Planning Commission Agenda 10-22-2007 (Special Meeting) e . e AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, October 22nd, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holien - NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Citizen comments. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and Concept and Development Stage POO for Quad Development, a commercial plat in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Quad Development 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking, Joint Access and Drive-Through and a Conditional Use Permit for Comprehensive Sign Plan for Warnert Retail. Applicant: Alpha Development 5. Adjourn. e e e Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 3. Consideration of a reQuest for Preliminary Plat and a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stal!e Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant office complex. Applicant: Ouad Development (NAC) BACKGROUND Quad Development is seeking Preliminary Plat approval and a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for Phase II of a multi- tenant office complex. Phase 1 was approved by the City in August, 2007. The subject site is located on Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. The subject site is 4.5 acres in size. The four remaining building sites will be included as part of this phase of the project. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located west ofWal-Mart of east of the Autumn Ridge Townhome development, on the south side of School Boulevard. The applicant is proposing five office buildings. Development Stage PUD for Building Five was approved in August as part of Phase 1 of the project. The four remaining buildings are to be included in Phase II. These buildings are as follows: Building 1- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine Building 2- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine Building 3- 12,800 square feet, two-story building Building 4- 8,500 square feet, one story plus mezzanine The remaining four buildings proposed as part of Phase II are identical to what was reviewed at Concept Stage. The footprint of each building is proposed at 6,400 square feet (40' x 160') in area. Preliminary Plat. The subject site is currently platted as Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Monticello Business Center 6th Addition as part of the project. Phase 1 of the project was platted as Lot 1, Block 1 ofthe Monticello Businesses Center 5th Addition. Phase II is to be platted at Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Block 1 of the Monticello Businesses Center 6th Addition. All four lots are proposed to be 50 feet by 170 feet, or 8,500 square feet in area. Parking. As stated above, the proposed buildings are consistent with what was reviewed at Concept Stage. Therefore, the parking requirement for the site has not changed. The parking requirement for office uses is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of building area. In determining the building area, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. Based on stated uses, the estimated parking requirement (including Building 5) is as follows: Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 Buildin Buildin Buildin Buildin Buildin 4: Building 5: 12.800 square feet Total Re uired Floor Area at 90% 7,650 s uare feet 7,650 s uare feet 11,520 s uare feet 7,650 s uare feet II,S20 square feet e The parking configuration has not changed over what was proposed with the Concept PUD review. The parking proposed for the site is 243 stalls. The applicant is requesting flexibility for the 5 remaining stalls as part of the PUD. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 1,944 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 39 overstory trees. However, the site has 51, I 00 square feet of gross building floor area, requiring 51 trees. As such, the building area requirement shall prevail. The applicant has proposed 51 overstory trees, satisfying the minimum requirement. These trees are provided through a combination of four Emerald Lustre Maples, four Fallgold Ash, five Sienna Glen Maples, four Skyline Honeylocusts, and five Swamp White Oaks. The applicant is also proposing 7 Austrian Pines, 14 Black Hills Spruce, e and 8 Colorado Spruces. The majority of the overstory trees are proposed along the east property line, to provide a buffer between the subject site and the townhome development to the east. Sod is proposed between the buildings and on the back side of each building. All parking lot islands will also be landscaped with shrubs and perennials. The foundation of each building will also be landscaped with shrubs and perennials. The landscape plan is nearly identical to that approved with Phase I of the project. Five ornamental crabapple trees have been added to the center island, and additional landscaping is proposed at the base of the feature on the north side of the center island. These changes were made per the recommendation of the City at Concept Stage. In conjunction with the minimum landscaping requirements, a landscaped buffer yard is also required between the subject site and the townhomes to the east. The conflict in uses between high density residential development and commercial development is classified as Class B, or moderate. Therefore, a minimum landscaped yard 20 feet in width containing at least 80 plant units for each 100 feet of property line are required. The applicant is responsible for planting one half of this buffer yard. As stated above, the majority of the trees proposed are in the required buffer yard area. The applicant has provided 540 plant units over approximately 700 feet of property line, exceeding the minimum requirement. e 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 tit A number of existing plant units are located on the east edge of the site, in the buffer yard area. These plantings were installed by the Autumn Ridge Developer to satisfY the minimum landscape requirement for that project. However, these plant units were inadvertently installed on the wrong side of the property line. As part of the project, the applicant is proposing to relocate these plant units on the Autumn Ridge property. Lighting. A photometric plan has been submitted for the site. This plan indicates that no glare exceeding one footcandle will spill over onto the adjacent right-of-way or adjacent properties. The maximum footcandle reading at the centerline of School Boulevard is 0.2. The maximum footcandle reading along the east property line, adjacent to Autumn Ridge, is 0.2. The maximum footcandle reading along the south property line is 1. 