Planning Commission Agenda 06-12-2007 (Special Meeting) . . . AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 12tb, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Citizen comments. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant shopping center, a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storage, a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash, a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, a Conditional Use Permit for Minor Auto Repair, and Preliminary Plat approval. Applicant: Mills Fleet Farm. 5. Consideration of a request to call for a.public hearing for the purpose of amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the creation of a Planned Unit Development District. 6. Adjourn. Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 4. Public Hearing: - Consideration of a reauest for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stag:e and Development Stag:e Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant shoppinl! center. a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storag:e. a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash. a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store. a Conditional Use Permit for minor auto repair. and Preliminary Plat approval. Applicant: Mills Fleet Farm. (NAC) BACKGROUND Fleet Farm is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for concept stage and development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of a big box retail store, gas station, and car wash, as well as Preliminary Plat approval. The applicant is also requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage, a Conditional Use Permit for a car wash, a Conditional Use Permit for a motor fuel station/ convenience store and a Conditional Use Permit for minor auto repair. The total site is 36.04 acres in size and is located within the Monticello Commerce Center on Chelsea Road. The applicant is proposing a 273,201 square foot retail building with outdoor storage on the south side of Chelsea Road and a 4,378 square foot motor fuel station with a car wash on the north side of Chelsea Road. Both sites are currently zoned I-lA, Light Industrial. A request for Rezoning and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment is currently being considered by the City for the site as part of a separate application. The applicant submitted a request for rezoning to B-4, Regional Business on the north side of Chelsea Road, and B-4, Regional Business on the south side of Chelsea Road. However, it should be noted that the applicant's narrative request submitted with the north side rezoning request refers to a request for B-3, Highway Business Zoning. On June 5th, the Planning Commission recommended approval of rezoning for the north side parcel to B-3. As the B-3 District includes the requested conditional uses, that district has been used for analysis purposes in this report. It should be noted that the B-4 zoning district would include as permitted or conditional all the uses of a B-3 district. The rezoning requests were heard by the Planning Commission at their May and June regular meetings, and will be acted on by the City Council on June 25th, 2007. ANALYSIS The subject site is located on Chelsea Road East, within the existing Monticello Commerce Center. The site is directly south of Interstate 94 and west of the CSAH 18 interchange. The site relies on PUD for shared parking, proof of parking, building height, and multiple buildings. Comvrehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan currently designates this area for industrial use. Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. e Preliminary Plat. The site is platted as Lot I, Block 1, Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 of Mills Addition to Monticello. Lot 1, Block 1 is 29.79 acres in size and located on the south side of Chelsea Road. This lot will contain the Mills Fleet Farm retail store. Lot 2, Block 1 is also on the south side of Chelsea Road and is 3.87 acres in size. This lot is identified for future development. Lot 1, Block 2 is located on the north side of Chelsea Road and will contain the motor fuel station and car wash. This lot is 2.38 acres in size. Outdoor Storage. The applicant is proposing an outdoor storage area on the south side of the retail building, on Lot 1, Block 1. Open and outdoor storage is permitted as a conditional use in the B-4 District, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses. Comment: The site abuts the Monticello High School property to the south, which is zoned R -1. The applicant is proposing a fence 18 feet in height constructed of .. metal fascia panels and expanded metal fence sections surrounding the outdoor _ storage area, as well as landscaping to screen. A portion of the outdoor storage area will also be surrounded by precast concrete wall panels. Comment: A sample lighting plan from a similar Mills facility in Blaine was supplied for reference. However, no lighting plan specific to this site has been submitted at this time. Said plan shall be required as a condition of approval. e The City may wish to comment on whether it believes a metal fence is appropriate for this area, in relationship to surrounding uses and standards. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right of way. Comment: The storage area site does not abut any public right-of-way, and will be screened from Chelsea Road by the remainder of the building. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. Comment: The outdoor storage area is proposed to be surfaced with concrete. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences. 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 As an additional condition of approval, staff recommends that no exterior racking be allowed anywhere on the site. Car Wash. The applicant is proposing a four-bay, touchless car wash on the north side of the motor fuel station site, on Lot 1, Block 2. Car washes are permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the B-3 District, subject to the following conditions: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. Comment: The architectural appearance of the proposed buildings and .fUnction of the site will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. However, staff provides additional comments on the overall design of the car wash in the "building design" section of this report. 2. Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum 30 minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The site has approximately 180 feet of stacking space, adequate for up to nine vehicles. The proposed stacking space appears appropriate for the four car wash stalls. 3. At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not abut any residential districts. 4. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot shall be landscaped or covered. Comment: No lighting plan has been submitted at this time. Said plan shall be required as a condition of approval. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not abut any residential districts. 6. The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 3 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 Comment: The site is proposed to be surfaced with bituminous and concrete. e 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The drainage plan has been reviewed by the City Engineer and the applicant must comply with all recommendations outlined in his memo dated June 4, 2007. 8. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H ofthis ordinance. Comment: No lighting plan has been submitted at this time. Said plan shall be required as a condition of approval. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited to create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and adjacent driveways and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Comment: Vehicular access is evaluated under the "access and circulation" portion of this report. I O. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. e Comment: All signage has been reviewed and is detailed under the "signage" section of this report. II. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store. Motor fuel stations/convenience stores are allowed in the B-3 District by Conditional Use Permit, provided the following requirements are met: I. Regardless of whether the dispensing sale or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are however in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. e 4 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. Comment: The architectural appearance of the proposed buildings and function of the site will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. However, staff does have concerns regarding the architectural appearance of the buildings as related to the site's freeway visibility. These concerns are discussed later in this report. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The site is proposed to be surfaced with bituminous and concrete. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. Comment: The subject site is 103,673 square feet in area, 205feetwide and 547 feet deep. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. Comment: The City Engineer has reviewed the grading and drainage plans and has provided comments. These comments are detailed in a memo from the CitY Engineer dated June 4, 2007, and compliance with these comments will be required as a condition of approval. 6. A curb not less than six 6 inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. Comment: There is no public sidewalk adjacent to the motor vehicle service area. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such away as to have no direct source oflight visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right of way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. Comment: No lighting plan has been submitted at this time. Said plan shall be required as a condition of approval. 5 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, pump islands shall be installed. e Comment: Pump islands are proposed at all fuel pump locations. 9. At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 7 G of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not border any residential districts. 10. Each light standard landscaped. Comment: The applicant has not submitted a photometric plan indicating the location of each light standard. This shall be required as a condition of approval, as well as landscaping of each standard. 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not border any residential districts. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and adjacent driveways and shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. e Comment: This issue is reviewed in detail in the "access and circulation" section of this report. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. Comment: All signage has been reviewed for compliance, and detailed later in this report. 14. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13 Section 4 of this ordinance. Comment: No outdoor storage is proposed for the motor fuel site. It should also be noted that no outdoor sales and display is proposed for the car wash, motor fuellconvenience site, or big box site. e 6 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 No outdoor sales and display within the PUD will be permitted without the separate review and approval of a conditional use permit for that purpose. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13 Section 4 be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13 Section 4 F of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. Minor Auto Repair. The applicant is proposing an auto service center within the big box retail store where minor auto repair will be performed. The auto service center is located on the south side of the building, adjacent to Chelsea Road. Minor auto repair is allowed by Conditional Use Permit, subject to the same 18 conditions outlined above for the motor fuel station/convenience store use. The proposed auto service center is entirely enclosed within the principal building. Therefore, all conditions of approval are being evaluated as part of the big box retail store. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The applicant has requested rezoning for the south portion of the site from I-lA to B-4, Regional Business. There is no minimum lot size or setback requirement for the B-4 District. On the north side of Chelsea Road, the B-3, Highway"Business standards were applied. The following chart demonstrates the applicable performance requirements of the B-3 District, as well as what is proposed for the site: Reauired Proposed Minimum Lot Size 22,500 sf 103,673 sf Lot Width 1 00 feet 205 feet Front Yard Setback 30 feet 50 feet Side Yard Setback 10 feet 30 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet 118 feet No minimum lot area is required for the B-3 District. However, the proposed motor fuel station use requires a minimum lot size of 22,500 square feet. The proposed car wash and convenience store buildings and accessory uses on the north side of Chelsea Road meet all setback requirements, as demonstrated above. Parking. The applicant is proposing a retail store with an auto center, warehouse and office space, a convenience store/gas station, and a car wash. Staff has 7 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 e No outdoor sales and display within the PUD will be permitted without the separate review and approval of a conditional use permit for that purpose. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13 Section 4 be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13 Section 4 F of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subj ect to change when the Council upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. e Minor Auto Repair. The applicant is proposing an auto service center within the big box retail store where minor auto repair will be performed. The auto service center is located on the south side of the building, adjacent to Chelsea Road. Minor auto repair is allowed by Conditional Use Permit, subject to the same 18 conditions outlined above for the motor fuel station/convenience store use. The proposed auto service center is entirely enclosed within the principal building. Therefore, all conditions of approval are being evaluated as part of the big box retail store. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The applicant has requested rezoning for the south portion of the site from I-1A to B-4, Regional Business. There is no minimum lot size or setback requirement for the 8-4 District. On the north side of Chelsea Road, the B-3, HighwayBusiness standards were applied. The following chart demonstrates the applicable performance requirements of the B-3 District, as well as what is proposed for the site: Minimum Lot Size Lot Width Front Yard Setback Side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Required 22,500 sf 100 feet 30 feet 10 feet 30 feet Pro Dosed 103,673 sf 205 feet 50 feet 30 feet 118 feet No minimum lot area is required for the B-3 District. However, the proposed motor fuel station use requires a minimum lot size of 22,500 square feet. The proposed car wash and convenience store buildings and accessory uses on the north side of Chelsea Road meet all setback requirements, as demonstrated above. e Parking. The applicant is proposing a retail store with an auto center, warehouse and office space, a convenience store/gas station, and a car wash. Staff has 7 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 The majority of the trees proposed are around the perimeter of the site and within parking lot islands. The applicant has provided 31 landscaped islands within the parking lot to break up the monotony of this large space. A total of nine overstory trees and ten shrubs are proposed on the north side of the retail building to screen the auto service