Planning Commission Minutes 04-01-1997 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 1, 1997.7 p.rn Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten Liaison: Clint Herbst Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie opened the meeting. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 4,1997. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1997. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Rod Dragsten inquired about the status of the prioritization workshop. Jeff O'Neill stated this would be covered in 8B. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing -- Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit which would allow three or more si~s on a commercial building at 112 West Broadway. A'pplicant, Karen Schneider. J eff O'Neill stated that the owners of the building located at 112 West Broadway are requesting that a conditional use permit be issued to allow the erection of four (4) business signs on the front of the building and one (1) business sign on the rear of the building. The business signs are need to advertise three separate businesses cooperating to provide complementing home interior products and services. Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 . In the B~4 commercial district, a conditional use permit is required for signs where there are three or more business uses in one building. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. After a short discussion, ROD DRAGSTEN, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AT 112 WEST BROADWAY AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE SIGN PLAN SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. ALL SIGNS FOR TENANTS SHALL BE CONSISTENT IN DESIGN, MATERIAL, SHAPE, AND METHOD OF ILLUMINATION; AND , 2. PRIOR TO MAKING ANY ALTERATION OF SIGNS, SIGN LOCATIONS, SIGN SIZE, OR NUMBER OF SIGNS, AT THE BUILDING OWNER SHALL SUBMIT AN APPLICATION AND REVISED SIGN PLAN TO THE CITY AND RECEIVE AN AMENDMENT TO THIS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. . The motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of an ordinance amendin~ Chapter 3, Section 12, of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance establishin~ antenna and antenna support structure re~ations. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that this item has previously been before the Planing Commission on November 27, 1996 and again on December 24, 1996. Staffhas made substantial revisions to the ordinance since the last draft that was presented to the Planning Commission. The extent of changes made by this draft requires that this new public hearing be held. The ordinance appears to address many of the concerns communicated to the City from the telecommunications industry representative and provides for the needs of other users of antennas and antenna support structures. . Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 Antennas and antenna support structures are allowed as permitted uses where by design and placement they will most likely not be unsightly or incompatible with adjoining land uses. Other antennas and antenna support structures, including those uses for personal wireless communications services and radio and television broadcast transmission, are allowed by conditional use permit. O'N eill explained that staff had received a five page memo from Larken, Hawkins, and Daly but it was not in time to be distributed to the Planning Commissioners in the April agenda packet. O'Neill suggested this item be tabled until the next meeting to allow time for the commissioners and staff to review the changes and comments. Michelle Johnson, Cellular Realty Advisors Inc., stated she was ready to address the comments from the Commissioners, however, was prepared to submit this information in writing. The Commission discussed this option and decided to table the item so there would be ample time to study the comments from Michelle Johnson. DICK MARTIE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, MADE A MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 12, OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ANTENNA AND ANTENNA SUPPORT STRUCTURE REGULATIONS UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING IN MAY. 7. Discussion of draft ordinance re2Ulating architectural aesthetics in desi~ and exterior facing materials. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that this item was presented for the Planning Commission's review and discussion. This would be the first partial draft of a possible ordinance amendment that would principally control the exterior facing materials of buildings constructed in the city. O'Neill added that there is not a clear definition regulating the architectural aesthetics in the design and exterior facing materials. O'Neill went on to note that this effort to regulate exterior facing materials is based on the city's goal of encouraging and maintaining that quality of commercial development. Fred Patch, Chief Building Official, reviewed for the Commissioners a variety of building photos and stated the ordinance would prevent buildings that are Page 3 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 temporary from becoming permanent and specifically prevent the type of buildings commonly referred to as "pole buildings". Patch went on to explain this is just the beginning and staff will encourage input from the HRA, MCP and the IDC on this item. The Commissioners discussed the fact that this ordinance had met opposition in the past and it would be important for staff to seek input from other organizations. It was agreed that staff should move forward with an ordinance regulating architectural aesthetics in design and exterior facing materials. 8. Updates A. Land Use Planning Workshops - Thursday, April 24, 1997 - Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, confirmed the date of April 24, 1997 for the Land Use Planning Workshop in St. Cloud. B. Joint Commissions Meeting - Jeff O'Neill explained that the City Council had met to review and prioritize city projects. This information is now being revived by staff for input to the city council. After the council has had time to meet and review staffs recommendations a joint meeting will be scheduled for feedback from all the commissions. . C. MCP/Comprehensive Plan.- Jeff O'Neill reported the MCP downtown/riverfront development concept has been approved by the MCP membership and once the final plan has been drafted by Hoisington Koegler, it will come to the Planning Commission and City Council to incorporate into the comprehensive plan. Rita Ulric, MCP Director, confirmed that the final touches are still being completed but the plan is expected soon. D. Art Anderson/Orrin Thompson request for amendments to the Urban Service area boundaries. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that this item was placed on the agenda at the request of the Chairman of the Planning Commission, Dick Frie. O'Neill continued by outlining the sequence of events. At the regular meeting of the City Council on March 24, 1997, the City Council acted . Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 to accept the Township's recommendation and deny further requests for amendments to the Urban Service Area. The reasons for the denial were based on concerns regarding the capacity of County Road 118 and concerns about lineal residential development. During the discussion, it was noted that the denial of the request is not inconsistent with the comprehensive plan because the door remains open to development in the area at the later date. Chairman Frie stated that he did not usually miss the City Council meetings but was not in attendance when the request for an amendment to the Urban Service Area was discussed. Chairman Frie outlined three points to discuss: First, that each Commissioner reviews the minutes; second, that there is an interpretation of the motion that was made by Dick Martie; and third, a clear understanding of the Planning Commission's position on the matter which was requested by the City Council. . Chairman Frie stated he was under the impression that the amendment that was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission would go to the Township for comment, then back to the Planning Commission before advancing to the City Council. Frie stated he did not want to see the relationships between the City and the Township damaged, the City and the Township need to compliment each other and not compete with each other. Bruce Pankonin, development manger for Orrin Thompson Homes, stated in the fall of 1994 he met with city staff to explore the opportunities in Monticello. The staff recommended the southeast areas for upscale housing. Orrin Thompson then purchased 80 acres of the Ralph and Naomi Hermes property on County Road 118. The northern 40 acres is identified in the major growth area and the southern 40 areas is wooded and identified as agricultural. Pankonin added the drainage in this area is to the north into the city's urban service area. Mr. Pankonin added in July 1995, Orrin Thompson petitioned the City for annexation. A red flag was then raised to review the sewer capacity and it was determined that the development would need to wait until the wastewater treatment plant could be expanded. Pankonin stated the proposed development would bring 165 homes to . Page 5 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 the community with a value of $110,000 to $160,000 having a positive effect on the tax revenue of the community. He concluded by adding that growth is going to happen in Monticello and Orrin Thompson would like to part of it. Dan Goeman, Goeman Realty, stated he is representing the Hermes in the sale of their property. Goeman stated with the City currently building a new school and a wastewater treatment plant there is a need for development to relieve the tax burden. This is one of the only areas that is conclusive to building this type of housing. He made a strong recommendation to approve the annexation. Janice DeMars, relator for Art and Darlene Anderson, stated the people selling the land should be considered. The Anderson had lived in the township for 30 years and would now like to retire however, their lives have been put on hold until this issue can be resolved. . Shelly Johnson, Monticello School District Superintendent, was asked by Chairman Frie for his comments. Johnson replied that the school district did have this development in their numbers when planning for the new school expansion and it is hard to adjust plans once the school has been approved. Bruce Hammond, Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District, stated that it is difficult to retain physicians or attract new physicians if development is being stifled. Chairman Frie inquired if the city anticipated all of the additional growth when the wastewater treatment plant was approved for expansion. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, stated the treatment plant projections were based on residential, industrial, and also wet industry. Weiss added exactly how development will occur is not known but there is no reason to turn away development because of the sanitary sewer line capacity. There is sanitary sewer capacity in this area. It was his understanding was that County Road 118 is programmed to be reconstructed in 1998. Mayor Fair added utility studies had been completed in this area and there is service capacity. The issue that was before the City Council . Page 6 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 and Planning Commission was to amend the urban service area. The land owners have come to the city with this question and Mayor Fair did not understand why the boundaries have not been changed in seven years. The entire area, school, churches, city, ect. is experiencing growth. If the township is surprised that growth is coming this should be discussed. Mayor Fair would be willing to meet with the township if needed but stated the request was made to the City and not by the City. Ted Holker, Township Board member and land owner, stated the agreement was for ten years and he did not think it was correct to change the boundaries at seven years. Holker stated this develop would boarder his property on two sides and it was hard for a landowner to plan if the OAA agreement was always changing. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the long range planning indicated in the comprehensive plan indicated residential growth to the south and west but it would be foolish to not use the infrastructure already in the ground. This development was of no surprise; there have been many discussions regarding it. . Chairman Frie asked the planning Commissioners to state their view on the amendment. Richard Carlson, Planning Commissioner, asked the question, What changed from January 1997 to March 1997 in the hearts of the Council? He added out of 120 acres only 40 are not in the OAA boundaries. Dick Martie, Planning Commissioner, added that this item has been discussed at length. He felt the Commission acted property at the time but action should be taken so it does not happen again. Jon Bogart stated he was in favor of the annexation because there had been a fair amount of money spent in upgrading the utility in that area, County Road 118 was scheduled for improvement next year, Orrin Thompson has missed this years construction season, and this development request was no surprise to anyone. Rod Dragsten, Planning Commissioner, stated the owners of the property want to sell and even though 40 acres is not in the OAA it . Page 7 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 should be annexed. Clint Herbst, Planning Commission Liaison and City Council member, did not think the council had a change of heart. The motion should have been sent to the Township Board for a recommendation not the City Council. Mayor Fair responded by citing the minutes of the council meeting which stated that the council recommended approval of the urban service line boundary adjustment contingent on Planning Commission approval. The Urban Service Agreement was not intended to set a fixed boundary for ten years. The line was intended to move when undeveloped areas within the urban service area became developed. Chairman Frie stated that the Planning Commissioners have each stated they are in agreement that the motion to approve the amendment is correct. He then asked if a Commissioner would like to make a motion stating the Planning Commissions stand on the amendment approval. . JON BOGART MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THEY RECONSIDER THE DENIAL FOR EXTENSION OF THE URBAN SERVICE AREA AND ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTIES BEING DISCUSSED TONIGHT BECAUSE THE PLANNING COMMISSION WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE PROPERTIES SERVICED AND BECOME PART OF THE CITY FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. TRUNK UTILITIES ARE IN PLACE. 2. IT HAS BEEN DISCUSSED AND PLANNED FOR MANY YEARS, PER THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE PARCELS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PLANNING FOR THE SANITARY SEWER TREATMENT PLANT AND SANITARY SEWER LINES THROUGH THE AREA. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 4. THIS PROPERTY WOULD ALLOW UPPER QUALITY . Page 8 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/01/97 HOUSING, WHICH HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A NEED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Frie added a comment that city staff should notice the township of any city action in the OAA. 10. Added items. There were no other added items. 11. Adjounl. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. W C1Jtt~k K/l(\Q~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 9