City Council Agenda Packet 09-24-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 24, 2007 - 7 p.m. Public Works Needs Study and EDA/HRA Merger workshop meeting scheduled for 5:00 p.m. in Academy Room Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of September 10, 2007 Regular Council Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of September 10, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Biosolids Workshop 2C. Approve minutes of September 12, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Budget Workshop 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. B. Consideration of approving renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. C. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for a wine tasting event on November 16, 2007. Hi-Way Liquors. D. Consideration of accepting preliminary assessment roll and setting public hearing date for 2007 Core Street Project, City Project No. 2007-01C. E. Consideration of accepting preliminary assessment roll and setting public hearing date for Chelsea Road Improvement Project, City Project No. 2006-31 C. F. Consideration of accepting preliminary assessment roll and setting public hearing date for Cedar StreetlDundas Road, City Project No. 2006-02C. G. Consideration of adopting a resolution supporting a request for grant funds for ADA improvements to the Monticello Community Center. H. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for a comprehensive sign plan for a commercial/retail complex in the Central Community District. Applicant: Seluemed, LLC. I. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit for cross parking for a proposed restaurantlbanquet facility in the Central Community District. Applicant: Masters 5th Avenue. J. Consideration of approving final plat First Minnesota Addition. K. Consideration of proposals for repairing 4th Street Parking Lot. L. Consideration of open air shelter alternative for West Bridge Park. M. Consideration of adopting an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-9[E] relating to the regulation ofprojecting signage in the Central Community District. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission. N. Consideration of canvass of special election results ofSepternber 18, 2007. O. Consideration of replacing Ford Ranger pickup truck for inspector. P. Consideration of adding parking stalls and switching to angle parking adjoining the north side of City Hall. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of approving resolution vacating a portion of the Fallon Avenue right-of-way and approve associated land exchange with Washburn Computer. 8. Review of options for regulating snowmobile activity and provide direction to staff. 9. Consideration of making an interim appointment to the HRA to fill the position vacated by Brad Barger. 10. Consideration to review a report on the Groveland buffer yard and to consider authorization of the funding program for the Groveland buffer yard planting. 11. Consideration of approving payment of bills for September, 2007. 12. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 911 0107 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 10, 2007 -7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!.e of Allel!.iance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of AUl!.ust 27. 2007 Rel!.ular Council Meetinl!.. Wayne Mayer clarified on Page 4 relating to the Tower Drive Project that he didn't care if the City signed the street as Tower Drive or Holy Spirit Drive as long as they were consistent in the use of the name. Wayne Mayer also clarified his comments relating to fiber optics questioning how someone outside the city would know how fiber optics will impact the city's taxes. He added that the people on the fiber optics committee were well educated in technology and in the area of fiber optics. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 27,2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CLARIFICATIONS NOTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of AUl!.ust 27. 2007 Special Council MeeOOl!. - Budl!.et Workshop On page 2, paragraph 2, Wayne Mayer noted his reference for the base was 50%-51 % of the tax capacity value. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 27, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl!. items to the al!.enda. Brian Stumpf reminded the Council of the special meeting on September 12, 2007 at 5 p.m. to set the preliminary budget and tax levy for 2008. Wayne Mayer indicated he would not be present for that meeting. Tom Perrault asked about a special meeting to review the draft of the comprehensive plan and was informed that meeting was proposed to take place some time in October. Clint Herbst stated he disliked seeing the propaganda and misinformation that was being put out regarding the fiber optics. He emphasized this project is not being funded by general I Council Minutes: 9110107 taxes but by revenue bonds which are paid offby revenue generated by the fiber optic system. If the fiber optic venture fails, and that is not anticipated, it is the investors who purchased the bonds that lose their investment. It does not end up on the City's residents. He added the City is not duplicating service that is already being provided. Clint Herbst stated the local service provider was approached about this venture and the City was told by TDS that they were not putting fiber optics anyplace where they had copper. Clint Herbst felt everyone should have the opportunity to have fiber optics and the service should be offered to the entire community. Wayne Mayer added that the technology used by TDS in their DSL service is copper based not fiber optics. Copper based is slower than fiber optics. He stated the parties supporting the ads are not concerned about the cost ofthe system. They are concerned because municipalities are entering into the market and the utility companies don't want the competition. Wayne Mayer urged that anyone who had any questions regarding the fiber optic proposal contact him, other members of the Councilor members of the fiber optic committee. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Liquor Store and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Fallon Avenue Pathway Improvements, City Project No. 2007-12C. Recommendation: Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertising for bids for City Project No. 2007-12C, Fallon Avenue Pathway Improvements. C. Consideration of appointment of Tom Pawelk to position of Parks Superintendent. Recommendation: Appoint Tom Pawelk to the position of Parks Superintendent at step four ($51,841). Successful completion of probation period and or future step increases requires progress on completion of course work necessary to supplement experience. Course work to be established by Personnel Committee. D. Consideration of authorizing preparation of preliminary assessments rolls for: a) 2007 Core Street Project, City Project No. 2007-01C; b) Chelsea Road Improvement, City Project No. 2006-31C; c) Cedar Street and Dundas Road Improvement, City Project No. 2006-02C. Recommendation: Authorize the consulting engineer to begin work on the assessments rolls for the 2007 Core Street Project, Cedar Street/Dundas Road Project and Chelsea Road Project and to come back to the Council on September 24, 2007 with the costs to be assessed and setting a date for the assessment hearing. E. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. F. Consideration of authorization to remodel City Hall office partitions for two additional cubicles. Recommendation: Authorize the remodeling of City Hall office partitions to 2 Council Minutes: 9/10/07 create two additional cubicles. G. Consideration of establishment of fee for reviewing off-street driveway or parking lot construction permit. Recommendation: Authorize collection of a fee for driveway permits with the fee to be established at $25.00. H. Consideration of approval of contribution for Fire Department. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-68 approving the contribution from the Land Of Lakes Choirboys to the Fire Department in the amount of $10,000 and authorize the use of funds as specified. I. Consideration of a request for proposals for Fourth Street Park Parking Lot Mill and Overlay Project. Recommendation: Authorize staff to obtain proposals for the 4th Street Park Parking Lot Mill and Overlay Project, City Project No. 2007-14C. J. Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval and a variance for First Minnesota Bank Commercial, a two lot subdivision in the CCD District. Applicant: First Minnesota Bank. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat of First Minnesota Bank Commercial based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the CCD District and the Subdivision Ordinance subject to the following conditions: I) The existing access off Highway 25 shall be revised to alleviate safety concerns with a right-in only configuration; 2) Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter design; 3) Buffer landscaping shall be required on either side of the proposed driveway to provide a buffer from the existing single family homes; 4) Any lighting proposed for the site shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance; and 5) The Highway 25 access configuration is contingent on MnDOT approval. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA CONSISTING OF ITEMS #5A, #5B, #5C, #5D AND #5F. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!:enda for discussion. #5G Establishing Feefor Driveway Permits: Wayne Mayer asked to have it clarified that there is no fee required for replacement of a current driveway if there is no expansion of the driveway. Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator, confirmed that if there is no expansion of the driveway and no change in materials, there would be no fee charged. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE COLLECTION OF A $25 FEE FOR DRIVEWAY PERMITS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5H Contribution to Fire Department: Wayne Mayer wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Land of Lakes Choirboys for their donation of $1 0,000 to the Fire Department for equipment. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND TO AUTHORIZE USE OF FUNDS AS SPECIFIED BY THE DONOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Council Minutes: 9110/07 #51 Request for proposals for 4'h Street Park Parking Lot Improvements: Brian Stumpf asked if this was a project that could be done in-house or, if the City does have to bid the project, could it be combined with another project. Public Works Director, John Simola said it is a small project that could be done by a driveway contractor. Ifthe bids came in high, the City could consider doing it in-house but it would depend on whether staff could fit it in. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, said with the other work they have to do, there would be not be enough time to do this project yet this year. Susie Wojchouski noted that at the most there is maybe 5-10 cars in the parking lot when there is skating at the rink. She questioned why improving the parking lot at the 4th Street Park comes before making improvements to the municipal parking lot which is in much worse shape. John Simola responded that he budgeted money for the municipal parking lot improvement for many years but the Council never authorized the work. He added that even if the City authorized the funds now there would not be enough time to complete the work on the municipal parking lot. Clint Herbst suggested staff come back with a recommendation on how the municipal parking lot improvements would be funded and what the City had done in the past as far assessing parking lot improvements. John Simola will provide that information to the Council. Clint Herbst noted that at one time the City had been willing to commit $175,000 towards improvements but that project never materialized because the property owners in the area were unable to agree on what should be done, Wayne Mayer noted that there is only 4-6 weeks to the snow season and asked about delaying the mill and overlay work until next spring. He asked if the hockey rink at the park was still being used because ifit wasn't being used, it would make more sense to wait with this work until next year. John Simola stated the hockey rink is still being used and explained that he would prefer not to delay this project another season. At this point the parking lot is in good enough condition where it only requires a mill and overlay. Over another season the condition of the parking lot could deteriorate enough to require a complete reconstruction. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO OBTAIN PROPOSALS FOR THE 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-14C. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS SHE FELT THE MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT WHICH WAS IN WORSE CONDITION SHOULD HAVE PRIORITY. #5J Preliminary plat approval and variance for First Minnesota Bank Commercial: Wayne Mayer questioned the 6' high privacy fence for the house on the east side. He noted there was nothing that indicated the length the privacy fence would be extended. He also questioned whether the fence shouldn't be higher than 6' because the headlights from vehicles would come over a 6' fence. Bob Viering, representing First Minnesota Bank, stated they had met with the owner of the house. He stated that when they get around to doing the fence they will sit down and meet with the homeowner regarding the design. First Minnesota Bank does not intend to disturb the homeowner 4 Council Minutes: 9110/07 with the light and activity from their facility. Wayne Mayer asked if the bank wanted to build the structure to the desire ofthe homeowner or should it be covered as an item in Exhibit Z. Bob Viering said he would prefer to have it put that First Minnesota Bank will work with the homeowner on the issues. Clint Herbst expressed his concern about the two houses being out on an island. He didn't like the driveways surrounding the properties. He felt if this area is going to be commercial the homes should all be removed. Wayne Mayer asked if Bob Viering was the owner of the house and why he elected to leave the house standing. Bob Viering said the house was in good shape and did not need to be taken down. The intent is to use the house for rental property. The structure did not readily lend itselfto conversion for a commercial office or retail use. He added there is a need for short term rental property. Wayne Mayer stated concern about granting a variance since the bank created its own hardship because of the curb cut. Bob Viering stated they were not making additional curb cuts but are widening the existing curb cuts. Susie W ojchouski felt the Council should consider this a temporary solution to what is a redevelopment project. Clint Herbst asked about cars entering and leaving the facility and how that impacts the houses on the other side ofthe street. Rod Dragsten, Planning Commission Chairman stated the Planning Commission did not look at that but did look at the right in off of TH 25 as being a major safety factor. Planning Commission felt this was an interim situation and that some point in the future the homes would be demolished. Clint Herbst asked what the Planning Commission's view was on creating their own hardship because they were granted a variance some time back. Bob Viering indicated that there was not enough parking and they were granted a variance for that. Clint Herbst noted that MnDot could come along and just close off the access and then there would be no right-in. Jon Bogart, the applicant's engineer, stated that vehicles rather than turning offTH 25 use the back way by the drive through which creates a hazard. Clint Herbst asked if the bank had talked to Moon Motors as far as an overall plan for the area. Wayne Mayer said the property owner is not against the project but has concerns with the fence and the traffic going through the area. Wayne Mayer felt the 6' fence should be 7' or 8' and constructed so that headlight glare does not come through it. It was noted that any fence over 6' requires a building permit. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE CCD DISTRICT AND THE SUBDNISION ORDINANCE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z LISTED BELOW INCLUDING THE PROVISION THAT THE APPLICANT AND THE PROPERTY OWNER MEET AND RESOLVE THE ISSUE OF FENCE SIZE AND HEADLIGHT GLARE: I) The existing access off Highway 25 shall be revised to alleviate safety concerns with a right-in only configuration; 2) Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter design; 3) Buffer landscaping shall be required on either side of the proposed driveway to provide a buffer from the existing single family homes; 4) Any lighting proposed for the site shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 2-H of the Zoning 5 Council Minutes: 9/l 0/07 Ordinance; and 5) The Highway 25 access configuration is contingent on MnDOT approval. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Rearm!! - Vacation of storm water pondin!! easement - Monticello Industrial Park. Bret Weiss stated this is a housekeeping item that was part of the agreement on the interchange project. A temporary pond was put into place when the original Chelsea Road was put in. The water is now proposed to go to the pond by the reservoir. The pond will not be filled in until the storm sewer is completed. Susie Wojchouski asked ifthere was any cost to the City for vacation of the ponding easement. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the vacation of the storm water ponding easement. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF THE STORM WATER PONDING EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 2007-69 WITH THE RECORDING OF THE EASEMENT VACATION TO BE DELAYED UNTIL THE STORM SEWER WORK IS COMPLETED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Review of biosolids proiect status and consideration of action re!!ardin!! same. Clint Herbst stated that prior to the regular meeting a workshop was held on the biosolid project. John Simola summarized the points from the workshop. The workshop discussed the financing for the improvements; the commitment to producing Class A sludge; and the need to control the amount of nitrogen. It was felt the project should be delayed until they could come up with a better plan for funding the improvement. The City does need to proceed with the mixers since having a homogeneous flow would help in the operation and treatment of the wastewater. City staff would also like to proceed with the vehicle storage building at this time. John Simola pointed out that delaying the project will add to the cost. John Simola said if the City delays the biosolids project, they should not delay it so long that the City has to do improvements to the liquid side at the same time as they doing the biosolids improvement. The Committee would like to see the project go forward but understands the Council needs to have a financial plan in place. Brian Stumpf said it has been the goal of the Council to produce Class A sludge and during this period of slow growth the City can utilize land filling and management of the nitrogen application at the farm to give them a little time to devise a plan for the funding ofthe biosolids project. He doesn't think they City can delay it very long but he did feel it would give them a little time for figuring the financial aspects of the project. Brian Stumpf believes the mixer and vehicle storage building should be bid out now and the staff and committee come back with [mancial options that could be utilized in the future. Wayne Mayer said this also gives Sunny Fresh the chance to come back to the City with the information they get from the consultant's study of their operations. Tom Perrault said he didn't like the idea ofland filling and applying the full nitrogen limit to the farm because he thinks it would leave the City vulnerable. He added there is a lot of commercial growth that will impact the wastewater system. In addition the project will take 1 Y2-2 years to construct at a minimum and there is the extra cost involved in delaying the project. Class A 6 Council Minutes: 9/10107 sludge gives the City more options. He felt the City should be proceeding with the project. Clint Herbst stated the Council felt it was a good project but the timing of it is not right. Susie Wojchouski felt the City should work with Sunny Fresh on improvements that could be made but hold off on the biosolids project except for the mixers and the vehicle storage building. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE BOLTON & MENK TO SEPARATE THE MIXERS AND VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING FROM THE BIOSOLIDS PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE RE-BIDDING OF THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PROJECT ONLY BY SEP ARA TE CONTRACTS AND HAVE STAFF COME BACK TO THE COUNCIL WITH FUNDING OPTIONS FOR THE BIOSOLIDS IMPROVEMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. John Simola noted that one of the options in the Alternate #2 was to not increase the amount of nitrogen applied to the farm until the mixers were installed and operating. Clint Herbst said staff should use their discretion in deciding that. UPON VOTING BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration to review for discussion the resolution of outstandine conditions for the preliminary plat and conditional use permit for Mills AdditionlMills Fleet Farm. On June 25, 2007 the Council approved the preliminary plat and conditional use permit for Mills Fleet Farm with 18 conditions. Mills Fleet Farm agreed to most of the conditions with the exception of items #9, #14 and #15. These three items were to be further discussed between staff and Mills Fleet Farm in an effort to come to a resolution on them. Condition #9 states that the temporary cul-de-sac at the east end of Dundas Road, just west of the Mills Fleet Farm building shall be reconstructed as a permanent cul-de-sac as part of this project Staff felt they could work with the property owner, Monticello Industrial Park, to resolve the issue of the cul-de-sac construction. Condition #14 states the applicant shall revise all elevations for the big box retail store to provide additional vertical details, roofline variations and materials in contrasting but coordinating colors. Staff noted the building fa9ade is flat with few areas of relief to break up the expanse of wall. Staff suggested possible variations that could be utilized and noted that the City had required increased design standards for Target, WaI-Mart and other big box stores. Condition #15 states the applicant shall revise the car wash design to provide alternate building materials with more visual detail or relocate the car wash to Lot 2, Block I. Staff indicated the materials used in the car wash are consistent with that of the building so they were not recommending any changes to the building material. They did however, direct Mills Fleet Farm to resolve the gap in the landscaping screening on the north side of the building. In August representatives from the Council, Planning Commission and City staff toured the Mills Fleet Farm facility in Rochester which is similar to what will be built in Monticello. After the tour, staff reviewed the conditions still to be resolved. Clint Herbst asked John Simola the reason for maintaining the cul-de-sac on Dundas Road. 7 Council Minutes: 9/10107 Could the City just put in surmountable curb? John Simola responded the purpose of the cul-de- sac was to allow anyone who comes down the street an opportunity to turn around and get out. Bret Weiss stated they have talked to the property on the north side and on the south side but have not come to any agreement on what to do. Clint Herbst asked if the cul-de-sac is not on the Mills Fleet Farm property why is it a condition of the Mills Fleet Farm conditional use permit approval. Bret Weiss stated the cul-de-sac can be built within the right-of-way but there is a cost to do so. Since the City is not taking land from the Mills Fleet Farm site to construct the cul-de-sac, staff felt Mills Fleet Farm should pick up some of the cost of the cul-de-sac construction. It was asked if the City could vacate the right of way. Bret Weiss said since there are public utilities in the right-of-way the City would always have an easement over the area even ifthe street right-of-way was vacated. Bret Weiss said it is an item that needs to be taken care and it is not the City's responsibility to put the cul-de-sac in. It is a matter between the developer and Mills Fleet Farm. Bruce Buxton representing Mills Fleet Farm, stated City staff told them they didn't want Dundas Road being an access into their site. He didn't believe it was Mills Fleet Farm's responsibility to build the cul-de-sac as they receive no benefit from it. In addressing the other items, Mr. Buxton stated that the intent of#14 was fuzzy and they are not clear as to what the City want. He didn't think some of the suggestions as far as things other stores did would be appropriate for them. Bruce Buxton said the store in Monticello would be like the one in Rochester. Wayne Mayer asked for a consensus from those who the toured the facility. He questioned why those changes were being requested. Jeff 0 'Neill said stafffelt they should make Mills Fleet Farm do what Wal-Mart and Target had to do in order to make everything consistent. Jeff O'Neill said the consensus was that the wall expanse was relatively flat and should be changed. Wayne Mayer said if the design is conducive to the building and where it is going to be situated why is staff asking that those changes be added. Monticello would be the third store of this design (Appleton & Rochester being the other two) and the materials would be the same as the other stores. Susie Wojchouski felt the issue of lights was understandable and could be resolved. She felt the Rochester store was a beautiful store even though it has a long store front. Jeff O'Neill said the City asked Wal-Mart to make changes to their design and felt compelled to require the same of Mills Fleet Farm. Wayne Mayer said they would have been better off if staff would have looked at the area ofWal-Mart where they have their open storage rather than focusing on their store front. Planning Commission Chairman, Rod Dragsten felt the building was expansive. Since this was considered to be the signature store for Monticello he felt it should correspond with St. Henry's, Target and Home Depot. He said when you stand back from the building the long expanse of wall makes the building look bland. Wayne Mayer questioned whether the person driving down the freeway will look at the buildings on one side ofthe freeway and be able to note if they are of a better design than the buildings on the other side of the freeway. Stafffelt there were non- structural things that could be done to make the building more attractive. Bruce Buxton stated they have 550 feet of depth on the north side of Chelsea Road. He said there is screening along the north side and along the parking lot. Wayne Mayer said he hated to see unnecessary hurdles thrown against the project. Jeff O'Neill asked if the roof units were going to be sheltered. Bruce Buxton responded that the units are light green in color and blend in with horizon. The units are set back quite a distance from the front edge making the units less visible. Bruce Buxton brought up the lighting stating they are looking at trying to adjust the location of the 8 Council Minutes: 9/10107 lights so that the lights still do the job of providing security but do not show above the roofline. Brian Stumpffelt on condition #15 Mills Fleet Farm could move existing landscaping around to close the gap in screening the staff had noted. Wayne Mayer stated the building is taking up the entire site and there will not be other buildings immediately adjacent to the building that would be affected by the lighting. Jeff O'Neill said they don't care how tall the lights are as long as they downcast. Clint Herbst felt the City should try to work with the property owners on the issue of the cul-de- sac. Susie Wojchouski asked if this was final approval. Jeff O'Neill said the plans plus the conditions noted will be the final record and will be the basis for the building permit. Susie Wojchouski asked about the photometric plan. Wayne Mayer and Clint Herbst felt that ifthe building was like the one in Rochester it is acceptable and the only issue is the cul-de-sac. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REMOVE CONDITION #9 FROM THE EXHIBIT AND DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH THE TWO PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING THE CUL-DE-SAC AND COME UP WITH SOME KIND OF ARRANGEMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED ON THE CAR WASH SITE THAT THE LANDSCAPING IS ACCEPTABLE WITH MILLS FLEET FARM TO ADDRESS THE GAP IN THE LANDSCAPE SCREENING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AS SUBMITTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bret Weiss stated that in previous discussions with the property owners, the property owner on the north side of the cul-de-sac would accept the proposal to vacate the street but the property owner on the south side would not be acceptable to that. One property owner is using city right-of-way for parking and storage. Wayne Mayer said enforcing the ordinance about parking might impact the issue. Bret Weiss stated it is not a Mills Fleet Farm issue but an issue with the developer of the property. Added items: Weeds: Wayne Mayer noted the weeds on the south side of 7th Street across from Home Depot. John Simola indicated he would bring that up when he meets with the property owner. Gary Anderson stated that the ordinance only requires mowing of the weeds within 100 feet of a structure and there is no structure on this site. RentalOrdinance: Clint Herbst indicated he had calls from property owners about the licensing for rental property and the unfairness of the fee for those who own only one or two units. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official indicated the fee was originally $60 but was changed to $45 for the basic unit and $15 for each additional unit. 9 Council Minutes: 9/10/07 10. Consideration of approvin2 payment of bills for September. 2007. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. Recording Secretary 10 Special Council Meeting: 9/10107 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BIOSOLIDS WORKSHOP Monday September 10, 2007 - 5:30 p.m Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the future of the biosolids dryer at the wastewater treatment plant. Public Works Director, John Simola, summarized what had taken place on the project. In April of2007 the Council rejected the bids and tabled the project for 60 days to allow for discussions with Sunny Fresh on the proposed project and to work on financing for the improvement should it proceed. Most likely the City would bond for this project if it is approved. To pay the debt service it is proposed to increase sewer rates by 60% over the next three years with the balance of the funds to come from trunk fees. It was noted residential growth has slowed down but commercial growth has made up for that. The City had anticipated rebidding the project this year. If the project is delayed 3-4 years it could result in a $2,000,000 increase in cost. The PCA is almost ready to send the NPDES permit out for the public comment period. The PCA is delaying publishing it until they know what City is going to do with the biosolids. The City's present permit will expire on October 31, 2007. Paul Stafford said the first issue is the permit. If the City does not have capacity to produce Class A sludge that would have to be removed from the permit and the City would have to re- apply for the permit. John Simola said at this time they don't think the PCA will be putting a phosphorus limit on the City. If the permit does end up having a phosphorous limit there could be a 20% increase in biosolids. John Simola said if the phosphorous limit does not come in this permit it will undoubtedly come in the next. Sunny Fresh has prepared a plan to treat their wastewater and has been looking at other ways to reduce the amount of BOD (biological oxygen demand) coming to the plant by 30%. John Simola believes the increase in BOD is coming from the increase in commercial growth, such as restaurants. The main concern is the nitrogen and Sunny Fresh's flow is high in nitrogen. John Simola reported that the PCA sent a letter regarding the permits issued for expansion of the collection system. John Simola did respond to this letter noting that many of the facilities extensions were for staged improvement so the capacity of the system is not fully utilized. The PCA is holding the extension permits for the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital expansion and the Chelsea Road Improvement project. Rick Gilbertson talked about the nitrogen level. It appears that the nitrogen level is going up. At the farm they are trying to match the application of sludge to crop removal. They question I Special Council Meeting: 9/10/07 the amount of nitrogen per acre that can be applied to the land. The City's permit requires incorporation ofbiosolids into the soils within a short period of time. This process means that perennial crops, such as alfalfa are basically eliminated for crop use. Rick Gilbertson said where they have problems is with high flows containing a high percentage of nitrogen in the material. Com is needed to pull nitrogen out and not allow it to leach through the soil. Chuck Keyes said one ofthe options would be to landfill the excess biosolids. The landfill site would have to be lined. Brian Stumpf asked if the Ewings had other property that would be suitable for this use. Chuck Keyes responded most of their property is in a different county. John Simola said they have calls for Class A sludge but there is not much interest in Class B. Chuck Keyes said a number of years ago PSG and city staffhad looked for other sites. If the City would pursue going after additional land, they would need a large site. In addition it would take approximately 9 months to get the site permitted for land application. Chuck Keyes noted there are 7 monitoring wells on the site. Rick Gilbertson report was based on high flows. The period the existing site could be utilized could be extended if the flows were lower. Chuck Keyes said that within 3-5 years the City could be looking at improvements to the liquid side as well as biosolids. At the present time 62-63% ofthe plant design capacity for BOD (biological oxygen demand) is being used and 66% of the design capacity for tss (total suspended solids) is being used. John Simola said the mixer needs to be put in at the wastewater treatment plant regardless of whether the City goes ahead with the biosolids dryer. John Simola felt since the mixture is not homogenous as it is taken out of the holding tank that may have some impact on the nitrogen level. John Simola said ifthey want to continue to go with Class B sludge they would have to make some changes to the digester. John Simola said if the goal is Class A sludge then it is just a question of when the biosolids dryer goes in. Staff does not want to apply more nitrogen on the fields. The City is walking a fine line with the nitrogen application. Rick Gilbertson is the intermediary between the City and the farmer. Brian Stumpf asked if the City is limited on what the City can landfill. Staff indicated because the landfill site has a liner they are not limited to how much they bring in. Brian Stumpf talked about the sewer rates being increased by 60%. Tom Kelly talked about increasing the sewer rate 20% in each of the next three years and what that would generate in the way of revenue. Brian Stumpf asked about the impact of a 20% increase to the users. John Simola said the monthly sewer bills is about $22.71 but he will get information back to the Council on the impact specifically. Clint Herbst suggested taking the bills for a restaurant like Applebee's and see how that compares for the Applebee's in Rogers and Buffalo. The sewer rates should be increased whether or not the biosolids dryer goes in. John Simola felt the best way to handle this was to charge for the waste being handled. Chuck Keyes said when the City gets to 80-85% of their design capacity the PCA will be asking for the City's plan to finance future improvements. Bret Weiss said in an earlier study of trunk fees, that their firm had done, there was some allowance the expansion of the WWTP. The Council discussed whether it made sense to hold off building the project for a period of time in order to build up the fund. John Simola said the cost of the mixers as part of the biosolids project was $250,000. There is approximately $1,000,000 in the sewer fund. In addition there is approximately $700,000 left from the settlement with the contractor on the previous wastewater expansion. Clint Herbst felt that perhaps bidding the mixers and vehicle storage building could be done at this time 2 Special Council Meeting: 9/10/07 with the balance of the biosolid project to wait until the funding issues are resolved. He felt it was premature to proceed on the biosolids dryer. John Simola noted some additional costs that would be involved by breaking the project out such as additional mobilization costs and preparing new bid packages for the mixer and vehicle storage building. John Simola felt bidding them as separate contracts would result in better prices, especially since mixers were more of a specialty project than the vehicle storage building. The Council and staff discussed other study that had been done as far as possible locations for a wastewater treatment plant and capacity to expand at the present site. Representatives from Sunny Fresh spoke to the Council regarding the biosolids project. They noted they are a community oriented company and the third largest employer in the City. They discussed the agreement they had made with the City in 2002 for more expansion. They bore a large portion of the cost for the gravity belt thickener and are expected to contribute when the fourth SBR tank and the storage tank goes in. Sunny Fresh explained what steps they have taken to reduce effluent at their facility. BOD has been reduced 42% since 200 I and there was a 45% reduction in TSS and 80% reduction in phosphorous. They stated that although they are not using their allotted capacity, they are reluctant to reduce the amount they are permitted for. The permit with the City is up in October. Sunny Fresh and City staff have discussed various options but have not come up with any results. Sunny Fresh retained a consultant, A TI, to review their operations and that of the wastewater treatment facility or POTW (public operated treatment works). They discussed the impact the biosolids improvement would have on Sunny Fresh which they claim would be a 40% increase over the maximum payment Sunny Fresh would have under the agreement. They looked at what could be done to reduce the biolsoids for the city. Recommendations include expanded testing, sampling more periods through the week and they agreed to look at pilot program on alternative technology that could be used at the Sunny Fresh facility. They have completed their own site pre-treatment and have spent $40,000 since May studying the existing site and looking at alternatives. They are waiting for the fmal report from the consultant. The consultant indicated they could reduce the loading but it would cost Sunny Fresh between $750,000 and $1,000,000. He felt it would be possible to defer expansion ofthe biosolids in the short term. Don Roberts from Sunny Fresh stated they don't want to get into the wastewater treatment business but they don't want the $2,000,000 expense of the current biosolid proposal. Clint Herbst said the City needs to look at the numbers on this. John Simola questioned whether the increase in rates would be strictly for utility operations. Clint Herbst said those funds should only be for utility operations. Construction time is two years for the dryer system. Tom Perrault noted that although Sunny Fresh has been trying to reduce their flows, their facilities have expanded. There was discussion of the loading from Sunny Fresh. Much of what goes out from Sunny Fresh is from washing equipment. Wayne Mayer asked if Sunny Fresh could reduce their loading by 30%-40% what would that do to the City's time frame for the biosolids dryer. John Simola said it could extend the time frame by 2-3 years. Clint Herbst felt before Sunny Fresh proceeds with any improvements, they should sit down with the City and look at all options to see what makes the most sense. Chuck Keyes said they need to fast track the mixers so they are in place before the nitrogen is applied on the farm. The workshop adjourned at 6:45 p.m 3 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - BUDGET WORKSHOP Wednesday, September 12,2007 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie W ojchouski Members Absent: Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the workshop was to set the preliminary budget and tax levy for 2008. 2. Preliminary budl!et and tax levv. Finance Director, Tom Kelly, submitted additional financial data for the preliminary 2008 budget. The original preliminary 2008 levy amount of $8,473,046 represented an increase of $1,973,046 or 30% over the 2007 levy. At a previous budget meeting staff was directed to come back with budget figures based on a levy of $7,800,000 or a 20% levy increase. Staff had taken the original levy amount of $8,473,046 and had made adjustments reducing the proposed levy to $8,077,034. The adjustments included cuts in department budgets of $187,712 and a decrease in the debt levy of$208,300 making for a revised levy total of $8,077,034. Brian Stumpf questioned the 2% state fire aid being shown as going to the Fire Department. The state aid funds go entirely to the Firemen's Relief Association for their pension and cannot be used for anything else. Brian Stumpf said it was misleading to show these funds going to the Fire Department. The Finance Department will look at an alternate way of showing this information. Brian Stumpf asked what was the maximum amount the levy could increase before a Truth in Taxation Hearing is required. A levy increase of more than 5% would require a Truth in Taxation Hearing. Staff indicated that a levy of $7,800,000 would require utilizing some reserve funds. Tom Perrault asked how the $250,000 transfer from the liquor store reserves to the MCC was handled. Tom Kelly said by putting the $250,000 as an expense item in the MCC budget, you are showing what you truly need to levy for the MCC. Clint Herbst said going with a levy of$7,500,000 is still a million dollars over last year and he didn't feel comfortable with going much higher than that. Brian Stumpf questioned whether going to only $7,500,000 this year could hurt the City down the road. It was noted that there was nothing in the budget for the improvements to the wastewater treatment plant and other projects the City had been considering. Going with a $7,500,000 levy means there would have to be $300,000 in additional cuts unless the City funds the $300,000 through the use of reserves. Tom Perrault asked about the $1,700,000 in liquor store reserves. Clint Herbst said would be likely that those reserves would be used for the Public Works facility. There was some discussion whether any of those funds would be used for a second liquor store site but the I Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 general feeling of the Council was that a second liquor store was no longer a serious consideration. It was noted that a levy of $7,500,000 would be a 15% increase over the 2007 levy. Clint Herbst felt that with a levy of anything under $7,800,000 there wouldn't be much in the way of additional budget cuts so the differences would have to be made up using reserves. Clint Herbst said he would prefer to increase the levy at a slower pace. He asked if it would hurt to take $500,000 in reserves this year to fund the budget and then next year increase the budget by 10% instead of the proposed 3%. In talking about the impact of the levy increase, Clint Herbst felt the increase would have a far greater impact on the smaller businesses than it would on the big box stores like Target. Brian Stumpf felt the preliminary levy should be set $8,000,000 and if it is necessary it could be cut back to $7,800,000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $8,000,000. MOTION FAILED DUE TO A LACK OF A SECOND. It was noted that at $8,000,000 the City would still need to dip into reserves. Clint Herbst stated his belief that a budget of $7,500,000 with the use of more reserves was the better way to go. Tom Perrault did not feel there should be a double digit increase in the levy and felt more should be taken out of the liquor store reserve fund. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $7,800,000. MOTION FAILED TO A LACK OF A SECOND. Tom Kelly was asked for his comments on a $7,500,000 levy. He indicated that this could be done but it would take a large chunk of the liquor reserve funds. Tom Kelly said the City should have enough reserves so if there was a natural disaster, the City could continue to function. He added that use of the reserves over an extended period oftime (3-5 years) could affect the City's bond rating. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $7,500,000. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE DID NOT FEEL THE LEVY AMOUNT WAS SUFFICIENT TO FUND THE CITY'S NEEDS. Council felt there should be no additional budget cuts and directed staff to inform the Council what reserve funds would be used to make up the $300,000 difference. 2. Truth in Taxation Rearin\! Date. Dates for conducting the Truth in Taxation Hearing were discussed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2007 AT 5 P.M. WITH CONTINUATION DATE OF DECEMBER 10,2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 3. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE WORKSHOP AT 5:55 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 Council Agenda: 9/24/07 SA. Consideration of approvin2 new hires and departures for MCC. Liquor Store. and Parks. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratifY the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Liquor Store, and Parks. It is recommended that the Council officially ratifY the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. RatifY the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Stephanie Charlton Hannah Knettel Lauren Sabel Title Department MCC MCC MCC Hire Date Class Guest Services 09/05/07 PT 09/08/07 PT 09/13/07 PT Guest Services Guest Services TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Jennifer Block involuntary Liquor 08/31/07 PT Brian Carson voluntary MCC 09/01107 PT Andrew DeCourcy season ended Parks 08/31/07 seasonal Julie Schaffer voluntary MCC 09/01/07 PT Katie Dunnigan voluntary MCC 09/01/07 PT Mark Geyen season ended Parks 09/10/07 seasonal employee councillist.xls: 9/18/2007 Council Agenda: 9/24/07 5B. Consideration of approvinl!: monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In January the Council approved renewing the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop, 1219 State Highway 25 on a monthly basis which is in keeping with the recommendation of the Wright County Sheriff's Department. The intent was that a monthly renewal would allow the City to monitor more closely any non-compliance to the City's pawn shop ordinance. The Council is being asked at this time to approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for another month. The City's legal counsel reviewed the status ofthe County's criminal process with the County Attorney. The County Attorney stated the parties have not been able to resolve the counts by plea agreement and the case is scheduled for trial on October 8, 2007. The outcome of the criminal process may determine whether or not the licensee will be able to remain in business. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop for another month. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Attorney and the City Administrator that the pawn shop license be renewed for another month and that no suspension or revocation of license be considered until the results ofthe criminal charges are determined which should be in October. The renewal is in keeping with the recommendation ofthe Wright County Sheriff's Department. By formally renewing the license each month the City is officially indicating the license is not automatically being renewed on a monthly basis but is being considered formally by the Council each month. If at some point the Council should consider action to revoke or suspend the pawn shop license, the monthly renewal would demonstrate the Council's concerns about non-compliance of the ordinance and their efforts to address it. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 9/24/07 5C. Consideration of approvinl!: temporary liquor license for Hi-Wav Liquors wine tastinl!: event. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hi-Way Liquors is requesting a temporary liquor license for their wine tasting event at the Community Center on November 16, 2007 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve a temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for their wine tasting event to be held on November 16, 2007 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2. Do not approve the temporary liquor license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 9/24/07 5D. Consideration of resolution declarin2 costs to be assessed. orderin2 preparation of assessment rolls. and settin2 date for public hearin2 to adopt assessments for Public Improvement No. 2007-01C. 2007 Street Reconstruction Pro2ram (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2007-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB & Associates, Inc. has completed the proposed assessment roll for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Program, City Project No. 2007-01C. Wright County requires that the assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2007 for collection on next year's taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the October 22, 2007 Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 22, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. A copy of the proposed assessment roll is attached for the Council's review ofthe project costs and proposed assessments. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 429, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award, which was completed on March 27, 2006, and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The project is currently under construction and on schedule for completion in accordance with the contract. The adopted assessment policy for residential properties in this project area is a fixed assessment proposed as a percentage based on historical assessments for these types of projects. As the project is not complete, final costs have been estimated based on the value of work remaining on the contract and time remaining to final out the project. The estimated project cost totals approximately $1,599,578. The estimated final construction cost totals $1,261,154, which includes approximately $42,000 for the park improvements. Indirect costs total $338,424, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, and financing costs. The estimated project cost in the feasibility report totaled $2,133,300, which included an estimated construction cost of$1,748,607 and an indirect cost of$384,693. The indirect cost includes the preliminary design costs for reconstructing River Street from CSAH 75 to the City ball fields and concept planning for the River StreetlCSAH 75 intersection. Assessments presented at the March 12, 2007 public hearing included residential assessment rates of $3 ,300 per lot for street reconstruction and $246.26 for the sidewalk assessment. The sidewalk assessment is based on assessing twenty-five (25%) of the actual sidewalk total cost. Based on contract prices, this assessment rate has reduced to $240.43 per lot. The typical assessment per residential lot based on these two numbers calculates to $3,540.43 per lot as shown on the enclosed preliminary assessment roll. Properties along Kenneth Lane are proposed to be assessed for a mill and overlay at a rate of$1,255.60 per lot, which is 50% of the actual cost. The estimated assessment included in the feasibility report for these properties was $1,434 per lot. ClDocumelllJ'lPId Sellfngs'JJawtl.gnmj~ge~'.Loc(j1 Setlilfgs',Tenrporo'Y [menter FileiIOLKB3'.AGN rrM-2007StreetRec""JssusH~9U07.doc Council Agenda: 9/24/07 In addition to the typical assessment amount, one additional street and sidewalk assessment unit has been included for two properties (1401 Hilltop Dr. and 126 Hillcrest Road) that could subdivide. An assessment for an additional sewer and water stub that was constructed with the project was added to the assessment roll for 1401 Hilltop Dr. The Council could choose to defer these assessments when the properties subdivide. An additional assessment for multiple driveways (non-horseshoe) was added to 1707 River Street, where the total driveway widths exceed 24 feet. This method of assessing for multiple driveways was previously discussed by the CounciL Two other properties that were determined to have combined widths exceeding 24-feet (117 Hillcrest Road and 1603 River Street) were reconstructed with reduced widths to not exceed 24 feet. Therefore no additional assessment is being proposed to those properties. As discussed at the public hearing, the Rod and Gun Club property owner requested not to be assessed at the non-residential rate, but on a future subdividable residential rate of 4 units. This is included in the preliminary assessment roll, but an agreement similar to the Ritze agreement should be prepared by the City Attorney. There are two other properties that have some additional assessments for work that was completed on their properties and was agreed to be added to their assessments. The property owners are John Meier and Hugo and Gail Sonbuchner. The proposed project funding is as follows: Total Project Cost Less City Street Funds Subtotal = $1,599,578 $562,000 $1,037,578 $359,167 $678,411 $521,060 $157,351 $115,338 $42,013 $42,013 Less Assessments Subtotal Less State Aid Funds (from CedarlDundas Project) Subtotal Less Trunk Utility Funds (Storm, Water, Sewer) Subtotal = = = Less Future Park Funds TOTAL Remaining Cost = $0 C:\Do<:1/1l'lenlS f1lld Seltings'dtl"Ml.grossinge,tl<Xal SettltlgsiTemporory IllIe=r F\/esIOLKB3',,(GN ITM-2007S1reetRecallAs$esdfrg-091407.dIx Council Agenda: 9/24/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the improvement project declaring the costs to be assessed and setting the assessment hearing for October 22, 2007. 2. Do not set the assessment hearing date at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary Assessment Roll C: '.Docw>rerus a"" Sefti~gfiikl.....gro..n~ge~lLuaJ SetultgJITempornry IM/ernel File.10LKBJIIlGN rtM_2()(J7S1roetRecoltA.se.<sHrg-<J92407.doc ! 1 ~ ~ R5 ~ ~ $ &: ~!~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g: it 5; i! - :---1-- ~ ~ ~ ~ Vi Vi Vi ViIVi!ViVi Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi Z ~ ~ ~ s ~.~ ~I~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00;:; 0 ;:; gg giglg g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gs 0000,0 W "" VJ'<"> W (,J 0 0 0 0 0 0 ................ .......... 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OJ lJQ; ~ ~ s_~ ~ ~ 3 ~ zm 3 ~" ~ ~ 1.D.......,i'..lO ::;; ~ gg~ i3 f' -;--l-J 0 oN O(f)'" s:J..... n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ . ~ 5" " " g ~ .8 " 3 ~ "- 3" S" o .. > . . . . . 3 . a ;0 g, ~ ~ m > ~ z m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . m ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ m m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c . . > >~.... i3 ~mo 0 o~~ ;:; c~> z~~ 0 0 ~m ~ z ~ Council Agenda: 9/24/07 5E. Consideration of resolution declarinl! costs to be assessed. acceptinl! assessment roll and settinl! date for public hearinl! to adopt assessments for Public Improvement No. 2006-31C for the reconstruction of Chelsea Road (Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB & Associates, Inc. has completed the proposed assessment roll for the reconstruction of Chelsea Road from CSAH 18 to just west of Fallon Avenue. Wright County requires that the assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2007 for collection on next year's taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the October 22, 2007 Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 22, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. A copy of the proposed assessment roll is attached for the Council's review of the project costs and proposed assessments. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 429, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award, which was completed on February 12, 2007, and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. While the construction is still only partially complete, we have estimated the projected cost totals to meet the assessment hearing deadlines. The project cost has been estimated to be $2,612,343. The street and utility construction costs approximately $1,991,064 and the street lighting costs totaled $143,442. Indirect costs are anticipated to total $477,855, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, and financing costs. The feasibility report project cost totaled $ 3,732,400, which included an estimated street and utility construction cost of$2,737,937, street lighting cost of$178,000, and indirect cost of $ 816,462. It should also be noted that this figure included the cost of constructing a storm water treatment pond in the easement east of the City's water reservoir property. This ponding has since been shifted to other parts of the City including the Monticello Middle School pond due to future land use concerns. Instead of creating a larger water treatment pond this area will only be lined to protect the City's water supply. This project is proposed to be funded through assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties, City trunk sanitary sewer and storm sewer funds and City funds. Each benefited property will be assessed for street improvements using the City of Monticello's standard rate and a storm sewer rate, which is determined by the percentage of contributing drainage area. The construction of the right turn lanes to serve the Fleet Farm development is to be assessed at 100% to that property. A Developer's Agreement will be prepared to cover those assessments. C:LDocumeMlS and SettingslJa.....grosWrgertl.oc,d SmiJIgs',Temporary h..eft1l!l Fi!e.'OLKBJIAGN rTM-Cklsea RoadOt-de~A=nHrg-(i9U07.""" Council Agenda: 9/24/07 We have provided two alternatives for the Council to consider for the street assessment. The street assessment with the feasibility report was calculated using the fixed rate of $70 for front footage plus the cost of curb for a total of$80.70 for front footage. We have included a copy of the preliminary assessment roll from the feasibility report for your information. The $70 front footage rate has been used for several years since the City started completing street reconstruction projects and is annually increased by the construction cost index. Because this project received favorable bids, well below the engineer's estimate, we are proposing to reduce the $70 rate by 15% or $10 to a rate of $60 per front footage. We feel this provides the property owners their portion of the competitive bids. Council will need to decide which street assessment rate to use prior to finalizing the assessments. The proposed funding using $70 per front footage is as follows: . Assessments ............ .... ........... ...... .........$ City Funds (General).............................$ City Trunk Funds ..................................$ Total $ 1,366,013 936,295 310.035 2,612,343 . . The proposed funding using $60 per front footage is as follows: . Assessments ..........................................$ . City Funds (General).............................$ . City Trunk Funds ..................................$ Total $ 1,324,878 977,430 310,035 2,612,343 In a related item, the Fallon Avenue office complex (Heart of the Lakes) has a deferred assessment of$50,785 for Chelsea Road. The City Attorney will be reviewing what steps are necessary to file that assessment now that construction of the lot is complete. This amount will increase the assessments and lower the City cost. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the improvement project declaring the costs to be assessed and setting the assessment hearing for October 22, 2007. 2. Do not set the assessment hearing date at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed Assessment Roll Preliminary Assessment Roll (Feasibility Report) c.'.I:!oclmk1M/sandSem'ngI<lJa.....gross/1lgeF'Lorol Seu/llgt'Te1flPOl'lJfY h1te~1 Fi!e.'OLKBJIAGN lTM-CllelstaRfMdOrderAs./!.uHrg-091407.dfJC ?' ~ '" '" " In 5 c " ,. ~ " .. " ~ (f.) -l s:;:-l ~lol ~ n. 4l~ cO' C 0 :J ~ ~-g g. :r - ::+ QI co g (5' a= g~~[ 5' m h ffi l.C cc:r5: [lJ al III [lJ it i ~ W 01 [lJ - a. l.1l- 0..5" Q!. 0":;; r g ~ e!. ~ (C TI Q.(j) Q ~ ~~ m..gPm g: ;t> ~~. OJ < 01!e. ;:0 gas' o c: :E cc Q) (tI Qlll) ~ ~ a. &1 ::..:::l" :rrn '< a:> CD (/l ~o3Q~ o c: *";;;- ~~~~ ~ ;;uiR ~ 0 3 :J ~ ~ (ir ~; '" . 0,- o !Jl (tI ~ 3 ~. :r~~ ~ffi~ t3'C~ CJ) ~ '""oJ c: s.Cii' CD g-2!. ~CD~ ~ ~ c.. ,,~o 8=.g~ :J ~ () )> (ff::r ~~m- - " 0 0' III III " . ;u " 3 0 . . " 8l ;a. a. ~ g m ~ ~ 8 ;a CD ~ 1Il g: 2" 3l ::r n -c (tI o' o 0' ..... .;::;.0"'0 Q'<a -< ~ (fj" 00 'C C. n w w Q.:f' ~ ~ ~. ~ 00 o ,. o. !E. o 0- 0. C . 'I !E. "0 ~ ?< 0- p '" " .... OJ c: 4' @ l> . . . . . 3 ,. " & " o ;. 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Consideration of resolution declarin!!: costs to be assessed. acceptin!!: assessment roiL and settin!!: date for public hearin!!: to adopt assessments for Public Improvement No. 2006-02C for the reconstruction of Cedar Street (Chelsea Road to Dundas Road) and the Construction of Dundas Road (Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue) (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB & Associates, Inc. has completed the proposed assessment roll for the reconstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the construction of the previously unimproved segment of Dundas Road, east of Cedar Street, to Edmonson A venue. Wright County requires that the assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2007 for collection on next year's taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the October 22, 2007 Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 22, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. A copy ofthe proposed assessment roll is attached for the Council's review of the project costs and proposed assessments. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 429, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award, which was completed on March 27,2006, and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The project cost totals $1,214,918. The street and utility construction cost totals approximately $840,000 and street lighting costs totaled $89,675. Indirect costs totaled $285,243, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, and financing costs. The feasibility report project cost totaled $1,252,090, which included an estimated street and utility construction cost of$893,300, street lighting cost of$108,680, and indirect cost of$250,120. Actual indirect costs were higher due to more involvement needed during construction. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties, City funds, and State Aid funds. A portion of the street reconstruction cost along Cedar Street would be assessed to the adjacent benefiting property owners, with the remainder being funded by the City, since the existing properties already benefit from the existing roadway. New improvements, such as widening of the street, sidewalk, street lighting, driveways, utility stubs, and storm sewer, would be assessed 100% to the adjacent benefiting property owners along Cedar Street. The construction of the right turn lane along Chelsea Road to serve the Wamert development is proposed to be assessed at 100% to that property. A Developer's Agreement exists to cover the assessments. Dundas Road would be assessed 100% to the adjacent benefiting property with storm sewer upsizing costs for off-road drainage to be funded by the City. City funding would also consist of the reconstruction costs to the City-owned property on the east side of Cedar Street, general utility adjustments, forcemain construction, and storm sewer upsizing costs along Dundas Road. State Aid funds could be utilized for the street costs and storm sewer costs. C: \DocumelW aNl Sellingsldll'MLgrossingertLocal SeIri1lg~';T"mpoNJry ms.mel FI!esLOfJ(J)]'AGN lTM-CerJurSrDw1dasJ/dOrrkrAssossHrg-091407.drx: Council Agenda: 9/24/07 The proposed funding is as follows: . Assessments. ....... ........................ ....... ...$ City Funds (General).............................$ City Trunk Funds ..................................$ Total $ 774,862 159,575 280.481 1,214,918 . . State Aid funds in the amount of $680,635 are available for the project. It has been proposed to use State Aid funds to cover the General Fund costs of $159,575 and utilize the remaining State Aid funds in the amount of$521,060 for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project. The overall assessment for Cedar Street is approximately $20,000 less than what was included in the feasibility report. The overall assessment for Dundas Road is approximately $130,000 less than what was included in the feasibility report due to decreased costs to grade the roadway due to good quality soils. We have included a copy of the preliminary assessment roll from the feasibility report for your information. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the improvement project declaring the costs to be assessed and setting the assessment hearing for October 22, 2007. 2. Do not set the assessment hearing date at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed Assessment Roll Preliminary Assessment Roll (Feasibility Report) C:tDoc"""'"M' rutd Sellingsldll>\.ft.grmsillgerlLoc41 SelllnfPITeftlPOt'(/r'j btlemel FI{eSL0LKl13"WN lTM-CedarStDundasRdOtderAuusHrg-Q9240?dO<: ~ 15 m N i 3 3' m il 'i: 3' "- lr !l . 3 . a fI ~ 2! ~ "- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 8 8 8 s s s s s 8 8 8 N 8 ~ 8 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ I:l Si ;;; S :5 ~ I:l N N ~ s 8 ;;; '" S '" 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~~ ~~ n b~ n n 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~~ ~ ~~ ~ '" N m ~ ~ 0 0 ~ J" J" J" ~ ~ ~ ~ m m g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 n n ~ n ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ m m m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ n n ~ ~ '" m m ~ m m m ~ '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ h n n h 0 ? ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m m ~ ~ .., ~ ~ ~ '" ~ N N :i1 ~ ~ ~ ~ :; ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ;;; ~ ~ ~ ;; 00 v. ~ ?" .. ~ ~ .. 00 '" ~ ~ - - " ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;: - ~ II J;l II - ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 :; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - '" N '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ '" !: 1: ~ ~ 0 ~ ;;j :0 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ 1:: ~ ~ ~ 00 " ~ '" ~ ;., ~ ~ N N ~ - - - "l " !j - - ;g - - ~ ~ - - - ... 0 0 0 0 '" ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 N 8 8 8 8 ~ ~ 8 00 ,. ~ ~ ~ ,. ,. 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N 0 C> ~ ~ ~ ... ... a ~ ~ ~ i!. ~ . ~ ~ 0 g 8 " ~ e S ~ ... ~ 0 ;;: I;: ... ... . 0 ~ ~ r: ~ ~ ~ "t 0 ~ '" k ~ 0 :: ~ ~ :g ~ ~ I;: '" g . !:! ~ ~ ~ '-' '-' 0 III ::: '" 0 is g ~ ~ 0 '" 0 N ~ 0 ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:; :g ~ N ~ I;: ~ ~ 6: ~ ~ o 0 I;: I;: II II ~ 0 is 0 :;: 0 ~ :g 0 I;: I;: ~ :g II . is I;: 0 0 ~ ~ o 0 I;: 8 o 0 ::, 0 II :g ~ 0 0: I;: I;: "' ~ ~ " ~ ~ !l 0 ~ N ,," .. . H ~ ~ N " ~ i:: ~ -." il::~ . ~ ;. ,,'" $"1= ~~ ~ SG. Consideration of adoptinl! a resolution supportinl! a request for l!rant funds for the ADA improvements to the Monticello Community Center. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A grant opportunity was forwarded to me, at a late date, to apply for money from the State to be used to provide election assistance to individuals with disabilities, or the EAID Grant Funds. I feel that one ofthe ways to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities is to improve access to the facility by providing an automatic door opener on the west end of the community center near the gymnasium and polling place. Currently the building only has one automatic door opener at the Sixth Street entrance also known as the Senior Center entrance. On the grant application the installation of an automatic door opener is the improvement I said that we would be making to the community center. This improvement would cost $6,800. This grant does not require money from the City be spent on the improvement. I did have to rush to complete the application and one required item was a resolution from the Council supporting the application for the grant and the installation of the improvements applied for. I did send a letter of commitment, signed by Clint Herbst and Jeff O'Neill, to authorize the resolution, at our next Council meeting in the grant application packet so that we could be considered. I also included support letters from Dawn Grossinger as our election official and Pam Loidolt the Senior Center Director. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To adopt the resolution supporting the request for EAID grant funds for ADA improvements. 2. To not adopt the resolution supporting the request for EAID grant funds for ADA improvements. C. RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution number 2007-71 RESOLUTION # 2007-71 Monticello City Wright County, Minnesota The City Council is hereby authorized to: a) Apply for a grant from the Office of the Secretary of State of Minnesota for Federal funds pursuant to Title II, Section 261 ofthe Help America Vote Act for the sole purpose of improving access to polling places in this city for persons with disabilities; b) Enter into an agreement with the Office ofthe Secretary of State governing the receipt, expenditure, reimbursement and reporting of such a grant; c) Receive and account separately in a manner sufficient to meet generally accepted government accounting principles sufficient to pass federal audit; and d) Expend any sums received in the manner indicated in the grant application and agreement with the Office of the Secretary of State. No further action by a city council meeting is required for actions related to this grant. Adopted this day of ,200_ Mayor Attest: City Administrator City Council Agenda - 09/24/07 SH. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Si2ll Plan for a commercial/retain center in the Central Community District. Applicant: Seluemed. LLC (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their September 4, 2007 meeting and recommended approval of the Comprehensive Sign Plan as proposed. The Commission clarified that a CUP for a Comprehensive Sign Plan was the only planning application under consideration. The Commission clarified the use of the temporary message center, and inquired as to whether it would be a manual message board or an electrouic message board. The applicant stated that a decision has not been fmalized in that regard. Staff clarified that the message board would not count against the 40 days allotted to the site for temporary signage. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Seluemed, LLC is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for a multi-tenant retail/office building. Said building is designed with seven tenant spaces. The subject site is located at 508 State Highway 25 S and is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The site was formerly occupied by Maus Foods. ANALYSIS In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. In determining the amount of allowed signage, a maximum of 5 percent of the gross area ofthe front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this conditional use permit to a building, the building may have one pylon or freestanding sign identifying the building which is in conformance with this ordinance. The gross area of the silhouette of the principal building is defined as that area within the outline drawing ofthe principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public streets. Wall Signage. The proposed site has frontage on both Highway 25 and Sixth Street. Therefore, both the northwest and south elevations have been taken into account when determining the silhouette of the building. Based on the elevations provided, the silhouette of these elevations has been calculated at 7,264 square feet. Thus, the allowable wall signage for the site is 364 square feet. The Planning Commission Agenda - 02/06/07 applicant is proposing 358 square feet of wall signage, within the parameters of the Ordinance. The proposed wall signage is broken down as follows: Tenant 1 Tenant 2 Tenant 3 Tenant 4 Tenant 5 Tenant 6 Tenant 7 TOTAL Pro osed Si n Area 40 s uare feet 19 s uare feet 19 square feet 160 s uare feet 30 s uare feet 30 s uare feet 60 s uare feet 358 s uare feet Pylon Sign. A pylon sign currently exists on the site. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing pylons, and replace the face of the sign. The existing sign is located in the southwest comer of the site, at the intersection of Highway 25 and Sixth Street. The sign is setback approximately 19 feet from the property line. The City has a unique calculation for pylon signs along Highway 25. The Ordinance allows 3.03 square feet of area for each 10 feet of lineal footage, not to exceed 100 square feet. The site has just over 330 feet of frontage on Highway 25. Therefore, a sign up to 100 square feet is allowed. The height limit for pylon signs along Highway 25 is 22 feet. The proposed sign is 22 feet in height and 100 square feet in area. As such, the proposed pylon sign is also within the parameters of the Ordinance. The sign has placards for up to nine tenants. In addition to the tenant identification placards, the applicant is proposing a message area on the bottom of the sign, approximately 30 square feet in area. This message board has been figured in to the total area of the sign. The Zoning Ordinance allows temporary portable signs with an annual permit for a maximum period of 40 days per calendar year. The 40-day limitation applies to the entire building, not each individual tenant. In that regard, the message area is expected to provide an opportunity for temporary messages without exhausting these 40 days. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan, the City has the following options: 1. Approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan as presented, based on a finding that the proposed signage is within the allowed parameters of the Ordinance and consistent with the conditions for approval. 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 02/06/07 2. Deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for the Comprehensive Sign Plan as presented, based on a finding that the proposed signage is not consistent with the Ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Regarding the proposed Comprehensive Sign Plan, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. The plan presented is within the parameters ofthe ordinance, meeting all height and area requirements. The Zoning Ordinance contains a provision to allow such uses, and the proposed plan is consistent with the terms for approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Plan B. Building Elevations C. Perspective 3 VlUJ ~ -- C;---j ~n " '25.u be- oJ> z: STII TE HIGHW~,Y 25 L0 X -1 ::r:: (fJ -1 AJ 1'1 CTl -1 , ~~ _----_______'", i i ~ g ---------- I! fl _ 0 O. c OL: ~I~] I -- !o-l-I-e-----l-- --- ___ __1___",,1,,1."0 I I+__~H 1~1-8 14 PA 01g 0 126 0" "- -i f ~g: I r---t. Ie" I "'9 : ~. " I " ~ . +'..:/~-l! i .... <:: /I~ /.. I 0, o~,,-/ ,,'" / I ~ / 0 ~,_, 12 ~PA 09" O. - 10/r-O' ~ ." 11"-6"" ~ :: : ~ ~. ! ~ I z - --- ~ .., ~ i i ~I I ~ ~ ') , I 12 ~p 0 g' 0' - I B" 0 j I If-a" ~ \ '/! .t I l /0 )1 ~ li-- ":,"""f-O'!!: ~'[ ~ ~ ' ~I i L0 u)> )> :z n CJ \IAN 1'1 _~_ll'~ '\ I n~ I I I ~~~ I ~ 1''"<: """ I o. , . i.i1..... 11: ~PA . g'~O' ~ lOB'-O" 11'-6" I j ~~I j ~ I~ "I7r I - - " 'Z I I 7' "" ,~"- ..' ... !'l"':.".;l- --~'--- -I...-~~._-- ,-L~ I:: h( I "",,','0",'_ _J ,1/ ~/ _ , I " i ", ' , ,~ ~1'; . L , _ _ 1--'- ~1-r- -~ ~.,~ ----------------~~ ,':; " axe 0', - - - b i" - -;- - ,:. '" - 0- z~- ____-------...........' " Ol<~." , I 8........._ _-- __~J~_"_ 1---- ~~ .:'['1 0 - ~~ o~c;jO 0 ,0./ ""]? \ ~ 'i R\ r \ ~ 1 f:Hi ~" -'" ;::; ! ~..... ~ ~ " ~g............ ------ ~ " " G \ '. o o o JJr.\Ji" - ~ o , 1 I I ..' I / o , o . I o 6. B'-O" o ~ " g ~ . '" ~ CED.IIR STREET S LC ~ f-" 0 c; ~ ~ ~ u 1i , IF 0 ~ S2 oj -, ci ~ '0 Z ~ ^ 0 e. ~ Z "" "'1 :;; I e, -. ,n ~ --, z ~ '- ~ ~ 0 'c C) z ~ " ~ c., :;" 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ " ,-- N G" a, U' z ~ ..... e 'I 'i ~~ ill ~I p B ~ ~ ~ ~ . u ~i U~ '1! ~~~~~ ~. :: ~ ~ I ~ m ~ a ~ 8 ~ I i ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ j ~~~~i I~ !Ii I ~ I 1~I~Pd ~~ ~ ~v ~gj ,.. ! " h i~ ~ Iii ~ ,.. 0 O~ z ~ ~ ; , !'w "- '10 .c ~ U> -~ I ,q " ~ rq ,- 22' O' ;~ i'. p" I < " , '" ..--_..--- -. C , - ~j .. . Council Agenda- 09/24/2007 51. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a ioint parkin!!. arran!!.ement for a restaurant facility located at 242 West Broadwav. Applicant: Master's Fifth Avenue. Inc. (NAC). The Planning Commission heard this item at their September 4, 2007 meeting and recommended approval of the request for a CUP for joint parking. The Commission expressed concerned with the number of stalls available at the David's Photography site. The owner of the building was present to speak to those concerns, identifying the hours of operation. The Commission also expressed concern with pedestrian traffic crossing Broadway between the Landmark Square building and the David's Photography building. It was verified that pedestrian crosswalks exist at this intersection and the parking area at the David's Photography site was intended for employee parking only. The applicant provided the hours of operation for all users, satisfying Condition #1 in Exhibit Z and verifying that no conflict in hours of operation is expected. The applicant also provided letters from various downtown business owners in support of the project. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. has submitted a request for a Conditional Use Permit for joint parking to accommodate a restaurantibanquet use at 242West Broadway. The applicant is proposing to convert a portion of the retail space within the Landmark Square building into a banquet room for an existing restaurant. The newly acquired space would contain a banquet room, meeting rooms, and a bar. The space would be primarily used for special events, not on a daily basis. ANALYSIS The proposed building conversion will not require any modifications to the exterior of the building and no additions or modifications are proposed to the existing parking lot. The conversion from office space to banquet/dining space will require additional parking stalls, as the parking requirement for dining area is much greater than that for office space. As no alterations are proposed for the parking lot, the applicant is proposing to utilize off-site parking at two nearby locations. The original site plan for Landmark Square included a total of 60 off-street parking stalls. At the time of application, a request was made to utilize a joint parking arrangement. Under this provision, the site was only required to provide 60 percent of required number of parking stalls. The total number of required parking stalls for the site under this arrangement was 79. The site was therefore deficient by 19 stalls. However, the City approved the joint parking arrangement under the assumption that the mix in uses would accommodate parking needs at different times throughout the day. A parking study was performed in the downtown six months prior to the Landmark Square site review, which showed that an ample amount of both on and off-street municipal parking was available within a two block area. The applicant was required to offset the parking deficiency via a contribution of$1,450 per stall, for a total of$27,550. Bar The proposed expansion would reauire 47 additional parking stalls, as follows: Use Requirement Floor Area Number of Spaces 2 spaces 11 spaces 9 spaces 25 spaces 1,934 square feet 47 spaces 1 space per 80 square feet of floor area 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 1 space per 40 sf of floor area 141 sf 443 sf 357 sf 993 sf Bar Seating Meeting Room Banquet Room Total As with the previous arrangement, only 60 percent of the required number of parking stalls is required to be supplied by the applicant. Utilizing this allowance, the site would require 29 parking stalls. The previous office use in the expansion area required 12 parking stalls, which are already located on the site. Therefore, the additional parking required for the use is 17 parking stalls. To supply a portion of the required parking, the applicant is proposing to utilize 17 spaces at the David's Photography site, located at 113 Locust Street. This site is across Broadway from the Landmark Square building, and the applicant has indicated that this area would be used for employee parking. The a~licant is also proposing to utilize 6 parking stalls at the NAPA building, located at 224 3 Street West. Through these off-site parking arrangements, the applicant is proposing to satisfy the minimum requirement for the use. Conditional Use Permit. The City Council may, after receiving a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission, approve a Conditional Use Permit for one or more businesses to provide the required off-street parking facilities by joint use of one or more sites where the total number of spaces provided are less than the sum of the total required for each business should they provide them separately. When considering a request for such a permit, the Planning Commission shall not recommend that such permit be granted nor shall the Council approve such a permit except when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Up to fifty (50) percent ofthe parking facilities required for a theatre, bowling alley, dance hall, bar, or restaurant may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by types of uses specified as a primarily daytime use in subparagraph (d) below. Comment: The applicant is proposing to provide 26 percent of the required parkingfor Landmark Square off-site. a. Up to fifty (50) percent of the off-street parking facilities required for any use specified under (d) below as primary daytime uses may be supplied by the parking facilities provided by the following nighttime or Sunday uses: Auditoriums incidental to a public or parochial school, churches, bowling alleys, dance halls, theatres, bars, or restaurants. b. Up to eighty (80) percent of the parking facilities required by this section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided by uses specified under (d) below as primarily daytime uses. c. For the purpose of this section, the following uses are considered as primarily daytime uses: Banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, household equipment or furniture shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, manufacturing, wholesale, and similar uses. d. Conditions required for joint use: a. The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of such parking facilities with the following exception: For theatres located in the Original Plat of Monticello, theatre parking provided by another use shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of said theatre. Comment: The parking lot for the Napa Auto Parts store at 224 3rd Street West, and the David's Photography building at 113 Locust Street at both within 300 feet of the subject site. b. The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two (2) buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed. Comment: The applicant has not provided hours of operation for either site proposed for off-site parking. Both are presumed to be daytime uses, with limited evening and weekend use. The peak hours of the proposed banquet expansion within the Landmark Square building are estimated to be over the noon hour and on weekends, particularly Friday and Saturday evenings. While there may be a significant parking need over the noon hour, staff does not expect a general conflict in operating hours. c. A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County. Comment: No such legal instrument has been provided. The applicant has only provided letters from the property owners of both uses proposed in the joint parking arrangement, indicating that they are in agreement. Both property owners have indicated that they will enter into a formal lease agreement at such time as the Conditional Use Permit is approved by the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking for Landmark Square, based on a finding that the proposed arrangement is consistent with the conditions of approval and will not have an adverse affect on the surrounding area, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking for Landmark Square, based on a finding that the conditions of approval have not been met. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is proposing a joint parking arrangement with David's Photography and the NAP A store to accommodate parking needs for a banquet area. The David's Photography site will be utilized for employee parking. The proposed banquet expansion supports the Comprehensive Plan in that it will assist in maintaining the downtown's influence in the community as a major activity center, particularly in commercial and community services. The proposed off-site parking arrangement is generally consistent with the conditions of approval, and is not expected to have an adverse affect on surrounding businesses in the CCD. In that regard, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Floor plan Exhibit B: Applicant narrative Exhibit C: Cross-Parking Letter from Ron and Julie Reh of NAPA - June 19,2007 Exhibit D: Cross-Parking Letter from David Hyttsen of David's Photography- 6/19/07 Exhibit E: Site Plan Exhibit F: Letters of Support - Area Businesses Exhibit G: Hours of Operation Exhibit Z: Conditions of approval .... D'-U~ 17-'J'" ,....1Jr ,.. ... I .'1" Ir. I - ~ SET V\ () . . ~ I \!j ~ , 1.-0 . ~ l 'Q::: 1 ~; "Jl~1 ~ IlOOI< % C?~{2Itf1:? -~..._...~..-.._-----. 'i I ' c. t. ~ I ' { H " ~., ~~. f( . I i . (p b/ncE ~ ------- ~ J,rl'(1 , , I lJFflCE if I! I . LANDMARK BUILDrNG COLD'JElL BANKER BUILD!lUT xxx '.ItST 8RtlADWAV, Y.ONTICEt.l..D ! ...... '''.'1' .. . . ~ L /""lug "" VI I L.V.c~ Oally IU,J,J;;JUU,J;;;),J To the City of Monticello Planning Commission ,June28, 2007 Proposal for 242 West Broadway Master's Fifth Avenue, I,:c., is hereby applying for a Conditional Use Permit to change the 2341 square foot space at Landmark Square, 242 West Broadway, from general retail to a banquet facility. This will allow for the possible leasing of the space to a new tenant. . Attached find a Site Plan of the Landmark Square site. No changes are required for this usage. . The existing conditions will stay as they are now. . The Grading and Drainage will be the same as it is now. . No Utilities work will be needed. . The Building Elevations will not be altered with the possible exception of a awning over the parking lot entrance to the leased space. . The Landscape plan will not change. . No changes to the lighting are needed. . No additional signage is anticipated, with the possible exception of a sign above the parking lot entrance to the leased space, which is the same location of the previous tenant's sign. This change would be done without any construction to the exterior of the building or the parking lot and any additional parking spaces required would be available from adjoining parking areas. It is our understanding that we would need 20 additional spaces for this change, 17 of which would come from the Broadway Partners building parking lot to the Northwest, 100 feet from the comer of Broadway and Locust. An additional 6 spaces would come from the NAP A site at the comer of Locust and )'d Street which would give more than adequate parking. Agreements with the owners of these buildings have been negotiated and copies of the agreements are attached. Thank you for your consideration. , .fthAVen~.__ . luth, President -- ,"L -rB tv NAPA 224 3 rd Street West Monticello, MN 55362 June 19,2007 Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 204 Locust Street, Suite 209 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr Fluth, . We aniiii agreement wIthyOur planto devdoiJ'partofyourbl.iiIaiiig at 242 West Broadway to a banquet facility. Since the use for this space will be at times that do not conflict with the use of our parking lot, we hereby notifY you that you may use up to 6 of the spaces in our parking lot for this purpose. We will enter into a formal lease agreement when you have all the city approvals in place. Good luck in this new endeavor and thank you for continuing to develop downtown Monticello Ron and Julie Reh ,~ryrs /} /J v(JJ!JC ,", (Y, , ; , r 7P David's Photography June 19,2007 Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 204 Locust Street, Suite 209 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr Fluth, We are in agreement with your plan to develop part of your building at 242 West Broadway to a banquet facility. Since the use for this space will be at times that do not conflict with the use of our parking lot, we hereby notify you that you may use up to 17 of the spaces in our parking lot for this purpose. We will enter into a formal lease agreement when you have all the city approvals in place. Good luck in this new endeavor and thank you for continuing to develop downtown MO'~~ David Hyttsten, owner . David's Photography pJr ~ "" \4.'-0' I,r-o' 17'-8' LEV E L 17-8' P I A N A'\. \U t- F ~ . R2 o " , ~ o C. ';> 9'-- ~ ~ 0- II , @ 1 I. o ~ T , ~ ~ SUITE IT@ SUITE { < " ~~ !JJ, , t_ _~j ~ --ffl- -llf()~,'"'' R2 ;, , ~ o ;, { ';> ';> 0. )- , ~. -"t~ .~l )~ m ~ \\ 'I "'. .' gl,j -"~::'S'\~YI- j:- ~/y Sll"~ J I SlOOPS,^" (SEESTRtJCT) 1JOCf OF Q.l;y MHOOW AllO'IE '" , - . , ;.. ~ ;, , ~ . , .... o , ~ , '" C~G~1!~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniarille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, JvL 1\ ?JC.J"'-s~ AI', """...filJ (/L- ~ov--{.:"-,,,\l;) f G',~t '\ ~~:.'*1 \S~ '^ ~ \--<>\ J (\\.0 l;"5 ~I:, ~ dO\ w ~v-'~ u-l~ C~Gc:,R11~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crosliniarille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, ~~n Fill in business. ' /-tllfU (Y'lMJ-k llJ !J7hH j/) i ~ ~ /6 PO W Lf)., ~j(Jl tAJe4r ~d~ (Y71-f7 h CL1/fl IV) IV 6>6 3b 7-- CIZ9Gc:,R11~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniarille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. .- Fill i I SS. RIIy /'f(CIU /) ifr oISE A/ Com fJuTe {L. j)."'{ff!.l/,R.. 107 w [5~~D4JIA( {t3 - 2-75 - g"jo8 C~G~1!~! 254 W Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniQrille.com August 29,2007 'S'Cf'> f Jj. 'Z/!X:J? Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. ReSpectf~ ~&!.. Fill in business. ~~ ~ ~~c-.h~ tJ p 5/.:3 td.~P~~ ___ n, ~I'}~ ;/J1n-~r-e-/1, ~N f"S~G 2 C~G~1l~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniClrille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, -cdi~~~.eVt.- Fill in business. BROADWAYKWlK STOP 318 WEST BROADWAY P.O.I!OX 837 MONTICELLO, MN 55962 C~GSR11~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniorille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, ~ ,', 0 .1'\_, ./' '" Fill in business. -~~NA... S~'(~ ~ ~ \'-\~ ~ ~'{~ ~\-- ~~~\~\J ~~ SS)\.p~ CR9G~1tt;f! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniarille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully. It~ G~.5 ,fee lIardw<V"- CRgGc:,R11 ~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniarille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, ~ ~t>~?t::>'5. Fill in business. f{\oVlclceU" i=WWl...l..~J)...v"I L "3t.rt.& CTZ9G~~I~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniqrille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: t received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. jS'"~R~ Fill in business. De n (J. / $ , 5: Q. ('1..1 ('c-€. .5' to.. --f('C) i1. 7f3 E Cc-51- B rC)~ uJo..y jMon {('eel ~ (J? 11 - .,5'? 6'2 C1Z9G~R1! t;!! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniorille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfu~ J ~~ Fill in business. ~on+~ - .nMif~- (f{-1- ~ \)\ \0. ~oJ~ ~ c..e.Ho I mN 5531Od- llo3 - .;tCl5'- to '5Sb j -\-{UJ\U- ~ ww.J. \at v:- q1JJJ cu!~ bY\- -b> ~'yJYL- - L _' 0 t).{D/.J.A 1* rYmJo +U'r OWL jt wW WI/. ~ ~ r - - 0 J; f bMi rvM ~ - lU. CUlL aJJ If' " CIZ9GSR1!~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniorille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: I received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, ~,:::=.-9~ tL-cP..A-1'',.;r-.. c.,.,w Of:~Ic....C..J,I..1- //.3 Loc.vs"{ S-z;c.~E.... T Mo.-J7ic E.U-O ,/'!1ft) SF 50 2- C~Gc:,R11~! 254 W. Broadway Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 www.crostiniorille.com August 29,2007 Dear City of Monticello: 1 received notification that there is a request for a change of use to the building at 254 W. Broadway to allow a banquet and bar facility expansion. As a downtown Monticello business owner, I support this proposed change. Feel free 10 call me if you have any questions. 6C41U ~ Fill " b","~. 0 /nWrp,~~ hl1.RlllR;aI ~0~ .Tn). II? ~~!- ~d ?1.d~ David's Photol!l'llphv Hours: 9-5 Monday through Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Employees at anyone time: 2 Customers (average): 2 American Express 7:30-4:30 M-Th, Friday until noon Studer Chiropractic Monday 1:30-7:00 Tuesday 8-0000 Wednesday 3-6 Thursday 1 :30-6:00 Friday 7-nooo Assist to Sell 9-5 Monday through Friday 10-2 Saturday and Sunday NAPA Monday through Friday 7-7 Saturday 7-4 Sunday Il-3 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval for CUP for Joint Parking I. The applicant shall provide information on the hours of operation for all interested parties. 2. A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off- street parking facilities shall be provided. Said legal instrument shall be approved by the City Attorney, filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of previously approved permits as they relate to the site. City Council Agenda - 09/24/07 SJ. Consideration of a request for fmal plat for First Minnesota Bank CommerciaL a two lot commercial subdivision in the CCD. Applicant: 1st MN Bank (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicants are seeking a final plat for First Minnesota Bank Commercial, which is essentially a replat to create two re-shaped lots from the original four lots of the AC Riggs Addition plat. The replat is intended to accommodate a new 4th Street access and parking area for 1 sl Minnesota Bank. The City Council previously approved a preliminary plat for this project. Lot 1, Block 1 serves the bank as a commercial use. The plat area is zoned CCD (Central Community District). The applicant has indicated that Lot 2, Block 1 will remain as a single- family use at this time. There are no minimum lot areas for the CCD district. As such, the newly configured lots are fully conforming to the district regulations. However, the applicant shall be required to revise the plat to comply with the City's standard drainage and utility easements, which are 6 feet at lot lines and 12 feet at plat lines. Currently, the plat line easements are shown at 6 feet. Additionally, as the City has not yet received a comment letter from Mn/DOT (the plat has been submitted for review), any approval should be contingent on any and all comments from Mn/DOT. The applicant will be required to apply for a grading permit in order to complete the improvements proposed for this development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Final Plat for First Minnesota Addition 1. Motion to approve the final plat, based on a finding that the plat suited for the specific development needs of the property, and that all lots in the plat will continue to meet the City's zoning requirements. This approval is conditioned on the following: i. Compliance with any and all comments from Mn/DOT regarding the plat. 11. Revision of easements to comply with City ordinance. 2. Motion to deny the final plat, based on findings to be developed by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval ofthe [mal plat. The plat affects the shape and number of the lots, and is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. As noted, all lots would continue to conform to the City's zoning regulations. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Final Plat ....J ~ l) ffi ~ a l) ~ C{1 ~ a [B ~ ~ "- CJ) ~ L( , , ~ ~ . , ~" ..1l~ ~~-~; ~ ~~; ",,::,,,..c: ] E:]' ;';j~~ 5,,'" ii ~=~~ ~f~j :>! 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Consideration of review of proposals for Mill and Overlay for the 4th Street Park Parkin!! Lot, City Proiect #2007-14C. (I.S.) B. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous council meeting, the City Council directed the City Engineer and Public Works Director to review the mill and overlay project for the 4th Street Park Parking Lot. Bruce and I reviewed the parking lot as requested and still felt that the parking lot was suitable for a mill and overlay if done within the very near future. We did, however, both agree to make a minor change in the specifications for the parking lot and changed the thickness of the overlay from 1 Yz" to 2". The request for proposals were then sent out and were due Thursday, September 20, 2007 at I 0 a.m. The following are the results of those proposals: PROPOSAL TOTAL CONTRACTOR SECURITY PROPOSAL 1. Hardrives. Inc. X $ 12,215.64 14475 Quiram Rogers, MN 55374 2. Omann Bros. Paving Inc. X $ 13,213.40 6551 LaBeaux Avenue NE Albertville, MN 55301 3. AC/ Asphalt Contractors. Inc. X $ 15,348.60 11225 90th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 4. Knife River X $ 15,722.92 2852 County Road 12 North Buffalo, MN 55313 As can be seen by the above tabulation, the lowest proposal was received from Hardrives, Inc. in the amount of$12,215.64. The amount budgeted for this project was $20,000. Council Agenda - 09/24/2007 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the mill and overlay project to the lowest proposal from Hadrives, Inc. of Rogers, MN in the amount of $12,215.64 and move forward with the project to complete it this year. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project at this time but to consider temporary repairs for the parking lot for the winter and consider complete reconstruction in 2008. 3. The third alternative would be to just do repairs to the parking lot and not plan on replacement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, City Engineer and Park Superintendent that the City Council move forward with alternative #1 and complete the work this year on the mill and overlay. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposals. --- FOR 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY CITY PROJECT f#2007-14C FOR THE CITY OF MONTlCELLO. MImfESOTA Sf !D'I)nr;n!i'iU' L-'jL\T;\ ~_, ,-,- 1 _ '_..' '- \. 1 1. t '\i ,. _'.' Park Superintendent CITY OF MONTICELLO Office of Public Works 909 GCllf CoUJ:Se R.oad Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Park SuperiJltendetit: 1. The following pt'OpO$lIl is made fClI" the' 4111 Street Par!c Parking Lot Mill an4 Qveday Project fOI" the City of Montil;ellq, Milmesota. 2. The lifidersigned certifies that the contract, dOCU111etits listed in, the instrt1ctiOD to proposet'8 have been carefully exlb11il1ed attd.that the site of the wot'k bas been pet'8onally inspected; The \lIl4ersigne4 decll\l:cs thattheamo\llltandnat\lI'e of the wOl"k to be done is \lIld(ll'Stood an<! that at no time will mi$undeI$tanamg Clf the CQntmct documents be pleaded. On the basis of the contract documents. the \lIldersigned proposes to funiish all necessary apparntus llnd other mCans' of constrt1ction, to do all the work, and furniSh a1i, the materials in the manner specified, to finish the entire project Within the time hereinafter speCificd,and to accept as full compensation thCI"Cfol"etbe sum stated below. 3. Item #1: 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY Removal, of Bitl/mioous Pavement 2 2104.$13 ~Wiog ~itIJmioous LlnFt 140 Pavement 3 2350.573 BItt.tnliOOl$ Pa~ (3"lhlck) Sq Ydll 150 4 2232.501 MRI Pavement Edge 3ft Sq Yds 169.3 5 2357;1 Bit Tack Coat Gal 43 6 2331. Pavement 2" Wear Course Sq Yds 930 TYPE 41 7 2564.603 4," Solid Whne Line Lin Ft 300 $ S:. <><l 6 2564.602 Pavemeot Message Each 1 R'4. eO Handica ad Painted 9 2211.2 CI5 MOD (LV) Cu Yds 10 $ 8. .. $ g6, CJ() TOTAL $ ~'~I ..,.. ..a~~$TR!!TPAAIQHGU)T.2f)I)1.SPECS_iIlIa -PAGE 3 OF 35. ~ FOR 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT l\'llLL AND OVERLAY CITY PROJECT #2007-14C FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Parle Superintefu:lent CITY OF MONTICELLO Office of Public Works 909 Oolf Coum: Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parle Superintendent: 1. The fOllOWing proposal i~ made for the 4lhStreet .Parle Parlcing Lot Mill and Overlay Project fur the City of MOllticcllo, Minnel$O~ 2. The undersigned certifiesthJlt the OOtlttllct d6CUil1ents listed in the instruction to propoSers have been tarefully examined and that the site of the work has been personally inspected. The undersigned declltres that thll amount and nature of the work 10 be done is understood and 1hat 11.1 no tUne win mj$UIldersta1l<\ing of the contract documents be pleaded. On \he basis of \he. cqnttllct (\ocuments, theundersi~ed proposes 10 furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, 10 do all the wOrk and furnish all the materials. in the tllatmet specified, 10 finish the entire project within the time h~illafter specified, and to accepl as full compensation ther~ore the $UIl1 ~ated below. 3. Item #1: 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY 1 2104.512 Removafof BltumiOOU$ SqYl!a 150 $), eo $ 4SO. ~ Pavement 2 2104.513 Sawing Bltum.in90s L1nFI 140 $ .2."':> $ ~,d;) Pavement 3 2350.573 BltumiOOl.ll! Patcl1 (3'lhic;)<) Sq Yds 150 $J~.s~ $ J/I?f,o::> 4 2232.501 Mill Pavement Edge 3ft SqYds 169.3 $ I'.OQ $ 1S" 't. 'fo 5 2357.1 Bit Tack Coat Gal 43 $ >-.:><1. $ I J,tt.- 6 2331. Pavement 2" Wear Course Sq YdS 930 $1$'-o. $ 7, qat, 00 TYPE 41 7 2564.603 4" Solid White Line LIn Fl 300 $, (,0 $ 1'f:O,t;iO 6 2564.602 Pavement Measage Each 1 $ 'to.<P $ '10, o:P Handica ed Painted 9 2211.2 C15 MOD (LV) Cu Yds 10 $ 'tv."'" $ O/=. 01>0 TOTAL $ 11J..J r~.'to ':'<'IOl"N.~Jl ...4PAIV(S~.STRtIrr";t.IUQNGI.0T-2II01-Sf'fCS4iIa. -PAGE 3 OF 35- ACIASPHALT PROPOSAl, FORM FOR 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY CITY PROJECT #2007-14C FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Park Superintendent CITY OF MONTICELLO Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Park Superintendent: 1. The following proposal is made for the 4'h Street Park Parking Lot Mill and Overlay Project for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2. The undersigned certifies that the contract documents listed in the instruction to proposers have been carefully examined and that the site of the work has been personally inspected. The undersigned declares that the amount and nature of the work to be done is understood and that at no time will misunderstanding of the contract documents be pleaded. On the basis of the contract documents, the undersigned proposes to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner specified, to finish the entire project within the time hereinafter specified, and to accept as full compensation therefore the sum stated below. 3. Item #1: 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY 1 2104.512 Removal of Bituminous Sq Yds 150 $). 33 $ 791 e. Pavement 2 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous L1n Ft 140 $ I.CO $ '10~ Pavement 3 2350.573 Bituminous Patch (3" thick) Sq Yds 150 $/b.>5' $ ll/Sl. ~ 4 2232.501 MAl Pavement Edge 3ft Sq Yds 169.3 $ 9. ~5 $/667 f!!-- 5 2357.1 Bit Tack Coat Gal 43 $ I $ t.{~git- 6 2331. Pavement 2" Wear Course Sq Yds 930 $ /0.0'1 $ (H~)~ TYPE 41 7 2564.603 4" Solid White Line L1n Ft 300 $ .57 $ 17/~ 8 2564.602 Pavement Message Each 1 $ 30 $ 30tJ;!- Handica ed Painted 9 2211.2 C15 MOD (LV) Cu Yds 10 $ 63,IJ $ 63/~ TOTAL $ /5, 3'/~ f8.- ':IAOUlN\W~MllS0lPI'\SpecaWll1STREETPARKtNGLOT .2l101-SPECS_'*>ll - PAGE 3 OF 35 - KNIFE RIVER PROPOSAl, FORM FOR 4TH STREET PARKPARKJNG LOT MILL AND OVERLAY CITY PROJECT #2007.14C FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MlNNESOTA Parle Superintendent CITY OF MONTICELLO Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 [.~I .'"'''<'~''"'-''''''' ..c:',........ ....~i ,.,-,,"..;-- --- "';".~',. Parle Superintendent 1. The following projXlS3! i$ made for the 411> Street Parle Paricing Lot Mill and Overla.y Project for the City of MonticeUo. M!QnC$Qla. 2. The undersigned certifies that the contract dOCUIl1entS li$ted in the wtruction to propo~ have been caretUlly exlll'llined and that the site of the work ha$ been pem>nally impected. The undCf$igne<l declatC$ that the amount and nature of the work to be done is understood and that at no time wll1 mlS\ltldersta.ndil1g of the contract dOCUll1ents be pleaded. On the basis of the contract documen~,. the undCf$igned proposes to furnish all necessary apParatus and other means of construction, to do all the WOrk and furnish a.ll the materials in the mlltiner specified. to finiSh the entire project within the time hereinafferspecifie<l, and tei. accept as full compensation therefore the sum stated below. 