Planning Commission Minutes 02-04-1997 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 4,1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Members Absent: Council Liaison: Staff : Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten J on Bogart Clint Herbst Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 7, 1997. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE FOR THE MEETING OF JANUARY 7,1997 MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. (Bogart absent.) 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, added an update on a request by Orrin Thompson and Art Anderson to amend the MOAA. Commissioner Carlson requested an informal discussion on the staff recommendation section of the agenda item. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of a variance request to the minimum lot width at water boundary. minimum lot area and minimum setback between the normal hi~ water mark and building setback. Applicant, Rick W olfsteller . (WITHDRAWN) Jeff O'Neill, Assistant administrator, reported the City was informed that according to state statue the DNR should be notified of any requests in regards to the wild and scenic act. 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat approval of Klein Farms III Residential Subdivision. Applicant, Tony Emmerich/E&K Development Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported E & K Development has requested preliminary plat approval of a 132 lot single family residential subdivision entitled Klein Farms 3rd Addition. The proposed subdivision overlays a 81.2 acre tract of land south of School Boulevard between Oakwood Drive and Fallon Avenue. The Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 site is zoned R-1, single family residential. The park area is 16 acres and is populated by mature trees, the developer should be required to take care of the trees on the private side of the property. A landscaping plan should be provided to show coordinate screening along School Boulevard rather than a hodge podge of individual plans. The design of the streets was slightly modified to simply shift Street F approximately 250 feet to the south to align with Street B. If such alternative street alignment is pursued, it is suggested that a 30 foot wide pedestrian park access/outlot be located near the intersection of Street F and Farmstead Drive. This alternative also solves the lot width issues adjacent to the UPA easement by re- orienting lots so the power lines are in the rear yards. It further reduces the number of cul-de-sacs in the plat. The construction of sidewalks on both sides of County Lane and Farmstead Drive represents a preferred, more equitable option by accommodating pedestrian circulation on both sides of the street. A 20 foot wide pathway easement be established along the southern boundary of Block 1 (within UP A easement). Future pathway construction would occur within the adjacent southerly property upon development. A 30 foot wide outlot is established along the southern boundary of Block 3 to accommodate future pathway construction. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, added there will be a very wide trunk sanitary sewer easement that would be an ideal place for a pathway to the park. The Park's Commission will have the farm site buildings on the site inspected for safety and worth. The development agreement will state how the buildings will be removed if they are not going to be kept for storage. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Larry Olson, Midwest Surveyors, stated the plat could be redesigned as suggested. Tony Emmerich, developer, was concerned over the amount of sidewalks being requested. He was in agreement with the street design change but would need to have the grading and drainage reviewed first. A coordinated landscaping plan along School Blvd. could work if there was someone available to water the new plantings. Emmerich would work with staff on the details. Ted Holker, township resident, inquired about the pathway setbacks that bordered the township land and also if there would be a parking lot in the park. Tony Emmerich stated that the pathway along the township boarder will just be an easement until the land is developed in that direction. O'Neill stated that the park will be designed by the City but there would be a place Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 to park. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed the narrower street widths and asked the developer his comments on this subject. Emmerich was not opposed to narrower street widths but was concemed over the sidewalks being requested on both sides. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE TO APPROVE THE KLEIN FARMS 3RD PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. A 30 FOOT PEDESTRIAN PARK ACCESS/OUTLOT IS PROVIDED BETWEEN LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 7. IF, HOWEVER, A REVISED STREET PLAN IS PURSUED (AS ILLUSTRATED ON EXHIBIT C), AN ALTERNATIVE ACCESS LOCATION UPON THE UPA EASEMENT BE PROVIDED. B. CONSIDERATION IS GIVEN TO SHIFTING STREET B SOUTHWARD IN A MANNER SIMILAR TO THAT ILLUSTRATED ON EXHIBIT E. C. FIVE FOOT WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ARE PROVIDED ALONG BOTH SIDES OF COUNTRY LANE AND FARMSTEAD DRIVE. D. SIDEWALKS ARE PROVIDED ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD. E. THE POND WHICH LIES WITHIN THE PARK IS DESIGNED AND CONFIGURED TO ALLOW PEDESTRIAN PASSAGE BETWEEN SUCH POND AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOTS WHICH LIE TO T HE WEST. F. THE PARKS COMMISSION PROVIDE RECOMMENDATION AS TO THE REMOVAL OR ADAPTATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WHICH LIE WITHIN THE DESIGNATED PARK AREA. G. A 20 FOOT PATHWAY EASEMENT IS PROVIDED ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 1. H. A 30 FOOT WIDE OUTLOT IS ESTABLISHED ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 3 TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE PATHWAY CONSTRUCTION. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 I. TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, ALL SIGNIFICANT TRESS (AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY) ARE PRESERVED. J. WORK ON A LANDSCAPE PLAN WITH CITY STAFF WHICH SPECIFIES REAR YARD LANDSCAPING SCREENING METHODS ALONG SCHOOL BOULEVARD AND OAKWOOD DRIVE. K. THE SUBMITTED GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY ENGINEER. L. THE SUBMITTED UTILITY PLAN IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY ENGINEER. N. WORK ON PATHWAY ROUTES AND CONNECTIONS TO PARK WITH CITY STAFF. Motion passed unanimously. (Bogart absent.) 7. Consideration of an update to the zoning ordinance which would include mortuaries as a permitted use in a B-4 zone. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported after reviewing the zoning ordinance in its entirety, it was found that mortuaries are not identified anywhere in the zoning code as a permitted use. Other uses that are similar to a mortuary such as a chapel are allowed in the public/semi-public zoning district. According to Steve Grittman, a mortuary is similar to a chapel type of use; however, there are some significant differences. Therefore, typically mortuaries are identified specifically as a separate and unique use. Obviously, this question came up in conjunction with a request by the Peterson-Grimsmo Funeral Home to develop a mortuary in the B-4 district on Block 14 of the Original Plat of the city. According to Steve Grittman, mortuaries are typically found in or near commercial areas. The type of impacts that a mortuary presents for an area are more akin to commercial impacts; therefore, this type of use is best located near a commercial area. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Commissioner Carlson stated he would abstain from the discussion because of a conflict of interest. Chairman Frie replied it would only be a conflict of interest if there would be a financial gain by Commissioner Carlson. Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 The Commissioners discussed briefly if the use will fit into the B4 zone in the redevelopment area. O'Neill informed the commissioners that a B-4 area is for civic uses which would include city hall, fire hall, police, and activities that will bridge the downtown area. A mortuary is an institution and would fit into this overall plan. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT INCLUDING MORTUARIES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE B-4 ZONE. Motion passed with Martie, Dragsten, Frie - yes, Carlson abstaining, Bogart absent. 8. Consideration of a variance to curb cut location and parking lot setback standards as requested by City Staff, which would allow a mortuary facility to follow a proposed Monticello Community Partners redevelopment design guidelines. Applicant: City of Monticello Plannin" and Zoning Department. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the Peterson-Grimsmo Mortuary site plan was developed jointly by the architects representing Peterson-Grimsmo and City staff with the goal of developing a plan that meets the needs of a modern funeral home and fits with the proposed design guidelines being developed by the HRA through the Monticello Community Partners (MCP). Ironically, the existing ordinance limits the site plan design in a fashion that results in the need for variances in order to achieve the goals of the proposed redevelopment design guidelines. O'Neill demonstrated the area on the overhead. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Council Liaison Herbst inquired as to the option of vacating Locust Street. The Commissioners discussed the option of vacating Locust instead of granting the variances. O'Neill added that there is not a bonafide hardship but because of the unique circumstances a variance could be allowed. The concept of head- in-parking was also discussed. O'Neill used Duluth as an example of an active business area where this type of parking has worked very well. The sidewalks have not been resolved at this time. If the design guidelines are adopted then the mortuary will add them to their plan. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE REQUEST ALLOWING A CURB CUT INSIDE OF THE 40-FT MINIMUM STANDARD AT 5TH STREET BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT DOES NOT IMPAIR THE INTENT OF THE Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 ZONING ORDINANCE, RESULTS IN A SAFER AND MORE CONVENIENT ACCESS, AND ALSO ENHANCES PEDESTRIAN USE OF THE WALNUT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. The motion passed with Frie, Martie, Dragsten- approval, Carlson abstaining, Bogart absent. 9. Consideration of an ordinance amendment to Chapter 23 of the zonin~ ordinance ~overnin~ the variance process. Applicant: Monticello Plannin~ Commission. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reports that the draft Zoning Ordinance Amendment which changes the zoning variance process by redesignating the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals from the Planning Commission to the City Council. Under the proposed process, the Planning Commission would act in an advisory role, conducting the public hearing on zoning variances, but recommending action to the City Council. The City Council's decision would be final on a zoning variance. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Chairman Frie wanted to stress that Mayor Fair had stated the Planning Commission was still to be considered the expert on zoning matters. Council Liaison Herbst added the Planning Commission is more hard nose than the Council and that helps the council, he perferred the process to stay the same. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, this process will streamline the procedure. A variance that was not appealed has always been in the council agenda packets as an update; under the proposed procedure a variance would be on the consent agenda. This would allow discussion if needed but would not require it. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT CHANGING THE DESIGNATION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROCESS PROVIDES A CLEARER AND SMOOTHER PATH FOR BOTH APPLICANTS, THE CITY, AND INTERESTED THIRD PARTIES IN TRACKING VARIANCE REQUESTS. Motion passed unanimously (Bogart absent.) 10. Continued Public Hearin~--Consideration of ordinance amendments governing fence design and location. (no report) There was no discussion on this item. Page 6 . . . 12. Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 11. Consideration of review and prioritization of planning- department projects and activities. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported City staffis currently working with the City Council and all of the departments and commissions on development of a list of projects that need to be completed in the near future. O'Neill requested the Commissioners note the number of planning items and the amount of work to be done. City staff had requested the planning commissioners rate the list of planning projects for the level of importance and to list any other projects that are important. The list does not include day-to-day work. The questions was asked if there would be a meeting with all the Commissions in the near future. O'Neill informed everyone that the Council would meet in March and go over the entire list and then schedule a joint commissions meeting after that. The Commissioners had the items rated and gave them to O'Neill to compile for the City Council. Consideration of recommendinf{ amendments to subdivisions desi~ guidelines. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported during the review of the Klein Farms III preliminary plat, the Park Commission voiced concerns regarding street widths and current policy to incorporate the pedestrian way into the 36-ft street section. They also had general concerns regarding excessive street width, which comes at the expense of green space and often results in a greater loss of trees. In light of this concern, the Parks commission requested that City staff and Planning Commission revisit this topic, which was discussed at length in 1994. The last time the design standards were reviewed the planning commission voted unanimously for narrower streets. Next, O'Neill discussed the road widths in the proposed Klein Farms III. The recommendation from Park Commission was to keep the major collector roads at 32 feet with sidewalks or pathway on both sides. Monticello has 89% wider streets than other cities in this area, 9% are about same, and 2% are wider. A video was shown by O'Neill demonstrating the visual affect of both narrow and wide streets, and also pointing out how the width of the street affects the size of the snow banks. Chairman Frie had checked with developers on their thoughts of narrow streets with sidewalk and they were strongly in favor of narrow streets with sidewalks. Steve Grittman, City Planner, did state that the cost of wider roads verses narrow roads with sidewalks are not a cost savings for installation but will offer larger lots and less road maintenance. Page 7 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 There were questions on the responsibility of snowremoval on the sidewalks. O'Neill stated that usually it is the homeowners responsibility to clear the sidewalks in front of their property. CHAIRMAN FRIE MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 23 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE VARIANCE PROCESS. Motion passed unanimously. (Bogart absent.) 13. Review of Cardinal Ponds sketch plan. 14. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported John Leerssen has requested that the Planning Commission conduct a sketch plan review of his site proposal prior to preparation of the preliminary plat. The lot and street configuration proposed is simple and straightforward. The only item of any controversy is whether or not to allow the street to extend through the development. Currently, the sketch shows a cul-de-sac. Staff strongly recommends that the plan be designed to enable the street to be connected to the south and that the cul-de-sac be removed. There will be a study on the best method for serving the site with sanitary sewer. New information regarding utility service has some potential to impact the design. Also, we recommend that a pathway easement be granted along the power line easement. John Leerssen, developer, passed out a sketch that would use a portion of the current driveway for a trail. The driveway is lined with large trees and Lersseen thought this would make a beautiful trail. Leerssen was concerned about the street being designed to enable the street to be connect to the south and the cul-de-sac be removed. Until this street was completed there would need to be a turn around of some kind and this turn around would be in or next to is neighbors cow pasture. Dave Nelson, property owner next to Leerssen, stated he was in favor of Leerssen's land being developed but he had no intention of selling his land so it would be a very long time until this property was developed and the street would go through. It was suggested Mr. Leerssen work with staff to complete the utility studies and submit the preliminary plat. Update on Orrin Thompson and Art Anderson Property. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administration, reported the council has responded to requests from Art Anderson and Orrin Thompson to expand the urban service area and annex the properties. The Council tabled action until the Planning Commission could review the request. The 80-acre site for Orrin Thompson development is located in a position adjacent to the location of city utilities. Sanitary sewer could easily be extended to this area. In addition, the Meadow Oak trunk storm sewer Page 8 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 system was sized to handle this are, however, special efforts will need to be made in order to divert flow from the Orrin Thompson development area to ditch 33. It is not known that this time what exact method or cost is involved in diverting the flow. In addition, half of the development site is located within the planning area for the city and township know as the Orderly Annexation Area. The other half is located entirely in the township and outside of the planning area. The planning area was established in the early boundaries of the city. This is a very clear and distinct line for planning purposes, which the City, Township, and County manage cooperatively. There is no rule, however, that says that the City cannot annex land outside of its Orderly Annexation Area. Also there is a request for the Art Anderson property to be in the City. When the Urban Service Area boundaries were established in 1990, the Art Anderson property was not eligible for inclusion in the Urban Service Area because sewer and water service was nowhere near the property. As a result of the development of the Oak Ridge subdivision and due to Meadow Oak storm sewer improvements, the Art Anderson property now meets the criteria for placement in the Urbanization Area. N fact, it has the advantage of being located entirely within the City's Meadow Oak storm sewer watershed. The Anderson property is also entirely within the Orderly Annexation Area. Ken Scadden and Ted Holker, Monticello Township, stated they read about the council action in the paper and thought the township should have been made aware of the annexation requests. The township and the city have an agreement as to what parcels can be annexed. The current requests are not in this area and there is still available land that has not been annexed. Steve Grittman, City Planner, stated he did not think that anyone could expect that the lines of the agreement will never change but the City is not trying to exclude the township. O'N eill stated that the big picture needs to be reviewed because there is only sewer capacity for a set amount ofland to be developed. Bruce Pankonin, Orrin Thompson Homes, stated he had met with the City staffin 1994 and identified potential areas of growth, petitioned in 1995 to the council and township, and had to wait until the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was started. The WWTP has now been started and Orrin Thompson can see a need for "move-up" homes. Pankonin stated they have been patiently waiting and would like to move forward on this development. Fred Patch, Chief Building Official, stated we will need to develop a procedure for annexation request. If a petitioner comes with a request to annex the City will send the township a copy until a procedure is established. Page 9 Planning Commission Minutes - 2/4/97 . COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO SUPPORT AMENDMENTS TO THE URBAN SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY BY INCLUDING THE ORRIN THOMPSON AND ART ANDERSON PROPERTY. MOTION BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT SUCH ACTION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. (Bogart absent.) 15. Updates: A. National Guard Training Center - Jeff O'Neill reported a meeting with General LeBlonc, the school, MCP, and the city was held on the possibility of a National Guard Training Center being built in Monticello. The City would provide the land and an area close to the downtown area is being proposed. This building could be used during the week for civic activities. ECFE is interested in investing a $200,000 grant they received for a building. B. Parking on Broadway by the Pinewood Elementary School. - Jeff O'Neill stated he will be scheduling a meeting with Shelly Johnson, superintendent, for discussion. C. Highway 25/Chelsea realignment project - Jeff O'Neill reported that Option 2 was selected and the next step will be to acquire the land needed for the project. . D. Bridge View plat. Jeff O'Neill reported at a recent meeting of the City Council, staff was authorized to prepare information for the Council to assist Council in determining to what extent it would like to be involved in determining the feasibility of urbanization and annexation of the Bridge View plat. This is an item that was discussed at length at previous Planning Commission meetings. In December, it was determined by the Planning Commission earlier that there is support for annexation of the property and associated connection of the site to city services. The City Council has not adopted a formal position on this matter. The City Engineer is developing costs. 15. Adjourn. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO ADJOURN. WC1Jruk. j!~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician . Page 10