EDA Minutes 01-30-2001 . . . EDA Minutes - 1/30/01 MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVF:LOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, .January 30, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room Members Present: Chair Bill Demeules, Roger Carlson, and Ron IIogIund Absent: Staff: Guests: Barb Schwientek, Ken Maus, Clint 1-1erbst and Darrin I,ahr I':xecutive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer. Kevin Heaton. property owner of 113 West Broadvvay. PaIn CalnpbclL OAT Chair I. ('all to Order. 4. Chair Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm and declared no quorum. It was decided to discuss item 4 on the agenda as both Kevin llcaton and Pam Campbell were present and the f()llowing is a summary of the discussion. Consideration to review /'(lr approval/disapproval the second DMRF application for 113 West Broadway. Ollie Koropchak. Executive Director, reminded the members that at the August 29. :::2000 L.DA meeting. the comlnissioners approved DMRF No, 110 for the property located at ] ] 3 West Broadway after much discussion relative to the three plans approved by the DA T and the three bids presented by Kevin Heaton. Approved DMRF No. 110 was /'()l' up to 50% of the rehabilitation costs, not to exceed $ I 1.000. /'()r the front facade and signage, The one timc exception to the DMRF Guidelines was due to unusual circumstances: length of linear front footage. prominent location (heart of town). and extre1l1e per square footage rehabilitation costs. Koropchak also provided the DAT minutes l'()r review. Alter the approvals by DAl and EDA, Ileaton elected not to move forward with the brick /~lcade options and proceeded with a front facade treatment of stucco. retaining the cornice and installing a canvas awning. Prior to applying the stucco. Mr. Heaton informed the I1uilding Ot'ncial and 1:1)A Ortice of his change in plans and the DAT Chair was notifIed. Mr. Ilcaton inquired if the awning would qualify /'()r funding, he was advised to re-apply with the knowledge of no promises, The mvning was included with the three (brick l~lCade) plans and bids approved by the DA T and EDA. LDA Minutes - 1/30/0 I . On January 2. 2001 Dk!' was requested to review the design of the awning associated with the second funding application. DAT did not accept the application as the request came after the installation of the awning. The DAT minutes and review were provided. It was thc OrJice of the EDA that suggested Mr. Heaton submit a new application for funding. It appears that the first approved Okr plans include mvnings with either of the brick tilcade options. In review of the approval I'tJr the design and funding of DMRF No. 107, it appears a previous application sublnitted by Mr. Steve Johnson rcceived approval for design and funding for the awning on the MCP office at the time the stucco vvas applied. Thc DAT review noted stucco would not be reeollllllended if this were a restoration. but 1'01' rehabilitation purposes it wasjust fine. However. Mr. Johnson vvas never reilllbursed because he did not complete the cornice treatment as approved. Two points of consistency: First. OMRF No. 110 or 107 did not reeeivc reimbursement because they did not complete the projects as approved for design. Secondly. application NO.1 07 and 112 both request funding Itlr an mvning only with a new stucco bcade. . Again. January 2 OAT motion .. application not accepted as request aftcr completion or the installation of the awning'" Mr. Heaton stopped by the OrJice of the EDA on Octobcr 17 or November I. 2000 relative to his change in plans. DAT and Bob Claybaugh were hClth notilied It)!" input and to encourage the brick facade as well as city stafr. The building permit f(lr the stucco was issued October 23.2000. and the permit ttlr the awning vvas mailed December 21.2000. Thc DMRF application is dated December 27.2000. It is unclear as to the commencement or completion date of the installation of the avvning. Certainly every eftt)rt was made by the city staff and OAT to encourage a brick facade treatment. Mr. Ilcaton addressed his reasons Itlr the change in hlCade treatlnent. Skip Sorenson, a new member of OA T and local architect. is researching other conHnunity design guidelines. It is his view if the design guidelines are only enlt)reeable by those wanting EDA funding. the design guidelines have no teeth and the objectives of the downtown revitalization Jilcade program will not be met. Mr. Ileaton inquired if the reason DAT did not accept his application was becausc he had stuccoed or ifit was the lilct that the application was submitted after he had installed the avvnings. Pam stated that DAT was under the impression that Mr. Heaton was not going to come back to them Itlr funding since he was not putting brick on the building as he had first intcnded and what DAT had approved. Pam noted that stucco was not recommended. Ileaton asked if DA T would have turned them down for funding of thc avvnings had he cOllle back to DAT with plans tl)r stucco and awnings. Pam explained again that DAT' . ') . . . LDA M illutcs ~ 1/30/0 I would not have approved the stucco of the building and could not state f(Jr sure whether D^T would have approved or not. Chair Demeules advised that the ED^ needs to be consistent as in the case of Steve Johnson's application. l!c also felt that DAUL~D^ would not have approved a plan involving stucco and feels that we need to remain consistent. fleaton advised the reason he went with stucco eXplaining that the building had