City Council Minutes 11-25-1974Regular meeting of the Council Nov. 11, 1974 cont d. 2,47 A presentation was made by Wilbur Eck, who requested per- mission to be on the City Council agenda for the meeting of Nov. 25, 1974. Mr. Eck wants to discuss the purchase of a small parcel of land owned by the City. The Administrator was requested to have this item on the agenda and to obtain a report from the city attorney as to the feasability of this sale. The Administrator noted that Burlington Northern Railroad has written that repair work would be done at the Maple Street crossing. A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Erickson, that the meeting be adjourned. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johsnon, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Kevin L. LaFrance, Administrator KLLF/mj q Regular meeting of the City Council - November 25, 1974 - 7:30 P. M. ------ City Hall. Meeting continued to November 26 and 27, 1974• The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Walters. A motion to approve the minutes of November 11, 1974., as pre- sented, was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to approve the listing of bills paid for the month of October, 1974, was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Regular meeting of the Council - November 25, 1974 - cont' d. "manuscript mapping" could be provided to the City for $10,900. "Final drafted" maps could be provided at a cost of $17,900.00. Mr. Folz concluded by stating that a complete study, covering all phases of topography needed before engineering or planning studies can be conducted, could be provided for $225200.00. Mr. John Badalich presented a "Proposal for Comprehensive Storm Water, Sanitary Sewer and Water Facilities." The estimated costs for the "proposal" are as follows: (A) Comprehensive Storm Water Plan - $37,000.00 (B) Comprehensive Sanitary Sewerage System Plan - 23,000.00 (C) Comprehensive Water Plan - 215000.00 Total fee not to exceed: $815000.00 Mr. Badalich noted that the $81,000.00 fee would be credited toward the City account as projects are undertaken. A presentation was made by Mr. Bob Rohlin and Mr. Thore Meyer representing the engineering firm of Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. A proposal was presented which described a complete topographic program covering the newly annexed area for a price of $21,960.00. A second proposal covering topographic mapping for the entire orderly annexation area was estimated at $34,900.00. Mr. Meyer stated he was unaware that a proposal was to be pre- sented covering storm water, sanitary sewerage, and water facilities. This proposal will be presented at the next regular council meeting, December 9, 1974. The presentation will be made at 8:30 P. M. The Mayor stated that he had talked to Mr. Howard Kaibel of the Minnesota Municipal Commission. Mr. Kaibel informed the Mayor that the Municipal Commission had reviewed the especial levy" request of the City and had granted $75,000.00; the City had requested $346,000.00. The Mayor noted written confirmation of this decision would be received within a few days. The Mayor noted that the City does have alternative courses avail- able. No decisions were made on this matter. The Mayor adjourned the "continued" meeting to 7:00 P. M. on Tuesday, November 26, 1974• The "continued" meeting of November 26, 1974, was called to order by Mayor Conrad Johnson. The minutes were taken by council member Richard Martie. The "conti.nued'I portion of the meeting was not taped. Regular meeting of the City Council - November 25, 1974 - (Meeting continued to Nov. 26 and 27 - cont' d. ) The purpose of the "continued" meeting was to conduct an inter- view for the position of City Administrator. An interview was held with Mr. Jim Michely. The City Council discussed the Seventh Street exit at the Monticello Mall. There was council consensus, no vote, to change the minutes of November 11, 1974• The minutes will read "that a second entrance will be permitted with the under- standing that the entrance off Highway 25 will be improved.'? The words "at the same time" will be deleted. (This change also amends the motion of Nov. 25, 1974, which approved the minutes of Nov. 11). Mr. Richard Brooks is instructed to install a stop sign at the Seventh Street exit from the Monticello Mall. The meeting was "continued" to November 27, 1974, at 7:00 P. M. The "continued" meeting of November 27, 1974, was called to order by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. The minutes were taken by council member Richard Martie,. The "continued" meeting of November 27, 1974, was not taped. The purpose of the continued meeting was to conduct interviews for the position of City Administrator. Interviews were con- ducted with Mr. Mike Folk and Mr. Gary Wieber. The City Council discussed a possible appeal of the Minnesota Municipal Commission ruling on the "special levy" budget. The City Council is considering preliminary work on the budget and then a meeting will be held to decide to appeal or not to appeal. The Mayor, Mr. Pringle and the auditor will do preliminary work on a budget and then bring to the full Council next week. A motion to adjourn was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A meeting is tentatively set for Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. to dis- cuss a possible appeal of the Minnesota Municipal Commission decision. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P. M. Kevin L. La France, Administrator KLLF/lsg Encl. 1: Resolution creating office of Adm. for City of Monticello. 252 Special meeting of City Council - December 2, 1974 - 2:00 P. M. City Hall The special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 2:00 P. M. by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Martie, Walters. Absent: Erickson. The meeting was not taped. The purpose of the meeting was to review a "PETITION FOR AMEND- MENT" drawn by the City Attorney, in regard to the "Order for Authorization of Special Tax Levy," as issued by the Minnesota Municipal Commission and dated November 25, 1974• The Mayor made an item -by -item review of the "PETITION FOR AMEND- MENT." This included a breakdown of the City of Monticello pro- posed budget for 1975. It was noted that reductions had been made in engineering, the Park Fund and the Street Fund. The proposed budget estimates total additional costs due to annex- ation at $241,749.00. This amount will be asked for 9 years, less annexation costs of $26,000.00. After completion of dis- cussion, a motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters, to approve the "PETITION FOR AMENDMENT" as drawn by the City Attorney. (Copy of the "Petition" attached as Enclosure 1, when furnished by the City Attorney). Voting in favor: Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Abstain: Blonigen. Motion carried. A motion to approve the issuance of a cigarette license and "Off -sale" malt liquor license to Ernie' s Bait Shop, was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Bloni- gen, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Motion carried. (Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign). The Mayor gave notice of a meeting to be held on December 7, 1974, at which time NSP rate increases would be discussed. He stated Mr. Denton Erickson would be asked to see if he could attend this meeting. A discussion was held concerning the employment of an Administrator. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen, to employ Mr. Gary Wieber as the City Finance Officer and Acting Administrator, at an annual salary of $18,000.00. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Motion carried. Mr. Wieber stated he would let the City Council know by Friday as to whether he could accept this offer. He expressed appreciation for the consideration given him. A special City Council meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday evening at 7:30 P. M. was cancelled. The Administrator was instructed to inform the Street Supervisor