Planning Commission Minutes 10-14-1987 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, October 14, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Jim Ridgeway Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:34 p.m. 2. Motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Jim Ridgeway, to approve the minutes of the September 8, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. At the request of the Zoning Administrator, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opted to amend the agenda as presented to hear items number one and two under the additional information items before entering any of the public hearing items. Additional Informational Items 1. Input on a possible replatting of a city industrial lot. Ollie Koropchak was present to discuss with Planning Commission members the possibility of subdividing Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park Addition in the City of Monticello, which the City currently owns. Ollie has found in her discussions with prospective businesses to relocate to Monticello is that they are looking for smaller sized lots than the large lots which are available in the Oakwood Industrial Park. Jim Ridgeway questioned to make sure that the development of the roadway system there is sufficient size to allow for semi-truck tractor circulation into these lots. The general consensus by the Planning Commission members was that they looked favorably at this subdividing or replatting of these two industrial lots. 2. Input on possible redevelopment projects on the old Monticello Ford Site. Ollie Koropchak was present to propose some possible development ideas on the old Monticello Ford property site. Ollie was looking for Planning Commission input on some possible development ideas. She indicated to Planning Commission members one of the proposed developments, should funding become available, is for another elderly project to be built there; but it would need additional acquisition of 1 planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/87 . land and buildings to accommodate another elderly project. The other alternative was to have the site leveled possibly before the first of the year to hopefully attract prospective buyers of the property for some type of retail development. Joyce Dowling questioned whether the only intent or the ideas that have been brought forward to this point have been for an elderly housing project. Ollie countered that this has not been the only intent of it and that there are other possibilities for prospective developments for a retail office type building. Richard Carlson questioned if any input had been received from any of the downtown business people. Ollie Koropchak answered that she hadn't contacted any of the downtown businesses or the downtown Retailers Association for any input they would have at this time. Jim Ridgeway questioned as to any type of promotion of this lot should it become demolished and available for possible building. Ollie answered that no type of ad or promoting of this land has been done at this point. But she felt it would be a very good idea to start promoting the property once they have a level site to work with. Richard Carlson, Chairperson, thought his feelings would be with the possibility of some condo type of building, that being a building with underground parking, probably a retail office on the main level, and one or two stories of some type of residential. Richard Carlson did also recommend that demolition of the old Monticello Ford building as soon as possible, even if it only entailed the Monticello Ford building, would be a big improvement for the potential of a possible developer coming in to purchase the site. The general consensus of the Planning Commission members was they look favorable on any type of demolition and that it be done as soon as possible and then look at the alternatives after we have a level site. . Ollie Koropchak then passed out information on the streetscape plan to the Planning Commission members who weren't in attendance at the downtown streetscape meeting. She did explain the intent with some reflective costs per lineal foot of commercial property and how it would be assessed on a possible assessment schedule for that. 3. Public Hearing - A simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing unplatted lot into two unplatted lots. Applicant, Debbie Kramer. Debbie Kramer was present to propose the subdivision of their unplatted piece of land into two unplatted parcels. The parcel to be subdivided was of appropriate size to accommodate a building and land area and setbacks within the existing zoning, PZM (performance zone mixed). With no input from the pUblic, Chairperson Richard Carlson opened the meeting for any input from Planning Commission members. With no input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Jim Ridgeway, to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing unplatted lot into two unplatted lots. Motion carried unanimously. . 2 . 4. 5. . . planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/87 PUblic Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of a detached garage within the sideyard setback requirement. Applicant, Bruce Parson. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that he did receive a call from Mr. Parson on Monday afternoon indicating he would like to withdraw his variance request. The reason for withdrawing his request is he decided to down scale the size of his garage to meet all of the minimum setback requirements. A request for general concept stage review of a planned unit development to be known as Highland Heights One. Applicant, Rivera Financial and Development Company. Mr. George Rivera was back before the Planning Commission members to update them on the progress of his concept stage of his Planned Unit Development to be known as Highland Heights One. Mr. Rivera felt that he had everything ready before the Planning Commission members in regards to all the requirements of the concept stage review of a Planned Unit Development. Zoning Administrator Anderson, however, indicated to planning Commission members that this evening was the first time that City staff had been presented with a feasibility study of the utilities to serve this property by the applicant, Mr. Rivera. Much discussion then centered around Mr. Rivera's intent to proceed with the concept plan stage upon a list of conditions to go ahead with granting of approval by the Planning commission members contingent upon a punch list of these items to be finished on the concept stage so he can get into the development stage of his planned Unit Development. Much discussion with Mr. Rivera indicated to where we are here in the City of MonticellO in regards to the presenting of certain stages of Planned unit Developments and/or subdivisions within the City of Monticello. Mr. Rivera continually indicated to Planning Commission members that we are very indifferent from other communities in which he had developed in in that they give approval of the concept stage or preliminary plat stage of a development with conditions so it is passed on to the next decision maker, which in Monticello's case would be the City Cbuncil. Zoning Administrator Anderson did indicate again to Mr. Rivera the steps that are needed to get to possible completion of his concept stage review of his Planned Unit Development. Mr. Rivera, in understanding, asked for the tabling of his concept stage review of a Planned unit Development to be known as Highland Heights One until the next regularly scheduled Monticello Planning Commission meeting, that being November 10, 1987, 7:30 p.m. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to table the request for a general concept stage review of a Planned unit Development to be known as Highland Heights One. Motion carried unanimously. 3 . . . planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/87 Additional Informational Items 3. Consideration of modifying the finance plan for Tax Increment Redevelopment District #6. Applicant, City of Monticello. Cbuncil action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 4. Sketch plan review of a planned unit development to be known as Highland Heights One. Applicant, Rivera Financial and Development corporation. Cbuncil action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 5. A variance request to allow a public right-of-way to be used for off-street parking. Applicant, Glenette Properties. Planning Commission's variance approval stands approved, as there were no appeals. 6. Simple subdivision request to resubdivide two residential lots. A variance request to allow the placement of a house within the sideyard setback of a resubdivided lot line, and a variance request to allow two residential lots, when subdivided, to be less than the minimum lot square footage. Applicant, Dan Frie. Council action: Denied as per Planning Commission recommendation. 7. Simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing residential lot with an existing duplex on it into two zero lot line duplex residential lots. A variance request to allow a residential lot to be split into two residential lots with either lot having less than the minimum lot square footage. Applicant, Leola Backstrom. Planning commission's simple subdivision and variance denials stand, as there were no appeals. 8. Amendment to a certain area in the Monticello Zoning Map. Applicant, City of Monticello. Cbuncil action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 9. Amendment to the Monticello Sign Ordinance that a minimum of one address sign shall be required on each building in all zoning districts. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council action: Approved as per planning Commission recommendation. 10. Annual planning Institute Seminar update. Zoning Administrator Anderson informed Planning Commission members of another Planning Institute Seminar which would be the exact same thing that Commission members Richard Carlson and Jim Ridgeway and Zoning Administrator Gary Anderson attended this past winter. Zoning Administrator Anderson questioned the other three members of the Planning Commission if they would be in favor of attending. Joyce Dowling indicated she would like to attend the December 4 seminar. Richard Martie indicated he would like to get back to me in a week on which date he would like to attend. Cindy Lemm indicated the possibility of attending the December 4 meeting depending on whether or not she has acquired a new job by then. 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/87 Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated hopefully there would be some Council members that would be interested in attending this also. Registration fees and travel expenses are to be paid by the City of Monticello for each Planning Commission and Council member which would like to attend. 11. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martie, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, November 10, 1987, 7:30 p.m. 12. Motion by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, d~~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator 5