Planning Commission Agenda 09-04-2007 e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e 7. e AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC Call to order. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of August 7th, 2007. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizen comments. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for variance to allow an off-site sign as a principal use. Applicant: St. Benedict's Senior Community Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Comprehensive Sign Plan for a commerciaVretail complex in the Central Community District Applicant: Seluemed, LLC Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for cross parking for a proposed restaurantlbanquet facility in the Central Community District. Applicant: Masters 5th Avenue 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Replat and Final Plat for First Minnesota Bank Commercial, a commercial plat in the CCD (Central Community District). Applicant: I" Minnesota Bank 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for the proposed River City Station, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highway Business) District, and a request for rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business). Applicant: Chelsea Road, LLC 10. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Olson Property Management II. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-9[E] as related to the regulation of projecting signage :::: the Central Community District. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission 12. Consideration to review for discussion an inventory of development entrance monuments. 13. Consideration to review for discussion an inventory of City tasks and activities. 14. Adjourn. e e e Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 5. Consideration of a request to allow an off-site sil!ll as a principal use. Applicant: St. Benedict's Senior Care Facilitv/CentraCare and Home Depot U.S.A.. Inc. (ASINAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The St. Benedict's Senior Community has submitted an application for an off-premise sign to be located at the northeast corner of the intersection of ih Street and the St. Benedict's Senior Community driveway. The subject site is located at 1301 7th Street. As the Commission might recall from the previous items, the original sign identifying St. Benedict's was displaced with the re-alignment of 7th Street. The proposed sign location is on the Home Depot property, on the east side of the St. Benedict's driveway. The subject site currently owned by Home Depot is 661 square feet in area and is platted as Lot 1, Block 2 of Union Crossings. A large drainage pond exists on the church property, next to the driveway. The site on the east side of the driveway was chosen due to placement space and safety issues, which were illustrated by the applicant in a previous presentation to the Planning Commission. The parcel ofland proposed to be subdivided from the Home Depot property will be added to the legal description for the St. Benedict's site. A Memorandum of Understanding to resolve the issue of sign placement has been prepared for all required approvals, and has been attached for reference. The Planning Commission previously approved a simple subdivision, amendment to CUP for PUD, rezoning, and variance to setback to accommodate the proposed sign. Due to a change in the application process regarding St. Henry's Catholic Church, the rezoning, variance to setback and amendment to PUD are no longer applicable. However, with the St. Henry's choosing not to participate in the process, the variance to off-premise signage and signage as a principal use of a parcel are required to accomplish the sign placement. As such, the approvals required to accommodate the proposed sign are as follows: 1. Simple subdivision to separate the subject site from the Home Depot property. APPROVED. 2. Variance to allow sign as an off-site use on the newly subdivided parcel. Sign. The applicant is proposing an internally lit sign identifying the entrance to the St. Benedict's site. The sign is blue and white in color, and directs guests to the various services on the St. Benedict's property. The proposed sign has been revised since the last report to the Commission. The proposed sign now meets ordinance requirements; variances are not needed for height and area. Variance. Variance requests are considered where it is alleged by the applicant that a non-economic hardship in the reasonable use of a specific parcel of property exists. A hardship that by some reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific parcel of property or lot existing and of record upon the effective date of this ordinance or that by Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 reason of exceptional topographic or water conditions of a specific parcel ofland or lot, the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would result in exceptional difficulties e when utilizing the parcel or lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the district in which said lot or parcel is located, or would create undue hardship upon the owner of such lot or parcel that the owner of another lot or parcel within the same district would not have ifhe were to develop his lot or parcel in a manner proposed by the applicant. In this case, a hardship was created for the applicant with the realignment of 7th Street. As part of this project, the St. Benedict's driveway was extended and the existing sign was displaced. St. Benedict's does not have frontage on 7th Street, and an easement is in place to accommodate their driveway. As such, an on-premise sign would not be visible from 7th Street. . Monticello Zoning Ordinance section 3-9[D] prohibits off-premise signs. However, as St. Benedict's does not have frontage on 7th Street, a variance to allow an off-site sign as may be appropriate. The City will not set a precedent for future variance requests for off premise signs due to the very specific and unusual nature of the hardship. It should be noted that the applicant will be required to sign a license agreement with the City for occupation within the drainage and utility easement. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS e Regarding the request for a variance to allow for an off-premise sign, the City has the following options: I. Motion to recommend approval of the request for a variance to allow an off-site on the subject parcel identified in the 09/04/07 staff report, based on findings as follows: a. St. Benedict's only access to a public street consists of a private drive; St. Benedict's has no frontage on a public street. b. The private drive was extended due to the realignment of 7th Street. c. The existiog sign, which was at the comer of the private drive and previous alignment of7th Street, is no longer visible due to the realignment of 7th Street. The lack of signage has presented a clear safety issue for the residents and visitors to the facility. Therefore, an undue hardship was created by the realignment of 7th Street. d. The proposed sign as shown in the exhibits for the 09104/07 Planning Commission report will be located at the comer of the private drive and realigned 7th Street and will allow traffic to route safely into the approved PUD for St. Benedict's. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe request for a variance to allow an off-site sign, based on a finding that an undue hardship does not exist. 3. Motion of other. e 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 e RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the variances to allow an off-premise sign as a principal use for the new parcel. The previously existing identification sign for the St. Benedict's Senior Community was displaced due to the realignment of 7th Street. The approvals are necessary to accommodate a new identification sign on the east side of the St. Benedict's driveway, on property currently owned by Home Depot. The requested action will allow the applicant to construct a sign suitable for the area. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Site Location Map Parcel Sketch Proposed Sign Illustration Memorandum of Understanding - Revised e e 3 e ,t !.~ '"C O'"Q " 'C :l!:; e ::!.O =. ~ , ;:; ~ Ql n -6" ~. ., -3 .e.;-< ~ _ fIJ DlI 0 ;;tiQ":3. n ~.= =. ~ "" ~ ~" - .._ 0 Q Z ("') .... ~ o ~ ~ o Z -3 .... ("') t"J ,~ ~' o e e e Exhibit of the parcel of land that Home Depot proposes to convey to Sl Henry's Catholic Church: ~ ....... ~o..1t1--c:- r -:...ii~_, ---.., -',' -'-'--, I ,-'p___ I ,J;i/W_'---- I l~k'...' i i:r-o:: I II! OiiJ I ;';.~ ' t:,o I I liT> I 'I' I- I ,'it"' p I ('~!::';;'~. I , Q)f:- I g, ,'i J,,;- '~,'-- :J:r;////1 /~t~w u f.r //ijI/ \ --- /11' /, , /' i\ ,oIl - ~ B#pk i'l '\\ ~ ~ ~ ~, / / " /,' l" I: ,,-,;]' .,',1 ,)/'7 ~i \~\ \r ! ", / ("- ,PRO,POSED SIG",t /, , ! II _.-~ , ." .~ :/' /' ... WSB . 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suits 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www.wsbeng.com ,,__/no. ,.._1B3-64104lOO.faJB3.641-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE I ENGINEERING , PLANNING I CONSlRUCTlON K:*01627-02*Cod.rroposed*Easement exhibit a,don ~ -'1-- ---,..- ----._-- " 1-:'- . t - __ _"_ I -----. .-.-- , -+-- ---------,1-.--...- - '--_J ---~--- , -- ------j ----L?<-. , ------/- /' ," -L. i "-, -_ , , I "-T- I I '-'-.,,1 , , -l L "". , --r-':;:-" , - .J H' .,',.<- ~ - I I I~" ----,t--_..-<:-;__ ,,/ -~-,---,_._+----,:-:_. -1---' , ;: ,'- ---:..- ~ .." 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""'" Parcel 1 e 2 Q m '{> ~~~~~ m _ .. , :r:: ()()~ ' 00 ~~ 00 ;p1' e G> ~ I (j ~ o~~ )>(j)05::!:!Ul fi:l:...;!:(')FTi;!::: OO["l:l~~rn 9'"T1CAlO~~ N.......COZ!":":> tv ,.. CI'> z 6 II =s: 0:: ~ -...J --,052::v _ z IT'l C -lgO ('jom m~2S ~ m ~ 5Z"'T1 - ~;;: ;;:()':! 20m ",N '" c z ~ e 0:: 9' 10 >< th Oi en ii1 ....I!! '" -en ~p :x:"-l ~ III ~ QJ ~ :-l n ""'+ '" ID Z::s"'" ~ 0' ~ (l .. ll:l $ n ID '" 0 ::s J:~ID '" ;;;li Q. ~ ~ -. ;:;- ;:I ,.. :r C ... ~ ::s lit" ~ -. ~~ 6e. (]l ci- , J COD e MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Regarding the Resolution of Placement of the St. Benedict's Sign Updated 08/23/07 In an effort to resolve the matter of the placement of a monument sign for the St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility, the City of Monticello sets forth the following items of understanding: PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND As a result of the re-alignment of 7th Street, St. Benedict's has understood that a directional monument sign would be allowed at the entrance to their facility. For maximum visibility, St. Benedict's desires this sign at the northeast comer of the intersection of the private access drive to their facility and 7th Street. The desired placement location for the proposed St. Benedict's sign is currently included within Lot 1, Block 2 of Union Crossings, which is currently owned by Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. (See Exhibit A.) e There is a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Union Crossings. Lot 1, Block 2, Union Crossings is included within that Planned Unit Development. The City of Monticello previously processed and approved applications related to the sign placement, subject to appropriate signatures, However, due to various factors related to signatories for those applications, the approval actions are considered incomplete. The process below describes the revised alternative to accomplishing the sign replacement. . APPLICATIONS In order to accomplish placement ofthe sign in the desired location, the following City of Monticello planning processes will be required: (i) simple subdivision, (ii) variance to setback, (iii) variance to principal use, and (iv) off-site signage regulations. The City of Monticello has prepared and provided all required applications for signature by the appropriate parties as indicated and outlined below.! SIMPLE SUBDIVISION Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. has agreed to a subdivision ofland from Lot 1, Block 2 of Union Crossings, thereby creating a new parcel of land. The parcel to be subdivided e I Angela _ could you please provide the remaioing applications requiring execution on behalf of Home Depot to me again? incorporates the desired location for the proposed sign and includes a portion of the private access drive not currently within the property boundaries of St. Henry's Catholic Church. An illustration of the proposed parcel is attached to this memorandum as Exhibit A. e The City of Monticello has prepared the legal description for the parcel ofland to be subdivided to accommodate the placement of the St. Benedict's sign. The legal description will be a metes and bounds description. The City of Monticello will fund the preparation of this document and provide the property description to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. for review. Subdivision is accomplished under City ordinance by simple subdivision. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. and St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility will be required to co-sign the application for simple subdivision. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. will sign as fee title property owner. Application fees and deposits related to the simple subdivision application have been waived by the City of Monticello. The City has processed and approved the application for simple subdivision, subject to acquisition of Home Depot U.S.A., Inc.'s signature. If the terms of this memorandum and the parcel's legal description are agreeable to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. is requested to sign the application. With that signature, action on the subdivision is considered complete. Under Minnesota Statute 15.99, the City of Monticello had 60 days to act on a completed written application for subdivision. The subdivision was reviewed in a public hearing by the Monticello Planning Commission, and reviewed for final action by the Monticello City Council. e Upon approval of the subdivision and execution of application for simple subdivision by Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., the newly subdivided parcel is released from all responsibilities under the existing Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Union Crossings. The subdivision of this parcel in no way impacts any previous rights or approvals granted specifically to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. by the approved Conditional Use Permit for Plarmed Unit Development for Union Crossings, and Home Depot's improvements, if constructed as previously approved by the City of Monticello: (i) are in full compliance with all approvals and permits previously granted by the City of Monticello; and (ii) following such subdivision and the transfer of such subdivided parcel as described herein will remain in full compliance with all approvals and permits previously granted by the City of Monticello. All requirements and responsibilities under the Planned Unit Development for Union Crossings are still applicable to the remaining portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Union Crossings. Should the subdivided parcel revert back to the ownership of Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., conditions for Lot 1, Block 2, Union Crossings, will thereafter again apply to this parcel. The City of Monticello will send a letter re-stating the same to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. e e As a condition ofland transfer for the subdivided parcel, Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. requires that the terms and conditions for the use of the subdivided parcel (as described below) be set forth in the deed of conveyance to St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility enter into an agreement regarding. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. will prepare the conveyance instrument and provide to St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility for review prior to execution by Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. The newly subdivided parcel will be a remnant parcel which shall be transferred to St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility by conveyance instrument. LAND TRANSFER/PURCHASE Ryan Companies US, Inc., developer of the plat of Union Crossings and holder of the Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development forUnion Crossings, will be responsible for the purchase price of the subdivided parcel and shall reimburse Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. accordingly. Ryan Companies US, Inc. and Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. have agreed upon a purchase price of $2,000 for the subdivided parcel. e Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. is not requesting any additional direct, monetary compensation or considerations beyond the purchase price for the subdivided parcel. Home Depot Inc. is requiring that certain limitations and restrictions be imposed upon the signage that may be constructed and installed upon the subdivided parcel and that the subdivided parcel be used solely for the installation and maintenance of such signage and for access to the property currently owned by St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility, and is requiring a right of reverter along with other legal and equitable remedies in the event the limitations and restrictions are violated. The purchase and transfer of the parcel to be subdivided shall be executed only upon approval of the simple subdivision and variances required to place the proposed sign on the subdivided parcel. The City of Monticello has verified with Wright County that it will accept the subdivision by metes and bounds. To complete the authorization of simple subdivision, the City of Monticello must send a letter signed by the Zoning Administrator, authorizing the simple subdivision. The City of Monticello shall record the simple subdivision. The City of Monticello will be responsible for the recording fees for the simple subdivision. e The City of Monticello has verified with Wright County that the balance of 2007 property taxes for Lot I, Block 2, Union Crossings will be payable upon recording of the simple subdivision and the recording of the warranty deed. As such, the subdivision and deed will not be recorded until October 15th of2007, when the balance of annual property taxes is due, unless Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. otherwise agrees to an earlier date. St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility shall record the deed for the subdivided parcel. St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility shall be responsible for the deed taxes for the subdivided parcel and will be responsible for any new tax responsibilities associated with this parcel. e Special assessments for Lot 1, Block 2, Union Crossings will not be adjusted or redistributed, but shall remain as assigned via the executed development agreement for the Plat and Planned Unit Development of Union Crossings, and/or the Operation and Easement Agreement between Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. and Ryan Companies US, Inc. and Target Corporation (the "OEA"). REZONING - REVISE The parcel to be subdivided is zoned B-4 (Regional Business), consistent with the zoning for the plat and Planned Unit Development of Union Crossings. As this parcel will become a remnant parcel, it will not require any rezoning action. St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility has applied for a sign permit for the subject sign. The proposed sign for the St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility meets the requirements of the PS District, consistent with the Planned Unit Development approval for the development. VARIANCES St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility is proposing to place a sign on the newly subdivided parcel in the location as shown on Exhibit A. . e As the zoning for the parcel is B-4, the required setback is 0 feet. However, City ordinance also requires that signage be placed off all drainage and utility easements. As such, a variance to setback was required. St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility and Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. are required to co-sign the application for variance. The variance was reviewed in a public hearing by the Monticello Planning Commission, and reviewed for final action by the Monticello Planning Commission, as the Planning Commission acts as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals for variance requests. The approval was subject to acquisition of Home Depot U.S.A., Inc.'s signature. If the terms of this memorandum and the parcel's legal description are agreeable to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., Home Depot, U.S.A., Inc. is requested to sign the application. (Note, this application has been combined with the application for simple subdivision discussed above.) Upon signature, variance to setback action will be considered complete. Under Minnesota Statute 15.99, the City of Monticello had 60 days to act on a completed written application for variance to setback. A variance to allow off-site signage as a principal use is needed in order to allow a sign on the newly subdivided parcel. That variance application will need to be signed e e by St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility and Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. That application will be processed September 4th, 2007. OTHER St. Benedict's Senior Care Facility and St. Henry's Catholic Church shall be responsible for amending and executing any existing joint agreement between these two organizations as related to the easements required for the access drive. This is a separate issue that does not impact the sign placement. All parties assume the payment of the individual legal fees incurred in the process described above, regardless of the outcome of any decision or final action by the Monticello Planning Commission or City Council. As a condition to the transfer of such subdivided property, the parties acknowledge that Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. and Ryan Companies US, Inc. will need to execute and deliver an amendment to the OEA releasing the land from the restrictions, etc. set forth in the OEA and amending the Site Plan attached thereto. Such amendment of the OEA will not be effective unless and until also executed and delivered on behalf of Target Corporation. MEMOR.AI>.TIlIM OF UNDERSTANDlNQ - 082301 cmp.doc e e , Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 6. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive e Sil!n Plan for a retail center. Applicant: Seluemed. LLC. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN D Seluemed, LLC. is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for a multi-tenant retail/office building. Said building is designed with seven tenant spaces. The subject site is located at 508 State Highway 25 S and is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The site was formerly occupied by Maus Foods. Analysis In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. In determining the amount of allowed signage, a maximum of 5 percent of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this conditional use permit to a building, the building may have one pylon or freestanding sign identifying the building which is in conformance with this e ordinance. The gross area of the silhouette of the principal building is defined as that area within the outline drawing ofthe principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public streets. Wall Signage. The proposed site has frontage on both Highway 25 and Sixth Street. Therefore, both the northwest and south elevations have been taken into account when determining the silhouette ofthe building. Based on the elevations provided, the silhouette ofthese elevations has been calculated at 7,264 square feet. Thus, the allowable wall signage for the site is 364 square feet. The applicant is proposing 358 square feet of wall signage, within the parameters of the Ordinance. The proposed wall sign age is broken down as follows: Proposed Si2n Area Tenantl 40 square feet Tenant 2 19 square feet Tenant 3 19 square feet Tenant 4 160 square feet TenantS 30 square feet Tenant 6 30 square feet Tenant 7 60 square feet TOTAL 358 square feet e Pylon Sign. A pylon sign currently exists on the site. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing pylons, and replace the face of the sign. The existing sign is located Planning Commission Agenda - 02/06/07 in the southwest comer of the site, at the intersection of Highway 25 and Sixth Street. The sign is setback approximately 19 feet from the property line. e The City has a unique calculation for pylon signs along Highway 25. The Ordinance allows 3.03 square feet of area for each 10 feet of lineal footage, not to exceed 100 square feet. The site has just over 330 feet of frontage on Highway 25. Therefore, a sign up to 100 square feet is allowed. The height limit for pylon signs along Highway 25 is 22 feet. The proposed sign is 22 feet in height and 100 square feet in area. As such, the proposed pylon sign is also within the parameters of the Ordinance. The sign has placards for up to nine tenants. In addition to the tenant identification placards, the applicant is proposing a message area on the bottom of the sign, approximately 30 square feet in area. This message board has been figured in to the total area of the sign. The Zoning Ordinance allows temporary portable signs with an annual permit for a maximum period of 40 days per calendar year. The 40-day limitation applies to the entire building, not each individual tenant. In that regard, the message area is expected to provide an opportunity for temporary messages without exhausting these 40 days. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan as presented, based on a finding that the proposed signage is within the allowed parameters of the Ordinance and consistent with the conditions for approval. e 2. Motion to recommend denial of the request for a Conditional Use Permit for the Comprehensive Sign Plan as presented, based on a fmding that the proposed signage is not consistent with the Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Regarding the proposed Comprehensive Sign Plan, staff recommends approval ofthe Conditional Use Permit. The plan presented is within the parameters of the ordinance, meeting all height and area requirements. The Zoning Ordinance contains a provision to allow such uses, and the proposed plan is consistent with the terms for approval. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Site Location Map Applicant Narrative Site Information e 2 e Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: tit e Site Survey Site Plan Building Elevations Color Elevations Planning Commission Agenda - 02/06/07 3 e (pA s,. e J , SANDT"RAP elR. - "" "'j.- ~t1l 7 ~l!: ;!;'" ::0 ::h'ttsu. INTtI?STA.'1t: g4 ,. r ARK / . ~ " <: ... CHELSEA ROAD !l:: (J ~ < '" ::l Z ~ < '. ROAD ~ ~ _n -.., , -', ~~n I " . ij . ~ .\ . \ . . 'llII\DT"IA. tiP; SIXTH STREET STATION Seluemed, LLC Redevelopment of 508 State Hwy 25 South (Formerly Maus Foods) -Narrative Description of Request It is Seluemed, LLC's desire to renovate the building with a new facade and create multiple spaces for leasable retail/office. Standard Iron (same owners as Seluemed, LLC) will occupy approximately 16,000 sq. ft. of the building in the back half. > _ > > Currently, we have a letter of intent for tenant #4 space with a national retailer, and we are bidding out space for tenant #3 and #6 spaces. Our goal is to complete fayade update early Fall of 2007, simultaneously building out spaces for tenants. Standard Iron is looking to occupy space sometime before November 2008, when our current lease expires. We are also considering building an indoor parking area on the northeast corner where the existing loading docks are. Review of Application Requirements > > Certified Survey and Site Plan: These are attached. Existing Conditions: There are no plans to change existing conditions. All trees are noted on the site plan. > Grading and Drainage Plan: There are no changes to the existing. Utility Plan: There are no changes to the city hook-ups. All internal changes will be handled through the building permit process. Building Elevations: These are attached. Landscape Plan: There are no changes to the existing. > Lighting: Parking area lighting will not change and is noted on site plan. Updated fayade lighting is to be determined and will be handled through the building permit process. Signage (see attached calculations): > . Wall signage is noted on elevations for each tenant and will not exceed the 5% of fayade per current code. Final sizing will be calculated and handled through tenant build-out building permits. . Pylon sign design and layout is attached. Per current code, we are able to have the maximum sign allowed-I 00 sq. ft. > Parking Requirements (see attached calculations): Current requirements for parking are 120 spots. Final requirements to be determined as tenants are secured. Total spots available are 165. _ August 1,2007 /RV 8/612007 Signage and Parking Calc'sSignage e Sianaae Calculations Tennant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tolal Wall Signage Facade Sa Ft 803.00 380.50 380.50 3,101.00 590.00 603.00 1,406.00 7,264.00 Silln Area 15%1 40.15 19.03 19.03 155.05 29.50 30.15 70.30 363.20 Note: As Tenants are secured areas will be adjusted according to Fagade sq ft leased. Pylon Sign Hwv 25 linear Ft Calculator . Sian Area 330.91 3.03 109.21 Note: Maximum Pylon Sign area allowed is 100 sq ft. e e Page 1 of 1 8/6/2007 Signage and Par1<:ing Calc's e Parking Calculations Office/Retail Kitchen Dinning Take Out Storage Total Required Tennant Net Sa Ft Net Sa Ft Net Sa Ft Net Sa Ft Net Sa Ft Sa Ft Parkina Soots 1 3,000 413 3,413 15 2 1,200 465 1,665 6 3 274 246 755 1,275 20 4 2,400 4,383 6,783 12 5 2,000 644 2,644 10 6 1,500 331 1,831 8 7 10,000 6,358 16,358 50 Common 1,541 1,541 Total 20,100 274 246 14,890 35,510 120 Note: As Tenants are secured areas witt be adjusted according to Tennant & sq ft teased. e e Page 1 of 1 \.l \ ~ ~ .;.l -.!:::~... Ql ~.. 'V 0 tH o1J C;:: (\)0' .'0 'lD >, Ql 0 Ql to ~ s.. III l: 4-l '0 L.(!) 00 Ql I >. ~= 4-l mmUUQlrl...lIl~rlO;::...~c~~~~~n~lDmQl~OO~Ql~rn;::~~m~o ~~003~Ql3~ ~ID~~lD~~3~~~ .rl3~~ ml~~~~...Nn Q.l ...... rl 0...... "CI 0 1/1 Z Ql .c::::: rl .. 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N ;..-0 Z<.n -- --- - ~ ~ --.-- <<m r5--t: >-u') e- " ------- ----- --- -- ------ - >-' L.. ~ - ~ z >-0 '" Zu> ~ <<u') - ~~ ~ ;..-'" ~ 0 z m - ~ .0 m ~ >-' Z L.. ~ ~ '" - x ;..-0 "O-,l zu> . , "O-,Z @~~ ""0> Ze- - Z ,~ 0 >- - I '" / ---- -- >= u') n - << ~ > I, 'J w - ~ ~I "" ,~ '" .' << . co 0 ,~ w , '-' , " << ;0 ~ u> '" u> >- w w t-- '" 0 n z:J Ir oj I--- i :z ~~ 0 -- ---- ._--,--- >= "" :<e > ~, .O-,Z'l ~ w 'w ,~ , <.n I.I ~} " 511 . . . e e e tf61 :,1 II . <i~ e e e e e e 'if' e e e e e . e e e Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/2007 7. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a ioint parkin!! arran!!ement for a restaurant facilitv located at 242 West Broadwav. Applicant: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. (NAC). Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. has submitted a request for a Conditional Use Permit for joint parking to accommodate a restaurant/banquet use at 242West Broadway. The applicant is proposing to convert a portion of the retail space within the Landmark Square building into a banquet room for an existing restaurant. The newly acquired space would contain a banquet room, meeting rooms, and a bar. The space would be primarily used for special events, not on a daily basis. ANALYSIS The proposed building conversion will not require any modifications to the exterior of the building and no additions or modifications are proposed to the existing parking lot. The conversion from office space to banquet/dining space will require additional parking stalls, as the parking requirement for dining area is much greater than that for office space. As no alterations are proposed for the parking lot, the applicant is proposing to utilize off-site parking at two nearby locations. The original site plan for Landmark Square included a total of 60 off-street parking stalls. At the time of application, a request was made to utilize a joint parking arrangement. Under this provision, the site was only required to provide 60 percent of required number of parking stalls. The total number of required parking stalls for the site under this arrangement was 79. The site was therefore deficient by 19 stalls. However, the City approved the joint parking arrangement under the assumption that the mix in uses would accommodate parking needs at different times throughout the day. A parking study was performed in the downtown six months prior to the Landmark Square site review, which showed that an ample amount of both on and off-street municipal parking was available within a two block area. The applicant was required to offset the parking deficiency via a contribution of $1 ,450 per stall, for a total of$27,550. The proposed expansion would require 47 additional parking stalls, as follows: Use Requirement Floor Area Number of Spaces Bar 1 space per 80 square feet of floor area 141 sf 2 spaces Bar Seating 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 443 sf 11 spaces Meeting Room 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 357 sf 9 spaces Banquet Room 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 993 sf 25 spaces Total 1,934 square feet 47 spaces As with the previous arrangement, only 60 percent of the required number of parking stalls is required to be supplied by the applicant. Utilizing this allowance, the site e would require 29 parking stalls. The previous office use in the expansion area required 12 parking stalls, which are already located on the site. Therefore, the additional parking required for the use is 17 parking stalls. To supply a portion ofthe required parking, the applicant is proposing to utilize 17 spaces at the David's Photography site, located at 113 Locust Street. This site is across Broadway from the Landmark Square building, and the applicant has indicated that this area would be used for employee parking. The applicant is also proposing to utilize 6 parking stalls at the NAP A building, located at 224 3'd Street West. Through these off-site parking arrangements, the applicant is proposing to satisfy the minimum requirement for the use. Conditional Use Permit. The City Council may, after receiving a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission, approve a Conditional Use Permit for one or more businesses to provide the required off-street parking facilities by joint use of one or more sites where the total number of spaces provided are less than the sum of the total required for each business should they provide them separately. When considering a request for such a permit, the Planning Commission shall not recommend that such permit be granted nor shall the Council approve such a permit except when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Up to fifty (50) percent of the parking facilities required for a theatre, bowling alley, dance hall, bar, or restaurant may be supplied by the off-street parking e facilities provided by types of uses specified as a primarily daytime use in subparagraph (d) below. Comment: The applicant is proposing to provide 26 percent of the required parking for Landmark Square off-site. b. Up to fifty (50) percent of the off-street parking facilities required for any use specified under (d) below as primary daytime uses may be supplied by the parking facilities provided by the following nighttime or Sunday uses: Auditoriums incidental to a public or parochial school, churches, bowling alleys, dance halls, theatres, bars, or restaurants. c. Up to eighty (80) percent of the parking facilities required by this section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided by uses specified under (d) below as primarily daytime uses. d. For the purpose ofthis section, the following uses are considered as primarily daytime uses: Banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, household equipment or furniture shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, manufacturing, wholesale, and similar uses. e. Conditions required for joint use: e . 1. The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of such parking facilities with the following exception: For theatres located in the Original Plat of Monticello, theatre parking provided by another use shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of said theatre. Comment: The parking lot for the Napa Auto Parts store at 224 3rd Street West, and the David's Photography building at 113 Locust Street at both within 300feet of the subject site. 11. The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two (2) buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed. Comment: The applicant has not provided hours of operation for either site proposed for offsite parking. Both are presumed to be daytime uses, with limited evening and weekend use. The peak hours of the proposed banquet expansion within the Landmark Square building are estimated to be over the noon hour and on weekends, particularly Friday and Saturday evenings. While there may be a significant parking need over the noon hour, staff does not expect a general conflict in operating hours. . 111. A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County. Comment: No such legal instrument has been provided. The applicant has only provided letters from the property owners of both uses proposed in the joint parking arrangement, indicating that they are in agreement. Both property owners have indicated that they will enter into a formal lease agreement at such time as the Conditional Use Permit is approved by the City. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking for Landmark Square, based on a finding that the proposed arrangement is consistent with the conditions of approval and will not have an adverse affect on the surrounding area, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking for Landmark Square, based on a finding that the conditions of approval have not been met. RECOMMENDATION e The applicant is proposing a joint parking arrangement with David's Photography and the NAP A store to accommodate parking needs for a banquet area. The David's Photography site will be utilized for employee parking. The proposed banquet expansion supports the Comprehensive Plan in that it will assist in maintaining the downtown's influence in the community as a major activity center, particularly in commercial and community services. The proposed off-site parking arrangement is generally consistent with the conditions of approval, and is not expected to have an adverse affect on surrounding businesses in the CCD. In that regard, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Site Location Map Exhibit B: Applicant Narrative Exhibit C: Letter from Ron and Julie Reh of NAPA dated June 19, 2007 Exhibit D: Letter from David Hyttsen of David' s Photography dated June 19, 2007 Exhibit E: Site Plan Exhibit F: Floor Plan Exhibit Z: Conditions of approval e EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval for CUP for Joint Parking 1. The applicant shall provide information on the hours of operation for all interested parties. 2. A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities shall be provided. Said legal instrument shall be approved by the City Attorney, filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of previously approved permits as they relate to the site. e e 7A '$,. -..::--..":.~.- .?' -.......~"..,..:r:.-_-:r""":::::.__ I.~. - -. ---- ---.::-.."'\... "'It)' :~ &-. '':\-, -,-.::-.,'lIo -'-~....'4.' -. "" ........ ~l1l 7TH ....e:: ~'" :2: ::1-iF:t~ I-itGJ.tW.o\.(::ITY OF "'0. g~ e .. l( / 'jil ..- ;;: '" CHElSEA ROAD ROAD '" (j ~ Q :z ::l c '" :> <( W ::J ? <( '. ~ -', e ~~n I " , i~ . ~ .~ . \.lo. . IIUAOl"lM J-\ug "VI ".u4J OC:1IIY /UJ,J:;1UUJ;;:JJ e To the City of Monticello Planning Commission June28, 2007 Proposal for 242 West Broadway Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., is hereby applving for a Conditional Use Permit to change the 2341 square foot space at Landmark Square, 242 West Broadway, from general retail to a banquet facility. This will allow for the possible leasing of the space to a new tenant. e . Attached find a Site Plan of the Landmark Square site. No changes are required for this usage. . The existing conditions will stay as they are now. . The Grading and Drainage will be the same as it is now. . No Utilities work will be needed. . The Building Elevations will not be altered with the possible exception of a awning over the parking lot entrance to the leased space. . The Landscape plan will not change. . No changes to the lighting are needed. . No additional signage is anticipated, with the possible exception of a sign above the parking lot entrance to the leased space, which is the same location of the previous tenant's sign. This change would be done without any construction to the exterior of the building or the parking lot and any additional parking spaces required would be available from adjoining parking areas. It is our understanding that we would need 20 additional spaces for this change, 17 of which would come from the Broadway Partners building parking lot to the Northwest, 100 feet from the comer of Broadway and Locust. An additional 6 spaces would come from the NAP A site at the comer of Locust and 3'd Street which would give more than adequate parking. Agreements with the owners of these buildings have been negotiated and copies of the agreements are attached.. Thank you for your consideration. -- e ~.~ ,e . . . Ie, NAPA 224 3rd Street West Monticello, MN 55362 June 19, 2007 Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 204 Locust Street, Suite 209 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr Fluth, We areiii agreement willi'your pl!l.litci develop part of your biiililillg af 242 Wesf Broadway to a banquet facility. Since the use for this space will be at times that do not conflict with the use of our parking lot, we hereby notifY you that you may use up to 6 of the spaces in our parking lot for this purpose. We will enter into a formal lease agreement when you have alllhe city approvals in place. Good luck in this new endeavor and 1hank you for continuing to develop downtown Monticello Ron and Julie Reh ~dlJlL (/ M . "I 1 \~.~ 'I (; e e e ,P David's Photography June 19, 2007 Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 204 Locust Street, Suite 209 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr Fluth, Weare in agreement with your plan to develop part of your building at 242 West Broadway to a banquet facility. Since the use for this space will be at times that do not conflict with the use of our parking lot, we hereby notify you that you may use up to 17 of the spaces in our parking lot for this purpose. We will enter into a formal lease agreement when you have all the city approvals in place. Good luck in this new endeavor and thank you for continuing to develop downtown M04~~ David Hyttsten, owner . David's Photography Ul t- e " , ~ (}) " , ~ 0 , I~ ~ SUITE 'r ,'T-- ~ -- (}) ... , '@ ? 5" . @ 1150 I SUITE e I RI .rz;- ~ PROPERlY UNE 7'-,,- 14'-0' O. 1'- 1-0' 14'0' 9'-4" 7'4" 5'-8' 17' IJ" 17' S" I' 1 O. 1'-01:....t. L E V E 9'-4' 6'-8' L P J A N """ i. < " ~ ~ :s. \s '- '&- , 'w R2 ~ " , '- (}) " , " ~ ii!!: 'r .. ! .. .' -'* ~ ..~J )~ ~ ~ \;. ;1 )- /y SlIrl@f , ~ , -. . , ;., ! ~ STOOP SlAB (SEESTRUCT) TRACE Of" flAY W1NDOYlABOVE ...., e 0'-11 va ..-evr .. . N I t>..I.... .... I - ~ L .n' '^ = ~ i. . " ~ r I ~ I \U . . 1,.0 ~ , , "._.~__.~_"" ....~M .. ~ l . . _.. ~~---------- I ~ 1 -,. "P; ~ ROOM ipit'"' "J;, fh .. C;/c{lltft3 , ----~~....-?-.--------~~ I't" t. i ~.J 4K~~ ' It" . ,4"-3 'i . .. (p QnCE ~ ------- C 'K V-~I "(1 '; I OtrICE if ~ . .1 i ~ " , ~ .....1... J 11.~' $. , .. . LANDMARK BUILDrNG COLD1JELL BANKER BUILDOUT xxx >JCST JRQAG\lAY. OoITICELLD . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 8. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat approval and a Variance for First Minnesota Bank Commercial. a two lot subdivision in the CCD District. Applicant: First Minnesota Bank. (NAC) BACKGROUND First Minnesota Bank is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for a two lot subdivision. The applicant is also requesting approval of a variance to minimum street frontage required for an additional curb cut. The subject site is located in the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 25 and 4th Street East. The site is 43,771 square feet in size and is zoned CCD, Central Community District. Comvrehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for a mix ofland uses. Zoninl!: The subject site is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The purpose of the CCD District is to implement the plans and policies of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as that Plan is designed to provide for the establishment and continuation of a traditional downtown area in Monticello's primary commercial core. The district will contain a mix of land uses which can compatibly coexist with requirements based upon enhancement of the district's natural features and mitigation ofland use conflicts between differing uses. All proposed uses in the CCD District will be evaluated against the goals and objectives of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as adopted and as may be amended by the City Council. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to consolidate three existing lots for the purpose of subdividing them into two lots. The site is currently platted as lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Block 16 of the original Monticello Plat. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Lot I, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 of First Minnesota Bank Commercial. Lot 1, Block I is approximately 35,684 square feet in area. Lot I, Block 2 is approximately 8,087 square feet in area. In a narrative submitted by the applicant, it states that the subdivision is being proposed to provide a new entrance into First Minnesota Bank. Currently, traffic into the site utilizes an existing access of Highway 25. A second access is located off 4th Street East, intended for use as an exit from the drive through. This access is prefaced with a "DO NOT ENTER" sign facing 4th Street. The applicant has cited safety concerns with this configuration, as cars often attempt to enter the site from the 4th Street access, interfering with traffic exiting the drive through lanes. The proposed Lot 1, Block 1 contains the First Minnesota Bank, accessory parking and drive through facilities, a garage, and three sheds. The proposed Lot 2, Block 1 contains a single family home. As part of the project, the applicant is proposing to Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 move the garage onto Lot 2. All three sheds will be demolished and removed. The applicant is also proposing to remove a 632 square foot gravel area in the northeast . comer of the site and four fence sections. Parking. The existing bank building is approximately 5,024 square feet in area. The parking lot accessory to the use contains 19 stalls. A minimum of 25 spaces is required for the use. A reduction to the required number of parking stalls was approved as part of the initial CUP for the site to allow a larger public open space. The applicant is now proposing to construct 8 additional parking stalls to the east, for a total of 27 stalls. The applicant is therefore satisfying the minimum requirement. The applicant is proposing to remove 171 square feet of existing bituminous in the southwest comer of the site, and.74 square feet ofbiturninous to the east. These areas will be reconstructed to match the existing elevation of the pavement as the parking lot transitions into the proposed drive access. Off-street parking for the single family home on Lot 2, Block I is accommodate by a garage and driveway. The applicant is proposing to remove 1,736 square feet of concrete on this site. Access to the garage will be provided by the existing driveway. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The subject site is identified in the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as being within the Pine District. Performance requirements for this area include a minimum 20 foot setback from the right-of-way. The existing conditions on the bank site are not changing as a result of the . subdivision. The bank building is setback approximately 20 feet from the right of way. The single family home is setback approximately 27 feet from the right-of-way. The new garage location is setback 6 feet from the side lot line. Landscaping. No additional landscaping is proposed as part of the project. However, staff recommends that the applicant provide plantings along the east side of the proposed drive, in addition to the six foot fence. Evergreen trees or similar dense plantings in this area will further assist in buffering the proposed driveway from the single family home to the east. Staff recommends that the applicant also provide plantings on the west side of the proposed driveway, adjacent to the existing single family home on Lot 2, Block 1. Lighting. No photometric plan was submitted with the application. Therefore, it appears as though no additional lighting is proposed for the site. Any lighting proposed for the site shall be required to comply with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. No additional signage has been proposed as part of the application package. . 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 specific parcel ofland or lot, the strict application of the terms ofthis ordinance would result in exceptional difficulties when utilizing the parcel or lot in a manner ... customary and legally permissible within the district in which said lot or parcel is .. located, or would create undue hardship upon the owner of such lot or parcel that the owner of another lot or parcel within the same district would not have if he were to develop his lot or parcel in a manner proposed by the applicant. The applicant stated in a narrative that a hardship was present due to the changing traffic conditions on Highway 25. The narrative states, "When the bank was first constructed traffic levels were considerably smaller on TH25. Traffic levels were at a point it was possible to make a left hand turn into the bank at most hours of the day. Now traffic levels have increased to the point where it has become dangerous or impossible to make a left hand turn into the bank site." The applicant has further stated that these traffic levels are beyond the control of the bank and therefore the hardship has not been created by the bank. City staff agrees that safety concerns are an issue with the existing access off Highway 25. The additional driveway proposed off 4th Street is an attempt to alleviate concerns with the Highway 25 access. However, staff is concerned that due to the lack of visibility from Highway 25, this access will not eliminate the existing problem. In that regard, staff recommends that, as a condition of approval for the variance request, the existing access to the bank site from Highway 25 is removed. The safety concerns in this location have been cited as a hardship. While the additional driveway will modify the current traffic circulation through the site, the only way to completely eliminate safety concerns is to close the Highway 25 access. e ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. Decision 1. Regarding the request for a Preliminary Plat approval of First Minnesota Bank Commercial, the City has the following options: I. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the CCD District and the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent and performance standards of the CCD District, and the use may not be supported by the site. Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Variance for a second curb cut along 4th Street without the minimum required street frontage, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Variance for a second curb cut for a site with less than ... 250 feet of street frontage, based on a finding that an undue hardship .. 4 Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 e Access and Circulation. As stated above, the bank site currently has access off Highway 25 to the west side of the site, and off 4th Street on the north side of the site. The 4th Street access is intended for egress, for cars exiting the drive through lane. As stated above, the applicant has cited safety concerns with this configuration, as cars often attempt to enter the site from the 4th Street access, interfering with traffic exiting the drive through lanes. The applicant has also cited safety concerns with the access off Highway 25, particularly with left-turn movements. Therefore the applicant is proposing an additional access off 4th Street, in the northeast comer of the site. This access will be located east of the single family home, approximately 135 feet east of the existing 4th Street driveway. The access is proposed to be approximately 38 feet east of the driveway for the single family home. This driveway will be used for ingress and egress and is proposed at a width of 24 feet, wide enough for two lanes of traffic. The curb cut is 10 feet from the side lot line. The driveway curves to the west, connecting with the existing bank parking lot. A privacy fence six feet in height is proposed on the east side ofthe driveway, buffering the drive from the existing house to the east. e The bank property is entitled to one curb cut for each 125 feet of street frontage. Lot 1, Block 1 has approximately 198 feet of frontage along 4th Street. A total of 250 feet of street frontage is required for a second curb cut on 4th Street. A variance shall be required to accommodate the proposed curb cut. The site has a total of365 feet of street frontage, including frontage along 4th Street and Highway 25. The single family home has a single access off 4th Street, approximately 190 feet east ofthe intersection of 4th Street and Highway 25. The existing curb cut is approximately 10 feet in width. As proposed, the subdivision will result in a side yard setback of 4 feet for the driveway. The required setback for curb cuts in residential districts is 3 feet. The subject site is a residential use in the CCD. Therefore, the proposed setback may be appropriate. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and made the following recommendations: 1. Remove access to TH 25 due to concerns with traffic safety. Connect public sidewalk and provide for drainage through access closure location. 2. Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter designs. 3. Modify plans to show removals required at TH 25 access location. 4. Provide buffer landscaping between the proposed driveway and the existing house near the east side of the site. 5. Provide all applicable and up to date City of Monticello standard detail plates. e Variance. Variance requests are considered where it is alleged by the applicant that a non-economic hardship in the reasonable use of a specific parcel of property exists. A hardship that by some reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific parcel of property or lot existing and ofrecord upon the effective date of this ordinance or that by reason of exceptional topographic or water conditions of a 3 e Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 exists and that applicant does not have reasonable use of the property, subject to conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for a Variance for a second curb cut along 4th Street, based on a finding that no hardship has been proven. RECOMMENDATION First Minnesota Bank is requesting approval of a.Preliminary Plat and variance to accommodate an additional access to the site off 4th Street. A variance is required as the applicant is over 50 feet short of the minimum street frontage required for a second curb cut on 4th Street. The applicant has stated that the access of 4th Street is necessary due to safety concerns with the existing access off Highway 25. Staff recognizes the safety concerns related to access from Highway 25. The applicant has claimed that this access presents a hardship, due to traffic levels on Highway 25 which are beyond the applicant's control. Removing the existing Highway 25 access in exchange for an additional access off 4th Street will alleviate safety concerns and provide for a more convenient traffic circulation pattern. Staff believes MnDOT would be supportive of any action to reduce the number of access points along Highway 25. In that regard, staff recommends approval of the variance request, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. e SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit Z: e Site Location Map Preliminary Plat Site Plan Demolition Plan Grading and Landscape Plan Details Applicant narrative for Preliminary Plat Applicant narrative for Variance, dated August 23,3007 Merno from Bruce Westby, City Engineer, dated August 29, 2007 Conditions of approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval 1. The existing access off Highway 25 shall be removed to alleviate safety concems. 2. Connect public sidewalk and provide for drainage through access closure location. 3. Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter designs. 4. Modify plans to show removals required at TH 25 access location. 5. Buffer landscaping shall be required on either side ofthe proposed driveway to provide a buffer from the existing single family homes. 6. Any lighting proposed for the site shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. 6 e e e I , l5 ~ >-00...J o~;:g ...."'1II ~w ~ e~ ::E~8 S~:::~ffi~ o 00 ::1;;:,3>-::>0:: e8~E~lL ~5i~ w='~ UnDl ~;'!.... O~~Q:":::::: t- O!,1 1300 ~~~~n~ GUle"","" ~b~ ~~~ l1lj~:;:';(';( ~Wlll!::!!::!!,1 U~~D01J ~~~~~& . 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ROA[) li g ei ~ o w JOL Bl\>tl e ~VD I if , " t . i' Ilu"O'nM COG} e July 6, 2007 City of Monticello Monticello, MN RE: Plan for Subdivision Our application for a new subdivision is to consolidate three lots into a new subdivision of two lots. This will provide a new entrance into First Minnesota Bank. e At present, ingress and egress for First Minnesota Bank is dangerous. It is extremely difficult for traffic to use our Rt. 25 entrance due to traffic congestion. Because of this, much of our traffic now enters through the exit from our drive up on 4th St. This has caused many near head on collisions. This new entry/exit further east on 4th St will allow much safer access to our property, increase parking and increase green space. The second lot will contain a single family home that we plan on renting as a residential rental unit. We have no plans at all to use that property as a commercial rental Sincerely, Robert L. Viering President Monticello Office e Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc. LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING MAPPING 6~ 13076 First Street Becker, MN 55308 August 23, 2007 Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Variance Request for 1st Minnesot!l Banle Dear Ms, Schumann, The reasoning for the hardship I believe revolves around continuing change inn the traffic conditions in the City of Monticello. When the Bank was first constructed traffic levels were considerably smaller on TH25. Traffic levels were at a point it was possible to make a left hand turn into the bank at most hours of the day. Now traffic levels have increased to the point where it has become dangerous or impossible to make a left hand turn into the bank site. . Traffic levels are beyond the control of the bank. More to the point when the bank was built traffic levels that were then predicted for today have been greatly exceeded. Therefore the hardship has not been created by the bank but has been thrust upon it. In any case we are now in a situation where in my opinion we are now dealing with life-safety issues which should be considered and resolved. The Bank has presented a plan which resolves these issues and therefore should be allowed the variance. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Jon Bogart, P.E. Vice-President . Main Office: Becker 13076 First Street Becker. MN 55308 Phone: 763/262<1822 Toll free: 888/210<1301 Fa.: 763/262<1M4 Maple Lake 311 Division 51. W. Box 249 Phone: 320/963-6900 Macle La". MN 55358 Fax: 320/963-6060 Waite Park Phone: 3201252.(J409 2077 Frontage Road N. St,. 12 Toll Ire,: 6881251.(J409 Waite Park MN 56367 Fax: 320/230-6859 e e e 0:[ 'j If' f '~ ;1 ! /J jej .. August 29, 2007 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: First Minnesota Bank Driveway Expansion Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2007-022 Dear Ms Holien: On July 9, 2007 the City of Monticello received civil plans for the above referenced project. The Engineering and Public Works Departments have since reviewed the plans for conformance to the City's Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines and respectfully offer the following comments: Plan Sheet 1 of 4 1. Remove access to TH 25 due to concerns with traffic safety. Connect public sidewalk and provide for drainage through access closure location. 2. Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter designs. Plan Sheet 2 of 4 1. Modify plans to show removals required at TH 25 access location. Plan Sheet 3 of 4 1. Provide buffer landscaping between the proposed driveway and the existing house near east side of the site. Plan Sheet 4 of 4 1. Provide all applicable and up to date City of Monticello standard detail plates. Plates can be provided electronically upon request. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I. Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 e e e Kimberly Holien August 29. 2007 Page 2 Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator John Simola, Public Works Director Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Project File e e e Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 9. Consideration of a reQuest for Preliminary Plat for River Citv Station. a commercial subdivision. and rezoninl! from B-3. Hil!hwav Business to B-4. Rel!ional Business. Applicant: Chelsea Road. LLC. (NAC) BACKGROUND Chelsea Road, LLC has applied for Preliminary Plat approval for River City Station, commercial subdivision consisting of twelve lots. The applicant has also applicant for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The site is located in the southeast comer of the intersection of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The gross area of the site is 18.29 acres. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning to B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The site is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose ofthe B-3 District is also to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS Rezoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for commercial land uses, and therefore, the requested B-4 designation is general1y consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. However, performance standards vary significantly between the B-3 and B-4 Districts. The B-3 District requires a minimum lot width and minimum setbacks for all lots. The B-4 District has no such performance requirements. The proposed lot widths for the site are significantly narrower than the minimum requirement for the B-3 District. The site is bordered by B-3 land use designations to the north, south, and east, and an 1-2 land use designation to the west. Therefore, the proposed rezoning would create an isolated pocket of B-4 uses in the area. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. No minimum lot area, lot width, or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. Additional1y, no structures have been sited on the proposed lots. While no minimum lot width requirements exist for the B-4 District, staff is concerned with the lot widths on Lot 2, Block I and Lot 3, Block 2. Each of these lots is 37 feet in width. When the current zoning ordinance was adopted, the B-4 District was originally applied to the downtown area, now zoned CCD. As such, no lot width, lot area, or setback requirements were applied. Therefore, some anomalies exist with the a application ofthe B-4 District in other areas when it is applied to commercial .. suburban development. Therefore, staff has prepared a comparison of the minimum lot area, lot width, and setbacks proposed, to the performance requirements for the B- 3 District. This information is provided for reference purposes only. Lot Width Front Yard Setback Side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback B-3 ReQuirement 100 feet 30 feet 10 feet 30 feet Proposed 60 feet N/A N/A N/A As stated above, staff is concerned with the 60 foot lot widths proposed. Staff is particularly concerned with the lot width for Lot 3, Block 2 and Lot 4, Block 2. The only access available to these lots is from the internal drive. Safety concerns may arise from this configuration, as access to both lots is off a curve. Staff recommends that the applicant revise the plat to increase the width of Lot 3, Block 2 and Lot 2, Block 1, and eliminate the flag lot design of Lot 3, Block 2. The width of both lots shall be increased to be more in line with the standards of the B-3 District. Access. Primary access to the site is provided via a north-south street, 60 feet in width, ending in a cul-de-sac. This access drive is proposed to be paved to approximately 32 feet in width. A right-turn lane onto Chelsea Road has been . provided for. Additional accesses are provided off Cedar Street. The applicant is proposing two shared drives off Cedar Street, extending east into the site. The width of these drives has not been specified. The applicant has also noted shared access at three locations of Oakwood Drive, extending west into the site. One internal access drive is proposed extending east into Lot 3, Block 2 and Lot 4, Block 2. A shared access is proposed on the common boundary between these two lots, in compliance with staff recommendation. The shared drive is necessary due to the narrow width of the lots. Conditional Use Permits for shared access will be required at the time of development. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any signage as part of the Preliminary Plat. However, a monument sign easement has been noted in the northwest comer of the site. Said easement is partially located within the City's drainage and utility easement. Signs are not allowed within the easement area. Any future signage proposed for the site shall be required to comply with Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to signs, and must be processed as a separate application. Landscaping. The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as part of the application package. Minimum landscaping requirements for commercial sites are based on total site perimeter or total building area. In that regard, a landscape plan . e may be premature at this point. Staff recommends that an individual landscape plan be provided for each lot at the time that lot develops. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans for all grading, drainage, and utility issues and offers the following comments: e I. Combine the two infiltration ponds into one stormwater retention pond. DO not retaining walls and do not locate on an outlot. The City will maintain the pond since runoff from City streets will be routed through it. 2. Revise limits of right-of-way vacation in the SW quad of Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue by considering area needed for future right -turn lane from EB Chelsea Road to SB Edmonson Avenue. Provide 12' buffer from future edge of pavement and radius. 3. Revise westerly plat line along Cedar Street and show all right-of-way to be vacated by the City and all right-of-way to be dedicated to the City by the developer. 4. Provide drainage and utility easements as necessary over all City utilities and stormwater ponds. 5. Revise right-of-way width. Commercial roadways require 80 feet of right-of- way per City Standard Plat No. 5002. Plans show 60-feet. The City may allow 70-feet. 6. Verify that the cul-de-sac at the end of the development access road has a 50- foot radius and that the permanent cul-de-sac easement extends 10- feet outside face of curb. 7. The frontage widths of Lot 2, Block 2 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 are too narrow to provide adequate access. 8. Line stormwater pond with clay to I-foot above normal water level. 9. Revise concrete sidewalk width to 6-feet. 10. Revise boulevard width to 10-feet. II. Check pavement design for accommodating truck traffic during spring load restrictions. 12. Provide median island design detail. Use single slope median curb with tapered noses. 13. Label taper rate for right-turn lane to EB Chelsea Road. Utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the Utility Plan and offers the following comments: e I. Label all existing and proposed utilities with size, material, elevations, slope, etc. 2. All utilities must be located under roadway pavement, not including curb and gutter. 3. Services required for Lots 6 and 8 of Block 2. 4. Watermain may be undersized for service area. Please verify and provide calculations. Required fire flows must be considered. City of Monticello Fire Marshall to provide required flow rates. 5. Use existing service stubs to serve site whenever possible. Open cutting of streets is not preferred. 6. Stormwater catch-basin manholes must be less than 5-feet deep. e Preliminary Plat. The City Engineer has reviewed the Preliminary Plat and offers the following comments: 1. Edmondson Avenue is incorrectly labeled as Edmonson Drive throughout the plans. 2. Drainage computations must be submitted for review. Recording. If the finaI plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorderwithin 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a finding that the requested zoning designation is in compliance with the .. Comprehensive Plan and will not have an adverse affect on surrounding ... properties. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a finding that the existing zoning is appropriate for the site and requested rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area. Regarding the request for preliminary plat approval for River City Stations, a commercial plat resulting in 12 lots, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary of River City Station, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the condition outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District. RECOMMENDATION The applicant is requesting rezoning of the site from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, RegionaI Business. The site does not border any B-4 properties, and staff is e concerned with the lack of performance standards required by the B-4 District as it pertains to this site. Staff is concerned with the proposed lot widths, and the ability of the applicant to provide all necessary parking, landscaping, and access points on the lots as proposed. In that regard, the performance standards of the B-3 District may be more appropriate, as this district contains provisions for minimum setbacks and minimum lot widths. Staff recommends that the applicant revise Lot 3, Block 2 and Lot 4, Block 2 to increase the width of both lots. e Furthermore, a number of engineering issues have been identified, particularly relating to stormwater and the proposed infiltration basins. Based on the engineering comments provided, the applicant shall be required to combine both infiltration basins into one stormwater pond, and locate said pond on a platted lot, not an outlot. These modifications will require significant alterations to the proposed plat. Due to the comments as noted above, staff recommends denial of the preliminary plat and subsequent rezoning as proposed. SUPPORTING DATA e Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit K: e Site Location Map Applicant Narrative Existing Conditions Neighborhood Context Preliminary Plat Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Erosion Control and Restoration Plan S.W.P.P.P Details Memo from Bruce Westby, City Engineer, dated Augost, 2007 e 9A s.,. e ~Jr- STR :il::l 7TH '!ie: ~'" ~ ':Ht{!ic:A. I I " , / CHELSeA ROAD ROAD It: D '" ~ z => o ~ <( DUN W ::::J Z ~ <( ~ it. -'. ...., , -', "'h-.-~~I " . "J . ; .\ . \ . - , IU",OT'll>. 9B e RIVER CITY STATION MONTICELLO, MN RIVER CITY STATION IS A PROPOSED 16 ACRE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SITUATED SOUTH OF CHELSEA ROAD, EAST OF CEDAR STREET AND WEST OF OAKWOOD DRIVE. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL CONSIST OF TWELVE BUILD-TO- SUIT LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM .75 ACRE TO 1.53 ACRES. SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW ROADWAY GENERALLY ORIENTED NORTH/SOUTH THROUGH THESrTE. PROVIDING EXCLUSIVE OR ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO NINE OF THE TWELVE PROPOSED LOTS. SEPARATE ACCESS TO THE REMAINING THREE LOTS WOULD BE OBTAINED FROM OAKWOOD DRIVE. THIS DEVELOPMENT, WITH A DIRECT ROADWAY CONNECTION TO THE SOUTH, ANTICIPATES AND ALLOWS FOR A FUTURE 18 ACRE PHASED DEVELOPMENT TO THE SOUTH ENCOMPASSING THE REMAINING e LAND SITUATED NORTH OF DUNDAS ROAD. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S DESIRE TO ACHIEVE A COHESIVE COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY WITH A VARIETY AND BALANCE OF COMMERCIAL USERS NOT RELYING ON ONE PARTICULAR USER TYPE. DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPING AND SIGNAGE WILL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT WITH ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA BEING CONSIDERED FOR THE BUILDINGS. FEATURE ENTRANCES ARE PLANNED, PARTICULARLY AT THE CHELSEA ROAD MAIN ENTRANCE. THESE IMPROVEMENTS ARE CONTEMPLATED WITH THE GOAL OF ENHANCING THE AESTHETICS OF THE EXISTING SITE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND THAT OF BRINGING CONTINUITY AND IDENTIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT. e h ~ (J\ l6t6-l11ll(f9J.J.oJ 1~1-lB9(f9l.l' .L.... rU"i!f NI'I 'aflIH"8 "Nil'~ 'kI --t! IUOAlAn ONYJo Itll 'OM 'MlHO/j.;A3W "'''''''''' 'HI "'"WiiI '" ~:x;! I )1'I';)S 7r.1Uo!f.l'l .-.-'JAt'''''.~'''' I~J "'"'i'lN""-'P"!J .nr::JS 7Y1NOZNJOH .133HS 31.11.1 V.LOS3NNIW '01130l.1NOn NOllV!S AllO ~:l3^11:! 1l0:l 1 Vld Al:!VNIWI131:!d N.N MlOJ)(JJH:J " t\lG N N.N .,""""" " ,..~ '" ~ 0 or:> ~ ,(8NAI~ g ~ ~,.. 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Upon receiving the plans the Engineering and Public Works Departments reviewed them for conformance to our previously submitted comments and the City's Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. As such the following comments are respectfully 0 ffered: General Notes I. Drainage computations must be submitted for review. 2. Edmonson Avenue is incorrectly labeled as Edmonson Drive throughout the plans. Plan Sheet 4 of 12 I. Combine the two infiltration ponds into one stormwater retention pond. Do not use retaining walls and do not locate on an outlot. The City will maintain the pond since runoff from City streets will be routed through it. 2. Revise limits of right-of-way vacation in the SW quad of Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue by considering area needed for future right-turn lane from EB Chelsea Road to SB Edmonson Avenue. Provide 12' buffer from future edge of pavement and radius. 3. Revise westerly plat line along Cedar Street and show all right-of-way to be vacated by the City and all right-of-way to be dedicated to the City by the developer. 4. Provide drainage and utility easements as necessary over all City utilities and storrnwater ponds. 5. Revise right-of-way width. Commercial roadways require 80-feet of right-of-way per City Standard Plate No. 5002. Plans show 60-feet. The City may allow 70-feet. 6. Verify that the cul-de-sac at the end of the development access road has a 50-foot radius and that the permanent cul-de-sac easement extends 10- feet outside face of curb. 7. The frontage widths oflot 2, block 1 and lots 3 and 4, block 2 are too narrow to provide adequate access. Monticello City Hall. 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1. Monticello, Ml'\ 55361-8831 . (763) 195-2711 . Fax (763) 195-4404 Office of Public V.,larks, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Montlce!lo. MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 . r (":) '-"j . Kimberly Holien August 29,2007 Page 2 e Plan Sheet 5 of 12 I. Line stormwater pond with clay to I-foot above normal water leveL 2. Revise concrete sidewalk width to 6-feet. 3. Revise boulevard width to IO-feet. 4. Check pavement design for accommodating truck traffic during spring load restrictions. 5. Provide median island design detail. Use single slope median curb with tapered noses. 6. Label taper rate for right-turn lane to EB Chelsea Road. Plan Sheet 6 of 12 I. Label all existing and proposed utilities with size, material, elevations, slope, etc. 2. All utilities must be located under roadway pavement, not including curb and gutter. 3. Services are required for lots 6 and 8 of block 2. 4. Watermain may be undersized for service area. Please verifY and provide calculations. Required fire flows must be considered. City of Monticello Fire Marshall to provide required flow rates. 5. Use existing service stubs to serve site whenever possible. Open cutting of streets is not preferred. e Plan Sheet 7 of 12 I. Storm sewer catch-basin manholes (CBMH's) must be less than 5-feet deep. 2. Use existing service stubs to serve site whenever possible. Open cutting of streets is not preferred. Plan Sheets 9 to 12 I. Update City of Monticello standard detail plates. Updated plates can be provided by WSB and Associates upon request. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO .~ { \1A S, Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator John Simola, Public Works Director Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Nick Nowacki, Meyer-Roblin Project File e e e e Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 10. Public Hearin!! - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Stora!!e in a B-3 (Hil!hwav Business) District. Applicant: Olson Property Mana!!ement (AS) The applicant supplied a complete application as of August 30th, 2007. As such, the application will be considered on October 6th. The Planning Commission action recommendation is to table to the October meeting. e e e Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 11. Public Rearin!! - Consideration of a request for amendment to Section 3-91El as related to the re!!ulation of sil!Da!!e in the Central Community District. Applicant: Monticello Plannin!! Commission (AS) BACKGROUND The Design Advisory Team met on July 10th in relationship to a sign permit application for the former Stems & Vines location in Monticello. The sign proposed is a projecting sign, which is prohibited in most of the City, with the exception of a small portion of the Central Community District, the "Broadway Downtown District". In reviewing the sign application, the Design Advisory Team requested that the Planning Commission call for a public hearing to strike the "Broadway Downtown District" clause from the ordinance regulating projecting signs. Striking that clause would allow projecting signs in all of the CCD, in addition to other signs allowed by ordinance. Projecting signs are defmed by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as "a sign, other than a wall sign. which is affixed to a building and which extends perpendicular from the building wall, including, but not limited to overhanging signs. " The amendment would not change overall requirements for projecting signs, which are as follows. 3-9[E]-6. Proiectin!! Sil!Ds: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District but sal)' ill the "Broadway DswfttowR District" thereof as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) projecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (f) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. (#334, 9/13/99) 1 Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 Under the amendment, signage must also meet total square footage requirements (Free-standing, projecting and wall signage), no matter what their combination of signage. e AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment of Section 3-9[E] as related to the regulation of signage in the Central Community District. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe amendment of Section 3-9[E] as related to the regulation of signage in the Central Community District. 3. Motion of other. STAFF RECOMMENDATION In staff discussions regarding the proposed sign, there was some idea that signs of this nature should be encouraged, rather than discouraged in the overall CCD. However, the proliferation of such signs could also present a problem, particularly coupled with other sign allowances in the (wall and pylon) CCD. While staff supports the proposed amendment, it would be recommended to look at overall signage as part of future amendments to the sign ordinance. e SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Downtown Revitalization Plan Current Sign Ordinance Proposed Amendment Projecting Sign Example e 2 llA . organized to create a sense of pieces fitting exactly together. The picture that results in a built downtown is one that is beautiful and one that functions wet! for the community. Districts Downtown Monticello will always be a mix of uses, ages and patterns, and the plan recognizes a series of districts formed around basic uses and character. Therefore, a building near the ri ver will have a character different from a building near the interstate. A uniform building character across the entire downtown wit! never be achieved and would likely be undesirable for tenants and the community. Within districts, however, buildings would have a strong relationship to one another and a consistent relationship to the streets of the district. ------- . .~,....! iluvr"'THtnttiT [llLj tIU.N8ITlCll'Al. DNI!ICJNlIcll""'co ~a<llU!T"I~L ~ e e e [F] JIB (b) Size Regulations: The address numbers shall not be less than three and one-half (3-l/2) inches in height. (c) Material Regulation: The address numbers shall be metal, plastic, or wood. (d) Color Regulation: The address numbers shall be in a contrasting color to the color of the building/dwelling. (e) Enforcement Regulation: The Building Official or Zoning Administrator or their authorized representative shall: I. Assign all new building/dwelling address numbers. ii. Approve type of material and color of all building/dwelling address numbers. (#158,9/14/87) 6. Projecting Signs: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District but only in the "Broadway Downtown District" thereof as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (l) projecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (f) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. (#334, 9113/99) FEES AND LICENSE: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/62 e lIe Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PROJECTING SIGNS, AMENDING SECTION 3- 9 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 3-9 [E] 6 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: Proiectinl! Sil!ns: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District bat ealy ia the "Broamvay Dewatsv:a Distriet" tBsFsef as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) proj ecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: e (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Shall be only business identification signs. Shall be fronting on a public street. Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. Section 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the _ day of ,2007. e CITY OF MONTICELLO e e e ATTEST By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 By: Mayor Clint Herbst 2 III? 41" 12" MAX 29" ~ I I e ~ I " I .1 "'", I . I NI ~I '1 "" II h II 112")( 10" X 10" ALUM. PLATE, PTD. PMS. 74'95C GREEN (VERIFY) . - + . O'J "t ~~j) ~,.-... ~"" \ \ e . gj ~ I . ' "tj L iL , <\lj- t::l- ...t 5.8404 S.F. u: u: ..: ~ <;> m e @. LAYOUT: D/F BLADE SIGN WI EXTERIOR DOWN LIGHTING, QTY: 1 1 I .....;.../ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 12. Consideration to review for discussion an inventorv of develoDment entrance monuments. (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission asked staff to prepare an inventory of entrance monuments in relationship to on-going maintenance. To follow is a summary of monuments or other features in residential developments, along with current property owner. A summary of the City Attorney's opinion on these monuments is also included for reference. River Mill Monuments: Two monuments; both on private property Carlisle Villa!!:e Monument: Currently owned by developer; will belong to townhome association. Cul-de-sac island: Equal undivided interest among property owners. Rollin!!: Woods Monument: City of Monticello - in ROW River Forest Monument: City of Monticello - in ROW Briar Oaks Center Island: City of Monticello - in ROW Monument: Private property Featherstone Monument: Private property Hillside Farm Monument: Private property ATTORNEY'S OPINION ON MAINTENANCE: For center islands within the public right-of-way, the City of Monticello is obligated to maintain the approved landscaping, absent any other provision in the development Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 contract. For monuments on individual property, it is a structure just like any structure on their property and would be subject to applicable code requirements. Unless the development contract both requires on-going maintenance and assigns that responsibility to the owner of the lot, the owner of the lot would not have the responsibility to comply with the maintenance of the landscaping. e SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Monument Images Site Locations e e e . e 12A e e e e e e N 4-< o 1'2-6 - " Cll '" c... (/J ~ ~ :;:s - ~ g. C :;:s c S gp 0 ;:l -<: 0 0 q U - '" :c ;:l Of) U ~ 1:i 'C: "" r-- o o 1:::' o '" ~ 00 e " <Il OJ "" II " "c:l o () Jj o<l " ~ II 8 o "" o<l - '" II C o ,- '" i:l ~ .@ iJ o<l 0:; ~ c... . II " S '" z " () .~ " '" 00-' a- s '<:: '" CI.I g. .5 .... '" " ,- .... '" " 8 o () ~ " "E " '" ~ 7 00 00 N . ~ ~ Q. - - .c N t- 4-< 0 0 0 ~ N ~ V 0 OJ) (") OJ ~ 0... 00 r/) ::;s t- V 0 '" - 0 - " OJ <'i: 0- N ""' , OJ Oll II € ::;s ::l V Ei -<: """ ::l , 0 .9 0 " 0 '" " U en p:l ::l .", .l:i u <l) o<J Oll is v 'C 'C ::l 2:: 0... .... E-- II E '" ""' o<J ~ '" II " .S '" .... <J) > 1:i .~ 0 o<J " u a 0... s 0 - '" ;:l U II v 8 OJ z v u "E v f/J "... g. 8 'J:: '" p:l ci. OJ " 'E or. <J) 'J:: '" ~ 8 '" u ~ ;) '> .... v or. ~ "T 00 00 N Q; Q; 'D if) ~ ~ ~ E ..<:: N '+-< o - " 0/) ro Q..; '" 2: r- - ~ 0 V 0- 0 OJ ('1 >, 2: , 1:i ~ ~ ::l 8 i 0 0 , u - 0 ~ '" ~ U "0 OJ) " .1:: .~ ! is: ro.. r- o o N 23 '" ~ 00 e " '" '"i5 '" II " .", o () &j o<l " ~ II a o '" o<l - '" II ::: o .0; '-< " > - ::: .~ [) o<l 0) e 4 u II " fj z " u .~ r:/1 C'. 0- ro S .1:: '" >r:i g- S .1:: '" " .C '" " g u .., " ~ '" ~ ,. 00 00 N -- - ~ 0. 1:;: ..0 '" '- 0 ~ " b1) " Cl., '" t- 'i ;;;: 0 0 ~~ '2 N "- , OJ) -< " ;:l C ;;;: -< E , ~ ~ 0 3 0 '" 0 - '" U ~ ;:l " u i:i - ~ 'J:: .:t 'J:: "" ::s: t- o o (:::l o '" ~ 00 " en lil "" II " "0 o u 0: I.Il o<l " e f-< II S o "" o<l ~ '" II 0: o .~ " ~ .~ o o<l "i) u to Cl., S o - ~ ;:l U II " g ~ u '~ " '" "', 0- " S 'J:: en I.Il P- " S 'C ~ '< ,~ H ~ " S OJ U ~ - " ;;: [) '^ ~ "0" 00 00 '" 0- 0; \0 on ~ ::::: i:i.. :t:: ..<:1 e e - Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/07 13. Consideration to review for discussion an inventory of City tasks and activities (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND To follow is an inventory of in-progress or future projects for the City, which has been prepared by City Administrator leffO'Neill. Mr. O'Neill is requesting that the Commission review the inventory and provide additional feedback and input regarding other items that should be considered. It is the goal to allow the Commission and Council to prioritize a the inventory at some point in the near future. More detail will be provided at the Commission meeting. e - fI . MLNnC'FU.o City of Monticello Project Ideas' Ongoing and New Draft for Future Refinement Admin Emergency Management 1 Admin Interagency 2 Admin Interagency 3 Admin Ime en 4 Admin Organization 5 Admin Organization 6 Admin Organization 7 Admin Organization 6 Admin anization 9 Admin Service 10 Admin Service 11 Building Enforcement Priorities 12 Building Enforcement Priorities 13 Building Enforcement Priorities 14 Building Enforcement Priorities 15 Building Enforcement Priorities 16 Building Enforcement Priorities 17 Building Enforcement Priorities 16 BuiIdin Initiative 19 DepReg Marketing 20 DepReg Operution 21 DepReg Service 22 D' R, W,b 23 EconDev Education 24 EconDev Organization 25 ii: Land Acquisition 26 land Acquisition 27 E v Redevelopment 28 EconDev Redevelo meot 29 Engineer Conservation 30 Engineer Conservation 31 En ineer Conservation 32 Engineer Information 33 Engineer lighting 34 Engineer Pathway 35 Engineer Pathway 36 En ineer Pathwav 37 Engineer 5taruhrrds 38 Engineer 5tandanls 39 En' Standards 40 Engineer Transportation Planning 41 Engineer Transportation Planning 42 Engineer Transportation Planning 43 Engineer Transportation Planning 44 Engineer Transportation Planning 45 Engineer Transportation Planning 46 Engineer Transportation Planning 47 En' '" Trans oreation P 48 Facilities City Hall 49 Facilities CityH,u 50 Facilities City Hall 51 Facilities City Hall 52 Facilities Fire Department 53 Facilities library 54 8: liquoreStore 