City Council Minutes 05-24-1999 Joint Board of Reviewr [~ Meeting Minutes Monticello City Council - Boazd of Review May 24, 1999 Members Present: Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Roger Cazlson, Roger Belsaas Members Absent: Clint Herbst The following changes were made by the City Council to the assessor's original market value as recommended by Jerry Kramber. Motion made by Bruce Theilen to approve the mazket value adjustments as noted below. Seconded by Brian Stumpf. Motion carried unanimously. Pro e Owner Change in Value Brennan From $269,400 to $247,200 Powell From $114,300 to $ l OS,000 Wright From $143,300 to $121,100 Stokes From $ 94,400 to $ 74,000 Dorf From $ 108,000 to 116,900 Goth From $ 112,000 to $99,300 Recorded by Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator P1D 155-089-001040 1 SS-037-011020 1SS-037-011050 1 SS-037-002020 1 SS-037-002050 155-105-004130 155-016-000010 155-082-002190 155-105-001070