0 As a condition of approval, any wall mounted lighting shall require a full cutoff fixture. e Signage. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal bnilding, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing ofthe principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). The front facades of the one story plus mezzanine buildings are 3,620 square feet each. Therefore, each of these buildings is allowed 181 square feet of sign age. The applicant is proposing approximately 178 square feet of wall signage for the building. The wall signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance, and is identical to that approved with the Concept Stage PUD application. The front fa~ade of the two-story office building is approximately 4,370 square feet in area. Therefore, the two-story building is allowed 219 square feet of wall signage. The applicant is proposing seven signs each 31 square feet in area for a total of 217 square feet of wall signage per building. The signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance and consistent with that approved at Concept Stage. tit In addition to wall signage, the applicant is proposing two monument signs, one in the northeast corner of the site and one in the northwest corner of the site. These signs will contain placards for up to six tenants. Said signs are each 96 square feet in area and 15.33 feet in height, for a total of 192 square feet of signage. The speed limit on School Boulevard is 45 miles per hour, allowing a freestanding sign up to 150 square feet in area and 26 feet in height. The applicant exceeds the maximum allowance by 3 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 42 feet. Flexibility is being requested on the signage requirement as part of the PUD. _ The applicant is not proposing any pylon signs for the site, and the proposed wall ., signage is under the allotted area. Therefore, this flexibility may be appropriate. All signage proposed is identical to that approved at Concept Stage. Access and Circulation. The site has one access point extending south from School Boulevard. The access is 40 feet in width, excluding the island, with adequate space for turn lanes. All internal drive lanes are proposed at 24 feet in width, wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. The applicant has revised drive aisle width between the northernmost parking stalls and the proposed "feature" from 50 feet to approximately 30 feet, per staff recommendation. Reducing the drive aisle width in this location provided an opportunity to increase the amount of green space on the site, add additional plant units in the center island, and will assist in guiding traffic circulation. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the front of each building. Crosswalks are proposed to connect the east side of the site to the west side of the site. Crosswalks are also proposed to connect the southernmost building to the remainder of the site and the center plaza. At the direction of the City, the applicant has extended the sidewalk proposed in front of Building One and Building Two to connect with the sidewalk along School Boulevard. Building Design. The applicant has submitted elevations for the four buildings e proposed. Said elevations have been slightly revised from Concept Stage to address concems of the City. The applicant has also submitted color elevations for all four sides of the proposed building styles. Each of the one floor plus mezzanine buildings are proposed at a height of 28 feet. The elevations indicate that the buildings will be constructed primarily of brick with CMU foundations. Earthtones will be utilized for the primary fac;:ade materials on all buildings. Each unit in the buildings will contain a separate entrance highlighted by glass coverage with a dormer on the mezzanine level. Vertical details have been added to the back side of each building at the direction of the City. The two-story buildings are of a similar design, revised per staff direction at Concept Stage. This building is proposed with only one entrance, provided at the center of the building. The two-story building is proposed at a height of approximately 33 feet. Three detached trash enclosures are proposed on site, one each on the south, east, and west sides of the site. The proposed materials for these structures have not been provided. Staff recommends that all trash enclosures be required to match the color and materials of the principal structures. Grading, Drainage and Stormwater. Regarding the grading and drainage plan submitted, the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the plans and provided the following comments. e 4 tit Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 1. Drainage computations (two complete sets) must be submitted to the City for review. 2. Provide information for all proposed curb and gutter, pavement, pedestrian curb ramps, patbway, sidewalk, and signing and striping designs on appropriate plan sheets. Link information to appropriate detail plates for easy reference in tbe field. 3. Provide SWPPP plan witb construction plans, including all applicable City standard detail plat references. 4. Proposed grading occurs outside tbe platted property on tbe soutb end of the plat. This will require an agreement witb tbe adjoining property owner to complete tbe work. 5. Show all proposed storm sewer. 6. Delete tbe words "tbe 2005 edition ofMNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications tbat must be followed. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted the City Engineer and consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed tbe plans and provided the following comments: 1. 2. tit 3. 4. 5. Provide utility profile sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. The City has different design requirements for utilities tbat are privately owned and maintained versus publicly owned and maintained. As such, we have requested that tbe developer inform us as to whether tbe utilities will be private or public before providing final comments on tbe proposed utilities. Revise drainage and utility easement limit to allow for construction and maintenance of proposed storm sewer outlet near southeast corner of site. Revise all proposed watermain to ductile iron pipe (DIP). The City does not allow the use ofPVC C900 for watermain construction. Revise proposed storm sewer outlet pipe to reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The City does not allow the use of high-density polyetbylene (HDPE) for storm sewer to be maintained by tbe City. 6. Add several gate valves to trunk watermain to isolate individual buildings if needed. 