1981 Budget . . CITY OF MONTICELLO 1981 BUD~ET . . 198] BU GET 1 W9 Levy 1980 Levy Coll eeli bl e 1980 Collectible 1981 Amount Mills Amount Mills General $157,315 3.914 $211,815 5.297 Street 143,075 3.560 177 ,975 4.451 Tree 2,150 .054 0 0 Park 31,480 .783 40,500 1.013 C. O. Revolvin9 115,300 2.869 119,955 3.000 Orderly Annex. Area 1,295 .032 750 .019 Fire 17,410 .433 24,380 .610 . Bonds 429,406 10.682 471 ,978 11 .804 J897,431 22.327 $1,047,353 26.194 Assessed Valuation $40,194,479 $39,985,056* *Estimate . - 1 - . . . EXAMPLE OF COMPARATIVE REAL ESTATE TAXES IN MONTICELLO -1980 ANO 1981 I 1980 $30,000 Homestead School District County Hospita 1 City TOTAL $50,000 Homestead School Di strict County Hospita 1 City TOTAL $100,000 Commercial or Industrial School Di strict County Hospital City TOTAL $100,000 Apartment School Di strict County Hospita 1 City TOTAL HOSPITAL I "" $ 147 81 11 72 $ 311 $ 307 169 22 151 $ 649 $1,956 1,076 140 960 $4,132 $1,819 1,000 131 893 $3,843 ALLOCATION OF TAXES COLLECTIBLE IN 1981 MILLS 45.493 25.011 3.263 26.194 99.961 Schoo 1 Di stri ct County Hospital City TOTAL 1981 $ 97 53 7 56 $ 213 $ 181 99 13 104 $ 397 $1,949 1,072 140 1,137 $4,298 $1,722 947 123 1 ,007 $3,799 % 45.51 25.02 3.26 26.21 100.00 NOTE: For purposes of illustration, Mill Levies of taxin9 districts other than the City of Monticello were computed at the same rate as in 1980. - 2 - . "'-0 ~.o ~ V> ~~. 0'" m < m m ~o ~..., 3 ~.o.. ",m "''''' <+ ~. m("l o..~. <+ <+ ::TO'" .., '" o ~ <:: '" <0'" ::Tn m <+ V> .., '" ~. ::> ::> V> ...,("l mo .., ::> V> V> <+ .., <:: ("l <+ o ::> "" w 2 o -I rT"I * "''''' -0 "" -0-1 .., -0 -I o 0 >< m -I ......VI :t:>o 3 <+ r- '" <+3 m '" ~ <+ '<m 0.. - N <+ 00 00'" om o N m '- V> w <+ ~.("l 30 '" 3 <+-0 m~ o..m <+ ...,m o .., ~ N m '- '" w V> ~ m'- _ 3 co N m ~ . ::>. '" <+ co V><+N o <+ ...., m'" '" <+ ~ 0 n <+ V> -0 m n '" ~ m V> ..... ~. 3 '" <+ m _ 0.. W . ("l -. o N V> N <+ . N <+ '" o ...., '" V> V> m V> V> 3 m '" <+ V> ..., <:: '" 0.. V> 0'" m - <.11_ W <.11 . W N N ...., '" -'" . 0-'" 0'" ~ -0 ~ <:: V> * r- --' --' .............. -'. \.0 r..o 1..0 1..0 l.O \D c;rCOCO............'-J"-J -s.......o\OCOCO-....J Ql I I I -S:E:Ul N--'t/l ~ :E: CD ro -l :(. V> (.I'H,/) ::E: n-orororofOro o -s::E:::E::E:-s :::I n (D ro CD ... 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I i BREAKDOWN OF REVEIUES BY CATEGORY i TYPE OF REVENUE Property Taxes, including Homestead Credit Assessments Sewer and Water Collections State Aids Interest Income Federal Aid Licenses, Permits & Charges Deputy Registrar Charges to Other Government Units Project Reimbursement Other TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT $1,047,353 617,943 147,475 139,325 115,686 112,929 37,300 24,625 12,520 10,600 10,495 $2,276,251 - 4 - % 46.01 27.15 6.48 6.12 5.08 4.96 1.64 1.08 .56 .46 .46 100.00 BREAKDOWN OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY . AMOUNT % TYPE OF EXPENDITURE Bonds $1,002,622 52.18 Salaries & Employee Benefits 362,975 18.89 Police Protection 86,900 4.52 Capital Outlay 84,750 4.41 Telephone & Utilities 66,950 3.48 Repairs and Maintenance 44,850 2.33 Sanitation Contract 42,400 2.21 Insurance 34,100 