City Council Minutes 01-25-1999 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25, 1999 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of a ointments to HRA. At the January 11, 1999, meeting, the City Council tabled the annual appointment to the HRA pending further discussion. Councilmember Clint Herbst stated that he was previously unaware of the power of the HRA and felt the City Council should provide additional input on appointments. It was his view that when the Mayor seat changed after the November election and the new majority made public their intent to stop the community center project, the HRA did not act in the City's best interest by voting to proceed with construction of the community center without a referendum. Therefore, Councilmember Herbst recommended that Steve Andrews and Bob Murray be removed from tl~e HRA. Councilmember Bruce Thielen responded that the HRA acted according to the Council in office at that time. To penalize them now for actions taken under a previous Council could only be considered retaliation. He noted that the new Council took effect on January 4, 1999, and not in November 1998. Councilmember Herbst pointed out that after the election, the direction of the new City Council was made public and should have been followed by the HRA. Economic Development Director OI lie Koropchak distributed a copy of the State Statutes, Section 469.010, and reported that HRA Commissioner Dan Frie could be replaced since his term had expired; however, removal of other members would require that written charges be submitted followed by a hearing. Councilmember Bruce `Thielen then read Section 469.010 of the Statutes. Councilmember Brian Stumpf questioned why only two of the four HRA. members who voted. against the wishes of'the new Council should be penalized and suggested that they discuss the passibility of the Council acting as the HRA. Councilmember Herbst explained that the reason for removal of Steve Andrews and Bob Murray was due to their attempt to move forward with the project prior to reviewing all the information. Mayor Roger Belsaas suggested that a joint meeting with the HRA be scheduled to discuss the issue. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Ncill noted that Council should also meet to review the goal-setting worksheet to assist the commissions in accomplishing goals set by the Council. No action was taken by the Council at this time. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 1/25/99 3. Consideration of sta Bred terms for Plannin =Commission members. At the January 11, 1999, meeting, Council tabled appointments to the Planning Commission pending research and additior-al discussion regarding staggered terms rather than annual appointments. Deputy City Administrator Jetf`O'Neill suggested that an ordinance amendment be prepared establishing 3-year staggered terms and, after Planning Commission members select term expirations, the ordinance be adopted by Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECC)NDEU BY CLINT )"IERBST TO APPOIN"I" DICK ERIE, RICHARD CARLSON, RUU DRAGSTEN, ROY POPILEK, AND ROBBIF SMITH TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND AU"I'HORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISIIING 3-YEAR STAGGERED TERMS. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk i~ Page 2 MINUTES SPECIAL MFFTING - MONTICELLO CITY COLINCIL Monday, January 25, 1999 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce '1"hielen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of desi n alternatives for im rovin safet and traffic flow at the intersection of Hi hwa 25 and Broadwa . Mr. Tom Dumont of MN/DO'T' reported that the number of accidents at the intersection of Highway 25 and County Road 7S has reached approximately 25 in three years, which is not higher than the statewide average; however, improvements could be made to reduce the number of accidents by about SO%. Of the three options reviewed, option #3 would create the least amount of vehicle delay by creating east and westbound left turn lanes and one additional westbound lane, with the current median remaining in place; however, this option would require the elimination of parking on County Road 75 near the theater. Option #3A would make additional improvements to the intersection by lining up the left turn lanes, installing left turn green arrows in conjunction with a green ball and removal of the current median and installation of a narrow curb/lane delineator. This option would include two 11-ft westbound lanes, a 13-ft inside lane, and an 8-ft parking lane near the theater. Mr. Virgil Hawkins, Assistant County Highway Engineer, noted that Wright County favored option #3 over #3A, as there were concerns regarding the safety of the 11-ft driving lanes and 8-ft parking lane. In addition., Wright County did not have funds budgeted for this project. Council discussed each option and concerns with regard to loss of parking, access management using the curb/lane delineator, truck traffic movement, snowplowing, and project cost. The Public Works Director reported that the total cost of option #3A was approximately $35,000, plus $7,000 for blacktop sensors. Wright County would cover the cost of the signal light changes. Mr. Brad Larson, owner of the Country Travel building, suggested that the City could replace lost parking by using the vacant lot next to his building and the vacant lot currently owned by the HRA. AFTER DISCtJSSION, A MO'T'ION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIF.,LEN AND SECONDED BY BRAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH WRIGI-IT COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT USING OPTION #3A. Motion carried unanirnausly. "1"here being no further business, the .meeting was adjourned. Karen oty Deputy City Clerk