3. Iteln#l: 4'11i STREET PARK PARKING LOT MILL AND OVERLAY 1 2104.512 Removal of Bituminous Set Yd$ 15Q $ SIC{ CO Pavement 2 2104.513 SawlngBltuminous UnFt 140 $ ,,'\ $ ?:,., f#O Pavement a- 3 2350.573 Bftuminous Patch (3' t/)ick) Sq Yds 150 $. \y n $ al'l!.. ~ 4 2232.501 Mill Pavement Edge 3ft SqYds 169.3 $ ~ $ "1\ ;)1 - 5 2357.1 Bit Tack Coat Gal. 43 $ -a~ $ <A~ IS" - 6 2331. Pavement 2' Wear Course Sq Yds 930 $ .,!!- $ ao TYPE 41 13~'l -- 7 2564.603 4' Solid White Line LinFt 300 $ 0 '!!. $ Cl~'-/ <:0 - 8 2564.602 Pavement Message Each 1 $ co $ ~- Handlca ed Painted 116 110 9 2211.2 C15MOD (LV) Cu Vds 10 $1~~ $ '1'iO e8- TOTAL $15": "la. P,'WlIoIrA1 ...dP1"'MUCS~STRUtP'NOOHGlCn'.200l'_SP!CS.doC - PAGE 30F35- Council Agenda - 09/24/2007 SL. Consideration of acceptinl!: Quotations and approvinl!: the purchase and installation of an open air shelter in West Bridl!:e Park. (T.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Parks Department has placed an amount of $1 0,000 in the 2007 budget for the purchase and installation of a new 18x 18 wood, open air shelter for West Bridge Park. We received a total of three quotes for this project. One of the three quotes is just the cost of materials from the local lumber yard. The other two quotes consist of kit prices from Cedar Forest Products and St. Croix Recreation Company. The kit prices would benefit the parks dept if we end up installing the structure internally. Putting up the structure with just a material list and a vague drawing from the local lumber yard would be more time consuming to the department. This project is not feasible to do at this time when we are short handed and it would take the department 3 weeks to install. The cost for just materials for an 18' x 18' wood structure from the local lumber yard comes in at $1,707.17. The cost of a 20' x 20' wood shelter kit from Cedar Forest Products comes in at $9,740.00. The cost for an 18' x 18' wood shelter kit from St. Croix Company comes in at $7,725.51. In all cases the Parks Department would still be responsible for the installation of the concrete slab at a cost of $700. Due to the great demand from the community for the use of this park the Parks Commission is recommending the purchase and installation of a shelter. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to go with the original proposal brought to council on August 27, 2007 of a 16' x 16' steel structure installed from Flannigan Sales and the Parks Department would be responsible for the concrete slab. The complete cost would be $12,638.87 and it would be completed by 10 to 12 weeks of order. There are funds available in the 2007 Park Budget to cover the total cost. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the purchase of an 18' x 18' wood open air shelter kit from St. Croix Recreation Company for $7,725.51 and install it in the summer of2008 with Parks personnel. The total cost would be $8,425.51. 3. The Third alternative would be to find an organization or a club to make a community project with Parks Department next summer and to build the 18' x 18' wood open air shelter at West Bridge Park. The costs would be the same as alternative #2 but the City labor would be much less. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Parks Superintendent, Public Works Director and Parks Commission that we have a steel structure built as outlined in alternative #1 which is the same size as an existing structure at Freeway Fields. We believe we are getting a better product, longer life, and lower maintenance costs with steel rather than wood. Council Agenda - 09/24/2007 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposals; Picture of proposed structure; Picture of Freeway Fields structure; Aerial map of park. uo'~,,~ual ~~.~J o..U.-O~~-J;.;.J.&.;.J '-LHI~".:IHL.l:.':) ~'~11 a e 8 ~Wl~Jf{"f 11\1Ci Jt..~. II. QUOTATION r-....~ U~IU.L ...-... 1) ;-;r-'~ fi.\ ~ .'\ l! ;...~ n .1. .1 To: August22, 2007 Project: CIty of Monticello 505 W81nut street Suite 1 MonticeHo, MN 55362 Pallgon Shellers Tom 763-271-3276 763-271-3272 Date: Cont;lct: Phone: Fax: C- 612-221-7530 We are plea'illd 10 provide the following quotation on items supplied by POlIgon Pari<. Architllcture 5lli. IIln SQ.: DescriDtion Unit PrIce 1 Squere Roof Shelter SQR 16 MR Includes: Anchor Bolts" Powder Coat Finish" " 42# Snow Load Requirement 8271811016 CUpola Also Indude$ Freight Installation of SQR 16 MR above 1 "If you need sealed engineer drawli1gs add - $650.00 . Prices sUPI 'I)' only - Installation not included Sub Total Tax 6.5% Freight Total lMPORTAN~INFORMATlON: . Quotalicn in effect until: Sept. 12.2007 . Freight I filled on shipment 10 Montlcllllo . Shlpmel ,J can currently be made in 12-16 weeks after approval of drawings if required . Terms: : {I Days Net Invoice, . Orders \/ill be placed upon receipt of Purchase Order or Signed Quotation. . Purchase Orders should be made out to Flanagan Sales, Inc. ThenkYoul ~O~~ Bill Johnson Flanegan Sal.., Inc, ACCEPTED IJY: DATE: Extension $8,273.00 S3,125.00 S11,39a.00 ",' "'-"I not included "1 -, v' u Included JJ.II)~ ,37 2475 Maplewood Drive. Suite 114. SI. Paul. Minnesota. 55109 Phone: 651.633.0123.1.800.328.3557. Fax: 651.633.1515. E-mail: wacanheiOOllflanaaansales com TO: ATTN: PHONE: FAX: DATE: PROJECT: QUANTln 1 PROPOSAL Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Mn. 55362 Tom 763-211-3216 163-211-3212 08/23/01 , Shelter FROM: Clearwater RecreaUon 329 East Lake Street Waconie, Mo. 55381 9S2~-1820 952-442-4439 Net 30 days PRICE EACH SUBTOTAl SAlES TAX FREIGHT INSTALLATION Do you need a 24-hour can Ddor tD delivery notfce? Yes No TOTAL 1.""'" &IIIER FOR UIIKNOWN CONDmONS: The followfng _.....r ""pilei only when Inltallslion Is q_. This quOWlon Is _ on the ..... being .... 01.. _rts such IS, but nOllimlled III Il1ll following: "ConcntIe footings or bfoclco oI.ny type. _.... or RICky condit... of.ny type. 'TIN ltumpo. _, con.. -. _, or.ny _r _. "\lIIiIios lI!Cluiring.ny halos to be dug by h.nd. "If .....10 not ....._10. _I.nd _ oquipmont _ for _on. "II waterllxists in site ares arfaolings Ifter they.... dug. -Crany other unknown conditions not Isted or visible. FOB Factory Shipment approx. after receipt of order. PHONE: FAX: REFERENCE: TERMS: DESCRIPTION Navajo Shelter 16'x 16' Tubular Hip Roof Shetter 20# I Sq. Ft. Snow Load 90 MPH Wind Load Aluminum Gutters, Interlocking Roof Panels Standard Colors Anti Graffiti Powden:oat Surface Open Cupola Concerte Pad By Others Discount NOTe: This GUomllon Is vend for 30 dallS. PI.... call for confirm.llon .".,. that date. Pric.. are NOT baled on ",..,.mng WIIf18O. Signed by: F:QUOTE 812312007 l'd JiL TOTAL $10.137 ($1.600) $9137 Included $590 $3,295 $13,122 ~IS:BO LO C2 'n~ _~ :MN/Wl PlAYGROUND FAX NO. : 763-:)46-50S0 Aug. 23 2007 09: 22AM P2 IlUOTAn_ TO: Clly f1f MenIk:eIlo lOt GoI CoU,.. "-II ModlkMIk!,IIIN IUI2 AIIn' t_ P-'It """ne: 171427' File 21'1-3212 ItnIJIICI: II X 1. ....,wIC""" ::.E 1 _II lJooll SQ11M .....1......... Allcher IOIIe IlIdu.... 24 I p..-lllulll Rill fHW Roof 1r1211Hl'tIDpe ,.......idrfl'alnlecI F.._ AncIaOt _Iftclud.. 1 Column llate Co_ 83OlI.00- "'oe_ Shob' (....-olly _I) 83.110.00 CGtarI IlooI: Bluo Fremo: IlaCk 0pIIaMJ: UN Sl.mpocI EnOl""'" Drnlngo f8OO.oo u_ OtherwtM NOlOd. p~_ _.,. III_II OnlV, They DO NOT lftClude: _Illy. InllldOtian, IdQInQ. Safety Surfocing. ~.I 01 Eldlllllll EqldpIneI1I. SU~ "....-. UndOc8p1111 ar BIWlClIng. IloIr. 23-Aul-07 Quato No. 04 llNwl1lI No. ,ria ...eez.ao I!$nOIOIl ..,882.00 8318,50 '3,1IlIO.00 __bo........."'_""-.._.,._...............--(----~..........,.-.... ........ 0... ..0...1 e-...r....1loW. ~.........,.,......, fIW..___ ..........01....,............. .......J.Ay."... 0... ~fDr__ _.... .............A .........."......kI........... """"._.~ t.lMIM~......aU...............w .,................. ...........-trip. All...... it............1pIOIftc4. AI WMt iI-." 00ftI....... ~.................n........ AAy .......MdMIiaI...1l1Ilnc .,.noeMklN 1o....,..___...__--JOlIwIII-.--........-............-r. AM_..-......_- -*IIIIb. M'GOdOl. 0wwIw i11IOMnV............ ....--..v...... _ Qaad FOlIO DayI ~/lnoIIIi:~~~~~R.O. P..... 8aMd on wI?":. __lllnO WOO- Adjullmonls S1gnedly: _ --~ Harton lehmOn CPSI ~Ily: _T...." "3.18..50 FtelOhI InoIu4ed IIIIIOIlaIIan Inclllded Tu Included Torll '.3, .81.80 WIIh AccIptInOe - T.,lftI of &.II.. Pl'i'"ent II DYe WilI'IIn 30 o. PO Box 27328 . Golden Vafl8y. MN. 5&427 . 763.546.n87' 1.800.622.5425 . Fa 763.546.5050 ._"lnfoOmnwlpIay.COITI . _.mnwtpl8y.com Page 1 ofl http://www.iconshelters.com/CategoryDownloadslSQ20M.jpg 8/22/2007 S. :'1 'L'" Tf) D (-)[) cT"' 11'\T ("'r> ;:\.'" T'A ~. . ,l \,... l \... ,.".1 "l ",..1 .,__.., >.., Cedar Forest Products 1008 South Division Street P. O. Box 98 Polo, Illinois 61064 Phone: (800) 552-9495 Phone: (815) 946-3729 Fax: (815) 946-2479 Quote Customer No.: CEDAR Quote No.: 4648 Quote To: Ship To: MONTICEllO, MN MONTICEllO, MN Date I Ship Via 09/05/07 i Contract Carrier Purchase Order Number ~__ I F.O.B. Ongin Sales Person MATT LILLY Terms 25% DEP, BAL 7 DAYS PRIOR SHIP , Required , 09105107 , Quantity i I I IIam Numoer I Description I Un~ PIice Amount I ~ , I THE LEAD TIME IS TENTATIVELY 12 WEEKS FROM RECEIPT OF APPROVAL DRAWINGS AND COLOR SELECTION 1 LB2020 20'X 20' LOW PITCH BEAM SHELTER W/ LAMINATED COLUMNS 8514.00 8514.00 THE SHINGLES ARE CLASS "A" FIRE RATED. 35 YEAR FIBERGLASS. 30LB FELT AND STYLE-D ROOF EDGE THE ROOF SLOPE IS 3:12, DESIGNED FOR A ~ PSF SNOW LDAD AND 20 PSF WIND LOAD THE LOW PITCH BEAMS ARE KILN DRIED, GLU-LAM SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE THE ROOF DECKING IS #1 2" X 6" SY PINE TONGUE & GROOVE WITH V-GROOVES ON FINISH FACE FASCIA IS 2"XS" S4S 0 & BETTER CEDAR THE COLUMNS ARE GLU-LAM PORT ORFORD CEDAR ALL FASTNERS ARE PROVIDED ABOVE GROUND. WORKING DRAWINGS ARE FURNISHED WITH ORDER PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE UNLOADING, STORAGE OR THE INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS DESIGN, STAMP DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS FOR FOUNDATION ARE NOT INCLUDED FREIGHT ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Quote Expiration Date: 10/05/07 Quote subtotal Freight charges 8514.00 1226.00 9740.00 Quote total Thank You ca Sheet1 ST_CRO IX e-mail stcroixmb@mcleodusa.net REC:REA.TIC>r--.t COM".NY ...cO...O....T.D 225 N. Second Street webslte www.stcroixrec.com Stillwater, MN 55082 (651)430-1247 Fax (651 )430-9231 Quote City of Monticello Date 3/20/2007 Parks Department Contact Project MDF Phone # 763-281-3276 Attn: Tom Fax 763-271-3272 In compliance with your request of September 6, 2007 for a price quotation on park shelter buildings supplied by Litchfield Industries, we provide the following: No. Item No. Descrlntlon Unit Price Extended 1 7919 Custom Laminated Square Shelter, 18', Pressure $ 6,304.00 $ 6,304.00 Treated Pine Columns, Tongue & Groove Roof Decking, w/Flberglass Shingles UPON ORDERING PLEASE PROVIDE SHIP TO AND BILL TO INFORMATION. Sealed Drawings: $550.00 Sealed Calculations: $250.00 Sealed Footings: $200.00 Quotation in effect until October 20, 2007 Sub Total $ 6,304.00 We Quote F.O.B. Monticello, MN Freight $ 950.00 Shipment can be made in 4-6 weeks AFTER drawing approvals! Sales Tax $ 471.51 Terms are Net 30 Days! Installation NIA I I I I I I I I Total $ 7,725.51 Purchase order should be made out ot St. Croix Recreation Co. Inc. Send the order to the above address or fax, thereby authorizing shipment and acceptance of the the terms. Please include Bill To:, Ship To:, and tax exempt # If applicable. By: Mike Basich Page 1 o m -I o =< o m CIl (") ::c 'Ii -I 5 z l:: :!j r ~CT ... ~"< .. .:;,"'("') <1>0 " ::> <1> " oil ;::;iD OVJ ::> - _0 OCT " ~ ~ \, l::::! ~.=.""~. 0-1 l>>" or ij"i" m!':' ~: r:"m ~ I _1<" '""' I 00" "4Fl!f ~ g. ~ iQJ 3 ::l I" 5' ~ !f m ~ .. ~.. 0- lid u> lii!1 " llii " 00 ii >::c u> ....> i6 !1':EC) if <p Z 0 .... --"'''0 6~-< --~;o :EG) cn:C :c-l OmN mO '"Tl-lo .. "" -I ~ m III < (1)-1 " :CO) (1) . <<5" :T .... n:!1 h~ 3 "1J " en ..., g' .a 0" en en VJ =r 5" '" a; en o >~ ;"6 CD . - ::c !1! U> - '" o So ~. ~~ ",en ~ 0" <1> 0 " 3 ""~ 5" o ~ ::c m < iiJ 5 z z o -I !':' o ~ REV REVISION NOTE: DATE \ \ STEEL & HARDWARE SHOP NOTES: 1. All structural steel tubing sholl be ASTM A-Soo Grode B. 2. All other steel (plates, gussets. etc.) sholl be ASTM A-36. All welding is to be done in occordance with lotest AWS standards. All welds ore to develop full strength of component parts. (E7081 Electrodes) 4. bolts to be ASTM A-32S & threaded rod to be ASTM B-7. 5. All obricated steel & structural tubes to be sand blasted to a white condition. ThenS?"ered with an electro-stotically applied corrosion resistant orimer. Then 0 ~wo component. corrosion resistant electro-statically applied, oven cured to 400 degrees coating stem is applied which combines the properties of two high performance systems. (Epoxy & Iyurethane) ROOF MATERIAL: Roof decking shall be x6nom Southern Yellow Pine Tongue and Groove slats. . Optional rool materials; "lch- Top pre-cut metal roof panels. Fiberglass or Cedar Shingles. ERECTION NOTES: All members must be properl braced until the complete structural system has been constructed. '\--- NOTE: A "\ This building has been designed as a free standing, open structure. If walls are to be added, or if the building is adjoin anather structure, or if other modifications are to be made. the tructure must be reengineered prior to these modifications. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFOR ION AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION ~M UTCHFlELD INDUSTRIES, INC. ANDjOR IS NOT TO BE USED IN ANY MANNER D~RIMENTAL TO THE INTEREST OF UTCHFIELD INDUSTRIES, INC. \ N.tC. = NOT IN CONTRACT , '\ , \,\ \ , , DET QTY DESCRIPTION TITLE: Sho Notes MODEL: 18' laminated S uare Shelter ./'--, ~--~ COPYRIGHT 200r, ~ ~ . :'",'T~~::F,~~g, "",,""'10", DRAWN BY:TRW SHEET: 2. " N~, Lit~WIId&.i~!~52 DATE: 9-7~07 OF: " '.\ \ MAT'l \ c m -i ~ c m '" (') :>:J ~ o z s:: ~ r o o r- C s:: z: CJ f"Tl );! r- ~D 15 =l ~~I or- @ \ mf!l ;& II !7o ~ ~2. !~f i! !; Q) -..., g.... ~ 8 ~~.~ i .. ~~i l? ~~f ~ ~ 00 (I) > ;0 :r ;;:I> !!. .. :lE () Ii' z 0 ~ 'P",~ .... -< .- 6 .. -< ....~;:o :lE(j) C/l::C ::c-i m'" Omo "TI-io ....-../ W ~~ ~~ ~.~ ~~ ll!~ ~R;:;< ~""'" ~ ~~~ ""~ ~~ ~~<::) ~~~ ~i~ ~ ';il ~ g-~~n~ <:;-~ g 2 ~~~ ~ ~ ;:,. ~ ~ 2 5l.. ~. '5<- ~ g ;,., ~ ::"i ~.::S' ~ ~ !b Q) 9.::::1 <:) S!. ~ ~ 5l.. (5' ~ \:!. <II :l.. <II "" !S ~ ~~lJl ;:>~~ '\ ~ "'5l..;;:: ~ ~ <:) ~. f.rl ~ ~ ~ g ~ cs ~ ~ ~ ::s ~ ~ S ~ C"'l ~ ~. ;::;:r a . ~ () ~ ~ Cb ~ ~ ~ s.:::; ". "~,,,.... ?l""","",,,<:>5l.. ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. <:>' <II (;;. lJl ~ '" ::J "'"::i ~ ':::0. ~ ~.C'b ::i S l;;)'5'!::) ~ <II '''It ~ m 3.,. <:TO) (I) , II~ CD a I "'9. ",.. :r ~;~ :' ,.: .. . . ~!: .' ~~. : ~ ~ ~~ i.:!~ ~15 .: .~ -.... ... ." : -,"..-:. : ... , . . ":... ..... .' :i; , :~ " , .. ;0 m < :>:J m < Cii o z z o IT! c > -i m ic;1 m -l o :;! o rn (") ;>J '6 -l 5 z I- ;:: l> ;:J b 1 ;::'=1 I~~q>i~ 'ij: .. (i) =; ~a ]llji......i ~ c ~dI'll ..." iL,--y Go) a. ~If Q 3::!! ~g.~ S' Ql ,,~~ a" ~i::J ~ i~~ ~ 00 Cil ~m ~ ~ < 2- ~~8 fi 6"'" CD \l ~-< "'" -l ::0::0 _ ~ Gi w:::c :::c-i omN "T)mg .. :-;l... .j>. L I I ( : >: , / , , I , , I , , I , , \ . . \ i \ ' " I >--~ : '~} \ " ---'"" ......... --- ~ '" l:i '" c;t ~ .::: ~. -------...~~... --- '- , 't(- --' ' -, \ ~ ~n ~g o q -(D nn; o ","" _a8 zn'='= )"'. , , , , \ \ . . \ , , \ ~ , '" I ~ J / , , , , / , / , { ;>J ~ ;>J ~ en 5 z z Sl f1:1 o ~ ACCOUNT NO. 1S;7 OUR ORDER NO. 4 1 :tIt 15 1 7 ::; [', 7 II .. 1. QlC C!iELSi::":f,; HOnD MO!\!T 1 CELL.U r'iN 55::;~~2 SOLD TO: i'<HY-.!TICEL.UJ CiTY or riTll'J: qCCCfUNTS PAYABLE. SQI':i !'~r>ll.NUT :::-:'1 sel I TE i~lCr;jTICElLO MN S:::;3b~>--1 147 6 )( 5 12 TREATED SYP (.60) f2it-'~X i~'1 CONCREtE:' tbOK:j:ES 1-3/4"XII-7/8" 2.oe L.VL 4/18 2X5-20 !l2 ETR SOF 2X6-12 !l2 ETR SPF ROOF TRUSSES 4),'8<15/320SE XT 25 WERTHERWOOD SHINGLE UNDERL.AY 4/SQR ROLL 15# STYL.E D ROOF EDGE 10' WHT GALV 16" Xi"," CTR VENTED WHT SOFFIT F CHANNEL. 12' WHITE E."XI0" WHITE STEEL. FASCH; 4X8 3/8 RGH CElJAP, "sHbp" CUSTOMER COl"Y ESTIMATE r;(,~ v.p '1,/7-09" We reSEiM) tbe. rtghtto perl1lc1: mec:h8nlO'a Ilrm rights whIlreapplicabl6t. r-i<lFW SHL~l,_ r~F; ?63--':?9S-~21~~U SHIP TO; (SAME AS SOLD TO UNLESS SHOWN) 2754 5153it! 3410 58 58 1~E.50 1,024:2 60400 50730 05030 i@5250 052E.0 1.05275 317l!~61/) ~o PER MONTH { % ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE} wlllbe charged 0fI AD Accounts Past Due as a FINANCE CHARGE. Customer wUl be reapol\tub!&for reasonable llttome~ tees_andcourlcoslSinQ)lredl>l'usinltla8W1nlitis nSc/!!lurytorfllerlhiSSC(:OltllllooUrlll1orneyfDr _0 40.0 1,8.0 1.121 14.0 15.0 1. e, 7_, ~~ :'i.0 5,,11) 7.10 11.0 5~'1Zl 4.r.i Qj ESTIMATE NO. *ES;TIMn-rE'~ ESTIMATE DATE 02:: 15P~ 09/l4i2007 3111:E788/EACH , ;2~ 29B/EACH 3. 7839/LFT 1'84'. 1217 9~2flJ 272. 4l, 9. 3095/EACH 5. 7279/EACH 38E..9333/EAcH 7. 987/PC 13. 25E.6/BDL 10. 8326/EACH 3, 0664/EACH i 7" 3594/EACl-;! 5, 9089/EACH 7.8fll23/EACH 15, 631,B/EACH 18.62 22~gi 38'5. 93 111. 82 1'38.85 10.83 21. 46 86. 80 4i.As SJ+~ 6c~ lB2.98 RECBVED THE ABOVEIN GOOOCONOITION x '~ ','.". ~.~ ,I, ,b, , ~ ~~- Frw..SOWICCMC: 18'-0" -,".,lJfl"LvL..".. f, " ~0 , ~~ ~ =~.~ J-"1I61..YL4ClO. ~ '~. I I I I <1 si ;/ I J ." ~, '" '" '" I'I' ~'-'! .-." COtIC.COOl'::!E ~,'l ptTCI- J-il-;;jji"Vt.~"D;o- e~C:~!.~N J...UHBER (6121 2g:~~aw"",. ~~, ~,...."' unH~~~2a --,-' . <" i ......::--. :<1 . I I III' I,II I,I' I,,' , . ,::; 9 orb â–  a •f . �t �a �i 't ♦1 5 LOCATION OF �} PROPOSED NEW 16'X 16' OPEN AIR ' SHELTER_ ti 411 m. City Council Agenda - 09/24/07 SM. Consideration of a reauest for amendment to Section 3-9fEl as related to the re2Ulation of sienaee in the Central Community District. ADDlicant: Monticello Plannine Commission (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission reviewed this item at their regular meeting on September 4th and recommended approval unanimously. The Design Advisory Team met on July lOth in relationship to a sign permit application for the former Stems & Vines location in Monticello. The sign proposed is a projecting sign, which is prohibited in most of the City, with the exception of a small portion of the Central Community District, the "Broadway Downtown District". In reviewing the sign application, the Design Advisory Team requested that the Planning Commission call for a public hearing to strike the "Broadway Downtown District" clause from the ordinance regulating projecting signs. Striking that clause would allow projecting signs in all of the CCD, in addition to other signs allowed by ordinance. Projecting signs are defined by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as "a sign, other than a wall sign. which is affixed to a building and which extends perpendicular from the building wall, including, but not limited to overhanging signs. .. The amendment would not change overall requirements for projecting signs, which are as follows. 3-9[E]-6. Proiectine Siens: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District but aaly ia the "BmRawRY DawHtowa Disffiet" tflereof as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) projecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (f) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. (#334,9113/99) Under the amendment, signage must also meet total square footage requirements (Free- standing, projecting and wall signage), no matter what their combination of signage. 1 City Council Agenda - 09/24/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. I. Motion to approve the amendment of Section 3-9[E] as related to the regulation of signage in the Central Community District. 2. Motion to deny the amendment of Section 3-9[E] as related to the regulation of signage in the Central Community District. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION In staff discussions regarding the proposed sign, there was some idea that signs of this nature should be encouraged, rather thao discouraged in the overall CCD. However, the proliferation of such signs could also present a problem, particularly coupled with other sign allowaoces in the (wall and pylon) CCD. While staff supports the proposed amendment, it would be recommended to look at overall signage as part of future amendments to the sign ordinaoce. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Downtown Revitalization Plao Current Sign Ordinaoce Proposed Amendment Projecting Sign Example 2 organized to create a sense of pieces fitting exactly together. The picture that results in a built downtown is one that is beautiful and one that functions well for the community. Districts Downtown Monticello will always be a mix of uses, ages and patterns, and the plan recognizes a series of districts formed around basic uses and character. Therefore, a building near the river will have a character different from a building near the interstate. A uniform building character across the entire downtown will never be achieved and would likely be undesirable for tenants and the community. Within districts, however, buildings would have a strong relationship to one another and a consistent relationship to the streets of the district. --------- K.., DI.aUl: BlV'Il'WU"IOOff _'AO~O""'Y:llCworTO"''' ~ BP,QltrJW"r !.lSr"NO ~WnT eW"'l.HIJ'I' .