City Council Minutes 04-28-1969 Special7:00,,P,rrI, April 28, 1969 Special me!;ting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Ed Schaffer,, F� Franz Swanberg, J. W. Miller, Jr., and James Maus. Members absent: None. r Mr. Duane Moses, bartender, and Mr. Gordon Stokesp Liquor Store Manager, presented to the Council the bartenders' wage proposal which was $3--00 per hour with a minimum 11,5 hour work week and a maximum 55 hour work week. Further, any hours over the 55 hours per week for any employee would have to be approved by Council. A I Motion by Councilman Miller to keep the pay scale that was adopted by the Village Council in Febraary 1969,which limited the full-time bartenders to a 45 hour work week maximum. Further, it limited the over -time hours at the liquor store to a total of 12 hours per week which was to be performed by the part-time employees. Motion seconded by Mayor Sandberg and not carried. Voting Yes: Mayor Sandberg and Councilman Miller. Voting no: Councilmen Schaffer and Maus. Abstaininv: Councilman Swanber,­#, Councilman Schaffer made the followingproposal: To pay the regular full- time time bartenders $2.0.5 per hour with a minimum 45 hour work week and a maximum of 55 hours per work week. Also that the full-time bartenders be paid for .hour day on all Villa ---,e paid holidays. Full-time inexperienced. 1--)artenders starting would be $2.40 per hour and after 60 d�.ys, upor r-commPr.,,!_;.;ation of Lhe "TianagM-r, their pay will be raided '1110 the regular r^te for the full -tire L . be $2.40 per hour and ,).'Ltcrbartenders. The regular part time bartender's wages to b incrtP.sed to $2-`0 5 h ptr our and th!�- part-time inexperienced —I starting wage 60 days, upon recommendation of the nanaf-,er, their rate of ppy is to ire raised to t at of the regular rate for the part-time bartendi!!r4- Councilman Schaffer further stated that i -? the off -sale clerks be discharged if they lbsented themselves from the off -sale store w-itbout havin,�-,?, another employee st?,nOin,--r by 'el-, durinn, their absence. Also, if onir linuor store erqloyee indulged in drinking If 1 I? I--) intoxicatin- b -.vera,< -,-,s while workin,-,, in the municipal liquor store--, he would be dismissed and that the manacrer be dischan-,ed if he condones an,T employee to drink while on the job. 1,10tion by Councilman Sw2nb--r-)- to p�--,y th,� fulltime bartenders at the following rate : Mr. Duane Moses P2.05 per hour; Yr. Gary Holman -"2.70 per r) hour;4-TvIr. Claude Johnston ',"2.80 per hour with a minimum of P. 45 hour work week a ..nd a maximum of 55 hours per -viork week. The part-time bartenders w.q­es will i:_- remain at $2-50 per hour. Further, the above stated wages for the bartenders -viill be reconsidered by the Council mat the end of 2nd qu:Irter 1969. notion seconded by Councilman hiller and carried. Voting,C.? yes: Mayor Sandberg; lz� Councilmen Schaffer, SwRnberg, and Maus. Voting no: 'None. It. adjourned on imo-