center from Chelsea Road. The applicant has also provided a number of shrubs throughout the site. Future Retail Site Landscaoinf! Lot 2 of Block 1, the future development site, contains 1816 feet of site perimeter, requiring 37 overstory trees. No trees are proposed for the future development site at this time, as landscaping for that area will be provided at the time of development. South Site Buffer Yard Landscaoini! In addition to the minimum landscape requirement, a buffer yard is also required adjacent to the south property line, due to the conflict in uses between the big box commercial retailer and the High School. A commercial to institutional land use conflict is considered an "A" level conflict. This conflict requires a 10 foot landscaped yard with a minimum of 40 plant units. The applicant is responsible for one half of this requirement. The applicant has provided a landscaped yard with 430 plant units along the south property line, satisfying the buffer yard requirement. The site borders an industrial use to the east, which is a level "B" conflict. The buffer yard requirement for the east property line is a 20 foot minimum landscaped yard with 80 plant units. The applicant has provided a 20 foot landscaped yard along the east property line with 470 plant units. The minimum requirement is therefore met in this location as well, and the industrial user to the east will not be responsible for any buffer yard plantings. North Side Site Landscaoini! The gas convenience store/car wash site contains 1424.58 feet of site perimeter, . requiring 28 overstory trees, versus the nine that would be required under the floor area calculation. As such, the perimeter requirement shall prevail. The applicant has provided 28 overstory trees, satisfying the minimum requirement. Trees provided include Douglas Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Austrian Pine, Little Leaf Linden, River Birch, Common Hackberry and Manchurian Ash. The majority of the trees provided are along the site perimeter and within the vacuum island adjacent to the car wash. The applicant has also provided a number of shrubs. Shrubs are proposed between the overstory trees around the perimeter, and surrounding the pylon sign and monument sign. 9 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 The City recognizes the value of interstate highway exposure to commercial and industrial developers. However, the City also wishes to avoid the undesirable monotony of fully exposed building sides and rears. Therefore, it is important to provide natural visual variety to the travelers on the interstate. Natural visual variety and pleasing aesthetics project a clean and welcoming image for the City. Commercial and industrial developers of lots/parcels having substantial exposure to the interstate shall be required to landscape/screen to provide 60% opacity year-round with at least 80% of such screening to be of natural materials. The proposed gas convenience store/car wash borders Interstate 94 to the north. The applicant has proposed dense vegetation on the north side of the site, including 12 trees. Of those, seven are evergreen trees to provide year-round screening. e North Side Buffer Yard Landscaoinll The north Chelsea site also borders an industrial use to the west, which again is a level "B" conflict. The buffer yard requirement for the west property line is a 20 foot minimum landscaped yard with 80 plant units. The applicant is responsible for one half of this requirement. The applicant has provided a 10 foot landscaped yard along the east property line with 289 plant units. The applicant has provided the minimum number of plant units, as well as the minimum 10 foot landscaped yard. The property owner to the west shall be responsible for a 10 foot buffer yard as well. However, no additional plant units are required. As a note on overall landscaping, staff would recommend irrigation of all boulevard and buffer yard areas. Staff would also recommend that similar to other recently approved commercial and industrial projects, the applicant be required to provide overstory boulevard tree plantings. Additionally, similar to the Union Crossings PUD site, staff would recommend the use of pavers and scored concrete in pedestrian crossing areas and in handicap accessible areas of the parking surface. This recommendation is in lieu of striped pavement. e Lighting. No lighting plan has been submitted at this time. A lighting plan specific to this development shall be required as a condition of approval. Signage. The applicant has submitted a signage plan, detailing proposed signs for both the big box retail store and the motor fuel station/car wash site. Pylon/Monument Sillnalle The applicant is proposing a 400 square foot pylon sign on the north side of Chelsea Road to gain visibility from the freeway. In addition to the 400 square foot pylon the applicant is proposing a 126 square foot monument sign. No other freestanding signs are proposed in the remainder of the development. As stated, the applicant is proposing a 400 square foot pylon sign at a height of 50 feet. For the Union Crossings site on the north side ofI-94, a sign of this area and e 10 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 a height of 57 feet was permitted by PUD, provided that other signs in the project were limited to wall or monument signs, due to the size of the overall development and the size and number ofthe retail stores and other uses. The Union Crossings development contains Target, Home Depot, an inline retail center, a detached strip retail center, and other proposed uses. The subject Fleet Farm site is much smaller than the Union Crossings site, and contains only one user. Additionally, the site includes a provision for a 67 foot tall silo as part of the big box site. In that regard, staff does not believe the proposed 400 square foot sign at 50 feet in height is appropriate for the site. The site is within 800 feet of the freeway and is therefore allowed a freeway standard sign up to 32 feet in height and 200 square feet in area on either the north or south side of Chelsea Road. In that regard, staff recommends that the applicant reduce the size of the proposed pylon sign to not exceed 200 square feet and limit height to 32-feet. North Side Wall Simai!e For the motor fuel store, wall signage up to 10 percent of the total fa9ade may be provided for the site, not to exceed 100 square feet. The front fa9ade of the bnilding is 956.5 square feet in area. The rear fa9ade is visible from 1-94, for an additional 956.5 square feet offa9ade. The use is therefore eligible for 100 square feet of signage. The applicant has proposed four, 40 square foot LED display signs, and four, 32 square foot identification signs within the lighted canopy. Therefore, the total wall signage proposed is 288 square foot of signage, exceeding the maximum. The applicant is proposing five, 8-foot wall signs for the car wash, as well as three, 9- foot wall signs, for a total of 67 square feet of wall signage. Due to area of the fayade for the car wash, the applicant is eligible for up to 100 square feet of signage. Therefore, the proposed signage is well within the parameters of the ordinance. 