@~I/II~ ftIlVlNTHStllU"I' ~T>V.N.mOH.lL D"I!'~"BO"HClOO ~ltIOUll"'I.L ~ ~~."'K."OO';"""''"C~ ~,:., " - _'1,1 ECIYIC:JW.l$'Tf1VTIONOoL 1N'rJq ,. (b) Size Regulations: The address numbers shall not be less than three and one-half (3-1/2) inches in height. (c) Material Regulation: The address numbers shall be metal, plastic, or wood. (d) Color Regulation: The address numbers shall be in a contrasting color to the color of the building/dwelling. (e) Enforcement Regulation: The Building Official or Zoning Administrator or their authorized representative shall: 1. Assign all new building/dwelling address numbers. ii. Approve type of material and color of all building/dwelling address numbers. (#158,9/14/87) 6. Projecting Signs: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District but only in the "Broadway Downtown District" thereof as defmed by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) projecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (f) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. (#334, 9113/99) [F] FEES MTI LICENSE: MON'TICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/62 Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PROJECTING SIGNS, AMENDING SECTION 3- 9 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 3-9 [E] 6 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: Proiectinl!: Sil!:ns: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District em oBly ia the "Breae',yay DO'.'.'fltev/R Diotriet" thereef as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (I) projecting sign maybe erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (f) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. Section 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the _ day of ,2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTEST By: JeffO'NeiIl, City Administrator Planning Commission Agenda- 09/04/07 By: Mayor Clint Herbst 2 , ~ + , (l) "t u: u: .( <:l ~ <:;> cr, ,r ~+- N , N , <S:> N 12" MAX ",""'-. ,...,~. 41" 29" -~~-... r ~,. '<'" I ~~_ I ,.~"'."""""~..~ (IL-JI 1/2"X 10" X 10" ALUM. PLATE, PTD. PMS. 74B5C GREEN (VERIFY) / >- ~L \ \ \ I '- ~L ~ ~. , ,) ~ ~ ~~: '~it , o:>t: ~ , - 5.8404 S.F. o LA'OUT: Die BL0DE SIGN WI EXTERIOR DOWN LIGHTING, QTY: 1 \::I] Council Agenda: 9/24/07 5N. Consideration of canvass of special election results of September 18. 2007. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A special election was held on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 to vote on the following question: Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to construct, purchase, or proceed to acquire a telephone exchange? The results of the election were 1055 votes cast in favor of the question and 354 votes cast against the question, making a total of 1,409 votes cast in the special election. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the attached resolution canvassing the September 18, 2007 election and declaring the results. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution No. 2007-72 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2007-72 RESOLUTION CANVASSING ELECTION AND DECLARING THE RESULTS WHEREAS, the City Administrator has duly presented to the City Council the summary statement of ballots voted in the September 18, 2007 Special Election; and WHEREAS, said statement has been sworn to by the Judges of the Election; and WHEREAS, the total votes cast for the question on the ballot: "Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to construct, purchase, or proceed to acquire a telephone exchange?" are as follows: YES NO 1055 354 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the totals listed above are deemed to be correct, the election is deemed to be valid, and the question on the ballot is declared to have passed. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 24th day of September, 2007. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda - 09124/2007 50. Consideration of reolacement of 1997 Ford Ranl!er 4 x 4 Pickuo for the Construction Insoection Deoartment. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department would like the City Council to consider replacement of the 1997 Ford Ranger 4x4 pickup used in the Construction Inspection Department. Tom Bose was the principal driver of this vehicle for many years. In the summer of 2005 the vehicle was used primarily by our new Construction Observer Karen Ludvigson and Tom Bose switched to the newer Chevrolet S-1O 4x4 pickup for inspections. The Ford Ranger currently has about 81,022 miles on it. A good majority of those miles were spent off road on various construction projects, often in 4-wheel drive. In the past couple of years more and more items seem to be wearing out on the vehicle. Some of the major repairs were removing the engine for replacement of the main seal, replacement of the serpentine built tensioning system for the engine and replacement of the fuel injection pump located inside the fuel tank. A recent inspection by our mechanic, Al Gapinski, showed the front seal on the transmission beginning to leak and that the engine oil pump has failed and the truck is not drivable. It is our mechanic's recommendation that we replace this vehicle rather than repair it. Repairs are estimated to be in excess of $4,000. In preparation for the replacement of the Ford Ranger we budgeted an amount of $17,295 in the Public Works Inspection Fund. The Construction Observers prefer to replace the Ranger with a Chevrolet full-size 4x4 pickup due to the very short box on the small pickups. Consequently, we looked at the state bid for the 2008 Chevy pickup and the delivered price would be $21,300 including tax. As is the custom, we then asked a local dealership if they would be able to match or beat the state bid price on the 2008 vehicle. I am sorry to report that we do not have a lower price from the local dealer. As is the standard policy we will offer the Ranger for sale to the general public by sealed bids with a minimum bid. At this point no dealers want it in trade. We will also disclose the transmission leak and engine problems with the Ranger. We estimate a private party sale value of $1,000. We had originally thought we would get $3,500 - $4,000 for the vehicle but due to the engine failure that is not possible. With the estimated outright sale of the Ranger, the existing $17,295 in the budget and the use of $3,005 from Vehicle Supplies, Operating Supplies, R & M, and Vehicle Repairs, there are adequate funds in the Inspections Department Budget to purchase the new vehicle. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the replacement of the 1997 Ford Ranger with a new pickup purchased from Polar Chevrolet on the State Bid in the amount of $20,000, with an outright sale of the Ranger to the general public to be determined at a later date. 2. The second alternative would be to have the Ranger repaired at this time at an estimated cost of $4,500. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the two Municipal Construction Observers and the Public Works Mechanic that the City Council authorize replacement of the 1997 Ford Ranger with a new Chevrolet Pickup as outlined in altemative #1. For your Council Meeting - 09/24/2006 information, the Chevrolet Picket was lower priced on the State Bid than the comparable Ford Pickup. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the state bid; Pictures of the '97 Ford Ranger. OLAR ,~~~~ 1801 CE. County lJ(/. P, 'Wliite (}Jear La~, ?rfJ'{ 55110 (651) 429-7791 1Phone: 612.750.1275 P~ 651.653.5511 t]'o{[..Pru: 866.299.8188 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Altn: Karen Ludvigson September 18. 2007 Regarding State of MiIUlesota Contract 435598 award, release T -642(5) for pickups Item 2D 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4 extended cab short box pickup; we have itemized below the adjustments we would recommend: Chevrolet Silverado CKI 0753 Delete XM satellite radio Delete OnStarpkg Standard Ext/Titanium int TOTAL 120,228.00 - (160.00) - ( 68.00) N/C 120,000.00 A credit of $60.00 is available, if you decide to pickup your vehicle at the dealership. Should you decide to purchase from Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet, please include with your purchase documents your State Cooperative Purchase Venture membership number. We are proud to point out that this pricing includes General Motors standard powertrain warranty of 5 vears or 100,000 mlles, which ever comes first. There is no deductible on this coverage. Thank you for your consideration. Enclosure David L. Thomas Fleet Sales Manager Specializing in State, county and local municipal sales Council Agenda - 09/24/2007 SP. Consideration of Addin!! Parkin!! Stalls and Switchin!! to Anl!le Parkin!! Adioinin!! the North Side of City Hall. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For some time we have been considering changing the ''head in" parking on the north side of City Hall to angled parking for safety reasons and adding a few more spaces. We have recently completed some additional investigation and find that we can add approximately 5 spaces and switch to angled parking for a relatively low cost. Since it is a relatively small project, most of the work can be done in house. The removal of the curb, grading and adding bituminous and restoration could be done by the Public Works Department. The additional curbing and the relocation of the three spruce trees will be done by others. The three spruce trees will be relocated to the Community Center or City Hall property if at all possible. Next summer additional plantings will occur between the parking lot and the north wall of City Hall. These plantings will be lower and reduce the need to mow between the building and parking area. The estimated out of pocket cost of the parking lot improvement project, contracted materials and labor, and purchased materials is $5,440. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the additional parking and switching to much safer angled parking on the north side of City Hall for an estimated cost of $5,440. 2. The second alternative would be not to make the proposed parking improvements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation consisting of the Community Center Director, City Administrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director as well as numerous users of the parking facility that the City authorize the improvements as outlined in alternative number 1 to be completed as soon as possible. This still allows adequate green space for fiber to enter the north side of the building and gain access to the mechanical room and installation of a vault near the building. There are adequate funds in the Public Parking Lot Budget to cover the cost of the parking lot improvements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed parking improvement plan. 7. Consideration ofVacatinl! a Portion of Fallon Avenue Ril!ht-of-Wav Located Just South of Chelsea Road and authorize associated land exchanl!e to accommodate road realil!nment. (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-031C) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The public hearing for this item was held on August 13, 2007 with no comments received from the public. The Council tabled the vacation action until the City Attorney could research the ownership ofthe underlying property. This review is complete and has verified that the City is the fee owner and can transfer the property to WCG Building Partners LLC. The following is background from the original agenda item: (From Ausrnst 13. 2007 Council meetinf!) The Remmele Addition plat which was prepared to accommodate construction of the Remmele facility located north of Chelsea Road and now housing WSllndustries involved the vacation of Fallon Avenue north of Chelsea Road and a purchase of right-of-way south of Chelsea Road to accommodate a realigmnent of Fallon A venue. While Fallon Avenue was not previously realigned, the right-of-way was put in place to accommodate that work which is now occurring in 2007. This realigmnent will create a 90-degree intersection with Chelsea Road and will be aligned for future connection to the Fallon Avenue overpass once that project is initiated. Realigmnent of Fallon Avenue will create a 9,105 square foot parcel of excess right-of-way located on the west side of the new Fallon Avenue aligmnent. The Chelsea Road project also includes a turn lane from eastbound Chelsea Road to southbound Fallon Avenue which involved the acquisition of right-of-way from the former Clow building which now houses Washburn Computer Group. The City Council previously agreed to trade the excess right-of-way along Fallon A venue for the property along Chelsea Road owned by Washburn Computer Group. This vacation process is necessary to release the right-of-way in advance of the anticipated transfer. The City will be maintaining a drainage and utility easement over the entire excess right-of-way due to the location of gas main and water main in that location. Washburn Computer Group will be allowed to construct parking lot over the drainage and utility easement, however. Upon vacation of the street right-of-way, staff will prepare the necessary documentation to complete the land exchange. It should be noted that the City will be getting 2,793 square feet of right-of-way and the establishment of a perimeter 12 foot easement. Additional right-of-way is not needed on the east side. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Consider vacation of a portion of the Fallon Avenue right-of-way as shown on the attached figure and authorize land exchange necessary to accommodate road realigmnent . F-'da""K'lWrnprocI2007 COWlCIf ~ndtJs'i)...14.07 cc age""",7FallonAwROWl'acaIi0tt..fJ92407doc C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff's recommendation that this area should be vacated with maintaining a drainage and utility easement over the entire area. Following the Council action, staff will prepare the necessary documentation to complete the land exchange. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Right-of-Way Exhibit F;Id~I"'mJproci.1007 COl/llCilAgenda~19-24-07 cc agenda17FaIlOlvl,,,,ROWVaC/Jlian-fJ924fJ7.doc ,=-1F,- cAS - j // I//~ // f;!/ / / / / -&1 Ed (;4 I '--1--'/ :.;: -/1- - --sr- -- - - -- r- -- " FD~I,' F, F' II Ed WSI INDUSTRIES INC. - <~< -, . I I -- 40' I I 2,793 SQ FT TO CITY PROPOSED 12' D&U EASEMENT , --- '- !!!!- ..' I 0". .. lEd { I / I i 'i II G I ) I I I-- lEd r / I II ~ 1 / I - 1 01 I I! 0 ' I I (/.l' I - } ~j I i I I / If II I / I I i I '') I I L- I WCG BUILDING PARTNERS ~ WSB -- 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 o,w,w.wsbeng.com CITY OF MONTICELLO CHELSEA ROAD RECON ROW EXHIBIT WSB Project No. 01627-63 CITY Project No. 2006-31C May 15. 2007 Figure 1 k Associates. Inc. 76J.5414600.FlIll163-541.1100 INFRASTRUCTURE ~ ENGINEERING J PlANNING. CONSTRUCTION K:\Ol621-63\Cad\Pmposed\ROW Elchlbltdw!l. 6{2L/2OO79:25:54 AM City Council - 09/24/07 8. Consideration of discussion on direction for a proposed amendment to the Monticello City Ordinance ree:uIatine: snowmobiline:. (ASrrM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Members of the City Council had previously requested that staff propose a possible amendment prohibiting snowmobiles within the City limits. After a review of the current ordinance, and with input from area business owners, snowmobile clubs, and the Wright County Sheriffs Department, staff is respectfully requesting further direction from the City Council as a whole in the preparation of an amendment to the ordinance. To follow is a brief summary of the current ordinance. The current ordinance prohibits snowmobiles inion the following areas: . Boulevards within the public right-of-way . Private property without consent . School property . Public property, including parks . Sidewalks or pathways . Roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of any city trunk, county state-aid, or county highway . Highway directly abutting a public sidewalk or walkway. . Interstate highway or freeway Additionally, snowmobiles are not allowed to operate on city streets or roadways within the city limits for the purpose of general recreational use. This essentially means that snowmobiling within City limits is allowed only for the purpose of traveling from a residence to trail connections. Snowmobile operation is generally prohibited between the hours of eleven o'clock (11 :00) p.m. and seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. within three hundred feet (300') of a residence. By the current ordinance, snowmobiles are permitted to ride: . On the roadway surface of streets with curb and gutter, or streets without defined ditches, and within the ditch bottoms or backslopes of streets with defined ditches. . Snowmobiles must maintain a speed of 15 m.p.h. or less within the City limits. In summary, the current ordinance is rather restrictive in terms oflocations for snowmobile operation. However, non-compliance and enforcement issues may support the creation of zones that more broadly prohibit snowmobiling, or a complete ban on snowmobiling within the City. Relating to enforcement, the Wright County Sheriffs Department has recommended that the City look at "No Snowmobiling Zones". These zones would prohibit snowmobiling anywhere within the City limits except in designated areas. Recognizing that Monticello has one of the only bridge City Council- 09/24/07 crossings ofthe Mississippi River in the region, this may be an option the Council would like to consider in lieu of a total ban. In this way, the Council can be very restrictive, while still allowing for major connection routes. The Sheriffs Department has indicated that whatever the Council's direction, they are able and willing to provide more frequent snowmobile patrols within the City limits. In terms of local clubs and businesses, the Streets Superintendent has had conversations with these parties on this topic. Many oppose a complete prohibition of snowmobiling within City limits. These entities cite economic factors and the important trail connections (again noting the bridge crossing) through the City. In examining these issues, staff believes that further input from the Council is important prior to proceeding. A formal direction by the Council on this matter will allow staff to prepare one amendment that most accurately reflects Council's direction on this issue, rather than presenting multiple versions of an amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Staff is presenting three options as related to a possible amendment. 1. Motion of no action. (Allowing current ordinance to stand unamended.) 2. Motion to develop an amendment that creates "No Snowmobiling Zones" with direction on zones to be provided by the City Council. 3. Motion to develop an amendment to prohibit snowmobiling City-wide. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Current Ordinance Facts & Figures on Snowmobiling Impact Email regarding Sheriffs Dept. Comments MN Snowmobiling Assoc. - Designated State Trailways Map (Monticello Area) Monticello Routing (2006/2007 Winter Season) Exhibit E: SECTION: 6.5.1: 6.5-2: 6.5-3: 6.5-4: 6.5-5: 6.5.6: 6-5.7: 6-5.8: 6.5.1: CHAPTER 5 SNOWMOBILES Definitions Restrictions Prohibited Areas Age Restriction Uncontrolled Intersections Equipment Compliance Violation DEFINITIONS: (A) Snowmobiles: As used in this ordinance, a snowmobile is defined to mean a self.propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice or a natural terrain steered by wheels, skis, or runners. (B) Commissioner: As used in this ordinance, Commissioner means the Commissioner of Department of Natural Resources, State of Minnesota. (C) Person: As used in this ordinance, person includes an individual, partnership, corporation, the state and its agencies and subdivisions, and any body of persons, whether incorporated or not. (D) Owner: As used in this ordinance, owner means a person other than a lien holder having the property in or title to snowmobile, entitled to use, or possession thereof. (E) Ooerate: As used in this ordinance, operate means to ride in or on and physically or constructively control the operation of a snowmobile. (F) Ooerator: As used in this ordinance, operator means every person who operates or is in actual physical or constructive control of a snowmobile. (G) Roadway, As used in this ordinance, roadway means that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, including the shoulder. (H) Street or Highwav: As used in this ordinance, street or highway means the MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIlChapt 5/Page 1 entire width between boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic. (I) Ri!!ht-of-Wav: As used in this ordinance, right-of-way means the entire strip of land traversed by a highway or street in which the public owns the fee or an easement for roadway purposes. (1) Safety or Deadman Throttle: As used in this ordinance, safety or deadman throttle is defined as a device which, when pressure is removed from the engine accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving track. (K) Lake: Meandered lakes which are under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, State of Minnesota. 