Police Advisory Commission Agenda 05-17-2000 . . , AGENDA REGULAR MFETI'IG - MOI\TlCELLO POLICE COJ\IMISSION Wcdncsda}',:VIa}'17,20UO-7p.m. :\kmbcrs: Liz Dcs\larais, David Gerads. Brian Sll1mpl: Flrad Fylc, Dick Slais L Call to Order " Review or current hours of coverage and I'ecommendation~ li)T 200] budget year. J. Update on any additional ,peed limit slll{Jie~ completed along Last County Road 39. 4. Update on traffic speed concerns along East Broadway. 5 Addil;onalagendadiscussionitcms? A. Sheriff Don Hozcmpa's Retirement. B. OlherlLcms? 6. Approve minutes of'Decemher I. 1999 Police Commission meeting. 7. Adjourn . . . P()]ic~ Commission Ag~nda- 5/]7/()() 2. Review of(urrent hours ofcovcral!"cand rccommcndationsfflx20 01 budl!et. A. RJ:;IIl:RI::NCE AJ\D BACKGROt:ND: As you may recall, the Police Commission h<lu recommended that the City Council cOllsidcr adding an additional 4 hours per day or 1,040 hours annu ally to the police contract for the year 2000. In ]999, theCityhadpr~vl()llslyincrea"cd lhccOtltract hours by four hours a day and the Commission members along '''lith the Sherilf Department represenlalives felt 111at w keep tl1c lcvcl of service at a reasonable re spOll.,;et;me,ll1e Cll}' shnuldcon~idcrincrcasing the hours by anOlher four hours per day_ AsparlOrOlH blldgel r~ducli()n ro~ili0n, the COlmeil chose not to increase the coverage Ullhi~ time 1,)[ Iheyear~()()Oand left the eontract the same at 28 hour, per day ora t(mll orl0,fi3fi hnu[~ annually_ The original illlent ofinereasing the hours by another four hours per day was to evenlLllllly add enough hOlLrs to equal two full-time patrolmenor481lOllfs per day mverage in the future. While there wasn't a set time period when we may need lhe eqUlvalent of two patrolmen on duty throughout the day, it would depend on how ra~tthe CIty grew not only in populatioll bm also in land are,1. The lime ilt()ok 1,)[ an ollieerto respond to a service call becomes the important trigger to ddermine when our level of servic~ b~gins to sutTer and when 3n increase in coverage mIght be warranted. With th~ City b~ginning preparations for working On the 200 I Imdgd in th~ nat few months, th~ Police Commission m~mbers might want to rev,ew with the Sheriff D~partmcnt r~pr~s~ntativ~s how the level of ,ervice is CClTremly being maintain~d and whether the Commission \VaJlts to make a recommendillion Ii,,- the City Council to consider as far as contract leveJ of service fO[nexl yeilL The lotal eontraet costs for ycar2000 is $406.827 at S38.25/perhOllL Ollfcontract with the County indicates that the rate per hOllf will rise to $40/perhOllr lilT the yeat2001 which\'v"ouldthenmakeour contr3cl$425.440. lfweug<lllltnedloaddfollrhourspcrdaytothe,cheduledcovemge, we could get by with adding only J.040hollr,byalsoll~ingtheadditionaI416hour, th~ department now has available for llse at their discrellOn and this would acid about $41,6()Oto the 2001 contract. It is assumed that tlle C'oll11ly wOllld he agreeablc to adding hout~ or coverage hut it is something "ve can discuss with the Sheril], Departmcnt represenlativesWcdncsdaynighr. B. ALTF.RJ\ATlVEACTIO'lS: 1. Commissiollmembers ~ould make a recommendation on the hours of eover~ge thatsholljdbeincJlldedintheprelimillaryhlldgetl;-'rycar~()OI. - DonUndel1 Chief Depuly Dave Miller, Captain Operations Gary Torfin, Captain Jail Administralor GARY L MILLER SHERIFF .,)~TY 0..,. oc~_ , . 