City Council Agenda Packet 11-13-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday November 13,2007 -7 p.m. Note: Special meeting at 5:00 on the 2008 budget. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve minutes of October 22, 2007 Regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Streets. (dg) B. Consideration of approving transfer of liquor license for River City Lanes. (dg) C. Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for the proposed River City Station, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highway Business) district and a request for rezoning fromB-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business). (NAC/as) D. Consideration of approving a request for conditional use permit to allow open and outdoor storage in the B-3 District. Applicant: Olson Property Management. (NAC/as) E. Consideration of adopting resolution reimbursing City from bond proceeds for land purchase, WWTP mixers and vehicle storage building. (tk) F. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work for Jefferson Commons 1.0 mg Water Tower, Project No. 2004-30C. (is) G. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work for repainting of 800,000 gallon water tank Monte Club Hill, Project No. 2007-05C. (is) H. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work on Fourth Street Park Parking Lot, City Project No.2007-14C. (is) 1. Consideration of approving Foreman position in the Street Department, approve job description and authorize advertising internally. (is) J. Consideration of approving co-location contract with Michels. (is) K. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for Groveland Park Parking Lot, City Project No. 2006-27C. (is) Agenda Monticello City Council November 13, 2007 Page 2 L. Consideration of approving Change Order No.4 for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1C. (WSB) M. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1 C. (WSB) N. Consideration of approving Change Order No.3 for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South), City Project No. 2005-liC. (WSB) O. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South), City Project No. 2005-11 C. (WSB) P. Consideration of approval of increase in the amount in the change fund for MCC operation of public skate time. (Finance) 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing and consideration of adopting assessment for delinquent miscellaneous accounts receivable (MARS). (Finance) 8. Review of headlight screening options for River City Center. (bw) 9. Consideration of policy for designating restricted parking on streets. Us) 10. Consideration of amendment to land exchange agreement regarding Cedar Street - Lundsten Property. Uo) II. Review and approval of annual snowlice removal policy and discussion of pathways designated for snow removal. Us) 12. Consideration of authorizing offer on Hoglund property. (Possible Closed Session) Uo) 13. Consideration of going into closed session to discuss pending Kjellberg litigation. (Legal) 14. Consideration of approving payment of bills for November, 2007. 15. Adjourn. 1 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 22, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: Clint Herbst 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Alleeiance Acting Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of October 8. 2007 Rel!ular Council Meetinl!. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 8, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of October 8. 2007 Special Council Meetinl!. Tom Perrault noted that meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 8, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of October 4. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! Public Works Facilitv SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. Wayne Mayer indicated that review of the consultants would be considered at the next Council meeting. Approval of a business name for the City's fiber optics entity was added to the consent agenda as item #5K. 4. Citizen comments, petitions. reauests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hires/departures for MCC and Liquor Store. Council Minutes: 10/22/07 B. Consideration of monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Authorize the City Attorney to initiate license revocation process on Walt's Pawn Shop. C. Consideration of appointment of Tom Kelly as Monticello Deputy Registrar 002 subject to approval by the State of Minnesota. Recommendation: Appoint Tom Kelly as Deputy Registrar 002 subject to approval by the state. D. Consideration of approving renewal of currency exchange license - Wal-Mart. Recommendation: Approve renewal of the currency exchange license for the Wal-Mart store located at 9320 Cedar Street. E. Consideration of ratification of union contract. Recommendation: Approve the union contract as revised for the two year period from April 2007 to April 2009. F. Consideration of approving donation from Land of Lakes Choirboys for MCC and Fire Department. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-80 approving the contribution and authorizing the use of funds as specified by the donor. G. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. H. Consideration of approving a request for a preliminary plat and a conditional use permit for development stage PUD approval for a multi-tenant office complex. Applicant: Quad Development. Recommendation: Approve the development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for Quad Development based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the performance standards of the B-4 District and in character with the surrounding area subject to the following conditions: I) All wall mounted lighting shall contain a full cutoff fixture; 2) All trash enclosures shall be of similar materials and color to those of the principal structures; and 3) The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo from Bruce Westby dated September 25, 2007. I. Consideration of approving selection of an audit firm to provide audit services to the City for years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Recommendation: Approve the contract with MMKR for audit services for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. J. Consideration of approval of Co-location Agreement. Recommendation: Approve the agreement with AGL Consulting to provide a fiber optic connection to the 511 Building in Minneapolis with the City providing a location for fiber optic equipment and award the contract for the interconnection as quoted in Route #2 with 36-count fiber optic cable to Michels Communication at a cost not to exceed $35,000. K. Consideration of approval of a business name for the City fiber optics entity. Recommendation: Approve "FiberNet Monticello" as the name of the business entity for the Monticello fiber optics system. While #5F was not removed from the consent agenda, Wayne Mayer did want to take the opportunity to thank the Land Of Lakes Choirboys for their continued and generous support of the Fire Department and Community Center. 2 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA OF ITEMS #5A, #5B, #5C, #5D, #5E, #5F, #51 AND #5J. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. #5D Approval of renewal of currency exchange license - Wal-Mart. Tom Perrault requested that this item be removed from the consent agenda so he could abstain from voting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE CURRENCY EXCHANGE LICENSE FOR W AL-MART AT 9320 CEDAR STREET. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. #5H Approve preliminary plat and conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development for a multi-tenant office complex - Quad Development: Tom Perrault asked for a summary of what had taken place at the special Planning Commission meeting held prior to the Council meeting. Steve Grittman stated that the Planning Commission had recommended approval as presented. This approval included a free standing sign slightly larger than what the ordinance allows but the applicant did not have any pylon signs and less wall signage. Susie Wojchouski noted in the agenda item the location of the site was incorrectly identified as east of the Autumn Ridge development. Tom Perrault asked how it was determined how many handicapped parking stalls each of the five buildings would receive. Steve Grittman responded that the number of handicapped stalls needed is based on the total parking spaces and the developer could select the placement of them. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FIVE MULTI-TENANT OFFICE BUILDINGS FOR QUAD DEVELOPMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THE B-4 DISTRICT AND IN CHARACTER WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) ALL WALL MOUNTED LIGHTING SHALL CONTAIN A FULL CUTOFF FIXTURE; 2) ALL TRASH ENCLOSURES SHALL BE OF SIMILAR MATERIALS AND COLOR TO THOSE OF THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES AND 3) THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AS OUTLINED IN THE MEMO FROM BRUCE WESTBY DATED SEPTEMBER 25,2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 #5K Business name for the City fiber optics entity: The Fiber Optic Committee was requesting approval of a business name for the fiber optic system. Wayne Mayer said this step is necessary for getting the bonding package in place and doing marketing for the bier optic system. Wayne Mayer went on to explain the rationale the Fiber Optics Committee used in selecting the name. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE "FIBERNET MONTICELLO" AS THE NAME OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY FOR THE MONTICELLO FIBER OPTICS SYSTEM. SUSIE Council Minutes: 10/22/07 WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearinl!: and consideration of adoptinl!: assessment Core Street Reconstruction Prol!:ram. City Proiect No.2007-01C. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weis gave a presentation on the assessment for the 2007-0 I C Core Street Project. This project covered the remaining part of Area #3 in the overall street reconstruction program. The improvements to this area included storm sewer, street reconstruction and widening of River Street, Hillcrest Drive and Hillcrest Road. Sidewalk was constructed on the south side of River Street from approximately Craig Lane to the Montissippi Park entrance. In addition the project included construction of a parking lot at Hillcrest Park. Bret Weiss then reviewed project costs and assessments. The total project cost was $1,599,578 with assessments to the property owners accounting for $356,104. The balance of the cost was covered by street funds, state aid funds, trunk utility funds and park funds. Bret Weiss added that the costs were less than the estimate contained in the feasibility report. The cost for street reconstruction was $3,300 for a residential unit and sidewalk was $228.65 per unit. The sidewalk assessment is in keeping with the City's policy of assessing 25% of the cost with the City to pick up the remaining 75%. Kenneth Lane which received a mill and overlay and not a full street reconstruction was assessed 50% of the cost or $1 ,484.25/per unit. In previous action, the Council had set the policy that properties with multiple driveways would not be assessed a full unit for each driveway. Instead any combination of driveways in excess of 24 feet would be assessed for the extra cost of restoring anything over 24 feet. Bret Weiss pointed out that because the properties at 126 Hillcrest Road and 1401 Hilltop Drive could be subdivided they were assessed two street units with the second unit of street assessment being deferred until such time as the property was divided. Additional driveway work requested by property owners was also assessed back against the properties that had requested the work. The proposed assessment for the Rod and Gun Club was reviewed. Initially it was proposed to assess the property as non-residential property. The Council determined this property could be handled in a manner similar to the Ritze property, which likewise had a non-residential use. The Ritze property was assessed based on the number of residential units that could be created from the site with an agreement that if the property developed at a greater density than assessed, additional assessments would be collected. The question that the Council would need to address is whether the assessment for the Rod and Gun Club should be based on three units or five units. Brian Stumpf asked about the "No Parking" signs for Hillcrest Road. It was his recollection that the "No Parking" signs would be on the east side of Hillcrest Road. Public Works Director, John Simola stated the policy they followed was that on north-south streets there is no parking on the east side and on east-west streets there is no parking on the south side. Brian Stumpf felt for Hillcrest Road all the signage should be on one side of the street. Wayne Mayer agreed that the signing should be uniform. John Simola pointed out that with current standards if the street width is 28 feet then parking is restricted to one side of the street. Tom Perrault questioned the sidewalk assessment and asked ifit was consistent with what was done in previous reconstruction projects. Bret Weis indicated it was and that the 25% of the cost of the sidewalk was assessed to properties even if they didn't abut the sidewalk. 4 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 Acting Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. Tom Bose who was the construction observer on the project for the City spoke representing the Rod and Gun Club. He briefly reviewed the proposed assessment and argued that based on the frontage of the property on River Street and with a residential lot frontage of 80 feet, the Rod and Gun Club should be assessed for three lots and not five lots. The side ofthe property that abuts the entrance to Montissippi Park should not be included in the lot calculations for this project. At the point where the park entrance becomes a city street and is improved the Rod and Gun Club would be facing an assessment based on the footage they have on that street. If the property does develop at a density greater than the units assessed, the excess density would be assessed at the rate that is in effect at the time the property develops. A property owner on Kenneth Lane asked if the assessment on Kenneth Lane was just mill and overlay or did it include sidewalk. Bret Weiss indicated the assessment included sidewalk. Acting Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf commented that the informational meetings went a long way in helping the property owners understand the assessment process. Bret Weiss complimented Tom Bose on his inspection work on this project. In further discussion the Council determined the Rod and Gun Club should be assessed for three lots with the remaining lots to be assessed at the rate in effect at the time the property develops. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 2007-01C WITH THE ROD AND GUN CLUB PROPERTY RECEIVING AN ASSESSMENT FOR THREE LOTS AND WITH AN AGREEMENT THAT IF THE PROPERTY DEVELOPS AT A DENSITY GREATER THAN THREE UNITS, THE ADDITIONAL LOTS WOULD BE ASSESSED AT THE RATE THAT IS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION BECAUSE OF THE MANNER IN WHICH THE CITY ASSESSED THE SIDEWALK. The parking in this area will come back to the Council for consideration after there is additional staff review. Wayne Mayer asked if the Fire Department had any preference in how the parking is restricted. Brian Stumpf responded they did not care as long as they had access to the fire hydrants. 8. Public Rearin!! and consideration of adoptinl!: assessment for Chelsea Road Improvements. City Proiect No. 2006-31C. Bret Weiss provided background information on the scope of the project and the proposed assessment. He noted that the project is still under construction but that the Council in the past has taken the position that projects should be assessed, if possible, in the year they are constructed. He noted that this project was required as part of the interchange improvement. The project reconstructed Chelsea Road to a 44' urban section design and re-aligned the intersection of Chelsea Road and Fallon A venue. The project also included storm sewer construction, turn lanes for the proposed Mills Fleet Farm development and street lighting. The cost of the turn lanes is being charged against the Mills Fleet Farm property. The estimated construction cost of the project is $2,612,343. Assessments will pick up approximately $1,420,423 of the cost with the trunk funds and general fund covering the balance. 5 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 The rate for the roadway assessment is $70.70 and the storm sewer rate was $9,280.33 per acre. The pathway and street lighting costs were covered in the development agreement with Monticello Industrial Park. Bret Weiss noted the rain had slowed down the progress of the project but he felt with weather permitting the work would be done yet this fall. However it is proposed that the pathway will not be done until next year. Acting Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. Don Tomann ofUMC, 500 Chelsea Road asked if the Council had received the letter from Mike Pudill ofWSI Industries. The Council acknowledged receipt of Mr. Pudill's letter. Don Tomann stated there is no benefit from this project for the owners who are there currently. WSI and UMC were built in 2002 and improvements of approximately $50,000 were made then to handle storm water runoff. They were directed by the City to drain to the south side. He didn't see the road improvements as being required for their property. Don Tomann was making an oral objection that corresponds to Mike Pudill written objection. Don Tomann was requesting their properties be taken off the assessment roll or table the assessment and meet with the property owners on this. He also asked that the City look at the slope of the entrances to his property. He is concerned about the amount traffic on the road and the increase in traffic when Mills Fleet Farm develops. Bret Weiss addressed the storm sewer issue stating the City looked at the water that runs to the street. If properties do not drain to the street they would be taken off the assessment roll for storm sewer cost. Bret Weiss noted that 80% of the property is being developed so there would be an increase in traffic regardless of what went into the area. Bret Weiss said it was always intended that the road would be upgraded to some level. Don Tomann said he didn't want the point he and Mike are trying to make to get lost. The focus for that significant amount of improvement was for Mills Fleet Farm coming. Don Tomann understood that all the property along Chelsea Road would be draining to the east to the storm water pond. Mills Fleet Farm and the unimproved property received the benefit from the project. Bret Weiss said all the property could not drain to the north because the elevation of the land would not have allowed that. Bret Weiss said Mills Fleet Farm will be discharging into the pond on the west side of their property. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the City would have done just an overlay or a reconstruction project. Bret Weiss said it was always intended to construct this road as a full urban section. Bret Weiss will take a look at the driveway entrances at UMC. Bill Tapper, 212 Chelsea Road stated that according to state statute for a property owner to be assessed for an improvement they have to receive benefit from the project. He did not feel he received any benefit from this project. He said if the street needed to be replaced it should have been done going from to the west of his property. He objected to the assessment based on the fact that he had not had substantial gain from this project. Bret Weiss said as far as not going to the west at this time it was a cost factor. However, at some time in the future the road will be improved to a level over what it is now. Bill Tapper indicated that the road was capable of carrying the amount of traffic that currently uses it. Bret Weiss noted the property owners can challenge the assessments in court if they so desire. Acting Mayor Stumpfthen closed the public hearing. City Attorney, Joel Jarnnik noted that written objections to the assessment have to be presented either prior to the hearing or at the 6 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 hearing. Bret Weiss discussed the objections raised tonight and Don Tomann's request that these properties be removed from the assessment roll. Bret Weis said other than the storm water calculations being calculated incorrectly any proposed change in the street cost should be made for all the properties. Unless the Council has something to take back to the property owners to discuss, he questioned the benefit of additional meetings with the property owners. Brian Stumpf stated he was not in favor of additional meetings with the property owners. Susie Wojchouski asked Joel Jamnik about the process for appealing assessments. Joel Jamnik indicated written objections must be submitted to the City tonight and filed in District Court within 30 days of the adoption of the assessment. The court tries to determine the amount of special benefit to the property. The appeal process has been established by state statutes with benefit being determined by valuation. Bret Weiss felt the Council has been doing well in the handling of these assessments. Brian Stumpf concurred stating the Council did what they could to keep the cost down. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 2006-31 C. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Perrault asked what happens ifthe City doesn't adopt this assessment roll. Finance Director, Tom Kelly said it depends the timing. If the Council approved the assessment at the next meeting, the assessment could still be sent to the County by the November 30th deadline but it would encroach into the 30 day period to pay without interest. If the assessment is delayed beyond this date it would not go on until the 2009 taxes and there would be another year of capitalized interest to be calculated. 9. Public Rearm!! and consideration of adoptm!! assessment Cedar StreetJDundas Road Improvements. City Proiect No. 2006-02C. Bret Weiss provided background information stating that this project was initiated because of the Wamert Development south of Chelsea Road and west of Cedar Street. Under this project Dundas Road was improved from a gravel road to a 44 urban section but did not include sidewalk or street lighting. Cedar Street was improved to 44' urban section including right turn lanes, sidewalk and street lighting. The project also included a forcemain along Chelsea Road for the future extension of the system from the Otter Creek lift station to the trunk sewer at Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. Total project cost is $1,214, 918 with assessments covering $775,200 of the cost. Trunk fund and state aid funds make up the balance. New improvements such as sidewalk or street lighting were assessed at 100%. The improvement to Dundas Road since it was new construction and not reconstruction was assessed at 100%. It was noted there is green acres property in the project area. The assessment on green acres property is deferred with interest. Bret Weiss stated the City had received two written objections to the assessment one from Joel Erickson and one from John Lundsten. Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf opened the public hearing. John Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane, Buffalo stated his property abuts Dundas Road on both sides. The basis of his objection is the same as when the project was initiated. The road does not benefit his property and never did. He realizes the City had the need to improve the road because of traffic demands. His property has been farmed for over 35 years and is still being farmed. He did not request any improvement of 7 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 Dundas Road. He said the traffic pattern will benefit but there is no benefit to his property. He realizes if the assessment is approved he will have to take his appeal to district court. He noted the property is classified as green acres and would be deferred but the interest rate of 5% would be $12,500 on a $250,000 assessment. Brian Stumpf asked for a brief explanation of the green acres statute. Bret Weiss said for property to meet the green acres requirement it has to be farmed and meet certain other criteria. The benefit comes when the property is ready to develop. Bret Weiss agreed with Mr. Lundsten that the project did benefit the City's transportation system. Wayne Mayer asked if the interest rate is negotiable at all. Bret Weiss said the interest rate has generally been set at 1 Y>% above the bond rate. Since the City had not issued a bond the interest rate was based on the current bond rate. John Lundsten said in response to Bret Weiss comments that the road makes the property developable. He argues the property is developable because of its location. The assessment of the road does not enhance its appeal to developers. Joel Erickson, 1260 Cedar Street stated his understanding was that the storm sewer was just for draining the roadway. Bret Weiss agreed the majority of the storm sewer is just for the street. Joel Erickson was not objecting to the street assessment but the storm sewer assessment. In the past there was no way they could drain to Cedar Street because of the elevation of the street was too high. Because he had to make improvements years ago he questioned being assessed for it now. Joel Erickson asked about the Warnert Development and whether it has been reworked so it drains to Cedar Street. Bret Weiss said the Warnert development would have an internal drainage system. Joel Erickson said he was not aware the assessment was just for the roadway and that it was not for property drainage. Bob Lamont who owns the property east of Cedar Street wanted to know if there an option on the payment schedule. Could it run for 15 or 20 years instead of 10 years? Bret Weiss said extending the interest costs further nullifies some of the cost saving. Brian Stumpf asked if there were any legal ramifications for changing the assessment terms and felt this should be researched further. Brian Stumpf asked if the City has an option of deferring interest. Joel Jamnik will check into this. 8 Susie Wojchouski asked about the assessment to City property. Tom Kelly said it can be done either way. The City can be assessed and pay the assessment like other property owners or the city owned property is not directly assessed but the City contributes the amount of the assessment towards the project. By assessing it against the property, if it is sold the assessment can be covered in the sale price or the buyer can pick up the balance of the assessment. Acting Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf felt the green acres property should be looked at. Wayne Mayer agreed this should be studied further. Joel Jamnik said the City could adopt the assessment as proposed and if there are some adjustments they could be brought back to the Council. Joel Jamnik said the difficulty would be getting it done for the next council meeting. Wayne Mayer asked if the Council should look at some type of policy outlining under what conditions the Council can extend the assessment term. Bret Weiss suggesting looking at using equal payment instead of equal principal. The pros and cons of a short or long assessment term were discussed. Tom Kelly emphasized the need to be consistent. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CEDAR Council Minutes: 10/22/07 STREET/DUNDAS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 2006-02 WITH THE CITY TO WORK WITH THE OWNER OF THE GREEN ACRES PARCEL ON THE INTEREST RATE AND TO EXTEND THE LENGTH OF THE ASSESSMENT FROM 10 YEARS TO 15 YEARS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Public Hearinl!: and consideration of adoDtinl!: assessment for delinquent utilities 2nd Quarter 2007. The Council then considered the assessment roll for delinquent 2nd quarter utilities. Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Acting Mayor Stumpfthen closed the public hearing. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITIES FOR 2ND QUARTER 2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Public Hearinl!: and consideration of vacatinl!: a Dortion of Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive (Countv Road 117). City Engineer Bruce Westby provided background information including a drawing showing where the westerly edge of the Lamont property abuts Cedar Street and where along the east it abuts Oakwood drive. He is recommending that the City retains a drainage and utility easement across both of the right of ways being vacated. It was noted that if the right-of-way on Cedar Street was vacated the City would still have 40' of right-of-way. Brian Stumpf asked about the reconstructed Cedar Street and if the 40' is in the right of way of the reconstructed Cedar Street. Bruce Westby said the right of way along Cedar Street varies. John Simola said the strip to be vacated is 6' in width and tapers down to nothing. Vacating this strip makes for a more uniform street width. Brian Stumpf asked if any of this right of way falls into the reconstructed city street right of way. The cost of the right of way that is proposed to be vacated was discussed. Bruce Westby said on this development the Council should take into consideration that a portion of the applicants' property encroaches into the city street and the property owner would be vacating a portion of this (approximately 1,041 square feet). In addition Chelsea road is currently a roadway easement. The land was not platted at the time the road went in and the City obtained an easement for the roadway so the City doesn't own the land the street is on. The property owner is willing to deed the land covered by the easement (approximately 2 acres) back to the city. Acting Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. Nick Nowacki from Meyer Rohlin, engineer for Bob Lamont stated they are looking to clean up the boundary lines a little better before platting it. Since there is a land exchange proposed there would be no value established for the vacated right of way. Acting Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. WAYNE MAYER MOVE TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION VACATING CEDAR STREET AND OAKWOOD DRIVE WITH NO FEE TO BE CHARGED FOR THE VACATED RIGHT OF WAY BECAUSE OF THE LAND EXCHANGE AND THE CITY IS TO RETAIN DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS OVER BOTH PORTIONS OF THE V ACA TED RIGHT-OF-WAY. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. 9 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 Legal counsel, Joel Jamnik suggested including in the resolution the statement that the vacation is contingent upon the platting of the Lamont property. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE THE CONTINGENCY AND SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Public Hearin!! - 1. Consideration to adopt a resolution relatin!! to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority: transferrin!! certain proiects and proerams to that a!!encv: approvin!! certain or!!anizational matters: 2. Consideration to adopt an amended and restated resolution enabIin!! the creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority: supersedin!! Ordinance No. 172. Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak provided information on the public hearing and the two resolutions needed to be adopted by the City Council to effect the transfer of authority from the HRA and the establishment ofthe new EDA. By the adoption ofthe first resolution the Council transfers the control and operation of all programs from the HRA to the EDA. The resolution also outlines that an annual budget and report must be submitted each year. The second resolution, the enabling resolution, amends and restates the ordinance that was approved in 1989. This resolution specifies the officers, meetings, powers and duties of the authority. Ollie Koropchak reviewed the resolution noting the following areas: Section 2.02 - Deals with number of commission members. At the present time it is proposed to have a 7 member board; Section 2.03 states that two of the seven members will be Council members; Section 2.04 states the terms for members will be initially set at 1,2,3,4,5 years with two members serving six year terms Ollie Koropchak stated that the enabling resolution did not address the issue of residency. lethe Council is not certain how they want to handle the residency issue for members, it was recommended that it be covered in the by-laws rather than in the enabling resolution since it would be easier to change the by-laws. Acting Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposal. Brian Stumpf brought it back to the Council. The Council agreed that there was no change to the first resolution (allocation resolution) transferring funds and projects from the HRA to the EDA. On the second resolution (enabling) Brian Stumpf stated he felt comfortable with a seven member commission. With a seven member commission, it was determined that two of the members would be from the Council and the five remaining members would be non-council representatives with at least three of the five members to be city residents and not more than two of the five non-council members being non-residents who operated a business and owned land within the city. There was some discussion on the wording of the language and it was clarified with the wording proposed the EDA all five non-council members could be city residents but at any given point no more than two could be non-residents. Joel Jarnnik noted that this discussion has more impact on agenda item #13. Since the City may be advertising for applicants they will need to determine how many are need to be residents or non-residents. Tom Perrault asked if "shall" and "must" mean the same. Joel Jarnnik said legally it means the same it is merely choice of writing styles. Tom Perrault asked ifthe new EDA determines the by-laws or does the City Council. He also questioned the officers in Section 3.01 He was of the understanding that the treasurer did not have to be a member. Ollie Koropchak stated that is the 10 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 way it is operated now but if the resolution is adopted the assistant treasurer position could be held by someone from the Finance Department and not a commission member. Joel Jamnik said the wording in the resolution provides a better system of checks and balances and a better fiscal management perspective. He felt the language in the resolution was the best way to go Tom Perrault questioned if something comes in that is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan would the city council have to initiate a comprehensive plan change. Joel Jamnik said the City Council action should not have to come first. Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AS PREP ARED RELATING TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; TRANSFERRING CERTAIN PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS TO THAT AGENCY AND APPROVING CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADOPT AN AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 17 AS PREPARED CONSISTING OF SEVEN MEMBER TWO OF WHICH ARE COUNCIL MEMBERS AND WITH AT LEAST THREE OF THE NON-COUNCIL MEMBERS BEING RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND NOT GREATER THAN TWO NON-COUNCIL MEMBERS BEING NON-RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO BUT THE NON- RESIDENT MEMBERS SHALL OPERATE A BUSINESS AND OWN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of authorizinl! advertisinl! for members for newlv formed EDA. Ollie Koropchak addressed the options for the Council to consider in advertising for members for the new commission. She suggested that the Council authorize staff to send a letter to current HRA and EDA members to determine if they have an interest in serving on the newly formed board. After determining existing interest, an advertisement will be placed in the paper. The Councilor a committed as directed by the Council will interview the applicants and make a recommendation to the Council. Two Council members will also be appointed to the board. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A LETTER OF INTEREST FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE EDA TO CURRENT HRNEDA COMMISISONERS AND THEREAFTER AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR VACANT NON-CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITIONS ON THE EDA. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of award of bids for Fallon Avenue Pathwav Improvements, City Proiect No.2007-12C. Bruce Westby presented the information on the bid results for the Fallon Avenue Pathway Improvement Project. The base bid was for an 8-foot pathway on the west side of Fallon Avenue between Farmstead Avenue and School Boulevard. An alternate bid was included that covered an 11 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 8-foot pathway from the parking lot in Pioneer Park to the existing stubbed path east from Farmstead Avenue. The low bid from Rum River Contracting was 70% of the engineer's estimate. If approved the pathway would be constructed by November but the contract would remain open until the spring. Brian Stumpf asked where the money was coming from for this project. While nothing has been budgeted for this project, it was thought the work could be funded either through general fund or park funds or a combination of both. Wayne Mayer asked if this pathway would be on the snow removal schedule because of its proximity to the school John Simola said it would have to be on the early morning schedule which means it would have to be done by 7: 15 am. John Simola noted that the addition of the pathway would not require any immediate equipment needs but may in the future. . Brian Stumpf asked if pedestrian improvements were being considered for School Boulevard and Fallon A venue. Bruce Westby stated that this winter staff will be looking at the whole corridor of School Boulevard/Fallon Avenue. Their recommendations will be brought back next spring. The current pathway project is not being considered for any grant applications since the timing of the grant applications and the need to get the project in this year didn't mesh. Tom Perrault asked if all the recent moisture will delay the project. Bruce Westby felt if it remained dry for a couple of weeks the project would be able to be completed. Tom Perrault also asked about the seeding and who is liable ifit doesn't take. Bruce Westby said it would depend on why the seeding didn't take. Susie Wojchouski felt the segment of pathway going through parking lot was expense proposition considering all the needs of the city. Bruce Westby noted in it was on the pathway plan and was intended to be built. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO A WARD THE BID FOR THE FALLON A VNEUE P ATHW A Y IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-l2C TO RUM RIVER CONTRACTING IN THE AMOUNT OF $67,490.25 FOR THE BASE BID ONLY. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 15. Consideration of acceptance of counteroffer for purchase of 20 acre farm site south of Featherstone. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that the City had made an offer on property for the site of the Public Works facility and the property owner submitted a counteroffer that was $15,000 higher than the City's original offer. Staff was recommending approval ofthe counteroffer. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ACCEPT THE COUNTEROFFER THAT WAS $15,000 HIGHER THAN THE ORIGINAL OFFER OF THE CITY. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT THE PROPOSED SITE WAS TOO FAR OUT. 16. Consideration of options for open air shelter at West Bridee Park. Park Superintendent Tom Pawelk reviewed with the Council various proposals for construction of an open air shelter at West Bridge Park. The options included both wood and steel shelters with the prices ranging from $10,375 to $15,444. Tom Pawelk indicated he had called local contractors 12 Council Minutes: 10/22/07 but no one responded with a proposal. Wayne Mayer felt this money would be better spent on other projects such as the pathway but he did compliment Tom Pawelk on his research for options. Brian Stumpf also questioned the value received for the money spent. The general consensus of the Council was that the shelter was too expensive and was not needed in West Bridge Park. Wayne Mayer challenged the Parks Department to come back with a cheaper alternative. He noted there are parks that need shelters and if they could get the cost down the City could provide shelters for more of the parks. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM, DIRECT P ARKS STAFF TO RESEARCH OTHER OPTIONS AND BRING THIS ITEM BACK TO THE COUNCIL FOR POSSIBLE CONSTRUCTION IN 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Review of research on landscaoe bufferlscreeninl! ootions River City Lanes City Engineer, Bruce Westby, noted that this was an update and required no Council action at this meeting. After reviewing the site, it is his belief that the best remedy for screening headlights coming from the bowling alley parking lot would the construction of a privacy fence between the parking stalls on the bowling alley site and rear yards of the abutting property. Added Items: It was noted a Wright County Mayor's event was scheduled on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at the Rockford Town Hall. 18. Consideration of aoorovinl! oavment of bills for October, 2007. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 19. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:40 P.M. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 13 Council Agenda: 11/13/07 SA. Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for MCC and Streets. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and the Streets Department. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Euteneuer, Rebecca Slide Attendant MCC 10/12/07 PT Zierdt. Abby Siide Att. Life Guard MCC 10/15/07 PT Wiliiams. Chantelle Guest Services MCC 10/11/07 PT Ellis, Kevin SlideAtt MCC 10/18/07 PT Pollock. Sadie Guest Services MCC 10/12/07 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Hirschey. Jon season ended Streets 10/26/07 Temp Kaskinen. Pam voluntary, with issues MCC 10/15/07 PT Harberts, Heather voluntary MCC 10/01/07 PT employee councillist.xis: 10/31/2007 Council Agenda; 11/13/07 5B. Consideration of transfer of intoxicatinl!liquor license for River City Lanes. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: River City Lanes will be re-locating the business from 101 Chelsea Road to their new location at 3875 School Boulevard and is requesting that his liquor license be transferred to the new site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Approve the transfer of the on-sale liquor license for River City Lanes from 101 Chelsea Road to 3875 School Boulevard. 2. Do not approve the license transfer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that license for River City Lanes be transferred for their new location. A revised certificate of insurance has been submitted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. City Council Agenda- 11113/07 SC. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for the proposed River City Station. a commercial plat in a B-3 (HiWtwav Business) District. and a request for rezoninl!: from B-3 (Hil!:hwav Business) to B-4 (Rel!:ional Business). Applicant: Chelsea Road. LLC. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their October 2, 2007 regular meeting and recommended approval of both the request for Rezoning from B-3 to B-4 and Preliminary Plat. The Planning Commission inquired as to the potential to combine lots to accommodate larger users. The applicant addressed this issue by showing an illustration of potential lot combinations, in the event that a larger user is interested in the area. The Commission discussed the City Engineer's recommendation that the right-of-way width be revised to no less than 80-feet if the roadway connects to the undeveloped parcel to the south in the future. The applicant contested this condition. The Commission clarified that this is public street, and agreed with the Engineer's recommendation for an 80-foot right-of-way. Since the time of the Commission meeting, staff has been working with the developer regarding the width of the right- of-way for the access road and a compromise satisfactory to the City and the developer has been reached and is discussed in the "Access" portion of this report. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the requests, subject to the applicant meeting aU recommendations of the City Engineer. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Chelsea Road, LLC has applied for Preliminary Plat approval for River City Station, commercial subdivision consisting oftwelve lots. The applicant has also applied for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The site is located in the southeast comer ofthe intersection of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The gross area of the site is 18.29 acres. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning to B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The site is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3 District is also to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a commercial plat consisting of 12 lots on an 18.29 acre site. The site is proposed to be platted as Lots 1-5 of Block I and Lots 1-7 of Block 2. Block I is located on the west side ofthe site, and Block 2 is located on the east side of the site. Proposed lot sizes range from a minimum of .75 acres to a maximum of2.48 acres. One of the largest lots, Lot 6, Block 2 is proposed at 2.38 acres and will contain a detention pond on the north half of the site to accommodate stormwater. As part of the preliminary plat, the applicant is requesting vacation of a 6,093 square foot piece of right- Council Agenda: 11113/07 of-way in the northeast corner of the site, at the intersection of Chelsea Road and Edmondson Avenue. However, a drainage and utility easement will be maintained over the entire area. The requested vacation is proposed to square-off the site in this location. The applicant is also proposing a slight adjustment to the existing lot line along the west boundary of the site. This adjustment results in vacation a 2,933 square foot section of Cedar Street right-of-way. Rezoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for commercial land uses, and the requested B-4 designation is generally consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. While the purpose of the B-3 and B-4 Districts are identical, the B-4 Zoning District allows for a wider variety of commercial uses. All uses allowed in the B-4 District would again be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site. The site is bordered by land designated for commercial land uses to the north, south, and west. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. No minimum lot area, lot width, or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. Additionally, no structures have been sited on the proposed lots. The applicant is proposing a minimum lot width of 122 feet, and a minimum lot size of .75 acres, or 32,670 square feet. While the applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3 to B-4, the B-3 District requires a minimum lot width of 100 feet. The applicant has exceeded the minimum requirement for the current zoning designation with all lots. Any future buildings proposed for the site shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for required parking and landscaping. Access. Primary access to the site is provided via a north-south street that terminates at the south end in a permanent cul-de-sac. This access drive is proposed to be paved to approximately 36-feet in width with 60-feet of right-of-way. A right-turn lane onto Chelsea Road has been provided for. Additional accesses are provided off Cedar Street. The applicant is proposing two shared drives off Cedar Street, extending east into the site. The width of these drives has not been specified. The applicant has also noted shared access at two locations off Edmondson A venue, extending west into the site. Internal access drives off the north-south street are anticipated, but have not been indicated on the plat. Conditional Use Permits for all shared access arrangements will be required at the time of development. Staff has been working with the developer regarding the width of the right-of-way for the access road. The plans show 60-feet of right-of-way. However, the City typically requires 80-feet for commercial roadways per City Standard Plate No. 5002. As a compromise, the City has asked the applicant to provide a permanent cul-de-sac with dedicated right-of-way. This assumes the road will not extend to the south in the near future. As proposed the area south of the end ofthe cul-de-sac does not have dedicated right-of-way. However, as a condition of approval an area 60-feet in width south ofthe cul- de-sac shall be included as dedicated right-of-way prior to final plat approval to ensure that the access drive can be extended to the south if desired when/if the southerly parcel does develop. As part of the plat, the applicant is proposing to dedicate the Chelsea Road easement currently running along the north side of the property as right-of-way. The affected area is 92,510 square feet in area. In addition, the applicant is proposing to dedicate 1,414 square feet of right-of-way for Cedar Street near Council Agenda: 11/13/07 the southwest comer ofthe site. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any signage as part of the Preliminary Plat. However, a monument sign easement has been noted in the northwest comer of the site. Said easement is partially located within the City's drainage and utility easement. Signs are not allowed within the easement area. Any future signage proposed for the site shall be required to comply with Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to signs, and must be processed as a separate application. Landscaping. The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as part ofthe application package. Minimum landscaping requirements for commercial sites are based on total site perimeter or total building area. In that regard, a landscape plan may be premature at this point. Staff recommends that an individual landscape plan be provided for each lot at the time that lot develops. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans for all grading, drainage, and utility issues and offers the following comments: 1. Verify all drainage and utility easement widths shown in plan. Several appear to be incorrect. 2. Revise drainage and utility easement in SW comer of plat, Lot 5, Block 1. Does not meet required minimum width. 3. If updated drainage computations were not submitted to WSB for review after the pond was redesigned, please submit updated drainage computations to the City. 4. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the Utility Plan and offers the following comments: 1. Revise stormwater pond clay lining depth from 2-inches to 2-feet. 2. Revise right-of-way width per note 3 for plan sheet 4 of 12 above. 3. Concrete sidewalk must be located within roadway right-of-way. 4. Provide design information for the median island curb and gutter. 5. Each lot will require utility services. 6. Provide calculations verifYing that watermain is adequately sized for its service area. Consider required fire flows by contacting our Fire Chief at 763-295-4111 for required flow rates. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and the Rezoning requests. Regarding the request for rezoning from B-3, Highway Business, to B-4, Regional Business, the City Council Agenda: 11/13/07 has the following options: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a finding that the requested zoning designation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and will not have an adverse affect on surrounding properties. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning from B-3 to B-4, based on a finding that the existing zoning is appropriate for the site and requested rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area. Regarding the request for preliminary plat approval for River City Station, a commercial plat resulting in 12 lots, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the preliminary plat of River City Station, subject to a fmding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the preliminary plat of River City Station, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is requesting rezoning of the site from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The subject request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and is not expected to have a detrimental effect on surrounding properties. Upon review ofthe proposed preliminary plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements of the existing B-3 District, which are more restrictive than the requested B-4 zoning designation. Therefore, staff recommends approval ofthe preliminary plat and rezoning, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Existing Conditions Neighborhood Context Preliminary Plat Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Erosion Control and Restoration Plan S.W.P.P.P Details Memo from Bruce Westby, City Engineer, dated September 25,2007 ROW l1lustration 8.:1: / I / ~ / (J ..J "_ September 25, 2007 , t', ! I .~ MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: River City Station Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2007-019 Dear Ms Holien: On September 17, 2007 the City of Monticello received a set of updated civil plans for the above referenced project Upon reviewing the plans the Engineering Department offers the following comments: It General Notes 1. Were updated drainage computations submitted to WSB for review after the pon<i was redesigned? If not, please submit updated computations to the City and copy Phil Elkin with WSB and Associates. 2. Provide utility profile plan sheets for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain, including crossing conflict locations. Plan Sheet 4 of 12 1. Verify all drainage and utility easement widths shown in plan. Several appear to be incorrect 2. Revise drainage and utility easement in SW comer of plat, lot 5, block 1. Does not meet minimum required width. 3. Revise right-of-way width of access road. Plans show 60-feet of right-of-way but we require SO-feet for commercial roadways per City Standard Plate No. 5002. The City may allow a width less than SO-feet if the roadway does not connect to the undeveloped parcel to the south. Or, we could add something to the Development Agreement stating that if the road connects to the south in the future the developer will be required to provide additional roadway right-or-way at that time. It Plan Sheet 5 of 12 1. Revise stormwater pond clay lining depth from 2-inches to 2-feet. 2. Revise right-of-way width per note 3 for plan sheet 4 of 12 above. 3. Concrete sidewalk must be located within roadway right-of-way. 4. Provide design information for the median island curb and gutter. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170 . Fax (7631 271-3272 -r",-' ..t... .'.~ Kimberly Holien September 25, 2007 Page 2 It Plan Sheet 6 of 12 I. Each lot will require utility services. 2. Provide calculations verifying that watermain is adequately sized for its service area. Consider required fire flows by contacting our Fire Chief at (763) 295-4111 for required flow rates. Plan Sheets 9 to 12 I. Update Standard Plate No. 5015. Updated plates available from City upon request. The City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates, has reviewed the updated plans and previoUsly submitted drainage computations and may provide additional comments. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO 1'~L~ ~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer It cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator John Simola, Public Works Director . Steve Joerg, Fire Chief Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Phillip Elkin, WSB and Associates Nick Nowacki, Meyer-Roblin Project File It , I I I i/ I I i/ I I i I , I I ~o I I .8::0 I : t ~ I i ~ 5---- , , ,I / '~ ----- ------1--- I" -\,//~ I------."~ " _______\" I I .... \ I I \ : ,,2~ II \ I ~~i I : 8~ i \ I 5 9:: : ~~N I - I I:~ I I ~ i \ , I I i ,.) ~-:;J:-~ :::----- i I I, Zz ~O :tr:l 08 ,.5 R~ ~o 0", ~~ ;q ",0 0", ~ . ~ ~~~~ ,,~ ~; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ l:llli 1\ t. '" >:I ~ '" ~ ~ I " .. >:I ~ ~ '" 0 ~.. - ~ <> ::t "8 . ,_ l" '" '" " .. :::l e J; ~ ~ ........ ~.. "hU t <: l/] 'J I-~ *~ ~ =~ ~I- ~ ~ 'i1 PI t5 ~ '" ~ '" <; ~ trt ~ " e '" " ~ o ... :-,. ...'" 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The 60-foot wide area south of the cul-de-sac shall be dedicated to the City as right-of-way prior to Final Plat approval. l6HHIl9(f9l)WOJ lell-Zll!l(C9U'l/d -'II rIm Nn 'OjD1J"Il "'6l 'MH Ill. ... ......"'" CJtY1 - ........ 'ON! 'N1lHOI!-II3A3n :JS lIRWd3tId j~!"Y7'iI"1PI'!1 ~_lr'I'l''''.l!''''''''J ]'IY,JS"lK7Uo!r'3'l ,"/""""i1H""II~' 37v:)S7YJ.NOZIb'OH - :39...d - ><OOfl N"N mOJJf3J1O ~ " t\l8 " ~ ,..~ NON maJN:>S3l1 '" ~ 0 :os OfJ },8N.t1~1I 8 <> ~ ~,.. '" '" LO/LL/SO "'" '" 4. l33HS 3llll '.111'0 SM'ld (>>J(J:J3lJ YlOS3NNIV1I 'Ol130IlNOV1l NOll V 1S All::> 1:13AII:I YO'! 1 Vld AI:IVNIVfll31:1d Z Q~ h5 rJ)~ ~~ ~O ~~ UB ~h ~> ~ ~~ ~ SIlLi~ "N'~ (W(1I0U ..,0(] !'I_ON'b'''''''~O!H ~:JI~ ......,lJU&o.s 'O;:-.t;;,lt"Jo ;;~~I p ...'" .~l ...""" J~3 ",UC!n~"'d pOD."," ,Cjnp " ..." I l"'ll puo......~'"'....,(...JlIlIl....,JIJ....,(QP-...>dold"... IJ~JJO "'1l!1"~'pMI: '''Dld 51uIIDIII.<j)IJ.~Aq."'41 ''-'U;>WLUCl'' JJOjS AI!" JPllSUO!$!APo!r' - La/l1/50 'S/lRtUlUCl:l JJO)S AI!" 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" S LOO 00:: lUlU 1-1- "-<( ::Co VJo c..J::;;O <(0 (f)c..J lUc..J 0<( -' :::JO c..J1--- ,,::C lUl- 1---0:: 00 Zz - Council Agenda: 11113/07 5D. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Stora2e in the B-3 District. Applicant: Olson Property Mana2ement (NAC). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular meeting on November 5'h, 2007. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit, with the conditions as noted. Olson Property Management has applied for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage to allow for the storage of vehicles in the rear yard of the property. The subject site is located at 19 Sanberg Road and is 4.58 acres in size. The property is zoned B-3, Highway Business. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a CUP for Open and Outdoor Storage to allow exterior storage of vehicles related to Jerry's Towing and Repair. Jerry's Towing and Repair will also be leasing a small space within the principal building for an office. A similar Conditional Use Permit was previously approved for the site, but has since expired due to non-use. The site currently contains a 6,400 square foot storage area in the rear yard of the site, south of the existing building. Jerry's Towing will be utilizing the south half of this storage space, approximately 3,200 square feet in area. The site is currently in violation of the Ordinance by operating the proposed use without a Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the outdoor storage area, the site contains a large bituminous parking area, a building approximately 7,176 square feet in area, and part ofa wetland. Access is provided via a driveway extending west into the site from Marvin Road. Existing Conditions. The applicant is currently storing a variety of items on the site, outside of the existing fenced storage area. As a condition of any approval for the proposed CUP, the applicant shall be required to clean up the site, transferring any items that are not used on a regular basis into the storage area. The applicant has indicated that items used regularly include vehicles and trailers. All items other than licensed vehicles and trailers shall be moved into the fenced storage area. Conditional Use Permit. Open and outdoor storage is permitted as a conditional use in the B- 3 District, provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an R district in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2G of this ordinance. Comment: The site does not abut any residential uses or residentially zoned property. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right of way. Comment: The storage area is surrounded by an existing chainlinkfence with slats. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the existing fence as part of the application. I Council Agenda: 11/13/07 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. Comment: The storage area is currently surfaced with crushed concrete. In a narrative submitted by the applicant. it is indicated that 3-4 loads of crushed concrete were recently added to the site. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: No additional lighting is proposed for the site as part of the project. If at any time additional lighting is proposed, said lighting shall be required to comply with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of the Zoning Ordinance. Parking. The existing building contains office, retail, and warehouse uses. The parking requirement for office uses is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area (minus 10 percent). The parking requirement for retail stores and service establishments with 50 percent or more of gross floor area devoted to storage, warehouses, and/or industry is at least eight spaces or one space for each 200 square feet devoted to public sales or service plus one space for each 500 square feet of storage area. Based on information in the floor plan provided by the applicant, the parking requirement for the site is as follows: Use Office Space Retail Warehouse/Shop Total ReQuired Floor Area 253 SQuare feet 1,620 SQuare feet 3,312 SQuare feet Spaces ReQuired 5 spaces 9 spaces 7 spaces 21 spaces As stated above, the site contains a large bituminous parking area on the east side of the principal building. However, the parking lot is not striped to delineate available parking stalls. Section 3-5 [D] (9) (I) of the Zoning Ordinance states that, except for single, two-family, and townhouses, all parking stalls shall be marked with white painted lines not less than four inches wide. Each of these striped parking stalls shall be a minimum of9 feet wide and 20 feet in length exclusive of access aisles. To accommodate the existing parking needs and the additional parking expected for the Jerry's Towing use, the applicant shall be required to stripe the parking lot, delineating a minimum of 21 spaces as a condition of approval. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer, Bruce Westby, performed a site visit in reference to the existing wetland on the site. Previously, it appeared as though stormwater runoff from this site would drain into the wetland immediately south of the site. However, the applicant has now graded the site to direct stormwater runoff from the storage area to a ditch west of Marvin Road that drains to a stormwater pond that is physically separated from the wetland noted above. The City Engineer performed a second site visit to verify that stormwater does in fact drain to the stormwater pond and not the protected wetland. It was found that stormwater does now drain into the stormwater retention pond. 2 Council Agenda: 11/13/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the conditions of approval and the performance requirements for the B-3 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the performance requirement of the B-3 District and it will have a detrimental affect on neighboring properties and wetlands. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Regarding the requested Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage, staff recommends approval of the request. The proposed use is consistent with the conditions of approval, and the intent of the B-3 District. The applicant has addressed issues with additional stormwater runoff, and the measures taken have been found acceptable by the City Engineer. In that regard, staff recommends approval, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit Z: Site Location Map Applicant narrative Site plan Site photos Aerial photos Floor plan Memo from City Engineer dated October 30, 2007. Conditions of approval 3 SA e SAI;'HRAP CIR. . s,. "" .......... 0.... 13~ ~'" i 7TH ::....ttStA e ~... 0: [] I< '" '" Q.. THOMA:j lfl. . '" < ::!' :r: '" >- U I ARK .~ <: ,., / .' CHELSEA ROAD DUN '" ~ z ~ < '" :> <( ROAD ~ ::i it ~ '" ~ "' -'. e ""h,.~n I ., . if . ~ .\ . \j,. - 'IU/I,Of'lAI e e e 0B (}PM Olson Property Management 19 Sandberg Road, P.D. Box: 686, Monticello, MN 55362 Phone 763-295-2690, Fax: 763-295-2691 August 27, 2007 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Mn 55362 Olson Property Management is applying for a conditional use permit for Jerry's Towing and Repair (Jerry Foley) to lease one-half of our fenced in area. At this time we have made office space available inside our facility for him to use. See attached drawing. I know the city may have some concerns regarding the wetland area located on the south side of our property. I contacted WSB Engineering two weeks ago for copies of topographies that were made during the Marvin/Chelsea Road reconstruction. They are having trouble locating the files. You may have a copy of these on file. The fenced in area measures 80 ft x 80 ft. We have not increased or decreased the size of this area since Jerry's Towing and Repair had used it previously. Jerry's Towing and Repair has had a conditional use permit in the past with the City of Monticello. We have added 3-14 yard loads of crushed concrete to minimize the rutting from his vehicles to and from the area. See attached pictures. At this time we are having a feasibility study on our entire 4.6 acre site which we expect back mid-September. We anticipate Jerry's Towing and Repair to be a part of our development and bring him back to this community. Please approve the conditional use permit required for us to proceed. ~ --- ~ Mark D. Olson Olson Property Management ~- PN\:'... --'-,,-:::.-~,' i" ~ ~~ i t r ,"I'. '1:7" ~ 'I""'.'" ;.., 1.'( ;;: :~ I;, .' rik l5 ~'I'.' - , -".' -- '? -- ~~h 'I',' ,,' 'i .~'". ,.;~ , ,\~;:1' I !~-kil:; ! .~j: m" : ~~f~; !~:':: 'Y'.' t^~ ,1',- , :~:;; .srr " l:l:,_ INIE; ;t?s 1'-' "'IF -"100; . 1'101\1 )r--SEt DUAIl ~ >:-'-- , - -':F-".. . ~ ~~ ~ ,<0 ill ~ I! . 1:;11) 2~ , , , . . / (/ 1/ 1 ~ i ~;t: ;; t ~~ ~~ ... - . 8 II) , . , , .... c . .... ;; ...., -.:::_\ ,~oEl ~60-,.. S>.t-o 49.9 '*97 , i ~ ~ " I i ~ '" CXlsrllJ(; . . . ,; al'(DIM:; '" L,-<l(Xlf1II fI/1I( rva ) - ... ~" .... .. , ('\ ',J WfT LAND e .L 1-11 C/-A., , '1'Y,4 Y 1\0. ctr '81!lAf~~) fiOT ""'-<q- -4 " I, -- -<.::=- ~~~ s- ~ -- <.- ~ -'" . 44 ~ .~ ',''-ra..- "~ 9<1 , ~). \).. ~ ,I ,: Ii r; L.:' A '~' , GR~PHK SCALe '" (n: r ~- J 50 I ~____ ~~ - ,..;~ 'tl",- ,....-'r-_N 75"22'20. \ ~.-J4,4J 1- 1 - I " \ \ ~~ \ ~& i~ 33 33 BI T/.NIN)U5 PARKIN:; LOT 4,577 ACRES ..... , r-_______--.-------1 / I'y I /,,' ,(\" / ~. , V I~ .,'./ .... = .L ~ ?6J'59 I I \ : ~ \ ~ I - I ::. \ ~ '20 If V, ____ D[I:!)T[$ ----..... /RCN ~Nr rrxrvt; ') -,R(,N 4O'JlMNT ,'l(T .t (APPro Ri. <: \--, '- , (r - '0_ .a "a Ole; " 1, ~ c.._~ '-i 11)"-' l) '<( ,~ ~::o ! ~ ~ " ~ \ :t: ",- :,,< '( Q - 0> ... - '" - . ~ ~ I I \ U 1.'i2.\.J e e e 51) e e e e e e e e e gf=: I Fenced in area 80' X 80' I Property Location: 19 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 e e e " u \.::: 4-i o c.. o ..c: CIl ... o - o ;;S " g ~ " '" ;:l o ..c: " 1il ~ "0 a -- " u \.::: o ~ o - CIl "05 - " ~ SF - '" " ~ e e e €i61 October 30, 2007 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Olson Property Management Open & Outdoor Storage CUP Application City of Monticello Project No. 2007-021 Dear Ms Holien: Previously much of the stormwater runoff from the project site discharged into an adjacent wetland that is listed on the National Wetland Inventory. Since there would now be a greater potential for stormwater runoff from the site to contain waste fluids from the towed vehicles stored on site, the Public Works Director and I visited the site and discussed our concerns with the applicant. Upon hearing our concerns the applicant stated he would grade the site to direct stormwater runoff from the proposed storage area into a ditch west of Marvin Road that drains to a stormwater pond that is physically separated from the wetland noted above. Upon notification from the applicant that he had completed the grading I inspected the site today and believe that stormwater runoff from the proposed storage area does in fact now drain to the stormwater detention pond and not into the wetland. As such I see no reason to deny the request for Open & Outdoor Storage CUP. Please feel free to call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of my comments. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ;OMM-L UAI ~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer c: Jeff 0 'N eli, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Monticel1o City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362.8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticel1o, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170' Fax (763) 271-3272 Council Agenda: 11113/07 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Olson Electric - Open & Outdoor Storage I. The applicant shall stripe the parking lot to delineate a minimum of 21 stalls. 2. All materials stored outside on the site, other than licensed vehicles and trailers, shall be stored within the fenced storage area at all times. 3. The Conditional Use Permit is subject to annual inspection of the site to ensure compliance with the CUP. 4 Council Agenda: 11/13/07 5E. Consideration of Resolution Declarinl! intent to Reimburse Proiect Costs throul!h Bond Sale Proceeds. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND IRS regulations now require that before a city can issue bonds to reimburse itself for expenses it has already paid through a bond sale, a resolution needs to be passed indicating which projects the city will likely sell bonds for in the future. This resolution is simply a technical requirement required by the bond counsel. The resolution being proposed covers various improvement projects that are currently underway or will be started in the near future. This resolution will allow the City to finance any of these improvements in the future by selling bonds. Adoption of the resolution is not authorizing a bond sale at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the various projects outlined. (Res. 2007-90) 2. Do not authorize the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the City Finance Director that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bonds to fmance the various improvement projects listed, if desired, in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of resolution RESOLUTION 2007-90 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. 91.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY") AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. 9 1.150-2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of October, 2007 Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Resolution No. 2007-90 Page 2 EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED NOVEMBER 13,2007 11/13/07 Public Works Facility - Land Purchase $875,000 11/13/07 WWTP - Mixers and Vehicle Storage Bldg. $900,000 Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 SF. Consideration of aoorovin2 {"mal oavment and acceotance of work for Jefferson Commons 1.0 MG Water Tower. Proiect #2004-30C. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This project consisted of the construction of a I million gallon elevated water tower with a concrete pedestal support system. The project was awarded to C B & I Constructors of Clive, IA for an original contract amount of $1,698,000. Work began on the project in the summer of 2005. Substantial completion was to occur on September 1, 2006; at which time the tank was to be complete, disinfected, filled and ready for use. The project was to be finally complete on October 30, 2006. The project was not substantially complete until March 2007, and totally complete in June 2007. Based upon the extended completion date the City suggested a reduction in liquidated damages to $45,500 and a withholding of $18,000 for the improper sizing of the Monticello logo. Thus, the total liquidated damages are $63,500. Since the contractor has already been paid $1,545,254.80 the withholding of the liquidated damages results in a final payment due to C B & I Constructors of$64,677.20. The new tower has been online since March of 2007 and is functioning well. This will be our first winter of operating both the 800,000 gallon tank on the Monte Club Hill and the 1 million gallon elevated water tower in Jefferson Commons. A.I Budget Impact: Judging from the liquidated damages one would think this has been a positive effect on our budget as the project cost is $63,500 less than projected. This is not necessarily true as the project has impacted City staffs and consultants workloads. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Since the project completion was extended many months beyond its original completion date this has resulted in much more time being spent by the City staff, municipal construction observers, water department personnel and our consultant, Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates. In addition, the Council will have determine some time in the future when the conditions are right to take the tower down to determine whether or not to repaint the logo to its original specified size. It is assumed that we will be receiving a request from Bonestroo for a portion of the liquidated damages to make up for their significant cost over runs. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to make final payment to C B & I Constructors of Clive, IA in the amount of $64,677.20 for the 1 MG Jefferson Commons Water Tower, City Project #2004-30C. 2. The second alternative would be not make final payment at this time or to adjust the payment to a different amount either by increasing the liquidated damages or decreasing the liquidated damages. Council Meeting - 11/13/2007 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council authorize final payment to C B & I Constructors in the amount of $64,677.20 as outlined in alternative #1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Final Payment Request and cover letter from Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST 1 MG WATER TOWER CITY PROJECT #2004-30C "'-"""7"--;J'.-- 5l1l1llt MN55113 1eI651__ ....651~1311 -- SUPPORTING DATA ~BonestrOO November 7, 2007 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Ste. 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Re: 1.0 MG Jefferson Commons Water Tower Project City Project No. 2004-3OC file No. 001366-04101-0 Pay Request No. 13 I Final Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Endosed are three signed copies of Request for Payment No. 13 & Final for the Elevated Water Tower project in the amount of $64,677.20. This pay request is for the final payment for the project which indudes site work and remaining tank punchfist items that were completed. It also includes payment for the remaining project retainage and a deduct of $63,500.00 for fiquidated damages. The liquidated damages indude $45,500.00 for the Contractor not meeting the completion date and S 18,000 for the logo being painted the incorrect size. Please place this pay request on the next available coondl meeting agenda for coundl approval. We have also induded the required IC .134 forms required to accompany the final pay recpest Following approval, please distribute one executed copy to the ContradDr with payment and one signed copy to us. Please call me at 651-604- 488.1 if you should have any questions or comments concerning this pay request Respectfully Submitted, Bonestroo ~ t; X- P Timothy l. Grinstead -. Project Manager Enclosures Cc: MRR, File John Simala, Karen Ludvigson - City of Monticello Darwyn Witte - CB&I Sl.Paul StCllllll Rochester -- Chicago SUPPORTING DAT.~ FINAL PAYMENT 1MG WATER TOWER CITY PROJECT #2004-30C J!Y Bti~stroo Rosene II::. Aiilieimc& 1~~8#.es tngIneeii&Ardlhetll Owner. Cilvof Monllcello, 505 Walnut SI., Slo, 1. Monticono, MN 55362 0.10: For Period: 121151200610 10/30107 Reauest No: Conlraclor. C B & I Consiruclors, 9550 Hickman Road, Clive IA 50325-5316 Oclober 30, 2007 13 & Final CONTRACTOR'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 10 MG JEFFERSON COMMONS WATER TOWER BRA FILE NO 001366-04101-0 CITY PROJECT NO #2004-30C SUMMARY 1 Original Contracl Amounl i 1,696,000,00 2 Change Order. Addition $ 0,00 3 Change Order - Deduction $ 0,00 4 Revised Conlract Amounl i 1,698,000,00 5 Value Complaled to Dale i 1,673.432,00 6 Malerial on Hand $ 0.00 7 Amounl Earned $ 1,673.432.00 8 Less Relalnage 0% $ 0.00 9 Sublolal $ 1.873.432.00 10 Less Amounl Paid Previously $ 1.545,254.80 11 Uquidaled damage. . $ 63.500.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO 13 & Final $ 64.677.20 Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO. ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIA TES,INC. Approved by Contractor: C B & I CONSTRUCTORS Approved by Owner: CITY OF MONTICELLO Speclfiad Conlraci Complelion Date: Oclober 30. 2006 Date: t3S5041Q-1AE013&Finallds FINAL PAYMENT: PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY PROJECT NO 1#2004-30C BRA FILE NO 001366-04101-0 CONTRACTOR C B & I CONSTRUCTORS CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount Total Change Orders PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Retalnage Completed 1 08/01/2005 08/04/05 $208,525.00 $10,975.00 $219,500.00 2 08/04/2005 08/31/05 $82.650.00 $15.325.00 $306,500.00 3 08131/2005 10131/05 $182,437.05 $24,926.95 $498,539.00 4 10/31/2005 11/30/05 $113,977.68 $30 925.77 $618515.50 5 11/30/2005 03/27/06 $61 749.99 $34.175.78 $683,515.50 6 03/27/2006 04/25/08 $77,187.50 $38,238.28 $764,765.50 7 04/2512006 OS/26/06 $239,755.97 $50,857.01 $1,017140.20 8 OS/26/2006 06/26/06 $267.625.83 $64 942.58 $1 298,851.60 9 06/26/2006 07/25/06 $94,669.30 $69.925.18 $1,398.503.50 10 07/25/2006 08/31/06 $68,400.01 $73,525.17 $1,470.503.50 11 08131/2006 09/30106 $68,400.00 $77.125.17 $1 542,503.50 12 09/30/2006 12/15/06 $79,876.47 $81,329.20 $1.626,584.00 13 & Final 12115/2006 10/30/07 $64,677.20 $0.00 $1 673,432.00 Malerlel on Hand Tolal Pa enllo Date Retaina e Pa No 13 & Final Tolal Amount Earned $1,609,932.00 $0.00 $1,609,932.00 Revised Conlracl $1 698,000.00 $1 698,000.00 13660410IReQ13&Flnal.lds I FINAL PAYMENT: PAGE 3 OF 3 I Counci [Agenda - 1111312007 5G. Consideration of Approvinl!: Final Pavment and Acceptance of Work for Repaintinl!: ofthe 800,00 Gallon Water Tank on the Monte Club Hill Project 2007-05C. (B.W., J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Odland Protective Coatings of Rockford, MN was awarded the contract for repainting of our 800,000 gallon water tank on top of the Monte Club Hill based upon their low bid of $221,001. The City water department took the tank off line in mid-August and Odland Coatings began work immediately. The plans and specifications for this project were put together by the City Engineer and the Public Works Director. Welding and coating inspections came from KLM with additional inspections by Karen Ludvigson, City Municipal Construction Inspector. The project went very well and was completed in October and is currently back on line along with our new 1 million gallon water tower in Jefferson Commons. A.I Budget Impact: $230,000 was ear-marked in the 2007 budget from the water fund for the repainting of the water tower. For some unclear reason the number was lowered $20,000 from the 2006 budget. Construction costs came to $221,001 and inspection costs from KLM totaled $27,181. Consequently, this leaves us about $18,182 over our estimated cost for the project. There are adequate funds in the water fund to cover this project. A.2 Staff Workload Priority: The impacts to staffing and workload for this project were minimal. The plans and specifications were well put together and defined and the contractor used multi crews whenever possible to keep the project ahead of schedule in case of inclement weather. This helped us to minimize our time. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Odland Protective Coatings of Rockford, MN in the amount of $221,001 for the painting of the 800,000 gallon water tank, City Project 2007-05C pending receipt of required lien waivers and withholding certificates. 2. The second alternative would be not to make final payment of Odland Protective Coatings at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the City Council authorize final payment to Odland Protective Coatings in the amount of$221,001 as outlined in Alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final payment request from Odland Protective Coatings. SUPPORTING DATA FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST 800,000 GALLON WATER TANK CITY PROJECT #2007-05C ope ODLAND PROTECTIVE COATINGS, INC. Sandblasting and Painting Contractors .. 7655 VERNON STREET ROCKFORD. MINI\.'ESOTA 55373 Telephone (612) 417-662> Invoice "Dice #: .ate: 1 October 14,2007 Bill To: City of Monticello Office of Public Works 900 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 For: Contract for Painting of 800,000 Gallon Water Tank Project No. 2007-05C Item Unit Quantity Amount Percent Amount Add Option B 1.00 100% $221,000.00 1.00 Alternate Bid B $221,000.00 100% Total $221,001.00 Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 SR. Consideration of Approvin!! Final Payment and Acceptance of Work on 4th Street Park Parkin!! Lot. City Proiect 2007-14C. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Plans and specification for this project were developed by City staff. The project consisted of a mill and overlay of the 4th Street Park parking lot near the hockey rinks and well #5. The project consisted of milling the area around the curbs, sawing bituminous pavement in some areas for patching, a bituminous tack coat and 2 inches of wear coarse along with re-striping. The project was awarded to Hardrives Inc. of Rogers, MN based upon the estimated quantities for a bid amount of $12,215.64. The work was recently completed and the final quantities bring the total cost to $13,588.72. This is $1,373.08 higher than the estimated quantities. The overruns of the estimated quantities were primarily in the areas of patching. The milling process showed a few areas where the bituminous was not thick enough to take the milling process without disturbing the thin layer of bituminous below. Overall the workmanship on the project is very good. Final payment is due to the contractor in the amount of$13,588.72. A.I Budget Impact: an amount of $20,000 was budgeted for this project. This leaves us with a plus $6,411.28 for this item in the Park fund. B. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Hardrives Inc in the amount of $13,588.72 pending the receipt oflien wavers and certifications of withholding as required by Minnesota statues. 2. The second alternative would be not to authorize final payment to the contractor at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the Council authorize final payment as outlined in Altemative 1 pending the receipt of certain information and forms from the contractor. This recommendation is based upon a satisfactory completion of the work with a high degree of workmanship. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final invoice for project 2007-14C from Hardrives Inc. dated November 1, 2007 listing all of the unit prices. ~ HARDRIVES, INC. SUPPORTING DATA FINAL PAYMENT 4TH STREET PARKING LOT CITY PROJECT #2007-14C 57232- Monticello - 4th St Park Lot 1 Removal of Bit Pvmt SY 2 Saw Bit Pvmt IF 3 Bit Patch 3" SY 4 Mill Pvmt Edge 3ft SY 5 Tack GAl 6 2" Wear Course SY 7 4" SWl IF 8 Pvmt Msg Handicapped Painted EA 9 CI5ModlV CY 281.00 SY 140.00 IF 281.00 SY 111.80 SY 100.00 GAL 873.20 SY 300.00 IF 1.00 EA 0.00 CY INVOICE 11/1/07 $6.50 $4.50 $10.84 $11.80 $4.50 $6.98 $0.46 $84.00 $8.00 $1,826.50 $630.00 $3;046.04 $1,319.24 $450.00 $6,094.94 $138.00 $84.00 $0.00 Amount Due $13,588.72 Please add these quantities to the next pay estimate. /~ Kevin Foster Estimator 14475 Quiram Drive. Rogers, MN. 55374-9461 (763) 428-8886 . Fax (763) 428-8868 An Equal Opportunity Employer P.O. Box 579 . St Cloud. MN . 56302-o57! (320) 251-7376. Fax (320) 251-5178 Council Agenda -11/13/2007 51. Consideration of ADDrovin2 Foreman Position in the Street DeDartment. ADDrovin2 Job Description and Authorize Advertisin2 Internallv. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 1999 a Working Foreman position was created in the Street Department. At that time it was posted for 5 days for employees within the Street Department to apply. Tom Moores was hired from within the Street Department to fill the position and worked under the direction of Roger Mack, the Street Superintendent at that time. In 2006, Roger retired and Tom was appointed Street Superintendent. Tom feels that after working for almost 2 years without a foreman, it is time to fill this position. The position would however have slightly less responsibilities than previous Street Foreman job filled by Tom Moores and would require a new job description. Sherrie Le was contracted by the City of Monticello to develop new job descriptions. She has done so with the Street Foreman position. In doing so, she has changed the title from OperatorlMechanic-Working Foreman to Street Maintenance Foreman. A copy of the job description is enclosed for your review. Tom Moores brought this request before the Personnel Committee on September 20,2007. At that time the Personnel Committee recommended to move forward with this position and bring it to the Council on November 13, 2007. This is a union position. The new job description which differs from the previous job description has not yet been rated with the comparable worth system. This should be completed within the next week to 10 days at which time a job value can be assigned. At this time 1 estimate the increase will be between $1.35 and $1.60 per hour over the OperatorlMechanic position. This request is not intended to add a staff person. If for some reason a qualified candidate from within does not step forward for this position, it will remain open and staff will not seek candidates from outside the City without further review by the Personnel Committee and the City Council. a. Budget Impact: The budget impact would be 2,080 times the increase, plus benefits tied to salary, i.e. PERA. These funds are available in the budget. b. Staff Workload: This proposal will not increase workload but will increase overall efficiency. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the job description and authorize the job to be rated for pay and authorize advertisement from within the City of Monticello's existing employees. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve the job description. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the Council move forward under Alternative #1 and approve the job description. D. Council Meeting - / /2006 SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed job description. SUPPOR.oTING DAtA: }"'.:; ,:~,",F;,,~?ff.':;/"' ,',-~::',~,\";)~:, '.' J.~r\,,,};l"l$'r':,"f:' Street Maintenance Foreman City of Mondcello Title of Class: Effective Date: Revised Date: Street Maintenance Foreman November 24, 1999 November 1, 2007 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine supervisory and routine to skilled equipment operation and maintenance work related to the street and storm water systems in the Street Division of the Public Works Department; performs related duties as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Street Superintendent and general oversight of the Public Works Director. Suoervision Exercised: Provide technical work direction to Street Maintenance Operators, Mechanic/Operator and seasonal and summer staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. * Assigns work to Street Division personnel and establishes priorities within general work priorities established by the Superintendent. *Plans job requirements (equipment, materials and personnel) in concert with the Superintendent; makes field decisions as appropriate. *Evaluates facilities and equipment and makes recommendations to the Superintendent concerning changes, cost savings or improvements. *Ensures staff are abiding by City and Department policies and procedures; provides some training and coaching and recommends skills development. *Ensures personnel are working productively and safety and equipment is properly operated and maintained. *Oversees and participates in the work of Street Maintenance Operators, seasonal and summer employees. *Maintains and repairs streets, including patching potholes, milling, crack filling and blacktopping, placing cones or barricades around hazardous work areas, etc. *Repairs damaged curbs, sweeps streets and removes debris. *Operates heavy and light equipment to perform a variety of street maintenance and shop tasks. *Straightens and replaces or repairs streets signs that are damaged. *Paints crosswalks, turn arrows, handicapped parking identifier and parking lines on city streets and parking lots. *Maintains shoulders and mows ditches for all non-sidewalked streets. *Performs sidewalk repair and patching; removes cement and prepares area and replaces. *Reconstructs and maintains pathways and maintains storm sewer ponds, inlets and outlets. *Cleans and rebuilds catch basins and maintains or repairs storm water drains. Performs preventative maintenance and light repair of department vehicles and other equipment; may assist shop mechanic with repair and maintenance work. Straightens and replaces street signs that are damaged and installs new signs. Paints crosswalks, turn arrows, handicapped parking identifier, parking lines, etc. on city streets and parking lots. *Trims trees, cuts tree limbs into sections using a chain saw and removes all debris for chipping. Applies fertilizer and weed killer as need to boulevards, out lots and around City buildings as directed; irrigates medians and flowerbeds. *Responds during off duty hours to remove snow, apply salt and sand, haul snow, clean up after storms, etc. as needed. Provides input for budget preparation and equipment purchases; assists in maintaining inventory records. *Performs miscellaneous maintenance, construction and repair work as needed on city buildings and property, including: carpentry, plumbing, pouring concrete and concrete block work, welding, basic electrical, painting and staining, sheet-rocking and taping, block work, etc. May sandblast, prime and paint equipment, fabricate parts, change bulbs and occasionally fixtures in street lights, replace light poles and set up temporary stop signs. Operates compost facility, assembles, delivers and maintains garbage carts. Acts as the Street Superintendent in his absence. *Carries city provided communication device on duty, and off duty when required. * Attends meetings with contractors or homeowners as directed. Performs miscellaneous cleaning, maintenance, and repair work as needed. * Assists other city departments as needed. Performs related duties as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITmS *Considerable knowledge of heavy and light equipment and vehicle operation, including preventative maintenance and inspection procedures and practices. *Considerable knowledge of the tools, equipment and standard practices of maintaining streets, sidewalks and storm water catch basins. *Considerable knowledge of traffic laws, ordinances and regulations involved in equipment operation. * Considerable knowledge of occupational hazards and safety precautions involved in street maintenance work. *Considerable knowledge of the repair and maintenance of bituminous and concrete surfaces. Working knowledge of standard building construction and repair practices. Working knowledge of equipment and vehicle repair, including procedures, methods, and tools. *Considerable sk11l in the operation of snow removal, street sweeping, heavy machinery, and other public works equipment and vehicles. Working skill in building and grounds maintenance, including carpentry, plumbing, pouring concrete and concrete block work, welding, basic electrical, painting and staining, sheet rocking and taping. *Considerable ability to analyze repair and maintenance problems and determine appropriate solutions. *Considerable ability to assign and prioritize work and motivate employees to work productively as part of a team to accomplish the work. *Considerable ability to enforce policies and procedures. "'Considerable ability to use large motor skills to perform manual and maintenance work for long periods of time involving: regular bending, moderately heavy to heavy lifting and carrying, digging, twisting, turning, climbing and maintaining balance, crouching, standing, walking, reaching, working at heights of over 10 feet and pushing and pulling. "'Considerable ability to establish and maintain good working relationships and communicate effectively with City staff and the general public. "'Worlcing ability to work with and around chemicals and fumes. "'Working ability to regularly work outside including in inclement weather, temperature extremes and abnormal hours. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess and maintain a valid Class 8 driver's license, (Class A preferred) and be able to obtain a tanker endorsement within six months of hire. Must have two years of street maintenance experience including light and heavy equipment operation and concrete or blacktop work, with some experience as a lead worker over maintenance crews. Education in a related field can substitute for up to one year of required experience. '" Asterisked items are essential to the job. Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 5J. Consideration of approvinl!: co-location contract with Michels. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: During meetings with Fazil Bhimani in late July and early August it was determined that Fazil had obtained two proposals for installing the co-locate fiber optics between City Hall and our entry point into the 1-94 MnlDOT Fiber Optic System near Olson Electric. He had obtained proposals at $50,000 and $55,000 to complete that work including the necessary hand holes and the installation of a 24-fiber optic cable. Prior to accepting the proposals from Fazil, the Fiber Optic Group suggested that the City obtain a proposal on its own for the installation of the fiber optic co-locate system. I drafted an RFP and sent the RFP to Michels Communications on August 7, 2007. The RFP requested proposals for two separate routes; I) The shortest route possible to City Hall, and 2) a longer route less congested straight up Minnesota Street to the 5th Street ROWand then following the 5th Street ROW to the rear of City Hall. In our RFP we asked that two conduits be installed from the connection point of the MnJDOT fiber to City Hall, that one of the conduits have a 24-fiber cable in it and, in addition, we asked that four (4) extra conduits be placed under 1-94 to be used for the future. We received two proposals from Michels on August 17, 2007. The short route for $39,781.80 and the long route, less congested, for $31,276.73. After further discussions with the Fiber Group and Fazil, the proposals were modified to include connection to the co-locate equipment installed at City Hall and the upgrade to a 36-fiber cable. In addition, the option of installing extra hand holes or vaults for connection points was included as there was some discussion of installing a vault especially for the hookup of the school's fiber system. The refined proposal from Michels Communications for the Route 2, which is the long, less congested route, was $29,886.33 plus $3,289.58 for the connections to the co-locate equipment for a total of $33,175.91. This is significantly below the two proposals of $50,000 and $55,000 from Fazil. The option to place additional hand holes or vaults came in at $1,500 a piece. They are already in the contract and the City can select and add as many hand holes or vaults as necessary to complete the project. A copy of the Fiber/Conduit Installation Work Agreement along with the refined proposals, specifications and mapping is included for your reVIew. A.I Budget Impact: It is my understanding that the cost of the co-locate fiber system will become part of the main fiber system in the future and funds have been allocated for this portion of the project to be paid back through future bonds. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: The amount of work effort for the City Engineer and Public Works Director in regard to obtaining proposals for the co-locate fiber system have been minimal. It is roughly estimated that approximately 40 man hours have been put into the co-locate project by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. We will have to assign one of our construction inspectors to the job to assure quality of construction and standards are met. B. ALTERNATIVES: I. The first alternative is to authorize a contract with Michels Communications for the installation of the co-locate fiber system and conduit including connection to the co- Council Meeting - 11/13/2007 locate equipment at City Hall in the amount of $33,175.91, with the option to add additional hand holes or vaults at $1,500 a piece. 2.. The second alternative is to go with one of the higher cost proposals through FaziL 3. The third alternative would be not to authorize the co-locate fiber system at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council authorize approval of the contract with Michels Communications to install the co-locate fiber and conduit system as outlined in alternative #1. The work is expected to start immediately and to be completed within the next 30 days. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Fiber/Conduit Installation Work Agreement, Installation Specifications, Mapping and Proposals from Michels Communications. ( . ') ~ ~ MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO FIBER/CONDUIT INSTAllATION WORK AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this 2nd day of November. 2007 of Monticello (the "CITY") and Michels Communications , by and between the City (the "CONTRACTOR"). In consideration ofthe mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the CITY and the CONTRACTOR agree as follows: 1. Work to be Completed. The Workto be completed by the CONTRACTOR is set forth in the specifications, drawings, and other pertinent addenda attached and made a part ofthis Agreement as Schedule A and Schedule B. The CONTRACTOR shall perform in strict accordance with the provisions of said SCHEDULE A and SCHEDULE B. 2. Commencement and Completion of Work: Liauidated Damaaes. The Work shall commence on Or Before November 10. 2007 and be satisfactorily completed by December21. 2007. In the eventthe Work is not commenced within (10)days of the date specified, the CITY may dismiss the CONTRACTOR without any compensation whatsoever and appoint a substitute CONTRACTOR(s). Ifthe CONTRACTOR is unable to commence the work by the specified date, it must promptly notify the CITY. In the eventthe Work is not completed by the specified date, the CONTRACTOR and its sureties shall be assessed liquidated damages of one percent (1 %) of the contract value or fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater, perdayforeach calendar day of delay excluding Saturday, Sunday. and legal holidays unless the delay was unavoidable and beyond the controi ofthe CONTRACTOR as determined by the CITY. This sum shall be deducted from the Contract Price atthetime of payment. This provision for liquidated damages is in addition to any and all other rights and remedies to which the CITY may be entitled at law or in equity in connection with this Agreement. 3. Pavment. The Work as set forth in Schedule A, including all labor, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish the same, shall be completed by the CONTRACTOR forthe sum of Thirtv Three Thousand One Hundred Seventv Five and 91/100 Dollars, $_ 33.175.91 (the "Contract Price") to be paid to the CONTRACTOR in one installment upon F:V\OMIN\WordP~MTS\F'BERCO""'-'ITINSTAllATIOIIIAGREEME'IT-11oall""" - PAGE 1 OF 5 - ~. I completion of the Work to the satisfaction of the CITY or monthly installments if agreed to by both CITY and CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish the CITY with all Mechanics Lien Waivers deemed necessary by the CITY, priorto full payment of the Contract Price. The Contract Price shall constitute the sole compensation payable to the CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work. 4. General Guarantee. The CONTRACTOR hereby guarantees to the CITY that all of the Work shall be done in a competent, workmanlike manner and that such Work shall be in compliance with the Specifications shown in SCHEDULE B and remain free of defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date when the Work is completed and accepted by the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall assign to the CITY (if assignable) orenforce forthe benefit of the CITY (if not assignable) any guarantees provided by manufacturers or sellers of machinery, equipment, and materials that are incorporated into the Work. 5. Permits and Licenses. The CONTRACTOR shall secure all permits and licenses necessary to the completion of the Work and shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations in the performance of the Work. The CITY shall supply the engineering drawings necessary for 1-94 crossing permit application. 6. Waiver of Liability. The CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that the Work is undertaken at the sole risk of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR does expressly forever release the CITY from any claims, demands, injuries, damage actions or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or connected with the Work. 7. Indemnification. Any and all claims that arise or may arise against the CONTRACTOR, its agents, servants or employees, as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONTRACTOR while engaged in the performance of the Work shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility ofthe CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the CITY, its commissioners, officers, and employees, against any and all liability, loss, cost, damages, expenses, claims or actions, including attorneys fees which the CITY, its commissioners, officers, or employees may hereinafter incur or be required to pay, on account of injury or death of any person( s) or damage to any property arising out of or by any reason of any act or omission of the CONTRACTOR, its agents, servants or employees in the execution, performance orfailure to adequately perform its obligations under this Agreement, whatever the cause of such injury or damage. FolAlJr.o'MW"dProeUOl-<""'-CREEr.oTSV"BER CONOU'T INSTALlATION MlREE"'Em. "o<m._ - PAGE 2 OF 5- r'.l >:t (~ --.' 8. Insurance. The CONTRACTOR agrees that in orderto protect itself and the CITY under the indemnity provisions set forth above, it will at all times during the term of this Agreement, keep in force, at a minimum, policies of insurance as indicated herein. The CONTRACTOR shall not commence work until a Certificate of Insurance covering all ofthe insurance required by this paragraph is approved and a written Notice to Proceed is issued by an authorized representative of the CITY. The following insurance policies must be certified to the City of Monticello for approval: A. The CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain a commercial general liability insurance policy (CGL) to insure its operations. The CGL policy shall be in the amount of One Mil/ion and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000) in combined bodily injury and property coverage. B. The CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain an automobile policy which provides coverages for all owned, non-owned and rented or hired automobiles. The Automobile Policy shall be in the amount of at least One Mil/ion and No/1 00 Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit coverage. C. The CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain Worker's Compensation insurance in accordance with Chapter 176 of the Minnesota Statutes. The City of Monticello shall be named as an "additional insured" party on both the CONTRACTOR's CGL and automobile insurance policies. The CITY shall receive at least 30 days written notice of cancellation, non-renewal, or any material changes of the insurance policies specified above. 9. Contract Performance Bond. The contractor, at the time of the execution of the Contract, shall fumish and at all times maintain a satisfactory and sufficient bond in full amount ofthe Contract as required by law with a corporate surety satisfactory to the City of Monticello. The form of bond is that required by statute. Personal sureties will not be approved. 10. Addresses and Notices. Any notice permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: F'AON">(IWOl'JPJ<IC\.JOfNAGREEMTS\FI~RCONDUITINsTAlLATIONAGRE<MENT.11CJ2l)7."Pd - PAGE 3 OF 5 - >" p' ADDRESS: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Michels Communications 2641 Deadrick Avenue SE Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Either party may change the address by giving written notice to the other party. 11. Aoolicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 12. Entire Aareement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR with respect to the matters addressed herein. 13. Amendment. This Agreement may be modified or amended only with the written approval of the CITY and the CONTRACTOR. 14. Construction. In the event that anyone or more of the provisions ofthis Agreement, or any application thereof, shall be found to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions or any application thereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. 15. Assianment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and in orderto the benefit of the parties, their legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. No assignment or attempted assignment ofthis Agreement or any rights hereunder shall be effective unless the written consent of the other party is first obtained. F'WJI.IItl\W_,,",\JOH"'AOI'EEMT='lIE~ CONDuiT I"llTAUATlO"'.o,(;P.EEIoEr>IT -110207 ""'" -PAGE40F5- 16. Authoritv. Each ofthe undersigned parties warrants it has the full authority to execute this Agreement, and each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of a corporation hereby warrants that he or she has full authority to sign on behalf of the corporation that he or she represents and to bind such corporation thereby. s I IIV '! U; .\ /'\ 17. Waiver. No failure by any party to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant, duty, agreement orcondition ofthis Agreement orto exercise any right orremedy consequent upon a breach thereof, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach or any other covenant, agreement, term or condition, nor does it imply that such covenant, agreement, term or condition may be waived again. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands this dayof ,2007. CONTRACTOR CITY OF MONTICELLO By By Its Its H'OUI'l\WotdPrc:clJClH>MGREEMTs>fIllERCONOUrrINSTAlLATIONAOREEI<lENT_110201.wpd - PAGE 5 OF 5 - I _....\CHlr.( ~ CORPORATION SCHEDULE A--, MICHELS COMMUNICAnONS 2641 Deadrlck Ave S.E. . Buffalo. MN 55313 763-682-8997 . Fax 763-682-3312 www.mlchels.us October 19. 2007 City of Monticello Attn: John Simola 909 Golf Course Rd. Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Bid for Fiber Optic Cable and Conduit (Revised) Dear Mr. Simola: We here at Michels Communications would like to thank you for the opportunity to bid the above mentioned project. Work to take place from Sandberg Rd. to 501 Walnut Street Route # 2 (4190' total) · Provide and place 2- 1 X" interduct ( 4 -1 X" under 1-94) · Provide and place 36 count fiber opti C cabie · Provide and place 5 vaults · Make water proof building entry . Remove and restore asphalt and concrete as needed · Acquire all permits (city engineer to design interstate crossing) · Install 8 fiberglass fiber markers . Performance bond Total: $ 29,886.33 · Splicing and splicing materials are on a separate bid Please feel free to give me a call in our Buffalo, MN office if you have any questions or require additional information. at (763) 682-8997 or (763) 238-2325. look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Eric Graning Supervisor TELECOMMUNICATIONS - GAS PIPELINE - DIRECTIONAL DRilLING' ELECTRICAL' AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER, WATER & TUNNELING - CONCRETE - ENGINEERING _ DESIGNlBUILD BROWNSVllLE, WI- SEATTLE. WA' MILWAUKEE, WI- HARRISBURG, PA - NEENAH. WI- TDPEKA, KS _ GREEN BAY. WI BUFFALO. MN - CALGARY, AB "AN EOUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" ~ CORPORATION MICHElS COMMUNICATIONS 2641 Oeadrick Ave S.E. . Buffalo, MN 55313 763.682.8997 . Fax 763.682.3312 www.michels.us October 25, 2007 City of Monticello Attn: John Simola 909 Golf Course Rd. Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Bid for Extra Hand Holes and Fiber Equipment Dear Mr. Simola: We here at Michels Communications would like to thank you for the opportunity to bid the above mentioned project. . Provide 36 Fusion Splices and splicing materials . Provide and place 1.19" rack 7' high . Provide and place 1 AFL 36 Fiber termination panel . Provide and place 3-12 fiber SC pigtails . Provide and place 1 AFL tray . OTDR final testing out from connectors Total: $ 3,289.58 . Provide and Place additional 30"x48"x36" hand holes Total: $1,500.00 each Please feel free to give me a call in our Buffalo, MN office if you have any questions or require additional information, at (763) 682-8997 or (763) 238-2325. look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Eric Graning Supervisor TELECOMMUNICATIONS' GAS PIPELINE' DIRECTlONAL DRIUlNG' ELECTRICAL' AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER. WATER & TUNNELING' CONCRETE' ENGINEERING' DES1GNIBUILD BROWNSVILLE, WI' SEATTLE. WA' MILWAUKEE. WI. HARRISBURG. PA' NEENAH, WI. TOPEKA, KS' GREEN BAY, WI BUFFALO. MN . CALGARY. AB 'AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' Page I oJ'2 t.o,,~ 'L J ~ 200 \ \\ S~~L-c (r\ ~p (Lo 'i:- \'P' ~~0' 'D <)\ n-5\) <-0 4) \" S ~\t\(0\ -\- hllp:!l, - ",<)l),2X,84/servlet/eoll1,esl'i.csl'imap,Esl'imup?Sel'viccNUll1c=c Illll'al'ccl&ClientVcl'sion=3, I &ForIn=True&Encode=F". XI' /'W07 Page I ,,1'2 ~o~~ 2. CeN'l, ~ ~ \?o o \ II ~ "j Q. f,\ \. 1.6 -, ) 2-- <) a .t- "' 4- \ '-l c; ~~ Ii;~\ ) G\Q~Qo~\lS'\~< D(s1~~0 11l1p:l. ,,99,2lLX4/servlelleom,csri,csrimap, Esrimnp?ScrviccNlII1lC=C' '')ml'arcel&ClicnIV crsion=3 ,I &Fol'ln=Truc&Encotlc=F", XII 12()(17 , I: , i j' i ROUTE #2 MAP TO BE INSERTED BY MICHELS COMMUNICATIONS i n , . o ~ . o ~ o . N . , o ~ g 0 ~ ! ~ . i I . 0 . m m . ~ ~ ~ w ~ 0 0 . m m m J.. ~SB ".~~,,--,,_s"..)(), _""""",,'6 _.""" ,......r=n.oE ,,"""',.., ,.....::o-;;~~~::;;;~ ~ f o I ~g; " ~ I ,I ~ ~ ~ . o II, \1 1\ ~ ~ ~ ~ Intfntate9.tFiberOptic CnQduitCrossing rorlhcCit}'Or :\tIonticello, Minnesota , \ SH.-2S6+lS .s ~UN LA~E: I I I I IN'EAsHTE ~.[GI!~..~ 1<.().94 SH.25l+~O W UN LAN , ~ , -, I "' ~g ...~ ; E:; . . . ~ o o ." -< is z ,. c- O o Z o C '[;' ::j l~~: ,J ;~~~I ,,0 ~;~ I ~~ . _ _ ~~6~ _us~i.:>---- ;~:~ !,"g;;:;::2 _m- ..- ....,!" ~ ;~; "0 0'0 ~~~ OL_::; "j. :-. :;;: eIl- ;;:l~ t:"ltTl _ell :.:.lO '..., ;J> ~:J ",c' ;~~ "cg ;o~~ :::::-"~:'";'''"'''''..._~':::.....,...,, _,..,_,~""."".. M-.,o i 'f: ! , ;;....1 ! :~ t , I , , I , I , , r~ I" tiC ~I I I I ll' r~ H' ,.. 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Minimum depth must be 36 inches except for roadway crossing where minimum depth must be 42 inches. Noninvasive construction must be used under roadway crossings. . Must be placed into a duct. The inside diameter of the duct must be such as to maintain 50-percent fill ratio with the fiber optic cables installed. . Locate wire must be be installed for locating purpses. . Warning tape with a minimum marking warning of buried fiber optic cable must be buried approximately 12 inches below existing grade except when directionally bored. . City approved marker signs must be placed beside the cable route to warn against dig-ups ~ every 500 feet in urban area. at least 2000 feet in rural areas, and at sharp bends. . For easy splicing. splice points must allow for 75 feet of fiber optic cable on both ends. . At specific intervals (hand holes. splice points) excess fiber optic cable slack must be placed for restorations and reconfigurations. . All fiber optic cable entrances will be U-guard protected or placed in conduit. No exposed cabling on outside walls will be allowed. . Splice enclosures (butt or through) must be: moisture-resistant seals. re- enterable for expansions and repairs. accommodate 12 to maximum size fiber optic cable splices. place no stress on finished splices within trays. . Indoor splice centers be rack-mounted (proyided by yendor) with necessary fiber splice capacity. indiyidual tray access. fiber optic cable strain relieffe.g. cable ladders}. and labels for documentation. . All splices must be of heat-shrink fusion type. . All metallic fiber optic cable components at splice points and building entrance must be bonded and grounded in compliance with ANSI/NFPA 70 requirements (A WG #6 copper wire minimum). · Fiber optic cable entrances into the building must be via metal conduit or sleeves. The vendor will need to work with the facilities staff to determine the exact location for fiber optic cable entrance. At each entrance, excess fiber optic cable slack of 30 feet in length must be installed. . Outside plant fiber optic cable must be terminated within 50 feet of entering a building. All gel-filled fiber optic cables must be sealed and properly tested at building entrance. Vendors may choose to use fiber cable rated for both inside and outside use. Cable used inside the building must adhere to all building and local codes including requirements established by the City · City will indicate (during site survey) where the fiber optic cable needs to be terminated inside each building. Vendor must route fiber optic cable to designated location in compliance with local and state building codes including requirements established by the City. Conduits. necessary suppOJ1materials (e.g. support anchors. hangers. fire stopping. ladders, etc.) must be provided. · Fiber optic cable must be terminated using "SC" connectors. Vendors must indicate how they control qual ity for connectorizing fiber optic cable. · All fiber optic cables and connectors must be clearly labeled in accordance with EIA/TIA standards. Labeliug convention must be reviewed with the City & consultant. . Hand Hole must have minimum dimension of 30x48x48. Hand hole assembly structure: Must be designed to resist AASHTO H20 wheel loading & in accordance with ASTlv1 C478 Provide lock bolt down system Top of cover be 1/4 or 1/2 inch below finish surface. Be placed on prepared sub-grade level with 4-inch gravel for uniform base slab bearing. Wall opening for conduit be water stop sealed. Have ground rod with locate wire grounded. Construction Vendor must: . Select the best route for fiber optic cabk installation and be responsibk for all dimensions and locations in the field. . Install the fiber underground. . Secure right-of-ways and permits for this project. The City will assist the vendor in obtaining these right-of-ways and permits as needed but the responsibility remains with the vendor. . Obtain all city, county, and state approvals needed for installation and meet construction requirements for crossing of all sidewalks, streets, railroad crossings and wetlands. . All subcontractors hired 111ust meet the requirements of this construction. . All work must meet local, state, and federal codes including NEC, Rural Electric Code, and NE Safety Code. . Repair and restore to original condition any street sidewalks, grass area or other public or private area, which might be disturbed during installation. . Register the project with Gopher One Call. Contact Gopher One Call to locate other utilities in the area prior to construction. . Locate private underground utilities (including watering system) on city propel1y with assistance from city facilities staff. . Be responsible until construction is completed, for all locating services and respond to Gopher One calls. . Provide traffic control (signs, lane closures, etc.) as needed and as required by local and state traffic authorities. . All construction on city prope11y shall be underground. No aerial attachments to buildings shall be allowed. Entrance into the building facilities shall be below grade. Entrance shall use steel sleeves and shall extend at a minimum 30" from the entry point The vendor shall address the following items as specified: A. Review documentation on asbestos and lead for each building before initiating any work. B. Take appropriate steps to protect existing materials and systems including floors, walls, and ceilings from damage. The vendor shall remove all water from exterior wall penetration and prevent other water related damage C. Construct temporary fencing and maintain to isolate and protect others from the work area. D. The ignition of motorized self-propelled equipment shall be secured at all times to prevent unauthorized use. Keys shall not be left on the equipment or the vehicle unless the operator is actively using and in full control of that equipment or vehicle. E. Openings in exterior wall system created for the work shall be 100 percent sealed except when work is acti vely being performed at that opening location. Openings shall not be left unattended without temporary seal to prevent pest access into the building. F. No storage or consumption of food or beverages is allowed inside the building or in the tunnel system. G. Damaged or rutted turf areas shall be reconstructed to city satisfaction. H. For exterior below grade wall penetrations the following core drill requirements shall apply: Seal to prevent water illfiltration. No visible light transmission or air movement through the opemng area. Patch openings to fill remaining wall opening, be flush with adjacent wall face and be watertight. Utilize non-shrink grout to fill openings. Testing and Documentation Vendor must: o Provide a route map showing fiber footages from each of the sites to the respective hubs. o Conduct pre-installation check of fiber optic cable - verifY correct fiber optic cable distance, manufacturer's specifications, and chcck for material defects and document that the fiber optic cable is free from defects. Minimum of dB loss test of fiber optic cable must be perfol111ed and results recorded for each fiber optic cable prior to deployment. o Perform distance test, l1ber optic cable loss test. event loss test, link loss. retUl11 loss, and link-retul11 loss. All attenuation tests must be done at 1310 and 1550 nm. o Perform OTOR tests on all strands of the l1ber optic cable and provide a rep0l1 in printed (pdf file)and electronic format. All testing must be done through connectors and must be done in both directions. Testing must be done at both 1310 and 1550 nm. o Shield continuity must be tested and veril1ed after cable installation and splicing is complete. o Optical power loss for each individual connector must not be more than 0.3 dB and for each splice point must not be more than 0.15 dB. o Provide 3 copies As-Built drawings. Additional Testing o Pelf 01111 additional OTOR testing on 12 fiber strands once splicing IS completed at the 1-94 end and provided printed results. Council Agenda - 11113/2007 SK. Consideration of ("mal pavment and acceptance of work for Groveland Park parkin!! Lot. City Proiect #2006-27C. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Project #2006-27C, the Groveland Park Parking Lot, included a 26-space parking lot including curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalk, valley gutter, topsoil and seed blanket. Rum River Contracting was awarded the project based upon the estimated quantities for an amount $52,783.19. The actual quantities were higher than estimated based upon the need to remove some additional sidewalk to hook up the storm sewer, some field changes in grade, an additional valley gutter and adding sidewalk between the parking lot and playground equipment. The final cost of the project is $59,667.53. The final payment due on the project is $2,983.38. A.I Budget Impact: In 2006 we budgeted $40,000 for the parking lot improvements and $30,000 for the shelter at Groveland Park. We also applied for grant funds to stretch these dollars as we suspected the funds were not enough to complete both projects. We were not successful on acquiring the grant. Consequently, a portion of the shelter dollars went towards the parking lot, storm sewer, sidewalk and curb improvements. Based upon the construction costs only, there is a balance in the fund of $10,332.47. However, the engineering costs for this project with the design from WSB & Associates are not yet verified. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Rum River Contracting in the amount of $2,983.38 for the parking lot improvements, sidewalk improvements, storm sewer and related curb restoration. All of the improvements have been satisfactorily completed. All of the required documents, withholding statements, etc. have already been received on this proj ect. 2. The second alternative would be not to make final payment to Rum River Contracting at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council authorize final payment for the Groveland Park Parking Lot to Rum River Contracting as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final invoice from Rum River Contracting and comparative quantity sheets. C\Doc",,",MU amJ Seltings'tJav.rLgrossinger1Loca1 Selli!lgslTemporruy JMllIrnet F/JdOLKB31AGN lTM-Meado...oo.kAwCSAH ?5CSAH39CQ4_1/120?ooc Council Agenda: 11/13/07 5L. Approve Chafil!e Order No.4 for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Termini to CSAH 18 (Citv of Monticello Project No. 2005-05C) and the Reconstruction of a Selmlent of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!:e Project (Citv Project No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included extending Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 to provide a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as part ofthe CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The project also included reconstruction of the segment ofCSAH 18 from Meadow Oak A venue to School Boulevard and the reconstruction of the intersection of CSAH 18/39 and CSAH 75 prior to the start of construction for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The following is a description of the proposed change order items for work that was completed. The change order is in anticipation of finalizing payment for the project: I. Relocate Streetlight on CSAH 75: The existing streetlight along the south side of CSAH 75 at Highland Way was relocated to the east as requested by Public Works. This work included extending conduit, reconnecting the existing light bases, and installing a new screw-in light base. 2. Additional Traffic Control Items: This item includes the following additional traffic control measures needed to facilitate construction as determined in the field and as requested by City staff: . Advance road closure date signs . "No Right Turn" sign at Ryan site . Covering ofleft turn arrow at CSAH 18/39 and CSAH 75 signal . Tube delineators at Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18 . Removal of pavement markings between traffic staging for reconstructing the intersection of CSAH 18/39 and CSAH 75 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.4 in the amount of$10,093.17 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2. Do not approve Change Order No.4. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.4 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NU. 4 CSAIl1' (SCllOOl. BOULE;Y.Ulll TO _OW OAK AVINtlE). dAH II (CiNl15 TO IWlT IIOULIlVAfUlI. AND _ CAKAII&Il1/5 (CSAII1' TO _ 7S1 sTRI!l!T AND IT1'IUn' IMPROVEIII!>rr8 AIIll AJ'pUKTENAIlT WORK CSAH 111: C:llUm PRCl.IECT 1l0.1Go1_1 CSAH '" C:OUN'IY Pllc.JEC1' IlO. ,ws.GG1 C_,11CSAH ~., CITY PROoIECT 1lO.1GQ4.01C MEADOW OAK AVIlIlUE: CITY f'IlOJECT HCl.1G~ was Pllo.lICT NO. lN7-<<1 OWNER: CITY OF IIONTICELLO Sill WALIlUT el1IEI!T. SllITI! 1 MOIlTlCI!I.Lo,lIIl R312 OON1'llAc:TOR: R. \,. UMOIl1lllCAVA1IIlG, INC. 1lIN.12TH SlRIlET. ST.llI.Ouo,1IN SQII4 YOU AAI!! 0lRECTEC TO MAKE '1118 FOlLCI\IYING ClWlQES IN '111& COtlTRACT OOC~IINT DUCIIlPllON: CONTllACT Q\WfTIl1ES AIIB MODIFI6O AS SHOWN 011 THll ATTACHED Ol!TAIL. tlr1n007 IT 1$ UIlDERSTOOO THATTMI$ CHI\IllGI ORCI!R 1HCL1lIlli8 ALL AOomoKAL C06T$ AND TIME iiXTENSlOIlS WHICH ARI! IN ANY WAY. $~ 01\ FORM AOSOCIATEtI Wlni THIi walK aEMiNTS llESCIIIllill ABOVe. ClIANCIC IN COIfTIlACT PIUCIf, OIlIQINAL CONTllACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANGll ~ " 2. AND J< CONTIlACT PAlCE PlllOR TO THIS CHANG! ORDI!R: NET CONTltACT INCI\I!ASE WITH THill CHANG! O~ COKTRACT l'ItICe WITH ALL APPflOIIEll CHANGE ORDERS: ReCOIlMI!HOl!Il8Y: d~J;,~~ $H18ANI BtSSON. PE. J&cT WlNAGER WSB a ASSOClA'lES.INC. ENGlN~ APPROVED BY: CITY~INEEII DATE 11.913.0U,40 $44,9Ill.8O It .959,Il7O,za 110,(193.17 It ,QlI0.163.3Y CIlAllGI! III CON'll'W:T T1IIE: ORICi1IW. OONlRACT T\MIi, NET Cl'ANGE FROM PREI/lOllS cHANGE OI'lDEIIS: CQIfTRACTTlME PIIlOR TO TItIa CHANGE OIlDEI'\: NET IIiCREA8E WITH CHANGe ORDER: CONTIlACTTlME WITH APPROI/lll) CHANGE ORDERS APPRoVED BY: /. R. L. LARSON EXCAVATING. INC. CONTJItACTOR . CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE ~1d1-4D\A"""'1JJ7.a ~ Ofrh,tt.m:OooI !II1f.lOO5 36 DO,YS 1or112DIlO NlA 11l1712DDS CHANGE ORDER NO.4 DETAIL CSAH 18 (SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE), CSAH 39 (CSAH 7S TO HART BOULEVARD), AND MEADOW OAK AVENUE (CSAH 18 TO CSAH 7S) STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CSAH 18: COUNTY PROJECT NO. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: COUNTY PROJECT NO. 86-39-061 CSAH 181CSAH 39: CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-01C MEADOW OAK AVENUE: CITY PROJECT NO. 200S-oSC WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-03 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description Qty 172 RELOCATE STREETLIGHT ON CSAH 75 173 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.4 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Description Qly TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.4 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Unit LUMP SUM LUMP SUM Unit Price $2,557.37 $7,535.80 Price 11/1/2007 Extended Amount $2.557.37 $7.535.80 $10,093.17 Extended Amount $0.00 $10,093.17 K:\D1627.03\Admln\1627-D3 Change Order .f.xlsC04 Detail cc: Doug Moen, R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello srb .... WSB & Associates. Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 November 7, 2007 Mr. Tom Kelly, Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.4 CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak Avenue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: County Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1627-03 Dear Mr. Kelly: Please find enclosed Change Order No.4 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $10,093.17, resulting in a revised contract total of $1 ,969, J 63.37. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 4 in the amount of$IO,093.17 for R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. .dl1-(~ r ;J;~ Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures Minneapolis I SI. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer J;:<!1627"IJj..t,J",,,,,'J,,,,.dBIC04f7r.,bIIv-I1fI1Iir,I,,,.. Council Agenda: 11/13/07 SM. Approve Final Pavment and Accept Improvements for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Termini to CSAH 18 (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-0SC) and the Reconstruction of a Sel!ll1ent of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!:e Proiect (City Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included extending Meadow Oak A venue to CSAH 18 to provide a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as part of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The project also included reconstruction of the segment of CSAH 18 from Meadow Oak Avenue to School Boulevard and the reconstruction of the intersection of CSAH 18/39 and CSAH 75 prior to the start of construction for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. Construction commenced in July 2005 and was substantially complete in November 2005. Final punchlist items were completed in 2007. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$127,129.58. The following paperwork is still required for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract, including Change Order No.4, and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. The project was funded through assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties and City, County, and trunk funds. Adoption of the assessment roll was completed in October 2006. C:IDorumelllsand SeIWlg..'da.....groMingt!rlIncal SeuinYLTemporary 11lte"",t FllesLOUaUIAGN rrM-MeadawOakA...""" Erl-CSAH 75-CSAH 39 FiM/PtlymeruIII207.doc Council Agenda: 11/ 13/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of$127,129.58 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. 2. Do not accept the improvements and approve final payment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. C'.Docume"l.aM Setti1lgS",a,,",gross(nge~\UJcal Smings',Temporary Intemel FiIesLOLKB.!,,AGN rI'M-MeadowOakA"",,,,,,, Exl.CSAH75-CSAH 19 FlnalPaym,mtlll107.dQc .& W$8 -f!!ft Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Owner: City Dr Monti.:.11q Data; 11J1/ZOO7 50S 'MIlnut 51: MlInIIcello. MN SS312.1147 for PeriCld: 11I11200I to 1 t131/20118 Request No,: 10 & FINAL Oonlnoctor: R. 1.. UrlDn ExcIWUnll. Ine. 225512th 8bwt loutheQt SL CICIIId. MN 86301 . Ply VDuch", CSAH 18 . CSAH ~s . Meadow Oak Ailflnue CRunt Conll'lct No.: PI'Ojed No.: 01827-03 ClIent Project No.: IP; ~inll ConnctArnount $1,913.089.40 ~ Con1raet Changes. Addition $56,073.07 3 ConlnK:t Changes - Oeductlon $0.00 4 RevISed Contract Amount $1,9811,163.37 5 Value ComplU!d 10 Dafe $1.962,556.30 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Elmed $1,962,51511.30 8 L_ Reta1n8ge ~.oo II SUblcIllI $1,962,556,30 10 Ltss Amount PErid Prevlo~ $1,835,428.72 11 liqulclllted Dl/lIeges $0.00 12 AMOUN'I' OUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 10 & FINAL 5127,129.58 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MACE OF ruE ABove NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLeTED, THAT THIi ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WOF\K SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED ANO ruE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PIiRFORMEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Speei!illd Contract Comple1lon Date: 9IlI2Qps Comrneot eu.~bU\OlIUlI Vu::M;U'Y8r: App!UVed by C>-.vner. City of Monticello DCII1l: TOTRL P. 05 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Project Material Status Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date SCHEDULE A.. STREET CONSTRUCTION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $50.000.00 1 1 0 $50,000.00 2 2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE D-MODIFIED EACH $10,000.00 1 1 0 $10.000.00 3 2101.501 CLEARING ACRE $20.000.00 0.12 0.07 0 $1.400.00 4 2101.502 CLEARING TREE $200.00 1 1 0 $200.00 5 2101.506 GRUBBING ACRE $20.000.00 0.12 0.07 0 $1,400.00 6 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $200.00 1 1 0 $200.00 7 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CULVERT L1N FT $8.00 212 370 0 $2.980.00 8 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT UN FT $8.00 450 0 0 $0.00 9 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN UN FT $12.00 100 36 0 $432.00 10 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER UN FT $2.00 999 1469 0 $2,938.00 11 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SO FT $2.00 600 944 0 $1,888.00 12 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SOYD $3.00 1731 1731.03 0 $5.193.09 13 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YO $3.00 6764 9201.21 0 $27.603.63 14 2104.509 REMOVE PERMANENT BARRICADE EACH $100.00 2 2 2 $200.00 15 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE EACH $400.00 1 0 0 $0.00 16 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EACH $300.00 1 0 0 $0.00 17 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH $100.00 1 0 0 $0.00 18 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH $15.00 79 79 14 $1.185.00 19 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UN FT $3.00 384 2299 367 $6.897.00 20 2104.523 SALVAGE METAL APRON EACH $100.00 1 1 0 $100.00 21 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C EACH $30.00 3 3 0 $90.00 22 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE D EACH $20.00 1 1 1 $20.00 23 2104.603 ABANDON WATER MAIN UN FT $2.00 1260 0 0 $0.00 24 2104.603 RELOCATE SPRINKLER SYSTEM UN FT $6.00 550 525 0 $4.200.00 25 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $16.00 4785 4785 0 $86,130.00 26 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $7.00 14954 14954 0 $104.678.00 27 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $10.40 9886 9886 0 $102.814.40 28 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $10.40 13158 13158 0 $136.843.20 29 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $150.00 13.5 14 0 $2.100.00 30 2123.610 TRACTOR MOUNTED BACKHOE HOUR $130.00 17 0 0 $0.00 31 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $7.00 3650 3060.32 0 $21,422.24 32 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 6 CUYD $15.00 2911 3548 0 $53,220.00 33 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") SOYD $4.00 1886 1886 0 $7.544.00 34 2340.508 TYPE 31 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON $31.00 230 130.01 0 $4.030.31 35 2350.501 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $32.00 800 778.65 0 $24,916.80 36 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $30.00 850 820.23 0 $24.606.90 37 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.30 1589 1550 0 $2.015.00 38 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4.F) 1.5" THICK SO YO $3.00 5888 5888 0 $17.664.00 39 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4.F) 2.0" THICK SO YO $4.00 11841 10303.5 0 $41.214.00 40 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4.B) 2" THICK SO YO $3.50 11841 12579.45 0 $44.028.08 41 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SOFT $2.50 6325 5520 0 $13.800.00 42 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SOFT $3.00 6725 6930 0 $20.790.00 43 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 UN FT $11.00 650 654 0 $7.194.00 44 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 UN FT $8.50 2850 2784 0 $23.664.00 45 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B624 UN FT $11.10 4384 4559.74 0 $50.613.11 46 2531.503 CONCRETE MEDIAN SO YO $19.00 1009 1014 5 $19.266.00 47 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $400.00 8 13 0 $5.200.00 48 2533.603 RELOCATE CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER UN FT $2.50 500 670 18 $1.675.00 49 2533.504 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER DESIGN 8337 UN FT $10.00 1200 780 189 $7,800.00 50 2554.602 IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS EACH $200.00 36 36 0 $7.200.00 20f6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 51 2554.602 RELOCATE IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS EACH $30.00 16 16 0 $480.00 52 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $6,300.00 1 1 0 $6,300.00 53 2564.531 F&I SIGN PANELS TYPE C SOFT $22.50 658 691 0 $15,547.50 54 2564.536 INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE C (SALVAGED) EACH $85.00 3 3 0 $255.00 55 2564.536 INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE D (SALVAGED) EACH $55.00 1 1 0 $55.00 56 2564.602 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH $75.00 12 12 0 $900.00 57 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) POLY PREFORMED EACH $225.00 15 13 0 $2,925.00 58 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) POLY PREFORMED EACH $225.00 4 5 0 $1,125.00 59 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (SIGNAL AHEAD) POLY PREFORM EACH $700.00 1 0 0 $0.00 60 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT EACH $50.00 4 19 0 $950.00 61 2564.603 24" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LlN FT $3.00 850 527 0 $1,581.00 62 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LlN FT $0.25 2200 6033.34 0 $1,508.34 63 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT LlN FT $0.40 3700 3054.58 0 $1,221.83 64 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY UNFT $0.30 3700 2351.77 0 $705.53 65 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE-EPOXY LlN FT $0.30 300 260 0 $78.00 66 2564.603 4" SOUD LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LlN FT $0.30 3500 3530.49 0 $1,059.15 67 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LlN FT $0.60 3900 2546.91 0 $1,528.15 68 2564.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LlN FT $5.50 700 430.91 0 $2,370.01 69 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LlN FT $0.30 500 380 0 $114.00 70 2564.603 24" STOP LINE WHITE-EPOXY LlN FT $7.00 60 53.35 0 $373.45 71 2564.618 ZE8RA CROSSWALK-WHITE POLY PREFORM SOFT $8.00 504 342 0 $2,736.00 72 2564.618 ZE8RA CROSSWALK WHITE-PAINT SOFT $1.50 432 504 0 $756.00 73 2565.511 FULL TACT T CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM SIG SYS $180,000.00 1 1 0.05 $180,000.00 74 2565.601 EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM LUMP SUM $3,000.00 1 1 0.05 $3,000.00 75 2565.616 TEMPORARY SIGNAL SYSTEM SYSTEM $44,000.00 1 1 0 $44,000.00 76 2571.541 TRANSPLANT TREE TREE $400.00 2 9 0 $3,600.00 77 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LlN FT $2.00 4900 981 0 $1,962.00 78 2573.512 TEMPORARY DITCH CHECK LlN FT $10.00 100 0 0 $0.00 79 2573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH $100.00 48 20 0 $2,000.00 80 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $400.00 2.6 3.43 0 $1,372.00 81 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT SOYD $2.20 14402 17412 0 $38,306.40 82 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1 TON $200.00 5.1 4.91 0 $982.00 83 2575.519 DISK ANCHORING ACRE $100.00 2.63 2.43 0 $243.00 B4 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SOYD $2.00 600 1800 0 $3,800.00 85 2575.532 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANAL YSIS 10-10-20 POUND $0.20 400 152.8 0 $30.56 86 2575.532 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 21-12-24 POUND $0.50 409 1162 0 $581.00 87 2575.532 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 24-5-24 POUND $0.50 112 510.2 0 $255.10 88 2575.533 AGRICULTURAL LIME TON $2,000.00 0.1 0 0 $0.00 89 2575.608 HYDRAULIC SOIL STABILIZER TYPE 6 POUND $0.50 1800 1800 0 $900.00 90 2575.608 SEED MIXTURE 150 POUNO $2.00 80 50 0 $100.00 91 2575.608 SEED MIXTURE 240 POUND $10.00 17 177.62 0 $1,776.20 Totals For Section SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION: $1,272,612.98 SCHEDULE B - STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 92 2451.513 FINE FILTER AGGREGATE (CV) CUYD $30.00 169 0 0 $0.00 93 2451.602 ROCK STABILIZATION TON $20.00 580 0 0 $0.00 94 2501.511 15" CS PIPE CULVERT LlNFT $20.00 12 12 0 $240.00 95 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH $350.00 3 3 0 $1,050.00 96 2501.515 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH $375.00 2 2 0 $750.00 97 2501.515 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH $450.00 4 4 0 $1,800.00 9B 2501.515 48" RC PIPE APRON EACH $1,000.00 1 1 0 $1,000.00 30f6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 99 2501.573 INSTALL METAL APRON EACH $100.00 1 0 0 $0.00 100 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15" PIPE APRON EACH $250.00 3 3 0 $750.00 101 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 1 B" PIPE APRON EACH $280.00 2 2 0 $560.00 102 2501 .602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH $550.00 4 4 0 $2,200.00 103 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 48" PIPE APRON EACH $1,400.00 1 1 0 $1,400.00 104 2502.541 4" PERF TP PIPE DRAIN UN FT $6.00 2820 1045.5 0 $6,273.00 105 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT $26.00 1170 1213.5 0 $31,551.00 106 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 UN FT $2B.00 340 310.5 0 $8,694.00 107 2503.541 1B" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT $2B.00 391 391 0 $10,94B.00 108 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 UN FT $30.00 Bl0 B09.5 0 $24,285.00 109 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 UN FT $34.00 646 653.5 0 $22,219.00 110 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $46.00 615 615 0 $2B,290.00 111 2503.541 42" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $BO.OO 70 70 0 $5,600.00 112 2503.541 48" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $100.00 16 22 0 $2,200.00 113 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $800.00 1 3 0 $1,BOO.00 114 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER UN FT $2.00 1212 3B62 3B62 $7,724.00 115 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN G UN FT $240.00 35.6 36 0 $B,640.00 116 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 UN FT $240.00 141 163.33 0 $39,199.20 117 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 54-4020 UNFT $300.00 14.7 9.17 0 $2,751.00 l1B 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 UN FT $220.00 29.B 34.7 0 $7,634.00 119 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 UN FT $330.00 20.9 21.32 0 $7,035.60 120 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 76-4020 UN FT $330.00 11.9 9.94 0 $3,280.20 121 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $1,000.00 6 6 0 $B,ooO.OO 122 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM) EACH $425.00 55 43 0 $1B,275.00 123 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CUYD $60.00 25.8 25.B 0 $l,54B.OO 124 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV CUYD $60.00 16.6 16.6 0 $996.00 125 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV SQYD $2.00 71.9 71.9 0 $143.80 Totals For Section SCHEDULE B . STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION: $254,836.80 SCHEDULE C " SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 126 2503.603 20" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) UN FT $200.00 170 170 0 $34,000.00 127 2503.603 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 UN FT $40.00 92 92 0 $3,680.00 128 2503.603 12" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 UN FT $60.00 55 55 0 $3,300.00 129 2503.803 8" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 UN FT $30.00 795 795 0 $23,850.00 130 2503.603 12" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 UN FT $40.00 270 211 0 $B,440.00 131 2503.820 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $2.00 1300 780 0 $1,580.00 132 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY) EACH $400.00 2 2 0 $800.00 133 2508.603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES LIN FT $150.00 24.2 23.94 0 $3,591.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE C - SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION: $79,221.00 SCHEDULE D" WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 134 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $2,000.00 2 2 0 $4,000.00 135 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2,400.00 3 2 0 $4,800.00 136 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $200.00 3 0 0 $0.00 137 2504.802 24" BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH $4,250.00 2 2 0 $8,500.00 138 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,000.00 1 1 0 $1,000.00 139 2504.602 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,300.00 3 3 0 $3,900.00 140 2504.802 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,500.00 3 5 0 $7,500.00 141 2504.602 16"X12" WET TAP EACH $3,600.00 1 2 0 $7,200.00 142 2504.602 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH $2,850.00 4 9 0 $25,850.00 143 2504.803 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UN FT $32.00 237 193 0 $6,178.00 144 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UNFT $34.00 42 92 0 $3,128.00 40f6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Current Amount to No. Quantity to Date Quantity Date 145 2504.503 10" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $40.00 102 205 0 $8.200.00 145 2504.503 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $42.00 1550 1435 0 $50.312.00 147 2504.503 24" WATER MAIN-DUCTILE IRON CL 50 L1N FT $85.00 440 440 0 $37.840.00 148 2504.503 35" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) L1N FT $340.00 300 300 0 $102.000.00 149 2504.504 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQYD $24.00 50 35 0 $840.00 150 2504.508 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUNO $2.20 7350 10180 0 $22.395.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE D - WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION: $303.442.00 Change Order 1 151 91563 F&I 4" NON-METALLiC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE CTY FIBER OPTIC CROSSINGS L1N FT $8.00 191 191 0 $1.528.00 152 91564 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT FOR PRIVATE UTILITY CROSSINGS L1N FT $5.00 597 597 0 $4.182.00 153 2501.511 15" CM PIPE CULVERT L1N FT $22.00 94 94 0 $2.058.00 154 91557 STREET SWEEPING HOUR $125.00 4.5 4.5 0 $552.50 155 91558 CSAH 18/39 SIGNAL EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION LUMP SUM $1.534.50 1 1 0 $1.534.50 Totals For Change Order 1: $9.875.00 Change Order 2 155 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $9.40 10938 10938 0 $102.817.20 157 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $9.40 8108 8108 0 $75.215.20 158 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE MEOIAN SQFT $2.00 1350 1350 0 $2.700.00 159 2104.509 REMOVE CONCRETE APRON EACH $1.487.50 1 1 0 $1.487.50 150 91575 LEVEll NG COURSE TON $55.00 724.7 724.7 0 $39.858.50 151 91577 ADJUST EXISTING CASTING EACH $425.00 4 4 0 $1.700.00 152 91578 R L LARSON MANPOWER LUMP SUM $4.152.50 1 1 0 $4.152.50 153 91579 PLUG AND FILL EXISTING PIPE L1N FT $20.00 30 30 0 $500.00 154 91580 MEADOW OAK AVE SUBGRADE EXCAVATION LUMP SUM $12.753.50 1 1 0 $12.753.50 155 91581 RES LUTH CHURCH EROSION CNTRL LUMP SUM $7.357.50 1 1 0 $7.357.50 155 2350.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4.F) 1.5" THICK SQYD $3.00 4550 3439.85 0 $10.319.55 157 2350.503 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4.B) 2" THICK SQYD $3.50 1755 1755 0 $5.142.50 158 91582 CSAH 39 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $7.00 .1758 -1758 0 ($12.305.00) 169 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $10.40 -9885 -9885 0 ($102.814.40) 170 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $10.40 -13158 -13158 0 ($135.843.20) Totals For Change Order 2: $14.150.35 Change Order 3 171 2105.5011TOPSOIL BORROW ILUMP SUMI$18.315.001 11 11 01 $18.315.00 Totals For Change Order 3: $18.315.00 Change Order 4 172 192931 I RELOCATE STREETLIGHT ON CSAH 75 LUMP SUMI $2.557.371 11 11 1 $2.557.37 173 12553.501 1 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $7.535.801 11 11 1 $7.535.80 Totals For Change Order 4: $10.093.17 Project Totals: $1.952.555.30 50f6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-03 Contractor: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Contract Chan es No. Type C01 Change Order C02 Change Order C03 Change Order C04 Change Order Amount Date 8/12/2005 12/30/2005 4/18/2006 11/1/2007 Description Additional contract quantities. Deleted and additional contract items. Additional contract quantity. Additional contract quantities. $9,875.00 $17,790.80 $18,315.00 $10,093.17 $56,073.97 Change Order Totals: P"vment Summ"rv No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 6/23/2005 7/31/2005 $267,812.30 $267,812.30 $14,095.38 $14,095.38 $281,907.68 2 8/1/2005 8/31/2005 $878,888.48 $1,146,700.78 $46,257.29 $60,352.67 $1,207,053.45 3 9/1/2005 9/30/2005 $211,404.43 $1,358,105.21 $11,126.55 $71,479.22 $1,429,584.43 4 10/1/2005 1 0/31/2005 $107,885.53 $1,465,990.74 $5,678.1 9 $77,157.41 $1,543,148.15 5 11/1/2005 12/31/2005 $120,127.50 $1,586,118.24 $6,322.50 $83,479.91 $1,669,598.15 6 1/1/2006 2/28/2006 $141,845.96 $1,727,964.20 $7,465.57 $90,945.48 $1,818,909.68 7 3/1/2006 4/25/2006 $42,118.25 $1,770,082.45 $2,216.75 $93,162.23 $1,863,244.68 8 4/26/2006 6/29/2006 $62,892.74 $1,832,975.19 $3,310.15 $96,472.38 $1,929,447.57 9 6/30/2006 7/31/2006 $2,451.53 $1,835,426.72 $129.03 $96,601.41 $1,932,028.13 10 & FINAL 8/1/2006 11/30/2006 $127,129.58 $1,962,556.30 ($96,601.41 ) $0.00 $1,962,556.30 Payment Totals: $1,962,556.30 $0.00 $1,962,556.30 Project Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $1,962,556.30 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $1,962,556.30 Revised Contract: $1,913,089.40 $56,073.97 $1.969,163.37 60f6 ... WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I CJnstruction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763.541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 November 7, 2007 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 (Final) CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak Avenue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: County Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1627-03 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 for the above-referenced project in the amount of$127,129.58. Pay Voucher No. 10 does include payment for Change Order No. 4 in the amount of$IO,093.17. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: I. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. Minneapolis I St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer J::'.II/M7.{lj'.A.""'itt'I).""',1.17IJVIOF~.'I,(71'.J!,,,,'<.I/l11Q7_JrJC: Honorable Mayor and City Council November 7, 2007 Page 2 Please make payment in this amount to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. " }ltL(1~ If, ms"'- v Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tom Kelly, City of Monticello JeffO'NeiJI, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. srb K:.IiM21.nj.dJr>>;1t Ik"-.a.TH.ll) /l11':W. {"n.hmw-II(}701.d", Council Agenda: 11/13/07 SN. Approve Chanl!:e Order No.3 for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1.330 Feet South) Proiect (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-lIC) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included the extension of the roadways and utilities to provide access and development of property owned by Chadwick/Bowers and development of the Monticello Business Center owned by the City. The project also included construction of the Otter Creek lift station. Since the improvements were constructed, development of the Dahlheimer distributing plant, Apple Valley Ready Mix, Karlsburger Foods, and the Walker-in-Store sites have occurred. The following is a description of the proposed change order items in anticipation of finalizing payment for the project: I. Televise Storm Sewer: The City requires storm sewer systems to be televised to detect any defects or blockage in the pipe or manholes prior to acceptance. This item was added to the contract. 2. Lift Station Site Paving: Paving of the Otter Creek lift station site was delayed due to the extension of the trunk sanitary sewer and water main past the Karlsburger site, which is located adjacent to the lift station site. This occurred after bituminous prices increased significantly due to increased oil prices. As a result, the contractor incurred additional costs to re-mobilize, re-grade, and pave the site. The original contract price for constructing the lift station included paving the site. The change order reflects the increase in costs from what was already included in the original contract price to construct the lift station and pave the site. 3. Re-strioe Countv Road 39 Bypass Lane: The new connection of Chelsea Road at CSAH 39 created the need for a left turn lane and bypass lane for vehicles traveling westbound on CSAH 39. The County requested modifications to the striping configuration to meet their standards, which resulted in removing the existing pavement markings and re-striping the bypass lane. 4. Lift Station Construction Deduct: The project specified the Otter Creek lift station to be operational by November 11,2005. However, due to several circumstances, the lift station was not operational until August 2006. Power was not extended to the site until April 2006 and modifications to the control panel delayed the startup. Prior to the lift station startup, Dahlheimer Distributing was operating their facility. As a result, Public Works pumped sewage from their site from February to August 2006, incurring costs for this work. The contractor agreed to pay a portion of these costs, which is proposed to be deducted from the final payment. C:tDocumentsand.'>elli1lgs'da-.grw.inge'iL<<.al &llingslTemponlry In/emU FiwLOLK1JJ'AGN ITM-Che~pproveC03-111207_doc Council Agenda: 11/13/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.3 in the amount of$19,876.70 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2. Do not approve Change Order No.3. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.3 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. C:'DMumems (lJId &/(i<!gS'Ja......grossinger'J.ocal Settings',Te"'fJ<'rory InTernet Fi/esIOLKB3'.AGN lTM-ChelseaRtiApprovtiC03-11 1107.doc CHANGE ORDER NO.3 CHIIl.8EA RClAlll!Xl1llll_ f80lIl STIIDT TO CSAllIII AIID IlALTON ..VliNU; (CH&UISARCl-'ll T01."I'l!ETSOUTHI DTREET, UTIUTI&S.AND~_ CITY OF MOIfT1CIW.Q PROJeCT NO. JII06.11C WSII PRO.ISCT NO. t33ll-13 I\DDED WORK CIlY 01' IIIOIITlCELl.O 50S lIVAIJIUT STREEI', 8UlTE 1 IIIllNTlC!U.O. IIN II1II CONT1lAC1'ClRl II. L. I.N!IiQN ellCAVATlNG, 'NO. lI2R . 12TH lJTIIEIiT II ST. CLOUD,IIN _ YOU _ OlRICTED TO MIlKE THE fCll.LOWING CHIoNGIIS IN THE CONTRACT DOC:UM!NT DESCRll'TICN: COfffl\ACT QUANT1TI~ lIRE MOOIFlED AS aHQWN ON THE ATTACHED DeTAIL 1111W07 IT IS UllCeR:sTOOIl THAT THill CHANG/! ORDER 1NCl~ ALL ,.gDItION.M. COIITS AND T1IlIE EXTliHSlONS WHI(:H ARE IN ANY WAY, aHAPE, OR FORIoI ASSllCIATED WITH THE VVOI'lX ELfMENTS DElICRl8ED ABOVE. DEL&TEIl WORK CIWfQE III CDl/lRAtr PRICE: ORIGI~ COtlTlll,CT PRICE; PAEVKlUB CHANGE 0IlDEII NOS. 1-2 CONTIlACT PRICE PRlOR TO THill CHANGE ORDER: NET CONTMCT INCREASE WITH THIS Cl'lANGE ORDI!R: CQN'IRI\CT PRICE WITH ALL API'ftDVED CHANGE ORDERS; RECOMMENDED BY: Jl~ t. ~~'k..- "I'U Il. BISSON, pe, PROJBCT MAlIAGER WSlJ & ASSOC.-.TES,INC. I!NG/NEEH API'ROYIiO BY; crrv ENOlNEeR DATE CHANOI! IN COKTRACT TIME: $2..,3lI8,38 0IllG1NAL CONTRACT TIME: *.129.60 NET CHANGE PRON Plle\llOl.lS c:HAIiGE ORoellS: 113. 7,.,S2T.8lI ooomw:TllME PRIOR TO '!Hili ClHAHGI! ORDER: '18.878.10 NI!T INCREASE WITH CHANGE ORDeR: $2.774,404.68 CONTRACT TlME WIlH APPIlOllEll CHANQE; 0RD&II6 APPl\OIIl!D BY: OR 8lClNofo.TlJRE II. L LA/l$ON EXCAVATING. INC. COHiMCTOR CITY AaiolINISTRATOR DATE 1t1e1...~-- ~. ....I...1tit....~.o..w~ 7/11200& NONE 111/2l101l NOt-lE 1/tnl)lJ& CHANGE ORDER NO.3 DETAIL CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION (90TH STREET TO CSAH 39) AND DALTON AVENUE (CHELSEA ROAD TO 1,330 FEET SOUTH) STREET, UTILITIES, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2005-11 C WSB PROJECT NO. 1338.13 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description 134 TELEVISE STORM SEWER 135 liFT STATION SITE PAVING RE-STRIPE CSAH 39 BYPASS LANE 136 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.3 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Description 137 CONSTRUCT liFT STATION DEDUCT TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.3 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Qty 5300 Qty Unit LiN FT LUMP SUM LUMP SUM Unit Price $2.00 $10,268.95 $1,107.75 Price LUMP SUM ($2,100.00) 10/812007 Extended Amount $10,600.00 $10.268.95 $1.107.75 $21,976.70 Extended Amount ($2.100.00) ($2,100.00) $19,876.70 K:\Q1338-f3lAdmfn\Construct/on Admfn\1338-13 Change OrrIer 3.KlsC03 DelaY .. WSB & A.~,'iOciates. inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I CJnstruction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 November 7, 2007 Mr. Tom Kelly, Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.3 Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South) Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2005-IIC WSB Project No. 1338-13 Dear Mr. Kelly: Please find enclosed Change Order No.3 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $19,876.70, resulting in a revised contract total of $2,774,404.68. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No.3 in the amount of$19,876.70 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. .lftVl-l ?t-viol . It ,;/1/5 y. - Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer A', {lfnl/_J J'..1,j",""C"","n":1~m ..1,/","';/.1"11 (V J (71'.' ""1I,~11II707_,1n< Council Agenda: 11113/07 50. Approve Final Pavment and Accept Improvements for Public Improvement No. 200S-HC for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1.330 Feet South) Proiect (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-HC) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included the extension ofthe roadways and utilities to provide access and development of property owned by Chadwick/Bowers and development of the Monticello Business Center owned by the City. The project also included construction of the Otter Creek lift station. Since the improvements were constructed, development of the Dahlheimer distributing plant, Apple Valley Ready Mix, Karlsburger Foods, and the Walker-in-Store sites have occurred. Construction commenced in 2005 with street and utilities. The final lift of pavement was placed in 2006. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$158,522.79. The following paperwork is still required for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. F"""'''''gl''wdt>ro<'',}OO7 Cmmcll.l.gendasLll-13-070cc AgendtJ'JOFinaIPaymelllClwlse4Rd-l005-11c.drx: 5. Letter from R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. indicating they will complete additional lift station items (re-painting of the control panel and supplying space heaters for the starters in the control panel). The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract, including Change Order No.3, and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. The project was funded by from City trunk funds and special assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties. Adoption of the assessment roll was completed in November 2006. Council Agenda: 11113/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of$158,522.79 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. 2. Do not accept the improvements and approve final payment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 11 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. r' ',da""K'>w...tprocllOO? COUIICl/ Agr<nJas111-134J70 cc AgendaI50FlnalPa)imelltChe1Sfal/ti-2005~1 kdvc ~ WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 & Associates. Inc. November 7, 2007 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. II (Final) Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South) Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2005-IIC WSB Project No. 1338-13 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. II for the above-referenced project in the amount of$158,522.79. Pay Voucher No. II does include payment for Change Order No. 3 in the amount of$19,876.70. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: I. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. 5. Letter from R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc.. indicating they will complete additional minor lift station items. Minneapolis I SI. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer !;:'!lJjJlj./J\-ul1lliflC"""'YllCIIM.-ldmrnl.fRI'O}/I<SI.(.l'r.h",cc_//l17rn.J"c K.:'JlI3JII_fj\.ldlllltl-{',,,,.",.,,"_Ad""'f".THrVIII".vL(11'-IN,,,~'"1/f)1II7do>c Honorable Mayor and City Council November 7,2007 Page 2 Please make payment in this amount to R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ,/Lth- K J1~ Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tom Kelly, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Doug Moen, R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. srb A 11M " .- .. OWner: C~ Of Monticello Date: 11/1712008 8111 W.lnut St IIIonlil:8llo. MIll 55H2.11-47 For Period; 8/'112006 to 1111712008 R.qunt No.: 11 & FINAL CO/ltracfgr: R. L u,,0II illvIming. Inc. 2255 12th StrHt 80utheut Sf. Cloud. MN 563D1 PlY Voucher MONT - Chelsea ROICI ft'om 90th 51 \0 CSAH 39 Cllenl Conttact No.: Project No.: 01338-13 Cnlnt Project No.: Prell.. gu.......~ 1 Orialnal COnlr8Cl Amount $2,6620398.38 2 Contrlct Changes - AcldIUon $112,006.30 3 Contract Chenges - Deduction $0.00 .. RtviseCI COnll'llctAmounl $2,774,404.88 5 viUut Completed \0 Db $2,771.898.55 6 Material 011 HlneI $0.00 7 AII10Unl Eamed $2,771.898.55 8 I.8si RlIIIIlllag. $0.00 S Subtotal $2, 771 ,898.55 10 Less Amourll PlIId Previously $2,613.0375.76 11 liqUidated 081118g. $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUe THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 11 & FINAL $158.522.79 I HEReBY CERTIFY THAT A FiNAl EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABoVE NOTED CONTRACT. THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOY\IN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMEO AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE INITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHeR. Construction Observer. 1/ SJl8cifiea Contr'8Cl ComPIe~on Dale: 711/200c Comment - Approved by Owner: City Of Monticello Date: 1 of/) 01338-13 - Pay Voucher 11 Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Project Material Status Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date Schedule A - Surface Improvements 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $32,000.00 1 1 0 $32,000.00 2 2101.511 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LUMP SUM $7,000.00 1 1 0 $7,000.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CULVERT L1N FT $4.00 112 30 0 $120.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) L1N FT $6.00 440 362 0 $2,172.00 5 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER UN FT $1.00 1242 1331 0 $1,331.00 6 2104.501 REMOVE FENCE L1N FT $2.75 409 409 0 $1,124.75 7 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS SIDEWALK SOYD $1.00 605 665 0 $665.00 8 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SOYD $1.00 4095 4740 0 $4,740.00 9 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE EACH $300.00 2 3 0 $900.00 10 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EACH $200.00 6 6 0 $1,200.00 11 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L1N FT $1.85 1231 2402 0 $4,443.70 12 2104.523 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SIGN EACH $90.00 2 2 0 $180.00 13 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $1.20 123404 127404 0 $152,884.80 14 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $0.01 1500 0 0 $0.00 15 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (CV) CUYD $0.01 27828 0 0 $0.00 16 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD ST A $50.00 63 63 0 $3,150.00 17 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $6.65 21325 23243 0 $154,565.95 18 2331.525 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 2.0" THICK SOYD $8.95 5020 5126 0 $45,877. 70 19 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $30.05 2827 2715 0 $81,585.75 20 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $31.85 3502 0 0 $0.00 21 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $31.85 3469 6608 0 $210,454.80 22 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.25 1592 1950 0 $2,437.50 23 2411.618 MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SO FT $18.00 3823 3580 0 $64,440.00 24 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2,000.00 2 2 0 $4,000.00 25 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH $200.00 3 3 0 $800.00 26 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( STORM) EACH $200.00 1 1 0 $200.00 27 2521.602 TRUNCATED DOME PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH $600.00 4 6 0 $3,600.00 28 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L1N FT $7.60 11445 11923 0 $90,614.80 29 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN MODIFIED D L1N FT $7.60 338 348 0 $2,844.80 30 2540.602 RELOCATE MAIL BOX EACH $100.00 2 2 0 $200.00 31 2554.501 TRAFFIC BARRIER DESIGN A8307 L1N FT $12.50 440 1 048.8 0 $13,110.00 32 2554.523 END TREATMENT-SLOTTED RAIL TERMINAL EACH $1,875.00 2 2 0 $3,350.00 33 2554.602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE III) EACH $250.00 2 2 0 $500.00 34 2557.501 WIRE FENCE DESIGN 60V-9322 L1N FT $14.80 416 0 0 $0.00 35 2563.601 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $2,800.00 1 1 0 $2,800.00 36 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQFT $22.50 137 137 0 $3,082.50 37 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $90.00 8 8 0 $720.00 38 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $90.00 2 2 0 $180.00 39 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT-THRU ARROW) EPOXY EACH $160.00 2 8 6 $1,280.00 40 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.00 8 2 2 $70.00 41 2564.802 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.00 2 2 2 $70.00 42 2564.802 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT-THRU ARROW) PAINT EACH $65.00 2 0 0 $0.00 43 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT L1N FT $0.10 11643 9513 0 $951.30 44 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE-PAINT L1N FT $0.10 124 0 0 $0.00 45 2564.803 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.10 907 0 0 $0.00 46 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT UN FT $0.20 4308 8045 0 $1,209.00 47 2564.803 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $2.00 203 152 0 $304.00 48 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.10 907 0 0 $0.00 49 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY L1N FT $0.25 11643 13374 0 $3,343.50 50 2564.603 4" BROKEN LI NE WHITE-EPOXY L1N FT $0.25 124 0 0 $0.00 20f6 01338-13 - Pay Voucher 11 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 51 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1NFT $0.25 907 1775 0 $443.75 52 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1NFT $0.50 4308 4960 0 $2.480.00 53 2564.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $5.10 203 196 0 $999.60 54 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1NFT $0.25 907 908 0 $227.00 55 2565.603 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT L1NFT $6.00 240 550 0 $3,300.00 56 2573.602 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY L1N FT $3.00 150 0 0 $0.00 57 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED lIN FT $1.65 7416 5459 0 $9,007.35 58 2573.602 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH $400.00 3 2 0 $800.00 59 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $360.00 18 21 0 $7,560.00 60 2575.604 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SQYD $1.25 26080 27100 0 $33,875.00 Totals For Section Schedule A - Surface Improvements: $962,605.55 Schedule B . Watennaln 61 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH $2,125.00 20 22 0 $46,760.00 62 2504.602 16" BUTTERFLY VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,700.00 6 8 0 $13,600.00 63 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $700.00 20 22 0 $15.400.00 64 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $900.00 19 23 0 $20,700.00 65 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (12") EACH $600.00 1 2 0 $1,200.00 66 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 lIN FT $21.00 549 641 0 $13,461.00 67 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $23.50 923 1222 0 $28,717.00 68 2504.603 16" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $38.00 5339 4946 0 $187,948.00 69 2504.608 DUCTILE I RON FITTINGS POUND $1.95 23690 27706 0 $54,026.70 Totals For Section Schedule B - Watermain: $381,602.70 Schedule C . Sanitary Sewer 70 2503.511 6" PVC PIPE SEWER L1NFT $14.00 300 0 0 $0.00 71 2503.511 8" PVC PIPE SEWER L1NFT $20.00 3775 4262 0 $85,240.00 72 2503.511 15" PVC PIPE SEWER L1N FT $32.50 2527 2406 0 $78,195.00 73 2503.511 30" CCFRPM PIPE SEWER L1N FT $140.00 146 126 0 $17,640.00 74 2503.511 36" CCFRPM PIPE SEWER L1NFT $160.00 20 20 0 $3,200.00 75 2503.602 8"X6" PVC WYE EACH $100.00 4 0 0 $0.00 76 2503.602 15"X6" PVC WYE EACH $300.00 3 0 0 $0.00 77 2503.603 CONSTRUCT 8" OUTSIDE DROP lINFT $165.00 13 16 0 $2,640.00 78 2503.603 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER L1NFT $1.00 5451 7200 0 $7,200.00 79 2503.603 16" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 L1N FT $35.00 3590 3523 0 $123,305.00 80 2506.601 CONSTRUCT LIFT STATION LUMP SUM $196,000.00 1 1 0 $196,000.00 81 2506.601 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS LUMP SUM $22,500.00 1 1 0 $22,500.00 82 2506.601 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED CONTROLS AND CONTROL PANEL LUMP SUM $48,000.00 1 1 0 $48,000.00 83 2506.601 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED GENERATOR LUMP SUM $41,500.00 1 0 0 $0.00 B4 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $500.00 29 31 0 $15,500.00 85 2506.603 CONSTRUCT 15" OUTSIDE DROP L1N FT $320.00 9 9 0 $2,880.00 86 2506.603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE L1N FT $120.00 545 565.3 0 $67,836.00 87 2506.603 CONST 60" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE L1N FT $300.00 6 9.5 0 $2,850.00 88 2506.603 CONST 72" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE L1NFT $420.00 12 27 0 $11,340.00 89 2621.601 DEWATERING LUMP SUM $205,000.00 1 1 0 $205,000.00 Totals For Section Schedule C . Sanitary Sewer: $889,326.00 Schedule C2 . Sanitary Sewer. Alternate No.2 91 12503.60318" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 ILlNFT 1 $18.001 35151 35101 01 $63,180.00 Totals For Section Schedule C2 - Sanitary Sewer - Alternate No. ~: I $63,180.00 Schedule 0 . Storm Sewer 92 12105.603 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE DITCH ILlN FT I $3.001 440 7981 01 $2,394.00 93 12501.515 18" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD lEACH J... $600.001 " 31 0 $1,800.00 30f6 01338-13 - Pay Voucher 11 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Current Amount to No. Quantity to Date Quantity Date 94 2501.515 21" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD EACH $800.00 2 2 0 $1,600.00 95 2501.515 24" RC APRON WITH T. G. AND SHEET PILED END SECTION EACH $1,600.00 3 6 0 $9,600.00 96 2501.515 36" RC APRON WITH T. G. AND SHEET PILED END SECTION EACH $2,300.00 3 3 0 $6,900.00 97 2501.561 24" RC PIPE CULVERT DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $26.00 117 125 0 $3,250.00 98 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 48" PIPE APRON EACH $1,400.00 1 1 0 $1,400.00 99 2501.602 48" RC PIPE APRON WIPILlNG EACH $1,750.00 1 1 0 $1,750.00 100 2502.541 6" PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN L1N FT $6.00 960 760 0 $4,560.00 101 2503.521 28" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH SEWER CLASS IIA L1N FT $40.00 251 276 0 $11,040.00 102 2503.521 36" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH SEWER CLASS IIA L1N FT $54.00 44 44 0 $2,376.00 103 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V L1N FT $22.00 256 256 0 $5,632.00 104 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V L1N FT $23.00 927 1027 0 $23,621.00 105 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $24.00 604 604 0 $14,496.00 106 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $28.50 522 513 0 $14,620.50 107 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1NFT $29.50 2063 2127 0 $62,746.50 108 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1NFT $38.50 1078 1031 0 $39,693.50 109 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1NFT $50.00 654 643 0 $32,150.00 110 2503.541 48" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $79.50 233 233 0 $16,523.50 111 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 L1N FT $180.00 168 169 0 $30,420.00 112 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 L1N FT $250.00 103 103 0 $25,750.00 113 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 L1N FT $330.00 44 50 0 $16,500.00 114 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84-4020 L1N FT $410.00 31 33 0 $13,530.00 115 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $725.00 16 17 0 $12,325.00 116 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $300.00 28 31 0 $9,300.00 117 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCHBASIN) EACH $350.00 20 20 0 $7,000.00 116 2506.602 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE OVER EXISTING SEWER EACH $200.00 1 1 0 $200.00 119 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CUYD $45.00 66 160 0 $7,200.00 Totals For Section Schedule 0 - Storm Sewer: $380,378.00 Change Order 1 120 2101.511 CLEARI NG AND GRUBBI NG LUMP SUM $9,200.00 1 1 0 $9,200.00 121 91555 SAN SWR MANHOLE (48") JOINT WRAP EACH $30.00 72 72 0 $2,160.00 122 91556 SAN SWR MANHOLE (60") JOINT WRAP EACH $50.00 2 2 0 $100.00 123 91557 SAN SWR MANHOLE (72") JOINT WRAP EACH $80.00 4 4 0 $320.00 124 91558 LOCATER WIRE FOR FORCEMAIN EACH $110.00 4 4 0 $440.00 125 91559 REMOVE SHED LUMP SUM $3,000.00 1 1 0 $3,000.00 126 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $30.00 445 625 0 $18,750.00 127 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE AND 80X EACH $1,500.00 1 2 0 $3,000.00 128 91560 F&14" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE CTY FIBER OPTIC CROSSINGS L1N FT $8.00 200 550 0 $4,400.00 129 91561 MOVE TOPSOIL STOCKPILE FOR DAHLHEIMER SITE HOUR $525.00 52 0 0 $0.00 Totals For Change Order 1: $41,370.00 Change Order 2 130 91813 AIR RELEASE MANHOLE LUMP SUM $15,620.00 1 1 0 $15,620.00 131 91814 BYPASS MANHOLE LUMP SUM $17,509.00 1 1 0 $17,509.00 132 91815 LIFT STATION PIPING MODIFICATIONS LUMP SUM $11,617.60 1 1 0 $11,617.60 133 91816 VALVE MANHOLE LUMP SUM ($11,567.00) 1 1 o ($11,587.00) Totals For Change Order 2: $33,159.60 Change Order 3 134 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER UN FT $2.00 5300 5300 5300 $10,600.00 135 92302 LIFT STATION SITE PAVING LUMP SUM $10,268.95 1 1 1 $10,268.95 136 92940 RE-STRIPE CSAH 39 BYPASS LANE LUMP SUM $1,107.75 1 1 1 $1,107.75 137 2506.601 CONSTRUCT LIFT STATION DEDUCT LUMP SUM ($2,100.00) 1 1 1 ($2,100.00) 40f6 01338-13 - Pay Voucher 11 Item No. Item Description Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Amount to Date $19,976.70 $2,771,999.55 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Current Quantity Totals For Change Order 3: Project Totals: 50f6 01338-13 - Pay Voucher 11 Wednesday, November 07,2007 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01338-13 Contractor: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Contract Chanoes No. Type Date Descri ption Amount C01 Change Order 8/12/2005 Additional contract quantities. $58,970.00 CO2 Change Order 4/18/2006 Additional and deieted work. $33,159.60 C03 Change Order 10/8/2007 Modified contract quantities. $19,876.70 Change Order Totals: $112,006.30 Pavm"nl SlImm"rv No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 6/1/2005 6/30/2005 $137,560.00 $137,560,00 $7,240.00 $7,240.00 $144,800.00 2 7/1/2005 7/31/2005 $760,359.19 $897,919,19 $40,018.91 $47,258.91 $945,178.10 3 8/1/2005 8/31/2005 $766,140.33 $1,664,059.52 $40,323.17 $87,582.08 $1,751,641.60 4 9/1/2005 9/30/2005 $315,132.48 $1,979,192,00 $16,585.92 $104,168.00 $2,083,360.00 5 10/1/2005 10/31/2005 $404,628.08 $2,383,820.08 $21,296.22 $125,464.22 $2,509,284.30 6 11/1/2005 11/30/2005 $59,695.72 $2,443,515.80 $3,141.88 $128,606.10 $2,572,121.90 7 12/1/2005 12/13/2005 $8,405.13 $2,451,920.93 $442.37 $129,048.47 $2,580,969.40 8 12/14/2005 12/28/2005 $26,414.80 $2,478,335.73 $1,390.25 $130,438.72 $2,608,774.45 9 12/29/2005 5/16/2006 $31,501.62 $2,509,837.35 $1,657.98 $132,096.70 $2,641,934.05 10 5/1712006 7/31/2006 $103,538.41 $2,613,375.76 $5,449.39 $137,546.09 $2,750,921.85 11 & FINAL 8/1/2006 11/17/2006 $158,522.79 $2,771,898.55 ($137,546.09) $0.00 $2,771,898.55 Payment Totals: $2,771,898.55 $0.00 $2,771,898.55 Proiect Summary Material On Hand: $0.00 Total Payment to Date: $2,771,898.55 Original Contract: $2,662,398.38 Total Retainage: $0.00 Contract Changes: $112,006.30 Total Amount Earned: $2,771,898.55 Revised Contract: $2,774,404.68 60f6 Council Agenda: 11113/07 SP. Approval of increasinl! the amount in the chanl!e fund for MCC for operation of public skate time. (CS, PM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In April, 2007 the Council approved petty cash and change funds that are currently used within the City which is an audit requirement for the City. The MCC is requesting an increase of$25 to the amount in the change fund used in the operation of the public skate time at the arena. Again no amount is shown in this document but Council members will receive a separate listing showing the amount. FUND Change Fund DEPARTMENT MCC USE Cash drawer used in MCC operation of public skate time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the $25 increase in the change fund for MCC for the operation of the public skate time at the ice arena. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and Finance Director recommend approving the increase in the change fund covering the MCC operation for the public skate time which would be in compliance with audit requirements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda: 11/13/07 7. Public Hearine Adoption of proposed assessment roll for delinquent accounts receivable bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on the 2008 real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without any additional interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the assessment roll for delinquent accounts receivable charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Finance Director that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the account in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution List of delinquent accounts. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2007-91 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for miscellaneous delinquent accounts receivable, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: I. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein and each tract ofland therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2008 and shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the date November 13, 2007. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 13, 2007 until December 31, 2008. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of November, 2007. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Name PIO Cert Amt 'Jvc:tlr~ PdVVl131lVP 1SS..See-142269 533.85 Shawn Wiyninger 155-010-010011 183.34 Joel Parker 155-088-007050 96.66 Brandon Olson 155-132-005010 96.66 Scott Enyart 155-019-005030 176.41 Joel & Denise Christensen 155-159-002080 96.66 Timothy Baldwin 155-160-011080 74.81 Jal'RBI S. Sllll, tlllyeS 156 Q-Ul1l45100 34.94 John & Pamela Gaetz 155-033-002110 34.19 John & Gina Young 155-061-002090 78.16 Shawn Wiyninger 155-010-010011 81.75 Paul Okan 155-096-002060 99.87 Samantha A1msted or Petrus ZaI155-010-029020 81.75 "lv'...1 M~,l~.......1 L..Lgl.:. T,g~l_'_ r 1[[ lei el:JIOIO llYn.f.1 Robbie Johnson 155-033-002070 36.60 Sternz Builders 155-160-011060 92.81 Joshua & Amy Scott 155-086-004220 83.20 Levi Rynklevich 155-160-012050 83.47 -JSFl3 8. ~dlldy ~lrv....aeB 1i'i Q1t) ne71:;:!Q a8.~~ Denny & Lisa Paulinski 155-153-001090 111.38 Jesse Olson 155-010'-067130 62.90 Deborah Macken 155-179-006010 28.19 Terri Danielson 155-010-041010 92.55 Joseph Carlson 155-160-012010 86.66 Timothy Baldwin 155-160-001040 111.38 ^R8rG V\'sA2el 1SS-1B6J(;110Y6 7S.aa Robbie Johnson Brenda Jenkins Jesse Olson Steven & Carrie Frank leighann Ehle Tonia Doherty Veronica Acierno Gabriel Rice Brenda Odden Daie Whalen Homes Dale Whalen Homes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes Eagle Crest Townhomes 155-033-002070 169.85 155-160-013050 19.01 155-010-067130 113.34 155-073-005120 28.69 155-160-012010 38.19 155-160-013030 38.19 155-160-013040 47.70 155-107-002130 96.66 155-500-034200 98.36 155-160-001030 68.94 155-160-013060 291.75 155-179-006020 28.19 155-179-004030 18.69 155-179-004010 18.69 155-179-006050 28.19 155-179-006040 28.19 155-1 ~9-006030 119.26 155-179-004020 18.69 Alt Name ce. I{MBI b.lO cc: Shawn & Dawn Wiyninger cc: Brian Thompson cc: Countryside Home loans cc: Shawn & Dawn Wiyninger cc: Paul Okan ......... 'lVgl Mc;;ul ROQI f:..... BtH:llntn:i~ T, ::... cc: Sternz Builders Inc. cc: Raquel Boedigheimer es: .JeR& Rl:Iga~gs i iaA~, SI(5A- cc: Michael lease cc: JP Morgan Chase Bnk As Trustee cc: Randall Cummings cc: leighann Ehle e~. AHara~' t.1.H.1 -- cc: Zeeshan Hassan cc: JP Morgan Chase Bnk As Trustee cc: Steven Frank cc: leighann Ehle cc: Red Rooster Properties Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc cc: Eagle Crest Townhomes Inc Council Agenda: 11113/07 8. Review of headlil!ht screeninl! options for River City Center. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On September 24, 2007 City Council directed staff to review the area between the residences in Groveland 4th Addition abutting River City Center to determine what type of treatment would be required to provide immediate headlight screening from vehicles using River City Center's parking lot until the buffer trees can grow together. The Public Works Director and City Engineer reviewed this area and determined that a 6-foot tall privacy fence would be required to immediately provide effective headlight screening. Based on site constraints the fence needs to be installed near the property line between River City Center and the adjacent residential lots, between the two rows of buffer trees planted by River City Center and the City. The fencing should then be removed after 10 to 15 years when the buffer trees begin to grow together to prevent damage to the fencing and trees. A quote was obtained from Authority Fence and Decks of Clearwater, who the City has used on several projects in the past, for furnishing and installing 704 linear feet of 6-foot tall white vinyl privacy fencing to screen the properties abutting River City Center's parking lot (see supporting data). This quote was for $27,950, or $39.70 per linear foot, which includes all applicable sales tax and a 20% municipal discount. The same vinyl fencing in tan would cost $30,495, or $43.32 per linear foot. Wood privacy fencing, either westem red cedar or green- treated yellow pine, would cost about $30 per linear foot to furnish and install, however the life expectancy for wood fencing is only about 5 to 7 years whereas the life expectancy for vinyl fencing is a minimum of25 years. And while the life expectancy of wood fencing can be extended by staining it, the cost of the wood fence and one application of stain would be more than the cost of vinyl fencing. The use of additional landscaping for headlight screening was also considered but it would not provide an immediate benefit unless dense coniferous trees and shrubs were planted with no gaps between them. These trees and shrubs would then need to be thinned as they grew, which would be very labor intensive. Staff also met with two of River City Center's owners to ask ifthey would be willing to participate in the cost of constructing a screening fence. Since the sole purpose ofthe fence is to screen the headlights of vehicles visiting their establishment they agreed that they would consider contributing toward the cost of constructing the fence. However, they feel that such a fence would benefit the residential properties as much if not more than it would benefit them, and as such they feel it would only be fair for them to split the cost of the fence with the residential property owners and the City, with each party paying one-third the cost. They felt that the City should also contribute since the City sold them the land and told them what was needed to buffer their property from the abutting residential properties, which they feel they did and are now being asked to do more without the ability to budget for it. In summary, River City Center will consider contributing to the cost of furnishing and installing a 6-foot tall privacy fence under the following conditions: Council Agenda: 1J /13/07 I) The fence must not be installed on River City Center's property due to liability and maintenance concerns. 2) River City Center will not consider making any contribution until they have been in operation for a sufficient period oftime to determine what their cash flow is. 3) The maximum amount River City Center would contribute would be one-third of the cost, up to a maximum of $9,300 based on the quote from Authority Fence. Council should note that one of River City Center's conditions is that the fence must not be installed on their property to avoid assuming liability risks. This would require the fence to be installed on each of the private residential properties, which in turn would require City staff to contact individual property owners to ask if they want privacy fencing in their back yard, and then to obtain right-of-entry from each property owner that does want the fence. And if any of the property owners do not want fencing there will be gaps in the fence line, thereby defeating the purpose of the fence to some degree. Council should also note that as the property to the east develops this issue will once again need to be addressed. Staff is therefore recommending that we amend our buffer yard ordinance to provide immediate headlight screening in similar situations of conflicting uses in the future. Staff has requested additional quotes from other fencing companies but at the time this item was prepared we had not received them yet. If quotes come in before the Council meeting staff will inform the Council what those quotes are, however staff has no reason to expect that those quotes will come in substantially lower. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to authorize the purchase and installation of 6-foot tall vinyl privacy fencing from Authority Fence and Decks, Inc., up to a maximum amount to be determined by Council. Motion includes directing staff to contact the affected property owners to determine fencing limits and to amend our buffer yard ordinance to provide immediate headlight screening in similar situations of conflicting uses. 2. Motion to deny purchase and installation of privacy fencing at this time. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Should the City Council authorize the installation of privacy fencing, staff recommends authorizing the installation of vinyl fencing for the reasons stated above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Quote from Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, MN Figure A - Fence Installation Limits Date Estimate # Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. 1295 County Rd 75 Clearwater, MN 55320 Estimate 10/22/2007 6003 Name / Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 P.O. No. Terms Rep Project Due on receipt SJS Bowling alley fence Item Description Qty Rate Total QUOTE FOR 704 LINEAR FEET OF FENCE; WHITE FRANKLIN W/.270 WALL POSTS FK72-95-W Franklin 72H 95W section white 88 0.00 O.OOT 5SI08H-WR 55 108 heavy wall profile white 89 0.00 O.OOT 5SNEPC-W 5' new england cap white 89 0.00 O.OOT Subtotal 0.00 Discount 2007 MUNICIPAL DISCOUNT -20.00% 0.00 Concrete concrete to posts/gates 267 0.00 O.OOT Install InstallationILabor 704 0.00 0.00 Bid Authority Fence & Decks will provide above project 27,950.00 27,950.00 including materials, sales tax, and I abor for S27,950.00 complete! Any changes from above stated project requiring extra materials will be billed at current retail price upon completion of project. MN Sales Tax 6.50% 0.00 Thanks for the opportunity to quote your project!! Total $27,950.00 Thank you foc the opportunity to bid )-Our project. This estimate is void 30 days after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. 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I, i II'~/f :';!ff; /, /" /",/ I~, (Ie.; Iii i ' ' ; : 'i I I : ii' ,1l:oboo ,/C_I""'" l..IDI.1 i' I i I;: I : i I: I: l~ - ,,/.