City Council Minutes 09-24-2007 Special (PW Facility) MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES NEEDS STUDY Monday September 24, 2007 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to review the details of the Public Works Facilities Needs Study prepared by Kodet Architectural Group. 2. Review of Public Works Facilities Needs Study. A committee comprised of John Simola, Beth Green, Bruce Westby, Tom Moores, Matt Theisen, Tom Pawlek, Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Al Gapinski and Tom Perrault worked with the firm of Kodet Architectural Group to produce the needs study. If this project moves forward Tom Kelly or someone else from the Finance Department should be appointed to this committee. The study defines the space that is required for present needs (20-30 acres) and expanded needs (25-35 acres). Ed Kodet reviewed the existing Public Works site and the proposed needs. He stated that Monticello is unique in that they have highly talented individuals in the Public Works Department capable of performing construction activities not necessarily related to their position. Because the Public Works Department is spread over a number offacilities, it makes for certain inefficiencies in work flow. A new site for the Public Works Department should be flat and preferably rectangular or square. He explained that the closeness of activities at the existing facility makes for some difficulties, such as not having enough room for trucks or equipment to maneuver in. Ed Kodet said Public Work facilities tend to be the warehouse for the city. Facility areas that were looked at include: 1) Yard; 2) Fueling area; 3) Storage; 4) Future expansion area; 5) Open space and 6) Public access. In calculating building needs they looked at 1) Open area; 2) Vehicle maintenance area, which is a critical area; 3) Shop; 4) Vehicle storage; 5) Wash area and 6) Department facilities for sewer, water, streets and parks. Ed Kodet noted that storing equipment outside cuts the life of equipment in half. Clint Herbst said the Council's main concern is where this facility should be located and how much does it cost. Ed Kodet stated initially they are requiring 133,079 square feet; a 20 year expansion would take them to 202,742 square feet and a 40 year expansion would bring them up to 270,756 square feet. The 133,079 square feet includes warm and cold storage. Tom Moores explained that currently the city equipment is stored in six different buildings at various sites. Brian Stumpf asked if this building would include any of the vehicles that would be stored at the new vehicle building proposed for the wastewater treatment plant. John Simola indicated it did not. At the present time the wet nurse is stored in the shop at the wastewater treatment plan so the shop is unavailable for maintenance use. Ed Kodet stated that with a smaller initial project, the project costs goes up when the expansion is needed. The base level cost is $11,754,450; Level #2 is $13,361,290 and Level #3 is $14,958,000. Ed Kodet explained that level #2 and level #3 have more energy efficiency features and that these figures are strictly construction costs and does not include land costs. Brian Stumpf felt the key is to find the right site for the facility. The committee members discussed some of the other facilities they had visited. Lakeville's facility was discussed and it was noted that Lakeville's facility was twice the size of Monticello even though it did not include the Sewer and Water Department. Location was again discussed emphasizing the need to have a level site with sewer and water availability as well as good road access. Based on the City's growth pattern it appears likely the facility will be located on the west side of the community. Clint Herbst asked about the sludge application site. John Simola responded that if the sludge dryer project happens simultaneously with the Public Works facility, then the site would be feasible. John Simola added that putting a facility out there would require a 600' buffer zone and there is also the question of the availability of sewer and water. Brian Stumpf said you have to picture the area 20 years from now as far as what is surrounding it and then try to determine if it is an appropriate site. Brian Stumpf suggested locating the facility in the industrial park. John Simola pointed out that there were very few buildable acres left in the industrial park. The Council mentioned the Spike property which is 120 acres and could be used for a bioscience park. The site has good access and sewer and water availability. Other sites such as the Chadwick property and the 20 acre site at the intersection of 85th Street and Edmonson A venue were also discussed. Clint Herbst felt the key was to locate a property that City could live with as a useable site and could afford. Additional sites that were discussed were the former Ruff's Auto site, Country Club Manor, KMOM site, Schluender property and the Weinand property west of the mobile home park. It was thought that the Weinand parcel could be combined with the remaining land in the water tower area. Susie Wojchouski asked ifit was feasible to locate the facility on two sites rather than one larger site. Ed Kodet said it would be more expensive and less efficient to locate on two sites. The Council directed staffto check out the sites discussed. John Simola clarified that the 20 acre minimum is buildable area and does not include any buffer areas. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO HAVE STAFF TO WORK WITH KODET ARCHITECTURAL GROUP TO INVESTIGATE THE SITES DISCUSSED AT THIS MEETING AND COME BACK WITH PRICES AS WELL AS SQUARE FOOTAGES FOR THE PARCELS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO THE SUITABILITY, FEASIBILTY AND USEABILITY OF EACH OF THE PARCELS FOR THE PURPOSE OF A PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ed Kodet briefly explained the process they would follow in evaluating potential sites. 3. Adiourn. The workshop meeting closed at 6:50 p.m. o~ j-\ A.S)"",,>~ Q Recording Secretary ~