City Council Minutes 06-24-1974Regular meeting of Council - June 10, 1974 - const. 199 It was the consensus of council members that a high quality recorder is required to insure that meetings are recorded accurately and to allow the tapes used to be filed as a permanent City of Monticello record. The letter from the Administrator was based upon an opinion from the City Attorney. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson, to proceed with the procurement of bids for the proposed tape recorder purchase. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Op- posed:.None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. KLLF/mj q Enclosures: 1. Water hook-up charge ordinance. 2. Copy of resolution ordering report on improvement - curb and gutter. 3. Copy of ordinance setting terms of Mayor and Council. 4. Federal Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report. City Council Meeting - June 24, 1974 - 7:30 P.M. - City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall by Mayor C. Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie. Council member Gene Walters was absent. The Mayor announced that the meeting was to be taped. Citizen Comments: Mr. Jim Foster, through the Administrator, expressed his displeasure over a parking ticket issued to him in front of his business establishment. The Mayor noted that several tickets have been issued and that unless the ticket was issued within the parking time limit the council could not take any corrective action. Mr. Ron Michaelis presented a draft regarding an improvement of his business property. In view of the fact a variance 1 permit will be required, the matter was referred to the Plann- ing Commission. Commission reports: Mr. Arve Grimsmo of the Roads & Streets Commission presented a detailed report of a meeting held 0 Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 1974 - con ' t. with representatives of the Minnesota State Highway Dept. He noted that consideration is being given to a lighting proposal from the Interstate and for possible improvement of the lights at -the corner of Highway 2S and 152. He stated that the State will be providing signs on the Interstate designating the availabilty of a hospital, gas and camping grounds. A restaurant would have to be open for 24 hours to qualify the city for "food" signs and the city is not eligible for lodging signs. Mr. Grimsmo stated that "No Left Turn" signs from the Monticello Mall area to Highway 2S will be required. He explained that the State is required to place a 211 mat on Highway 152 before it is turned over to the city or county. There are a number of factors to be studied carefully before the city would assume control of Highway 152 within the city limits. Mr. Thore Meyer explained some of the problems that need to be resolved before curb & cutter could be installed on Highway 25 and that this matter will have to be tabled to the meeting of July 8, 1974. Mr. Meyer stated he will be meeting with representatives of the State to resolve some issues. Mr. Meyer presented plans for the repair of the Vine Street Storm Sewer and for the Watermain on Locust -Walnut Street. In this regard, a motion was made by Bloni gen, seconded by Erickson, to adopt a RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. (Copy of Resolution attached as Enclosure 1 ) . Mr. Meyer gave a progress report in regard to Downtown Park- ing and noted that some trees the city had planned on saving are diseased. The consensus of city council members, no vote, was to leave the decision of tree removal up to the Downtown Parking Committee. A discussion was held concerning the possible black topping of the area around the city hall. Mr. Meyer noted that the present Liquor Store mat could be used. It was the con- sensus of council members that it is probably best to keep the driveway in back of the city hall and that this will be part of the improvement. In this regard, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, to authorize the black -topp- ing and improvement of the area around city hall at the approximate price of $4,000.00; the project will probably be financed with Municipal Liquor Store funds. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walter. Motion carried. Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 19'74 - con ' t. CIO A presentation was made by Dr. John Kasper, Mr. John Fred- erickson and Dr. Philip White, representing the Utilities Commission. Dr. Kasper noted that an agreement had been reached with Independent School District #882 regarding the water and sewer hookup charge for Pinewood School. The negotiated settlement calls for the School District to pay the City of Monticello $16,000.00 as a final settlement. In doing this, the School District chose to disregard their claim of approximately $2000.00 for costs incurred in installing a sewer line and to disregard any claim for library bills for the period April, 1973 through June 30, 1974. This would bring the total settlement to approximately $19,000.00. A motion to approve the proposed settlement for the Pinewood School hookup charge as recommended by the Utilities Comm. was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, John son, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. Members of the Utilities Comm. presented a proposal in regard to an adjustment for laundromats on their quarterly sewer charge. Dr. Kasper stated the Comm. feels there should be a 20% evaporation allowance. In addition, the Comm. recommends a quarterly sewer charge adjustment as follows: The quarterly charge will be $5.00 per 1,000 cu. ft. up to 30,000 cu. ft.; 30,000 cu. ft. and higher the charge will be $2.50 per 1,000 cu. ft. A motion to accept the recommendation of the Utilities Comm. and to adopt an ordinance amendment allowing a 20% evaporation allowance for laundromats only and the proposed rate schedule for any large user, was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson. Voting in favor: Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: Blonigen. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. (Copy of proposed ordinance change attached as Enclosure 2). Dr. Kasper stated that the Utilities Comm. feels the School District should only be required to pay a normal sewer and water hookup charge of $220.50 for the hookup of the Junior High School. This opinion was expressed after a review of the city ordinance and a determination that the ordinance does not provide for a higher charge. In this regard, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Blonigen, to have the Administrator send the School District a bill in the amount of $220.50 to allow for payment -in -full for the Jr. High School water and sewer hookup. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. The Mayor asked the Utilities Comm. to work with Thore Meyer in a study of sewer and water extensions, etc., that will 202 Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 1974. - con 1 t. possibly be needed. Mr. Meyer mentioned that up to 90% of this could be reimbursed by the Federal government. A presentation was made by Mr. Lee Hatfield representing the Public Safety Comm. Mr. Hatfield stated that he had talked with the State Highway Dept. regarding a possible reduction of the speed limit from 4.0 mph to 30 mph within the city limits and that they seemed to favor this proposal. In addition, the Highway Dept. would have no objections to crosswalks installed by the Legion Club, the Wayside Inn, and the Junior High School. He noted that the Public Safety Comm. felt the Jr. High School location is the area most in need of the cross- walk. The Mayor recommended that they Public Safety Comm. and the Roads & Streets Comm. hold a joint meeting to arrive at a common polscy in areas where both Commissions have a joint interest. Mr. Hatfield stated this would be arranged. The report by Mr. Hatfield concluded the reports by the city commissions for this meeting. A discussion was held concerning variance permits required by the following individuals or firms: developers of the Z etterberg property, Mr. Arve Grimsmo, Mr. John Fredericksen and Mr. Roger Host. The Z etterberg property requires a variance permit to allow for a shortage in square feet of approximately 3,000 feet where a 16 unit apartment building will be constructed. Mr. Arve Grimsmo requires a variance permit of approximately 1 5 front feet for the remodeling of his business residence. Mr. Fredericksen required a variance permit to build a fence 4 feet high at his residence. Mr. Roger Host requested a variance permit to build a garage within 5 feet of his side yard property line. After discussion of the variance permit requests, a motilin was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie, to approve the variance permits as requested. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. A discussion was held concerning the availability of Flood Insurance based on recent letters from the Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources. In this regard, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie, to adopt a "RESOLUTION ADOPTING LAND USE AND CONTROL MEASURES IN FLOOD PLAIN AREA.11 Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Copy of Resolution attached as Encl. 3) . The Mayor commented on the resignation letter of Mel Worth from the Monticello Planning Commission. It was the consensus X04 Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 1974 - con't. of council members to send a letter to Mr. Worth expressing appreciation for his services performed on the Planning Comm. and to send a similar letter to Gene Walters to express appreciation for service performed on the Utilities Comm. No appointments will be made to any Commissions until July. A discussion was held in regard to new over -time pay re- quirements as stipulated by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. It was the consensus of city council members to have the Administrator keep an accurate record of over -time worked by city employees; over -time will be allowed but will be watched carefully and if necessary additional help will be used. The Mayor commented that individuals working late at night are entitled to extra pay; employees will be paid over -time at the rate of time -and -one-half pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours. A periodic review will be made of this policy to see how effective it is and to see if additional full time or part time help would solve the problem. The Mayor remarked that the city could obtain extra summer help through a Meeker -Wright County summer help program. The Adm. noted that the city has had two local young men employed since June 17 under a separate Wright County summer employment program. For these two men, the county has agreed to pay all but .250 per hour of their salary up to $2.00. For the additional help under the Meeker -Wright County program, all of the salary up to $2.00 per hour will be paid. It was noted that the county does encourage some city parti- cipation; particularly the payment of mileage for individuals working out of town. The Adm. was instructed to use dis- cretion in the payment of mileage. The Mayor stated that many tasks need to be completed and we should make use of the help we are offered. It was the consensus of the city council to have the Adm. employ the help offered. A motion to approve the list of bills for the month of May, 1974, was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. Liquor: $39,158.65; Admin: $2,586.24; Fire: $1,106.05; Park: $927.98; Sewer: .$2,018.48; Water: $1,752.41; Service: $5,296.52; Street: $2,634.03; Other: $7,216-43 (Includes Imp. Project 1974-1 at $4,024-46). A motion to approve the minutes for the "continued meeting" of May 30 -June 4, 1974, and the minutes for the meeting of June 10, 1974, was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. u Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 1974 - con' t. 2 A motion to adopt the proposed "Ordinance relating to liquor control, to the consumption and display of liquor, and to procedures and fees for the granting of permits for the con- sumption and display of liquor to clubs and public places," proposed as Chapter 707, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. (Copy of proposed Ordinance 707 attached as Enclosure 4) . The Mayor stated that a discussion had been held with represent6.t.ives of the U. S. Postal Service and that it was the feeling of postal representativesthat the present facility is no longer adequate. Within two years, Monticello may have a new post office; home delivery will be part of the service. The Mayor stated that Maus Foods desire a "letter of intent" to purchase their building at the estimated price of $90,,000.00., providing there is clear title within 6 months. Dr. Erlandson is completing a projection sales which will be presented tothe city council. The Liquojlr Commission anticipates that sales could double within a 2 or -3 year period..: The Mayor commented that the city is not legally bound by the "letter of intent" to Maus Foods. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by Martie, to send a "letter of intent" to Maus Foods which would stipulate the desire of the city to purchases the property in question at/the estimated price of $90,000.00. Voting in favor: Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: Blonigen. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. The Adm. explained a letter and phone call from the State of Minn. which gave the city the opportunity to buy parcel #37 (Approximately 1 acre located north of the city cemetery) at a price of $510.00. The Mayor stated that he felt at this price it would be difficult for the city to go wrong and recommended approval of the purchase. Council member Blonigen felt this parcel could be used for any number of items and recommended the purchase. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen, to send a check to the State of Minn. in the amount of $510.00 stipulating that the city of Monticello desires to purchase the property in question. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Eriskson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The Mayor explained recent action taken by the Monticello Housing Authority. He read the minutes of the latest HRA meeting at which a motion was passed authorizing the use of the present Maurice Hoglund property for a low income housing site; in addition, he read a letter from the HRA to Mr. Houle and a letter of reply from M. Houle. The Mayor commented that possibly the Housing Authroity was placing too much emphasis on Section 23 of the Federal housing program and felt the city should not limit the options open to Mr. Houle. 2 0 Regular meeting of Council - June 24, 1974 - coni. 5 He noted that basically no fee will be involved if the city continues working with Mr. Houle. The Mayor requested city council permission to have a meeting with the Housing Authority j and noted that if all goes well the application for housing could be completed by July 1, 1974. The Mayor stated that he and Mrs. Ellison had toured low cost housing sites in other communities and they both felt the sites were commendable. In this regard, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, to authorize the Mayor to arrange a meeting with the Monticello Housing & Redevelopment Authority; tentatively set for June 27, 1974 (Thursday, 1:30 P.M.). Voting in favor: Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Abstain: Blonigen. Absent: Walters. Motion carried. The Adm. was instructed to have Civil Defense placed on the agenda for the meeting of July 8, 1974. A motion to adjourn was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie. Carried - all in favor. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40 P.M. Kevin L. LaFrance KLLF/mj q Enclosures: 1. Resolution - Plans & Specs. adv for bids - Vine, Walnut/Locust 2. Proposed ordinance amendment - sewer rates, laundromats and large users. 3. Resolution - Land Use and Control Measures in Flood Plain area. 4. Proposed ordinance - "Liquor control, display of liquor to clubs and public places." Special meeting of the City Council - July 9, 1974 - 7:30 P.M. City Hall (Held in lieu of regularly scheduled meeting - July 8, 1974.) The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Martie, Walters. Council member Denton Erickson was absent. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. 20 6 Special meeting of Council - July 9, 1974 - con 1 t. A motion to approve the minutes of June 24, 1974, as presented, was made by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Motion carried. The Mayor announced the use of a new tape recorder and noted that tapes will be a permanent record of each meeting. Citizen comments: A presentation was made by Mr. Ted Alm in regard to the possible use of the Maurice Hoglund property for low-cost housing. The Mayor explained the position taken by the City on this matter. A presentation was made by Mrs. Marion Jameson representing the Wright County Historical Society. Mrs. Jameson requested participation by representatives of the City of Monticello in a Bi -Centennial organization which will conclude in a nation- wide commemorative ceremony to be held in 1976. Mrs. Jameson notated some of the history of Monticello and requested citizen participation in documenting some historical records, buildings, etc. . . In response to the request from Mrs. Jameson, the Mayor appointed Mr. Robert Brown as Chairman of a Monticello Bi -Centennial Commission. This appointment was made with the unanimous consent of other council members. The admin- istrator was directed to write a letter to Mr. Brown. A presentation was made by Mr. Thore Meyer in regard to "Watermain Extension on Ramsey Street at Railroad.y Mr. Meyer noted that the total extension from the existing line north of the tracks would be 150 feet. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $6.,060.00. The request for water - main service was made by a resident in the area. The Admin- istrator was requested to arrange a meeting between property owners in the area. The City Attorney and City Engineer will also attend this meeting. Mr. Meyer presented bids in regard to Improvement Project 1974-2 (Seal Coat Project) . The bids presented were as follows: ,Blacktop Construction of Shakopee - $5,902.00 Tri -County Surfacing of Annandale - $61129.00 Allied Blacktop of Minneapolis - $631810.00 Mr. Meyer recommended that the bid of Blacktop Construction of Shakopee be accepted. A motion to accept the bid of Blacktop Construction for Improvement Project 1974-2 in the amount of $5,902.00, was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Gene Walters. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Motion carried. (Copy of Resolution Accepting Bid attached as Enclosure 1.)