6-5-2: RESTRICTIONS: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: (A) Between the hours of eleven o'clock (11 :00) p.m. and seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. within three hundred feet (300') of a residence, except that on Friday and Saturday nights and evenings preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's the hours shall be one o'clock (1 :00) a.m. to seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. (B) At anyplace while under the influence of intoxicating (a) liquor, (b) narcotics, or (c) habit-forming drugs. (C) Snowmobile ODeration SDeed Limit: At a rate of speed greater than reasonable, prudent, or proper under all the surrounding circumstances, but in no case exceeding 15 mph. (#233, 11/23/92) (D) At any place in a careless, reckless, or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property or to cause injury or damage thereto. (E) It is unlawful to intentionally drive, chase, run over, or kill any animal, wild or domestic, with a snowmobile. (F) On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. (#285, 1/13/97) (G) All Dublic DrODertv. including city Darks. is closed to snowmobiling unless soecificallv designated bv the City Council. Anv area so designated shall be oublished in the official newsoaDer of the City in a consj:licuous olace after such aooroval. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 5/Page 2 (H) Snowmobiles shall obey all city and state traffic laws when operating vehicles on city streets. 6-5-3: PROHIBITED AREAS: It shall be unlawful to operate snowmobiles in the following areas: No person shall operate a snowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of any city trunk, county state-aid, or county highway in this city and, in the case of a divided trunk or county highway, on the right-of-way between the opposing lanes of traffic, except as provided in this ordinance, nor shall operation on any such highway be permitted where the roadway directly abuts a public sidewalk or walkway. No person shall operate a snowmobile on other city streets or roadways within the city limits for the purpose of general recreational use, except as a direct route for access to and from the operator's residence for the purpose of entering or leaving the city. When permitted by this ordinance, all snowmobiles shall be operated only on the roadway surface of streets with curb and gutter, or streets without defmed ditches, and within the ditch bottoms or backslopes of streets with defmed ditches. Operation of snowmobiles on or across private property is prohibited without express permission of the owner. No person shall operate a snowmobile within the right-of-way of any trunk city, county state-aid, or county highway between the hours of one-half (1/2) hour after sunset to one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise, except on the right-hand side of such right-of-way and in the same direction as the highway traffic on the nearest land of the roadway adjacent thereto. No snowmobile shall be operated at any time within the right-of-way of any interstate highway or freeway within this city. The provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of emergency when any street is impassible by other motor vehicles. 6-5-4: AGE RESTRICTION: Notwithstanding anything in this ordinance to the contrary, no person under fourteen (14) years of age shall operate a snowmobile on city streets or make a direct crossing of a city street, trunk county state-aid, or county highway as the operator of a snowmobile. A person fourteen (14) years of age or older but less than eighteen (18) years of age may operate a snowmobile on streets as provided by this ordinance and may make a direct crossing of a city street, trunk county state-aid, or county highway only ifhe has in his immediate possession a valid snowmobile safety certificate issued by the Commissioner. 6-5-5: UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS: No snowmobile shall enter any uncontrolled intersection without making a complete stop. The operator shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle or pedestrian at the intersection or so close to the intersection so as to constitute an immediate hazard. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 5/Page 3 6-5-6: EQUIPMENT: All snowmobiles shall have the following equipment: (A) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and in constant operation, and which reduce the noise of operation of the motor to the minimum necessa1Y for operation. Mufflers shall comply with Regulations CONS 55, which is hereby adopted by reference as it existed on September I, 1970. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass, straight pipe, or similar device on a snowmobile motor, and the exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp popping or crackling sound. (B) Brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold the snowmobile under any conditions of operation. (C) A safety or so-called "deadman" throttle in operating condition so that when pressure is removed from the accelerator or throttle, the motor is disengaged from the driving track. (D) At least one clear lamp attached to the front with sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. Such head lamp shall be so aimed that glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of an oncoming vehicle operator. It shall also be equipped with at least one red tail lamp having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the rear during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. The equipment to be in operating condition when the vehicle is operated between the hours of one-half (112) hour after sunset to one-half (112) hour before sunrise or at time of reduced visibility. (E) Reflective material at least sixteen (16) square inches on each side, forward of the handlebars, so as to reflect a beam oflight at a ninety (90) degree angle. 6-5-7: COMPLIANCE: It is unlawful for the owner of a snowmobile to permit the snowmobile to be operated contrRl)' to the provisions of this ordinance. 6-5-8: VIOLATION: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty ofa misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#160, 1111/88), (#358, 118/01) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 5/Page 4 SNOWMOBILING FACTS & FIGURES 278,886 20,385 900 $4,000 $8,269 $70,000 $245,000,000 $56,000,000 41 65% 35% Registered snowmobiles in Minnesota Miles of Minnesota snowmobile trail Average number of snowmobile miles traveled per year, per sled Average spending as related to snowmobiling per year, per sled Average price of individual snowmobile Average household income of registered riders Estimated gross wages as related to snowmobiling industry State and local tax revenues resulting from snowmobiling Average age of snowmobiler Percentage of riders who trailer their snowmobile to riding area Percentage of riders driving snowmobile to riding area Page 1 of 1 From: Bruce Westby Sent: Wednesday, August 15,20079:55 AM To: Angela Schumann; John Simola; Tom Moores Cc: Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: Snowmobile Ordinance All: At our last Police Commission meeting we discussed the comments pertaining to snowmobiling within City limits made at the June 11 th Council meeting by the resident at 515 Maple Street, the Mayor and Council member Stumpf. Below is a summary of our discussion and the Police Commission's recommendations: Lt. Dan Anselment with the Wright County Sheriffs Department (WCSD) stated that Otsego has a very strong snowmobiling ordinance, and that they have "No Snowmobiling Zones" designated throughout the City which seem to work very well at limiting complaints. Lt. Anselment requested that we do NOT ban all snowmobiling within City limits as discussed by Council just because of a few bad apples. t;m:.$la.ted lh!'ir!'i W!'ire a total of 17 snowmobiling related complaints in Monticello the winter before last, an(i only 6 all of last winter. This indicates to him that there really isn't much of a problem here. Lt. Anselment also mentioned that the WCSD works with local snowmobiling clubs to set the designated snowmobiling routes through the City. The Police Commission recommended that an article be placed in the City Newsletter this October to educate residents on our snowmobiling ordinance, which I was planning on writing soon.;,'J;beCornmission also recommet'!deq.lhat no restrictions be added to our current snpwmobiling ordinance, and they requested that I pass this recommendation along to the City Council when this issue came before them. .. With this in mind I would like to request that I be allowed to attend your meeting so I know how to address the Police Commission's recommendations. Thank, Bruce t. R a 5; utL- - --- Gilt Iman = ,3 - Holdingfort Rock a7 .�, Foreston Lake, t / 211 St. ;10 7 5 r13' 71 ..^.. Melrose Anthony St. Stephe0 3 \ $� 39 s. /zs� 9`— ® Freeport �- 23 - ; • /�O Ronneby ;, 3094AlbanyFoley New 211 Sartell 70�s5r, - 23 Munich ,o. Avon ?- �• "' u 25 a, D9 ,- <; 15 Sauk i Bd 2, Rapids 25 95a r� St. Jos h St. Cl d -in23 7:51 209 illlg Si. Martin -23 Wait • l `3• 59 �) 7d J U 12 'J Brf lulu Boyd ;ZG4 5 �; -"` lake Lake Lake 2, 9' Cold Rockville(( r 21 '° S6 �, 9 II ' 2111 Henry � �'.;a:• Richmond S ring 23 " ' - D Lake 5 Clear 25 BlLakeud Ros ( 9 OLake 1 z1 za -0 Sant Dune Paynesville 123" Clearwater Stmt 2z eldei (i1 Fore! \ Eagle 161 61 Rice Lake 7) ` Becker lake 2i •• z3 �J G sd1 25 "s1 Lake 4 e ,.� Koronis Eden f" 1 = r I (• dpJ 15 (55)/ I _ , =1 �, ,Locke Mitchell • 20 55 J : j ".. - J J a) ke 94 Lake [) 162 -f i -,� 0 lake Maria 2 55 l 24 State Park 2ii9 L X30: i 62 " Kimball C2' 0 ai�ke r J G L �+ lt,l 107 outh 55 n Monticello HdVen �� ,i` age Benle rum u l3 a; 0 16e 2 U 219 Cedar Lake 25 219 10 Annandale Lake 1z .19 8 a r`,) J cau 51 "✓ i .i6i 24 1513� 219 Lake 128 I U Maple La a 55 stanc Pelican 22 , 27 $ $ a1 t2)Lake ke si 1J•, ® I Upper Maple `-J FORK `6) Lake Pulaski i gto Lake rove City 24 I NORTH �J U (1)Lake '�) Beebee 162 12 L + Abbie Buffal 219 Lake Lake Buffalo Green ,tt ('; 5 VER 219 2 rJt, Lake Mountain Wagner ter ' Lake Charlotte itchfield(Laki Lake 92 25 Dean Lake 55 12 D 21914` 'y �Cford Malardi FORK " Warl v Lake 12 72 12 21 9 Rebecca 22t�5n4 Lake C2) 16; Howard Fountain 0 IL Lake CLak Robina zz 25 ke 0. i ' 219 3° 219 _ -� Delano i16! I (lj 31 �5� `J .J J r_17) J 12 V9i C20 —"'; C?�J , r3 � n �.a�) lJ �' i r9 lli�JrJrl•� p�,6 11-1 O� v i [is s r! =' i J r Cosmos of 7 j •;20! 51 1r`_�: 1 _�'_ .20 A Cedar �9 I i` 1561232 ?! Winsted 6 24) Lake 64 Mills i - 64 fJ I `-°'225 - ;` r „ �'? (z,; s �x Mud -/ T.. _ . .. 22 �2; SIIV Lake Lake Lake _. Langdo e 64 Hutchin , 225 S . B ifaciusdb _ , 1 C5� 242 Ma er 25 Goose 2-a Lake Pa v a ze a, a: sd ., New erman Lake Lak 2 Auburn ` I is 9, Y Waconia burnk 15 j 11 11' i0 !111 /1� ..;: �3:2. ,Patierson PRersons I `9 Biscay :21 I dLake Lake r 5 Waconias es t f3 4 r : Eatake .� Hylake io•. \. I •23 :15: k 8 _ l3 3d� Rice 51 Miller er Piato _.l Lake 22 Buffalozs I 3. 212 ,2 Hector , 72 Lake 20 \ Gle e ; 2 ,? �_ 25 Norwoo Young 43 -r" 12 . America ^ B Stewart Brownton HAburg L Ye 'i6: d 150; .7:iii 15: •'d,. _. 13j New I: I Green-) ~ v'"',";'( ",,"':"" //1'.. .. .: ....' ~. ..../.,.' ~CJk' . I I I I DOND~C~ ~ , I " U 8~ Cen Z::c -fm o(::lJ -fCD ~ ~ -Z r-m en ~~ en z Oc ~m ' 3: en " 0- .-- .._~.~ r-;a> m... :::am o c c ... m " [,',x, -. . K. ::q ... ~ . - n - ~ o "1'1 i: o z .... - n m r" r" o Council Agenda: 9/24/07 9. Consideration of Makin!! Interim Appointment to Housin!! and Redevlopment Authoritv A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know some months ago Darin Lahr and Steve Andrews resigned from the HRA. Darin resigned due to the demands of a new job and Steve Andrews moved to Big Lake Township. These positions were not filled pending completion of discussions relating to possible consolidation of the EDA and HRA. This September, Brad Barger also resigned which results in the need to appoint a citizen to the HRA so that a quorum can be established for the purpose of assigning authority to the new EDA in the event of consolidation. If consolidation does not occur the appointee could continue as a member of the HRA or be a candidate for membership if Council elects not to consolidate. Bill Fair and Dan Frie are the remaining members of the HRA. Council is asked to consider contacts residing in Monticello that would be willing to service on the HRA for a short time. Please come to the meeting with ideas on who Council might want to ask to serve. If you have a candidate or two in mind please let us know and Ollie or I will make contact prior to the meeting if possible. Staff will also be seeking contacts in the community that may wish to serve. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint to membership on the HRA contingent on hislher acceptance ofthe appointment. 2. As an alternative Council may wish to direct staff to make contacts with various potential candidates with the appointment to occur at a future meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative one or two. Council Agenda: 9/24/07 10. Consideration to review a report on the Groveland buffer yard and to consider authorization ofthe fundID!! prOl!ram for the Groveland buffer yard DlantID!!. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider authorizing the use of funds held in escrow for the purpose of installation of Groveland buffer yard plantings. This report summarizes the funding plan for the installation and also serves as an update on the progress of the installation effort of the entire buffer yard area. River City Lanes has completed the buffer yard plantings as required by their project approval. In relationship to the plantings, the bowling alley has provided 70 plant units for every 100 feet. They are exceeding their required 50% buffer yard, or 60 plant units. The City Engineer and Community Development Coordinator have inspected the plantings in place on the bowling alley site. Although some spacing is a bit off from the approved plan (some trees are a few feet closer together and some are spaced a few feet wider apart), they have provided the required number and size of plantings. As for the Groveland side of the buffer, the City is proposing to plant a mix of Colorado Blue Spruce and Black Hills Spruce every 20 feet. This would result in a buffer yard calculation of 75 plant units for every 100 feet. The City's plantings will be off-set from the bowling alley's landscaping. As such, the homeowner should have a relatively consistent 6 foot landscaping screen. In total, the buffer yard will have 145 plant units for every 100 feet, exceeding the buffer yard standards for the commercial to low-density conflict of 120 units per 100 feet. Evergreens are required to be planted at 6 feet tall. River City Lanes' plantings meet that requirement, as would those proposed by the City. While the screen created will not be immediately opaque, within 10-15 years the trees will grow to over 20' in height and approximately 25' in diameter each, providing a virtually opaque screen. An image of the Monticello Public Works facility buffer is provided as a reference for what the Groveland tree line will look like at maturity. The proposed plan illustrates that the City would be extending the buffer yard to the end of the bowling alley's property, which includes the undeveloped lot to the east of the bowling alley parcel. It is staff's recommendation to complete the buffer yard for both parcels at one time to save time and cost. The Public Works Director, City Engineer and Community Development Coordinator have approached the homeowners along the property line affected to discuss the planting opportunity and discuss interest. The City has staked the locations of the potential plantings and will ask homeowners to sign a right of entry to allow the plantings, or a waiver ifthe homeowner chooses to forego the planting. River City Lanes has indicated that they will allow a right of entry for the planting in order to minimize impact to the homeowner's property during planting. In terms of funding, when the Groveland project was developed, the City authorized planting of the 50% required buffer yard in conjunction with development on the south side. As such, Council Agenda: 9/24/07 the City required a $4,200 escrow from the developer toward that future planting. Those funds are still held in escrow, along with $1,000 from the developer for sub-standard plantings on the Groveland site by homeowners. The City has acquired estimates on planting 65-70 trees on the Groveland side (based on a 20' spacing). The estimated cost will be $13,500 (including planting). Payment ofthe balance after application of the $5,200 of Groveland escrow funds requires Council approval. City staff would recommend that the balance be paid from the $64,980.00 escrow for tree replacement throughout the community. These funds were supplied by Shadow Creek Corporation for remedy of tree loss at Carlisle Village. As Council may recall, Shadow Creek is required to complete on-site replacement for tree loss, as well as provide a cash remedy for the same loss. In summary, staff is asking Council to approve the use of $8,300 from this escrow. If approved, the plantings would take place within the next week. The report above is consistent with green sheet updates previously provided. I would like to compliment staff including Bruce Westby and Angela Schumann for coordinating this somewhat complicated and time consuming effort. We have learned from this experience that it is better to have the developer plant the trees at the early stage of development before homes are built, despite the potential that some trees might die due to lack of care while the development is building out. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize use of$8,300 from tree planting escrow to fund Groveland buffer yard plantings. 2. Motion to deny use of tree planting escrow to fund Groveland buffer yard plantings. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1 above. There are no other alternative recommendations offered. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Planting illustration, Groveland Buffer Yard - Public Works Financial report - Escrow deposits >- - .... ('t> i3 a ('t> I::D - ~~ "01>\" a ::r: ~ :=.: ~. - s on po (/.l ...."0 Q.a '< (') o,(t Y'n --.10 00' -3;;1 @ 0- ('t> 0 on I::D 8" ('t> (/.l "0 a (') ('t> ~ "1 Q -< ~ = == Q. 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COI.l"lU"lCOcooooooooooo r--a:;,OCl'i:!''i:!'\'c\O\O\,C\,C\O\D\O\O\O !""'l,....;rlOO,....;..-t..-t..-t..-tr-l..-lr-lr-l...-l "" I I , I , I "1" r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r-- 000000000000000 OO\O'\OOLtllJ'llJ'lU"lltlU"lLl'lU"lU"lL11 NNNMl""lOOOOOOOOOO \OI.O\OI.OI.Or--r--r--r--t;-t'"-r--r--r--r-- 000000000000000 I J '1 I I I I' ,', I I '1 O::~O::I"'J~>>>>>>>>>> Council Agenda - 09/24/2007 11. Consideration of action rel!:ardinl!: the proposed New Public Works Facility. City Proiect #2006-14C. resultinl!: from the earlier workshop. (I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It is assumed that from the review of the Public Works Facility Study and the discussions at the workshop that the City Council will wish to move forward with planning for the project. It would appear that the three major concerns are financing, location and timing, as well as re-use or sale of the old Public Works Facility and land. City staff has already been investigating land on the west central portion of our community. We will share the results of that investigation with the Council at the workshop. The most logical alternative to come from the workshop would be direction from the City Council to begin preparing a financing plan, to continue our site search and investigation with the assistance of Kodet in evaluating such sites and their suitability for the Public Works Facility. Once those two items are worked out, the timing plan should follow. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to direct Tom Kelly in the Finance Department to prepare a financing plan for the Public Works Facility and to direct staff to continue site search and investigation with the assistance of Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. This alternative would also include some additional investigative work for re-use of the Public Works Facility as a fire hall or other use that would fit in with the nearby residential properties. 2. The second alternative would be to proceed as directed by the Council 3. The third alternative would be to not proceed forward with the project at this time in any way. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I believe it is the recommendation of our Public Works Facility Building Committee that the City Council continue moving forward with the project as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. The Public Works Needs Facility and Workshop will serve as the supporting data for this agenda item. '" '" 0" C >:'" tJ ro "''' C<~ , , " ;0 '0 '"' 0 00 ;; ~ 0 .... C<trH """ H ro" .o~ ........ , n- '" 00 roro C< Gl IV" ",n- IV IV OJ ;0 "' 00 "'H 00 , 0 ro 3~ e ~c 00 H C >-' ~n _hJ tJ " ro cJ ron- , , n "' H ..... 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