit from Carlisle Village. Public ponds/wetland/trees and grass along Chelsea maintained by city. Lift Station - Hard surface drive areas and irrigate (Simola to check of electric service availability). Evergreens (pines) as landscaping. Otter Creek Retaining Wall area - Plantings part of Contractor's contractlbid. . Businesses should be required to irrigate boulevard. DALTON AVENUE and DALTON COURT 2007-2008 Lighting - both sides of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court (WSB estimate $152,100) Forestation - Five trees (2 inch caliper) between each light pole on Dalton Avenue & Court both sides, Estimate about 40 trees - credit from Carlisle Village. ALTERNATE BID - DALTON WAY Lighting - both sides of Dalton Way (WSB estimate $57,000) Forestation - Five trees (2 inch caliper) between light pole on Dalton Way both sides. Estimate about 20 trees- credit from Carlisle Village. .