--'(_Y f"-" "";" I, ,'. .,~/./7 'I ..... ~ ,---;;, --'(/1/ ~:; 2::[) I ^. . P~Tv"C.'l l="E'Nc:rNG, (1-04 LF) I=" :n; ult.E" A F~~c..E TN STA Ll..R;T.J;oN \...1: M'ITS' Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 9. Consideration of policy for desilroatin!! restricted parkin!! on streets. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This item has to do with the core city projects and, specifically, the western portion of the community where we have narrow streets. The City's Design Standards indicate that streets 32' or wider can generally have parking on both sides. There are some restrictions to this if there is a center turn lane or if there are other turn lanes that can restrict parking. For streets less than 32' in width but at least 28' in width our Design Standards allow parking on one side. For streets less than 28' in width our Design Standards do not allow parking on either side. We have one exception to this and that is Front Street where we have a street narrower than 28' and parking is allowed on the south side of Front Street. This, however, was converted to a one-way street to allow parking to occur in front of the residences. As we moved into the core city to the west of Chestnut Street along River Street, Willow Street, Sandy Lane and then the Hillcrest area, street widths were much debated. The following are the street widths selected by the Council to be incorporated into the design: I 2005 PROJECT River Street (Chestnut to Willow) 32' River Street & Willow Street 28' Willow Street & Oak Lane 28' Sandy Lane 28' I 2006 PROJECT River Street & Otter Creek Road 30' Sandy Lane 28' Oakview Circle (existing curb) 30' Kenneth Lane & Craig Lane (existing curbs) 32' I 2007 PROJECT River Street (entire length) 30' Hillcrest Road 26' Hilltop Drive 26' Hillcrest Circle (existing) 32' With the first project beginning at Chestnut Street we looked at how to standardize the parking in the area. We also looked at how that standard would carry onto to the second phase. It was decided at that time to designate the "no parking" side as the south side (east to west streets) and on the east side (north to south streets). The north to south streets include Willow Street and a short portion of River Street to the north and Otter Creek Road and a short portion of River Street to the north of that. Consequently, these were marked as no parking on the east side. The first two projects were signed this way up to Craig Lane. The only complaint received by the City was how one particular no parking sign looked. The parking system seemed to work well. The Street Superintendent and the Post Master agreed as well. They both have been involved with parking and mailbox issues. As we moved into the third phase (2007) of the western section of the community, we continued marking the south side of River Street no parking. As Council Meeting - 11/13/2007 River Street really never turned (north to south) we carried this theme all the way through the project to CSAH 75 near the entrance of Montissippi Park. To be consistent we applied the same strategy to Hilltop Drive and Hillcrest Road. Hilltop Drive received no parking signs on the south side and Hillcrest Road would receive no parking on the east side on the (north to south) section and the south side on the (east to west) section. At first glance this appeared to fit well as we had received a complaint from residents on the east side of the (north to south) section of Hillcrest Road who indicated they did not want the parking from the group home to spill over to their side of the street. We then received another call as to why there had to be any parking restrictions at all on Hillcrest Road as there had been none previously and the street was slightly wider. It became apparent that the Council should have input into this particular road (Hillcrest Road) and the parking restrictions since the road was already established at a width less than our Engineering Design Standards to allow any parking. There were some brief discussions of this issue at the last Council Meeting. There was some discussion in regard to keeping the no parking consistent on the same side of the street through a curve. This would locate the no parking on the (north to south) section from the east side of Hillcrest Road to the west side so it would be consistently on the left side of the street as you drive from the south and as you come in from the east it would be consistently on the right hand side of the street. There was no discussion as to whether or not the existing Otter Creek Road and Willow Street areas should be re-marked if that became the policy. The residents along Hillcrest Road have been sent a notice of the meeting and it was suggested that they attend the meeting or send us their concerns prior to the meeting time. A.I Budget Impact: The outcome of this decision will not have an impact on our budget as all of the necessary signs are already up or in the contractor's area of responsibility to install. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: This item should not have a significant impact on staff workload unless you decide to make significant changes in the parking arrangements already complete. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to leave the existing parking plan in place with the exception of Hillcrest Road. Hillcrest Road would be signed no parking on the west side of the north-south section and no parking on the south side of the east-west section so that the parking would stay contiguous on one side of the street. This would meet the spirit of what has been established throughout the area and would still have consistency. 2. The second alternative would be to leave the existing plan in place with the exception of Hillcrest Road. All of the no parking signs would be deleted from Hillcrest Road and Hillcrest Road would be free to park on either side. This would probably keep most people happy on Hillcrest Road but would not follow our Engineering Design Standards and it could become a safety problem. It could be tried for awhile as an option and if problems do occur, signed no parking at that time. Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 3. The third alternative would be to sign the north and the east side as no parking which would be contiguous on that side of the street but different than the other sections of the western portion of the community. 4. The fourth alternative would be something that does not come to mind at this time but that may work out for safety sake and appease the neighbors as determined by City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the Council consider alternative #1, signing Hillcrest Road for no parking on the south side of the east-west section and no parking on the west side of the north-south section making it continuous on one side of the street throughout that area and in conformance with what was previously done in the area. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of map of the area showing current parking restrictions and street widths. Council Agenda: 11/13/07 10. Consideration of Amendinl!: Oril!:inal Cedar Street Ril!:ht of Wav al!:reement bv providinl!: payment to John Lundsten in Lieu of Land. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider whether or not to provide John Lundsten with a cash payment to supplement the value ofland provided in trade via quit claim deed. Consideration ofthis supplemental payment is requested because a portion of the land quit claimed to Lundsten must legally go to a different property owner (Glen Posusta). By way of history, the original deal with Lundsten stenuned from the City's need to extend Cedar Street through the Lundsten's property. As part of the arrangement for obtaining the right of way through the property, the City agreed to quit claim the real property described in Exhibit B to Mr. Lundsten. Exhibit B ofthe original agreement contained land that was encumbered by easement for use by the State of Minnesota for Highway 25 right of way. The turnback process associated with vacating this right of way ultimately results in a portion of this area to be turned back to others (Estimate 4,695 square feet) It should be noted that according to Tom Scott, "the transfer to Mr. Lundsten was by quit claim deed. The City did not warrant title. Consistent with the settlement document, Rick Wolfsteller recalled conversations with Mr. Lundsten in which both sides understood that the City was conveying whatever interest it had as a result of the turnbacks from the state/county. It appears that MnDOT may only have had an easement interest, as opposed to fee title, which may mean the portion abutting another property in fact reverts to that property upon vacation. While the City does not have any legal liability because the land was provided via quite claim deed, this is a situation which could result in the City being drawn into litigation. To avoid that situation, the City may want to consider a payment to Lundsten in exchange for a release of any interest he might have in the approximately 4,695 square feet of vacated right of way that that ultimately would be assigned to another property. Budl!:et Impact Up to $51,000 which must be drawn from reserves. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion by Council supplementing the original agreement with a payment to Lundsten in the amount of (see below). This payment to be provided under the condition that Lundsten releases any interest he might have in the land area involved. Under this alternative it is believed that the quit claim deed sufficiently portrayed the amount ofland that Lundsten should have expected to receive in the deal. Now that it has been found that the he will not get all the land that was identified in the quit claim deed, the City should make it right by providing him a supplemental payment instead. l.a. In speaking with John Lundsten, he believes the value of the land today is in the neighborhood of$ll per square foot. The amount of the payment under this alternative 132097 Council Agenda: 11/13/07 would be $55,000. Lundsten has noted that he will not bring litigation against the City and will release any interest he has in the area if the City pays this amount. I have informed him that this amount seems high compared to land values in the area and that I can not guarantee that the City Council will agree to paying this much when legally, under the provisions of the agreement and associated quite claim deed, the City is not bound to supplement the agreement. l.b City Council set amount based on recent sales or sale prices Attached is a table outlining recent sales or land for sale prices that the Council may wish to review when setting a payment amount. If the City and Lundsten can agree on the value of the subject land area and put the deal to bed, the ability of the adjoining property owner to establish ownership of the vacated area and attach it to his parcel improves and thus the cost of the quiet title action is likely to be reduced. 2. Motion to deny providing payment to supplement original deal based on the finding that by accepting a quit claim deed, Lundsten was aware that the City was not warranting title on the property and that he was or should have been aware that he was accepting the arrangement with some risk that the entire vacated area outlined in exhibit B would not ultimately come under his control. According to Tom Scott, the City is not legally bound to provide a payment as proposed because the land was provided via quit claim deed and there never was a guarantee to Lundsten that the land area in question would revert to him via the vacation process. Council could take the view that Lundsten had knowledge of value and risk associated with accepting a quit claim deed as part of the original transaction and therefore no supplemental payment is warranted. If this alternative is selected, it is possible that the City could get pulled into litigation. The quiet title process required to establish ownership of this parcel for the rightful owner will be further complicated if Lundsten places a claim on the parcel. 3. Motion to table matter. I do not believe that John Lundsten will be available to discuss this matter with the City Council at the meeting. His direct input on what he expected as part of the original deal might influence your decision so you may wish to table the matter until he is available to discuss it with you directly. You may also wish to table a decision to provide the opportunity to negotiate price. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation at this time as all three alternatives have merit. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of original agreement 132097 Council Agenda: 11/13/07 Drawing showing original area (Exhibit B to agreement) conveyed via quite claim deed to Lundsten along with markings showing subject area. Aerial photo showing Exhibit B area and subject area Letter from John Lundsten on topic Meeting minutes from October 28,2002 Table showing land value comparisons 132097 . AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is executed this 12 day of ..J ~ ~ .IV, 2003 between The City of Monticello, Minnesota (hereinafter" City") and John M. Lundsten and Mary Ellen Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane, Buffalo, Minnesota (hereinafter "Lundstens"). WHEREAS, City intends to construct a public improvement consisting of street (including curb and gutter) sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer lateral, storm sewer area, sidewalk and street lights on and across real property owned by Lundstens as more fully described in Exhibit A), and other real property (hereinafter "Cedar Street Extension Project"), and WHEREAS, At Lundstens' request, City has decided not to install the sidewalk portion of the improvement across Lundstens' property; and WHEREAS, City wishes to acquire from Lundstens I) the Exhibit A property and 2) a 20-foot storm sewer easement as portrayed on sheet 14 of the WSB document dated 3f24103 and titled "City of Monticello City Project No. 2002 - 06C (Exhibit C), both at no cost to City, and WHEREAS, City owns an interest in real property described in Exhibit B, and Lundstens wish to acquire the Exhibit B property from City at no cost to Lundstens. and WHEREAS, The Exhibit A property is part of a larger parcel (hereinafter "Lundsten property") which is subject to an assessment levied by City in 1980, known as the 1979- I Improvement Project, and WHEREAS, the original total amount of the assessment levied against the Lundsten property was $85,950.73, and Lundstens paid the first installment of said assessment thereby lowering the unpaid amount to $77 ,355.66, and WHEREAS, on October 1, 1981, Lundstens applied for and City granted a Special Assessment Deferral under Miunesota Statutes Section 273.11, Subd; II (known as a "Green Acres" deferral), and WHEREAS, City and Lundstens have engaged in discussions regarding the manner in which interest on said deferred assessments should be calculated, and WHEREAS, City and Lundstens wish to reach an agreement that will allow City to proceed with its planned Cedar Street Extension Project in a timely manner and to resolve their discussions of interest on the deferred assessments in an equitable manner, and WHEREAS. Lundstens have signed a purchase agreement with AMAX Storage, LLC, which could create for AMAX an interest in the Exhibit A property; x. 13 I ~..-u-- " .... ~. 00 ... ~~. ..:....-- =- JJ --......... J! ~.., .... NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of mutual reliance and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, City and Lundstens agree as follows: 1. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement a) Lundstens shall Quit Claim to City the real property described in Exhibit A. b) City shall Quit Claim to Lundstens the real property described in Exhibit B. c) Lundstens shall grant City a 20-foot storm sewer easement over the portion of their property portrayed in Exhibit C. This grant of easement is not an acknowledgement or consent by Lundstens for the future placement of a storm- water detention pond or ponds on the Lundsten property. d) City shall obtain from AMAX Storage, LLC, a Quit Claim deed to the Exhibit A property and deliver a copy of same to Lundstens. e) Lundstens shall execute a Petition for Public Improvements in the form shown on Exhibit D hereto. Said Petition will provide, among other things, that the assessment payable by Lundstens for improvements on, under and across the Exhibit A property shall not exceed the following: 1) Street $fi!,,679.79 2) Sanitary Sewer $16,939.87 3) Water main $27,823.% 4) Storm Sewer Lateral $15,479.20 5) Storm Sewer Area $13,750.00 6) Street lights $22,597 32 7) Driveway None Provided Total $165,270.14 2. City shall defer the principal amount of assessments for the street lights as set forth in item l.e) 6) above, totaling $22,597.32, and waive all interest thereon until such time as the property which they abut is developed. When the property is developed, the assessments will become active. At that time, interest will begin to accrue on a simple wterest basis at the I}te specified for the other assessments in this project. Lundstens, or their succersors in interest, shalI.lpay the assessments and interest over the term of ... " ~' . -..~ '-.._Tle"r.-e ~~-:;:'-1 ..,..,",Or '" - .6""!; - =- =--= J;;A ---- I!~ - .' ., years provided for the other assessable items, commencing with the first real estate tax payment date after the property is developed, reserving the right to pay the assessments in ful1 at any time. The term for repayment of the Cedar Street assessments shall be 15 years. 3. Lundstens shal1 pay simple interest on the deferred assessments at the rate of seven per-cent per annum, calculated on $77,355.66, or total interest of $5,414.90 for each year from October 1,1981. At such time as it is paid, the deferred assessment on the property indicated in paragraph 4 b) below shall be reduced by $1,000.00. 4. City shall spread the deferred assessments equally across each acre of the entire Lundsten property remaining after conveyance of Cedar Street, consisting of 35.945 acres in total. Each acre shall be assigned $2,152.<)6 ($77,355.66/35.945) in principal amount of deferred assessment plus $150.78 ($5,414.90/35.945) for each year of interest from October 1, 1981. Lundstens may sell portions of the entire parcel and pay the deferred assessments plus simple interest as stated in this paragraph on only the parcel sold. Provided, however, that for purposes of determining how much of the deferred assessments are due upon the sale of a portion of the Lundsten property, that property shall be divided into four parcels as follows: a) the portion north of Dundas road b) the portion south of Dundas road and east of the east line of the Amax Storage property extended south. c) The portion east of Cedar Street Extended and west of the line described in b) above, d) The portion west of cedar Street extended. 5. Provided, however, the entire balance of unpaid deferred assessments and simple interest thereon shall be due and payable in full on September 30,2011, if not sooner paid, as provided in Minnesota Statutes. In witness whereof, City and Lundstens have executed this agreement this .l2 day of -I u" .t., 2003. 0 /} ;-:- CU.ty o.ntic.el1o ~r.I--1J1J. ~- -7 rA. I I II /J M. Lundsten B /ul((JA f~-"\. By: ~~/~' ~~ Mary \len Lundsten I '~;..j'rl "':"' r= . .Il_~.__ -=-~ --........ ,"w. .... .:: . I! cl-~' ii''- I .:::;~ ll:;' >-:t I .V ~!! d,>~cr / ;11:! >.! d'.I., II:! <f1...>:::'::t.V: "0 rj!1., ~ if .l.&J! Q?~ IV "'-'-l:' /i$/?; #0;y !Sf ~$*t;V: I t$ / fdc?V: I I &!<,..tit I' I, Ii.. if-~ I ~~ ,v.$! /' / ~....~_/ / oS' ?'f-.e, 8etl'.2<" .88 " -', ,oj ') / , I / / / / / / / / / "-... liq /,-~ lk " /.l i:! /Ii $ c" , I' r) I ..c f',;;. (I p i' ''''-, 1:.." /1;" '-! ., c " .' " I; , ~'i .' .' , \ ._" .,_..~~ ....... ""':i'" ....ul.l..ly. M,nna: northeast comer of the South Half of said No. assumed bearing, along the north line of said South 00 degrees 00 minutes JO seconds Eas distance of 924.00 feet; thence South B9 deg/ 567.42 feet to the point of beginning of said 14 seconds West. a distance of 23.91 feet; tf! the east, having 0 radius of 700.00 feet and degraes 24 minutes JB seconds West, tangent south line of said Southwest Quarter of the N( MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER. according to SG County, os measured olong said south line, on width from said line drown peroUeI with the no J J '- ~"'-, ''''-, N 89.00~~" E ---t84.49-~ 80 / 'J: f~ <( ."J ,CJ ~I . ") C; (J f..- (,') / "-... S /.>.'""'...tg I J's.-," " ,'j ,~- '\ ./' -di, f' -:::-/- __ I~~OS _,,;,~~~.~ \ ,11- -- ...::, /))i "~-~-3 ;/ ) ---tt--- "./ N t.,-~ ''!! . Ii/I 1 '-'1 II ./ // . '" IL~- ------- PA/?CI ./ 'i '" ''fr LUNDS 'vIr ' A"><-!J. JUNE -,h---r' ( II ' _-.(~'40-;' -I . . ":"'R-- It 'PO-if- J0t I il ~~ ~ Ii Jr, II: ~~ fir .,.,; II ~II ~~1~ ~~ " ~O" I 9"7~1 '~(_ 2' , ,q ir ' - , i, I II '-1.. II ':x1--j~1 . ~ I\:~:tr \ i ~~. 11 '",-; I ~al, II _j~, I, \ .~' I" - Z " ~ --' J ..,"!~ _ _ ....... 1,'(lJl j ,--..,0 , -'tr-o~1 .--;:...7 .,\\ " ~ '....... 'I' ~'!_' .,..~40~-, ....... (", ...t. '- \"\ ~c.i ~i'~~ '. ',~ "\ ~-~~~1g -:; 'rol,\. .' . \\ ) *l ...... \~- ..... '~~.".)<-.,.. 'l \~--- ~;L=".~~' -U!() 4. \\ ': "':"\""~CT<~~'tG~ '\\1 I, \ :\ ~--- NORTHWES \ OUTLOT a, \ BUSINESS , '0 , , , , NOR11-lEAST CORNER OF-" OUrtOT A. MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER ,- ",,,, ......< }...../ '*\.;0'''' ..," ~ ',,- *\" ,Q' >; ,- '''-... '''-... \ "-... ..< <; , \ "-..., '",- ''''-, / ,C (3-~ '",- "'-, '''-... rf,' '. ,= f~:;;;~o ByO~L1[NT ') i i' t"l., ~t -- ( i l A<-c{_e:\ -g - - - -- - ----~t:,--( - ----294.~:= - -g----~~~, " /\ .:< _/ '\ ! / ;k! .'t~ ,,0 If! /;!j~ 'i2~"i "o, ~, u.ir: fJ' '" ~, n oi: ~ "'I ~--1297.00-~-\ -----------.:--- / " CONe. llLOCK / . --TRA5Ii fNCLSURE ---367.18--- S 8S-14-'OON " GlI ,~ I CONG, BLOCk J "j ~-TRA5H EJ-jCLSUf{E 1"1 1/ [XISTlNG [lUILDlNG Yr '....-, "'L_V' " ~ ill'/' i--'" -" I I 11/1\../'1 \J I l'jL..L_I G.::: f- t:j iJ:: f- I..') .-, c-; ',-_ " <[ o L'j " .~' / . John M. Lundsten 1804 Hillside Lane Buffalo, MN 55313 763/682-4595 October 11,2007 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Jeff: Pursuant to previous conversations, I am writing to again explain my position regarding a portion (hereinafter "Part 1") of the parcel of real estate conveyed to my wife and me by the City of Monticello (hereinafter "MnDOT parcel"). You and I have discussed this issue previously, both in a June 11, 2007 meeting (with Glen Posusta, Mayor Herbst, the lawyer for the City and some council members and staff), and since then. At a meeting at City Hall between you and me in August, 2007 I gave you a survey that showed the MnDOT parcel and Part 1 (Exhibit A). Part 1 consists of approximately 4,695 square feet. We discussed possible resolution of the conflicting claims to Part 1 and you said then that you would try to get a proposed resolution to the Council as soon as possible. You advised me recently that you will bring this matter to the Council on November 12. Since 1 will be out of town and unable to attend that meeting, you suggested that I write this letter. The MnDOT parcel is a remnant from re-construction of State Highway # 25. MnDOT conveyed the parcel to Wright County, Wright County conveyed to the City of Monticello, and the City conveyed it to us. This last conveyance was part of the consideration involved in our conveyance of a strip of our land to the City for Cedar Street. Negotiations for these conveyances began over five years ago and concluded with the Agreement between the City and us dated June 17,2003. Rick Wolfsteller and I negotiated the Agreement and the Council approved and accepted it A copy of the Agreement is enclosed (Exhibit B). You will see that it covers many different issues, only one of which was the conveyance of real estate by the City. 1 have also enclosed a copy of Council Minutes from October 28, 2002(Exhibit C). Please note that our conveyance of the right of way for Cedar Street was conditioned upon the City's agreement to convev the MnDOT parcel to us. We would not have conveyed the Cedar Street right of way if the City not agreed to convey the MnDOT parcel. This is a r critical point, one that you and the Council must understand. We negotiated with the City over a lengthy period and reached a reasonable settlement to a number of issues. Subsequent to the June, 2003 Agreement, Glen Posusta objected to the City's conveyance of A PORTION OF PART I to us. He claims that the City was not entitled to convey the east one-half (more or less) of Part I and that he is entitled to a conveyance of that east one-half of Part I (approximately 2358 square feet). He has made his claim to you and other staff members and most recently in the June II meeting referred to above. We do not have an opinion on the validity of his claim. We only know that we negotiated in good faith and have met every term and condition of the June 17,2003 Agreement. We expect the City to honor its part of that Agreement. To enable the City to resolve this issue with Mr. Posusta, we are willing to Quit Claim to the City ALL OF PART 1, for a price of$I1.00 per square foot. We are not willing to convey only the east one-half of Part 1. The City can then negotiate with Mr. Posusta over all or a portion of Part I. Weare also willing to work with the City in reference to the form of payment for our re-conveyance. Please advise me of the outcome of the November 12 meeting. I can be reached at 619/269-7883 from November 1 through November 18 and after December 15. Sincerely, ~~~" COllncl1 /\gl'nda - -I {)/~X/O~ 5C. Consideration of a!!:reein!!: to future lurnback of ,aeafed I Ii!!:ln"l\ 25 ri!!:hl of ",a,. .John Lundsten. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Recently the City Council appro\ed the 'ocation orthat portion orCedar Street lying sOllth ofOundas Road to where it i11lersected \\ith Higl1\\ay 25 and agreed to sell this portion of the right ofwoy along "ith a remnant triangular parcel the City ohlOined froml'del Wolters to the adjacent propCrly owncr. Glen Posusta. The vacation of Cedar Street covered all of the right of way thot MnOOT had originolly turned back to the County who then turned it back to the City but there is an odditional triangular parcel that continues on to the south of old Cedar Street that MnOOT continued to have as part of the Highway 25 right of way. It is unknown as to why MnOOT had kept this particular piece of properly \\ithin the right of way. but Mr. Posusta had contacted MnOOT representatives who indicated they "oldd be agreeable to turnbock the unneeded right of way to Wright County. who will then likely turn it over 10 the City of Monticello as it is not needed for Highway 25 purposes. The majority of this property abuts a parcel ofland that is owned by John Lundsten of Bumdo. \\ith a smaller portion abutting the property owned by Mr. Posusta. Mr. Lundsten has indicated he feels this property should be turned over to him when it is given back by MnDOT in exchange for prm.iding a deed to the new Ccdar Street alignment that the City will need in order to extend Cedar Street to School Boulevard. As you may recall. Mr. Posusta was required to provide this new Cedar Street alignment as pan of the transfer from the City of the old right ofw.ay to him as he wos purchasing property froml'vlr. Lundsten and replatting the entire area. Since Mr. Lundsten is still octually the owner of the property. he has indicated a willingness to deed over to the City the new right of way provided we agree to give him this small triangular parcel when MnDOT actually turns it over to the County and the City in the future. Since we have no guarantee when this will occur. I'vlr. Lundsten is acceptable to a Council action indicating that if and when the City actually gets title to the property we would be agreeable to turnilH.'. it over to him for the exchange. - - Staff would be supportive of this request contingent upon Mr. Lundsten also agreeing to petition for public improvements along the new Cedar Street right of way and agreeing 10 waive any objection to future assessments for the improvements. This would be in addition to providing the appropriate right of way exchange. If Mr. Lundsten is agreeable to this provision. it is recommended thatlhe excess right of way that is turned back by MnDOT to the City be transferred over to the adjacent property owner. Mr. Lundsten. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Assuming the City obtains ownership of the excess right or way south of Cedor Street. Council would agree to turn over the property to adjacelll property owner. John Lundstcn. % ....:r.. c..., '. .. ,.'~"'" t~ Highway 25 Comparables Arby's Premier Bank Taco John's Dairy Queen Krutzig/Jefferson Commons Culver's Applebee's Lease Sale Sale Ground Lease Sale Sale Sale Unavailable $12.00 $13.25 Approx. $14.00 $9.00 $7.25 $9.00 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 Thoma, J. Campbell Roger N. Kn utson ThomasM. Scott Elliott II. Knet,ch Joel J. Jamnik Andrea McDoweH Poehler Soren M. Mattick John F. Kelly HenlY A. Schaeffer, III Alina Schwartz. Samuel J. Edmund, Marguerite M. McCar'fon USO Corporate Center Curve Suite 311 . Eagan, MN 55121 651.452-5000 Fax 651-452.,5550 wwvl.ckNIaW.C<Jnl CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association November 8, 2007 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: LundstenlPosusta Matter (Vacated Old Highway 25) Dear Jeff: As you requested, I reviewed the 2003 John Lundsten settlement agreement and spoke with Rick W olfsteller about the matter. I also reviewed the 10/28/02 council staff report and minutes of the 10/28/02 council meeting at which the council approved the agreement. Based on the staff report and my conversations with Rick, the City's interest, if any, in the northerly portion ofthe vacated Highway 25 in front of Mr. Posusta's property was not transferred inadvertently to Mr. Lundsten. The entire vacated parcel was described in the staff report and depicted on the attached map. The City conveyed whatever interest the City had in the vacated right of way, including this remnant piece abutting Mr. Posusta's property, in exchange for Mr. Lundsten transferring the easement for the new Cedar Street alignment and agreeing to certain assessments. The remnant right of way in front of the Posusta property is approximately 5,000 +/- feet, with one-half or 2,500 feet +/- abutting Posusta's property to the centerline. The transfer to Mr. Lundsten was by quit claim deed. The City did not warrant title. Consistent with the settlement document, Rick recalls conversations with Mr. Lundsten in which both sides understood that the City was conveying whatever interest it had as a result of the tumbacks from the state/county. It appears that MnDOT may only have had an easement interest, as opposed to fee title, which may mean the portion abutting Mr. Posusta's property has in fact reverted to his ownership upon vacation. In order to establish marketable title to the piece Mr. Posusta probably will need to go through a quiet title action. The bottom line is that the City conveyed to Mr. Lundsten by quit claim deed whatever interest it had in the vacated right of way, including the portion abutting Mr. Posusta's property. If the City had no interest because MnDOT only had an easement, then all or a portion of the vacated right of way in front of Mr. Posusta's property may be owned by him ifhe is the underlying fee owner. The quit claim deed to Mr. Lundsten doesn't change anything. 