City Council Minutes 05-12-1969 Special5:00 p.m. xa ilJoy 12, 1969 Special meeting cf the Villa --e Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. I.1embers present: _"Jayor Sandberg; Councilmer- Ld Schaffer, Franz Swa.nberg, J. W. -Tiller, Jr., and James Maus.�-�embers absent: None. CD Council_ interviewed the folloiriing men for the position of. mana..r er of the uni cipwl Liquor Store:; Yr. 0. Harstpd, T-lr. Roger T-'arturmo, _Z -r. Jack Lano,en.feld, Mr. Vance Sharpe, and. � T. Jerry Delong. Council decided that they wouldn't make a, decision on selecting a --liquor store menager until they had a chance to revie,-w each of the applications. 3,�eeting ad journed. at 6:30 p.m. on mc'' - - 8.00 P. M. R�vT 13 9 1969 Rerular meetinm of the Village Council held this time and date at the Villago-, 1,11all. Miembers present: "K\7 -or Sandberry; Councilmen Fd Schaffer, Franz Swanbe-r`, J. W. iY'iller, Jr., --ntnd James "Taus. 1`1embers absent: Alone. Minutes for Council meeting April 8, 16, 21, 239 28, and 29, 1969, and ,"flay 5 & 8, 1969 were approved. Lids were received and opened for the purchase of a new police car at 8:00 P. M. this date. The bids �,jere checked as to compliance of s-pecifica,_ tions; all bids mot the requirements. 'he followingbids sere re -eved: 1. 14onticello lord Inc. (wits tr.'.de-!_n) '41),1(712.00 2. Gould (with trade-in) $212.5.00 !-lotion by Counci-1man Schaffcr to accept the lo.,, ­st bid. of X1912.00 from M?onticello For! Inc. for 1969 Ford Custom. 500 Tudor (coirjplete pol_ic�- unit as Stated 4Ln specifications). Motion seconded by Councilman 1.'filler and carried. Voting yes: T. ayor Sandberg,; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanber;, Viller, and %;a.us . Voting; no: None. 1jotion by Mia-vor Sandberg; to approve of a building; perY,it for Mir. John Kaz to build a utility building, 7' X:10', on Lot 7, Block 16, Lower ?,'Ionticello. Motion seconded by Council r_z.n Schafi fer and carried. Voting yes i"avor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swa.nberg-;, A,'_iller, .and Maus. Voting, no: none. Motion by Councilman 1.111ler to approve of a house moving permit for the County State Lang to ru- ;rc the Laura Thompson house and ga.racae from its present location on Lot/;V except west 4 feet, Block 53, Upper Aonticello, to Lot 7 except south 30 ', Block 29, Upper lljonticello. Further, to, approve of building permit to build an addition onto the garage. 'TMotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: =