Planning Commission Minutes 11-04-1997 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 4, 1997 ~ 8 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Jon Bogart, Dick Martie Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Fred Patch, John Simola, Bret Weiss, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order Chairman Frie called the meeting to order and noted the presence of Mayor Fair. 2. Approval of minutes of the re~lar meeting held October 7,1997. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH THE CORRECTIONS, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. An update on the Planning Commission applications was requested. A request to call for a public hearing for rezoning. 4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of a 13' variance to the 32' maximum height limit for a pylon si~. Application: Americlnn. Steve Grittman reported that AmericInn has requested approval of a variance from the maximum 32-ft height requirement applied to pylon signs which abut freeways. Americlnn is located east of Highway 25 between 1-94 and 7th Street. Specifically, the applicant's wish is to replace a previously- existing legal non-conforming pylon sign which was destroyed in this summer's storm. The replacement sign would measure 55 ft. in height and 200 sq ft in area. The sign would differ from that which previously existed in that a Perkins and Taco Bell signs are not to be attached. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Bob Gruber, Scenic Signs, stated there were many signs that came down during the storm and were allowed to be reconstructed except this one. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, noted that the other signs had received variances previously whereas the AmericInn sign had not. Grittman replied that the design of this sign is being changed from the sign that was destroyed so the application is processed as a new request. Tom Knopik, regional manger for Perkins, stated he is not opposed to the variance as long as Perkins is granted a variance also because the new sign for AmericInn will block the Perkins sign. He stated Perkins has lost about 24% of their business since the sign has been down because a large majority of their business depends on freeway traffic. Dick Frie closed public hearing Dick Frie inquired where the city was in the permit process with Perkins. Fred Patch, Building Official, stated he has been working with Perkins and their sign would not need a variance. After discussion on how the allowed sign height was calculated (according to the elevation of the 1-94 freeway ramp on Highway 25) it was decided AmericInn would not need a variance. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE CITY MAXIMUM 32 FOOT HEIGHT REQUIREMENT APPLIED TO PYLON SIGNS WHICH ABUT FREEWAYS BASED UPON THE FINDING THAT A VARIANCE IS NOT NEEDED. 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan which would remove or relocate the proposed 1-94 overpass at Fallon Avenue. Applicant: Church of St. Henry's. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the Church of St. Henry has applied to the City for a change in the comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan. The proposed change would eliminate the 1-94 overpass at Fallon Avenue, Page 2 . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 either removing it from the City's plans or relocating it to another location. The overpass is planned to cross 1-94, intersecting with the proposed extension of 7th Street adjacent to the Church's property. The Church has apparent concern with the visual impact of the overpass, as well as the slopes from the overpass intersection with 7th Street on their property. The Fallon Avenue overpass was designed to serve a number of transportation functions within the community. Seventh Street is an important connection through this area, allowing the development of industrial land east of the Church property and a parallel route for traffic currently using Broadway (CSAR 75). The City's Transportation plan lists the Fallon Avenue overpass as its top ranked project in the 2000-2110 time period. John Simola, Public Works Director, stated he was one of the first contacts for St. Henry's. At that time many options were reviewed and found to be impracticable. The current site was found to be the best option. . Bret Weiss, City Engineer, added the current plan has been in the works since 1989. The City met with the St Henry's building committee in February and the bridge was discussed. The minutes from the meeting were written and distributed by St. Henry's architect confirming this issue. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Steve Conroy, member of St. Henry's, gave a brief history of the growth in the church that led to purchasing the land. Conroy stated the nature of the area has changed and it should be looked at again. There would be about 1/3 of the land owned by the church that would be unusable. Pat McGuire, architect for St. Henry's, showed examples of alternative designs for the bridge crossing and connecting streets. Weiss explained that the bridge was detrimental to the 7th Street crossing design. Weiss added if the engineers for St. Henry's have found something that was missed we would be willing to meet and discuss any new ideas however, any changes would require MNDOT approval. O'Neill added one of the major functions of 7th Street is to route a portion of the traffic off of Broadway, traffic from East 39 will be routed on 7th Street to Highway 25 instead of the current Broadway or County Road 75. This is an important part of the MCP plan. . Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 Father Maus, priest for St. Henry's, the church has about 1400 families, 1100 children in religious programs, and growing each year by 80 to 100 families. St. Henry's is going to be a large portion of the city for a long time. The church does many good things in the community. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Richard Carlson stated the City does need to work with the church but the bridge has been on the books for a long time. I do not have any specific on the elevations. Jon Bogart replied the Fallon Overpass has been in the Transpiration Plan for a long time. He wanted the item tabled to allow staff and St. Henry's to meet and discuss the options in more detail. Dick Frie asked the applicant if the land was purchased on contingency and if the church knew of the overpass. Conroy answered that the land was not purchased on contingency and the church did know about the bridge but did not anticipate the amount of impact to the property. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO TABLE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR REMOVAL OR RELOCATION OF THE FALLON A VENUE/I-94 OVERPASS PROJECT FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: FIRST-TO ALLOW THE CHURCH AND CITY STAFF TIME TO WORK OUT THE DIFFERENCES; SECONDED-REVIEW THE IMPORTANCE OF THE 7TH STREET CONNECTION IN REGARDS TO BROADWAY; THIRD-REVIEW THE EFFECTS OF THE 118 INTERCHANGE. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of an ordinance amendment creating a Central Community Zoning District. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the City Council has recently approved the adoption of the MCP, Monticello Community Partners, Plan as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. This report provides a conceptual outline of a proposed zoning district which would be designed to implement the MCP Plan. In addition, we have developed ordinance text Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 language for a new zoning district. Rather than attempt to adjust one of the City's current zoning districts, we would propose to create a new district which is specifically tailored to the unique aspects of Monticello's downtown and the goals and objectives of the downtown plant. We have entitled this district the Central Community District. This title was chosen because it is expected that the district will include more than just business that the common title "Central Business District" would infer. Grittman added the city MCP would like to see a more flexibility sign ordinance for this area. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Rita Ulrich, MCP Director, stated that MCP would like to see a design advisory committee formed, with a representative from each MCP, business, city, and planning commission. This group would attend intensive training on the guild lines for the downtown development. Ulrich added that she would like to see more flexibility in the sign ordinances in this district and would be willing to work with city staff on that issue. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Steve Grittman stated that there will need to be a process developed. If an advisory committee reviews the project for visual aesthetics then their recommendation would be forwarded to the zoning administrator, who would then bring the project to the Planning Commission. Charlie Pfeffer, developer, replied whatever is decided upon the process needs to be user friendly and work economically. Every layer that is added is expensive and complicates the project. After a short discussion, DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AS PRESENTED, CREATING A "CCD' CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT, AS A LAND USE DISTRICT IN THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE. Motion passed unanimously. The motion was based on the finding that the amendment would implement the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Discussion of draft fence ordinance amendinlir Title 10, ChlWter 3, Section 3-2 LE1 Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 Fred Patch, Chief Building Official, stated the existing fence ordinance is confusing and has created undesirable land use conditions. In addition, the current fence ordinance does not address community aesthetic concerns such as barbed wire installations and exposed structural components. Patch explained specific undesirable effects of the current ordinance and how the proposed amendments will address each of the concerns and prove for safer and more aesthetically pleasing fence installations. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE DECEMBER 2, 1997 MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING THE CURRENT FENCE ORDINANCE. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Update on Brid"eview Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the Planning Commission is being asked to consider recommending adoption of a resolution supporting cooperation between jurisdictions in the development of the Bridgeview Plat. The resolution outlines reasons supporting preservation of unique natural areas and outlines measures that the City would take to assist preservation. A joint meeting between the developers, town boards, county and state agencies is scheduled for 1997, 7 p.m., at the River Inn. The Commissioners discussed the resolution and after discussion decided to attend the joint meeting but to not make a motion until after the joint meeting. 10. Update on National Guard/Community Center. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commissioners that Anthony Kell Architects, AKA, was chosen by the task force to design the National Guard/Community Center. A letter of intent had been received by the National Guard. The next phase will involve collecting and distributing complete information to the public. 11. Added Items A. Jeff O'Neill reported that there were 5 applications at this time for the Jon Bogart's place on the commission; however, the applications can Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/4/97 still be received. The interviews will be scheduled before the December meeting. B. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, noted that the Klucas property is being marketed at this time and according to the 1997 work plan, the Planning Commission is suppose to address the zoning of this property. O'Neill suggested that the Planning Commission address this topic so the seller will have the zoning designation prior to marking efforts. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING THE PROPERTY OWNED BY EDGAR KLUCAS WHICH IS CURRENTLY R3, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 12. AQjourn. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. (;Jo.htd{;~ tlA1ffiJJW/\,- Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 7