Planning Commission Minutes 01-04-2005 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDA Y, JANURY 4TH, 2005 6:00 P.M Commissioners Present: Staff: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and Wi Iliam Spartz Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Council Liaison: 1. Call to order. Chairman Fric called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and declared a quorum, noting the absence of Commissioner Hilgmt. Commissioner Hilgart arrived at a later time. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held 'fueday. December 7th, 2004. . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINl.n'ES OF TUESDAY, DECEMBER 71'11, 2004. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. NONE. 4. Citizen comments. NONE. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for rezoning from A-Q (Agricultural- Open Space) to R-I (Single-Family Residential) and a request for Preliminary Plat for Club West, an approximately 5 acre, 12-unit residential development. Applicant: Back Nine, LLC Grittman reviewed the staff report, describing the location of the property and access point off of County 75. Grittman stated that the Monticello School District is selling the property and had developed a set of development criteria for the purchaser. . Grittman noted that the current zoning for the site appears to be A-O (Agricultural-Open Space), although there is some concern that it may have been previously rezoned. The City Clerk could find no record of rezoning for this parcel. The public hearing notice was issued to ensure that the parcel is properly and oHicially zoned. . Planning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 Grittman indicated that all proposed lots meet the R-I zoning stmldard for width and area. The applicants are also proposing a set of covenants, which are very similar in nature to Hillside Farm, an R-l A district. Grittman reported that although the first lot in the cul-de-sac meets the zoning standard, it was noted that due to public street frontage, the setbacks for the lot impact the buildable area for the lot. Grittman recommended that the applicant shift other lot lines to help increase the size ofthe building area for that lot. The other significant staff comment is relative to the drainage issues along the railroad line. It is assumed that the storm water drainage will eventually move to Otter Creek along the railroad ditch. There arc concerns about how this will be accomplished. The City Engincer will be reviewing that issue in detail on construction documents. Grittman stated that staff is recommcnding approval of both the rezoning and the preliminary plat, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. . Chairman Frie noted that the City map seems to indicate that the property is zoned R-I and R-2. As such, Frie askcd if the rezoning request was made by the applicant or required by the City. Grittman clarified that the rezone was neeessary in order to meet the requirements for public notice and to provide clarity on the zoning. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Zach Adams addressed the Commission as a partner of the development finn, Back Nine, LLC. Adams stated that although they are not seeking an R-IA zoning designation, they will seek to exceed the R-I standards due to the unique naturc of the site. Adams indicated that the price range for the homes was estimated to be $325,000 - $500,000. Frie asked Adams if the access off West Broadway (County 75) had been approved by Wright County. Chris Otterness of Bogart Pederson, project engineers, indicated that he had spoken with the County Engineer, who indicated there should be no scrious issue with the entry. The County Engineer did rcquest a left bypass lane for feasibility. Otterness noted that Wright County is currently in the process of reviewing the plat. Frie asked iftherc is an alternate plan, should the access point be denied. Otterness stated that there is no other possible access to the site. Frie asked if all of the developing partners, as well as the engineer, are familiar with the conditions of Exhibit Z. Adams stated that they had received the report and intend to meet the conditions. . - 2 - . Planning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 Dragsten asked if the area is zoned R -1, can the Commission regulate that R -1 A dwelling standards be applied. O'Neill stated that due to it being zoned and guidcd for R-l, Commission would need to review it for those standards, unless the Commission seeks to zone it diflerently. Dragsten's concern is in the past is that developers have statcd that they would put in high-end homes and then haven't produced that type of development. O'Neill stated that the Commission would need to zone the site R-IA and then do a pun to create R-] lots with R-] A homes. Grittman confirmed the only way for the City to regulate R-IA standards for this proposed plat is through the PUD process. Adams stated that the land value alone would require that the homes mect the stated price range and intended product. Dragsten replied that he doesn't doubt the intent, but that he is looking for more of a guarantee, if possible. Carlson commented that in other communities, he has seen demand for smaller lots with larger, higher-end homes. Carlson asked if the group is marketing the lots to a particular builder. Adams stated that they will have an exclusive set of builders. . Posusta asked for the proposed sale value of the lots. Adams projected the range to be around $100,000, although he can't set a definite price at this time. Posusta noted that he has the same concerns as Commissioner Dragsten. Adams restated that their intent is to follow the covenants. He explained that as the developers, they are also entering the project with the understanding that the lots will take time to scll. Pearl Carlson, 1226 Prairie Creek Lane, addressed thc Commission, stating that her property borders the playground of the school. Carlson inquired where the west line of the plat is, as she is concerned that it may encroach onto her property. Otterness and John Adams, Back Nine, LLC, eXplained that the Prairie West development had actually sodded onto their property. Dragstcn clarified for Ms. Carlson that white stakes marking a certified survey of the plat will delineate where the property lines begin and cnd. Hilgart noted that no representative from the School District, as the property seller, was present. Hilgart inquired about the timeline for implementing a PUD process for this plat. Grittman stated that it would be another 60-90 day process and would require a comprehensive plan amendment. Frie noted that the School District had met with Back Nine prior to thc land sale and they are in apparent agreement with what is being proposed. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. . - :.~ - . Planning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TilE REZONING TO R-l, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD, CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR REZONING CONSIDERATION. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CLUB WEST, BASED ON A FINDING THAT TI IE LAND USE PATTERN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CrrY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND THAT THE PROPOSED PLAT MEETS THE R-I ZONING REGULATIONS, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS: 1. The plat should be redesigned to allow for a larger building envelope for Lot 1 Block 1 by shifting the western lot line west approximately 10 feet. 2. The applicant will need to re(;eive a(;cess approval onto CSAll 75 froln Wright County. . 3. A park dedkation fee ,is set by City resolution is provided. according to a development contract to be approved with the final plat. 4. The grading plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. Utility plans are subjc\:t to thc review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MUrlON CARRIED. 6. Consideration of expiration of current term Planning Commissioners and recommendation to the City Council of appointment or reappointment of Commissioners. O'Neill deferred to Commissioners Hilgart and Carlson for their responses. Hilgart stated that he is interested in being reappointed. Commissioner Frie read Commissioner Carlson's resignation letter, which he had received that evening. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER CARLSON BY FRIE, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. . No vote was taken on this motion. - /1. - . Phmning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 Commissioner Frie thanked Carlson for his years of scrviee. Frie stated that it his bclief that the Planning Commission's position and been proactive and positive, and part of that direction can be attributed to Commissioner Carlson's worked. The Commissioners engaged in a brief discussion on whether Carlson would be able to continue to serve. Carlson stated that his service could only be on a month-to-month basis, due to travel. Dragsten and Posusta recommended that Carlson stay until a replacement is found. O'N eill referred to the list of previousl y interviewed candidates and then indicated that the public notice proecss could include a notice to those candidates. Frie noted that thosc on other Boards or Commissions might also be interested in serving on the Planning Commission. MOTION BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE REAPPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER HILGART TO AN ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM ON THE MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION. . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER CARLSON, WITH COMMISSIONER CARLSON FILLING THE SEAT ON A MON'TlI-BY-MONTH APPOINTMENT BASIS, SHOULD THE SEAT NOT BE FILLED BY FEBRUARY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Discussion Item - Summary of pending proiects. O'Neill distributed and reviewed a list and map of upcoming pending projects. In response to the discussion, Hilgart asked if the Commission should review the R-IA standards. Grittman stated that it is always appropriate to look at thc ordinance to see if it will he utilized properly. Grittman rcferred to the market answering the need f(lr high- quality housing stock, indicating that the developer's rapid pace is not a reason to relax ordinance standards. Grittman stated that the Commission may seek to address specific issues within the ordinance. Hilgart stated split-entry style homes were his primary concern for R-l A areas. Hilgali suggested that issue might best be addrcsscd by reviewing the proposed footprint of the homes. . Frie asked if instead of adjusting ordinance standards, if the Commission can deny approving a style of home. Grittman stated that is possible only under PUD conditions, - oS - . Planning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 but regulation of housing styled can be completed consistently through the ordinance. frie asked Hilgart to clarify why he would recommend allowing no splits in an R-I A district. Hilgart stated that it related to the quality of the homes in the R-I A area. HIlgart agreed that housing styles should be addressed through the ordinance. Dragsten asked whether the Commission should also look at an upgrade to the R-I standards. Carlson indicated that discussion may be needed in response to the demand to put higher-cnd homes on smaller lots. Grittman stated that to requirc large homcs on small lots, the Commission may seek to create a new zoning district. Grittman stated that itis important that the areas with high-end amenities are preserved for true R-IA housing. Spartz explained that for example, he is comfortable with the development that was approved this evening, however, he would like the Commission to have the tools to deal with regulating high-end developments at a later time. Frie asked what role the township plays in the planning process in relationship to the new annexation agreement. O'Neill stated that the township is notified of pending annexations in the new OAA, but docs not have planning authority in those areas. . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE R-l A BUILDING STANDARDS AT THE EARLIST REGULAR MEETING DATE AVAILABLE TO THE COMMISSION. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Adjourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED. \ , '1"(UJAl" 11 J1J-- . - (j -