EDA Agenda 04-26-2005 . . . ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AlJTHORITY Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Bill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwientck, Coumcil members Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault" Ron Hoglund, Darrin Lahr, and Susie Wojchouski. STAFF: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Recorder Angela Schumann. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the October 26, 2004 and February 10, 2005 EDA minutes. 3. Considcration of adding or removing agenda items. 4. Consideration to elect 2005EOA officers. 5. Consideration to review and accept the year-end EDA Financial Statcments, Activity Report, and proposed 2005 Budget. 6. Consideration to review year-end balances of the GMEF, DMRF, UDAG, and ERG Funds. 7. Consideration to review ft)!" amendment thc Business Subsidy Criteria and Bylaws of the EDA. 8. Consideration of an update on the approved GMEF Loan No. 024 betwecn the FDA and Tapper's Holdings LLC. 9. Executive Director's Report. 10. Other Business. 11. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 26,2004 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Bill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Roger Carlson, Robbic Smith, Clint Herbst, and Darrin Lahr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Hoglund. STAFF PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfstcller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Bruce and Cindy Hamond, VisiCom, Inc. 1. Call to Order. Chair Demeules called the EDA meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve the Julv 27,2004 EDA minutes. Roger Carlson made a motion to approve the July 27, 2004 EDA minutes. Seconded by Darrin Lahr and with no corrections and additions, the minutes were approved as wrillen. Robbie Smith abstained (absent July 27th) <"l ,J. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. None. 4. Consideration of a request from Vi siC om, Inc. relative to balloon payment date for DMRF No. ill Koropchak provided the background information of the DMRF Loan No. 111 to VisiCom, Inc. stating the loan was approved by the EDA on April 10,2001, in the amount of $10,644, 5.5% interest rate, amortized over 10 years; provided, however, the entire remaining and unpaid balance of principal and interest shall be due and payable in full on May 1,2004. In April 2004, the FDA approved extending the balloon payment date from May I, 2004, to November 1,2004. The current principal balance of the said loan is $6,073.01. Bruce llamond explained that due to the soft economy and since the previous tenant left, they . . . EDA Minutes - 10/26/04 have been unsuccessful at finding a replacement tenant or additional tenants for the planned expansion to the adjoining westerly lot. Therefore, without tenants, they are unable to secure financing for the expansion. Additionally, Hamond noted the three downtown projects which have not materialized: Walgrecns, Block 35, and Landmark Square n and the vacancies within the Steve Johnson properties. The Hamonds plan to start a new business called Fitness Matters which will occupy the existing vacant building located at 212 West Broadway. Due to the above reasons, they requested the FDA consider a one-year extension to the balloon payment date on the bOA loan The request was supported by a letter from the lender, First Minnesota Bank. Clint Herhst made a motion to approve extending the halloon payment date from November J, 2004, to November 1, 2005, associated with the Loan Agreement between the Monticello EDA and VisiCom, Inc. dated April 1 0, 200], and requesting a principal and interest payment which would result in a remaining principal balance 0./$5,000, payment due November 1, 2004. Robbie S'mith seconded the motion and with nojiJrther discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Reasons fiJr motion: DMRF Loan are less dollars, no !Jpec(/ic guidelines addressing balloon date extensions, sufficient HDA funds, soli economy and lack oj'downtown economic activity, and letter of support from lender. 5. Consideration to approve authorization to execute a Satisfactorv ofMortga~e for GMEF Loan No. 006 (Custom Canopy). Koropchak informed the EDA commissioners ofa request from Pat Dwyer, Bank of Elk River, for a Satisfactory of Mortgage relative to GMEF Loan No. 006, a real estate loan, to Stephen P. Birkeland, Jr. and Joan M. Birkeland, for the construction of Custom Canopy. The balloon payment had been paid in-full on August] 8, 1998. The Birkeland's are looking to refinance. Roger Carlson made a motion authorizing execution oj'the S'atisfaction of Mortgage for GMEF Loan No. 006 between the Monticello EDA and Stephen P. Birkeland, Jr. and Joan M Birkeland. Seconded by Barb Schwientek and with no./urther discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration to review terms and expiration dates of EDA Commissioners. Koropchak noted this was an inf(Jrmation item only and no action was required. Given the decision of Council Members Carlson and Smith to not run fen re-election, the EDA and Koropchak thanked them for their years of service. Pending the out-come of the elections will the EDA position held by Commissioner Herbst be alTected. Commissioner Schwientek agreed to be considered by the Council for another 6-year term on the FDA. 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 10/26/04 7. Executive Director's Report. The EDA accepted the report as written. Bill Demeules informed the EDA that closing on the Standard Iron building and lot to Walboard, Inc. was anticipated for November 18, 2004. Standard lron will have a 4-year lease on a portion of the building. 8. Other Business. None. 9. Adjournment. Robhie S'mith made a motion to adjourn the EDA meeting Seconded by Barb Schwientek and with nofurther business, the EDA meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. _..-----------,._.~.-' Ollie Koropchak, Recorder "l .) . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, February 101\ 2005 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Bill Oemeules, Darrin Lahr, Tom Perrault, Wayne Meyer ABSENT: Barb Schwientek, Ron Hoglund STAFF: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Recorder Angela Schumann, Rick Wolfsteller GUESTS: Barb Tapper, Tapper Holdings, Inc. 1. Call to Order. Chair Demeules called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM, declaring a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve the October 26, 2004 EDA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO TABLE APPROV AL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26th, 2004. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DEMUELES. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. NONE. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration to review for discussion the preliminarv GMEF application fortn from Tappers Iloldings, LLC. Chairman Demeules opened the public hearing. Koropchak reviewed her report, indicating that a public hearing is required by business subsidy law relating to job creation, which will be part of the loan agreement. Koropchak stated that the FDA is asked to review the application from Tapper's Holdings, LLC, which requests $200,000 in a real property rehabilitation loan for a proposed 25,000 square foot expansion to the existing facility. The proposed addition is for Strategic Equipment & Supply Corporation, who will lease the space, as well as an additional 15,000 square feet of the existing building. Tapper's application indicates the lease is $5.00 per square foot, with taxes paid by owner. Strategic is committing to 40 new jobs and has indicated that the company intends to hire 50-55 employees. Strategic is a national company. The company intends to use this facility as the northern region headquarters and control center. EDA Minutes - 02/10/05 . Koropchak reviewed the required terms of the loan, stating that the estimated cost tl1f expansion is $1.3 million. The proposed tenant has indicated they will meet job creation and wage goals as identified. The loan will require that an annual report is completed in terms for the wage goal. The expansion will generate approximately $18,000 in annual tax base. The loan will assist an existing businesses expansion. Koropehak noted that the EOA would be in the 2'''' position to the bank. The HRA will be reviewing pay-as-you go TIF financing assistance. Koropchak stated that zoning requirements are lnet. Koropchak commented that she has requested a statement of credit worthiness from the applicant's bank as required. That document will be provided prior to Council. The EDA is allowed to lend $10,000 per job or $5,000 for every $20,000 increase in market value. As such, using the job creation calculation, the appl icant qualifies for $400,000 in a real property rehabilitation loan. The EDA cannot authorize a loan which exceeds 50% of remaining revolving loan fund. As of December 31, 2004, the revolving loan fund balance is $825,000. Koropehak stated that, assuming the EDA authorizes a loan of $200,000, the fund balance would be $625,000. . Koropehak stated that the loan tenns also require that the applicant provide 10% equity or $20,000 in the case ofthe requested $200,000 loan. The equity requirement needs to be determined by EDA. Tapper's prefers to use collateral rather than cash as equity. 'rhe loan would be amortized over 20 with balloon payment due in 5 years. Koropchak stated that she believes the prime interest rate is currently at 5.5%. The FDA can do a rate of up to 1.5% below prime. In terms of a loan fee, there is a minimum fee of $200 and the maximum fee is not to exceed 5% of project cost. The fee is due not later than March iii, 2005. The loan otfer, if not disbursed, becomes null and void as of August 10111,2005. The applicant is responsible for the cost of drafting loan documents. Perrault asked if the estimated increase in tax base will go specifically to the City, or to the City and other entities. Koropchak stated that amount is the jusrisdiction 's total tax benefit. Demueles asked what type of equity is being proposed. Barb Tapper, representing Tapper's Holdings, stated that she would need to research that matter and provide an updatc to the EOA at a later date. Lahr asked if the FDA has any past history with equity. Koropchak stated that it is normally cash. Mayer asked what the standard for cash cquity has becn. Koropchak responded that it is generally at least 10% of the EDA loan in the form of cash. Demeules clarified that the EOA had not done an expansion loan before. Koropchak noted that Tapper's Holdings has always been current in tenns of payments. This would be the fourth loan for Tapper's. Mayer asked ifthere would be a problem with the $20,000 cash equity. Tapper stated she would need to verify. . 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 02/10/05 Lahr stated the EDA could reduce the amount of the loan, which reduces the equity needed. Tapper stated that they have no final commitment on the total amounts, due to the fact that the bids haven't come in. Lahr stated that he doesn't necessarily have an issue with using the existing structure as collateral. Perrault asked ifan approval should be contingent until this matter has been better outlined. Koropchak stated that the approval will be contingent in any case, based on thc approval of the company's CUP application and bank financing. Hearing no public comments, Demeules closed public hearing. 5. Consideration to approve or deny GMEF No. 024, a business subsidy, for Tapper's Holdings, I,LC. Mayer clarified that the bank's letter regarding credit would be provided prior to final Council approval. Koropchak stated that the EDA's motion may also be contingent upon receiving letter, verification of equity terms, and loan application compliance. The EDA briefly discussed each term requirements prior to making a formal motion on the terms of the loan. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAIlR TO APPROVE A GMEF LOAN OF $200,000, WITH AMORITZA TION OVER 20 YEARS, A BALLOON PAYMENT DUE AT 5 YEARS, AND A LOAN ORIGINATION FEE OF $200.00. APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO LENDER COMMITMENT, STATEMENT OF APPLICANT'S CREDITWORHINESS, ACCEPTANCE OF THE EXISTINCi BUILDING AS EQUITY, AND APPROV AL OF THE APPLlCAN'r'S APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. MOTION SECONOEO BY COMMISSIONER PERRAULT. COMMISSIONER LAlIR AMENDED THE MOTION TO INCLUDE AN INTEREST RATE FOR THE NOTE AT 2% BELOW THE FEBRUARY I IIH, 2005 PRIME RATE. COMMISSIONER PERRAULT SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. MOTION CARRIEO UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Executive Director's Report Koropchak stated that she had met with Dahlheimer representatives to discuss a possible relocation to the Monticello Business Center. Koropchak stated that it appears that they may have options in Big Lake, but may still consider a Monticello option. Koropchak reported that she will be meeting tomorrow with Ken Streetcr (representing Ryan Companies) to go through what will need to happen to purchase land. Additionally, Koropchak has a meeting sct with A VR and the Mayor for the 1511i to discuss relocation. Koropchak indicatcd that she had spoken with an existing local business who will bc looking at relocating and expanding Oakwood Industrial Park. ,., .J . . . EDA Minutes - 02/10/05 Koropchak stated that she is continuing to respond to leads for the City's business park. The Council has set a standard for a quality park that produces good paying jobs, authorizing a set of preferred measures and covenants to create good paying jobs. As such, many ofthe leads do not qualify for financing. Commissioner Lahr, representing the Marketing Committee, stated that they had discussed how to best sell and market the park. Koropehak indicated that WSB currently working on platting and is expected to have a preliminary plat package for April. Koropchak mentioned that City representatives had met with Chuck Van Heel to discuss the potential of redevelopment of the theater block. Koropchak noted that the April 26th meeting ofthe EDA is the annual meeting. 7. Other Business. NONE. 8. Adiournment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED. Recorder 4 . . . EDA AGENDA - 04/26/05 4. Consideration to Elect 2005 EDA Officers. A. Reference and Backqround. In order to comply wi th EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2~3~2: The Authority shall annually elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary. The current list of officers are: President Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Bill Demeules Barb Schwientek Rick Wolfsteller Ron Hoglund Ollie Koropchak Nominations will be made at the meeting; therefore, any EDA member unable to attend the meeting and doesn't wish to be re-elected or nominated, please contact me. NO ACTION REQUIRED, FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY In order to comply wi th EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-1: Creation: (Cl Thereafter the initial appointment, all commissioners shall be appointed for six-year terms, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term which his/her predecessor has been appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. 2005 EDA membership and 6-year term: Bill Demeules Tom Perrault, Council Ron Hoglund Susie Wojchouski Wayne Mayer, Council Darrin Lahr Barb Schwientek 12-2005 12-2006 12-2007 12-2008 12-2008 12-2009 12-2010 Page 1 EDA AGENDA - 04/26/05 . B. Alternative Action: 1. Motion to nominate and elect the . . . . Chair, . . . . . . .. Vice Chair, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Treasurer, and............ 2005 EDA officers. following Treasurer, Secretary as 2. A motion to table election of 2005 EDA officers. C. Recommendation: No recommendation is given. D. Supportinq Data: None. . . Page 2 . . . EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 5. Consideration to review and accept the 2004 Year-End EDA Financial Statements. Activity Report. and 2005 Proposed Bude:et. A. Reference and Back~round: In order to comply with EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-6: The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue. And H: The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing its activities ffild providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council in May of each year. Enclosed are the year-end statements, proposed budget, and activity report. The EDA will need to review and discuss prior to consideration of the following alternative action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the 2004 year-end financial statement and activity report for submission to the City Council on May 9 or 23,2005. 2. A motion to accept the 2004 year-end financial statements and activity report subject to named revisions prior to submission to the City Council. 3. A motion to not accept the 2004 year-end financial statements and report. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: If the EOA commissioners make a finding that the statements and report are so correct, recommendation is alternative no. 1. TheEDA financial report are consistent with City year- end reports. All GMEF loan paybacks arc current. D. Supportine: Data: Copies of financial statements and report. 1 . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 2004 REVENUES Appropriations - 2004 MIF (UMC) SCERG Interest Income - GMEF Notes Interest Income - DMRF Note Interest Income - Investment GMEF Interest Income - Investment UDAG Interest Income - Investment SCREG Interest Income - Investment MIF Loan Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES XPENDITURES GMEF Loans - GMEF Legal Fees GMEF Professional Fees TRANSFER TO LIQUOR FUND DMRF Loan - DMRF Grant - DMRF Legal Fees DMRF Professional Fees Service Fees Miscellaneous Other Int. Adjustment - Notes TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year FUND BALANCE - End of Year . $ 13,797.86 $ 16,202.14 $ 17,557.95 $ -0- $ 36,104.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 200.00 $ -0- $ 83,861.95 $ -0- $ 419.50 $ 62.50 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,366.00 Co -0- ,? $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,848.00 $ 82,013.95 $1, 543,971.80 $1,625.985.75 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) . Balance Sheet December 31, 2004 ASSETS Cash in Bank Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. I Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp.I Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc. Notes Receivable - Standard Iron Notes Receivable - Vector Tool Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc.II Notes Receivable - SELUEMED Notes Receivable - T J Martin Notes Receivable Mainline Distribution Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp II ~otes Receivable - TCDC "'otes Receivable - IRTI Notes Receivable - GWJ,LLC Notes Receivable - VisiCom Notes Receivable - UMC Notes Receivable - Tapper's III Notes Receivable - WSI Appropriations Receivables - 2004- MIF (UMC) SCERG TOTAL ASSETS FUND EOUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans * (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 978,831.60 $ $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 8,903.14 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 26,842.60 $ 5,000.00 $ 185,891.50 $ 46,849.60 $ 343,667.31 $ 13,797.86 $ 16,202.14 $1,625,985.75 $1,625,985.75 $1,625,985.75 * 2003 transfer to Liquor Fund $70,000 * 2001 transfer to Liquor Fund $77,000 Original Liquor Fund transfer to EDA $383,000. . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 2005 CASH FLOW PROJECTION .BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 2005 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected - GMEF Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. Muller Theatre SMM, Inc. Aroplax Corp. Custom Canopy, Inc. Standard Iron Vector Tool Tapper's II SELUEMED T.J. Martin ($547.60 Mo.) Mainline Distrib. ($702.08 Aroplax Corp. II ($730.93 TCDC IRTI EDMA ($193.89 Mo.) 9-06 VisiCom 11-05 UMC ($1, 084 .33 Mo.) 3 - 0 8 Tapper III($521.76 Mo.) 5-08 WSI ($1,483.49 Mo) 6-09 Tapper Holdings ($1,417 Mo.) 7-10 Interest Income - Investment (est.) Loan Fees Loan Fees Other Miscellaneous 6-06 Mo.) 6-04 Mo.) 12-04 . TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - Tapper's Holdings Other Re-payment to Liquor Fund 2005 DMRF Grants Professional Fees Block 35 (Liquor Fund) Legal Fees Miscellaneous . TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 2005 $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 6,571. 20 $ -0- $ -0- -0- -0- $ 2,326.68 $ 5,000.00 $ 13,011.96 $ 6,297.12 $ 17,801.88 $ 8,900.94 $ 30,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1.000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 100,000.00 -0- $ 100.00 $ 143,890.66 $ 1,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 978,831.60 $ 94.109.78 $1,072,911.39 $ 445,090.66 $ 627,850.72 ~ ~ ~ 2004 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS January 27,2004 Block 35 - Next steps in process: NAC to prepare final site plan (to scale) incorporating parking recommendations/adjustments, agreed-upon building facade improvements and landscaping detail. Tabled action to extend the balloon payment date for GMEF Loan No. 16 (Aroplax) to explore any legal ramifications of the extension and bylaw amendment. April 20, 2004 Review the Loan Application, held a pubic hearing and approved GMEF Loan No. 023 for WSI Industries, Inc. in the amount of $350,000. Fixed rate of 2%, amortized over 25 years, balloon in 5 years. Job commitment 46 new jobs within two years at wages between $12 and greater than $22 per hour excluding benefits. April 27, 2004 Annual Meeting The EDA was advised to not extend any balloon payments. Aroplax is able to re-finance, they were checking out all options. Aroplax withdrew their request for an extension. Approved the extension of balloon payment date from May I, 2004 to November I, 2004, for the DMRF Loan Agreement between the EDA and Visicom, Inc., dated April 10,200]. Supported by Lender letter and that DMRF Guidelines do not address balloon date extension. Approved the extension of the compliance date from August 30, 2003, to August 30, 2005, within the Loan Agreement between GWJ, Inc. and the EDA dated August 30, 2001, for GMEF No. Loan 019. Approved a motion requesting the Council approve the concept f(w Block 35 improvements and authorize a Feasibility Study. . . . 