City Council Minutes 10-03-1967 Special70' 7:30 p.m. October 3, 1967 Special meetin,�-,' of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members C;- present: Mayor Erlandson, Gouncilmen.Soandbergq Kasper, To-oel, and Schaffer, Absent: None. T,lotion by Councilman Kasper to authorize the 11,11ayor and the Vill,�ge Clerk to sign a contract for the Village with Mr. Jay Miller `for the 'con'struction of the Ellison Park sign. 1,111otion seconded by Councilman Sandberg and carried. unanimously. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to adopted resolution approving of plans and specifications and ordering tho advertisement zf for bids for the sanitary sewer extension along West River Street. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel: and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to authorize the issuance of a license to Clark and Moores Construction Com-any.to dig sewer lines in the Village of Monticello. 1_1 ci Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Kasper to rescind his motion dated, Pl(arch 7, 1967, that reads in part "th-,_,.t the Minnesota State Public Examiners audit the Village records each yea_r." In lieu of the above that the Village engage Gruys, Johnson, and. Associate,, C.� CPA's, of Buffalo to audit 1967 Village records. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to get Gruys, Johnson, and Associc,teo CPA's, to audit the Fire Department's Firemen Relief Association Fund as required by the State of 1-ann'-sota Insurance Divi-sion., Motion seconded by Counc i ilmt:jn Kasper and carried unanimously. Meeting ��jo­ned on motion at. 8:115I/ p.m. rk � - 1