11 The applicant has not utilized all wall signage permitted for the car wash, and therefore may be allotted the remaining 33 square feet to be used on the motor fuel store. However, the applicant has exceeded even the 133 square foot allotment. Staff recommends that the applicant eliminate signage or reduce the size of signage on the convenience store to not exceed 133 square feet. South Side Wall Sii!nai!e On the south side of Chelsea Road, the big box retailer is visible from both Chelsea Road and Dundas Road. The total fa9ade on the north elevation, visible from Chelsea Road, is 9,854 square feet. The f~ade area on the west elevation, visible from Dundas Road, is approximately 19,435 square feet. Ten percent of total fa9ade area is equal to 2,929 square feet of signage. The ordinance states that the site is eligible for signage equal to 10% ofthe total fa9ade, up to 100 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 square feet. In this case, the 10 percent calculation greatly exceeds 100 square feet. Therefore, the maximum allowable signage is equal to 100 square feet. e The applicant has proposed 825 square feet of signage on the east elevation, and 199 square feet of signage on the north elevation. The total area of signage proposed therefore is 1,024 square feet. However, the current zoning ordinance language does not account for big box retail stores, where large wall signs do not appear out of place with the structure. The signage proposed by the applicant in this case is proportionate to the large building. Allowances relative to building size for wall signage were made for past projects which also include larger building facades. The applicant has not proposed any additional freestanding signs on the south side of Chelsea Road. Therefore, the proposed signage appears to be appropriate for the site. Access and Circulation. South Side Access and Circulation Access to the big box retail site is provided at two points extending south from Chelsea Road. One access is located in the far northeast comer, and one is located 140 feet to the west. The northwest access point is 45 feet in width where it intersects with Chelsea Road, wide enough for three lanes of traffic including a right-turn lane. The western access is only 30 feet in width where it intersects with Chelsea Road, only allowing enough space for two lanes of traffic. Staff recommends that the width of this west access be increased to provide additional space for a separate right-turn lane in this location as well. Staff also recommends that each access should include a protected right-turn lane along Chelsea Road. e Internal drive lanes throughout the parking lot are a minimum of 24 feet in width, wide enough for two lanes of traffic. The drive lane on the north side of the site extending toward the auto center is 30 feet in width. A drive lane extends along the east property line and wraps around toward the south, providing access to the west side of the building. This drive will be utilized by trucks to access the loading dock area on the west side of the building. This drive lane is approximately 28 feet in width, and appears to provide adequate space for turning movements for truck traffic. North Side Access and Circulation Access to the motor fuel station and car wash site on the north side of Chelsea Road is provided at two points as well. Both access drives extend north from Chelsea Road into the site. Both drives are 30 feet in width, wide enough for two lanes of traffic with no turn lanes. Internal drive lanes are all a minimum of 30 e 12 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 feet in width. Staff recommends that access to this site be limited to one driveway near the east edge of the site to avoid potential conflicts with vehicles accessing the existing driveway to the west, and that this access also include a protected right-turn lane along Chelsea Road. The site is designed so that customers purchasing fuel can pull into the site, circle through the fuel pump area, and exit back out onto Chelsea Road. As such, the fuel pumps are oriented to be parallel with Chelsea Road. The orientation of the pumps in this manner limits stacking space for waiting vehicles, and creates a very tight site. Due to the depth of the site, there appears to be adequate room to orient the fuel pumps to be perpendicular to Chelsea Road, providing more stacking space. This may require the applicant to shift the convenience store building and car wash to the north. However, as stated above, the site appears to have adequate depth to support such an arrangement. As such, staff recommends reorienting the fuel pumps. Due to the tight conditions on the site, staff also offers the option of relocating the car wash and motor fuel station to the south side of Chelsea Road on Lot 2, Block 1, a 3.87 acre site reserved for future development. This site would allow additional room for access and stacking that is not available on the chosen 2.38 acre site on the north side of Chelsea Road. Pedestrian access through both sites is accommodated through a series of sidewalks at the front of each building. Due to the size of the parking lot and the amount of traffic expected, staff recommends that the applicant provide pedestrian crossing striping and pedestrian curb ramps between the parking lot and the front of the Mills Fleet Farm building. 13 For the overall site, the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the plans regarding access and street design, and have provided the following comments: 1. Only one access towards the east side of the site north of Chelsea Road will be allowed. There appears to be ample room on site to push the building to the north to provide acceptable levels of circulation for all vehicles on site. 2. Right -turn lanes should be provided at all access locations on Chelsea Road. 3. The temporary cul-de-sac at the east end of Dundas Road, just west of the Mills Fleet Farm building, must be reconstructed as a permanent cul-de- sac as part of this project. This may require using some land on the Fleet Farm site. 4. Provide pedestrian crossing striping and pedestrian curb ramps as needed between the parking lot and the front of the Mills Fleet Farm building. As a note on this item, for the south side retail site, planning staff have recommended scored concrete and pavers as an alternative to striped Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 e feet in width. Staff recommends that access to this site be limited to one driveway near the east edge ofthe site to avoid potential conflicts with vehicles accessing the existing driveway to the west, and that this access also include a protected right-turn lane along Chelsea Road. The site is designed so that customers purchasing fuel can pull into the site, circle through the fuel pump area, and exit back out onto Chelsea Road. As such, the fuel pumps are oriented to be parallel with Chelsea Road. The orientation of the pumps in this manner limits stacking space for waiting vehicles, and creates a very tight site. Due to the depth of the site, there appears to be adequate room to orient the fuel pumps to be perpendicular to Chelsea Road, providing more stacking space. This may require the applicant to shift the convenience store building and car wash to the north. However, as stated above, the site appears to have adequate depth to support such an arrangement. As such, staff recommends reorienting the fuel pumps. Due to the tight conditions on the site, staff also offers the option of relocating the car wash and motor fuel station to the south side of Chelsea Road on Lot 2, Block 1, a 3.87 acre site reserved for future development. This site would allow additional room for access and stacking that is not available on the chosen 2.38 acre site on the north side of Chelsea Road. e Pedestrian access through both sites is accommodated through a series of sidewalks at the front of each building. Due to the size of the parking lot and the amount of traffic expected, staff recommends that the applicant provide pedestrian crossing striping and pedestrian curb ramps between the parking lot and the front of the Mills Fleet Farm building. For the overall site, the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the plans regarding access and street design, and have provided the following comments: e 1. Only one access towards the east side of the site north of Chelsea Road will be allowed. There appears to be ample room on site to push the building to the north to provide acceptable levels of circulation for all vehicles on site. 2. Right-turn lanes should be provided at all access locations on Chelsea Road. 3. The temporary cul-de-sac at the east end of Dundas