2004 EllA Activity Report continued EDA Officers elected for 2004: President Bill Demeules Vice Prcsident Barb Schwientek Treasurer Rick W olfsteller Assistant Treasurer Ron Hoglund Secretary Ollie Koropchak Acccpted EDA 2003 Year-End Financial Statcments and Activity Report for submission to thc City Council on May 10,2004. All existing GMEF loan paybacks arc current. Accepted the Business Subsidy Criteria of the EDA as written (no amendments.) June 15,2004 Reviewed the Feasibility Study prepared by WSB, Inc. for Block 35 alley and plaza improvements. With three options ranging from $265,000 to $307,000; WSB was requested to address 6 issues identified to reduce the costs. Research of other EDA resources of funds was requested. Junc 22, 2004 With the lowest estimate of$195,000 ($25,700 private), approved a motion recommending the Council authorize design and preparation of bids and specs for Block 35 alley and plaza improvements consisting of a bituminous pavement alley and parking area and plain four inch concrete plaza with an alternate bid for exposed aggregate concrete plaza, authorize to go out for bids, and to call for a public hearing date subject to the propcrty owners petitioning for establishment of a service district. It was suggested the city design and authorize bids and specs for the Block 35 municipal parking lot as a companion as a means to receive a more favorable bid. Authorized the execution of a Satisfaction of Mortgage for GMEF Loan No. 015 for Mainline Distribution. July 27, 2004 Given the fact that two owners who own four parcels on Block 35 did not want to be assessed, nor be a part of the public funding improvements and service district, and would not grant access to their properties; approved a motion canceling the 2 . . . 2004 EllA Activity Report continued preparation of the plans and specs and advertising for bids and requested Council cancel the 429 public hearing of August 9, 2004. Authorized execution of the Satisfaction of Mortgage for GMEF Loan No. 016 for Aroplax. October 26,2004 Given DMRF Loans are less dollars, no specific guidelines address balloon date extension, sufficient EDA funds, soft economy and lack of downtown economic activity, and letter for support irom lender; approved extending the balloon payment date from November 1,2004, to November 1,2005, associated with the Loan Agreement between the EDA and VisiCom, Inc. dated April to, 2001, and requesting a principal and interest payment which would result in a remaining principal balance of $5,000, payment due November 1, 2004. A uthorized execution of the Satisfaction of Mortgage for G.MEF Loan No. 006 between the EDA and Stephen P. Birkeland Jr. and Joan M. Birkeland. 3 ( :< GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) LOAN STATUS . December 31, 2004 Economic Development Authority (EDA) was created in 1989. APPROVED LOANS Tapper/Genereux (1990) $88,000.00 Muller/Monti Theatre (1990) $50,000.00 Barger/Suburban #004 (1992) $50,000.00 Schoen/Aroplax #005 (1992) $85,000.00 Birkeland/Custom Canopy #006 (1993) $42,500.00 Demeules/Standard Iron #007 (1993) $75,000.00 Blue Chip DevNector Tool #010 (1995) $50,000.00 Tapper's #011 (1996) $100,000.00 Standard lron/Seluemed #013 (1996) $70,000.00 T J Martin #014 (1998) $87,500.00 Mainline Distr #015 (1999) $100,000.00 Aroplax #016 (1999) $100,000.00 TC Die Cast #017 (2000) $100,000.00 Integrated Recycling #018 (2001) $72,500.00 EDMA #019 (2001) $30,000.00 . Tapper's #021 (2002) $55,000.00 Tomann/UMC #022 (2002) $200,000.00 WSllndustries #023 (2004) $350,000.00 TOTAL APPROVED LOANS $1,705,500.00 APPROVED PAYBACKS 2001 to Hwy Liquor ($77,000.00) 2003 to Hwy Liquor ($70,000.00) TOTAL APPROVED PAYBACKS ($147,000.00) TOTAL APPROVED LOANS & PAYBACKS $1,558,500.00 LOAN DISBURSEMENTS (transferred to GMEF) Liquor Fund: 1991 to Tapper $73,000.00 - 1992 to Suburban $50,000.00 - 1992 to Aroplax $65,000.00 - 1994 to Standard Iron $75,000.00 .- 1995 to Vector Tool $50,000.00 - 1996 to Standard Iron $70,000.00 . 2001 payback from EDA ($77,000.00) 2003 payback from EDA ($70,000.00) Total Liquor Fund $236,000.00 EDA annual reports.xls: 4/14/2005 ~ GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) LOAN STATUS . UDAG Fund: 1991 to Tapper 1991 to Muller 1992 to Aroplax 1993 to Custom Canopy 1996 to Tapper's 1999 to Aroplax (016) 1999 (2000) to Mainline 2000 to TC Die Cast Total UDAG Fund UDAG (recycled funds): 2001 to Integrated Recycling 2001 to EDMA 2003 to UMC 2004 to WSI Total Recycled UDAG SCERG Fund: 1998 to T J Martin ' \,.000 . 1999 to Mainline 2000 to TC Die Cast - 2004 to WSI Total SCERG Fund SCERG (recycled funds): 2004 to WSI Total Recycled SCERG MN INV Fund: ~ ..... 2004 to WSI - '-=' V"f\.. c::.. Total MIF GMEF (recycled funds): 2000 to TC Die Cast 2003 to UMC 022 2003 to Tapper 021 Total GMEF Fund TOTAL LOAN DISBURSEMENTS . EDA annual reports.xls: 4/14/2005 $15,000.00 - $50,000.00 - $20,000.00 - $42,500.00 - $100,000.00 $100,000.00 - $39,546.38 -- $56,781.04 .- $423,827.42 $72,500.00 ..- $30,000.00 $125,000.00 $260,000.00 $487,500.00 $87,500.00 $60,453.62 $23,198.02 - $16,202.14 $187,353.78 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $13,797.86 $13,797.86 $20,020.94-- $75,000.00 $55,000.00 $150,020.94 $1,558,500.00 2 . . . EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 6. Consideration to review 2004 vear-end balances of the GMEF. DMRF. UDAG. Minnesota Investment Fund and SCERG Funds. A. Reference and Baekeround: GMEF No. 015 (Mainline) and GMEF No. 0016 (Aroplax II) loans were prepaid in 2004. GMEF No. 023 (WSI) was approved and disbursed in 2004. No balloon payments are due in 2005. GMEF No. 014 (TJ Martin) and GMEF No. 019 (EDAM) have not made April payments. Only legal fees were disbursed from the DMRF account in 2004. Current balance of DMRP is $143,890.66. Additional funds available for future use by the EOA include the MIF Federal- TCDC (2004 balance $270,130.51). MIF-State-UMC (2004 balance $8,692.15), some monies recycled in 2004. The SCREG Fund was closed out in 2004 and all monies have been recycled. All UDAG-FSI dollars have been recycled. The final report for the MIF Federal-City/TCDC grant was submitted to the State earlier this year and I expect to get a confirmation of close-out. If the confirmation is received, these dollars become available to recycle; however, the applicant must agree to meet the criteria set by HUD (family income levels and Davis Bacon Act.) No restriction apply to the MIF-State- UMC; however, the EDA retains only the first $100,000 plus interest. If the EDA spend the funds reserved for DMRF (downtown/non-restrictive) funds and upon disbursement of the $200,000 Tapper Holdings loan, the EOA cash balance of the 26, April, 2005, is $634,940.94. No action necessary by the EDA. SOURCES OF FUNDS April 26, 2005 411rMEF Cash Balance Less DMRF Cash Balance TOTAL LESS DISBURSEMENTS Tapper's Holdings BALANCE April, 2005 Other Sources: MN INVEST FUND (TCDC) Restrictive MN INVEST FUND (UMC) Non-restrictive . . $ 978,831.60 $ 143,890.66 $ 834,940.94 $ 200,000.00 $ 634,940.94 $ 270,130.51 $ 8,692.15 ($595,000 P&I) ($100,000+interest) . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO REVITALIZATION FUND December 31, 2004 Fund Balance, Dccember 31, 1997 Revenues Appropriations TOTAL REVENUES o . Expenditures DMRF 101, Kathy froslie, 2-6-98 8-31-98 DMRF 102, Steve Johnson DMRF 103, Kathy Froslie, 2-6-98 DMRF 104, Rich Cline, 10-11-98 11-24-98 DMRf 105, Al Loch, 11-6-98 DMRF 106, Dan Olson, 7-27-98 DMRF 107, Steve Johnson DMRF 108, Bruce Hammond 6-11-99 DMRF 109, Dorothy Topel 7-12-99 DMRF 110, Heaton DMRf 111, Hamond 8-29-01 ($9,500) extended to 5-29-02 Loan 4-10-01 ($10,644,5.5%,5-04) $]0,644.00 DMRF 112 Thiekpenny 5-22-01 $ 6,960.25 DMRF 113 Chamber 1-10-02 $ 2,172.82 Drayna 5-10-01 $ 1,000.00 Claybaugh 3-00 $ 810.50 4-00 $ ] ,240.00 Grittman -01 $ 822.80 Broadway Inconvenience -02 $ 4,730.55 Legal (Loan document) $ 200.00 -01 $ 240.50 Block 35 -04 $ 1.366.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,394.13 $ 180.12 $ 2,610.00 $ 6,814.13 $ 5,41] .80 $ 2,011.74 Fund Ba]ance, December 31, 2004 . $199,000.00 $199,000.00 $ 55,109.34 $143,890.66 . . . SMALL CITIES ECONOMIC RECOVERY GRANT (SCERG) FINANCIAL REPORT December 31 , 2004 GRANT TOTALS. AROPLAX Payback began in December, 1992 for 7 years ending in November, 1999. Annual principal and interest payback total is $29,801.40. First $100,000 principal payback ends January, 1997. Principal Interest TOTAL ORIGINAL PAID REMAINING $170,000.00 $175,615.55 ($5,615.55) $37,969.92 $24,018.99 $13,950.93 $207,969.92 $199,634.54 $8,335.38 Jan, 1997 GMEF STATE $170,000.00 $100,000.00 $70,000.00 $29,634.75 $24,018.99 $5,615.76 $199,634.75 $124,018.99 $75,615.76 Principal Interest TOTAL Grant must be expended by December 31, 1994, up to $170,000. EXPENDED: $116,556.75 $16,996.18 $12,356.59 $4,021.10 $15,132.50 $4,936.88 $170,000.00 1993 1993 1993 1/18/94 4/13/94 7/20/94 GRANTTOTALS-STANDARDIRON Payback began in July, 1994 for 7 years ending in June, 2001. Annual principal and interest payback total is $33,306.12. Grant must be expended by December 31, 1994, up to $250,000. EXPENDED: $250,000.00 8/18/94 ..,.,~-~-~-~-........_---..,~,.,----------------,,""~"'~"'~I~'~''''''''#_#------__~..~,.. EDA annual reports.xls: 4/14/2005 . . . SMALL CITIES ECONOMIC RECOVERY GRANT (SCERG) FINANCIAL REPORT REVENUES Principal Payback - Aroplax Interest Payback - Aroplax Loan Payback - Standard Iron Grant Administrative Fee - S.1. Refund 97/98 fee to Wright County Interest Income - Investment: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Payback to State - Aroplax Reimbursement to Wright Co - S.1. Transfer to GMEF - T. J. Martin Transfer to GMEF - Mainline Dist Transfer to GMEF - TC Die Cast Transfer to GMEF - WSI TOTAL EXPENDITURES - \'1.... - FUND BALANCE FOR SMALL CITIES GRANT EDA annual reports.xls: 4/14/2005 $175,615.55 $24,018.99, $321,029.16 $6,260.00 ($2,000.00) $1,061.92 $1,256.00 $5,475.97 $7,381.27 $8,770.56 $9,741.95 > $10,450.10 $9,058.60 $682.00 $554.00 $513.00 $570.00 $580,439.07 $75,626.64 - "--) $317,458.65.. I $87,500.00 > - $60,453.62 - $23,198.02 $16,202.14 $580,439.07 tA'-~ ~ 'D ~c(l ;\ () ~ c;. . ':). , ")l:\ ,? 