'Wi ~ ~ . . C .., .' WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1alSiS 10 2nd St NW, RM 170 Buflalo, Minnesota55313-1197 '_800_362_3667 Non'Emergenoy Administration Records Civil Warrants Investigation Jail Admin. 682.1162 682-7620 652.7622 682-7645 682-768.6 652.7630 662-7662 ST. MICHAEL LAW ENI<'ORCKVlENT CO!'lTRACT Prepared August 9, 2000 1998 1999 2000 Calls lor service Calls for service Calls f(lr service (as of 8-8-00) 2324 2945 Est.3456 . Estimate<.! population 9500 Increasmg at 2.6 per~"ns/single I';!mily building permit Contractcnstsforyear2000: Contract costs for}'car 2001: 24hrsldayx 366 days = 87R4hrs 81R4@$38.25 Total cllsl S335,988/9500 pop. per eapim cost 0('$35.37 24hrsldayx365=87tiOhrs 87tiO@S40.00 rotal c(l~t $ 350,400110000 pop. T'er capita cost of$35.08 Costeompariso"~ by cit~' City Pop.(1<J99) 2000 La,yFnl" BlldQct CnstpcrCanila CFS Hrs/day Bun,,]n 9950 $1,005,601.00 $101.07 8889 24 Almandale 2496 $281,667.00 $112.85 1645 20 Howard Lake 1770 $181,410.00 $102.49 1016 20 Ratio of sworn officersfpopulution . Rural Suburban Urban 1.3 per 1000 pop. 1.6perlUOOpop. 17 per 1000 pop SL Michael'~ complex environment would require approI'. 16 sworn omcer's for il'~ own department. Salar)-'+bcncfits CaJ, $40,000 =S640,000, plus cquip- mentandofficeiclencalcosb. r / r-~ " CITY OF COKA TO ~ \ I To: Police Advison Commission/Council Members From: Don Levens: City Administrator ~ Re: Cons. Review of Law Enforcement Patrol Hours for 1999/2000 (cost comnarisons) .Back2.mund As J.I\ extension of earlier discussions regarding existing law enforcement ie. patrol hOl.!fS/budgets, I have provided a general comparison of services with costs for adjoining ci tieswithindependentpoIice departments. ~ City/Population 1998 Budget 1999 Budget 2000 Budget Officers Lester Prairie ..1J..239) ]Dhoursperday Silver Lake , (802) ..llOhoursperday , Howard Lake ,(1,720) 20 hours per cLJ.y Dassel (1,132) 10 hours per day Annandale (2,425) 20 hours per day Win5ted (2,000) 19 hOlliS per day $111,954 $127,438 ~l~ $129,875 2(FT) I(PT) $88,202 $101,060 A-iU,oo f'--'-\~. $179,957 $110""_,,,'3 ~W-r~ $102,960 1090,<;",' f.......-'~ $107,856 2 (FT) $160,000 S130,465 $118.,;';'<; $248,000 $291,000 $179,197 3(FT) $ ,"-0,00 p-.-,~", $174,944 $221,275 _'1,\ I'O,G~ $114,012 100,'-:;). 2 (FT)3(PT) $278,000 4(FT) 5 (PT) $218.300 3(l'T) 3 (PT) F'''''''' I Cok:uo $103,800 $134,138 $167,994 C.500) (8:lfS, per day) (lOhrs.perday) (12hrsperday) .1 SoecialFeatures'Tssues J\')-<',-'(;1 J\.:;,.'").?, Do not inciude Qr wilect other costs lor insurance. arrests ie, down time. court hearing, investigation. 'egaj .::>ersollnel adminislration (iob des~riptio[]siterminalion matte,s) plus comparable worK and lurn DVer lilr 1 smalldepartmems. Contract/Wrig.~: County ~- 255 Broaawav,,"venuB Sout~ . F,e, Box: D3D . CCKato, MN ~~32. . 320-286-5505 . . . PoliceCornmissionAgenda-S/17/()() 3. lJodntcon anv 'fl"cd studies comlllctcd al""l!: F.ast County Road 39. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU1'W: 1 ,u~l yellr the Sheritrs Department w~s asked to conduct a tTame ~llldy along Easl County Road 39 because of concerns l'aised by residents in the area on crume vO]Llme~ ~lldthespeedoftraffic. The equipment that \vas used emlier last yearby lhe Sherin", Department wasn'l functioning pl'Opcrly and the department was only able to gd ,I vehicle count. not a recol'ding of speed limits or types ofvehiclest raveJing the road. Last fall thc Sheriffs Ucpartmcnt againcOllductcd a new study and the statistical data from that study s.:cmcd to indicate that up to 20% of the vchicles were exceeding 55 mph in the arca. ChicfJ)cpUly Uon Lindell also nOled that the depllties who patrol this area did not fecl that speeding\vas neeessarilya problcm bllt the eqllipm cntindicatedthat many vehicJes do exceed the posted speed limit. Since many of the Commission members were not able to attend our last meeting:, I have enclosed acopy of the statistical results from that study that the Sheriff, Department representatives will be able to rcview with the Commission members ilt Ol1r n~xt m~eting, The jnfon-nation by itself is hard to undersmnd withont explanation" bill po~~ibly Chi~f Deputy Lindell may have additional information on any other slUdi~~ thut may have be~n completed sincc our last mecling. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Stali~lical Data copy Scplemheri.:,oon MONTiCEllO Allison and Jesse Sirovy 4803 PebblcbrookDri,e Monticdlo. J\IN 5536::' Re: School Boulev'lrd Sp"etl Study DeJr All1son and Jesse: [received"- copY' 0["- knee YQH wrok to leilO-Nell] oLLlllrlint; yom concerns On Ill" iped ,1mJ( II1:lt C1.I1Tenlly "~l';l~ alon", School BCllkyard. Your k.le:- ]"'led '11m ,,,,idenls along the School BOllkYJl'd neLghborho"J feel Thm..5 miks ;:>er hour 10 "" eXC"SSln' ;pccd limH li)r lhlS mea and lhm a lower speeJ ];ll1ll.,hOtLIJ be lnw~tig,lteJ_ I hope the fi,llowil1g provides you witll ;;ome background 011 how the speed ]imit""Jsarrivedall()rl.h]s~rea . \Vith ;he compktion c)[Sclwoll3oukvnrd from IUghw,,-: 25 "asterly Il) CmLl1ty Road liS III 1995. cOlKernswereexpl'csscdbvthcschQolsuperintenJentregarJingtheamoLLnlClndspccdottrJllicon S~h..'ol B"LLlevllrJ Henr the elementary school. The rvl()l1ticello Police Commission W'JS JskeJ to reVlew the tratlic patterns in :ilis ar~a and solit;tted the heip O~'lhe W,-,ght COULlty ShentTs Dcpal1mcll1 wildl did ,111 11l-1101l;;e ll'affk 5Ul'\."~y along SdlOol B<Julevard. TheLr r"new (lfth" SltLLmion indicmed th"t Jltilol~gh dnvers Jppear~d;o be ~xacising c<lution along School BuulevarJ ne"r [he schools. ther~ \ns ~llncern that" Jungerous situmi"n eCtu]d OCClll" l1e'" the bal11ields \vh~n whj~lc, w~re pm\,;ed al''''g Silk OCSd1001 BoulevJ.rd und bul] gumes were in progress The SherdT, Department r~commendeJ Clnd th~ PoILc~ COrnmlSSllJL1 .;upporteJ the re~oL11me11Jatilln to (he City CO\ln,j] thJt School B'Allevard ha\-e a ~3 mph sped limit and [hUllhe ared adjacent to sdmol prop~ny b~ rduc~d to 25 I11ph \\-h~n cl1ildr~n \vcre pr~s~ll1. Ba,,~J 011 ,hLS r~comm~ndmion. the City CotLn~:1 paSSedOl reso]ution and r"Guesl~d that th~ \hnne.,olJ [kpartment 0;- T r"nsr:ortJtion conduct J speed study alon~ SCh'M] Boule, ard to dd~rmin~ the Jppr()pn~[e ,p~~d limit. rile CQllc~rns olth~ Police COl'll11lSo111l1 ClOd lil~ Wnght Count' SlwritTs [kpunl11ent ,,~re ('l1[\\Jrded to the MnDOT ,-,fti"uls w ",aluate during [heir ,tud, In [h~ l":ill at' IlJ96. \-1nDOT c'ompl~td thdr tr:lftI~ stud,- and Jd"rminnl that tk appropriate' sp~d limit lor thIS majur colkclur '-O\Lle be eswb]ioil~d at 45 mpil. Th~ pnmHry- '-COlson "ily th~ sped ,imit w~s not I,-",er thiln 45 mph """ du~ to th~ t:1C; tlut lung str~(~h~i O"ScllllOI BC-'llk'-ard e\iSled ,,-ithout dr~w\\"uy-, llired, "nter:ng the' wad. :Iu:s alh1"ing tl)rthc 43 mph sp~~J llOlil . R"gulati'lLlS ~IlLJ\\ lu",tl.lUfL'dj"liDn, LO I()\\~r ;;p~cd ]imits "djJ~~:lllc> s~huol ,Jr.-,pertie,; 11) pl~Kltlg ,igno [ha( iJldi~,'k J lower sp"ed hL1111 Whell cllLldr~;l ar~ pr~s~I;(. which i., wh~t th~ Cily COLLncLi uuthonzeJ Ml'O,i,du City Helll. 5D5 W"lc.'" 5""". Sui1e I MI)(l1icollo. .vtN 5536:'.88) l . (63) :'95-17l1' r"" ,7~3) 295.+l04 OlfLCO or P"bli, Wurk>. 9[~) G,\II"C()u"e Rd_. MOIUL,dlo. MN 5536::. <76J) 195-) L'O' Fox; 176}) !71_J:,n AllisonandJesseSiro\y September 7,2000 Page Two . \Vhile ! lmderstand the neighborhood's concems over the umount oftl'affic and speed of the vehicles, the esmblishment ofth" "peed limit is ~ontrolled hy the Ivlinnesom D~partment of Transportation becau,;e 01'- its Slate aid status. The esmbhshmem of pathways and sidewalks along School Boulevard was int~nded to provide a safe area for p~d~strian traffic from the neighborhoods. Y Ollr concerns will be forwarded to the Police Commission as an informational item. but is unlikdy that an additional spe~d study would be conducted by JlilnDOT since it;s only 11 few years since the last >tlldy was completed. Because of how thc road is desif!n"d with limiled dnvewav accesses b\ both commerc;al and residemial properties. - .. lhe standards \l5~d by 'vlnDOT 10 estahl;sh specd limits would unlikely reolllt in any changes to the 45mph.evenifancwstlldywasauthoriz~d. Sincerely_ CITY OF MONTICELLO ~,,~~ City Administmtor RW/dg cee MnOOT Speed Limil Alllhorlza[;Ol1 File . . . . . August 16, 2000 JeffO'Neil1 City Administrator Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 DearMr. O'Neill, We believe the speed limit of School Boulevard is too fast at 45 mph for several reasons and would like to see it substantially lowered. First of all, it runs through a residential neighborhood. Adults and children alike work and play in their backyards that connect with School Boulevard. Secondly, a walking path runs adjacent to School Boulevard. Young children, teenagers, and adults frequently use this path. With people that close to the road, it is dangerous to have cars going by at 45 mph (or sometimes at even greater speeds). Also, three schools are located on Schoof Boulevard (hence the name). Elementary school kids play along the road, and the high school kids use the road for sports practices. Baseball and soccer games are also played along the boulevard. When the games and practices are held, cars line the street, and It is difficult to spot people (especially kids) by the cars with people driving by at 45 mph. Finally, School Boulevard should not be the route of choice for people trying to get to County Road 25 from County Road 18 and vice versa. Chelsea Road should be used for that. Chelsea Avenue runs through a commercial area and has a speed limit of 35 mph. School Boulevard has a speed limit of 45 