Road, just west of the Mills Fleet Farm building, must be reconstructed as a permanent cul-de- sac as part of this project. This may require using some land on the Fleet Farm site. 4. Provide pedestrian crossing striping and pedestrian curb ramps as needed between the parking lot and the front of the Mills Fleet Farm building. As a note on this item, for the south side retail site, planning staff have recommended scored concrete and pavers as an alternative to striped 13 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. In keeping with the intent of this ordinance, staff recommends that the applicant revise the elevations for the big box retail store to provide additional aesthetic details to break up the long fa<;:ade. Specifically, staff recommends that the applicant provide additional vertical details, roofline variations, and materials in contrasting, but coordinating colors. Staff recommends that said details be applied to all four sides of the building, with the emphasis on the east, north, and west elevations. Similar requirements were applied to previously approved big box retail stores in the City, including Target and WalMart. Furthermore, staff recommends that the applicant consider an alternate color for the top of the proposed silo. The applicant is proposing a silo nearly 68 feet in height with an orange cap. While staff recognizes that this silo is a signature element for all Fleet Farm stores, the color appears to be out of character with the surrounding area. Staff recommends that the silo cap be white or cream in color, similar to the Lakeville store, to increase the aesthetic quality of the site. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the grading and drainage plans and provided the following comments: 1. Based on the proposed use of the property north of Chelsea Road as a fueling station the City is requesting that the storm sewer system serving this site be routed through the High School Pond to the south, rather than routing it to the west along Chelsea Road. 2. The grading of the infield area between the two entrances to the Mills Fleet Fann site south of Chelsea Road should be revised to provide positive drainage to the storm sewer structure located in the middle of this area. Is there a reason that this has been graded as a low area? 3. Combine the two storm sewer outlets to the High School Pond into one outlet at the south end of the parking lot. 4. Provide all required drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of both sites. 5. A minimum pavement grade of 2% is recommended throughout the parking lot. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer, Public Works Director, and consulting engineer have provided the following comments: 1. Replace all 90-degree watermain bends with two 45-degree bends with a minimum of 10- feet of watermain between the bends. 2. Provide profiles of all utilities at crossing locations to make sure no conflicts exist. 3. If any portion of the southerly site is to be split off and sold at a later date it must have its own utility services in order to do so. 15 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 4. Sanitary sewer manholes with a drop of more than two-feet must be an outside drop manhole. 5. The City's Fire Chief must review the final utility plans to ensure that there are an adequate number of fire hydrants on site, that they are spaced adequately, and that a hydrant is located no more than ISO-feet from each FDC for the building for adequate fire fighting capabilities. 6. Show trunk sanitary sewer on north end of Lot 1, Block 2. 7. Keep tank field out of l2-foot drainage and utility easement along south edge of Lot 1, Block 2. 8. Verify the size of the watermain service on the south side of Chelsea Road. 9. Show sanitary service from property line to the west of Lot 1, Block 2. e ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. Decision 1. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and Preliminary Plat approval for a big box retail store, motor fuel station/convenience store and car wash, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval of the request for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat approval for the entire site, based on a finding that the proposed uses constitute a superior project as required by PUD and are not consistent with the intent of the B-4 and B-3 Districts, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. e B. Motion to recommend approval ofthe request for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Block 1 only, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that the proposed uses on the south side of Chelsea Road constitute a superior project as required by PUD, and the uses proposed on the north side of Chelsea Road are not consistent with the intent of Planned Unit Development. C. Motion to recommend denial of the request for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed uses do not meet the requirements for PUD and are not are not consistent with the intent of the B-4 and B-3 Districts. Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storage, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. e 16 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 B. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for a Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. Decision 3. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval ofthe Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-3 District and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. B. Motion to recommend denial ofthe Conditional Use I'ermit for a Car Wash, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. Decision 4. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-3 District and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. B. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. Decision 5. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Minor Auto Repair, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Minor Auto Repair, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. B. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for Minor Auto Repair, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. RECOMMENDATION Mills Fleet Farm is requesting Concept Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat approval, as well as approval oHour conditional use permits. All requested approvals are contingent on the sites being rezoned from the existing I-IA zoning to B-3, Highway Business and/or B-4, Regional Business. 17 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 The City Council will hear the requests for rezoning and comprehensive plan amendments at their June 25 meeting. e Conditional Use Permits requested include a car wash and a motor fuel station/convenience store on the north side of Chelsea Road where the requested zoning is B-3, Highway, and outdoor storage and minor auto repair on the south side of Chelsea Road, where the requested zoning is B-4, Regional Business. With the exception of not submitting a photometric plan, all uses generally meet the requirements for the requested Conditional Use Permits and staff recommends approval. Regarding the request for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat, the overall site plan is generally consistent with the requirements of the respected district. However, staff does have some concerns relating to signage, building design, and parking, among others. The proposed building design for the big box retail store lacks visual detail and overall aesthetics, which are required to justify flexibility for PUD. The applicant has also exceeded the freestanding signage allowances for the PUD, wall signage allowances on the gas station/convenience store site, and has not provided adequate parking. Staff recommends that these items be remedied as conditions of approval. As stated above, the requested approvals are contingent on the rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments requested