City Council Minutes 03-22-1999MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 22, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting_hcld March 8, 1999. A MO'T"TON WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF ANT) SECONDED BY RULER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINi1TES OF THE SPECIAL, MEETING HELD MARCH 8, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson., Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 8, 1.999. Councilmember Roger Carlson requested that the vote far item #12 be changed to show his vote in favor rather than opposed to the motion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN 'TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE RF.,GULAR MEE'T'ING HELD MARCH 8, 1999, AS AMENDED. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda. A. Update on sanitary sewer and water trunk fees. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that at the last meeting Council accepted a report for sanitary sewer and water trunk fees and requested that the proposed fees be discussed with local organizations. Discussion with the IDC was scheduled for March 18; however, time ran short and will likely be rescheduled for the next IDC meeting. A meeting has also been scheduled with builders and developers for March. 25 at 8 a.m. In addition, he noted that as part of this policy, vacant properties that have not paid trunk fees would now be charged, minus any previously-paid oversizing charges. No Council action was required. B. Update on Coalition of Utility_Cities. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the lobbyist for the Coalition of Utility Cities suggested that cities send a letter to their citizens advising them of the personal property tax legislation being proposed and the effect it would have Page 1 Council Minutes - 3/22/99 on their city. He noted that a bill has been introduced in the Senate by the utility companies to phase out personal property tax over ten years and would require the State to guarantee cities' debt. It was the consensus of Council that the proposed letter be mailed to the citizens of Monticello. C. Councilmember Brian Stumpf asked whether Council would be interested in reducing the Mayoral term back to two years. An ordinance amendment was adopted in 1998 increasing the term to four years effective January 1, 2001. The process to bring the item back to Council for consideration was discussed, and the City Administrator noted that he would research the request and report back to the City Council. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests,. and_cc~mplaints. A. Tom and Jean Matis requested that the City Council take action to correct the blight problem at 110 Balboul Circle. Chief Building Official Fred Patch noted that staff has been working on the cleanup of this property since the summer of 1998; however, he suggested that the City may be more successful in taking stronger legal action. Council discussed creating a policy for public nuisance cleanup which would include provisions for second and. third offenses. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELF;N AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORT7E THE CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL TO INITIATE LEGAL AC`1~ION 'T'O CORRECT THE PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 1 ] 0 BALBUUL CIRCLE, AND ALSO DIRECTED THE CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL TO WORK WITH 'T'HE CITY ATTORNEY TO CREATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE POLICY FOR CITY COUNCIL RFVIF,W. Motion carried unanimously. B. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak introduced two Rotary exchange students, Piano from Thailand and Paul from Poland, who will remain in the United States through the summer. The Mayor welcomed Piano and Paul and presented each with a city mug and pin. Consent a eg nda. A. Consideration of resolution authorizing the issuance of a gambling license-Ducks Unlimited Banquet. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a gambling license. SEE RESOLUTION 99-9. Page 2 Council Minutes - 3/22/99 B. Consideration of resolutions authorizinc the issuance of uamblinc licenses for the Silver Fox Motel and Days Inn Motel - Kni rho is of Columbus. Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions authorizing the Knights of Columbus to apply for gambling licenses at the Silver Fox Motel and also at the [)ays lnn Motel. SEE RESOLUTIONS 99-10 AND 99-1 l . C. Consideration of resolution establishin various fees and char es. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution establishing the following fees and charges: Fee Type Current Fee Schedule New Fee Schedule Seasonal outdoor sales None established $150 per 60-day license license CCD zoning district None established $1,000 per parking stall parking fund charge per parking stall Grading permit fee and None established $150 per permit + an restoration bond-land escrow of $150 far City reclamation & mining Engineer costs, if any Plumbing permit fee Commercial: Commercial: $40 + $2/fixture $50 + $5/fixture Residential: Residential: $20 + $2/fixture $30 + $5/fixture Mechanical permit fee Commercial: Commercial: $50 + $2/fixture $50 + $5/fixture Residential: Residential: $30 + $2/fixture $30 + $5/fixture SEE RESOLUTION 99-12. D. Consideration of approving installation of decorative awning_at_Deputy Registrar Building. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of the canopy awning proposal from G.J. Awning and Canvas in the amount of $2,897.$0. E. Consideration of resolution authorizing the release of Community_ Center Bond Proceeds. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the release of the community center bond proceeds. SEE RESOLUTION 99-13. F. Consideration of approvine iob description for the position of Community Center Director and authorize position opening. Recommendation: Approve the job description for the position of Community Center Director and authorize publication of the position opening; Direct the City Administrator to select, at his discretion, Grade 12 or 13 of the salary scale for the position. Councilmember Bruce Thielen and Mayor Roger Belsaas noted that they would like to be involved in the interviews for this position. Page 3 Council Minutes - 3/22/99 G. Consideration of authorizing Walnut Street/Community Center Plaza Planning. Recommendation; Authorize the City Planner to work with WSB & Associates to develop a Walnut Street design theme and a specific plan for reconstruction of Walnut Street and development of the community center parking plaza. A MOT10N WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing -Consideration of resolution advertising submittal of Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application for, assistance in development of River Mill Park. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the River Mill Park is a seven-acre neighborhood park located on the east side of Monticello and is the gateway to the community from the I-94 off ramp. A preliminary site plan was prepared, followed by a meeting with the neighborhood residents to discuss components of the park, with construction planned to begin in 1999. The proposed grant application would give the City the opportunity to acquire up to 50% of the funds necessary to develop the park. Park Superintendent Gregg Engle added that the grant is through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources -Local Grant Program, which requires a 50/50 match and the park improvements to be completed in three years. The total cost of the park and trail system is $235,800, with the City's share totaling $127,900. He also reviewed the components of the park, noting that it will meet AUA standards. The Deputy City Administrator also noted that a pathway was planned for the upper portion of the River Mill subdivision prior to the developers dedicating land to the east from the park and the River Forest area along the freeway. A pathway along this area would create a nice connection to the future road and pathway that will connect to Dillard Avenue. He suggested that the cost to construct the pathway be identified and added to the grant. There being no public comment, the Mayor closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE OUTDOOR. RECREATION GRANT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO INCLUDE AN AMOUNT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONNECTING PATHWAY. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-14. Page 4 Council Minutes - 3/22/99 S. Consideration of resolution su ortin a com romise land use lan ro osal for submittal to the MOAA. Deputy City Administrator JefT O'Neill reported that to assist in clarification of the discussion at the previous meeting, a resolution was prepared outlining points supporting the compromise land use plan, which was supported by the Planning Commission and approved by Council on a 4-0 vote. The reasons for the compromise were reviewed as noted in the proposed resolution. Councilmember Clint Herbst noted his concern that the topography of the Gold Nugget property would not support higher-end housing, anal he questioned. whether commercial development should be moved. so far away from the downtown area in light of the City's downtown redevelopment efforts. He also requested that the paragraph stating that the City would likely be required to pay over $100,000 be deleted from the proposed resolution. City Planner Steve Grittman noted his concern that the MOAA Board has taken such a strong stance on development of the MOAA land use plan. He explained that the current City/Township agreement was based on, and the Township agreed with, the City developing a land use plan. It was also noted that consideration must be given to public comments received from city residents at the Planning Commission level as well as township residents' comments heard by the MOAA Board. Council also discussed the parcel east of Monticello located between County Road 75 and I-94, which was designated as "open space." It was suggested that the designation be labeled as "agricultural." AF"1"ER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO MODIFY AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A COMPROMISE LAND USE PLAN PROPOSAL BY DELETING THE LAST' PARAGRAPI-I ON PAGE 1 REFERRING TO REPAYMENT TO GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT FOR OVERSIZING OF UTILITIES, AND TO CHANGE THE "OPEN SPACE" LANGUAGE TO "AGRICULTURAL." Motion carried unanimously. SEF., RESOLUTION 99-15. 9. Consideration of ado tin resolution acce tin feasibilit stud and callin fora ublic hearin on CSAH 75 im rovement ro'ect. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that it is expected that a portion of the City's share of the cost for CSAH 75 improvements will come from benetitting property owners through the assessment process. Council was asked to call for a public hearing to be conducted on April 12, 1999. He also noted that the lighting program may still be revised. The agreement between the City and the Hospital District regarding the construction and maintenance of the stop lights, including terms governing development of the site under the Planned Unit Development, will be presented to the Council for approval in conjunction with the future public hearing and associated action to order the project. Page 5 Council Minutes - 3/22/99 A MO'I"ION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF ANU SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AU'TI-IORIZE A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED ON APRIL 12, 1999, FOR CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-16. 10. Consideration of bills for the last half of March 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE TI1E BILLS FOR TIME LAST HALF OF MARCH 1999 AS PRESEN'TLD. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Other matters. A. Body~aiercing/tattoo business. City Planner Steve Grittman reported that staff has received a request for information regarding whether a body piercing/tattoo business is allowed in the Central Community District. He explained that in most cities, if the ordinance does not specifically state that a use is permitted or prohibited, then it is considered to be prohibited, which is one approach the City of Monticello could take; however, activists have been vocal regarding first amendment protection, and most cities have decided to allow but license this type of operation. He also noted that Wright County is considering health department regulations for this activity. It was the Planner's recommendation that if the Council is interested in allowing body piercing/tattoo activity within the city, the City should begin investigating in which districts the activity would be allowed subject to approval by the Wright County Health Department. He suggested that the CCD or B-3 districts may be appropriate, or it could be considered as an accessory to other services such as tanning and/or beauty salons. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MO'I"ION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF 'I'O CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RESEARCH THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDMEN'h ALLOWING BODY PIERCING/TATTOO ACTIVITY. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Kar 15oty Deputy City Clerk Page 6