55 liquoreStore 56 Facilities Public \\'orks 57 Consideration of adopting Pandemic response plan. Develop coalition with Big Uke and Becker for lobbying for Federal Transportation Dollars. Leadership ~ Involvement in RegionallState intiatives Partici tionin Coalition of Utili Cities Complete Goal/priority setting session process - planning. Complete Mission Statement and Goals/objectives, performance measures all Departments Complete succession planning - organization development Establish Department Head Report Schedule Iden' cost savin 0 ortunities relatin to exis' services AUDe eoes Customer/developer feedback interviews conducted on regular basis Conduct com rehensive citizen SUlVe . Increase level of code enforcement as desired.. Danner Trucking code enforcment Detailing/other operations in town... Enforcement action or problem Enforcement of codes relating to rental property ordinance. Monitor City and private lighting for compliance with standards. Ordinances governing deposit of grass clippings Parking Code Enforcement - Define responsibility for assigning towing etc Point of Sale Ordinance ainin to home sales Freeway identification sign..as done in Wisconsin Consideration of move to another location Open operation on Saturday. Pub Info . Establish Web Site resenceforDe Re ..Enhanceima e Anoka Ramsey/technical training program/coordination in Monticello Consolidation of Economic Development Authority. Chadwick / Speich - Otter Creek area purchase for future business/high tech office park. Osowski purchase fpr future industrial land Downtown - establishment of limited partership/redevolopment association to clean-up downtown a Mortel - Pawn ro redevelo Establish ne-w development black dirt requirement for new development thus reducing watering needs. Find Topsoil Mine for Distribution to developing areas ~- Woolston? Other? Stormwaterman ement-\Vashin tonlEllisonPark. Retrofit? GIS project implementation Install 7th Street lighting 6th street sidewalk construction Complete Fenning Avenue Trail Connection to Hillside Farms Desi athwav -Cardinal Hills to School Boulevard, Citizen in ut Annual update of design standards Erosion Control ordinance and process improvements Standard.i:::eclustermailboxdesi . Isthereiadesi n lateintheclesi n uidelines? Consideration of adopting Transportation Plan in conjuction with Comp Pan - includes pathway plan Determine if there are limitations in city authority to excersize power to acquire Xcelland to construct interchange. Establish and official map supporting identification of Orchard Road interchange location Improve safe pedestrian access across CSAH 75 i Highway 25 Seventh Street - west of Elm ,authorization to prepare plans and specifications Solutions to Hwy 25 traEfic/crossiong bottleneck problems "' Coordinate with Big L1kers. transportation, Sunset Ponds/90th street service road connection feasibility study YMCA - School Blvd Route Plannin City Hall expansion planning. Expand Eisele building for storage or other uses Identify Office Arrangement - Finance Director/Human Resource Director/Finance Clerk Towne Center Lease? Should we consider this as an oppurtunity for lease or purchase? Plan for new Fire Hall Quiet Room at library Request Consider modifying pylon sign liquor Store BuUding Development/Construction ldentifv site for Public Works Facili and Purchase . . . *! f I ~,LO Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance FireDepr FireDe t p"J<, p"J<, p"J<, p"J<, Parks p"J<, Parks p"J<, p"J<, Personnel PersOIme1 Personnel Plld p I Pe I Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel PersOlUlel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Planning Planning Planning PI","",,& P","- Planning plmurin Planning it PImurin City of Monticello Project Ideas ~ Ongoing and New Draft for Future Refinement implementation Implementation Planning P Collection Operation Operation Pluming Planning Planning Planning Revenue Equipment needs E ui menr needs Development" Ball Field 72 Development - Park 73 Development' Park 74 Development - Park 75 Development ~ Programming 76 Development - Trail 77 Devevelopment - Trail 78 Tree 79 Tree 80 Handbook Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Handbook Policies - new Hire Contract Hire New Hire New Hire New Hire Succession Hire Succession Pay equity Pay equity topic Pay equity topic Pave ui to ic Training Training Training Trainin CompPlan Camp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Com Plan Enforcement Priorities Enforcement Priorities Enforcement Priorities Enforcement Priorities Enforcement Priorities 58 Respond to referendum - Build/further study/no-build 59 Right of Way Ordinance Updated. 60 Conduct telephone referendum 61 Ordinance amendment re u. installation of conduit throu hout new subdivisions. 62 Poplar Hills - Collect on money owed - Schuleander $14,000 est 63 Audit - Follow-up on suggestions in Audit Letter 64 Establish purchasing protocol - Buying local... V\'hat are the boundaries? 65 Adopt Finance pIan/policy document in addition to FMP 66 Comprehensive analysis of fee system - assure that fees do not exceed cost of service 67 Consider Increase Sewer and 'VVater another IS%in 2007 68 FM:P Goal Identify funds available for spend.ingtloans to HRA for redevelopment effort. 69 Park Dedication Conduct Workshio - Csideration of Amend Subd ordinance establishin 18% standard 70 Fire Truck (pumper?) 71 Purchase BOO M herz Radio Ball Field development somewhere. in event YMCA purchase does not proceed Consideration of YMCA Purchase Dog park in Monticello? Water tower park design initiated - Budget item Promote or participate in development of a Monticello Athletic Association (all sports). Complete River Walk Trail- potential grant application. Battle Rapids Park to Ellison Park Bondhus Property Purchase - San Sew! trail/ponds/park lvlajorShade Tree initiative u boost current program. Start Tree Nurse 81 Handbook - Update personnel policy 82 Handbook - Commission Interview Protocol and Standards 83 Handbook - Develop 100 point hiring system 84 Handbook - Drug use! Alchol use policy needed 85 Handbook - Establish protocol of interviewing and approving candidates for commissions 86 Handbook - Modify Personnel Ordinance to reference handbook 87 handbook - Set up recognition program for Commission members - party 88 Handbook - Term limits for Commission Members 89 Handbook - Consider creating Commission Pool.. .Inten-iew multiple candidates and hire from pool? 90 Human Resource Services 91 Community Development Assistant 92 Community Service Officer Concept 93 Engineer Assistant (field technician). 94 CityClerkn Dawn's replacement 95 Hire/Succession - Public Volorks Director 96 Persotu1el- Complete job descriptions and pay equity study 97 Update Job Descriptions and pay equity program 98 Numeruous positions description need to be updated 99 PersOlU1el-.ob~Em I eeExem tversusnon~eKem tanalvsis-allem I ees 100 Training - Develop Trainng Program - City Filing system - Hard Copy and Electronic 101 Training - commitment to investing in employee training and education 102 Training - Need for Diversity Training nJolmS:'Kittycomments 103 Trainin -S ecificre rttoCouncilonstaff needswithBud et 104 Complete Comp plan 105 Bio-Science/T ech park incorporated into Comp plan -- hnplementation Steps identified in plan 106 Establish goals for use of Monti-club hill. Park? Park/Privare?Other 107 Improve crossings safety on Highway 25 108 Natural Resource [nventory and corresponding ordinance development 109 Support joint regional planning initatives and grants 110 YMCA - Conducti Worksho Com Plan Amendment identification as art of ark lan. 111 Code Enforcement - Discuss enforcement - Semi Trailer Parking Complaints in Residential District 112 Define strategy for enforcement of driveway design standards 113 Conditional L" se Pennit audits 114 Development uudits: close-outs and on-going 115 Ident lawful non~conformin items on ci [0 erties . . . . W~TICFlJ.C1 City of Monticello Project Ideas - Ongoing and New Draft for Future Refinement Plmmmg Service 116 Plmmmg Service 117 Planning Service 118 Plmmmg Service 119 Planning athe; 120 PIaruring Other 121 PImmm Other 122 Planning ZORe-Write 123 Plmmmg :0 rewrite topic 124 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 125 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 126 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 127 Planning 20 rewrite topic 128 Planning ZO rewrite topic 129 Plmmmg ZO rewrite topic 130 Planning 20 rewrite topic 131 Planning ZO rewrite topic 132 Planning ZOrev.'ritetopic 133 Planning 20 rewrite topic 134 Planning ZO rewrite topic 135 PIaruring ZO rewrite topic 136 Planning 20 rewrite topic 137 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 138 Planning 20 rewrite topic 139 Planning 20 rewrite topic 140 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 141 Planning 20 rewrite topic 142 Plmmmg 20 rewrite topic 143 =11 ZO rewrite topk 144 :0 rewrite topic 145 20 rewrite topic 146 PIaruring ZOrev.'litetopic 147 PIaruring 20 rewrite topic 148 P 20 rewrite to ic 149 Police Information 150 Police Service 151 Police Service 152 Police Service 153 Police R, lations 154 Public Info Information Management 155 Public Info Information Management 156 Publiclnfo Information Management 157 Public Info Web 158 Public Info Web 159 Publiclnfo Web 160 Public Works Bio Solids 161 Public Works Conservation 162 Public Works Lighting 163 Public Works Lighting 164 Public \-Vorks Ughting 165 Public Works Ughting 166 Public Works Sidewalk 167 Public Works Streets 168 Public \-Vorks Snow 169 . Seek customer feedback relating to development process Continued cost accounting improvements GIS integration into planning process Continuation of improvments to planning resources and infonnation Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance Drafting of Snowmobile ordinance Provide relevent back round information and research to Commission and Council on develo ment-related to ics _ Zoning ordinance rewrite (Encompasses many of the ropics listed below) Adult ordinance update Cons of zoning ordinance amendments relating to RIA development Overall Sign ordinance revision CUP run withland~ Reconcile code ~ 22-3d Establish direction as to design standards for city regulations governing signage. Establishpublic information signs for non-profit use promoting community groups/activities Examine R/2 Districts for possible conversion to R-I (Par West, Balboul, Riverstreet East of Sandy lane) Garage Sale sign controls Group homes - cons recommending ordinance amendment regulating proximity Ord Amendment - Identification of "no vehicle parking in rear yards". Ordinance shifting height standard measure from stories to feet. Ordinance text amendment increasing side yard setback on comer lot I District Outside Storage ordinance amendment PUD Workshop - Review Residential PUD Standards - compare point system to reality, Rl - Standards need revising as part of ZOA Rla Zoning ordinance amendment requireing R2A landscaped lots to be maintained by association. Rental Properties - ZO - Umit unrelated residents to 3 in RIA area Signs - Political sign rules need to match state statues. Current code outdated Signs - Temp sign ordinance - Non profits use of temp space - 40 day limit Signs- Temp Signs - Real Estate Signs - Ontinance amendment. Signs - Temp Signs - Real Estate Signs -- new language gavering Signs - Try to come up with a plan for advertising off highway 2S businesses - joint sign' Signs. - Update - liquor Store Sign or centrali:zed reader board Signs -Wall sign area to scale with building size u current max may be too small relative to big box buildings Tree preservation and reforestation ordinance U date industrial district re ulatious. Th are archaic Sheriffs Department - Statistical Reporting on Activity - Improve Information Add hours for Police Patrol. Develop program. for establishing fines for repeat false alanns Public ,^,'orks and sheriff's Department should meet to discuss best methods for addressing snow birds. Ordinance lacin reater r lations! erha s rohibition of snowmobiles... Initiate and implement marketing/branding effort. Develop communications plan Organize and hold neighborhood meetings on relevant topics: i.e. conservation easements, etc. \Veb feature sho\oving project areas - sununary Web site updates Im rove customer service desk feature Bio-Solids u Examine options for moving forward Improve efficiency through establishment of native grasses where appropriate lighting - Complete comprehensive lighting and financing plan Research duplicate lights ~ find oppurtunities to consolidate School Blvd lighting - Pedestrian Improvements - Add Ped lights lighting - chelsea West / Dalton - Public Hearing on Feas Study Workshop on sidewalk development and maintenance policies installation of directional sign system Conduct worksho on s.now removal olicies rela. to thwavs . . .