Planning Commission Minutes 08-12-1997 (Special Meeting) . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING- MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 12,1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Dick Martie, Richard Carlson, J on Bogart, Rod Dragsten Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Rick Wolfsteller, Fred Patch, Karen Doty, Wanda Kraemer This meeting w~s a continuation of the August 5th, 1997 meeting. (Items 13, 16, 17) 1. Call to order. The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie. 2. (Item #13 - 8/5/97 meeting) Review of the Wright County Planning Commission Report. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, stated he had added the Wright County Planning report in the agenda to give the Commission an example of a report that could be compiled for Planning statistics. The Commissioners inquired if Monticello had a representative on the Wright County Planning committee. Jeff O'Neill stated at this time the county board does the township planning but in the future the city might consider attending. Steve Grittman, City Planner, added there are moves state wide to encourage joint planning efforts. 3. (Item #16 - 8/5/97 meeting) Discuss review process and information submittal requirements and follow up procedures for variances, conditional use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, subdivisions. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported on the items that the Planning Commission asked staff to review. The following are the items discussed: A. Subdivisions and Conditional Use Permits approved with contingencies. Approval of planning applications with contingencies is not preferred but occasionally occurs when the need for additional information arises through the staffs review process. There are three ways this situation can be handled. First, staff will throughly review the application submittal requirements for Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 08/12/97 each type of planning case and add any previously unspecified submittal to our informational public handouts and applications. Second, the City Engineer and Public Works Department will provide at least one review of each application prior to entering the applications on the Planning Commission agenda. Third, the Planning Commission may table any item that it believes needs additional study or information. B. Documentation of Engineering Construction Design Standards. Developers should be provided with clearly written engineering construction design standards. The design standards have been started but need to be completed and made available to developers. C. Follow-up and Documentation of Planning Commission and City Council Decisions and Actions: Create a simple form and a routine process for summarizing action on planning cases. D. The zoning ordinance is complicated and difficult to interpret when developing site plans. Review the ordinance and create an abbreviated version for applicants. 4. (Added items from 8/5/97) The following items were added to the agenda. A. Ordinances regarding bikes on the sidewalks-this would be a sheriff item and if there is a problem the sheriff's office should be contacted. B. Ordinances regarding the number of garage sales-this was discussed and there is an ordinance that allows only three garage sales per year however, it is very hard to enforce unless all of the sales have been charted. City Hall had not received any complaints from neighbors this season. C. Should staff recommendations be verbalized prior to the public hearing? Steve Grittman, City Planner, the purpose of the reports is to give commission members the benefit of staffs experience. Staff should not be giving opinions on items that are a matter of taste just facts. D. Should the applicant receive copies of staff input prior to the hearings? Steve Grittman stated that it is very helpful for the applicant to read the report in advance of the meeting. This allows time to direct question to staff before the meeting or address issues that have not been completed. Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 08/12/97 E. What leverage does the City have at the final inspection prior to occupancy? Fred Patch, Chief Building Inspector, answered the final inspection is for building issues only. Landscape and on site issues should be a separate bond. 5. Adjournment. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. WCtMdv K~ Wanda Kraemer Developement Services Technician Page 3