City Council Minutes 09-09-196915- 8:00 P.M. September 9, 1969 Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. 11,1embers present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, I,liller, and Daus. 12lembers absent: None. Bids were received sand opened for they: purchase of a neer tractor at 8:15 p.m., this date. The bids were checked as to compliance of specifications; all bids met the requirements. The following bids were received: 1. Bergstrom Farm Store - 14assey Ferguson 30 Industrial Tractor w%front end loader (with Ford Tractor and. backhoe trade in) $4350.00. 2. Frank Knapp Sales and Service - Allis Chalmer 615 Tractor w%front end loader (with Ford Tractor and backhoe trade in) $4975.00. potion by Councilman ?Vsiller to accept the lowest bid of $4350.00 from Bergstrom Farm Store on the Massey Ferguson 30 Industrial Tractor (as per Village specifi- cations) for $4350.00. Motic•n seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting; yes: irlayor S.ndbe;rg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Diller, and Maus. Voting no: None. Bids were received and opened for the construction of a pole barn at 8:30 p.m. this date. The bids were checked as to compliance of plans and specifications; all bids met the requirements. The following bias w -re received: 1. Fullerton Lumber Company, Monticello, $3548,o4it. 2. Elk River Lumber, Inc., Elk River, $3821.00. 3. United Building Center, Albertville, $3767.34. -lotion by Councilman Schaffer to accept the lowest bid of $3548.41 from Fullerton Lumber Company for the Construction of a pole barn in accordance with the plans and specifications as presented by the Village of Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman 1.1iller and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Miller, Swanberg, and Maus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of granting a cigarette license to the Lawrence Fair Market. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting .yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Daus. Voting no; None. Council discussed with Thore M,--yer,- Village Engineer, about improving that portion of Third Street between Elm Street and the westerly Village limits. Council approve4of having the above stated portion of Third Street graded and putting a stabilizer base on this street as a temporary measure for traffic. ,r. Art `IcIntire, Chief of Police, requested that the Council approve: of hiring 111r. Kenneth Antil as a part time patrolman. ?lotion by Councilman Swanberg to approve of hiring Mr. Kenneth Antil as a part time patrolman at $3.00 per hour effective September 10, 1969. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. llr. McIntire requested that the police department be authorized to purchase a new police* radio. Council approve of his request. 164 .ar.q 00: 8 O'SSI V 40 Js slab bna tmIJ aldl blond IfonuoO t+grl11V sdl 10 Nallosm Istu� hnr wnelflmrtidrtaw? 7e11r-rto8, nemllortuoO p-iodbnGE-co�s'1 t1neaazq an.4d F! .lIsH \:1 . *no'N t tns edr tRedm , SvANM' **m.q Ztt8 Is Yoloszl wsn s to eazdoiur, ,%dJ iol bsnego bas b9v1snsi 974w w ON $erg abld Its ;a llsollfoena to sonsitgmoo of as ba)iosrio stow ebld o .eJzb elffl tbevleosi �^tew abld Antwoltol *dT ,e rt'mellirpai e.�l $no-r3\w-cotorvt ISI-x1aubnI 0C noEun-141 X#Sr4'[ » s-tol? m-1..14 'tan -lea .S .00.0ZC4 (nl sbAil soAM*sd bna iolosIT b-xo`� dl.N) eb,sol bn# bne Ino-t1\w wtofowt Z16 •tem1srfO e111A - ovf -ts? .bryz as1� ? gznx mnzlq .� .00.Z (ts1 sbsil sodgosd bnz iolo !T b -o d11- T� -xs brol md'xleA1491 moil 00,WA '+a b2desWd1 s3geoo�c of tt'' nal,anuoO vd notfll .11losgn *gSIUV isq as) ,% ` is���g�rbnI 0� t�cletr� a'� -teaee'l Odd no e1�8 mnzq SNIJoV .bef-MAD bas 1911sdo t zmfforwoO -td be+baoor�a -1,101 .00.0�E41' -1ca#1 (anoltro ton -nnlloV 9*vsM bat ooll tgitd w2 sn!*IlzdoE vmIlon oO ;Siedbn a ioxsM aeeX . ano�1 .m.q OCO $a rrxsd sloq s to nota-1.1enoo 43r-(,tl bsne►go brm bsv.�eos1 --xew able e effo1Js*Moega bns enslq to 96pailqmoo 01411, a. bs*)4,� io sn*w Old adT .slab eldl s bsvItosl a ew abIj Aff1wo of srST . elctamterlapa-i Brit lem abld its ,00.84AZE eol.1noM .,XrtsamoD vsdmid noifieffmq .1 .00.158( #10VIH Y1*.onI 'iedmuJ -tevlR X19 .S . .�`�'S` �• I.tv$-r:.qdtA ,,-ro.1n93 �rc1bl. 3 bi!J-W . .84S� f t to bid Ye wol sO\ lgsoos of jelladoe mmllonuoO Xd noil®� (Continued September 9, 1969) Clerk -Treasurer informed Council that there was no way of estimating the amount of water that Centra Sota Drying Plant was running through the Village sanitary sewer s,,.Tstem krithout having Centra Sota out a water m+*ter on their well at the drying plant. 14otion by Councilman Schaffer that Centra Sota Dairy Association be notified by letter that they will havt to install a water meter on their well at the drying plant so that Village krill be able to determine how much water they are running through the sanitary sewer system. Further, that they provide the Villages with a record of the milk they process through their drying plant on a weekly or monthly basis so as the Village can have a complete. record of the total load their drying plant is placing on the sanitary segn.r system„ ,lotion seconded by seconded by Councilman Miller and. carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Simnberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. Council further discussed the sewer rates that Centra Sota Dairy Association is paying. It was stated that their current se;wnr usa,,g ' charge was the same rate that the Land O'La.kes Drying Plant paid when they were in operation. It was pointed out that the Centra Sota Drying Plant is a Much larger operation here than was the Land O'Lakes Drying Plant and that it is creating a much heavier load at the disposal plant. Further, it was stated that when Centra. Sota Dairy Association was in Buffalo, their sewer usage charge was