by the applicant. In the event that the land is rezoned, the City should consider ifthe proposed uses and building designs are appropriate for the site, particularly as this land is visible from the freeway. It is reasonable for the City to expect higher quality architecture for any land rezoned to commercial. The car wash proposed adjacent to Interstate 94 lacks visual detail and overall aesthetics. It appears as though the applicant has chosen the site on the north side of Chelsea Road to gain freeway exposure with both the buildings and the pylon sign, as there is more than adequate space on Lot 2, Block I on the south side of Chelsea Road for a motor fuel station and car wash. e In the event that the City chooses Option A under the approval for the request for Concept and Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat, staff recommends approval only under the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. In the event that the City chooses Option B, and requires the applicant to move the motor fuel/convenience store and car wash to the south side site, staff recommends that only the applicable conditions in Exhibit Z be applied. Under this option, the City may choose to to remove those conditions that may no longer apply. e 18 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit K: Exhibit L: Exhibit M: Exhibit N: Exhibit 0: Exhibit P: Exhibit Q: Exhibit R: Exhibit S: Exhibit Z: Applicant Narrative Existing Conditions Site Plan Grading Plan Utility Plan Erosion Control Plan Overall Landscape Plan Typical Floor Plan Retail Store Elevations Convenience Store Floor Plan Convenience Store Elevations Car Wash Floor Plan Car Wash Elevations Yard Entrance Floor Plan and Perimeter Packing Elevations Seasonal Display Elevations Typical Signage Sample Site Photometric Plan Photos of Lakeville Site City Engineers Memo - June 4, 2007 Conditions of Approval 19 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 EXIDBIT Z Conditions of Approval Mills Fleet Farm Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development and Conditional Use Permits e 1. All approvals are contingent on the outcome of the requests for rezoning and comprehensive plan amendments submitted by the applicant in April, 2007. 2. The applicant shall reduce the size ofthe proposed pylon sign to not exceed 200 square feet in area, nor 32 feet in height. 3. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan specific to this site, demonstrating readings not to exceed one footcandle at all property lines. 4. No exterior racking shall be permitted anywhere on the site. 5. The applicant shall provide proof of parking for 117 parking stalls. In the event that parking becomes an issue on site, the City may require construction of all or a portion of these stalls. 6. Wall signage for the convenience store shall be reduced to not exceed 133 square feet. 7. Only one access towards the east side of the site north of Chelsea Road will be allowed. e 8. Right-turn lanes shall be provided at all access locations on Chelsea Road. 9. The temporary cul-de-sac at the east end of Dundas Road, just west ofthe Mills Fleet Farm building, shall be reconstructed as a permanent cul-de-sac as part of this project. 10. The big box retail site plans shall be revised to include the use of pavers and scored concrete in pedestrian crossing areas and in handicap accessible areas of the parking surface. Pedestrian ramps shall also be provided for the entire PUD site as required by the City Engineer. 11. No outdoor sales and display is permitted within the PUD without the request and review of a subsequent conditional use permit. 12. The entrance to the future lot (Lot 2, Block I) shall be shown conceptually on all plans. 13. The fuel pumps at the motor fuel station shall be re-oriented to be perpendicular to Chelsea Road to provide more stacking space. e 20 Planning Commission Agenda - 06/12/07 e 14. The applicant shall revise all elevations for the big box retail store to provide additional vertical details, roofline variations, and materials in contrasting, but coordinating colors. 15. The applicant shall revise the car wash design to provide alternate building materials with more visual detail, or relocate the car wash to Lot 2, Block 1. 16. The cap ofthe proposed silo shall be white or cream in color, as opposed to orange. 17. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations ofthe City Engineer, as outlined in his memo dated June 4, 2007. 18. The applicant shall verify the directional arrows and directional labels on all plans. e e 21 RECEIVED \0\111 2 11007 4A e Mills Fleet Farm - Monticello, MN Proposal: Mills Properties Inc. (Mills') is proposing to purchase approximately 36 acres along Chelsea Road to construct a new Mills Fleet Farm retail store, together with the accessory uses they normally have as a part of their operation. The facilities would include a building for retail and warehousing of 273,200 sf.; an enclosed merchandise lot with materials, stored on racking, that is for sale; a controlled merchandise lot entrance gated structure; a seasonal display and sales area for gardening and plant products, sporting goods, etc.; a fuel station and convenience store; and an automatic car wash facility. The location in Monticello is a part of Mills' overall strategy to serve the Minnesota and Wisconsin markets that have a population base, traffic volumes sufficient to support their facilities, and a roadway system appropriate to the traffic. Mills' have stores in both St. Cloud (Waite Park) and Brooklyn Park and have been looking for something in between since they draw customers from more than 30 miles for each of their facilities. The size of the facilities and customer draw necessitate that they be located along major corridors with capacity to handle the traffic and for easy access, especially outside the metro area. Monticello, in itself is not sufficient in size to support the facilities but the proximity and access to 1-94 and TH 25 provides easy access to additional population bases within reasonable driving distance for shopping. e Parcel Size: The scope of the facilities, when combined with ordinance requirements for storm water, landscaping and green space, setbacks from property lines, etc. means that each site requires 35 to 45 acres, depending on the shape and topography. A rectangular site that is flat requires less land than a site that is odd shaped and/or has significant change in topography due to placement on the property and slopes required for grading. Location: Mills' have been looking in the area stretching from the Buffalo area to Big Lake for several years. All of the parcels they have inquired about were, for a variety of reasons, unsuitable for their purposes. The parcel in question has been available during that entire period and although visibility has always been great from the 1-94, they have not even looked at it due to access to the major thoroughfares, including TH 25. That all changed when the interchange was constructed at 1-94 and Highway 18, making the site readily accessible. Now the site not only has great visibility, but also great access to 1-94 and some access to TH 25. Mills' think this site access is much better than any near TH 25 since TH 25 is somewhat congested at this point and will get more congested if Mills' were to construct a facility to add to the traffic. A facility at the proposed location will disperse the traffic from TH 25 and allow the road system to operate at a higher level of service. This is potentially one of the reasons Target and Home Depot chose to rezone property from industrial to commercial and locate at the same interchange, on the opposite side of 1-94. e The site is located within the industrial park. There are a variety of business uses in the buildings to the northwest, west and east. There is manufacturing, 7804 Industrial Park Road _ PO Box 2720. Baxter, MN 56425-2720 . TEL 218.829.5117 . FAX: 218.829.2517. WEB: www.wsn-mn.com ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE lAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES e e e office warehouse, and offices as well as a large school to the south. The land to the north and northeast is vacant, but zoned partially for industrial use and partially for commercial use. The existing businesses are in nice buildings, the newest of which is constructed of precast, similar to the structure and style of the construction used by Mills Properties Inc. To our knowledge all are owned by the occupant of the business located in the structure, as will the Mills Fleet Farm facility. PUD Zoning: The project is on two sides of a public road and thus requires a PUD zoning approval, as we understand it. The PUD zoning and approvals are, again as we understand it, to review and approval ali of the following: . Approval of the overall development plan for the project, including review. of the items generally reviewed under normal zoning. . Buildings - . The project buildings all meet or exceed the appropriate setbacks for the underlying commercial zoning. . Signs - . See separate detailed description below. . Site Plan - . The green space and landscaping exceed the code and are comparable to Target and Home Depot, which were recently approved. . Parking - The zoning code requires over 900 parking stalls based on the size of the buildings. We have traditionally found that we do not need that many parking stalls and in some cities, have specifically been asked to reduce the number below the ordinance requirements. We have provided 884, including both properties. . Storm Drainage - . The storm water drainage conforms to design and controls implemented by City's consulting engineer. At the request of the City's engineer and staff, in lieu of using the storm sewer system originally planned by City staff and their engineer, we are routing the storm water drainage for the fuel station and the car wash to the pond on the south side of Chelsea Road as a further environmental protection. . Utility connections . Accesses to Chelsea Road . Approval of the normal conditional uses required by the zoning ordinance. . Car Wash . Fuel Station . Merchandise Lot . Automotive Service . Seasonal Sales - i.e. Spring gardening items . Signs as they relate to the retail facility over 150,000 sf and on more than 20 acres (Section 3-9 [El 3 (b) of the zoning ordinance. . Approval of any deviations from strict interpretation of the ordinance that do not violate safety and other considerations but approval of which will benefit the project. e e e . . Parking stall quantity reduced below ordinance based on applicant knowledge of need. . Main pylon sign on parcel where accessory uses are constructed rather than main building. . Fuel station price sign at 18' 4" setback rather than Yo of building setback (1/2 of 50'= 25'). . Approval of signs - location, size, and quantity of all free standing signs and wall signs and logos. Application of any additional items deemed appropriate by the Councii in order that the project meets or exceeds the standards of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. . Right turn lanes to the main facility on the south side of Chelsea Road. . . Storm water drainage from north facility to drain into pond along the west side of the southerly parcel. Benefits of Project: The project will provide benefits that the City should consider in making their decision; . Large facility adding to the tax base of the City . No special funding assistance requested or required from the City - TIF, IRB, etc. . It is a quality project, made of quality materials and will be present for many years . Owner occupied so there will be few additional requirements on the City that occur when tenants change in other structures. . Approximately 200 employees - 50 full time, 150 part time . Many employment opportunities for young people after school and on weekends . Very secure site - extensive security measures within and outside of structures . Owner works with local police department to ensure safety, security, and protection of site. All violations are pursued. Compatibility: Although the facility is a large retail store, it also contains the same operations as many industrial operations. There are retail goods deliveries, a large warehouse space and operation, and employees and customers. The only real difference is that we must have a significantly higher traffic count to justify the existence of the facility. Truck deliveries will be made during the day and will be conducted only during hours of operation and within the enclosed merchandise yard. Approximately 10 to 15 truckloads of merchandise will be delivered on a daily basis. The hours of operation are similar to a two shift industrial operations. The store opens at 8:00 am and closes generally at 9:00 pm. The convenience store will operate from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm and is therefore open to serve employees prior to going to work or after leaving. The car wash is open 24/7 since it is fully automated and washes can be purchased at the wash. This again is intended to offer a service for those that work late or start early. e . e Our heaviest customer traffic is early evening after normal working hours, weekends, and holidays. These are generally times when retail traffic will not interfere with industrial traffic and will perhaps assist employees in allowing them to make stops on the way to or from home rather than making special trips. Construction Materiais: The main retail building will be a steel frame structure with precast bearing walls. The precast walls will have exposed aggregate finishes to enhance the appearance. The entrances will be highlighted by a silo and an overhang with an EFIS exterior finish. The walls will have some variance in height to break up the long appearance. The building will also be turned from the roadway in a manner that will reduce the lengthy appearance. The facility will also have an enclosed merchandise lot that will be controlled by personnel at a yard entrance gate made of the same materials as the main building. The loading docks for the facility will be enclosed within the merchandise lot to the rear of the building (west side) and screened from view. The parking lot is located on the east side of the facility and, although large, it is broken up by many landscape islands and landscaped timber cart corrals. The fuel station and convenience store will be located on the north side of Chelsea Road along with the automatic car wash. The convenience store is a wood frame structure with split face block on the exterior, a standard steel canopy structure over the fuel dispensers, a softly backlit perimeter band around both the structure and the canopy, six large underground fuel tanks and a state of the art piping and environmental protection system. All three grades of fuel - regular unleaded, mid-grade, and premium - as well as diesel and bulk kerosene will be available at the dispensers. The system is being constructed to eventually offer things like non-oxygenated fuel, E-85 fuel, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, and 8io- diesel with little adjustments. On the same property, an automatic car wash will be constructed featuring 4 bays for washing cars. Two bays will feature a soft brush type of wash and the other two bays will feature the touchless wash preferred by many customers. It will be fully automated and washes can be purchased at the wash, in the convenience store and at the main store. The building will be constructed from the same precast materials as the main store. They are much more durable for the harsh environment internal to a car wash facility. Again, this facility will be landscaped in the same manner as the retail store across the road. Signage: The project will have signage on both sides of the road. The main retail facility will have some wall signage over the auto service