City Council Minutes 09-12-2007 Budget Workshop Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - BUDGET WORKSHOP Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the workshop was to set the preliminary budget and tax levy for 2008. 2. Preliminary budl!:et and tax levv. Finance Director, Tom Kelly, submitted additional financial data for the preliminary 2008 budget. The original preliminary 2008 levy amount of $8,473,046 represented an increase of $1,973,046 or 30% over the 2007 levy. At a previous budget meeting staff was directed to come back with budget figures based on a levy of $7,800,000 or a 20% levy increase. Staff had taken the original levy amount of $8,473,046 and had made adjustments reducing the proposed levy to $8,077,034. The adjustments included cuts in department budgets of $187,712 and a decrease in the debt levy of$208,300 making for a revised levy total of $8,077,034. Brian Stumpf questioned the 2% state fire aid being shown as going to the Fire Department. The state aid funds go entirely to the Firemen's Relief Association for their pension and cannot be used for anything else. Brian Stumpf said it was misleading to show these funds going to the Fire Department. The Finance Department will look at an alternate way of showing this information. Brian Stumpf asked what was the maximum amount the levy could increase before a Truth in Taxation Hearing is required. A levy increase of more than 5% would require a Truth in Taxation Hearing. Staff indicated that a levy of$7,800,000 would require utilizing some reserve funds. Tom Perrault asked how the $250,000 transfer from the liquor store reserves to the MCC was handled. Tom Kelly said by putting the $250,000 as an expense item in the MCC budget, you are showing what you truly need to levy for the MCC. Clint Herbst said going with a levy of$7,500,000 is still a million dollars over last year and he didn't feel comfortable with going much higher than that. Brian Stumpf questioned whether going to only $7,500,000 this year could hurt the City down the road. It was noted that there was nothing in the budget for the improvements to the wastewater treatment plant and other projects the City had been considering. Going with a $7,500,000 levy means there would have to be $300,000 in additional cuts unless the City funds the $300,000 through the use of reserves. Tom Perrault asked about the $1,700,000 in liquor store reserves. Clint Herbst said would be likely that those reserves would be used for the Public Works facility. There was some discussion whether any of those funds would be used for a second liquor store site but the 1 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 general feeling of the Council was that a second liquor store was no longer a serious consideration. It was noted that a levy of $7,500,000 would be a 15% increase over the 2007 levy. Clint Herbst felt that with a levy of anything under $7,800,000 there wouldn't be much in the way of additional budget cuts so the differences would have to be made up using reserves. Clint Herbst said he would prefer to increase the levy at a slower pace. He asked if it would hurt to take $500,000 in reserves this year to fund the budget and then next year increase the budget by 10% instead of the proposed 3%. In talking about the impact of the levy increase, Clint Herbst felt the increase would have a far greater impact on the smaller businesses than it would on the big box stores like Target. Brian Stumpf felt the preliminary levy should be set $8,000,000 and if it is necessary it could be cut back to $7,800,000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $8,000,000. MOTION FAILED DUE TO A LACK OF A SECOND. It was noted that at $8,000,000 the City would still need to dip into reserves. Clint Herbst stated his belief that a budget of $7,500,000 with the use of more reserves was the better way to go. Tom Perrault did not feel there should be a double digit increase in the levy and felt more should be taken out of the liquor store reserve fund. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $7,800,000. MOTION FAILED TO A LACK OF A SECOND. Tom Kelly was asked for his comments on a $7,500,000 levy. He indicated that this could be done but it would take a large chunk of the liquor reserve funds. Tom Kelly said the City should have enough reserves so if there was a natural disaster, the City could continue to function. He added that use of the reserves over an extended period of time (3-5 years) could affect the City's bond rating. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2008 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY AT $7,600,000. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE DID NOT FEEL THE LEVY AMOUNT WAS SUFFICIENT TO FUND THE CITY'S NEEDS. Council felt there should be no additional budget cuts and directed staff to inform the Council what reserve funds would be used to make up the $200,000 difference. 2. Truth in Taxation Hearinl!: Date. Dates for conducting the Truth in Taxation Hearing were discussed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,2007 AT 5 P.M. WITH CONTINUATION DATE OF DECEMBER 10,2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 9/12/007 3. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE WORKSHOP AT 5:55 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Q~ ~S~L- Recording Secretary "" 3