considerably higher with a much smaller operation and that their operation here, is larger but the sewer usage charge is considerably less. Iiotion by Councilman .Schaffer to increase Centra Sota hairy Association sewer usage charges for the drying plant from $500.00 per cuarter to $1000.00 per Gua.rter effective October 1, 1969. Further, that the Centra Sota Dairy Association be notified by letter of this Council action. Motion seconded by Councilman Miller and carried. Voting, yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen -Scha.ffJ,r, Swanberg, ?,filler, and Maus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of combining the following bank accounts: 1. Street and Park Funds 2. Mater Works and Water Sinking Funds notion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yeas: !, yor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Puller, and I012.us. Voting no: None. Mr. Art Mlclntire, Chief of Police, prese,ntnd to Council a written report on the traffic and pedestrian survey that the Po"_ice Department conducted on State Highway ;*152 by they 14onticello High School. McIntire informed Council that since Labor Day the, traffic on Highway ;152 has dropped off thirty (30) per- cent. He further stated that around the, lst of April the, traffic will pick up again. Iv7r. !'=cIntire stated that between Labor Day and the lst of April there won't be, a traffic problem on Highway 4'152 by the, hi --h school. He did emphasiwthat there is a problem with the children in that they're not abiding by the village and school policy that had been established a. number of years ago in that the children are not to use Broadway Street (Highway -152) as a walking street.. He stated that the village and school have counselled the school children to use the designated walking streets which are River Street and Third Street. Yx' . McIntire asked that the parents of school children make a concentrated effort to insure that their children not use Broadway Street (Highway#152) as a walking street to go to school. Further, people who are operating vehicles should try to stay off of Third. Street and River Street as much as possible during the hours that children are going to and from school. If the public would abide by the above' policy that has been established by the village and the school, it would be greatly appr6ciated. He stated that his department is currently stopping children every day from using Broadway Street (highway #152) as a walking street to go to school. Again, he asked the parents of school children to counsel their children not to use Broadway Street (Highway #152) as a school route. 18 6 (Continued September 9, 1969) Councilman Schaffer brought up for Council discussion about putting in a sidewalk which would extend the length of the Village. e. Councilman Schaffer pointed out that this sidewalk would keep the school children off of the street when going to and from school. He stated that it should either be on Broad -way Street or Third Street. Further he felt that the Village should maintain it during the winter months. Council members discussed the pros and cons, of this proposed improvement at length. Mlotion by Councilman 1,11iller that $10,000.00 be pledged from the liquor store revenue in 1970 for sidewalk improvement. Potion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Council- men Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to pay the bills as presented to the Council. A list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the. Clerk-Trmasurerls office. The following monies were dis!',ursed: General Fund $.9?.12..85 ', Sewer Fund $1552-54 Street Fund $.679,81 Water Fund $ 4576.78 Park Fund $22,f . .1_,, General Improvement Fund $181849o% The following orders were for the above funds: Order 2 thro'agh ord,-,!.-r #2114 The following amounts of monies were disbursed in the Liouor Fund,$'18,?42 and the following orders w^ -re issued; order through order 41,512 Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Coiincilrq-.�n Schaffer, Swanberg Miller. Voting * yes: Mayor Sandberg; ,,, Miller. and Maus. Voting no: None. Council approved of paying A. N. Johnson Construction Company for the digging and pumping of a sewer lateral on Watt .River Str,,�,et'. r') 1,11ler to dant a.building permit to Zr. Charles Christiansen to build an addition on his house/13'X9, located on Lots 6 and 7. Block Oo Lower Monticello. IML'otion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Piller, and Plaus. Meeting adjourned on lotion at 11:00 p.m. A '70erk-Tre'asurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___..___-___-'-- 8:00 P.M. September 10, 1969 Special Council meeting held this timt and date at the Village Hall. Members present: 11ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer,, Swanbergq 'Ulillerj, and 111'aus. Members absmntow None. , Council members discussed pay raises for Village employees for budget purposes for year 1970., After a lengthy discussion, Council decided that they would. use a ten (10) percent guide line of the total gross i,.Tag;!s for budget purposes. Howtve.rl, they stressed that this would not mean that they were going to reaise each individual employees wages ten (10) percent for the year 1970, F Council further reviewed the request of 11"Ir. Gt.rald DeLong, Liquor Store Manager, for a pay raise. 101'ayor Sandberg and Councilman Miller stated that they felt that the Liquor Store Manager's salary was adequate at the present rate. They stated that the Monticello Liquor Store Manager's salary was s higher thAn other village linuor store managers in Tright C Count eh fee stated 01 e that b,.�fore any decision should be made th�! Council s uld esults of the July, August, and September 1969, quarterly a, it. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P -n- on motion. sure 'r M,,,n<-TvI�acsure,r