City Council Minutes 10-14-1968 Special1109 (Continued October 8, 1968) Motion by Councilman Schiffer to pay the bills as presented. h list of the bills as presented and the bills are on file at the Clerk's office. The following �rlonies were disbursed: General Fund $4695.44 Street Fund $468.61, Water Fund $721.51 Sewer Fund $1555.26, and Park Fund $11.38. The followinh orders were issued for the above funds: Order 888 through 970. The following amount of monies were disbursed in Liquor Fund $17536.37, and the order issued were 605 through 671. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried„ Voting y s: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg, &"4 a& ,1; Qd ot.i.ng no: None. Meeting adjourned on motion 11:59 p.m. -- : . October 141 1968 Special meeting of the Villa. re Council was held this tire =:.nd date at the Village Hall. ?`'lembers present: 1ayor S-ndberg, Uouncilman Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Members absent: None. The Viii=-ge Council interviewed the following applicants for the position of full time police officer: fir. 'dilhur Eck, Mr. Berlyn Birkholz, Yx. C. Ripley, Petr. Catlin, = nd Mr. Lanni.e Gillham, Motion by Councilman lopel to hire Mr. Berlyn L. Birkholz as a full time police office at $500,00 per month commencing November 1, 1965, TAith no over -time pay authorized. Further, he is to be hired on a three (3) month probational period and upon satisfactory completion of the probational period, his salary is to be raised to IP52.5.00 per month. Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Seh ffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Monticello Township Board Members met with the Council regarding fire protection for their township which is row provided by the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department. Council members explained to the Town_ Borrd Members why the Village had to have a fire contract with the Township government to provide fire protection„ Further, the Council explained how they arrived at the•cost levied in this fire contract. The Town Board 'embers felt that the standby charge in the contract was out of line. Council explained th�.t if the Village found that the char es were too high, they would adjust them upon renewal of the contract at the end of the ye -r. Mayor Sandberg stated to t1lie Town Board members thpt this contract would cost them approximately no more than they had been paying when they,as individuals, contracted directly Trith the fire department. The Town Board Mlembers stated th,,t they would let their constituents decide whether they wanted to contract fire service from the Village. Further, they stated?_,; 9�6ave they would notify the Council at the next regular Council meeting that is scheduled for November 12, 1968. Other interested parties that attendee this meetin7 were members of the Monticello Volunteer Fire Dep-rtment and constituents of Monticello,Township. Motion by Councilman Kasper to adopt a resolution to set the 1968 Village Tax levy as follows: General Revenue $289000.009 PERA $5,800.00, Audit $120^,.00, Firemen's Relief 'Lssoci�,tion )65.00, Street �1.��,000.^0, Park .nd �ecrertion ` 1_,800.00, Buildin =end bonds: Gener;-,1 ImprolTement 1960 $5,000.00, General Improvement of 1961 $14,000.00, Building and Fire Equipment $?,000.00. Further, to -= �,� �se� ye - 110 e (Continue(] October 14, 1968) Adopt a resolution, to certify )'10,000.00 from the yiunicipal Liquor Store toward payment of the Consolid,.ted Improvement mond f 1 60. a � 0 9 (See Resolution folder for Resolutions) IJ"otion seconded by CouncilTn=).n Sch�lffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandbergt Councilman Kasper, Topel, Schiffer and Swenber;g. Voting no: None. Meeting adjourned on motion at 11:45 P. M. e UctoOer lb, lybb Special meeting of the Vill=�ge Council held this time and date at the 'fill=lqe Mall. 'embers present: Ytayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer and Swp_nberg. Members absent Co>>.ncilmen Kasper and Topel. Correction to Council minutes -for the regular Council Tnieeting of October 8, 19589 omitted. ,vias the following motion: Motion by Councilman Kasper to approue,of the following buildin ^ permits: 1','r. C. N. Christiansen to build an addition to his uarac•e, 16 feet by 16 feet, -,n(3 rebuild a; utility buildinu, 10 feet, by 20 feet, on Lots 6 & 7 L'lock 1.0 Unr�Pr rionticello -nd r. Eck to build an �d.dition to his house,22 feet - a by 30 Feet, on his nronerty Section 11, Twsp 121, Range 25, N, 'kv' -4, of S E not 11)1;� tted 11lonticello. ilaotion secon(]ed by Councilman Sch•= ffer :end c=)rrie(-!. Voting yes: Mayor vandberg, Cocncilmen K^_sper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swngnl�erg. Votingno: Mone. r — t c Pyr. Leroy Kreitlow, representin; Gruys-Johnson Ci A's'- nd Associ!-?tes, submitted their Qu= rterly nd nine: month audit report e:nc�.ing Septemlber 30, 1768, for the ` ��unicip le Linuor`Store. They st �ter'l the percentages*were d.oti.,n Por the trird ouarter. Recommend -]tions -viere made to correct this situation. Notion by Councilman Schaffer to contact the folloiAng to serve as election M jud es: 1 r. `Jvm Jonget.ra.ar6 , A. Ga.rli.d, rs . Ruth Harstacl , I' r . J. L. ram sen, e Lindberg, '"-'rs. Perry,,alter•,, irs.FLoy Mrs. K. McCoy, and Firs. Kathr�,�n Clark. �lltern.�tes election judge: i1'I_rs.L. Hawkins. '`Motion seconded by ?',=,Vor S=nd.ber`T and i carried. Voting yes: 1.7: yor Sandberg Councilman Schi; fer -nd Swanberg. Voting; no: done,. 1"iotion by, Councilman Schiffer to Rpprove of ,e. building permit. for Mrs. Lorell Hass to build a utility building, 8' x 121, on the north half of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by 1'4-- yor S^nclbera anr1 e,-irried. Voting _yes: ','- yor S,=ndbern, Councilmen Schaffer � nrl S�T�nbers;. Voting no: [:one. i,eetin; .-d journecl. on motion at 10:45 e