mph. Something is wrong with that. School Boulevard's speed limit should be lowered to30mph. Enclosed you will frnd a few signatures of Monticello residents who would like to see the speed limit on School Boulevard lowered also. Every house we went to in our neighborhood strongly believed the speed limit should be lowered, and they said they had neighbors who wanted it reduced, too. We have also enclosed a little story about what can happen when people drive too fast when children are around. Thank you for your time, (tU,--- (0-0 ':),~, f'~ ,:; :.r-j Allison and Jesse Sirovy - 4803 Pebblebrook Drive Monticello, Minnesota (763)295-2646 i01~~~D'#~ n ~11 'F _6 2000 U Wright County Sheriff Safe Communities of W.c. 1999Dala Locmion 'Co. Rd. 39 E""tofMonticello Weather : Mostlyd.ar ator : [).E.Com ton for Monda' 9/13/1999 Vo'iiiii" , 'AM. :rM. ~ ~ Site: 99091303910 Direction: WB "",,, '"' """ SpeedStati.tic, MPH BloTolals %ofTotals Avg.Speed 49,77MPH %lleSpeeds 42,4MPH 44.4MPH 50.3MPH 56.6MPH 58.2MPH lOMPlIPac. ''''' Nllmber in pac. %inpace 45-55 ;M 63.2 SpeedExc.eded Percenlage. roml'l _.Statiotic, flinTolal. % of Totals 83.6 en 20.3 '" "' , 9 782 235 6 0,974.; 22.4 D.6 , ", , "' " , 0,0 0.6 , "' " O,{I " "" , , 11.0 0.0 Gap Statistic. IS..ol Bin Toml. % of To I. I. 132 103 88 50 20.01('113.a 7& " '.9 '" " 31 24 4.~ 3.8 " 3,] " " " " 13 76 2.0 I\.9 Sen,or rotalllits PercentU""d ErrOJ"Stalistlco AvgAxl..PorVehid. A vg Two A~k Wheelba"" 2.03 9.51\. . [).laFil.: C39E-R-7 Print"'-':91l7199 Page: 1 Wright County Sheriff Safe COO1munilie<lofW.C 1999 Oat. Lo<:auon : Co, Rd. 39 East of MOIl Ii cello Site: 990913039E Wealher : MosilycleOl e: :D.E.Compton Direction' WB Tue>day 9114/1999 Vehicle COIInt Stati.tic, ~ ~'l ~ lAM . . 05:30 I m w 0.85 0,72 J Spe.dStatistl.. MrH Bin Tol.ls %ofTotal, Avg.Speed I 50.17MPH %ileSpccds 10MPHPace 'p<OO I 45-55 Number in pace 1,312 %inpace , 63.8 SpredExcccded Percentage "" 21.lI " Totals I 1,744 '" " _Statistics Bin Tomls .;; 1,,\32 '" " n , " , , " " " " %ofTot"ls I " 74,6 '" tlA " 1).1 0.0 "' "' "0 "0 1),11 "" GapStati,ti.. ISees] l3inTotals '" ;e, m ,n M n " " n M " n ,., %ofT0101, 1- IK5 159 ~,7 ,. .., ,,7 " ;e " " " " 143 E,rrorStlIti.ti.. Sen.or Totallclils Perc<mIUsed A~g A~l.. Per Vehicle A~g Two A~le Wheelbase 2.04 9.5 ~. . Primed: 9/17/99 Page: 2 Dat.File: C39E-R-7 Wright County Sheriff SafeCommuo;tiesofW.C. 1999 Data Sile: 990913039E Localion : Co. Rd. 39 East of Monticello Weather : Mo'llycleaf "'Ior : D.E.Compton ,-for Wednesday 9115.11999 VellicleCClUlltStarlstic~ I ~ AM. Dire<.1;on:WB ""It'M. '" 0.74 SpeedStaristic.' M'" HinToIab % of Totals Avg.Speed r 50.54MPl1 %lleSprods 4UMPH 5LOMPH 57.5MPH 58.9MPH lOMPHPace I Speed Number in pace I %lopaee 45-55 1,342 61.4 Speedbcreded perwntoge Total'l wstatistios llinTotal'l %ofTOIals 26 1,5~O 503 16 66 11 1 13 4 1.27\152,1.(J 1).1 3,0 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.2 ; "' " " " 0,0 n,o 0.0 GapSlatistiCll ISeesl Bin TOla;s % of Total, 1.9 Sensor TOlalHlts PercelltUsed ~IIO'494lO'948 90.0 860 ErrorStati.tios A"g A.les Per Vehicle Avg Two Axle Wheelbase 2,05 9.6 ft. . DataFile: CJ9E-R-7 Prioted:9117199 Page' 3 L"""l;on : CO. Rd. 39 EaslofMonlicello Weather : Mostlyc\ear _t"'---TQ",:D-E'I~Pt"7;.,,,-- .. "'PH MP!I J1'AM--4-0-~ OLOO j D ~ 02:00 , " " 03".' 