Planning Commission Minutes 09-08-1987 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION ~ Tuesday, September 8, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling, RiChard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Jim Ridgeway Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:32 p.m. 2. Motion by RiChard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the minutes of the August 11, 1987, meeting. Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm abstaining. 3. Consideration of Modifying the Finance Plan for Tax Increment Redevelopment District #6. Applicant, City of Monticello. Ollie Koropchak was present to explain to Planning Commission members the modification to the finance plan for Tax Increment Redevelopment District #6. ~ A brief explanation as to the reason for modifying was that some cost overruns had occurred in the excavation of the building site. With no input from the public, motion was made by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the modification of the finance plan for Tax Increment Redevelopment Distict #6. Motion carried unanimously. See planning Commission Resolution 87-3. 4. Sketch Plan Review of a Planned Unit Development to be known as Highland Heights One. Applicant, Rivera Financial and Development Corporation. Mr. George Rivera was present to propose a sketch plan for a planned unit development to be known as Highland Heights One. Mr. Rivera explained the intent of the proposed business uses which he was intending to put in and the intention of the multiple family housing to be put in on Blocks 2 and 3. Mr. Rivera explained the proposed commercial development going from the south end along Marvin Road to the north beginning with Block 1, Lot 1, to have a drive-in fast food business; Block 1, Lot 2, to have a two story office complex; and Block 1, Lot 3, to have a family type restaurant; and Block 1, Lot 4, to have a one-story office complex. ~ Block 2 would have four 4-unit townhouses built on the entire block. Block 3 would have 12 4-unit townhouses built on it. Mr. Rivera indicated he had a substantial amount of local interest from local builders and possibly local investors for this proposed type of commercial/residential development. . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/8/87 page 2 Mr. Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the Planning Commission members. Mr. Jim Ridgeway questioned where his other developments were that his firm has been or has worked on in the past. Mr. Rivera answered that the other developments have taken place in Brooklyn park, St. Michael, and Maple Grove areas. Mr. Ridgeway again questioned as to who the local builders would be. Mr. Rivera answered that there are local builders, which he would not mention by name, that were interested in the townhouse part of his project and there was also interest from local investors on the proposed commercial developments. Mr. Ridgeway also questioned the proposed project time table. Mr. Rivera countered that, subject to everything being approved by planning Commission members and City Cbuncil, he hoped to be underway with some part of his project on or about Thanksgiving time in November. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned as to what area is being set aside for park dedication. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that the park dedication part of this proposed planned unit development is being worked out with the developer in a much larger scope but is in relationship to this project. With no further input from planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce DoWling, to approve the sketch plan as submitted for a planned unit development to be known as Highland Heights One. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a public right-of-way to be used for off-street parking. Applicant, Glenette properties. Mr. Glen Ertel was present to explain to Planning Commission members his intent to expand his existing parking lots at the two 8-unit apartments on West Third Street. Mr. Ertel explained to Planning Commission members the problem he has when the parking ordinance ban goes into effect from November 15 to April 15 with the number of apartment renters having more vehicles than the number of spaces which he can accommodate in his parking lots. Commission members felt very uneasy with allowing Mr. Ertel to develop into a public right-of-way when there was more than sufficient land on his own property to develop additional off-street parking. Mr. Ertel was questioned if he knew any additional conditions that were to be placed with it subject to approval of his parking lot expansion. Mr. Ertel said that he was aware of the additional conditions which may be attached should a variance be approved this evening for his parking lot expansion. With no further input from the public or from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to deny the variance request to allow public right-of-way to be used for off-street parking. Motion carried unanimously. The reason for . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/8/87 page 3 denial is that Planning Commission members fail to see the hardship as submitted by the applicant in that there is sufficient land area to develop additional off-street parking on his own property and not use the public right-of-way. Motion by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Richard Martie, to allow parking lot expansion up to the public right-of-way adjacent to Hennepin Street to allow expansion of an existing parking lot with the following conditions. a. The owner is responsible for the relocation of the two garbage dumpsters, which must go into an enclosed area. b. The owner is responsible for the striping of the entire parking lot. c. The owner is responsible for the placement of a handicapped sign and post for his parking lot. d. The owner is allowed to create a maximum number of three compact car spaces in his expanded parking lot. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Public Hearing - A simple subdivision request to resubdivide two residential lots. A variance request to allow the placement of a house within the sideyard setback of a resubdivided lot line, and a variance request to allow two residential lots, when subdivided, to be less than the minimum lot square footage. Applicant, Dan Frie. Mr. Dan Frie was present to propose his simple subdivision request of two existing residential lots. Mr. Frie indicated they would like to split the lots east and west versus the current north and south layout of these existing two residential lots. Mr. Frie indicated the type of house that would be built on this newly created vacant residential lot would be a front to back split level type of home; and with the newly created subdivided side lot line, there would be a minimum of 20 feet between structures on that side only. With no further explanation from the applicant, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for public input. Mr. Marvin Woolhouse questioned the need for an additional house to be placed on his lot when the previous owner of this property built the house on the center of the two existing platted lots. Mr. Kenneth Link had no objection to the proposed subdivision as long as the lots aren't subdivided the way they are presented on the enclosed site plan. Mr. Tom Wintz opposed the proposed lot subdivision due to the small size of the lot that would be created. With no further input from the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission. . . 8. . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/8/87 Page 4 Mr. Richard Martie questioned the slzlng of a proposed house on this lot. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned the City staff's recommendation for approval of this proposed subdivision, knowing the current house would be within 7.6 feet of the newly created side property line. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Commission members that a restrictive sideyard setback could be established as a condition to approval of this subdivision request, that there be a minimum of 20 feet between structures on the north side of the property. They could also establish a sideyard setback on the south side of the proposed house on this lot. With no further input from the public, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to deny the simple subdivision request to resubdivide two residential lots; and denied the variance request to allow the placement of a house within the sideyard setback of a resubdivided lot line; and denied the variance request to allow two residential lots, when subdivided, to be less than the minimum lot square footage. Motion carried unanimously. The reason for denial is that the property, when subdivided, is too close to an existing house and it is too small a lot in that it doesn't meet the minimum lot square footage requirements. 7. Public Hearing - A simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing residential lot with an existing duplex house on it into two zero lot line duplex residential lots. A variance request to allow a residential lot to be split into two residential lots with either lot having less than the minimum lot square footage. Applicant, Leola Backstrom. Leola Backstrom was present to propose her simple subdivision request to allow her to subdivide her existing duplex on a single residential lot into a zero lot line duplex creating two lots. Planning Commission members felt uneasy with Mrs. Backstrom's request in that there wasn't sufficient land area to accommodate the zero lot line duplex. With no further input from the public or the Commission members, motion was made by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Richard ~1artie, to deny the simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing residential lot with an existing duplex house on it into a zero lot line duplex residential lot. Commission members also denied the variance request to allow a residential lot to be split into two residential lots with either lot having less than the minimum lot square footage. Motion carried unanimously. The reason for denial was creating the zero lot line duplex with each lot having less than the minimum lot square footage. Public Hearing - An amendment to a certain area in the Monticello Zoning Map. Applicant, City of Monticello. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that the City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, would like to request the Planning Commission members to table this rezoning request until the next regularly scheduled planning Commission meeting. . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/8/87 page 5 The Planning Commission members acknowledged the City Administrator's request for tabling it, but they felt time was of the essence in that public hearing notices had been sent, the public hearing notification had been met, and they felt now was the time to get on with it and apply some new type of zoning to this affected area. Planning Commission member Jim Ridgeway questioned applying B-2 zoning in the two middle sections of this rezoning request. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated we put B-2 zoning in to allow flexibility of some type of residential multiple family to occur in and near the school district, the northwesterly most portion of the school's property; and also by allowing B-2 in the area, there would be the possibility of having some type of multiple family next to the freeway. Mr. Ridgeway indicated he thought the best use for the area next to the freeway would be for some type of highway business. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. Mr. Shelley Johnson, Superintendent of Monticello Schools, was present to indicate the Monticello School District had no problems with the proposed zoning as indicated on the site plan. He did indicate, however, that we might at some point in time look at some type of B-3 zoning in the northern one-half of this middle section. With no further input from the pUblic or Commission members, motion was made by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to amend a certain area of the Monticello Zoning Map with the only change going from B-2 (limited business) to B-3 (highway business) in the north one-half of the center section of this zoning map area. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Public Hearing - An amendment to the Monticello Sign Ordinance that a Minimum of one (1) address sign shall be required on each building in all zoning districts. Applicant, City of Monticello. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members the intent of the amendment to the zoning ordinance attaching address numbers to all bUildings and/or dwellings in the City of Monticello. The initial request stemmed from requests from first responders, the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District Ambulance Group, and also from the Wright County Sheriff's Department indicating it would be easier to identify properties if all properties had address numbers that were visible from a public street. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that they could add or delete any sections to the proposed sign ordinance amendment. With no further input from the public or Commission members, a motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Cindy Lernm, to approve the amendment to the Monticello Sign Ordinance that a minimum of one address sign shall be required on each building in all zoning districts. Motion carried unanimously. . . . planning Commission Minutes - 9/8/87 Page 6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS 1. A tabled variance request to allow a deck to be constructed within the sideyard setback requirement. Applicant, Tom Lindquist. Planning commission's variance approval stands approved, as there were no appeals. 2. A variance request to allow a driveway curb cut in excess of the maximum curb cut driveway width allowed. Applicant, Westside Market. Planning Commission's variance approval stands approved, as there were no appeals. 3. A conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a 8-4 (regional business) zone. Applicant, Fred and Patricia Culp. Oouncil Action: Approved as per planning Commission recommendation. 4. A variance request to allow construction of an attached garage within the sideyard setback requirement. Applicant, William Sparrow. Planning Commission's variance approval stands approved, as there were no appeals. 5. A variance request to allow construction of a detached garage, front entry, and front open porch within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant, Daniel Anderson. Applicant withdrew his variance request. 6. A conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-l (single family residential) zone. Applicant, Joanne Hoerchler. Oouncil Action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 7. Consideration of a new Planning Commission member. Council Action: Approved as per majority vote of the Monticello Planning Commission members. 8. The general consensus was to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Wednesday, October 14, 1987, 7:30 p.m. 9. Motion by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Richard Martie, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4f!!1~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator