Planning Commission Minutes 03-08-1988 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 8, 1988 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm Members Absent: None staff Present: Gary Anderson, Rick wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:32 p.m. 2. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 9, 1988. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Planning Commission Applicant Interviews. zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to planning Commission members the procedure that would be used for the interview process with the planning Commission member applicants. Anderson explained to the Planning Commission members each of the applicants present and that one, Mr. William weisbrod, would not be present this evening but still would like to have his name considered as a possible Planning Commission member. Planning Commission members interviewed each of the Planning Commission member applicants present, those being Mr. Patrick Faltersack, Ms. Candi Thilquist, Mr. Dan McConnon, and Mr. Chris Bonnell. After the interview process, Chairperson Richard Carlson thanked the applicants for attending the meeting and that they were all very well qualified applicants for the planning Commission position. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, representing all of the City staff, wished to thank all of the planning Commission member applicants for attending tonight's meeting and that they were certainly welcome to stay for the rest of the planning Commission meeting, and that they would be sent a letter indicating the time at which they would be interviewed by the Monticello City Council members at their meeting on March 14, 1988. No decision was rendered by the Planning Commission members at this meeting. 4. Tabled Request for a Final plat Review of the proposed New Subdivision Plat. Applicant, City of Monticello. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to planning commission members and residents in attendance the City's proposed new subdivision plat to be known as Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition. The City purchased Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial park, from the Oakwood Industrial Park partnership to create six smaller lots ranging in size from 1.2 acres to 2.3 acres. with no input from the public and also no further input from the Planning Commission members present, motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the final plat for a proposed new subdivision plat. Motion carried unanimously. 1 . . . planning Commission Minutes - 3/8/88 5. Sketch Plan Review of a proposed New Subdivision Plat. Applicant, Kent Kjellberg. Chairperson Richard Carlson opened the agenda item, not clearly understanding the applicant's request when there are some things that haven't been completed as per City staff. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning commission members that the developer, r1r. Kjellberg, is proposing to plat part of unplatted land currently in the Township into residential single and two-family residential development, mobile home park development, and also some commercial type development within the approximate 160 acre unplatted tract of land. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated that Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant City Administrator, would present on behalf of the City some of the City's concerns outlining the entire proposed development for them to brief them on the applicant's sketch plan request. Mr. O'Neill explained to planning Commission members the staff's concern over the proposed area layout. The first concern of the City staff was that the property has been approved by the Municipal Board for annexation into the City even though the City has not received those official papers yet. Secondly, the Monticello City Council has not acted formally on whether or not to accept this plat into the City. The developers have come up with a lot and block layout on this entire unplatted tract of land prior to the City establishing some type of zoning for this proposed unplatted land currently in Monticello Township. Mr. O'Neill referenced to the City's Comprehensive Plan which showed how a proposed trail system and a proposed arterial road were to be laid out through this unplatted tract of land. Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, explained to planning Commission members additional City staff concerns as far as the zoning, which the developers are proposing multi-type zonings within this unplatted tract of land prior to the City establishing some type of zoning there before the developers laid out their proposed lots within the blocks in this unplatted tract of land. Mr. Wolfsteller questioned the location of the proposed trailer park on this proposed sketch plan request. With the logical power line with the existing southerly most power line easement which runs through the property, it acts as a natural buffer from the existing Kjellberg East Trailer Park from the area proposed to be single and two family residential on this unplatted tract of land to the north of the southerly most power line easement. Mr. Wolfsteller also explained the developers are proposing that the City take the entire land under the southerly most power line easement for the developers portion of the park dedication in land only. City staff is contending that if we accept any of this land underneath the power line easement, we would probably accept only a 50-foot strip through the power line easement for the establishment of some sort of trail system through this area. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned how the utilities would be laid out to serve this property. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated on the sketch plan there are three different ways of serving 2 Planning commission Minutes - 3/8/88 . the property depending on how the developer would choose to service the property and how far south he would go beyond the proposed area to be annexed into the City. Zoning Administrator Anderson also questioned Mr. Dennis Taylor, Taylor Land surveyors, the firm which has drawn up the sketch plan for the developer, Mr. Kent Kjellberg, as to what they were proposing for screening around their proposed trailer park. Mr. Taylor indicated that the developer, Mr. Kent Kjellberg, was proposing to plant rows of pine trees around the entire area of the trailer park which would abut single and two family residential zoning. Mr. Jeff O'Neill wanted to reiterate that the City's Comprehensive Plan was here prior to this proposed development and that certainly amendments could be made to the Comprehensive Plan; but basically, the developer should have developed their development around the trailways and the proposed arterial road as were laid out to go through parts of this unplatted tract of land. Mr. Taylor questioned the layout of an arterial road system through this development in that he felt it was detrimental on the part of the City to have a main arterial road going through this residential plat. Mr. Richard Carlson, in summing up the proposed sketch plan request, sees some major issues that needed to be addressed first. They are as follows: l. Whether or not the property will be annexed into the City. 2. That the City apply some type of zoning to this unplatted tract of land. . 3. That the developer layout his development on this unplatted tract of land after the City has established some type of zoning to this unplatted tract of land in the Township. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for further input from the Planning Commission members. Mr. Richard Martie indicated he was in agreement with statements from Mr. Richard Carlson in that he was in agreement with all of the statements which Mr. Carlson indicated previously. Mr. Jeff O'Neill indicated to Planning Commission members that there could be some possible revisions to the Comprehensive plan and that the reason for the arterial road was to create a road system from the southerly most portion of the middle school property along 118 all the way over to a possible connection with Highway 25. Commission member, Cindy Lemm, questioned personally not being willing to purchase a home next to the trailer park. Mr. Glen pasusta, Kjellberg Trailer Park Manager, explained Mr. Kjellberg's intent of the mobile home park development within the single and two-family residential area. However, if the trailer park was going to be a holdup in the proposed sketch plan request that the developer, Mr. Kjellberg, would ask that the City work with him in further annexation proceedings for the development of land further south of the existing Kjellberg East Trailer Park. . with no further input from the public or the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to table the sketch plan request. Motion carried unanimously. 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/8/88 ~ Additional Information Items 1. Variance request to allow a proposed residential lot, when platted, to have less than the minimum lot frontage on a public right-of-way. Applicant, Charles Ritze. Council action: Denied request as per planning Commission recommendation. 2. A tabled request for a preliminary plat review of a proposed new subdivision plat. Applicant, Charles Ritze. council action: Denied request as per planning Commission recommendation. 3. A conditional use request to allow as a home occupation a beauty shop in an R-l (single family residential) zone. Applicant, Karla Dickey. Council action: Approved request as per planning Commission recommendation. 4. A conditional use request to allow construction of more than one building on an unplatted lot. A conditional use request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the maximum number of units allowed. Applicant, David Hornig. Council action: Approved request with conditions as per Planning Commission recommendation. 5. A rezoning request to rezone part of an unplatted tract of land from B-3 (highway business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) zoning. If property is rezoned, a conditional use request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the maximum number of units allowed. Applicant, Metcalf and Larson. Council action: Tabled as per applicant's request. ~ 6. A rezoning request to rezone platted lots from B-4 (regional business) to PZM (peformance zone mixed) zoning. If property is rezoned, a conditional use request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the maximum number of units allowed. Applicant, Metcalf and Larson. Council action: Approved request with conditions as per Planning Commission recommendation. 7. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, April 12, 1988, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Motion by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4~~ Gary Anderson zoning Administrator ~ 4