6 <; 1> .f\8. \~'\."O ($0.00) (')g ~ S "':J. '\ C\ =l \ ~n. t)t<t. ~" ").. '-\ - '-\- . \ ~~ S':? . ~. ~'t:-.::I" ~,. ox"'" tr"~ >0..... ~ t., "f:Y ~o^ cJ>ro l(v 2 . URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT (UDAG) FINANCIAL REPORT December 31 , 2004 GRANT TOTALS. FSI Payback began in January, 1988 for 12 years ending in January, 2000. Annual principal and interest payback total is $27,971.40. Principal Interest TOTAL ORIGINAL $256,957.71 $78,700.35 $335,658.06 PAID $256,957.71 $77 ,315.88 $334,273.59 REMAINING $0.00 $1,384.47 $1,384.47 "~#~--------~-_~#~'~I~I~~____--------------~--~------____~. REVENUES .. Principal Payback - FSI $256,957.71 \.t"'}.. Interest Payback - FSI $77,315.88 ~i)- \) . Interest Income - Investment: .-1:> . ?.c;. q" · 1990 $6,342.02 "1? "-\ "')-"" . ~. ~ . 1991 $8,593.59 ~ ~."t ..... 1992 $8,436.32 <7 S ~\ 1993 $5,227.10 1994 $3,756.77 t ~ \ \ t') ~v 1995 $12,297.72 ,,>-V' 1996 $9,775.19 . 1997 $9,007.60 1998 $12,989.27 ru'-fA.G-3 ")..C9~O 1999 $13,128.25 . TOTAL REVENUES $423,827.42 EXPENDITURES 1991 Transfer to GMEF (Tapper & Muller) $65,000.00 - 1992 Transfer to GMEF (Aroplax) $20,000.00 - 1993 Transfer to GMEF (Custom Canopy) $42,500.00 - 1996 Transfer to GMEF (Tapper) $100,000.00 - 1999 Transfer to GMEF (Aroplax) $100,000.00 - 1999 (2000) Transfer to GMEF (Mainline) $39,546.38 - 2000 Transfer to GMEF (TC Die Cast) $56,781.04 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $423,827.42 FUND BALANCE FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT $0.00 . EDA annual reports.xls: 4/14/2005 ..... .., MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND FINANCIAL REPORT December 31,2004 GRANT TOTALS - TWIN CITIES DIE CAST Payback began in July, 2000 for 7 years ending in June, 2007. Annual principal and interest payback total is $61,176.72. Principal Interest TOTAL ORIGINAL $500,000.00 $95,747.11 $595,747.11 PAID $198,418.18 $71,712.33 $270,130.51 REMAINING $301,581.82 $24,034.78 $325,616.60 EXPENDED: $468,266.60 $20,859.00 $10,874.40 $500,000.00 6/2/00 8/9/00 8/15/00 GRANT TOTALS - UMC/TOMANN Payback began in October 2003 for 5 years ending in March 2008. Annual principal payback is $19,280.64. City keeps first $100,000 plus interest. ORIGINAL PAID REMAINING Principal $290,000.00 $12,609.60 $277,390.40 Interest $33,439.16 $9,890.41 $23,548.75 . TOTAL $323,439.16 $22,500.01 $300,939.15 EXPENDED: $92,138.56 4/17/03 $109,377.84 6/26/03 $88,483.60 9/4/03 $290,000.00 F__________________________~_~,~#~#~____________________*~~_4 REVENUES Principal Payback - TCDC Interest Payback -TCDC Principal Payback - UMC Interest Payback - UMC Interest Income - Investment: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 $198,418.18 $71,712.33 $12,609.60 ) ~:2 ~ ~ e . () 1 $9,890.41 TOTAL REVENUES $119.19 $3,071.00 $5,356.00 $7,678.00 $9,157.00 $318,011.71 EXPENDITURES Prof Svc fees - TCDC Legal fees - TCDC Transfer to GMEF - 2004 WSI #023 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,306.55 $824.75 $13,797.86 $17,929.16 _ ",~c.. . FUND BALANCE FOR MN INV FUND $300,082.55 EDA annual reports.xls: 4/15/2005 . . . CENTRAL MINNESOTA INITIATIVE FUND (CMIF) FINANCIAL REPORT December 31, 2004 GRANTTOTALS~STANDARDIRON Payback began in July, 1994 for 7 years ending in June, 2001. Annual principal and interest payback total is $13,322.52. EXPENDED: $100,000.00 $100,000.00 1994 ....,........,...,,--_.........,~---........,~""--_#~I~___...-.'~/____...-.'~I__.oIIIIIIIIII""#~#~I___.....-.'~,... REVENUES Loan Payback (incl grant fee) - Standard Iron Interest Income - Investment: 2001 2002 2003 2004 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Reimbursement to CMIF - S.1. CMIF returned last payment #115 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE FOR CENT MN INITIATIVE FUND $127,674.15 $114.00 $92.00 $81.00 $89.00 $128,050.15 $126,524.15 ($1,100.21 ) $125,423.94 $2,626.21 .... ~ . . EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 7. Consideration to review for amendment the Business Subsidv Criteria and Bvlaws of the EDA. A. Reference and backl!round: EDA Business Subsidy Criteria This is a housekeeping item. According to the Business Subsidy Criteria: "At a minimum, the EDA shall review the Fund Guidelines on an annual basis. No changes to the GMEF guidelines shall be instituted without prior approval ofthe City Council." "Amendments to these criteria arc subject to public hearing requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 116J. 993 through 116J.994. " The criteria is attached for your review. EDA Bv1aws This a housekeeping item. According to the Bylaws: "The Bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership at a regular or special meeting. The amendment must be in written form." B. Alternative Action: EDA Business Subsidy Criteria 1. A motion to recommend amending the Business Subsidy Criteria as follows ............................., requesting approval from City Council, and calling for a public hearing. 2. A motion to accept the Business Subsidy Criteria of the EDA as written. EDA Bylaws 1. A motion to recommend amending the Bylaws as follows ............... to be drafted in written form. 2. A motion to accept the Bylaws of the EDA as written. EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 . c. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no. 2 for both the Criteria and Bylaws. D. Suoportinl! Data: Copy of Business Subsidy Criteria and Bylaws of the EDA. . . 2 MONTlCELW ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Business Subsidy Criteria Public Hearing and Adoption the 31 st day of August, 1999 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the gth day of November, 2000 }lublic Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 24th day of April, 2001 1. PURPOSE 1 :01 The purpose of this document is to establish the Economic Development Authority's criteria for granting of business subsidies, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1161.993, Subdivision 3, for private development. This criteria shall be used as a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidies. . 1 :02 The criteria set forth in this document are guidelines only. The Economic Development Authority reserves the right in its discretion to approve business subsidies that vary from the criteria stated herein if the Economic Development Authority determines that the subsidy nevertheless serves a public purpose. The Authority will file evidence of any deviation from these criteria with the Department of Trade and Economic Development in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Section 1161.994, Subd. Z. I :03 The Economic Development Authority may amend the business subsidy criteria at any time. Amendments to these criteria are subject to public hearing requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116.1. 993 through 1161. 994. 2. STATUTORY LIMITATIONS 2:01 In accordance with the business Subsidy Criteria, Business Subsidy requests must comply with applicable State Statutes. The Economic Deyelopment Authority ability to grant business subsidies is governed by the limitations established in Minnesota Statutes 1161.993 through 1161.994. 3. PUBLIC POLICY REQUIREMENT . 3:01 All business subsidies must meet a public purpose in addition to increasing the tax base. Job retention may only be used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrable. 3 Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-R831 . (763) 295-2711. Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 27] -3272 EDA Business Subsidy Criteria 4. BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPROVAL CRITERIA . 4:01 All new projects approved by the Economic Development Authority should meet the following minimum approval criteria. However, it should not be presumed that a project meeting these criteria will automatically be approved. Meeting these criteria creates no contractual right on the part of any potential developer or the Economic Development Authority. 4:02 The project must be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, or required changes to the plan and ordinances must be under active consideration by the City at the time of approval. 4:03 Prior to approval of a business subsidies financing plan and when deemed appropriate by the Economic Development Authority, the developer shall provide any required market and financial feasibility studies, appraisals, soil boring information provided to private lenders for the project, and other information or data as requested. 4:04 A recipient of a husiness subsidy must make a commitment to continue operations at the site where the subsidy is used for at least five years after the benefit date. 4:05 (Recipients of any business subsidy will be required to meet wage and job goals determined . by the Economic Development Authority on a case-hy-case basis, giving consideration to the nature of the development, the purpose ofthe subsidy, local economic conditions, and situational circumstances.) The Economic Development Authority may determine after a public hearing that joh creation or retention is not a goal of the subsidy. In those cases, the recipient must instead meet at least one of the following minimum requirements (in addition to all other criteria in this document other than those relating to jobs and minimum wages): (1) The proposed subsidy must accomplish removal, rehabilitation or redevelopment of "blighted areas" as defined in Minnesota Statues, Section 469.002, Subd.ll , or must constitute a cost of correction conditions that allow designation of redevelopment .districts under Minnesota Statues, Sections 469.174 to 4-69.179; or (2) The proposed subsidy must result in improvements to public infrastructure or public facilities, including without limitations, sewers storm sewers, streets, parks, recreational facilities, and other City facilities; or (3) The proposed subsidy must remove physical impediments to development of . DAWNIWORD/POLlCIES 10/30/00 2 .a......J.J...--",J.... ............LJ.L#.,,_...~~ _J~~-'~~'~...J ~------- land, including without limitation poor soils, bedrock conditions, steep slopes, or similar geotechnical problems. 4:06 For any business subsidy that does not meet the requirements of Section 4:05, the recipient ..... must create or retain jobs as determined by the Economic Development Authority, as must meet ~ the minimum wage thresholds, described in Section 5:03, Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines, 1.(b) (whether or not the source of the subsidy is tax increment financing). 5. GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA 5:01 The Economic Development Authority will utilize the Greater Monticello Enterprise fund to support the community's long-term economic goals. 5:02 Each Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund subsidy will be analyzed and evaluated by the Economic Development authority. Each project shall be measured against the general criteria in Sections 1 through 4 and the specific criteria in this Section 5 applicable to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund subsidies. 