Planning Commission Agenda 10-02-2007 e e e AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 4th, 2007. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for the proposed River City Station, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highway Business) District, and a request for rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business). Applicant: Chelsea Road, LLC 6. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Olson Property Management 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and Concept and Development Stage POO for Quad Development, a commercial plat in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Quad Development 8. Consideration to review an update regarding illumination of downtown signs. 9. Adjourn. e e e MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order and noted a full quorum of the Commission. . 2. Approval of the minutes ofthe Planning Commission meeting of August 7th. 2007. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7th, 2007. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. NONE. 4. Citizen comments. NONE. 5. Public Hearing Consideration of a request for variance to allow an off-site sign as a principal use. Applicant: St. Benedict's Senior Communitv Schumann provided the staff report, explaining that the St. Benedict's Senior Community has submitted an application for an off-premise sign to be located at the northeast comer of the intersection of 7th Street and the St. Benedict's Senior Community driveway. As discussed at a previous meeting, Schumann stated that the original sign identifying St. Benedict's was displaced with the re-alignment of 7th Street. The proposed sign location is on the Home Depot property, on the east side ofthe St. Benedict's driveway. It is 661 square feet in area and was chosen due to placement space and safety issues, which were illustrated by the applicant in a previous presentation to the Planning Commission. Schumann noted that the Planning Commission previously approved a simple subdivision, amendment to CUP for PUD, rezoning, and variance to setback to accommodate the proposed sign. Due to a change in the application process regarding St. Henry's Catholic Church, the rezoning, variance to setback and amendment to PUD are no longer applicable. However, with St. Henry's choosing not to participate in the process, the variance to off-premise signage and signage as a principal use of a parcel are required to accomplish the sign placement. Schumann noted that a revised Memorandum of Understanding to resolve the issue of sign placement has been prepared and has been attached for reference. Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 Schumann indicated that the approvals required to accommodate the proposed sign are now the simple subdivision, which has been approved, and a variance to allow the sign as an off-site use e on the newly subdivided parcel. Schumann reported that the proposed sign has been revised since the last report to the Commission. The proposed sign now meets ordinance requirements; variances are not needed for height and area. In terms of the variance request, a hardship was created for the applicant with the realignment of 7th Street. As part of this project, the St. Benedict's driveway was extended and the existing sign was displaced. St. Benedict's does not have frontage on 7th Street, and an easement is in place to accommodste their driveway. As such, an on-premise sign would not be visible from 7th Street. Schumann stated that the Monticello Zoning Ordinance section 3-9[D] prohibits off-premise signs. However, as St. Benedict's does not have frontage on 7'n Street, a variance to allow an off-site sign as may be appropriate. The City will not set a precedent for future variance requests for off premise signs due to the very specific and unusual nature of the hardship. . Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Spartz stated the applicant had proved previously that there are clearly safety issues which warrant the replacement of the sign at the proposed location. Dragsten concurred that a hardship does exist, which supports the variance. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO .. ALLOW AN OFF-SITE SIGN ON THE SUBJECT PARCEL AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 09/04/07 - STAFF REPORT, BASED ON FINDINGS AS FOLLOWS: a. St. Benedict's only access to a public street consists of a private drive; St. Benedict's bas no frontage on a public street. b. The private drive was extended due to the realignment of7" Street. c. The existing sign, which was at the corner of the private drive and previous alignment of 7" Street, is no longer visible due to the realignment of 7th Street. The lack of signage has presented a clear safety issue for the residents and visitors to the facility. Therefore, an undue hardship was created by the realignment of 7" Street. d. The proposed sign as shown in the exhibits for the 09/04/07 Planning Commission report will be located at the corner of the private drive and realigned 7th Street and will allow traffic to route safely into the approved PUD for St. Benedict's. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGill. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Public Hearing Consideration ofa request for Conditional Use Permit for Comorehensive Sign Plan for a commercial/retail comolex in the Central Communitv District Aoolicant: Seluemed, LLC Planner Holien presented the staff report. Holien stated that the ordinance requires that signage for a .. use described as a shopping center or mall by code requires the consideration of a conditional use _ permit. The proposed use fits that description and therefore a CUP may be considered for determining 2 e e e Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 the sign allowance for the entire building. Holien explained that Seluemed, LLC is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for a multi-tenant retail/office building. The building is designed with seven tenant spaces and is located at 508 State Highway 25 S. The site is zoned CCD, Central Community District, and was formerly occupied by Maus Foods. Holien reported that in determining the amount of allowed signage, a maximum of 5 percent of the gross area of the front silhouette applies to the principal building where the total allowable sign area is distributed among the several businesses. The proposed site has frontage on both Highway 25 and Sixth Street. Therefore, both the northwest and south elevations have been taken into account when determining the silhouette of the building. Based on the elevations provided, the silhouette of these elevations has been calculated at 7,264 square feet. Holien stated that the allowable wall signage for the site is 364 square feet. The applicant is proposing 358 square feet of wall signage, within the parameters of the ordinance. Holien stated that the building may have one pylon or freestanding sign identifying the building. The applicant is proposing to retain existing pylon, which is setback 19 from property line. They are proposing a new face for the sign. For sites having Highway 25 frontage, the code allows a maximum of 100 square feet and 22' in height. The sign meets the maximum size and height by ordinance. Holien stated that the proposed pylon will have placards for up to 9 tenants and a message board. Holien noted that the ordinance for temporary signs, which limits a building to 40 days, applies to the entire site. Holien indicated that as the signage plan meets all height and area requirements as defined by the zoning ordinance, staff recommends approval as presented. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Hearing no comment, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Gabler clarified that the conditional use permit is for signage only. Holien responded that was correct. Bill Demueles, property owner and applicant representative, made himself available for questions. Dragsten asked the applicant if they would be changing the fa9ade. Demueles confirmed. Dragsten asked if the sign would be a clip-on or electronic message board. Holien indicated that it would not make a difference in terms of the code. Demueles stated that they have not decided. Voight stated that the proposed building improvements look good and that it is nice to see an existing building be re-used. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN AS PRESENTED, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE IS WITHIN THE ALLOWED PARAMETERS OF THE ORDINANCE AND CONSISTENT WITH THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for cross parking for a proposed restaurantlbanquet facilitv in the Central Community District. Applicant: Masters 5th Avenue 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 Holien presented the staff report, stating that the applicant is seeking a conditional use permit for joint . parking in order to accommodate a banquet or restaurant use. The applicant is not proposing any exterior remodeling, but rather shifting the banquet space into the existing space. Holien stated that the original site plan included 60 off-street parking stalls. By ordinance for the CCD, the applicant only needs to provide 60% ofthe total required parking stalls. The total required is 47 stalls for this application. As with the previous arrangement, 60% of the required is 29 parking stalls. Including the previous spaces used by the office space, there are 12 stalls located on site for this use. As part of the joint parking arrangement, the applicant is proposing to use 17 stalls at the David's Photography site, located across Broadway, and 6 parking stalls at the NAP A site at 224 3,d Street West. Holien reported that the applicant had indicated that the David's Photography spaces would be used for employee parking. Holien outlined the conditions of approval, referring to the cross-parking requirements of the ordinance. She noted that at this time, the applicant hasn't provided hours of operation for the proposed cross parking partners. Staff has asked the applicant to provide the hours. Due to the nature of the uses, staff does not expect a conflict. Holien stated that the second ordinance requirement is a for legal cross document, approved and executed by City Attorney. Holien reported that letters have been provided, but if approved, the applicant will need to provide a legal agreement. Holien stated that the banquet space use is supported by the comprehensive plan and that staff are recommending approval, subj ect to conditions in Exhibit Z. Voight asked about how parking would work for NAP A, as it shares space with the hardware store. Voight asked about the influence on parking at those locations, particularly with seasonal displays. Holien indicated that seasonal uses would be reviewed with temporary permits. This cross-easement A would supercede that and be accounted for in calculating remaining space available for the seasonal . permit. Gabler asked about safety for the parking across Broadway. She questioned whether there is a clearly marked crosswalk. Holien stated that she was unsure. However, the David's Photography parking was to be employee parking only. Holien noted that there is no crosswalk to the NAPA. Dragsten asked if David's Photography has the stated number of parking spaces available and questioned the hours of operation. Stumpf clarified that the parking stalls indicated are present. Chairman Dragten opened the public hearing. David Hytstten, David's Photography, spoke to the Commission. He stated that there are four businesses located in his building. All are professional offices. He indicated that use of all the stalls is very rare. He stated that peak use is almost always during the day. Hytsten stated that he sees no conflict with the hours. He also noted that there are two crosswalks for Broadway at this location and that they are clearly marked. Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Dragsten stated that the main requirement to be satisfied is for the applicant to provide the hours of operation for cross-parking businesses. Barry Fluth, property owner, presented hours of operation for the stated businesses. Fluth also presented a letter from nine other downtown business owners supporting the change. tit 4 e e e Planning Commission Minutes -:- 09/04/07 Dragsten asked Fluth if he is familiar with Exhibit Z. Fluth confIrmed. Dragsten inquired if Fluth would be expanding into the vacated office area. Fluth replied that they would be. Hilgart asked if a current business within the building is expanding. Fluth answered that was correct. Dragsten asked for the hours of operation to be reviewed by the time the item got to the City Council. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OFF-SITE PARKING FOR LANDMARK SQUARE, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND WILL NOT HAVE AN ADVERSE AFFECT ON THE SURROUNDING AREA, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHffiIT Z AS FOLLOWS: I. The applicant shaIl provide information on the hours of operation for all interested parties. 2. A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities shall be provided. Said legal instrument shall be approved by the City Attorney, filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of previously approved permits as they relate to the site. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Reolat and Final Plat for First Minnesota Bank Commercial. a commercial plat in the CCD (Central Communitv District). Applicant: I" Minnesota Bank Holien reviewed the staff report, stating that the applicants are requesting approval for a two-lot subdivision and variance for additional curb cut. The subject site is located in the southeast comer of the intersection of Highway 25 and 4th Street East. The site is 43,771 square feet in size and is zoned CCD, Central Community District. Holien stated that the_Comprehensive Plan designates this area for a mix of land uses. She indicated that the purpose of the CCD District is to implement the plans and policies of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan and to establish and continue development of a traditional downtown area in Monticello's primary commercial core. The applicant is proposing to consolidate three existing lots for the purpose of subdividing them into two lots. Holien explained that the site is currently platted as lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Block 16 of the original Monticello Plat. Lot I, Block 1 is approximately 35,684 square feet in area. Lot 1, Block 2 is approximately 8,087 square feet in area. Holien noted that the narrative submitted by the applicant states that the subdivision is being proposed to provide a new entrance into First Minnesota Bank. Currently, traffic into the site utilizes an existing access of Highway 25. A second access is located off 4th Street East, intended for use as an exit from the drive through. This access is prefaced with a "DO NOT ENTER" sign facing 4th Street. The applicant has cited safety concerns with this confIguration, as cars often attempt to enter the site from the 4th Street access, interfering with traffIc exiting the drive through lanes. Holien indicated that the proposed Lot 1, Block I contains the First Minnesota Bank, accessory parking and drive through facilities, a garage, and three sheds. The existing conditions on the 5 Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 bank site are not changing as a result of the subdivision. The proposed Lot 2, Block I contains a single family home. As part of the project, the applicant is proposing to move the garage onto .. Lot 2. All three sheds will be demolished and removed. .. In terms of parking, Holien stated that the existing bank building is approximately 5,024 square feet in area. The parking lot accessory to the use contains 19 stalls. A minimum of 25 spaces is required for the use. Holien reported that a reduction to the required number of parking stalls was approved as part of the initial CUP for the site to allow a larger public open space. The applicant is now proposing to construct 8 additional parking stalls to the east, for a total of 27 stalls. The applicant is therefore satisfying the minimum requirement. Holien stated that no additional landscaping is proposed as part ofthe project. However, staff recommends that the applicant provide plantings along the east side of the proposed drive, in addition to the six foot fence. Evergreen trees or similar dense plantings in this area will further assist in buffering the proposed driveway from the single family home to the east. Staff recommends that the applicant also provide plantings on the west side of the proposed driveway, adjacent to the existing single family home on Lot 2, Block I. No photometric plan was submitted with the application. Therefore, it appears as though no additional lighting is proposed for the site. Any lighting proposed for the site shall be required to comply with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance. Holien also noted that no additional signage has been proposed. Holien reviewed access and circulation for the proposed configuration, stating that the bank site currently has access off Highway 25 to the west side of the site, and off 4th Street on the north side of the site. The 4th Street access is intended for egress, for cars exiting the drive through lane. As stated above, the applicant has cited safety concerns with this configuration, as cars often attempt to enter the site from the 4th Street access, interfering with traffic exiting the drive through lanes. The applicant has also cited safety concerns with the access off Highway 25, particularly with left-turn movements. e The applicant is proposing an additional access off 4th Street, in the northeast corner of the site. This access will be located east of the single family home, approximately 135 feet east of the existing 4th Street driveway. The access is proposed to be approximately 38 feet east of the driveway for the single family home. This driveway will be used for ingress and egress and is proposed at a width of 24 feet, wide enough for two lanes of traffic. The curb cut is 10 feet from the side lot line. The driveway curves to the west, connecting with the existing bank parking lot. A privacy fence six feet in height is proposed on the east side of the driveway, buffering the drive from the existing house to the east. Holien stated that the bank property is entitled to one curb cut for each 125 feet of street frontage. Lot I, Block I has approximately 198 feet of frontage along 4th Street. A total of250 feet of street frontage is required for a second curb cut on 4th Street. A