132097 Mr. Jeff O'Neill November 8, 2007 Page Two While the City does not have any legal liability, this is a situation which could result in the City being drawn into litigation. To avoid that situation, the City may want to consider a payment to Lundsten in exchange for a release of any interest he might have in the vacated right of way abutting Posusta's property. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. Best regards, 1K TMS:cjh 132097 Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 U. Review and aDDroval of the annual Snow Plowin2lRemoval Policv and discussion of Dathwavs desilroated for snow removal. (J.S., T.M.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Each year the Public Works Department reviews the previous year's Snow PlowinglRemoval Policy and proposes updates to the document. In late October or early November after all of the different divisions of Public Works have had an opportunity to check plow routes, new construction and changes we meet as a group for several hours to go over the policy in depth. Comments generated from this group meeting often result in modifications and changes to the policy. These changes then are outlined and clearly marked in yellow in the draft document and carried to the City Council for review, possible changes and adoption. This document then becomes the framework for the snow plowing and removal operations throughout the City by Public Works. Individual departments then develop their own plans on how they are to accomplish the goals set out in the policy. The policy lays out priorities and timing for all facets of snow plowing/removal throughout the community. The priorities set out in the policy are to be achieved by the Public Works Department under reasonable conditions and assuming that at least one piece of major equipment and one operator are not available. In most cases we are able to meet the goals set out in the policy in less time than stated. The following is a summary of this year's changes: 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES: Primary: We have added Fenning Avenue from School Boulevard to 85th Street as a primary snow emergency route. This section ofFenning Avenue can become treacherous if left unattended or if heavy snow-pack builds up. This year we added it as a primary route and it will be done at the same time School Boulevard is completed. Secondary: This year we added Gillard Avenue from CSAH 39 East to 95th Street. This was added as a secondary snow emergency route that will get special attention. Again, due to the topography of the hill. If this is left unattended for any length of time and snow pack builds up it is very difficult to remove. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS: Plowed bv 8 a.m. (on Normal Business Davs): Block 42 was changed to Block 52 by Jade Patrick Salon and Old School. This was merely correcting a previous typo. 13. CITY MAINTAINED SIDEWALKS: *EAST BROADWAY: Since the hospital has taken over a good portion of the block on East Broadway from Washington Street to Dayton Street, all of that block is now "commercial sidewalk" and we stop our full sidewalk control at Denny's Service (which used to be Ken's 66). We do drive past Denny's Service with the blower down making Council Meeting - 11/13/2007 one pass but we do not broom and control ice on the commercial sections. Since that is the end of the residential property on the north side we do not go further on that side. LIBRARY: A clarification was added to this section stating that the sidewalk on Walnut goes from 6th Street to the Library driveway. EAST BRIDGE PARK: A clarification was added here that we clean the bituminous pathway from the sliding hill over to Walnut Street where it connects with Front Street. *CARDINAL HILLS PARK: The sidewalk running through Cardinal Hills Park from Martin Drive to School Boulevard will now be designated as a priority sidewalk so that the City will make every attempt to clear it prior to the start of the school day. *WASHINGTON STREET: This section has been cleared in the past and is now designated as a priority sidewalk so the City will make every attempt to clear it prior to the start of the school day. *OTTER CREEK ROAD AND WEST RNER STREET: This section was changed, instead of stopping at Craig Lane the sidewalk is now completed all the way to the compost site near the entrance to Montissippi Park Trail. T.H.25: The section of the sidewalk on the West side ofTH 25 from West River Street to the Mississippi Bridge was added. We had been neglecting to clean this area in a timely fashion but we are the abutting the property owner. Consequently, we are making some modifications to the cedar rail fence that will allow us to clear this sidewalk in a safer, timelier fashion. Sidewalks Cleared with City Assistance: Delete "The north side of East Broadway from Washington Street to Dayton Street. 14. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS (CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6'): *FALLON A VENUE: We have added the new pathway on Fallon Avenue from School Boulevard to Farmstead Avenue. This has been added with an asterisk so that we will make every attempt to clear the pathway by the start of the school day. * 7TH STREET EAST: North side from Cedar Street to Washington Street. This section was previously on our pathways to be cleared and this year we changed it to a priority pathway and we will make every attempt to clear the pathway by the start of the school day as there are many children that walk from the apartments along this stretch to the Middle School. 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS: 4TH STREET PARK: We have added to this section the general skating rink outside of the two hockey rinks. We flooded this last year after not having flooded the area outside of the rinks for quite some time so there can always be general skating available even if Council Agenda - 11/13/2007 there is a hockey practice at both of the hockey rinks. It worked out quite well last year and we would like to continue that. Consequently, that's why this change was made. GROVELAND PARK: The skating rink in Groveland Park has been deleted as it was rarely used, if ever, and there is a significant amount of effort that goes into making ice and keeping it smooth so this time can better be spent in those areas which are heavily used. A.I Budget Impact: The changes to the policy this year will definitely have some impact on the City's budget. We have added 3,300 feet of sidewalk to the western edge of the community along West River Street and we have added over 2,000 feet of pathway along Fallon Avenue between School Boulevard and Farmstead Avenue. This pathway section is also considered primary so it will have to be cleaned by the start of the school day. There will be times when sand/salt or de-icing compounds will have to be used in these areas and it is possible that some overtime hours may have to be dedicated here as well. More effort will also be dedicated in the area of Fenning Avenue between School Boulevard and 85th Street due to topography, as well as Gillard Avenue from CSAH 39 East to 95th Street. These could have some additional impact on both overtime and sand/salt depending upon the winter. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: The changes to the policy will increase the workload for the Public Works Department during the winter season. We are adequately staffed to handle this workload. Any impacts will be limited to additional overtime hours if necessary. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative, after review of the changes to the Snow PlowingiRemoval Policy, are to approve the changes as noted and adopt the policy for the upcoming season. 2. The second alternative, after review of the changes to the policy, would be to make additional changes as determined by the City Council and then approve the final document. 3. The third alternative would be not to adopt the policy but to consider additional study of the policy such as through a workshop C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council approve the modifications to the Snow PlowingiRemoval Policy as outlined in alternative #1 and adopt the policy. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Enclosed you will find a copy of the 2007/2008 Snow PlowingiRemoval Policy with the proposed changes highlighted in yellow. Also you will find an up to date map of our sidewalks and paths in the City noting which sidewalks are maintained by the property owner or currently maintained by the City. In addition, the map will designate which pathways are currently set up for snow removal for the winter. Council Meeting - 11/13/2007 On the enclosed map you will also note that there is an outlined area showing the grid system. We wanted to explain the grid system to you so that it is clear in your mind what the grid system is and how it was set up. The grid system was established almost two decades ago in the original areas of old Monticello running from Chestnut Street to Dayton Street and from the Mississippi River to the 1-94 Freeway. The purpose of the grid was to set up a plan by which sidewalks could be extended through the old City under a cost sharing agreement with the City and that sidewalks that serve no purpose but are located on City boulevard would be properly maintained or removed. It is only in this grid system that the cost sharing was set up for sidewalk. It is only in the grid system will the City replace up to two panels per property of hazardous sidewalk. The grid system has nothing to do with "snow removal", only cost sharing for the extending of new sidewalks, repairs of existing sidewalks and removal of hazardous or sidewalks that serve no purpose. Effective November 10.1997 Amended by the City Council January 10, 2005 Amended by the City Council December 12, 2005 Amended by the City Council November 27, 2006 -- PROPOSEDCHANGESINYELLOW rUPPORTING D.ATA CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOW PLOWINGIREMOV AL POLICY MONTICELLO 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility for the control of snow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The city will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this service. 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Through its adoption, the City Council of Monticello is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. The chain of command is the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent, in that order. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snow plowing/removal operations will be made by the Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator, and any amendments are to be in accordance with amendment section of this policy. The Parks Department will supplement the efforts ofthe Street Department with primary responsibilities in parking lots, sidewalks, pathways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out by the Park Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. (Amended by City Council 01/10/2005) 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY Any amendments to this policy require council approval. Whenever possible and practical, amendments shquld be brought up at council meetings and should be a matter of public record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, when time does not permit council approval or action, the Public Works Director is hereby authorized to amend any portion of this policy he sees fit. Ifpractical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve of anysuch amendment. Any such amendment made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the attention of the council ifthe amendment is to be a permanent one. 4. EQUIPMENT The cityshal1 acquire, maintain, repair and replace equipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equipment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city trucks, motor graders, front -end loaders, snow blowers and any other regular equipment as may be useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essential. F:\ADl"lINlWordProc\?OLlCIESISNDW PLOWING POLlCY.wpd: 1118107 -PAGE 1 OF 12- SUPPORTfNG DATA Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snow plowing/ removal operations, the Street Superintendent may rent equipment. The Public Works Director shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. When the Street Superintendent determines that the policv levels of service cannot be orovided bv citv forces. he shall report to the Public Works Director the followin!! information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Public Works Director will then take the followim: action: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the Public Works Director shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. If contracted service or equipment is secured. the Public Works Director shall provide the Citv Administrator with a report containin!! the followinf{ information: A. Purpose of contracting snow plowing/removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. In the absence of the Public Works Director, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall communicate any decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator. 5. WORK SCHEDULE Scheduling of employees is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall notifY the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. Snow and/or ice control maybe terminated at any time the Street Supt. or his designee determine that rising or falling temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary. F:IADMIN\WordProcIPOLlCIE$\SNQW PLOWING POLlCY_\WIJd: 1118107 - PAGE 2 OF 12- Sl'PPORTING DATA Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum times for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the storm referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall begin when snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on desilmated nrimary snow emer~encv streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration of the storm. It is the intention of the City to keep these routes open to traffic, if possible, during a storm; however, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency streets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow storm subsides. C. All remaining non emergency through streets shall be open to 2-lanetraffic within 12 hours after the snowstorm subsides. Parking lot snow may be piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all streets are widened curb to curb where possible. The snow plowing operations in the commuter parking lots shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. D. All public streets such as dead ends and cul-de-sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstorm subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from ISO feet east of Linn Street to 150 feet east of Cedar Street shall be plowed to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elect to plow downtown streets during evening or early morning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicles. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys in blocks 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). (Am,"dedbyC;tyCo~dIOI/1012005) F. Downtown snow hauling including the halfblock of Walnut south ofBroadway, if necessary, shall begin by the next morning after all streets have been plowed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening unless abnormal conditions warrant same. (Amended by City Council 01110/2005) G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pavement on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergency routes, skid resistance at school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. General snowpack on residential streets shall not be sanded. H. Snow depth at the comers of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snow plowing and removal operations. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and priority of this function. 1. Certain county highways within the city are maintained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. F;\AOMINIWordProcIPOLlCIES\sNOW PLOWING POLICY,wpd: 11/8107 - PAGE 3 OF 12- S()PPOI:tTING DATA 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES CHANGES IN YELLOW PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CSAH 75 WEST BROADWAY FROM WILLOW STREET TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET HART BOULEVARD FROM MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WWTP TO CSAH 75 EAST WASHINGTON STREET FROM EAST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO CSAH 18 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO CSAH 18 FENNING A VENUE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 85TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) ROUNDABOUT ATCSAH 18 & MEADOW OAK AVENUE (Amended by City Council 11/27/2006) SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO THE FIRE HALL CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET 3"D STREET FROM CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO DEEGAN AVENUE DEEGAN A VENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO CR 39 WEST F:1ADMINIWordProc\POLlCIES\SNOW PLOWING PQLICY,I'OPd: 11/8107 - PAGE 4 OF 12- SUPPORTING DATA RIVER STREET FROM THE NSP BALLFIELDS TO THE NURSING HOME ENTRANCE OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE THE CUL-DE-SAC GILLARD AVENUE FROM CSAH 39 EAST TO 95TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) (Amended by City Council/2/12/2005) 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception ofthat section of Broadwaypreviouslymentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center of the street outward. The City will plow the roundabout at CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue from the outside to the center. The County will plow to the outside. The plowing activities are shared. For narrow streets or other streets when conditions require, the Street Superintendent or his designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right and discharged on the edge of the street or on adjacent right-of-way without regard for sidewalks and/or driveways. The City shall not be responsible for plowing snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. (Amended by City Council 11/27/2006) 9. HAULING OF SNOW Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or piled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall be at the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. Snow will be windrowed along the south curb on Chelsea Road between Highway 25 and Sandberg Road and hauled when the windrow reaches 2 feet in height to reduce snow pushed on to the sidewalk. (Amended by City Council 12/12/2005) 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effective. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limited visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or ice. 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather conditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during the assigned work shift or on a specific situation callout. If the specific situation is on a primary snow emergency route, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more than four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his designee has the discretion of responding irnmediatelyto other specific situations or waiting, in the case of non-emergencies, until a new work shift begins. F:IADMIN\WordProc\POlICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd: 1118107 - PAGE 5 OF 12 - PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M. s[rpPORTING DATI\. For emergency vehicles responding to emergency situations (fire, medical, police) within the city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as possible. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall keep the Public Works Director informed of start, progress and end of full scale plowing operations. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BLVD FROM TH 25 WEST TO DEEGAN AVE AND DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS (Amended by City Council 11/27/2006) CORRECTIONS IN YELLOW PLOWED BY 8 A.M. ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS CITY HALL PARKING LOT HI-WA Y LIQUOR PARKING LOT DEPUTY REGISTRAR/MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING LOT BLOCK 34 BY ZOO AND 216 PINE STREET BLOCK 35 WALNUT & 3"D STREET PARKING LOT (Lot is signed toltor 24-hour parking to aid in timely snow removal and other seasonal maintenance) BLOCK <If! 52 BY JADE PATRICK SALON AND OLD SCHOOL (Amended by City Councill 1127/2006) PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE FIRE HALL PARKING LOT PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOW FALL EVENT PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS INCLUDING THE AREA AROUND THE FUEL PUMPS (plowed by the SewerM'ater Department) ANIMAL SHEL TER PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS (Amended by City Council J 1/27/2006) F":\ADMINIWordPJtlo::\POLlCIES\sNOW PLOWING POLlCY.WIld: 1118107 - PAGE 6 OF 12 - 13. CITY MAINTAINED SInEW ALKS SlJPPORTING D.1\TA CHANGES IN YELLOW , .' CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE *EAST BROADWAY SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN THE ZOO AND BOB'S BARBER SHOP *WEST BROADWAY SOUTH SIDE FROM 906 BROADWAY TO BROADWAY KWIK STOP 3RD STREET WEST NORTH SIDE FROM GUYER'S BUILDERS SUPPLY, 211 PINE ST TO WALNUT STREET *EAST BROADWA Y SOUTH SIDE FROM PALM STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET *WEST BROADWA Y ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM CHESTNUT STREET TO LINN STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AT 494 WEST BROADWAY *EAST BROADWA Y ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM 731 E. BROADWAY TO PALM ST. TO DNfTmJ WASHINGTON ST. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF*EN'& DENNY'S SERVICE AT 743 E. BROADWAY LIBRARY SOUTH SIDE 6TH STREET FROM WALNUT TO LOCUST WEST SIDE WALNUT FROM 6TH TO LIBRARY DRIVEWAY EAST BRIDGE PARK BITUMINOUS PATHWAY M FROM THE SLIDING HILL TO WALNUT STREET Hf-WA Y LIQUOR WEST SIDE T.H. 25 FROM 5TH TO 6TH AND NORTH SIDE 6TH FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE SECOND DRIVEWAY INTO LIQUOR PARKING LOT, ALSO INCLUDING THE SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE LIQUOR STORE BUILDING fNFORMA TlON CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 TO ALLEY INCLUDING PRIME AMERICA 3RD STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR/PARKING LOT NORTH SIDE FROM 216 PINE STREET TO CEDAR STREET *:rd STREET WEST SOUTH SIDE OF 3RD STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO MAPLE STREET RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET ON WALNUT STREET ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO BROADWAY *CARDfNALH~LSPARK SIDEWALK RUNNING THROUGH PARK FROM MARTIN DRIVE TO SCHOOL BLVD CEDAR STREET EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING F:\ADMINIWordProc\POLlCIES\SNOW PLOWING PQLlCY.wpd: 11/8107 - PAGE 7 OF 12 - SUPPORTING DATA CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3"D STREET, FROM WELLS FARGO DRIVEWAY TO RR TRACKS *WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7TH STREET MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE FROM 7TH STREET TO A POINT 125' NORTH WEST BROADWA Y NORTH SIDE AT 111 WEST BROADWAY COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK MEADOW OAK A VENUE ADJOINING FREEWAY FIELDS COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR CROSSING TO 6TH STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO FIRE HALL GROVELAND PARK SAVANNAH & INNSBROOK ALONG PARK 'OTTER CREEK ROAD AND WEST RIVER STREET FROM CSAH 75 TO OR/,IO LAtJ[ COMPOST SITE T.H.25 WEST SIDE FROM W. RIVER ST. TO MISSISSIPPI BRIDGE (AmendEd by City Council 11/27/2006) * THESE ARE PRIORITY SIDEWALKS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE SIDEWALKS BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Broadway K wik Stop to and including the Peterson Grimsmo Chapel at 250 East Broadway, and the North side of West and East Broadway from Linn Street to Palm Street including Trinity Lutheran Church at 449 West Broadway. Also the north side of East Broadway in front of73l and 743 East Broadway near Washington Street. TL", uv.ll, ,iJ", OfLd",tDJ.vdJw.::lY hUH,! T,T,'a..;'IL_;..1J.duu8tu.,,,,,ttvDaytouSLGd. The City will make one (1) pass with a snow blower each time its snow blower is used on the adjacent West and East Broadway sidewalks. The City will not broom or apply sand/salt to this sidewalk in the commercial area. F:\ADMIN\WordPmc\POLICIESISNOW PLOWING POLICY..: 1118107 -PAGE80F12- SUPPORTING DATA 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist MnlDOT when they request, by providing one (I) operator or one (I) driver and a 12-cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by MnlDOT plows. 14. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS (CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6') CHANGES IN YELLOW CHELSEA ROAD SOUTH SIDE FROM SANDBERG TO INNSBROOK CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTI MIDDLE SCHOOL AT THE HOSPITAL SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVE *SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM EDMONSON AVE TO CR 18 INCLUDING THE PATHWAY THROUGH THE NORTH END OF PIONEER PK EXCEPT THE S. SIDE OF SCHOOL BLVD FROM FALLON TO CARDINAL HILLS PK * FALLON A VENUE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO FARMSTEAD AVENUE TH25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO OAK WOOD DRIVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM EDMONSON AVE TO T.H. 25 SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO DEEGAN AVENUE 2001/SETEA PA THWA Y SYSTEM INCLUDING 1-94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FROM CSAH 75, SOUTH TO SCHOOL BLVD TO THE EAST THRU MEADOW OAK TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE (SOUTH OF RAILROAD TRACKS) CSAH 18 FROM OAK RIDGE CIRCLE TO OAKVIEW COURT SLIDING HILL PA THWA Y FROM MILL RUN ROAD TO RIVER FOREST DRIVE FENNING A VENUE EAST SIDE FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO CSAH 18 · 7TH STREET EAST NORTH SIDE FROM CEDAR STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO EASTWOOD CIRCLE (Amended by City Council 11!2 7/2006) F:iAOMIN\Wo!dProt:lPOLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLlCY.wpd: 1118107 - PAGE 9 OF 12- StTPPORTING D/\TA * TIllS IS A PRIORITY PATHWAY TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE PATHWAY BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. The Pathways shall be cleared to a min. width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation ofY>" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. (Amended by City Council 0]/10/2005) 15. CITY MAINT AINED SKATING RINKS CHANGES IN YELLOW 4TH STREET PARK (2) HOCKEY RINKS One at t~<: ~6elle. rinlt3 ;3 ~3ed ler ~<:Rer61 .1(81;n~ ne., (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK I (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK WEST BRIDGE PARK ORO\'CLAND PARI< (1) ODJCnAL CI<'^.TINO RltJI( DELETE RINK IN GROVELAND PARK - NEVER USED (Amended by City Council 11/27/2006) Within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with an accumuIationofmore than I" of snow, all three rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth ofan inch to an inch of snow, all three rinks shall be broomed within 36 hours after the end of the snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. (Amended by City Council12/lZ1200S) 16. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are darnag:ed bv actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailboxes and posts shall be for materials only with a maximum allowable reimbursement of$150 per single familyresidential mailbox. Darnageto trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re- seed plow disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. F:\ADMINIWordProC\POLlCIES\SNQW PLOWING POLlCY,wpd: 1118101 -PAGE 100F12- SUPPORTING DATA Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only if they are legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment. 17. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unless emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. 18. REVIEW OF POLICY The city will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review. 19. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: Parking and stopping: Except for the City of Monticello or Wright County on its own right of ways, no person shall utilize anypomon of any local public right of way, including the traveled street, boulevard or public parking lot for the storage or parking of any object or material which is not a licensed, operable motor vehicle, passenger vehicle or motorcycle as defined by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subd. 3, 3a and 4, except as may be explicitly permitted on a temporary period of time by the City Council or its designated representative. Properly licensed, operator motor vehicles, passenger vehicles and motorcycles may be parked in the public street where permitted but not on the boulevard portion of the public right ofwaysubjectto the further requirements oflocal parking regulations and applicable Minnesota Statutes. A trailer of any type properly licensed or not is not considered a motor vehicle or part thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the owner and! or driver of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic orin compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: On any street orroadway between the hours oftwo 0' clock (2:00) a.m. and six 0 'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April15, except physicians on emergency calls. TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: Parking in regard to snow plowing and/or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles and parts thereof for the purposes of snow plowing and!orremoval until all streets are plowed. F:\ADMINIWordProc\POLlCIESISNOW PLOWING POLlCY.wpd: 1118107 - PAGE 11 OF 12- On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. SlJPPORTING DATA Any motor vehicle or parts thereofleft on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance ofthe city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. 1-4-1 (a fine of up to $300 and/or imprisonment in a city or county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days). 20. WINTER SIDEWALK P A THW A Y/SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriffs Department will rigorously enforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks/pathways by snowmobiles, A TV'S and other motorized vehicles. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: F:\ADMIN\WcrdProcIPOLlCIES\SNOW PLOWING POLlCY.wpd: 1118107 - PAGE 12 OF 12- , <1/ '" ,i~. l/ "~' ! " JI,"l5;i1r~' ::ljf:/1t r " /1 /' . ....,~ _ /If-.. ", " I fj, r'h, " ~ ~'~ , o to ~ ..... '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"f ~~~~~~~ ~U~~....,~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ...... L.... .. ;:: ~ ~~ " CJL" ~~~~" Z :::: ;:::..... ~ o V5 .~ V5 ~ ~ ~ "'C ";: Cl ~ <1l 3: Q) :2 rn >- ..- (3 II ii' :'-~ ".,. I, I.' -t~ .,...._-y ~ I'" !l II! 'I iI'll I II .~i i I ,I 14111 i tl I ~ III L____________: ___ [j I: , 0 , , ~m 8;'i~:;:::~~ ~~[~~8~ i~;;;~;:~: "'~8ag~~ oll!l!!l! ~miill c...;..:. / Ii , " --Ill /\ n~j 'l,rl) · r.11 _i~ 'I I ," ..",'.' 'I J ;L...., -, ~ . t.. "..". .....~. 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