EDA Minutes 07-21-1992 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, July 21, 1992 ~ 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice Chairperson Barb Schwientek, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, and Al Larson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Assist Treasurer Bob Mosford and Harvey Kendall. STAFF PRESENT: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. GUEST PRESENT: Bradley Barger, Suburban Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. Jerry and Steve Schoen, Aroplax Corporation. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 28, 1992 EDA MINUTES. Al Larson made a motion to approve the April 28, 1992 EDA minutes, seconded by Ron Hoglund. Wi th no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW A PRELIMINARY AND FORMAL GMEF APPLICATION FOR SUBURBAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING, INC. (SMM). Koropchak reviewed the enclosed agenda supplement data (preliminary and formal application) for compliance with the GMEF public purpose criteria and policies. Mr. Barger was present to answer questions of the EDA members. FirStar Bank- Plymouth Branch is the lender participant and the approximate land acquisition is 3.66 acres. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE GMEF LOAN NO. 004 FOR SMM. After the EDA determined that the SMM application met all six of the GMEF public purpose criteria and the general policies, Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve GMEF Loan No. 004 for Bradley D. and Mary A. Barger, Suburban Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and without further discussion or comment the motion passed unanimously. The loan was approved for the requested amount . EDA MINUTES JULY 21, 1992 of $50,000 at 4.5% interest rate amortized over 20 years with balloon payment in five years for real property development. Loan fee was set at $750. TIF of $50,000 was accepted as equity which is 100% of the GMEF because company equity was ingested into financing new equipment (equipment is not financed in this package). Minimum collateral of a second mortgage lien on real estate, corporate guarantee, and assigment of lease, and other condition requirements as so determined and prepared by the Ci ty Attorney. The loan approval was subject to total project funding, final plat approval, project compliance with the city zoning and ordinance, and execution of the Private Development Contract prior to Council approval of TIF District No. 1-14. GMEF Loan No. 004 becomes null and void November 21, 1992 if funds are not disbursed. The approved loan will be submitted to the City Council to review for violations of the GMEF Guidelines on July 27, 1992. Upon Council ratification, the remaining GMEF balance will be $150,000. . 5 . CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW A PRELIMINARY AND FORMAL GMEF APPLICATION FOR AROPLAX CORPORATION. Koropchak reviewed the enclosed agenda supplement data (preliminary and formal application) for compliance with the GMEF public purpose criteria and policies. The EDA reviewed the up-to"-date report of Ci ty' s dollars into the Aroplax project. Jerry Schoen and son, Steve, were present to answer questions of the EDA members. Mr. Schoen informed the EDA that the bank closing would be delayed by four weeks because of the need for a certified appraisal. With Marquette Bank- New Hope acceptance of an appraisal by Mr. Jack Maxwell, the EDA assured Mr. Schoen the appraisal could be completed much faster. With land surveys and soil borings being completed, Fab Con products need to be ordered to keep the project on line, reported Mr. Schoen. Additionally, he reported that Aroplax's market has branched into Europe via a water purification product. 6. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE GMEF LOAN NO. 005 FOR AROPLAX CORPORATION. . The EDA determined that the Aroplax application met all six of the GMEF publ ie purpose cr iter ia, however, the requested $85,000 loan does not comply with the GMEF Loan Size policy: "Minimum of $5,000 and maximum not to exceed 50% of the remaining revolving loan fund balance." Remaining GMEF Page 2 . EDA MINUTES JULY 21, 1992 balance is $150,000. Koropchak suggested that the EDA consider requesting City Council to transfer $20,000 from the Liquor Fund thereby securing a GMEF balance of $170,000 which would allow the requested loan to be incompliance with the GMEF Loan Size policy. More importantly, this transfer would indicate to the State of Minnesota strong local-support of the Aroplax project and would add credibility to the submitted State application through documentation of the GMEF Maximum Loan Size Policy, thereby substantiating the need for the requested $170,000 of State dollars. The first $100,000 principal and interest payback of the State's $170,000 Grant is retained by City for the EDA revolving fund, this a good investment. Barb Schwientek made a motion requesting City Council consider transferring $20,000 from the Liquor Fund to the GMEF account for the reasons outlined above. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and without further discussion or comment the motion passed unanimously. . Based upon the assumption that City Council would authorize transferral of the $20,000 into the GMEF account for compliance of policy, Al Larson made a motion to approve GMEF Loan No. 005 for Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen, Aroplax Corporation. The motion was seconded by Barb Schwientik and without further discussion or comment the motion passed unanimously. The loan was approved for the requested amount of $85,000 at 6% interest rate over seven years. Of the $85,000 loan, $55,000 is for equipment and $30,000 is for overrun/contingency of fixed assets. Loan fee was set at $1,275. Company equity accepted at $75,000 would be 88% of the GMEF, or a combined company/TIF equity accepted at $145,000 would be 170% of the GMEF. The GMEF to share first position with the Central Minnesota Initiatve Fund and the State's Economic Recovery Grant Fund on the equipment, and to share first or third position on fixed asset overrun/ cant ingency. The $55,000 is to be disbursed upon certification of purchase and/or payment of the equipment; the $30,000 overrun/contingency is to be disbursed upon certification of completion/purchase and payment of fixed assets. Collateral, guarantees, and other condi tion requirements as so determined and prepared by the City Attorney. The loan approval was subject to total project funding approval, project compliance with the city zoning and ordinances, execution of the Private Development Contract prior to Monday, July 27, 1992, and transfer of $20,000 to the GMEF account. GMEF Loan No. 005 becomes null and void November 21, 1992 if funds are not disbursed. . Page 3 . . . EDA MINUTES JULY 21, 1992 The approved loan will be submitted to the City Council to review for violations of the GMEF Guidelines on .July 27, 1992. Upon Council ratification, the remaining GMEF balance will be $85,000. 7. CONSIDERATION TO MEET ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1992, THE REGULAR QUARTERLY EDA MEETING DATE. By consensus of the EDA members, the regular July 28 meeting was cancelled. Unless the need for a loan application review or approval, the next EDA meeting will be held in October. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak reported that Modern Molding, Inc. decided to locate in Delano. Industrial property became available which originally was not accessible. Secondly, Koropchak reported that Q-A Thermal representatives, Bi 11 King, Kevin Doty, Tom Golewski, and hersel f met to discuss the need for a $50,000 line-of-credit in addition to the $100,000 equity. The $150,000 would serve as the four to six month interim financing necessary between the acquisition of the exclusive heat-treating license and the completion of a fa.cill ty wi th operational equipment. Acquistion of the license is a key issue as it captures an established market in the Upper Midwest. Acquisi tion is expected August 1. The Ci ty and Mr. Golewski marketed the Shingobee/TIF' Preplan. Later, another meeting with Mr. Golewski, his technical personnel, and company representatives further outlined the specifics of the building. Kevin Doty has again met with the company representatives to further define the timelines and financial commitments associated with the license acquisition and the need for additional financial information. Maureen Steinwall continues to be interested in Monticello as a site location for their relocation and expansion. Project development expected in '93 or '94. 9. ADJOURNMENT. By consensus of the EDA, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ~~ '<~~ Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 4