variance is required to accommodate the proposed curb cut. The site has a total of 365 feet of street frontage, including frontage along 4th Street and Highway 25. The single family home has a single access off 4th Street, approximately 190 feet east of the intersection of 4th Street and Highway 25. The existing curb cut is approximately 10 feet in width. As proposed, the subdivision will result in a side yard setback of 4 feet for the driveway. The required setback for curb cuts in residential districts is 3 feet. The subject site is a residential use in the CCD. Therefore, the proposed setback may be appropriate. Holien stated that City staff agree with traffic safety for Highway 25, which supports the additional .. driveway on 4th. However, staff is concerned that the plan presented does not eliminate hardship the .. cited for Highway 25. She stated that staff are therefore recommending removing the access on 6 Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 Highway 25. MnlDOT would be supportive of elimination of the access. With that notation, Holien stated that staff are recommending approval, with the conditions as noted. e Voight inquired if the new driveway is an entrance and exit. Holien replied that it is. Voight asked if it had been discussed to have an entrance only on 4th Street. Holien noted that conversation had been held, but the bank preferred the current configuration due to circulation patterns. Holien noted that the ATM is located on the drive through. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Bob Viering, president of I" MN Bank, 104 E. 4th Street, and Jon Bogart, Bogart Pederson, civil engineers for the site, addressed the Commission. Bogart commented that he appreciates staff's comments. However, he stated that he would like to propose an alternative on Highway 25, which is to keep the access open but change it to a right-in only. Bogart stated that this is really the way traffic circulates through the site now. He indicated that the primary issue is that people are using the drive-through exit as an entrance, There is also a danger in letting traffic back up onto 25. However, if the Highway 25 access is closed completely, the bank loses usage of the last couple of parking spaces. Additionally, Viering noted that a great deal of traffic comes in and flows through the site from that direction. Viering stated that the right-in condition off Highway 25 would alleviate many of the issues, but still accommodate this movement. Voight asked how the new configuration would be advertised to customers. Viering stated that the bank had planned on mailings and stuffers to let them know. e Dragsten stated that they would need to modify their Highway 25 driveway. Voight stated that he can see existing customers turning in, realizing their mistake and getting stuck and then backing up traffic. Stumpf stated that customers will try that movement more than once, unless the applicant comes up with a way to only make a right turn, which this configuration doesn't seem to show. Voight clarified that Stumpf is talking about entering off southbound Highway 25 only. Stumpf stated that he is talking about both. Bogart stated that there will be a sign on the pavement. Bogart stated that with the realignment of the entrance, drivers will think twice about doing that more than once. Viering stated that only a small percentage of persons make that turn now. Stumpf and Bogart stated that they now go in through the out because the left hand turn is so dangerous. Bogart stated that what they are trying to do is eliminate a lot of the concern about the left-hand tum from Highway 25. Stumpf asked if MnlDOT is even agreeable to this plan. Holien noted that the plan is subject to MnlDOT approval. Stump asked how wide the curb cut is. Bogart responded that it is 24'. Sturnpf stated that he would like to see it remain open, although an island is needed. Dragsten asked why the bank is keeping the existing house. Viering stated that at this time, they are not sure what they will do with the house long-term. He indicated that they have a residential tenant for the next nine months. He stated that at this time, the bank has no desire to make it commercial, as there is not enough space for parking, and it would require too many changes to make it commercial. However, Viering stated that the house is structurally sound. Dragsten commented that it is a nice older home. Dragsten noted that this becomes a legal non-conforming lot. Holien noted that there is no minimum lot area requirement in CCD. Viering noted that he has talked with the neighboring property owner regarding fencing, buffering and lighting. e Dragsten confirmed that the applicant had seen Exhibit Z. Viering confirmed and stated that the conditions present no issues, except as related tot eh Highway 25 access. 7 Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 Stumpf stated that conditions 2 and 4 are contingent on condition I. Dragsten confirmed that if the a Commission chose to elinrinate number I, 2 and 4 would also be eliminated. .. Holien noted that City Engineer Westby had an opportunity to review the plan as proposed. All conditions from his memo are still applicable. Westby did indicate that a right tum in only would alleviate a majority of concerns. David Hytslten, owner of David's Photography, spoke to the Commission and indicated that he is a customer of I" MN. He stated that he does come from north and if he had an alternative entrance, he would use it. Hearing no further comment, Chainnan Dragsten closed the public hearing. Voight asked what the amended conditions would read. Holien responded that they would allow a right-in only off of Highway 25. Voight stated that it would also be dependent on Mn/DOT approval. Holien confirmed. Holien noted that as previously stated, if condition I changes, condition numbers 2 and 4 can be removed. Dragsten stated Mn/DOT approval would be added as a separate condition. Hilgart stated that he doesn't know if it is a good idea to leave the entrance as right-in only, as it would create more traffic volume for the adjacent house. Voight asked if Commission should add a condition regarding driveway width. Holien suggested that the City Engineer should review that item. Hilgart stated that the narrower the drive, the more it will discourage the left-in. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE e PRELIMINARY PLAT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE CCD DISTRICT AND THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN THE AMENDED EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. 1. The existing access off Highway 25 shall be revised to alleviate safety concerns with a right-in only configuration. 2. Cal1flect p..elie si"cwalk an" pra,.-i". fer Eifai1lllge threagh aoeess sle....." laealieR. 3. Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter designs. 4. Modify plaRs \a show feme,,,I" req..iFe" at TII 25 ooee,. leealia... 5. Buffer landscaping shall be required on either side of the proposed driveway to provide a buffer from the existing single family homes. 6. Any lighting proposed for the site shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The Highway 25 access configuration is contingent on MN/DoT approval. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE FOR A SECOND CURB CUT FOR A SITE WITH LESS THAN 250 FEET OF STREET FRONTAGE, BASED ON A a FINDING THAT AN UNDUE HARDSHIP EXISTS AND THAT APPLICANT DOES NOT HAVE .. REASONABLE USE OF THE PROPERTY, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN THE 8 e 1. 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 AMENDED EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. The existing access off Highway 25 shall be revised to alleviate safety concerns with a right-in only configuration. CSfiIleet palllie Dide',:alk an<! previde f<lr ar-amage Ih<e..gh aeeeSG ele....o leealiaR. Provide typical section of driveway, including pavement and curb and gutter designs. Meai!';' plans te shew fome':als reEjuired at TR 25 aeeeGS leealieR. Buffer landscaping shall be required on either side of the proposed driveway to provide a buffer from the existing single family homes. Any lighting proposed for the site shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of the Zoning Ordinance. The Highway 25 access configuration is contingent on MNlDoT approval. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a reauest for Preliminary Plat for the orooosed River City Station. a commercial olat in a B-3 !Highway Business) District. and a reauest for rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business). Aoolicant: Chelsea Road. LLC e Holien reported that the applicant had requested continuing this item to the October meeting for the purpose of providing a revised plan addressing staffs comments. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO CONTINUE THE REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE PROPOSED RIVER CITY STATION, A COMMERCIAL PLAT IN A B-3 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) DISTRICT, AND A REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM B-3 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) TO B-4 (REGIONAL BUSINESS). MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 10. Public Hearing - Consideration of a reauest for Conditional Use Permit for Ooen and Outdoor Storage in a B-3 !Highway Business) District. Aoolicant: Olson Prooerty Management 11. e Schwnann reported that the application is complete, but that the applicant had requested continuing to allow for additional review. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO CONTINUE THE REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE IN A B-3 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) DISTRICT. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-9rEl as related to the regulation oforoiecting signage in the Central Community District. Apolicant: Monticello Planning Commission Schumann reviewed the staff report, stating that the Design Advisory Team had met on July 10" in relationship to a sign pennit application for the former Sterns & Vines location in Monticello. 9 Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 The sign proposed is a projecting sign, which is prohibited in most of the City, with the exception of a small portion of the Central Community District, the "Broadway Downtown District". . Schumann reported that in reviewing the sign application, the Design Advisory Team requested that the Planning Commission call for a public hearing to strike the "Broadway Downtown District" clause from the ordinance regulating projecting signs. Striking that clause would allow projecting signs in all of the CCD, in addition to other signs allowed by ordinance. Schumann referenced the Zoning Ordinance, stating that Proj ecting signs are defmed by the as a sign, other than a wall sign, which is affixed to a building and which extends perpendicular from the building wall, including, but not limited to overhanging signs. The amendment would not change overall ordinance requirements for projecting signs. Under the amendment, signage must also meet total square footage requirements for all signs, including free-standing, projecting and wall signage, no matter what their combination of signage. Voight inquired how any potential proliferation of signs may have a negative impact on the downtown. Schumann stated that these signs may impact one's view of the streetscape. Voight questioned the need to limit the number of signs to one per business or two per building. Schumann clarified that this limitation was again to avoid clutter. Hilgart stated that the signs should be hung so as to not interfere with street traffic. MOTION BY COMMISIONER HILGART RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3-9[E] AS RELATED TO THE REGULATION OF SIGNAGE IN THE CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT. . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0 12. Consideration to review for discussion an inventory of development entrance monuments. Schumann presented the staff report, referring to an inventory prepared for the Commission which included the name of the development, location of sign, and property owner for all residential development monuments. Voight asked if the City was taking the position to deter applicants from installing these signs. Schumann stated that, pending future residential development, the City would not be inclined to allow further monument signs on private property. 13. Consideration to review for discussion an inventory ofCitv tasks and activities. Schumann reported that City Administrator O'Neill had prepared a comprehensive listing of items and activities that the City was considering for the future, or items that were already in progress. O'Neill has asked that the Commission members provide any input on other items they would like to be listed. 14. Downtown sign illumination. Anderson requested that the Planning Commission provide assistance to DAT group in terms of interpretation on the illumination of signage in the downtown area. The code is unclear in the determining method and means of sign illumination. Holien stated that she could prepare a memo and present a brief description. Dragsten stated that it is his understanding that signs on Broadway must be . lit with exterior lighting. Beyond that, it was more case-by-case. Stumpf stated that anything that came off the wall toward the street, those had to be externally illuminated. Neon was prohibited. 10 e e e 14. Planning Commission Minutes - 09/04/07 Pylons can be internally lit because it is not an overhanging sign. Dragsten stated that the downtown was intended to be a walking district, and signs should be consistent with that. Dragsten stated that the interpretation should be provided for October. Adioum MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRlED. Recorder 11 e e e Planning Commission Agenda- 10/02/07 5. Public Hearin2 - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for the proposed River City Station. a commercial plat in a B-3 (Hi2hwav Business) District. and a request for rezonin2 from B-3 (Hi2hwav Business) to B-4 (Re2ional Business). Applicant: Chelsea Road. LLC. (NAC) BACKGROUND Chelsea Road, LLC has applied for Preliminary Plat approval for River City Station, commercial subdivision consisting of twelve lots. The applicant has also applicant for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The site is located in the southeast comer of the intersection of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The gross area of the site i . s 18.29 acres. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning to B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The site is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose ofthe B-3 District is also to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a commercial plat consisting of 12 lots on an 18.29 acre site. The site is proposed to be platted as Lot 1-5 of Block 1 and Lots 1-7 of Block 2. Block 1 is located on the west side of the site, and Block 2 is located on the east side of the site. Proposed lot sizes range from a minimum of. 75 acres to a maximum of 2.48 acres. One of the largest lots, Lot 6, Block 2 is proposed at 2.38 acres and will contain a detention pond on the north half ofthe site to accommodate stormwater. As part of the preliminary plat, the applicant is requesting vacation of a 6,093 square foot piece of right-of-way in the northeast comer of the site, at the intersection of Chelsea Road and Edmondson A venue. The requested vacation is proposed to square-off the site in this location. The applicant is also proposing a slight adjustment to the existing lot line along the west boundary of the site. This adjustment results in vacation a 2,933 square foot section of Cedar Street right-of-way. Rezoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for commercial land uses, and the requested B-4 designation is generally consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. While the purpose of the B-3 and B-4 Districts are identical, "'~+~!i)~'''' Planning Commission Agenda - 10/02/07 the B-4 Zoning District allows for a wider variety of commercial uses. All uses allowed in the B-4 District would again be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan e designation for the site. The site is bordered by land designated for commercial land uses to the north, south, and west. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. No minimum lot area, lot width, or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. Additionally, no structures have been sited on the proposed lots. The applicant is proposing a minimum lot width of 122 feet, and a minimum lot size of. 75 acres, or 32,670 square feet. While the applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3 to B-4, the B-3 District requires a minimum lot width of 100 feet. The applicant has exceeded the minimum requirement for the current zoning designation with all lots. Any future buildings proposed for the site shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for required parking and landscaping. Access. Primary access to the site is provided via a north-south street, 60 feet in width, ending in a cul-de-sac. This access drive is proposed to be paved to approximately 32 feet in width. A right-turn lane onto Chelsea Road has been provided for. Additional accesses are provided off Cedar Street. The applicant is proposing two shared drives off Cedar Street, extending east into the site. The width of these drives has not been specified. The applicant has also noted shared access at two locations off Edmondson Avenue, extending west into the site. Internal access e drives off the north-south street are anticipated, but have not been indicated on the plat. Conditional Use Permits for all shared access arrangements will be required at the time of development. As part ofthe plat, the applicant is proposing to dedicate the Chelsea Road easement currently running along the north side of the property to right-of-way. The affected area is 92,510 square feet in area. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any signage as part ofthe Preliminary Plat. However, a monument sign easement has been noted in the northwest comer of the site. Said easement is partially located within the City's drainage and utility easement. Signs are not allowed within the easement area. Any future signage proposed for the site shall be required to comply with Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to signs, and must be processed as a separate application. Landscaping. The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as part of the application package. Minimum landscaping requirements for commercial sites are based on total site perimeter or total building area. In that regard, a landscape plan may be premature at this point. Staff recommends that an individual landscape plan be provided for each lot at the time that lot develops. e 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 10102107 e Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans for all grading, drainage, and utility issues and offers the following comments: 1. Verify all drainage and utility easement widths shown in plan. Several appear to be incorrect. 2. Revise drainage and utility easement in SW corner of plat, Lot 5, Block 1. Does not meet required minimum width. 3. Revise right-of-way width of access road. Plans show 60-feet of right-of-way but we require 80-feet for commercial roadways per City Standard Plat No. 5002. The City may allow a width less than 80-feet if the roadway does not connect to the undeveloped parcel to the south. Or, we could add something to the Development Agreement stating that if the road connects to the south in the future the developer will be required to provide additional roadway right- of-way at that time. 4. If, updated drainage computations were not submitted to WSB for review after the pond was redesigned, please submit updated drainage computations to the City. 5. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the Utility Plan and offers the following comments: e 1. Revise stormwater pond clay lining depth from 2-inches to 2-feet. 2. Revise right-of-way width per note 3 for plan sheet 4 of 12 above. 3. Concrete sidewalk must be located within roadway right-of-way. 4. Provide design information for the median island curb and gutter. 5. Each lot will require utility services. 6. Provide calculations verifying that watermain is adequately sized for its service area. Consider required fire flows by contacting our Fire Chief at 763- 295-4111 for required flow rates. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business, to B-4, Regional Business, the City has the following options: e 3 <{~~f" Planning Commission Agenda - 1 0/02/07 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a e finding that the requested zoning designation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and will not have an adverse affect on surrounding properties. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a finding that the existing zoning is appropriate for the site and requested rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area. Regarding the request for preliminary plat approval for River City Station, a commercial plat resulting in 12 lots, the City has the following options: I. Motion to approve the Preliminary of River City Station, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent ofthe B-4 District. RECOMMENDATION The applicant is requesting rezoning of the site from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, e Regional Business. The subject request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and it not expected to have a detrimental effect on surrounding properties. Upon review of the proposed plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements of the existing B-3 District, which are more restrictive than the requested B-4 zoning designation. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat, subject to the condition identified in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Existing Conditions Neighborhood Context Preliminary Plat Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Erosion Control and Restoration Plan S.W.P.P.P Details Memo from Bruce Westby, City Engineer, dated September 25,2007 e 4 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/02/07 e EXHffiIT Z Conditions of Approval I. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in the September 25,2007 memo from Bruce Westby. e e 5 Ii .LOS3NNIW '01l301.LNOW NOll Y IS AIIO l:l3AIl:l YO~ 1 Yld Al:lYNIV4113l:ld :r ~ Z Q~ ~5 rJJ.~ ~~ hO ~~ r \ ~ "-'B ~h ~~ ~~ ~ .L33HS 31J.1.L Utf-l8liI(r8.I:)J<<I;/ IlUl-ZW(f9l.l"lId ... rlrwi M'l'llfllIl"fl'lm"GH liB II... ........................, "OM 'MlHOI!-l:l3A3I'I "'........ I"J "'Vlif"".. tpU! I 3lY.7S 11OUli311 """""-lCW....~~1 jft/j "YlH" 1/:11I.' f 31v,:;JS 7V1NOr/lJOH N~N JJ1 01JOJIO l<? t\li;j ""a; -:3~Vr::i -)1008 " '" " '" o 15 :UH1 SNnr:J (JH()::mJ NHN J.8 (JJN:)(SJ() ~YLlo. ON"6ftI LWU'ao PlllQ or:J J..8 Hotlr!lO ~ ~ ~,.. 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"'1l "'~, l: U ,!,.~I ~",r 0 0 I -:, ..1:..... . - " ,~ " 21 :!:;l'E 'i~ .e.. ~., :'0 ].5 ~ . I, : -I o , .. (; I ~ :Lfl I lE' f.~ ,~~ '1ili .e-.s ~ " ~. f'E ~= ::lg ~" ~"S ]'" ~u I ~-5 .. . S,I , I I ~ lj{/j September 25, 2007 Y'6'"'" . ..,(\/", __.L\ Y 1 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: River City Station Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2007-019 Dear Ms Holien: On September 17, 2007 the City of Monticello received a set of updated civil plans for the above referenced project. Upon reviewing the plans the Engineering Department offers the following comments: e General Notes 1. Were updated drainage computations submitted to WSB for review after the pond was redesigned? Ifnot, please submit updated computations to the City and copy Phil Elkin with WSB and Associates. 2. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Plan Sheet 4 of 12 1. Verify all drainage and utility easement widths shown in plan. Several appear to be incorrect. 2. Revise drainage and utility easement in SW corner of plat, lot 5, block 1. Does not meet minimum required width. 3. Revise right-of-way width of access road. Plans show 60-feet of right-of-way but we require 80-feet for commercial roadways per City Standard Plate No. 5002. The City may allow a width less than 80-feet if the roadway does not connect to the undeveloped parcel to the south. Or, we could add something to the Development Agreement stating that if the road connects to the south in the future the developer will be required to provide additional roadway right-or-way at that time. e Plan Sheet 5 of 12 1. Revise stormwater pond clay lining depth from 2-inches to 2-feet. 2. Revise right-of-way width per note 3 for plan sheet 4 of 12 above. 3. Concrete sidewalk must be located within roadway right-of-way. 4. Provide design information for the median island curb and gutter. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295,2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd" Monticello, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 -f' ,,-'j ..1--. ..... Kimberly Holien September 25, 2007 Page 2 e Plan Sheet 6 of 12 I. Each lot will require utility services. 2. Provide calculations verifYing that watennain is adequately sized for its service area. Consider required fire flows by contacting our Fire Chief at (763) 295-4111 for required flow rates. Plan Sheets 9 to 12 1. Update Standard Plate No. 5015. Updated plates available from City upon request. The City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates, has reviewed the updated plans and previously submitted drainage computations and may provide additional comments. Please can me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any ofthe comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO /~~ e Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator John Simola, Public Works Director , Steve Joerg, Fire Chief Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Nick Nowacki, Meyer-RoWin Project File e e tit tit ,~~i~ ~'~'T ,.:~~.'~~"~ "~':j.?:t",.". .0.. Planning Commission Agenda. 10/02/2007 6. Continued Public Rearin!!: - Consideration of a reQuest for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Stora!!:e in the B-3 District. Applicant: Olson Property Manal!ement (NAC). BACKGROUND Olson Property Management is applying for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage to allow for the storage of vehicles in the rear yard of the property. The subject site is located at 19 Sanberg Road and is 4.58 acres in size. The property is zoned B-3, Highway Business. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a CUP for Open and Outdoor Storage to allow exterior storage of vehicles related to Jerry's Towing and Repair. Jerry's Towing and Repair will also be leasing a small space within the principal building for an office. A similar Conditional Use Permit was previously approved for the site, but has since expired due to non-use. The site currently contains a 6,400 square foot storage area in the rear yard of the site, south of the existing building. Jerry's Towing will be utilizing the south half of this storage space, approximately 3,200 square feet in area. The site is currently in violation of the Ordinance by operating the proposed use without a Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the outdoor storage area, the site contains a large bituminous parking area, a building approximately 7,176 square feet in area, and part ofa wetland. Access is provided via a driveway extending west into the site from Marvin Road. Existing Conditions. The applicant is currently storing a variety of items on the site, outside of the existing fenced storage area. As a condition of any approval for the proposed CUP, the applicant shall be required to clean up the site, transferring any items that are not used on a regular basis into the storage area. The applicant has indicated that items used regularly include vehicles and trailers. All other items shall be moved into the fenced storage area. Conditional Use Permit. Open and outdoor storage is permitted as a conditional use in the B-3 District, provided that: I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an R district in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 20 of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not abut any residential uses or residentially zoned property. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right of way. 1 .~...,-' -, Planning Commission Agenda- 10/02/2007 Comment: The storage area is surrounded by an existing chainlink fence with slats. .- The applicant is not proposing any changes to the existing fence as part of the _ application. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. Comment: The storage area is currently surfaced with crushed concrete. In a narrative submitted by the applicant, it is indicated that 3.4 loads of crushed concrete were recently added to the site. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter '3 Section 2 H of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: No additional lighting is proposed for the site as part of the project. If at any time additional lighting is proposed, said lighting shall be required to comply with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of the Zoning Ordinance. Parking. The parking requirement for office uses is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area (minus 10 percent). The parking requirement for retail stores and service establishments with 50 percent or more of gross floor area devoted to storage, warehouses, and/or industry is at least eight spaces or one space for each 200 square feet devoted to public sales or service plus one space for each 500 .- square feet of storage area. Based on information in the floor plan provided by the _ applicant, the parking requirement for the site is as follows: Use Floor Area 253 s uare feet 1,620 s uare feet 3,312 s uare feet 5s 9s 7s 21 s Office S ace Retail Warehouse/Sho Total Re uired As stated above, the site contains a large bituminous parking area on the east side of the principal building. However, the parking lot is not striped to delineate available parking stalls. Section 3-5 [D] (9) (1) of the Zoning Ordinance states that, except for single, two. family, and townhouses, all parking stalls shall be marked with white painted lines not less than four inches wide. Each of these striped parking stalls shall be a minimum of 9 feet wide and 20 feet in length exclusive of access aisles. To accommodate the existing parking needs and the additional parking expected for the Jerry's Towing use, the applicant shall be required to stripe the parking lot, delineating a minimum of 21 spaces as a condition of approval. Wetland. The City Engineer, Bruce Westby, performed a site visit in reference to the existing wetland on the site. Based on a field review, the City Engineer has determined that stormwater runoff from this site drains almost exclusively into the wetland immediately south of the site. This wetland is listed on the National Wetland e 2 Planning Commission Agenda- 10/02/2007 e Inventory and as such, the applicant should not be allowed to intensifY the site without providing a plan for managing stormwater runoff. Based on the proposed use of the site, greater levels of pollutants could potentially enter the wetland. Based on these findings, the City Engineer has recommended that the applicant's request be denied at this time. As part of any future application, the applicant should provide a plan to the City addressing how the additional stormwater runoff from their site will be directed away from the wetland, or provides the City with topographical information supporting their assertion that runoff from their site does not and will not drain into the wetland. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the conditions of approval and the performance requirements for the B-3 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. e 2. Motion to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the performance requirement of the B-3 District and it will have a detrimental affect on neighboring properties and wetlands. RECOMMENDATION Regarding the requested Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, staff does not recommend approval at this time. It appears as though runoff from the site drains into the nationally protected wetland to the south. Due to the nature of the proposed use, an increase in the volume of runoff entering the wetland could result in greater levels of pollutants entering the wetland. In that regard, staff does not recommend approval of the CUP as proposed, based on a finding that stormwater runoff from the use will be detrimental to the protected wetland and surrounding area. Staff recommends that any future applications for the site include a plan to the City addressing how the additional stormwater runoff from their site will be directed away from the wetland, or provide the City with topographical information supporting the applicant's assertion that runoff from the site does not and will not drain into the wetland. e 3 Planning Commission Agenda- 10/02/2007 SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Applicant narrative Exhibit B: Site plan Exhibit C: Site photos Exhibit D: Aerial photos Exhibit E: Floor plan Exhibit F: Drainage images Exhibit G: Memo from City Engineer dated September 27,2007. 4 . . . INTE"RST4 TE" ..1'7$. -_"22..... --....__"":v__1I' lil~ . y 1\t::1. -4001 T . ..... IDlY :;'r-'S[[ DETAIL" A ~.....---- , --- -e-T~ . ... '. \ '/lIftA,[GtO ....._ "'. '. _-J vr/llor' -~ -'I ..... \ ---<--::,.~ . __ S,~ --..T...te ----.. .9""""i ... - :: ~ ---~ ~f i~ ~~ j Ii " , ",., '" I . 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I Fenced in area 80' X 80' Property Location: 19 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 . . . - 0- <I) ] <> !a r/) 4-< .... 0 B 0 :::B \ <I) - al \ ~ <I) '" ;::S 0 ..c: / ~ :s "0 lii <I) <> !a 4-< 0 ~ <I) .... 0 - r/) - .~ OS - / ~ , . . - '" -<I) :s lIr IVm~~,.~ '.~'" _~_ .~...nTT~~~'~~'..'-'''''T~ . . cc: ~.61 September 27, 2007 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Olson Property Management Open & Outdoor Storage CUP Application City of Monticello Project No. 2007-021 Dear Ms Holien: I recently visited the site where the proposed open & outdoor storage for the project referenced above would occur. Based on my field review I believe that the stormwater runoff from this site drains almost exclusively into the wetland immediately south of the site. This wetland is listed on the National Wetland Inventory and as such the applicant should not be allowed to intensifY use of the site without providing a plan for managing stormwater runoff from their site to prevent any negative impacts to the wetland. And based on the proposed use ofthe site greater levels of pollutants could potentially enter the wetland. Based on the findings above I am recommending that the applicant's request for an Open & Outdoor Storage CUP be denied until such time that the applicant either provides the City with a plan for managing stormwater runoff from their site to prevent any negative impacts to the wetland, or with topographical information showing that the runoff from their site does not drain directly into the wetland. Please feel free to call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of my comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO /\ I \. ~ /~~~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362.8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd" Monticello. MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 e e e ~ ~ ""~~' '''''''' "C!""'.''''''''''',,~. ""'~"~ ,_, " . ," ...,. Planning Commission Agenda - 10/02/07 7. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stal!e Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant office complex. Applicant: Quad Development (NAC) BACKGROUND Quad Development is seeking Preliminary Plat approval and a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for Phase II of a multi- tenant office complex. Phase 1 was approved by the City in August, 2007. The subject site is located on Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. The subject site is 4.5 acres in size. The four remaining building sites will be included as part of this phase of the project. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located west ofWal-Mart of east of the Autumn Ridge Townhome development, on the south side of School Boulevard. The applicant is proposing five office buildings. Development Stage PUD for Building Five was approved in August as part of Phase 1 of the project. The four remaining buildings are to be included in Phase II. These buildings are as follows: Building 1- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine Building 2- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine Building 3- 12,800 square feet, two-story building Building 4- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine The remaining four buildings proposed as part of Phase II are identical to what was reviewed at Concept Stage. The footprint of each building is proposed at 6,400 square feet (40' x 160') in area. Preliminary Plat. The subject site is currently platted as Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Monticello Business Center 6th Addition as part of the project. Phase 1 of the project was platted as Lot 1, Block 1 of the Monticello Businesses Center 5th Addition. Phase II is to be platted at Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Block 1. All four lots are proposed to be 50 feet by 170 feet, or 8,500 square feet in area. Parking. As stated above, the proposed buildings are consistent with what was reviewed at Concept Stage. Therefore, the parking requirement for the site has not changed. The parking requirement for office uses is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of building area. In determining the building area, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. Based on stated uses, the estimated parking requirement (including Building 5) is as follows: -, '_H"'" , -1"" ' ,11.0. Planning Commission Agenda - 1 0101107 Duildin Buildin Buildin Buildin Buildin 4: Buildin" 5: 12,800 square feet Total Re uired e The parking configuration has not changed over what was proposed with the Concept PUD review, The parking proposed for the site is 243 stalls, The applicant is requesting flexibility for the 5 remaining stalls as part ofthe PUD, Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 1,944 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 39 overstory trees. However, the site has 51,100 square feet of gross building floor area, requiring 51 trees. As such, the building area requirement shall prevail. The applicant has proposed 51 overstory trees, satisfying the minimum requirement. These trees are provided through a combination of four Emerald Lustre Maples, four Fallgold Ash, five Sienna Glen Maples, four Skyline Honeylocusts, and five Swamp White Oaks. The applicant is also proposing 7 Austrian Pines, 14 Black Hills Spruce, _ and 8 Colorado Spruces. The majority of the overstory trees are proposed along the . east property line, to provide a buffer between the subject site and the townhome development to the east. Sod is proposed between the buildings and on the back side of each building. All parking lot islands will also be landscaped with shrubs and perennials. The foundation of each building will also be landscaped with shrubs and perennials. The landscape plan is nearly identical to that approved with Phase I of the project. Five ornamental crabapple trees have been added to the center island, and additional landscaping is proposed at the base of the feature on the north side of the center island. These changes were made per the recommendation of the City at Concept Stage. In conjunction with the minimum landscaping requirements, a landscaped buffer yard is also required between the subject site and the townhomes to the east. The conflict in uses between high density residential development and commercial development is classified as Class B, or moderate. Therefore, a minimum landscaped yard 20 feet in width containing at least 80 plant units for each 100 feet of property line are required. The applicant is responsible for planting one half of this buffer yard. As stated above, the majority ofthe trees proposed are in the required buffer yard area. The applicant has provided 540 plant units over approximately 700 feet of property line, exceeding the minimum requirement. 2 e Planning Commission Agenda - 1 % 1/07 e Lighting. A photometric plan has been submitted for the site. This plan indicates that no glare exceeding one footcandle will spill over onto the adjacent right-of-way or adjacent properties. The maximum footcandle reading at the centerline of School Boulevard is 0.2. The maximum footcandle reading along the east property line, adjacent to Autumn Ridge, is 0.2. The maximum footcandle reading along the south property line is 1.0 As a condition of approval, any wall mounted lighting shall require a full cutoff fixture. Signage. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street( s). e The front facades of the one story plus mezzanine buildings are 3,620 square feet each. Therefore, each of these buildings is allowed 181 square feet of signage. The applicant is proposing approximately 178 square feet of wall signage for the building. The wall signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance, and is identical to that approved with the Concept Stage PUD application. The front fa9ade of the two-story office building is approximately 4,370 square feet in area. Therefore, the two-story building is allowed 219 square feet of wall signage. The applicant is proposing seven signs each 31 square feet in area for a total of 217 square feet of wall signage per building. The signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance and consistent with that approved at Concept Stage. In addition to wall signage, the applicant is proposing two monument signs, one in the northeast comer of the site and one in the northwest comer of the site. These signs will contain placards for up to six tenants. Said signs are each 96 square feet in area and 15.33 feet in height, for a total of 192 square feet of sign age. The speed limit on School Boulevard is 45 miles per hour, allowing a freestanding sign up to150 square feet in area and 26 feet in height. The applicant exceeds the maximum allowance by 42 feet. Flexibility is being requested on the signage requirement as part of the PUD. The applicant is not proposing any pylon signs for the site, and the proposed wall signage is under the allotted area. Therefore, this flexibility may be appropriate. All signage proposed is identical to that approved at Concept Stage. e Access and Circulation. The site has one access point extending south from School Boulevard. The access is 40 feet in width, excluding the island, with adequate space 3 ":"';~~--~~':fJt_~-:_:"'_'l'Tf:::~.~:-y~"J"!f" Planning Commission Agenda - 10101/07 for turn lanes. All internal drive lanes are proposed at 24 feet in width, wide enough a to accommodate two-way traffic. .. The applicant has revised drive aisle width between the northernmost parking stalls and the proposed "feature" from 50 feet to approximately 30 feet, per staff recommendation. Reducing the drive aisle width in this location provided an opportunity to increase the amount of green space on the site, add additional plant units in the center island, and will assist in guiding traffic circulation. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the front of each building. Crosswalks are proposed to connect the east side of the site to the west side of the site. Crosswalks are also proposed to connect the southernmost building to the remainder of the site and the center plaza. At the direction of the City, the applicant has extended the sidewalk proposed in front of Building One and Building Two to connect with the sidewalk along School Boulevard. Building Design. The applicant has submitted elevations for the four buildings proposed. Said elevations have been slightly revised from Concept Stage to address concerns of the City. Each of the one floor plus mezzanine buildings are proposed at a height of 28 feet. The elevations indicate that the buildings will be constructed primarily of brick with CMU foundations. Earthtones will be utilized for the primary fayade materials on all buildings. Each unit in the buildings will contain a separate entrance highlighted by glass coverage with a dormer on the mezzanine level. Vertical details have been added to the back side of each building at the direction of a the City. .. The two-story buildings are of a similar design, revised per staff direction at Concept Stage. This building is proposed with only one entrance, provided at the center of the building. The two-story building is proposed at a height of approximately 33 feet. Three detached trash enclosures are proposed on site, one each on the south, east, and west sides of the site. The proposed materials for these structures have not been provided. Staff recommends that all trash enclosures be required to match the color and materials of the principal structures. Grading, Drainage and Stormwater. Regarding the grading and drainage plan submitted, the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the plans and provided the following comments. 1. Drainage computations (two complete sets) must be submitted to the City for review. 2. Provide information for all proposed curb and gutter, pavement, pedestrian curb ramps, pathway, sidewalk, and signing and striping designs on appropriate plan sheets. Link information to appropriate detail plates for easy reference in the field. e 4 7f1'.".' Planning Commission Agenda - 10101/07 e 3. Provide SWPPP plan with construction plans, including all applicable City standard detail plat references. 4. Proposed grading occurs outside the platted property on the south end of the plat. This will require an agreement with the adjoining property owner to complete the work. 5. Show all proposed storm sewer. 6. Delete the words "the 2005 edition ofMNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications that must be followed. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the plans and provided the following comments: 5 3. 4. 5. e 6. 7. 8. 9. I. Provide utility profile sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. 