1.77 Supplies 28,800 1.50 Chemicals 23,950 1.25 Gas & Oil 17,550 .91 Conference & Travel 10,300 .54 Information Center Operating Costs 8,800 .46 Costs of Individual Sewer & Water Hookups 8,600 .45 Summer Recreation 8,060 .42 Assessor 7,750 .40 Printing & Publication 7,250 .38 Planning & Zoning 7,225 .38 Street Repair 7,000 .36 Auditing 6,775 .35 Cleaning 5,100 .27 . Dog Patrol 4,850 .25 Computer Costs 4,800 .25 Engineering Fees 4,600 .24 Business & Industrial Development 4,000 .21 Subscriptions & Dues 3,650 .19 Lega 1 Fees 3,450 .18 Library Services 2,850 .15 YMCA Detached Worker 2,825 .15 at her 17,770 .92 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1 ,921 ,502 100.00 NOTE: Does not include Construction or Liquor Funds. . - 5 - 1981 BUDGET - GENERAL FUND . 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes & H.C. $122,924 $ 71, 698 $157,315 $157,315 $21' ,815 State & Federal Aids 127,185 38, 011 128,435 136,650 127,950 Deputy Registrar 19,740 12,,201 22,000 23,450 24,625 Bldg. Permit Fees 13,488 2,:268 14,400 6,650 13,000 Liquor License Fee 12,993 5,723 13,000 13,000 16,000 Reimb. - projects for Admin. Fees 17,616 5,000 2,750 5,300 Other 16,429 4,363 10,900 13,550 14,770 TOTAL $330,375 $134,264 $351 ,050 $353,365 $413,460 Expenditures Mayor & Council $ 6,853 $ 3,536 $ 7,225 $ 7,025 $ 7,300 Election Expense 0 0 1,350 1,350 0 Administration 88,304 50,542 99,000 102,625 120,125 Assessor 6,383 105 6,850 6,850 7,750 . Auditing 5,500 3,595 6,225 9,595 6,775 Insurance 23,343 15,628 28,925 26,350 31,100 Engineering Fees 4,188 2,562 2,425 5,425 3,600 Legal Fees 2,194 2,836 2,000 4,075 2,500 Building Inspector 21,422 9,169 17,175 18,975 21,475 Bldg. Mntc. - City Hall 11 ,437 6,867 12,000 12,925 14,500 Police Protection 70,056 38,503 79,175 76,912 86,900 Civil Defense 32,359 3,716 6,550 7,850 9,000 Animal Control 8,315 3,359 7,575 7,050 8,275 Sanitation Contract 35,945 18,918 36,325 39,425 42,400 Senior Citizen Center 9,250 8,086 12,950 14,607 15,1 QO Planning & Zoning 3,138 3,753 2,700 6,575 7,225 Community School 3,000 0 3,500 5,730 8,060 Library - Operations 1,764 2,654 2,250 3,200 2,850 YMCA Detached Worker 0 0 0 2,500 2,825 Deputy Registrar 11 ,299 7,416 15,850 13,665 14,700 Other 1,206 1 ,308 1,000 500 1,000 TOTAL $345,956 $182 ,553 $351 ,050 $373,209 $413,460 . - 6 - . 1981 BUDGET - STREET FUND 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes & H.C. $105,254 $ 66,520 $143,075 $143,075 $177 ,975 State & County Aid 3,434 0 3,775 3,775 4,150 CETA 0 1,976 0 4,000 0 Interest 3,741 0 5,700 5,700 2,000 Other 4,489 536 1,750 1,900 1,970 Reimb. - Projects 8,808 0 2,500 1,375 2,650 Transfer In 42,990 0 0 TOTAL $168,716 $ 69,032 $156,800 $159,825 $188,745 Expenditures Salaries $ 56,054 $ 33,958 $ 57,300 $ 66,875 $ 76,200 . Employee Benefits 12,575 6,607 11 ,925 13,375 15,250 Utilities 20,998 10,648 28,200 22,000 24,850 Gas & Oil 5,563 4,270 8,800 9,400 10,625 St. & Prkg. Lot Rpr. 14,674 986 16,500 15,000 7,000 Equipment Repair 8,105 8,624 11 ,250 13,000 12,725 Supplies 14,362 5,785 9,075 12,300 13,900 Capital Outlay 71,863 31,460 32,125 32,125 22,475 Assmts. - Parking Lot 1,266 1,397 1,400 1,400 1,270 Other 3,169 1,691 4,650 6 ,375 4,450 TOTAL $208,629 $105,426 $181,225 $191 ,850 $188,745 . - 7 - . 