facility doors, at the entrances to the building, and logos on the corners. No free standing sign will be present on the south side of Chelsea Road. Instead, a pylon sign will be erected near the rear of the car wash/convenience store facility so it will be visible from 1-94 to provide time for drivers to exit at the appropriate ramps. It is however, set back more than 85 feet from the property line due to a sanitary and storm drainage easement. It is placed to accommodate access to the easement and sized to be readable from the freeway at freeway speeds early enough to allow traffic to properly weave and exit the freeway at the appropriate off ramp, but is in conformance to Section 3-9 [E] 3 (b) of the zoning ordinance. e e e I In addition, a monument sign for the fuel station will be erected along Chelsea Road to advertise the convenience store, car wash, and fuel station pricing. The fuel station sign is located in front of the facility, visible to the public. It is in conformance to Section 3-9 [E] 3 (b) and Section 3-9 [E] 4 (f) vi of the zoning ordinance. It is located in a landscaped island but is only 18' 4" from the right of way in lieu of the 25' required, based on Section 3-9. Normally in other communities where we have facilities, a sign of this type would be only 10' from the right of way line. The balance of the sign age is all wall signage and is sized and designed to be attractive, informational, and appropriate for the size and type of building. Signs include: . Free Standing Signs - (North side only) . Main Pylon Sign - 50' high and 400 sf for freeway exposure . Fuel station monument Sign -14' high and 99 sf for pricing . Main Store - as shown on building elevations . Wall Entrance signs - "Mills Fleet Farm" and "Auto Service" . Wall Signs - "Auto Service", address numerals, logos at corners of the building, "Yard Entrance", "Garden Center", "Entrance", and "Exit" . Fuel Station & Convenience Store - as shown on building elevations . Canopy - "Gas Mart", logos at the corners, "Kerosene" . Wall Signs - Logos at the corners of the backlit light box and. . Car Wash - as shown on building elevations . Wall Signs - "Touch less", "Softgloss", "Car Wash", "Exit", bay numerals, and logos. Menu boards - to advise customers of the washes available.. Traffic: As discussed in the EAW and as shown on other facilities of this type, we expect about 5,000 trips into and out of the facility per day. These trips will include customers, employees, deliveries, and service personnel. Traffic will vary in amount throughout the day with the peaks in the early evening and on weekends. To accommodate the peaks, we expect to construct, or have the City construct as part of the Chelsea Road upgrade, right turn lanes into the main entrances of the facility. This will allow free flow of the through traffic to be maintained. As outlined earlier, no deliveries will be accepted unless the store is open. Any deliveries arriving prior to opening will simply have to wait in the drive lane leading to the yard entrance until the store opens. Site Lighting: The parking lots and buildings will be lighted as all buildings are - to assist and protect customers and employees coming and going from the store after dark, to assist employees and customers in the safe operations during the stocking and sales of merchandise, and for security of all people and property during hours the facility is not open. Photometric layout of the lighting will show that no light spills onto the adjoining properties but will adequately light the site for the defined reasons outlined above. Security lighting will be present during hours the facility is not open to accommodate the use of equipment installed as part of the protection system for the property and people. e e e Landscaping: The property will be landscaped with approximately 310 trees, both deciduous and coniferous and hundreds of shrubs and plants. These will be located around the perimeter and in the landscaped islands and timbered cart corrals. All areas behind the curbs will be covered with grass or mulch and an irrigation system will be installed to provide needed moisture during the hot summer months. The applicant respectfully requests approval of all aspects of the project as presented. . PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MILLS ADDITION TO MONT,CELLO I I I I I I I I "-....'''-.... I ''-l. /i/~:j.:.:,<, .", ' .~ ,,,..,, " ft, '" I '''-.... "'''~'''''' '.........".. 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' ~ 11 " " ~ ~ Ii .. ~ ~ .- , .. ,. 46 -[-I MONTICELLO June 4, 2007 Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Mills Fleet Farm Concept PUD and Preliminary Plat Submittal Review Comments City Planning Project No. 2007-009 Dear Ms Holien: The Engineering and Public Works Departments offer the following comments on the Mills Fleet Farm Concept PUD and Preliminary Plat Submittal: . Gradinl! and Drainal!e 1. Based on the proposed use of the property north of Chelsea Road as a fueling station the City is requesting that the storm sewer system serving this site be routed through the High School Pond to the south, rather than routing it to the west along Chelsea Road. 2. The grading of the infield area between the two entrances to the Mills Fleet Farm site south of Chelsea Road should be revised to provide positive drainage to the storm sewer structure located in the middle of this area. Is there a reason that this has been graded as a low area? 3. Combine the two storm sewer outlets to the High School Pond into one outlet at the south end ofthe parking lot. 4. Provide all required drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of both sites. 5. A minimum pavement grade of2% is recommended throughout the parking lot. . Utilities 1. Replace all 90-degree watermain bends with two 45-degree bends with a minimum of 10- feet ofwatermain between the bends. 2. Provide profiles of all utilities at crossing locations to make sure no conflicts exist. 3. If any portion of the southerly site is to be split off and sold at a later date it must have its own utility services in order to do so. 4. Sanitary sewer manholes with a drop of more than two-feet must be an outside drop manhole. 5. The City's Fire Chief must review the final utility plans to ensure that there are an adequate number of fire hydrants on site, that they are spaced adequately, and that a hydrant is located no more than ISO-feet from each FDC for the building for adequate fire fighting capabilities. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I. Monticello. MN 55362.883 I . (763) 295-271 I . Fax (763) 295.4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3 I 70. Fax (763) 271.3272 e e e Kimberly Holien JW1e 4, 2007 Page 2 of2 Streets 1. Only one access towards the east side of the site north of Chelsea Road will be allowed. There appears to be ample room on site to push the building to the north to provide acceptable levels of circulation for all vehicles on site. 2. Right-turn lanes should be provided at all access locations on Chelsea Road. 3. The temporary cul-de-sac at the east end of Dundas Road, just west of the Mills Fleet Farm building, must be reconstructed as a permanent cul-de-sac as part of this project. This may require using some land on the Fleet Farm site. 4. Provide pedestrian crossing striping and pedestrian curb ramps as needed between the parking lot and the front of the Mills Fleet Farm building. 5. The entrance to the future lot (lot 2 block 1) should be shown conceptually on all plans. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Phil Elkin, WSB and Associates, Inc. e e e Planning Connnission Agenda -06/12/07 5. Consideration of a request to call for a public hearilll:! for the purpose of amendinl!: the Monticello Zoninl!: Ordinance for the creation of a Planned Unit Development District. Information on the process and options for the Commission as related to this item will be presented at the meeting.