Planning Commission Minutes 08-01-1989 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 1, 1989 - 7:30 p.m. Melnbers Present: Richard Carlson, Cindy Lelmn, Richard Martie, and Dan McConnon. MeInbers Absent: 3. Mori Malone. Staff Present: Gary Anderson. 1. The lneeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:30 p.m. 2. Motion was lnade by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the minutes of the regular Ineeting held July 5, 1989. Motion carried unanimously with Mori Malone absent. Ordinance al~ndl~nt to allow as a conditional use a bed and breakfast in a PZM (perfonnance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Merrill Busch. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Crnmnission I~lnbers and melnbers of the public that were present the City's intent to propose an ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a bed and breakfast in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. The list of conditions were attached as eight separate conditions to a proposed bed and breakfast facility. Those conditions were explained in detail to l~lnbers of the planning Crnmnission and melnbers of the public that were present. With no further input from the Planning COlmnission lnelnhers, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Robert Jamison, adjoining property owner to the east, was present to express his pleasure with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Busch in their attel~ts to renovate this historical site. With no further input from the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for further input from the planning Crnmnission lnelnbers. With no further input from the planning Commission ITlelnhers, motion was lnade by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve an ordinance al~ndlnent to allow as a conditional use a bed and breakfast in a PZM (perforlnance zone Inixed) zone, with the following factors considered: 1. The proposed amendI~nt is consistent with the municipal Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendl~nt is conpatible with the geographic area and the character of the surrounding area. 3. The proposed amendment will not lend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The need for such use has been sufficiently deloonstrated. Motion carried unanilTously with Mod Malone absent. . . . Planning Crnmnission Minutes - 8/1/89 4. Consideration of application for a conditional use perlnit which would allow operation of a bed and breakfast in a PZM zone. Applicant, Merrill Busch. Mr. Merrill Busch, the applicant for the proposed conditional use request, explained to planning COlmnission melnbers his intended use of the forI~r Rand Mansion for a bed and breakfast facility. The Busch's intend to utilize the main floor of the existing 2-1/2 story home for two separate kitchen areas with additional dining and living rOOIRS within the main floor. The second floor of the to-be-renovated structure would consist of five separate sleeping rooms with their own private bathrooms. On the third floor of the proposed structure would be the living quarters for the residents or owners of this structure, that being Merrill and Duffy Busch. With no further input froln the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the planning Crnmnission I~mbers. There being no further input from the planning Crnmnission I~mbers, a motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Cindy Lelmn, to approve the conditional use permit which would allow a bed and breakfast operation at the forlner Rand Mansion now owned by Merrill Busch subject to the conditions as listed in the recent ordinance amendl~nt to the City Ordinance. Motion carried unaniloously with Mori Malone absent. 5. A silnple subdivision request to allow a subdivision of a B-3 (highway business) lot. A variance request to allow less than the minimum 5-foot green area separation from property line to parking lot curb. Applicant, Monticello Auto Body. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to planning COlmnission melnbers Mr. Johnson's simple subdivision request and where the variance request also lies in relationship to the site plan. The proposed silnple subdivision request does meet the minimum requirements under B-3 zoning, that being a minimum of 100 feet of lot frontage on a public right-of-way. Mr. Anderson also explained to Planning Crnmnission members two of the conditions the City staff would like to see addressed to this simple subdivision, those being the proposed new drainage and utility easelnents be described and recorded prior to the issuance of building permit for the proposed developlnent of this building site; And a docUlnent be recorded with Parcel B indicating that Parcel B is not serviced by city water and sewer and that the buyer/seller is responsible for the colnplete installation of a water and sewer installation into this Parcel B. The recording of this document be recorded within 30 days of the August 1, 1989, planning Crnmnission lneeting date. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the Ineeting for input from the public. There being no input from the public, motion was made by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the silnple subdivision request to subdivide an existing B-3 (highway business) lot into two lots with the following conditions: 2 Planning crnmnission Minutes - 8/1/89 . a. The proposed new drainage and utility easements be described and recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed development of this building site. b. A document be recorded with Parcel B indicating that Parcel B is not serviced by city water and sewer and that the buyer/seller is responsible for the cOlnplete installation of a water and sewer installation into this Parcel B. The recording of this doculnent to be recorded within 30 days of the August 1, 1989, Planning COImnission meeting date. Motion carried unanilDDusly with Mori Malone absent. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the lneeting for input from the public in regards to Mr. Johnson's variance request. There being no input froln the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson closed the public hearing portion of the variance request and opened the lneeting for input from the planning COImnission lnembers. . Motion was lnade by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance request to allow less than the minimum 5-foot green area separation from the property line to the parking lot curb. Motion carried unanil~usly with Mori Malone absent. Reason for approval: Given the constraints of the building as placed on the end of the building and site layout with the minimum parking space required, Mr. McConnon felt that the variance request should be approved. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS 1. A variance request to allow a deck to be constructed within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Michael and Dixie Talbott. Council action: No action necessary, as the variance request did not come before them. 2. A variance request to allow a canopy to be constructed within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant, ~nerican Legion Post #260. COuncil action: No action necessary, as the variance request did not come before them. 3. A variance request to parking and driveway area curb requirelnents. A variance request pertaining to hard surface requirelnents and driveway areas. A variance request pertaining to off-street parking requirement of 25 stalls. Applicant requests a variance of eight stalls. A variance request pertaining to screening of storage areas froln the public right-of-way. Applicant, Fair's Garden Center. COuncil action: Appealed by Councilmember Dan Blonigen. Will be heard by the City Council at its first regularly scheduled meeting in August on August 14, 1989. 4. A conditional use request to allow expansion of a storage and sales area associated with a landscape center in a B-4 zone. Applicant, Fair's Garden Center. Council action: No action required, as the conditional use request did not come before them. . 3 . . . Planning crnmnission Minutes - 8/1/89 5. It was the consensus of the four planning COlmnission members present to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning COlmnission meeting for Tuesday, September 5, 1989, 7:30 p.m. 6. Motion was lnade by Dan Mcconnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unaniuously with Mori Malone absent. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary ~erson ~ Zoning Administrator 4