3 " 0 flHlO 15 0 ~ 05:00 6' " " "6:0<) 114 0 0 07:00 11\ " " 08:00 93 U G oH'O 70 G 0 \0:00 8J " " !L:on 7'! 0 0 12cP>.t 91 ~ G 0100 97 " " ~J'"'' ]25 0 0 0',00 172 ~ G 04:('1) 186 U " ~5'"'' 2m 0 0 o.s,OO 16& " " on.' 94 U G O~JI<J 66 G 0 M,OG 55 0 " 10:00 20 ~ U 0"00 n 0 Q [1";11 2,O~4 0 (l r"",ls -~ ofT",.1 00 "_I,S]l"Old, WMPHPac<Spe<<I Numb<;mpll" %;npa<c 10";" 42.8 Sl""'h<>l:old<<l """"""'I!' Totols 4,-,,, 1)12 .M 45MPIl "' \,744 . DamFite: C39E-R-7 21)-'4 MPII " " . o " . , " . . o " . , " . o " " . . " . . " ., 0,", 15% 45.0 ~ "l.~ m lj-29 ""' 0- o . " . o " . . " o . , o . , o . . o " " o o , OJ, 50% 50,7 65MPU " " Wright COllnty Sberiff Safe Communit;es of W,c. I999Dota Direction: WE ",_3.4 "5_39 -40-44 'vIf'}l MPH MPH " " . " . , " . , . , , " 1 1 , , . ) 8 16 o 1 ;!' , , 14 . , . . , . o 3 W , , , . . . . , li o 6 15 o 2 17 o _, 29 o 4 1-7 , , , 1 4 10 . . , " , . " 0 I 10 61 239- " " 11.6 85% 57_0 9(1'% 58.6 P,iDtOO:9l20199 4J.4'! MPIl , , . , . '" " "' " " " " " " " " M " " " " " , , ,23 303 5"54 ~, , , o , , " ,15 " " " " " " ;; " "' " " " '" " " ; -b~9 J3.' , 55-59 M'" -0 , , , , , " 0; " " " " '" " n '" " " " ; , " , . on 15.4 OOM Me," " , , o , ; , , , , ; , o ; , . . ; ; . ; ; o , ., " Sit"' Date, 6j-{~"- MPI! . , o " , , " ; . " , , , , , , , . , , , " , " "' '0 99091303910 09/14199 7ii="99 A>-ll M," o 51 " " ~ .OJ . " o " o '" , " I lO " 5G . " G " , " o " , " " ,U , " , " " 5U . .. 2 51 . .. . " " .. , " , '" "' Page, WrightCountySberiff SafeCornmlUlitiesofW_C_ 1999 Data Location 'Co. Rd. 39 East ofMOlIticello Site: 990913039E Weather ,Mosllyc1ear Date: 09/15/99 ~t(Jf-----,--:_D-E.ComPtOll Direction: \VB r...t 1_14 t5.19 20-24 lj_29 3lf.-34- 35_39 40-44 4~50~54 55_59 - ",:<;<j 10-99 ^'. M1'H "'PH "'" MeII ~" - "'" MPtl MPtl M," ",PH ~" "'PH 12:AM , " , " , 0 0 , . . , , " , " Ot:oo . " 0 , , 0 , , . , , , " , M 02:00 , , 0 0 , " 0 , , , , , , 0 " ['-1:00 , , 0 0 " , 0 , , , , " , 0 " (}4:00 " " 0 , , 0 0 " . . , . , " " 05:00 " 0 , " , , , w " " , , 0 , M 06:00 OM 0 , " , 0 , " " ;0 '" , , 0 " 01:00 "0 0 , , , , , " " " M , , , " "S:OO '" , , 0 , , , " " " U , , , ", 09:00 '00 , " , , , , " ;; ., " , , , " m,,,, "' 0 , , " , , , " ;; " , , 0 5" 11:00 " , " , , , . " " " " " , " " 12:PM 115 " , 0 , , , " " ;; " , , , " "1:"0 '" , 0 0 , , . " 34 " " , , , '" OUHl '" , " " 0 0 . " " M '" , , , " OHHl '" 0 " , 0 0 , " M M '0 " , , " 04:00 '" " , 0 , " , " M "' '" " , 0 " 0_':"" on , 0 0 , " , " " " " , , 0 " 06:00 159 " " , , 0 , " M " " " , , " 07:0<> '" , , 0 , , . " M " " , , , " 08:GG " 0 , , , , , " " " w , , , M 09:00 "' " , 0 , , , W " " , . , 0 M '"''''' " , 0 , " 0 0 , " , 0 " 0 , M It:OO " , , , , 0 , . , , , , " 0 " Daily 2,1 ~-' (J'- , , , , " 'M M" ," m '" " , " '1'ot.l, -, "0 'J.G 00 00 "' n '" 29.) 32.2 '" " D.7 0.' ofToIa! ------ ----.--- ____n -- --- ~t'Speed, Hl"/o 15% 50% ." 9()'}. 43.2 45.1 51.0 57.6 59.0 lOMPlll'oceSpood 45__" Nom....i,p""" 1.J42 %iop"'" 61.5 S".,.rlExo=led "'"" 55MPU ...... f>eru<n",~, ~j.9 M' '" To",l. 1,~75 m n . Oat. File: C39E-R-7 Prinlcd:9120/99 Page: 2 Wright County Sheriff SafeCommunit;es ofW,C. ]999D.ta Site; 990913039E Location : Co, Rd. 39 E""IofMontioollo Weather ; Mostlyclear 9a!or ; ().E.Cornplon !!IIJ"o.i Monday 911311999 vro~:r, ;.. J. 1::1 Diroclioo:EB SpeedStotlsti"" MPH llinTot<lls %ofTot.l. OJ! "" "' (J.3 0,6 l.J "' 33,4 35.5 15(, '" 0.' 