previously been ravaged by fire and alter he contacted someone who does masonry. they f(Jund that the bricks did not match up, the upper right hand corner of building was in poor condition and would have to be replaeecL and it was also discovered thM whoever did the original brick work put the windows in after bricking which meant that if Heaton vvould be redoing the brick, he would have to replace the windows as \vell as he was advised that the original glass would break i I' removed. Mr. Heaton also advised that this company would not take on this project. I !caton advised that the brick work was approxirnately $20,000 to $25,000 and $10,000 for new glass. He stated that he could not justify putting that kind of money into this building. He also stated that the steel beam across the li'ont of the building was severely bowed and would have to be replaced if brick vvork was going to be done. There was no action taken. 5. Consideration to review CiMEF No. 0]4 relative to late payments for action to call loan. The melnbers discussed this item and stated they would like to look at modifying the guidelines to either add a percentage or a /lat rate fl.)!' late payments. They did discuss that perhaps that would not include this itern but that it would be for future loans. ^s you recall, GMEF Loan No. 0]4 with T..I. Martin (Lake Tool, Inc.) has been a topic of discussion at previous ED^ meetings. The loan payments consistently appear to be late. Lelters dating November 2000 and August 2. ] 999 and nllll1eroUS telephone calls relative to late payments have been rnade. T'he company eventually pays but not on a timely basis. EDA loans have no penalty for late payments. Koropchak provided copies of the payment status for flO 14 noting their late payments. The ClMEF Ciuidelines read: LAIE PA YMI.:NT POLICY: Failure to pay principal and interest when due nHly result in the loan being immediately called. Events of del~llIlt under the Loan Agree111enl: (a) bilure to pay when due any principal or interest on the Loan. Koropehak stated that this information appears on the agenda Ill!" two reasons: Notice to " -) . . . EDA M inutcs - 1/30/0 I LDA lnemher and consideration 01' action. She also advised of sonle options the LDA could consider. 6. Lxecutive Director's Report. Koropchak provided the FDA with updates regarding GML.:F No. 010 (Vector Tool). modifications to the Loan Agreement and other documents \vhich were dralted and executed by appropriate individuals at the closings on November 29.2000. Appropriate filings at the Secretary of State and Wright County have been recorded and originals returned: GMEF No. 017 (Twin City Die Castings). UCC not filed as all equiplnent has not arrived or been paid for: !-:DA Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 24. 2001, Koropchak attached a copy of minutes li'om a budget workshop of the city council on November 16.2000 noting some discussion relative to the EDA funds. Alter the year-end report. the LDA may give some consideration to begin payhack for Liquor Funds. Secondly. relative to the DMRF - I will research a few parcels which received DMRFs for a comparison of increased market value over the years to see if the FDA investment is paying 01T: Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. - The Prospect Team visited this Rogers company. They arc an auto catalyst rdiner with 3 FT and 2 PT ell1ployees. The ovvner, Steve Budd. purchased Kermit Benson's home. IIe's looking to perhaps build a 10.000 sq It metal building on a 2~acre parcel along Fallon A venue. lie would add 3-4 FT workers \\ithin 2 years. Wages between $35.000 to $50.000 annually \v/o benctits: Barger/llarwood - Looking to construct another 15.000 sq ft: metal building behind Vector Tool. This resulted alter C. II. Ilolt Company called my onice for the need for another 5.000 sq nand 13&13 Metal Stamping's need for additional space. Space may also accommodate a St. Cloud and Big Lake company: Red Wing Foods - Met with Charlie Pfeffer. COlnpany, stafr. and huilder relative to construction of a 50.000 sq ft: precast building on 6 acres orland to the west of Twin City Die Castings. Red Wing Foods would take 20.000 sq n and the remaining for lease. Red Wing Foods is a packager and distributor of gourmet fl)ods with contacts to Byerly's. Lund's. Target. etc: North Anchor - Still \vorking on acquisition of parcels along Front Strcet and working on concepts for Amoco I1l0ck. Slow going. There arc concepts and lIRA is working with Barry Fluth and Brad Johnson: !-:conomic Development Goals for 200 I - There has been some suggestion to think about the City of Monticello combining the powers oCthe liRA or FDA. Simplicity and consistency. Give some thought to this fl.)!' discussion at the annuallneeting. Secondly. looking to host a Lenders Breakfast with I-IRA/EDA again this year. Thirdly. looking at the MTED cornmunity assessment f(Jr level of readiness for E-commerce. Ron Iloglund added getting more industries into town as another goal. Delneules also discussed that at one time LDA had talked about putting up a building that would be ready fl.)!" a business to move into and was that still a goal. and they believed it was something they would like 4 . . . LLM Minutes - 1/30/0 I to look at again: DMRF No. 111 1 lamond - Following the ED^ motion ot'Novemher 8. I mailed Mr. I lalnond Attachment [) for signature and confirmation. It was never returned and the lender, Mr. Doty. has heard nothing from him. x. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at ~L25 p.m. 5