2. The City has different design requirements for utilities that are privately owned and maintained versus publicly owned and maintained. As such, we have requested that the developer inform us as to whether the utilities will be private or public before providing final comments on the proposed utilities. Revise drainage and utility easement limit to allow for construction and maintenance of proposed storm sewer outlet near southeast comer of site. Revise all proposed watermain to ductile iron pipe (DIP). The City does not allow the use ofPVC C900 for watermain construction. Revise proposed storm sewer outlet pipe to reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The City does not allow the use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for storm sewer to be maintained by the City. Add several gate valves to trunk watermain to isolate individual buildings if needed. Add hydrant with 8" DIP watermain lead near the SE comer of building three due to construction of buildings without sprinkling systems. Label all proposed sanitary sewer with proposed pipe material. Include proposed pathway reconstruction limits as necessary adjacent to the proposed sanitary manhole where the connection to the existing line occurs. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and Preliminary Plat approval for five multi-tenant office buildings, the City has the following options: A. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the performance standards of the B-4 District and in character with the surrounding area, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. e Planning Commission Agenda - 10/01/07 B. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and the Preliminary Plat, based on e a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent ofthe B-4 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. RECOMMENDATION Quad Development is seeking Development Stage PUD approval and Preliminary Plat approval for Phase II of a five building, multi-tenant office development. The applicant is seeking flexibility on parking and signage as part of the PUD. The overall project is consistent with the performance requirements of the B-4 District. The applicant is proposing a significant amount of landscaping and quality buildings with attractive front facades. The overall project design is generally consistent with the intent of PUD, and the applicant had addressed concerns with building design, landscaping, and pedestrian access raised by the City at Concept Stage. Therefore staff recommends approval, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit K: Exhibit Z: Existing Conditions Preliminary Plat (First Phase) Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Landscape Plan Site Plan Photometric Plan Exterior Elevation Sign Plan Plan Review Comments from Bruce Westby dated September 25, 2007 Preliminary Plat (Second Phase) Conditions of Approval e EXHmIT Z Conditions of Approval 1. All wall mounted lighting shall contain a full cutoff fixture. 2. All trash enclosures shall be of similar materials and color to those of the principal structures. 3. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in the memo from Bruce Westby dated September 25, 2007. e 6 r- Z wU) ~CJ o...z 0-. ---10 w=:! >~ wCO O~ Ow <(2 => o . E 8 i u I . ~ . & . 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Drainage computations (two complete sets) must be submitted to the City for review. 2. Revise "Future Phase" to "Phase 2" throughout plans, and list all work to be completed during each phase. 3. Provide information for all proposed curb and gutter, pavement, pedestrian curb ramps, pathway, sidewalk, and signing and striping designs on appropriate plan sheets. Link information to appropriate detail plates for easy reference in the field. 4. Provide SWPPP plan with construction plans, including all applicable City standard detail plate references. 5. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Plan Sheet C3 I. Proposed grading occurs outside the platted property on the south end of the plat. This will require an agreement with the adjoining property owner to complete the work. 2. Show all proposed storm sewer. 3. Delete the words "the 2005 edition ofMNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications that must be followed. Plan Sheet C4 I. The City has different design requirements for utilities that are privately owned and maintained versus publicly owned and maintained. As such we have requested that the developer inform us as to whether the utilities will be private or public before providing final comments on the proposed utilities. Monticello City Hall. 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1. Monticello. MN 55362-8831' (763) 295-27]]' Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello. MN 55362' (763) 295-3170' Fax (763) 271-3272 .',..-. .. . e e e Kimberly Holien September 25, 2007 Page 2 2. Revise drainage and utility easement limit to allow for construction and maintenance of proposed storm sewer outlet near southeast corner of site. 3. Revise all proposed watermain to ductile iron pipe (DIP). The City does not allow the use ofPVC C900 for watermain construction. 4. Revise proposed storm sewer outlet pipe to reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The City does not allow the use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for storm sewer to be maintained by the City. 5. Add several gate valves to trunk watermain to isolate individual buildings if needed. 6. Add hydrant with 8" DIP watermain lead near the SE corner of building three due to construction of buildings without sprinkling systems. 7. Label all proposed sanitary sewer with proposed pipe material. S. Include proposed pathway reconstruction limits as necessary adjacent to the proposed sanitary manhole where the connection to the existing line occurs. 9. Delete the words "the 2005 edition of MNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications that must be followed. Plan Sheet C5 & C6 1. Update all applicable City of Monticello standard detail plates. Current City plates will be provided via e-mail by the City. The City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates, has also reviewed the plans and may provide additional comments. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ;6~ I ~~~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Steve Joerg, Fire Chief Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Project File ~ r-- is "~ ~I t ~ ~. ni ~ Q " ~ ~! ''i.~ <~ is e is .~~~ N [;1;\ C) ~ " ~ Ii I. !"'~. , ~~ '" ~ oi:R ~ j]i....u,j ~~.... ~ ffiCi~:i ~gz rn ~.: rn ~ II 0,_ Q z ZIl)' z ZIl)Iri ~~ i-I . 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I J, Co - - ~ e e e Planning Commission Agenda - 10/02/07 8. Consideration to review an update rel!ardinl! illumination of downtown silms. Please see attached memorandum regarding this issue. I e e e NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Monticello Planning Commission FROM: Kimberly Holien DATE: September 6, 2007 RE: Projecting Signs NAC FILE: 191.06 At the September 4, 2007 regular meeting, the Planning Commission considered an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance in regard to projecting signs, to allow such signs throughout the CCD District. As part ofthis discussion, the Chief Building Official stated that the Design Advisory Committee and the Building Department would like clarification as to the provision for illuminating such signs. The Zcning Ordinance, as amended in September, currently reads as follows: Projecting Signs: Projecting signs shall be permitted within the CCD District as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) projecting sign may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subject to the following conditions: Projecting signs: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. (/) May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. 1 e e e With the recent amendment, projecting signs may be allowed throughout the entire Central Community District, as opposed to being restricted to the "Broadway Downtown District." In that regard, any property zoned CCD may be allowed a projecting sign. If located on a comer lot, a business is limited to one projecting sign and that sign may be located on any public street on which the business has frontage. In terms of illumination, the ordinance states that the sign cannot be lit internally. However, external illumination is allowed. The Zoning Ordinance defines illuminated signs as "any sign which is lighted by an artificial light source either directed upon it or illuminated from an interior source." However, the definition does not specifically differentiate between internally illuminated and externally illuminated signs. External illumination can be defined as the lighting of an object, or sign, from a light source located a distance from the object directed towards and concentrated on the sign face. In other words, an externally illuminated sign is any sign illuminated by light sources from the outside of the sign cabinet. On the other hand, a sign that is internally illuminated is any sign which has the source of light entirely enclosed within the sign and not directly visible to the eye. These illumination provisions apply to projecting signs only. No projecting sign permitted within the Central Community District may be lit internally, as defined above. 2