0.5 Avg.Speed 50.51 MPH %ileSpeeds IOMPHPace SPredl Number;npace %inpac. 45-55 ... 68.8 SpredExcceded P~'t'relllage Totals I CIStatisliCS llinTot<lls %ofTot<lls 89,7 1,297 20.8 om u '" ~ 5,596 5,872 I 90.0 80.0 1 1 1 1 1 GapStalistks [Se",,] Bin ToIals % of Totals 26.6 Erro.Stalislio. Sen,o. Total Hits PeroentUsed AvgAxlcsPerVcltid. AvgTwtlAx]eWheelbase 2.03 9.5 ft. . Data File: C39E-R-7 Ptint.d:9117!99 Page; WrlgbtCountySheriff SofeCommunltie,ofW.C. 1999 Data LocatiOl1 ,Co.Rd,39EastofMunlicello Site: 990913039E Weather : Mostlyclear _'alO< :D.E,Cornptcm Di,ectiOll; EB a for TlI<'5<lay 9li4li999 VeblclcCOOlItStati!<iits ~. ~ 07;00 'M . 04:30 m '" I 0.74 O.9~ SpeedStalistic.1 MPH Bin Total, , , , , " " ;M 743 '" m m '" , %01'1'01.1, "0 0.0 "' 0,1 " '" (,-9 31.3 33,2 201 " C, 0; Avg.Speed 50,93 MPH %ileSpccds 10MPH....ce Speed 45.55 ~umberinpace 1,529 %inpace 64.4 Sp..dr;,cceded Percentage Totals ,SSStati.tjo, Bin Total, %ofToIa1> GapStatisti~. [Sec.] Bin Total, 291 '" '" 'H eo M '" " " " " 191 % of 1'01"1. 21.6 12.7 107 U M ('.2 " 4.3 U ,; H 14.2 F.rrorStatistic. SeIlS"r Tolalllit. PerOOllIUsed AvgAxle, Per Vchiclc ;'" Avg 1'"", Axle Wheelba,e 9.5 ft. . OataFlle: C39E.R.7 Printed: 9117/99 Page, 2 Wril!:ht County SherilT Safe Communities ofW.C. 1999 Data Site: 990913039E Location : Co. Rd. 39 Easl of Monticello Weather : Mostly clear ~ :D.E.Compton .for Wedt1esday 9/15/199'1 VcbicleCountSteti!ll:ic~ _lAM. ~.!I Direction: EB 06:15PM. '" 085 04:40 2861 0.94 ~ SpeedStatistlos M," Bin Totals %ofTomis 1 Avg, speed 1 %ileSpeads 50.46MPH 10 Ml'H hce ''''''I 'lurnb.:r io pace , %injlace 1 Speed Exceeded Percentage Total'l '1Statisties BinTOIaisl %ofTotat, 45-55 1,633 67.0 8 1,646 610 25 86 0.367.62o,n 1.0 3.5 25 0 19 9 8 0 II 0 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.4 0.3 0,0 0.0 0.0 GepStetistics ISe""] RinTolals %ofTot.h I Er....rStatioli.. Sensor Total Hit:; PercentU,cd AvgAxlcsp.,-Vehic!a Avg Two Axle Wheelbase 2.05 9,6 ft. . DalaFHa: C39E-R-7 Printed: 9/17199 Page: 3 Wright County SheriD' SafeCoolmunitiesofW.c. 1999 Dal8 Location : Co. Rd 39 EaslofMOfIlicel1o Site' 990913039E Weather : Mosrlyclcar Date: 09115199 .'" : D_E. Compton DircctiOll:EB ,~, t_14 JJ.!9 --- 25_29 35_39 ,~, 55_59 --- ,,~, 70_99 11'8 2(~24 J~-." 40-4. J~-." - T;mo MPII "'" ~" __~H MPlI ___ Ml'J-l MPlt MPIl MPII ~" MPIl "'" ~" '2:AM - , i" -- " , " , , " " , , , , , " Gt:OO . , " , , " , , , " , , , , " 02:'"' , " , , , " , , , , " , , , , GJ:OO , , , , , " , , , , , , , , .. (14:00 " , , , " , , , , . , , " , " ,,,,00 " , , , " , , , " " " , , , " 06:~O 1l~ , , , , , , , " " " " , , " ~7iJ" m , " , , , . " " " 2.1 " , , " Oa,oo n " , , , , , , " '" '" , , , " 09,00 "' " , , , , , " " '" " , , , " 10,00 '"'' , , " , , , " " " " , , , .. [1;(w, "' , " , , , , " " '" " , , , "' 1!:PM " " , , , " . , " " " , , , " Ot:OO " , , , , , , " " " , , , , " u>:OO "" , , , , , , " " " " , , , '" OJ:~O '" , , , , , , , " " '" , , , " 0.,0" m , , , " , , M " " " . , , " ~HV m , , , , " , " " '" " '" , , " ~6;lIIl ," , , , " , , " " " " , , , " m,oo '" " , " , " , " " '.' " , , , " Va,oo '" , , , , , , " " "' " , , , "' 09:00 '3l , , , , , , " " "' " , " , "' w:OO " , , , " , , , " " , , , , " l1:01U " , , , " , , , " , , , , , " ,;ail;- 2:'3';--[j ----- " '" - '"" 100 " " " , , . '" '" "" Tu"" ._, 00 " 0.2 '" ,,-. n 0.' Jt.J "5.7 ['.a '" "" 00 ofTota1 ------ --- -.