1981 BUDGET - PARK FUND 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes & H.C. $ 35,360 $ 13,612 $ 31,480 $ 31,480 $ 40,500 Park Dedication Fees 2,941 0 2,280 0 0 Other 1,876 0 1,000 1,000 0 CETA 140 289 0 1,225 1,200 TOTAL $ 40,317 $ 13,901 $ 34,760 $ 33,705 $ 41,700 Expenditures Salaries $ 9,373 $ 6,596 $ 10,235 $ 14,400 $ 18,575 Employee Benefits 1,348 887 2,125 2,875 3,725 Park Improvement 1,124 950 5,000 950 12,600 Information Center 4,284 2,898 4,575 7,825 8,850 Util iti es 936 682 1,100 1,275 1,450 . Repair & Maintenance 781 417 1,200 1,000 1,125 Supplies & Services 1,466 1,599 1,800 2,150 2,425 Gas & Oil 489 76 625 550 650 Other 1,919 936 2,800 2,175 2,150 Capital Outlay 0 7,109 10,005 7,650 2,750 TOTAL $ 21 ,720 $ 22,150 $ 39,465 $ 40,850 $ 54,300 . - 8 - . 1981 BUDGET - TREE FUND 1980 1979 1st . 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. 8UDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes & H.C. $ 3,524 $ 32 $ 2,150 $ 2,150 $ 0 Assmts. - Tree Removal & Replacement 1,462 260 5,750 12,750 3,725 State Aid 8,099 4,753 8,400 6,925 7,225 Interest Income 2,826 0 3,000 3,000 2,300 Other 191 115 250 650 250 TOTAL $ 16,102 $ 5,160 $ 19,550 $ 25 ,475 $ 13,500 Expend i tures Sa 1 ari es $ 4,019 $ 2,298 $ 8,200 $ 7,225 $ 7,525 Employee Benefits 1,008 256 1,600 1,400 1,450 Contracted Service 739 75 350 750 850 Repair & Maintenance 70 28 200 100 125 . Replacement Trees 6,540 1,440 5,200 1,440 1,625 Capita 1 Outl ay 120 6,343 2,495 19,125 975 Equipment Rental 0 0 2,000 0 0 Other 686 173 1,200 750 950 TOTAL $ 13,182 $ 10,613 $ 21,245 $ 30,790 $ 13,500 . - 9 - . 1981 BUDGET - FI RE FUND 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes & H.C. $ 31,576 $ 7,268 $ 17,410 $ 17,410 $ 24,380 Charges - Fire Call & Standby 3,350 4,300 4,000 6,775 6,000 Township Allocation 11 ,377 1,904 3,565 4,550 6,320 Trans fer In 0 37,394 0 37,394 0 TOTAL $ 46,303 $ 50,866 $ 24,975 $ 65,129 $ 36,700 Expendi tures Salaries $ 8,129 $ 7,580 $ 9,825 $ 12,725 $ 10,500 Tel ephone 369 200 450 450 500 Util iti es 1,834 1,212 2,500 1,900 2,150 Gas & Oil 390 500 500 1,000 1,000 . Equipment Repair 2,237 1,400 1,600 2,525 2,850 Suppl i es 472 960 700 1,500 1,500 Legal 13 0 100 50 100 Training 2,430 1,749 1,400 2,675 3,000 Insurance 1,886 1,392 3,650 2,500 3,000 Capita 1 Outl ay 44,299 2,872 2,100 4,200 11 ,300 Other 0 0 300 100 300 Building Repairs 9,200 612 500 900 500 Retiremert Benefits 1,350 0 1,350 1,350 0 TOTAL $ 72,609 $ 18,477 $ 24,975 $ 31,875 $ 36,700 . - 10 - . 1981 BUDGET - ORDERLY ANNEXATION AREA 1 9 0 1979 1 s 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 M S. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Property Taxes - H.C. $ 939 $ 14 $ 1,295 $ 1,295 $ 750 Towns hi p Payment 320 0 255 255 200 Other 79 0 100 75 50 TOTAL $ 1,338 $ 14 $ 1,650 $ 1,625 $ 1,000 Expenditures Salaries $ 944 $ 531 $ 1,150 $ 1,050 $ 800 Travel 106 68 200 150 100 Professional Fees 0 125 200 250 100 Other 82 28 100 50 0 TOTAL $ 1,132 $ 752 $ 1,650 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 . . - 11 - 1981 BUDGET - SEWER FUND . 