Planning Commission Minutes 09-20-1989 (Special Meeting) . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, September 20, 1989 - 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Dick Martie, Mori Malone, Richard Carlson, Cindy Lelmn, Dan McConnon. 1. Consideration of conditional use perlnit which would allow expansion of a shopping center in a B-3 zone. After the public hearing was opened, Gordon Orschlager from KKE Architects reviewed the proposed site plan. Orschlager reviewed the building layout, landscaping plan, and parking design. David Putnaln of Merela Associates, Inc., reviewed the engineering issues pertaining to the development. Putnam noted that a ponding area is planned for the rear of the structure which is designed to handle the run off originating from the roof of the structure and the rear of the parcel. Putnam indicated that the water surface will originate froln the proposed 7th Street right-of-way and that sanitary sewer service lines froln the addition will connect to an existing line at the intersection of Walnut and 7th Street. . Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that the City Engineer has had some concerns regarding the management of storm water that is being displaced by the K-Mart building addition. O'Neill went on to indicate that the City Engineer is cOlnpleting calculations that will provide the City with a better understanding of the area drainage pattern so as to assure us that the drainage plan and stonn water management plan proposed will be sufficient. O'Neill went on to indicate that the storm water management plan for this area and its ilnpact on the site plan will not be understood until the information is gathered. It is expected that the information will be available to the City COuncil at their Ineeting on Monday, September 25. David Putnam indicated that he would be in contact with the City Engineer and coordinate his storln water design work with the work being conducted by the City Engineer. At this point in the I~eting John Uban provided a site plan review and noted his observations regarding the site plan and its ilnpact on Monticello in general. Uban stressed the importance of designing a good road systeln connecting the 7th Street shopping area to Broadway. He noted that continuation of Minnesota to Broadway should be considered in order to achieve the proper traffic flow froln Broadway to the 7th Street shopping area. Uban noted that the addition will have a significant visual ilnpact on the residential areas north of the developl~nt. Uban recOlm~nded that this ilnpact be buffered by landscape plantings or by creating a deeper green area between 7th Street right-of-way and the parking area or by eliminating access to the apartment and using the 7th Street right-of-way as an obstruction to site lines between the apartl~nt and the K-Mart. Uban also indicated that the rear of the K-Mart should be landscaped so as to soften the ilnpact of the loading docks and flat surface of the structure. It was Uban's suggestion that the retaining pond be designed so as to allow for areas on the peril~ter of the pond to be used for planting areas. . Uban noted that the traffic flow and parking plan proposed is straight forward and workable. However, he had SOI~ concern that the vehicle stacking arrangement proposed could use improvel~nt from a public 1 special Planning COlmnission Minutes - 9/20/89 . safety standpoint and that it might make sense to improve the plan by providing additional vehicle stacking capacity. At this point in the meeting a general discussion ensued. Dan McConnon asked Tom DuFresne of Lincoln Companies why K-Mart is locating in Monticello. Tom DuFresne noted that the K-Mart is the largest retailer in the u.s. and they intend on staying that way. They have sophisticated systems that provide them information that allows them to enter markets that they know will be profitable to their cOI~any. DuFresne also noted that K-Mart has the capacity to fund operating deficits early on. It tnay be that initially the K-Mart will not be profitable. K-Mart's decision, however, takes the long terln into account and it is their view that Monticello is in a strategic position to becol~ a regional shopping area and that is the primary reason why they have elected to locate in Monticello rather than Buffalo. After general discussion, a motion was lnade by Dan McConnon and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the conditional use perlnit allowing a shopping center to expand in the B-3 zone subject to the following conditions: A. Approval of site drainage plans by the City Engineer. Excavation perlnit provided only after site drainage plans have been approved. . B. In the event that public improvements are installed privately, all improvet~nts, specifications, and construction must be approved by the City Engineer. C. Lincoln Crnnpanies' dedication of land to City which is necessary for 7th Street alignment. D. City acquisition of utility easel~nt areas as defined by the Building Inspector and City Engineer. E. Alternate site plan approved contingent on I~eting or exceeding standards associated with site plan presented to planning Crnmnission at the I~eting of September 20, 1989. John uban and City staff charged with evaluating and judging alternative site plan relative to perforlnance standards established with initial plan. F. Staff and planning consultant approval of landscaping plans. G. planning consultant and City Engineer approval of revised parking plan. . Motion based on the finding that the conditional use perlnit is consistent with the cOlnprehensive plan, geographic area involved, character of the area, the need has been sufficiently deloonstrated, and that the development will not have a negative ilnpact on the adjoining land values. Motion passed unanimously. 2 . Special Planning COlmnission Minutes - 9/20/89 At this point in the lreeting, a general discussion regarding the 7th Street alignlrent issues ensued. After discussion, motion was made by Dan McConnon and seconded by Cindy Lelmn to support the straight alignment of 7th Street based on the fact that 7th Street when straightened will provide rOOln necessary to provide better screening between cOlmnercial and residential uses. In addition, the potential for the highest and best use for the property between 7th Street and the freeway is made possible, as more land is available for larger regional retailers and the straightened alignlrent will result in the elilnination of the two residential structures which represent non-conforming uses in the B-3 zone. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further discussion, lneeting adjourned. PlY !J /Z~p Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator . . 3