7. Add hydrant with 8" DIP watermain lead near tbe SE comer of building three due to construction of buildings witbout sprinkling systems. 8. Label all proposed sanitary sewer with proposed pipe material. 9. Include proposed patbway reconstruction limits as necessary adjacent to the proposed sanitary manhole where the connection to tbe existing line occurs. ALTERNATIvE ACTIONS. Regarding tbe request for a Conditional Use Pennit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and Preliminary Plat approval for five multi-tenant office buildings, tbe City has the following options: e 5 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 A. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is ., consistent with the performance standards of the B-4 District and in character with the surrounding area, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. B. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. RECOMMENDATION Quad Development is seeking Development Stage PUD approval and Preliminary Plat approval for Phase II of a five building, multi-tenant office development. The applicant is seeking flexibility on parking and signage as part of the PUD. The overall project is consistent with the performance requirements of the B-4 District. The applicant is proposing a significant amount of landscaping and quality buildings with attractive front facades. The overall project design is generally consistent with the intent ofPUD, and the applicant had addressed concerns with building design, landscaping, and pedestrian access raised by the City at Concept Stage. Therefore staff recommends approval, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA e Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit Z: Existing Conditions Preliminary Plat Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Landscape Plan Site Plan Photometric Plan Exterior Elevations Sign Plan Plan Review Comments from Bruce Westby dated September 25,2007 Conditions of Approval e 6 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 e EXHmIT Z Conditions of Approval 1. All wall mounted lighting shall contain a full cutoff fixture. 2. All trash enclosures shall be of similar materials and color to those ofthe principal structures. 3. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in the memo from Bruce Westby dated September 25, 2007. e e 7 <.n ! ;; ,." "C~ ~ .' xc -u g~ . !l .~ ." ~ E ~ ~ 0 8 C!~ ~ ~ ~!Ih . '" C> ~ , , co .... ; ~ :g ~ en II I~ I % U en UJ ~ "'}?jll! 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I' ~ I ill!: ~ I, I11I1 II .II !I'il!, ~ ~ I 11II1 ! :ii r ~ , I iN o CO; ,<C i II/I] i/L -- e September 25, 2007 -j</~-/.~ 'Nry . . Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Quad Development Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2007-018 Dear Ms Holien: On September 4,2007 the City of Monticello received an updated set of civil plans for the above referenced project. Upon reviewing these plans the Engineering and Public Works Departments have the following comments: General Notes 1. Drainage computations (two complete sets) must be submitted to the City for review. 2. Revise "Future Phase" to "Phase 2" throughout plans, and list all work to be completed during each phase. 3. Provide information for all proposed curb and gutter, pavement, pedestrian curb ramps, pathway, sidewalk, and signing and striping designs on appropriate plan sheets. Link information to appropriate detail plates for easy reference in the field. 4. Provide SWPPP plan with construction plans, including all applicable City standard detail plate references. 5. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Plan Sheet C3 1. Proposed grading occurs outside the platted property on the south end of the plat. This will require an agreement with the adjoining property owner to complete the work. 2. Show all proposed storm sewer. 3. Delete the words "the 2005 edition of MNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications that must be followed. Plan Sheet C4 1. The City has different design requirements for utilities that are privately owned and maintained versus publicly owned and maintained. As such we have requested that the developer inform us as to whether the utilities will be private or public before providing final comments on the proposed utilities. Monticelio City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, SUite I. Monticello. MN 55362-R831 . (763) 295-27] I . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public "'larks. 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello. i\'lN 55362.(63) 295-3! 70. Fax (763) 271-3272 '. ,.. .~ . '< Kimberly Holien September 25, 2007 Page 2 2. Revise drainage and utility easement limit to allow for construction and maintenance of e proposed storm sewer outlet near southeast comer of site. 3. Revise all proposed watermain to ductile iron pipe (DIP). The City does not allow the use ofPVC C900 for watermain construction. 4. Revise proposed storm sewer outlet pipe to reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The City does not allow the use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for storm sewer to be maintained by the City. 5. Add several gate valves to trunk waterrnain to isolate individual buildings if needed. 6. Add hydrant with 8" DIP waterrnain lead near the SE comer of building three due to construction of buildings without sprinkling systems. 7. Label all proposed sanitary sewer with proposed pipe material. 8. Include proposed pathway reconstruction limits as necessary adjacent to the proposed sanitary manhole where the connection to the existing line occurs. 9. Delete the words "the 2005 edition ofMNDOT standard" in note 3. The City has its own construction specifications that must be followed. Plan Sheet C5 & C6 I. Update all applicable City of Monticello standard detail plates. Current City plates will be provided via e-mail by the City. The City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates, has also reviewed the plans and may provide additional comments. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. e Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~ ( ~~~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Steve Joerg, Fire Chief Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Project File e e e e Planning Commission Agenda - 10/22/07 4. Public Heariu!! - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parkin!!. Joint Access and Drive- Throu!!h and a Conditional Use Permit for Comprehensive Si!!n Plan for Warnert Retail. Applicant: Alpha Development (AS) The applicant has requested tabling of this item due to a change in the proposed construction timeline.