Police Advisory Commission Minutes 04-14-2004 . . . MINUTES QUARTERLY MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Slais, John Hoff and Brad Fyle . Members Absent: Dave Gerads and Brian Stumpf Others Present: City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller; Patrol Division Lieutenant Dan Anselment and Sgt. Mike Evan. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was call to order at 7 p.m. and a quorum was present. 2. Annrove minutes of November 19.2003. MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK SLAIS AND SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 19,2003. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Review and discussion of Groveland Park survev results. Commission members and Sheriffs Department representatives were presented with a summary of the Groveland Park survey results that noted some of the concerns neighborhood residents had expressed on the development and activities in Groveland area parks. Commission members discussed that recently concerns had been raised by an adjoining property owner that questions the development plans the City had for recreational facilities in the Groveland Park due to fears of excessive noise and unruly behavior of kids activities in the park. Sheriffs Department representatives noted that they had not received any serious complaints from area residents on park activities, but noted they typically will try to monitor a location if they receive a number of complaints. 4. Review of enforcement activities done bv Sheriff's Denartment in coniunction with state snowmobile l!rants. Lieutenant Anselment presented commission members with a summary of the 2003-2004 recreational activities that Sheriffs Department personnel have done throughout Wright County regarding snowmobile and A TV enforcement. Mr. Anselment noted that approximately $769 in labor costs were expended in the Monticello community for snov.,mobile enforcement activities. The Sheriffs Department planned on using the remaining funds from a $1,000 grant towards purchasing additional equipment, such as a snowmobile trailer for transporting snov.mobiles next season. I . . . Police Commission Minutes- 4/14/04 5. Review of ATV use in citv narks. Sheriffs Department representatives noted to commission members that ATV usage by juveniles and adults have increased substantially throughout Wright COlmty and also in Monticello. It was noted that there had been concerns by some deputies that it was difficult to deal with juveniles who operate A TV s unlawfully as it is normally difficult to actually cite or ticket juveniles under the age of II for operating A TV s without a license. The Sheriff s Department and County Attorney's office has supported ticketing parents for allowing minor children to operate A TV s without a license as an alternative method to actually ticketing the driver. Overall, it was noted that the City's current ordinance prohibiting recreational vehicles in park locations was an adequate prevention tool that the Sheriffs Department will use in the future. 6. Update bv Sheriff's Department on activities for last Quarter. Sheriff Department representatives provided to commission members a copy of the annual report for the year 2003 showing calls for service, including number of accidents, traffic citations and various crime activities. Sheriff Department representatives felt that with the recent increase in the patrol hours contracted for, the current 48 hour daily coverage seems to be beneficial in providing a good level of service and also in keeping the response time at an appropriate level. Depending on how annexation proceeds with Monticello Township, the City may have to look at additional hours being added to the coverage for the 2005 budget year. 7. Adiourn Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. ~N~ Recording Secretary 2