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 10S. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Sewer Collections $ 52,688 $ 30,713 $ 72,750 $ 75,325 $ 76,250 Connections & Permits 10,869 3,,768 10,000 7,500 11 ,000 Assessments 179 0 525 150 150 Interest 7,613 0 4,000 7,500 6,500 Property Taxes - H.C. 11 ,548 54 0 0 0 Other 429 279 0 600 500 CETA 0 323 0 2,925 0 Reimb. - Projects 4,404 0 1,250 675 1 ,325 EPA & PCA Funding - Step II 144,090 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $231 ,820 $ 35,137 $ 88,525 $ 94,675 $ 95,725 Expendi tures Salaries $ 31,029 $ 20,855 $ 36,425 $ 44,475 $ 51,600 Employee Benefits 5,853 3,752 7,475 8,900 10,325 Util ities 6,203 4,564 9,350 9,350 10,575 . Repair & Maintenance 15,577 5,651 5,100 10,000 7,000 Gas & Oil 2,265 1,292 1,500 3,400 4,050 Sewer Line Repairs 2,848 81 3,000 1,000 6,000 Treatment Chemicals 9,374 5,272 15,000 12,000 13,550 Engineering Fees 166,069 127 1,500 350 500 Individual Services 0 0 600 400 600 Testing 2,876 702 2,900 2,100 2,375 Capital Outlay 0 0 2,900 0 0 Other 4,309 1,196 2,775 2 ,775 3,225 TOTAL (Be6ore . . F46,403 $ 43,492 $ 88,525 $ 94 ,750 $109 ,800 eprecl at 1 on- Depreciation Acquired Assets $ 4,679 $ 2,438 $ 4,875 $ 4,875 $ 8,925 Contributed Assets 73,427 42,500 83,275 85,000 95,000 TOTAL (including $324,509 $ 88,430 $176,675 $184,625 $213,725 depreciation) . - 12 - 1981 BUDGET - WATER FUND . 1980 1979 1st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET Revenues Water Collection $ 37,858 $ 18,927 $ 53,150 $ 53,150 $ 54,225 Water Meter & Hookups 7,693 2,471 6,000 5,000 6,000 CETA 0 125 0 1,000 0 Other 461 59 300 100 100 Interest 2,594 0 2,500 2,000 2,200 Reimb. .. Projects 4,403 0 1,250 675 1,325 TOTAL $ 53,009 $ 21,582 $ 63,200 $ 61,925 $ 63,850 Ex pend itures Sa lari es $ 14,435 $ 7,251 $ 22,600 $ 17,275 $ 18,925 Employee Benefits 3,303 1,501 4,625 3,450 3,775 Utilities 6,195 3,757 8,150 8,150 9,200 Repair & Maintenance 2,305 214 6,800 2,150 7,925 Waterline Repair 1,375 949 2,500 2,000 2,500 . Treat Chern. & Supplies 5,400 4,494 7,800 9,200 10,400 Indiv. Svcs. & Supplies 8,530 1,900 6,500 4,000 8,000 Capita 1 Outl ay 0 0 1,500 0 0 Tel ephone 253 127 350 300 350 Other 2,264 640 2,375 1,975 2,500 TOTAL (before depre- $ 44,060 $ 20,833 $ 63,200 $ 48,500 $ 63,575 ciation) Depreciation Acquired Assets $ 1,460 $ 1,675 $ 1,675 $ 1,675 $ 2,175 Contributed Assets 73,772 41,575 75,375 83,150 93,150 TOTAL (including $119,292 $ 64,083 $140,250 $133,325 $1 58 , 900 depreciation) . - 13 - CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECTED INCOME STATEMENT LIQUOR FUND . 1979 1980 1 st 1980 1980 1981 ACTUAL 6 MOS. BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET SALES --rTquor $243,487 $116,062 $292,075 $260,375 $302,025 Beer 332,874 187,419 376,800 426,525 494,775 Wine 75,820 35,435 89,350 88,500 102,675 Misc. 29,838 15,166 37,550 34,100 39,550 TOTAL SALES $682,019 $354,082 $795,775 $809,500 $939,025 GROSS INCOME Liquor $ 52,144 $ 27,232 $ 58,400 $ 58,425 $ 67,775 Beer 59,978 32,173 67,825 75,025 87,025 Wine 23,099 10,666 26,800 26,800 31,100 Misc. 7,882 4,547 9,400 9,600 11 ,150 TOTAL GROSS INCOME $143,103 $ 74,618 $162,425 $169,850 $197,050 