5:03 Following are the evaluation criteria that will be used by the Economic Development A uthori ty: . . DAWN/WORDfPOLlCIES 10/30/00 3 tUf\ lillSIl1CSS :'lllDSIClY l.Tllena GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 (763) 271-3208 . INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) is to encourage economic development by supplementing conventional financing sources available to existing and new businesses. Through thi s program administered by the Economic Development Authority and participating lending institution(s), loans are made to businesses to help them meet a portion of their financing needs. All loans must serve a public purpose by complying with four or more of the criteria noted in the next section. In all cases, it is mandatory that criteria # I be satisfied, which requires the creation ofncw jobs. It is the responsibility of the EDA to assure that loans meet the public purpose standard and comply with all other GMEF policies as defined in this document. Along with establishing the definition of public purpose, this document is designed to outline the process involved in obtaining GMEF financing. DEFINITION OF PUBLIC PURPOSE I. To provide loans for credit worthy businesses that create new jobs. (a) One job is equivalent to a total of 37.5 hours per week. (b) At least 90% of the jobs created must pay a wage of the higher of$9.00 per hour, or at least 160% of the federal minimum wage, exclusive of benefits, for individuals over the age of 20 during the term of the assistance. Annual written reports are required until termination date. Failure to meet the job and wage level goals require partial or full repayment of the assistance with interest. . 2. To provide loans for credit worthy husinesses that would increase the community tax base. 3. To assist new or existing industrial or commercial businesses to improve or expand their operations. Considerations for loans shall take into account factors including, but not limited to, the nature and extent of the business, the product or service involved, the present availability of the product or service within the city of Monticello, the compatibility of the proposed' business as it relates to the comprehensive plan and existing zoning policies, and the potential for adverse environmental effects of the business, if any. 4. To provide loans to be used as a secondary source of financing that is intended to supplement conventional financing (bank financing). 5. To provide loans in situations in which a funding gap exists. 6. To provide funds for economic development that could be used to assist in obtaining other funds such as Small Business Administration loans, federal and state grants, etc. . DAWN/WORD/POLICIES 10/30/00 4 . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISES REVOL VING LOAN FUND POLICIES 1. BUSINESS ELIGIBILITY * * Industrial businesses Non-competitive commercial businesses which enhance the community Businesses located within the city of Monticello Credit worthy existing businesses Non-credit worthy start-up businesses with worthy feasibility studies (Deny all historical non~credit worthy husinesses) $10,000 loan per each job created, or $5,000 per every $20,000 increase in property market valuation, or $5,000 per every $20,000 increase in personal property used for business purposes, whichever is higher. * * * * II. FINANCING METHOD * COMP ANION DIRECT LOAN - Example: Equity 20%, RLF 30%, and bank 50%. (All such loans may be subordinated to the primary lcnder(s) if requested by the primary lender(s). The RL,F loan is leveraged and the lower interest rate of the RLF lowers the effective interest rate on the entire project.) * PARTICIPATION LOAN - RLF buys a portion of the loan (the RLF is not in a subordinate position, no collateral is required by the RLF, and the loan provides a lower interest rate). * GUARANTEE LOANS - RLF guarantees a portion of the bank loan. (Personal and real estate guarantees handled separately.) Ill. USE OF PROCEEDS * Real property acquisition and development Real property rehabilitation (expansion or improvements) Machinery and equipment * * IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS * LOAN SIZE ~ Minimum of $5,000 and maximum not to exceed 50% of the remaining revolving loan fund balance; for example, if the remaining revolving loan fund balance is $50,000, the maximum loan issuance is $25,000. * LEVERAGING - Minimum 60% private/public non-GMEF Maximum 30% public (GMEF) [lAWN/WORD/POLICIES 10/30/00 5 * LOAN TERM - EDA Business Subsidy Criteria Minimum 10% equity EDA loan Personal propeliy term not to exceed life of equipment (generally . 5-7 years). Real estate property maximum of 5-year maturity amortized up to 30 years. Balloon payment at 5 years. INTEREST RATE - Fixed rate not less than 2% below Minneapolis prime rate. Prime rate per National Bank of Minneapolis on date of EDA loan approval. * LOAN FEE _ Minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.5% of the total loan project. * Fees are to be documented and no duplication of fees between the lending institution and the RLF. Loan fee may be incorporated into project cost. EDA retains the right to reduce or waive loan fee or portion ofloan fee. * * PREP A YMENT POLICY - * DEFERRAL OF PAYMENTS - * LA TE PAYMENT POLICY * INTEREST LIMITATION ON GUARANTEED DAWN/WORD/POLICIES 10/30100 *Fee to be paid by applicant to the EDA within 5 working days after City Council approval of GMEF loan. Nonrefundable. No penalty for prepayment. 1. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. . 2. Extend the balloon if unable to refinance, verification letter from two lending institutions subject to Board approval. Failure to pay principal or interest when due may result in the loan being immediately called. In addition to any other amounts due on any loan, and without waiving any right of the Economic Development Authority under any applicable documents, a late fee of $250 will be imposed on any bon-ower for any payment not received in full by the Authority within 30 calendar days of the date on which it is due. FUlihermore, interest will continue to accrue on any amount due unti 1 the date on which it is paid to the Authority, and all such interest will be due and payable at the same time as the amount on which it has accrued. . 6 EDA Business Subsidy Criteria LOANS- Subject to security and/or reviewal by EDA. ~ ....,. * ASSUMABILITY OFLOAN- None. * BUSINESS EQUITY REQUIREMENTS - Subject to type ofIoan; Board of Directors will determine case by case, analysis under normal lending guidelines. * Liens on real property in project (mortgage deed). Liens on real property in business (mortgage deed) . Liens on real property held personally (subject to Board of Directors - homestead exempt). Machinery and equipment liens (except equipment exempt from bankruptcy). Personal and/or corporate guarantees (requires unlimited personal guarantees). * COLLATERAL - * * * * * NON-PERFORMANCE - An approved GMEF loan shall be null and void iffunds are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 days from date of ED A approval. . * NON-PERFORMANCE EXTENSION - The 180-day non-performance date can be extended up to an additional 120 days. 1. A written request is received 30 days prior to expiration of the 180-day non-performance date. 2. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. * LEGAL FEE - Responsibility ofthe GMEF applicant. The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is operated as an equal opportunity program. All applicants shall have equal access to GMEF funds regardless of race, sex, age, marital status, or other personal characteristics. . DAWNIWORDIPOLlCIES 10/30100 7 EOA Business Subsidy Criteria ORGANIZA TION The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is administered by the City of Monticello Economic . Development Authority (EDA), which is a seven-member board consisting of two Council members and five appointed members. EDA members arc appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Formal meetings are held on a qUaJierly basis. Please see the by-laws of the EDA for more information on the structure of the organization that administers the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. PARTICIPATING LENDING INSTITUTION(S) 1. Participating lending institutions(s) shall be determined by the GMEF applicant. 2. Panicipating lending institution(s) shall cooperate with the EDA and assist in carrying out the policies of the GMEF as approved by the City Council. 3. Participating lending institution(s) shall analyze the formal application and indicate to the EDA the level at which the lending institution will participate in the finance package. LOAN APPIJCA TION/ADMINISTRA TIVE PROCEDURES The EDA desires to make the GMEF loan application process as simple as possible. However, certain procedures must be followed prior to EDA consideration of a loan request. Information regarding the program and procedures for obtaining a loan are as follows: . City Staff Duties: The Economic Development Director, working in conjunction with the Assistant City Administrator, shall carry out GMEF operating procedures as approved by the EDA and Council. Staff is responsible for assisting businesses in the loan application process and will work closely with applicants in developing the necessary information. Application Process: 1. Applicant shall complete a preliminary loan application. Staff will review application for consistency with the policies set forth in the Greater Monticello Fund Guidelines. Staff consideration of the preliminary loan application should take approximately one week. Staff will ask applicant to contact a lending institution regarding financing needs and indicate to applicant that fUliher action by the EDA on the potential loan will require indication of support from a lending institution. 2. If applicant gains initial suppon from lending institution and if the preliminary loan applicati on is approved, applicant is then asked to complete a formal application. If the preliminary loan application is not approved by staff, the applicant may request that the EDA consider approval . of the preliminary application at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the EDA. DAWN/WoRD/POLlCIES 10/30100 8 . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria .., .J. If the preliminary loan application is approved, applicant shall complete a formal application. Formal application shall includc a business plan which will include its management structure, market analysis, and financial statement. Like documentation necessary for obtaining the bank loan associated with the proposal is acceptable. Attached with each formal application is a written release of information executed by the loan applicant. 4. City staff will meet with applicant and other participating lender(s) to refine the plan for financing the proposed enterprise. 5. City staff shall analyze the formal application and financial statements contained therein to determine if the proposed business and finance plan is viable. Staff may, at its discretion, accept the findings of a banking institution regarding applicant credit and financial viability of the project. After analysis is complete, City staff shall submit a written recommendation to the EOA. A decision regarding the application shall be made by the EDA within 60 days of the submittal of a completed formal application. 6. The EOA shall have authority to approve or deny loans; however, within 21 days of EDA approval, the City Council may reverse a decision by the EDA to approve a loan if it is determined by Council that such loan was issued in violation of GMEF guidelines. 7. Prior to issuance of an approved loan, the City Attorney shall review and/or prepare all contracts, legal documents, and intercreditor agreements. After such review is complete, the City shall issue said loan. ORIGINAL REVOLVING LOAN FUNOING "LETTER OF CREDIT" FROM MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ~ $200,000 SOURCE - City Liquor Store Fund City shall transfer needed loan amount from existing accounts at such time that individual loans are approved. Revenue created through this program shall be under the control of the EDA and shall not be transferred to City funds unless the City Council determines that reserves generated are not necessary for the successful operation of the Authority. If such is the case, such funds must be transferred to the debt service funds of the City to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City (see Section 5 B of the ordinance establishing the Monticello EDA). REPORTING 1. Staff shall submit quarterly summaries and/or annual report detailing the status of the Monticello Enterprise Fund. FUND GUIDELINES MODIFICA TJON 1. At a minimum. the EOA shall review the Fund Guidelines on an annual basis. No changes to the GMEF guidelines shall be instituted without prior approval of the City Council. DAWN/WORD/POLlCIES 10/30/00 9 - - . . BYLA WS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the "City of Monticello Economic Development Authority." Section 2. Office of Authoritv. The office of the Authority shall be at the City Hall in the City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, but the Authority may hold its meetings at such other place or places as it may designate by resolution. Section 3. Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Section 4. Establishment. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority is e established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 to 469.108, and adopted by Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. ARTICLE II - THE COMMISSIONERS Section 1. Appointment Terms, Vacancies, Pay, and Removal. Shall be in accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-1 : Creation. ARTICLE III - THE OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The Authority shall elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant secretary at the annual meeting. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same commissioner. The office of secretary and treasurer need not be held by a commissioner. Section 2. Duties and Powers. The officers have the usual duties and powers of their offices. They may be given other duties and powers by the Authority. BYLA WS.EDA: 5/13/91 AMENDED: 5/22/01 Page 1 Section 3. Treasurer's Duties. The treasurer: (1) shall receive and is responsible for Authority money; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer; . (3) shall disburse Authority money by check only; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements; (5) shall file the Authority's detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times set by the Authority. (6) shall prepare and submit an mmual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition to the City of Monticello by March I each year. Section 4. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer ifthe treasurer is absent or disabled. Section 5. Public Money. Authority money is public money. ARTICLE IV - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Economic Development Director shall be designated as Executive Director of the Authority. . Section 1. Duties. The Executive Director shall have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs subject to the direction of the Authority. As secretary, the Executive Director in his own name and title shall keep the records of the Authority, shall act as Secretary of the meetings of the Authority and record all votes, and shall keep record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Executive Director shall keep in sole custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy herein, shall have such terms as the Authority fixes, but no commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to this office. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings. Quarterly meetings shall be held upon oral or written notice at the regular meeting place of the Authority on the 4th Tuesday of January, April, July, and October. ' BYLA WS.EDA: 5/13/91 AMENDED: 5/22101 . Page 2 Section 2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held in conjunction with the regular April meeting at the regular meeting place of the Authority. . Section 3. Special Meetim!s. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the president or two members of the Authority for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. All commissioners of the Authority shall be notified. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Authority, the presence of four commissioners shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, those present shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until the requisite number of votes shall be present to constitute a quorum. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Any resolution, election, Ot other formal action of the Authority shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Authority membership. Section 5. Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Authority the foJlowing shall be the order of business: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Call to order. Roll call. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Bills and communications. Report of the Executive Director. Report of committees. Unfinished business. New business. Adjournment. All resolutions shall be in writing and shall he copied in the journal of the proceedings of the Authority. Section 6. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement or in these bylaws, all meetings of the Authority shall he conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order revised. Section 7. Manner of Voting. The voting on aJJ questions coming before the Authority shall be by roll call, and the yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meetings. ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEES; SERVICES; SUPPLIES Section 1. Emplovees. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the Authority may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct ofits affairs. . BYLA WS.EDA: 5113/91 AMENDED: 5/22/01 Page 3 Section 2. Contract for Services. The Authority may contract for services of consultants, agents, public accountants, and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. . Section 3. Legal Services. The Authority may use the services of the city attorney or hire a general counsel for its legal needs. The city attorney or general counsel, as determined by the Authority, is its chief legal advisor. Section 4. Supplies. The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out Sections 469.090 to 469.108. Section 5. City Purchasing. An authority may use the facilities of its city's purchasing department in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies, or materials. Section 6. City Facilities, Services. A city may furnish offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistance to its authority. Section 7. Dele~ation Power. The Authority may delegate to one or morc of its agents or employees powers or duties as it may deem proper. ARTICLE VII - POWERS Section 1. Functions, Powers, and Duties. Shall be in accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-4: Functions, Power, and Duties. . Section 2. Limitations of Power. Shall be in accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-5: Limitation of Power. .. ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendment to Bvlaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership a regular or special meeting. The amendments must be in written form. Section 2. In any instance where these bylaws are in conflict with the Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, such Ordinance Amendment shall control. BYLA WS.EDA 5/13/91 AMENDED: 5/22/0 1 Page 4 . Section 3. These bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Authority. ..081. ..... Dated: ,1990. Signed: President (Seal) Executive Director . BYLA WS.EDA: 5/13/91 AMENDED: 5/22/0] . Page 5 . . . 8. EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 Consideration of an u date on the a roved GMEF Loan No. 024 between the E))A and Tapncr's HoJdin2:s LLC. A. Referenec and baek2:round: Thc EDA approved GMEF Loan No. 024 on February] 0,2005 for Tapper's Holding LLC. The $200,000 real estate rehabilitation loan will assist in the financing of the construction of a 25,000 sq ft addition to an cxisting 60,000 sq ft building. Forty jobs will be created by the tenant, Strategic Equipment and Supply Company, at wages per the Agrcement. Some changes to the Loan Agreement and Mortgage have been made per the request of Tapper's attorney (See Attachment A) No action is necessary by the FDA. No building or site plans have been submitted to the city. According to Mr. Tapper, the plans prepared by Kinghorn Group are forthcoming in the next few days. Stcel and concrete has been ordered. Lender has committed to the project and just yesterday, SBA agreed to the project providing a fixed interest rate to thc developer. Strategic will occupy the existing office space starting June], 2005. Closing and disbursemcnt of the EDA funds will take place upon closing of the banklSBA loans and approval of building/site plans. Issuance of building permit f()llows. !Vlessage luge I 01 1 Ollie Koropchak . from: Eddington, Julie A [JEddington@Kennedy-Graven.com] Sent: Th ursday, April 14, 2005 1:45 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: FW: Monticello EDA Documents Ollie, Attached please find comments to the document you forwarded to the Developer regarding the EDA Loan Documents. I will review this afternoon and give you a call. Julie Eddington Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U. S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone 612-337-9213 Fax 612~337~931O j edd i ngton@kennedy-graven.com ~-mOriginal Message--m From: Stefanie Brown [mailto:sbrown@rnoon.com] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:39 PM To: Eddington, Julie A. Cc: BilIT@WestlundDistributing.com Subject: Monticello EDA Documents . Please see attached letter. Stefanie L. Brown Rinke Noonan Suite 300, US Bank Plaza St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320) 251-6700 NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may contain an attorney-client, work-product or trade-secret communication that is privileged at law. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, distribute, or reproduce this transmission. It is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. This E-mail (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.s.c. 2510-2521. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying it and notify the ~eA.de1'by reply e-mail or by calling 320~251 ~6700, so that our address record can be corrected. . 4/14/2005 . April 14, 2005 RINKE NOONAN ATTORNEYS A T l. A W SUITE: 300. US BANK PL.A~A, f;:i'. O. Box 1497 l 015 W. 8,. GERMAIN STRI;ET S;T. CLOUD, MtNNESDTA ~e;30:a-f497 T2.t...EPI-IONE 320~251 y6'700, F"AX :320-556-3500 ElvIAI...: MArt.@RNOON.COM WWW.RNOON.cOM Julie Eddington Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Sent Via Email: ;eddinflton(ipkennedV-fIraVe11..com. Facsimile (612) 337-9310. & U.S. Mail Re: Monticell EDA Documents Our File No. 18608.002 Dear Ms. Eddington: r am the attorney representing Tapper's Holdings, LLC with regard to the leasing of an addition to be constructed at their existing Monticello facility. It is my understanding that part of the financing for such addition shall be obtained through a loan through the Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello. We have received copies of the loan documents from the Monticello EDA, which were provided to my client by Mr. Ollie Koropchak, and our comments regarding these documents are as follows: . 1. ~ ~ -, We understand that under Section 3(b)(iv) of the Loan Agreement Tapper's Holdings will be responsible for paying the full amount ofthe EDA's legal fees. We would request that you provide us with an estimate of the legal fees prior to the execution of these documents. We would also request that you include a provision stating that the EDA agrees to provide a prompt invoice for payment of such legal fees by Tapper's. 2. The documents state in several areas that Tapper's warrants that there will be no J'2A,...~ ~~ ..,..~ other liens, charges or encumbrances on the property; however, there is currently a d loan from Steams Bank encumbering the property and there will he further charges related to the construction placed against the property. Therefore, the documents must reference an exception under the relevant paragraphs for future development Y\.~..~, ~ fInancing and the existing loan with Stearns Bank. - ~~ We request the removal of Section 9(b) on indemnification. My client is willing to include an indemnification paragraph and to pay the indemnification amount upon demand, however, it is unacceptable to place my client in jeopardy of having the 3. PApri114. Z005:CZOO\ 04 14 F:IDATAI18608\OO2\L'''.r Julie Eddi"S'on 0414 2005.wpd krp O. Mich8el Noonan WIlHam A. SrnOleyl Kurt A. Oetar' Bi!;Irrett L. Colombo James L. WIant RrN~r:, NOON'AN, SMOLEY. Q[iEfi!. COL0I\.100, WIAN'r, VoN KQR~~ a HOSB!::. LTD. Gertlld W, Von Korff Sharon G. Hobbs Oavid J. M&YBrsUl.J.8 John .J. Meuer!il Roger C. Justln::!,4 John J. Babcock, Jill A. Adkins Igor S. J..lI:nZr'HitrJ Gary~. L~!Slico4,[; John C. kolb SCOtt ~. Ham~k PLimela A. Steck men I Jason H. Thomas Stefanie t..... a"own Tonya T. Hihkl!!lr'neyer nya,n J. Hi!tton 1 cra\.ldj~ M, ReVerrtii;mn RaGheal M. Ho!lend"'l,~ Craig L. Andreason Benj~min B. Bohnsack;) t. O'J-sliflnd n"(1((81 tmd,.r F/IJ/9 114.2. A r1d~' PrOperly LlJW S{J~~ilJJj!llt cIJ'lf(irld by rl16 Minn.S;;m8 StatG- B~l" A!iJ~ocllJtll:m. 3. AdmirtolO f(J prDclicel8vv In W,,:;cOr'l'~in. 4. At;lmh:red to pr(lcr/CIt IBIN irI NO!"fh D[lkOUI. o. Af;lm/'r~d to pI"Qc.ri~1t /61W In SOuth DDkortl. 8. ShDrt;Jyrn@ Cot,.!l'lty E)(l!Jrninlilf of Tit/.so. .- - Julie Eddington April 14, 2005 Page 2 . entire Note called due upon notice by the EDA. / 4. Section 7 contains a paragraph which states that the EDA shall have.;W:g right to any proceeds relating to taking of any part of the property. We feel this is a very extreme provision and we request that it be removed. - ~ ~-'- r ,~.-- We note that under the Guaranty, the EDA has the right to seek damages or 's; ,,"0 \ ~ ~ payment from either Tapper's Holdings, or from Mr. Bill Tapper and his wife, 1]::' ~,.., Barbara, personally, the discretion of the EDA. We request that this provision, be { -L.., '\ amended so that the EDA first look for repayment from Tapper's Holding, LLC a ~tJ'I, \~'}!( then to the Tappers, personally, in the event that the LLC does not make timely V\It '.J ~ C\ repayment. /'iLu.)'PI.3-V 5. 6. For the purpose of clarity, we would like to point out that there are couple of grammatical errors and some misnumbering through out the documents, spccifically Section 6(b) in the Loan Agreement, which refers to a Section 3.4(c) which is not in V existence, and the Mortgage, which refers to a Section 19 which also does not exist. 7. We would also like you to be aware of the fact that Tapper's Holdings, LLC will ./ need to obtain a consent from Stearns Bank for the additional encumbrance and \..0""'" contractual obligations on the property. We will inform you once we have secured such consent. We would appreciate receiving revised copies of the EDA loan documents at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or comments regarding our requested changes, please contact Mike Noonan or me. Sincerely, RINKE-NOONAN By~'~~ ~ St~lrue L. Brown SLBIkrp cc: Bill Tappcr (Sent Via Email: billt@westlunddistributing.comandU.S.Mail) FApri114. 2005,C2001 04 I' F:\DATAI1860SI002ILetter Julie Eddington 04 14 2005,wpd krp Message Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak . From: Eddington, Julie A [JEddington@Kennedy~Graven.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 20057:22 PM To: Stefanie Brown Cc: Ollie Koropchak Subject: Monticello EDA/Tapper's Holdings, LLC Loan Documents Stefanie and Ollie, Attached please find clean and black-lined versions ofthe Loan Agreement. I have also included a clean copy of the Mortgage. No changes were made to the Promissory Note or the Guaranty. In answer to your request for an estimate of legal fees, I estimate all legal fees related to this matter will be less than $1,500. "<q~~. ~ Ollie, please note that the Tappers' plan on receiving additional financing from the Stearns Bank for the expansion. As we discussed, the EDA plans on closing its loan at the same time the Tappers' receive this additional financing. I have included the additional financing from Stearns Bank as a prior lien in Section 17 of the Mortgage. Please review and let me know if there are any additional comments. r will be back in the oUice on Monday, April 25. . Julie Eddington Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U. S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone 612-337-9213 Fax 612-337-9310 j E::dd it)gjon@kE::nnedy-graven.com . 4/20/2005 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. ..... (a) The Loan proceeds shall be paid to Borrower on other date as the parties hereto agree ("Loan Closing Date"). , 2005 or such - (b) The following cvcnts shall be conditions prcccdent to the payment of the Loan proceeds to Borrower on the Loan Closing Date: (i) Borrower having executed and delivered to EDA, prior to the Loan Closing Date and without expense to EDA, executed copies of this Agreement and the Note, and Borrower further having caused to be cxecuted and delivered to EDA a guaranty in substantially the form set forth hereto at Exhibit C (the "(-' t ") .Juarany ; (ii) Borrower having provided evidence satisfactory to EDA that Horrower has established a separate accounting system for the exclusive purposc of recording the rcceipt and expenditure of the Loan proceeds; (iii) Borrower having paid $200 to EDA as a loan origination fee; . (iv) Borrower having paid to EDA the full amount of the legal fees incurred by EDA in the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and any other agreement or instrument securing the Loan (and EDA shall nrovide to Borrower an invoice for such lel!al fees nromntIv UDon receint); (v) Borrower having provided evidence satisfactory to EDA that Borrower has obtained adequate financing to complete all activities related to Borrower's undertakings on the Property; (vi) Borrower having obtained a building permit for construction of a 25,000 square foot expansion to the existing distribution facility on the Property; and (vii) Borrower having submitted an executed lease agreement between Borrower and Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation ("Tenant") for a portion of the Property with a term of not less than five (5) years. 4. Representations and Warranties. Borrower represents and warrants to EDA that: (a) Borrower is duly authorized and empowered to execute and dcliverthis Agreement, perform all obligations hereunder, and to borrow money from EDA. . (b) The cxecution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance by Borrower of its obligations hereunder, do not and will not violate or conflict with any provision of law and do not and will not violatc or conf1ict with, or cause any default or event of dcfault to occur under, any agreement binding upon Borrower. 258817(JAE) MN325-18 2 . (iv) If the goals described in clause (iii) are not met, such failure shall constitute an Event of Default on the part of Borrower. (v) The subsidy is needed to induce Borrower to continue its business at this site, induce Tenant to relocate its operations to this site, and to mitigate the cost of the Project. (vi) Borrower does not have a parent corporation. (vii) In addition to the Loan, Borrower expects to receive a note issued by the I-lousing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello in the estimated amount of up to $] 00,000 to be funded by tax increment financing. This note will also constitute a business subsidy under the Business Subsidy Act. The Ilousing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and Borrower will enter into a separate business subsidy agreement related to the note. (viii) The fair market value of the subsidy provided to Borrower is $200,000, the principal amount of the Loan. (b) Job and Wage Goals. Within two years after substantial completion of the Project (the "Compliance Date"), Tenant shall cause to be created at least 40 full-time equivalent jobs on the Property and shall cause the wages for all employees on the Property to be no less than amounts shown in the table below, exclusive of benefits. . Full- Time Equivalent Jobs Hourlv Wage 8 $12.00 5 $14.00 5 $16.00 2 $18.00 3 $20.00 17 $22.00 Jobs created by Borrower or other tenants within the Project will count toward the requirements of this Section. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Compliance Date, those goals are deemcd satisfied despite Borrower's continuing obligations under Sections 6(a)(iii) and 3.1fi(c). The EOA may, after a public hearing, extcnd the Compliance Date by up to one year, providcd that nothing in this section will bc construed to limit the EDA' s legislativc discretion regarding this mattcr. . (c) Reports. Borrower must submit to the EDA a written report rcgarding business subsidy goals and results by no later than March 1 of each year, commcncing March 1, 2006 and continuing until thc later of (i) the date the goals stated Scction 6(a)(iii) are met; or (ii) if the goals are not mct, the date the Loan is repaid in full. The report must wmply with Section 116.T.994, Subdivision 7 of thc Business Subsidy Act. The EDA will provide information to Borrower regarding thc requircd forms. If Borrower fails to timely file any report required under this Section, the EDA will mail Borrower a warning within one week after the required filing 258817(JAF) MN325-IX 5 ~ interest rate on the Note and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from EDA to Borrower requesting payment. ...... 6. INSPECTION. EDA or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. 7. CONDEMNATION. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in eonnection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to EDA. In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and EDA otherwise agree in writing, if any, the sums secured by this Mortgagc shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and EDA othcrwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage whether or not the sums are then due. . EDA acknowledrrcs this Mortrral!e is subordinate to the licns soccificallv referred to in Section 17 hercof, 8. FORBEARANCE BY EDA NOT A WAIVER. Any forbearance by EDA in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 9. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. The covenants and agreements of this Mortgage shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of EDA and Borrower. 10. LOAN CHARGES. If the loan secured by this Mortgage is or becomes subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed the permitted I imits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. EDA may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduees principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment under the Note. . 11. NOTICES. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering it personally or by mailing it by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. The notice shall be directed to Borrower at 3935 Walden Lane, 258817(JAE) MN325-18 A-3 a - acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Mortgage. The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower by which the default must be cured, provided, however, if Borrower is diligently pursuing a cure, Borrower shall have such additional time as is reasonably necessary to complete the cure; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speci1ied in the notice, EOA at its option may require immediate payment in full of any sums secured by this Mortgage without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by law. EDA shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 15, including, but not limited to, reasonablc attorneys fees. If FDA invokes the power of sale, EDA shall cause a copy of a notice of sale to be served upon any person in possession of the Propcrty. EDA shall publish a notice of sale, and thc Property shall be sold at public auction in the manner prcscribed by law. EDA or its designcc may purchase thc Property at any sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in thc following order: (a) to all expenses of thc sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Mortgage; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitlcd to it. 16. RELEASE OF MORTGAGE. Upon paymcnt of all sums secured by this Mortgage, EOA shall discharge this Mortgage without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay . any recordation costs. 17. PRIOR LIENS. EDA acknowledQ:es this Mortl!aQ:e is subordinate to nreviouslv recordcd liens on the Pronertv. includinl! the followin!!: (a) MortQ:aQ:e in the amount of $3.248.0QO for the benefit of Stearns Bank National Association. recorded in Wril!ht County on November 16.2004. Document No. A 935560: (b) Mort!!al!e in the amount of $162.000 for the benefit of Stearns Bank National Association. recorded in Wrirrht County on N ovemberl6. 2004. Document No. A 935561: and ( c) Mortrral!e in the amount of $ for the benefit of Stearns Bank National Association. recorded in WriQ:ht County on .2005. Document No. . 258817(JAE) MN325-18 A-5 Monticello Business Center - The Council accepted the Feasibility Study, held a public hearing, ordered the project, approved plans and specs, and authorized advertisement for bids. Bids are to be received on May 6, 2005, for beginning construction May 23, 2005 and substantial completion November 2005. (Chelsea Road extension [90 Street to CSAH 39], School Blvd [Chelsea to 1,330 feet south] and northwest lift station and force main, utilities, and appurtenant work. ) Marketing Committee - Registcrcd for the Twin Cities Advanced Productivity Exposition by the Socicty of Manufacturing Engineers at the Minneapolis Convention Center, May 3-5,2005. Signed Contract for billboard rental along 1-94 between Rogers and Maple Grove beginning July through November, 2005. Website: www.MonticclloLand.com Maps: Location, access and concept of Business Center in draft form. Brochure inserts updated and about ready for print. Mailed 75 gratis invitations for the Chamber Golf Outing, May 19, purchased beverage cart, and will insert granola bars with labels advertising Business Center in Chamber give-away bag. Next Expo in November is for medical industry. Yet to do radio talk shows, metro area golf advcrtising, and erect sign along freeway as infrastructure construction begins. A VR site location - Mayor Herbst and Council member Posusta continue to meet with A VR to assist in finding an alternative relocation site. Would do temporary site if permanent site available near proposed 1-94 and Orchard Road interchange. City working with Xccl to site an interchange loeation aeeeptable to both the City and Xecl (seeurity). Dahlheimer Distributing - In conversation with Greg Dahlheimcr, thcy have a purehasc agreement to purchase approximately 40 acres in Big Lake Township at the corner of County Road 11 and Highway 25. Some things to still work out. Monticello made them an offer on land for $.95 per acre with no assessments (6 acres) and $1.58 per acres for additional 3 acres. E) Goal setting and Team Building Meeting - The Council and City Administration staff met on Saturday, April 16, for 5.5 hours to set goals led by an outside consultant. For your information, one of the goals of the Council is to research the potential to combine or merge the HRA and the EDA. F) Wage and Job Reports to the State of Minnesota - GWJ, Inc, Tapper's, UMC, WSI, and TCDC (City/Federal dollars) satisfied their job and wage commitments. UMC and WSI both exceeded their commitments. See attached. G) April II, the Council authorized to procecd in exploring fiber optic service options for the City of Montieello as a marketing tool for the industrial park and step-up housing.. Next step to bring a consultant or experienced community to cducatc the Council and self on provider options. I DC recommended the Council move ahead after a prcsentation by Council Member Mayer following attending a MN FiberFirst Conference. H) April 11, Council withheld authorizing public improvements for Block 35 parking lot. . B) C) . D) . EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 9. Executive Director's Report. A) . . . I) J) K) L) M) EDA Agenda - 04/26/05 Mayor Herbst intcrcstcd in procecding with redevelopment of the four blocks at the intersection of Ilwy. 25 and Broadway. Fluth continucs to slowly move forward on Landmark Square II. Will have an update by developer on another potential downtown rcdevelopment. HRA approved their first Transformation Home Loan. Total of nine inquiries, two more with possibilities. Response from Medtronic's. They checked this area for new satellite campus but found thc demographic was not right. Will request their targeted demographics. Rainbow Enterprise expanding this year. IRTI plan to construct a small metal structure for storage of materials. Companies yet to visit: Bondhus, Walbord, and one lead. 2 03/31/05 THU 16:44 FAX 7632715249 UMC, INC. 141002 ~';. UMC Incorporated Employment Da 'F Actual 3/31/2005 Actual Job Job'" Job'"'" Jobs Jobs Jobs Waae Ranae Retention Creation Creation As of 3/31/2005 Retained Created $10.00 $11.99 2 1 2 2 0 $12.00 $13.99 5 2 2 6 5 1 $14.00 $15.99 6 4 3 11 6 5 $16.00 $17.99 12 4 6 15 12 3 $18.00 $19.99 8 4 17 21 8 13 $20.00 $21.99 17 4 20 17 3 $22.00 20 1 2 44 20 24 TOTALS 70 20 30 119 70 49 ... Job Creation Goals from HRA Agreement ......Job Creation Goals from MIF application . . wc;,~ l 3;~(~ 1':(~J'-';;:;;:-ll-'~)I'liI~~,'II('\~(J-I-0'~\'agc ~(II~g()ri",;,iO;ltcHlc the ntDllher () I adu;d ,i()hs.crealcd >Indi()r rCl>lilled ~"ICC the h~llelil dMe and lhe adll:tI h()urly valuc ()I' any cmpIO\~r-pl'Ovided heallh insurancc t'tll'lhose ,inbs, U!lJiJ' /I'IIliciI!(')o!! CI'C(II;m In/i,ll-lim(' ('lfllil',,/cn/," il\'o/I (II'I' 1I1111h/(' 10 SC/Ji/l"llIcjO!! 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During the pcriod J:II1UlU'y I. 2004'thl'Ough I)eccmlx;r 31, 2004. did your lIrgllnizationlwve an)' re<:ipicnts who 1:lilcd lO 11.:p("l as required by Minn, Slat. ~ II (J.I,')<)3 and ~116J_9()4? (Mork 011(',) DYes (lnt.!II.'(lle I!!I' I1W11(' nf'l'lIch recipil'l7t/ili/il1.\; 10 rC/J(JI'Il/lId Ih~ \'l1//l1' of'suh,l'idy orjinl/ncilllllssi,I'wl1ce IIwl/rded IIJ 111"1 r~cipienl, ,11{(tch addilionl// pages if'l1cccsmn',) TYIK or subsidy or assiSlallce (Sce ()!I~sllons ;:.1 '" 25,) Value lIl' subsidy or "ssistanc~ Namc or rccipienl o No ~- ~ . -. 34, lJid YOUI' organizalion have anv rcciplcnts who rnilcd to achieve any gmils or I'ulllll any other obligatl(JJ1s under ,111 agl'~"melll signed on or ,llkr .I nnllury I. 2(X14, that wer~ required to be rullillcd by the lime or this l'eport'1 (A/({I'k line,) [] Yes (( '1JII1p/CIC ,he I'ell/ainder of'lhis sectio!/.) [J No (Slop hcre ,U1d SlIbmit1()n11to DEED) For qLl~stiol1s 35-39: !'rovid<: the following inronl1alion 1'01' each recipienl rniling to rulllll goals or ,my other terms 01"<.111 agreemel1tlhlll \\'CI-C to be attained by the tine ol'reportino., (Alweh "ddiliot1l1/ !JI1,f!,~S i/nec~.Isill'l'.) 'l 135' Inl()rnl<Itiol1 Oil recipient and ,lgreemcnt: Name 01" recipient in d<:l:llIlt Inilial value or subSidy or assiswn~c Type or subsidy or ussislan~~ City/lip "ode or r~cipicn( Strcel address or n;eipienl Outstandillg valllc Ill' subsiuy ur a~sistallc<,: 3(" R~,.lson(s) ((Jr ddaull (AI(lrk II//Ihl/l IIfJfJl\,): o recipi~nt ceased opel'Cllioll o re"ipielll relo<:ald to a dilh:rellt conll11llI\ily U rccipicnl \Vas un,.\hlc 101111 vacalll positions [] other L)/}('c!/1' /'ellson) ___=,_1 M 11111"::0\" 1 1 11:-: i""::' 1\,,:;i::I:\I\(:C: ['orm (112/0 [/o:i 1 Jl4.lg~' .1 or ') I )cpl. Ill" J':mplnvlrwll\ :ultll.,l'(l)){}1l11(" I hwd(\pIlH~nl