FREIGHT $ 3,441 $ 1,610 $ 4,525 $ 3,675 $ 4,250 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries $ 38,606 $ 22,506 $ 44,725 $ 45,000 $ 51 ,750 Employee Benefits 5,149 2,882 6,025 6,300 8,275 Utilities & Fuel 6,854 4,215 9,750 9,175 10,350 Insurance 14,310 5,688 20,950 13,000 15,350 Depreciation 7,971 4,064 8,000 8,300 8,600 . Suppl i es 2,972 1,882 2,500 3,400 3,825 Repair & Maintenance 1,105 443 675 900 1,025 Advertising 1,864 863 1,200 2,000 2,300 Audit 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,600 1,800 Telephone 532 315 625 625 700 NSF Checks 10 0 350 200 200 Mi sc. Expense 651 454 1,300 650 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. $ 81,524 $ 44,912 $ 97,800 $ 91,150 $104,975 TOTAL OPERATING INC. $ 58,1 38 $ 28,096 $ 60,100 $ 75 ,025 $ 87,825 OTHER EXPENSES Other $ 0 $ 0 $ 500 $ 200 $ 400 Unemployment Camp. 35 256 400 400 500 Int. Exp. - Bonds 10,692 4,899 9,725 9,725 8,700 TOTAL OTHER EXPENSE $ 10,727 $ 5,155 $ 10,625 $ 10,325 $ 9,600 OTHER INCOME Cash Over (Short) $ 3 $ (176 ) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Invest. Int. Income 14,215 10,263 4,500 17,525 17,750 Contract Int. Inc. 3,060 918 1,075 1,075 0 CETA 0 185 0 3,500 0 TOTAL OTHER INCOME $ 17,278 $ 11,190 $ 5,575 $ 22,100 $ 17,750 NET INCOME $ 64,689 $ 34 ,131 $ 55,050 $ 86,800 $ 95.975 . - 14 - . . . 1981 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND ~1ayor & Council Unallocated Administration Unallocated Building Maintenance Pictures FM System Building Inspection Unallocated Civil Defense Communication Equipment Animal Control Cages Senior Citizen Center Unallocated Deputy Registrar Una 11 ocated STREET FUND Dump Truck Hac k Saw Loft - Maintenance Bldg. Trailer Air Conditioner Blacktop Maintenance Area Air Compressor Unallocated PARK FUND f'lcni c Benc hes Push Mower Landscape Rake Unallocated - 15 - $ 300 250 $16,000 500 400 400 375 1,800 1,000 2,000 $ 500 250 1,500 500 . ., 200 $ 500 $ 550 $ 250 $ 400 $ 300 $ 200 $ 200 $22,475 $ 2,750 . . . TREE FUND Chain Saw Log Lifter Una110cated FIRE FUND Smoke ~1as ks (2) Rubber Suits (2) Air Tanks (6) Radios (2) Pagers (2) De 1 uge Gun L,ater Cans (4) Training Aids Rubber Boots (3 pair) Pump He 1 mets *SE\,ER FUND Jet Cleaner(use City-owned 72 Int'l Pickup Truck (50% sewer/50% water) Ladder - Lift Station Boom Winch $ 400 275 300 $ 1,250 2,000 1,125 1,800 800 2,000 400 300 225 1,100 300 Chassis) $22,000 3,500 1,100 1,800 *VlATER FUND Pickup Truck (50% sewer/50% water) Valve Equipment *Vlater & Sewer Funds are enterprise funds and fixed assets and equipment are depreciated. - 16 - $ 3,500 1,900 $ 975 $11 ,300 $28,400 $ 5,400 . EXAMPLES OF FFECT OF ADJUSTMENTS 0 BUDGET Assumption: Illustration listed bel Iw are presented to give readers an approximate idea of ~he effect of a $1,000 increase or decrease to the following types of taxpayers: $ 30,000 Homestead $ .054 or 5.4 Cents $ 50,000 Homestead .100 or 10.0 Cents $ 50,000 Business .538 or 53.8 Cents $100,000 Bus i ness 1.075 or 107.5 Cents $100,000 Apa rtment .950 or 95.0 Cents . For example: A $15,000 increase in the budget raised by local taxes would increase the taxes on a $50,000 home $1.50 (15 x .10) . - 17 -