-- .,;IOSp=l, 10% 15% 50% 85% 90% ..., 45.5 51.0 57_0 58.6 IOMPHPoc<Spo<<l 45_55 N,mbe,j"pacc 1.633 %;"piIc< 6U S"""'h~ .sMPH ""'" 6SMPII -" a8.3 21.1 " f"tills 2.1,~ '" '" . Dam File: C39E-R-7 Prioted,9f20/99 Page: 2 Wright County CaDs for Service & Population Comparison 1998 City/Tow","" C"II.'",'.n,'" P"rnd",i~ ('F%"m > (l~""'iI''''te) Bnffilloclly lO,JM M7, ,." CI..rwa",rdty ill m '" 1vl<>...,...oIly ."" 1.05~ .~ Rockl'llnlcl'Y' 2,4J8 ,"TI .~ MOlIUoellocity '.ill 7,0~ .~ Wa"r\yoily '" I m 0,84 Mapl,Lakoclty U27 1,n8 0.74 AoD..d.J,oity 1,7'19 2,472 0.73 Coka1ooily 1,.542 ,~. 0.62 Dd.UQo;ty 2,018 3,:177 ... B"ffillo,,",p. ~ 1,635 0.58 llownrdLakodty 1.013 1.749 "'" Son'hRavenclly m '" '" AJbe....illec1ty 1,OZI ,"" ." So..'boid."'<p. ,. 1;;90 '0' l\Iary>viD.lWsp. l.lZD 2,117 "" Woodland"'<p. '" 1.198 0,49 Cokll'otIYSp. ;;47 1,188 .." Mo.l1oeIIotwap. ,m 4,;134 .." a.....ercl'Y. <N '" ""' CO''illOa''',p. 1040 "" ""' CI............lWsp. '" 1.:116 0.42 MapleUoke....<p, m 2,16:1 0.42 O....ll"dty 2,7B4 6';;70 "" Sil"rC"",ktwsp. m 2,239 0.41 Rooltfonl"..p. 1,404 3,655 0,38 S,"'kIIolmlWsp. '" "' 0.:13 Middlevilletwap. '" om Q--l7 Pronklint..,p. I.U9 3,038 0,37 A1mo.....p. ". 1,175 0.:16 Vlolor,,",p. - 1,1;;4 ." Chath>m"',p. ~o 1,070 0,33 F",.ohLal<<twsp. '" I 1,073 ." S.1D'~1i<ILo.'ldly Zo,., 7.643 0,30 . . , . 'WrightCQ,",<Ypol~101lof'hec1<yoaly . . . PoliccCommissionAgencla-51l7./00 4. Lodate on tram" slleed concerns alonl!: East Broadwa,'. A. Rl:FERE1\CE AJliD BACKGROliND: Occasionally, [will rccdvc comments from the public on "h~t is rerceiv"J (0 b~ excessive speed along County Road 75 (East Broadway). \\'hile I dOll"t know whe!herlraHici,adlLallyexceedinglhespeedlimitorwhctilcritis the perception of residenl~ along Broadway b~callse or the noise and lmck traffic, Commission members may wa~t to discllss with Sheriffs representalives their input on whether they fcd there is allY problem along this ro~d. Possibly it m~y be beneliciallo utili?c the portable speed indicator Jg~ill on East BroadwJY <IS a r~minder [0 lhose who may be exceeding the speed limit. \l,iiththerecentreconstructionofCountyRoad75Ii-omWashington Strect(High Sehooll to W~>t County Road 39 into a four lJoe road"a)', you may have noticed that the posted spe~d limit has been chimged to 45 mph from approximately the hospital distriellO COLlnty RllUd 39. Pr~viou>l)' the speed limit w,"~ ~e[ al 55 rnph when it was a two Jane roud and it would b~ interesting 10 hear an)' commenls From the Sheriffs Department on whe[h~r the posl~d ~peed limlll'; being obeyed hy most traffic. II'anyCommissiOllmelllberorSherin"s[)eparlmentrepresentativchas concerns on ~p,,~d, m ()lh~r areas, Ibis would h~ a good time 10 review and discuss. . . . lVUNrTF:S QUARTERLY MEETING - \-lOl'ITICELLO POLICE: CO.\f:\flSSIO'" Wednesday, Dcccmbcrl,1999-7p.m 'vI~mhns Pre~Crll' DickSlais 'vIemhnsAhsenl Liz DesMarais, Brad l'yk. Dave Gcrads and Brian Stllmpf AlsoPresem: ChicfDcputy Don Lindell, City A,dminislralor Rick Wo[fstdlcr 1. ReviewofDroDoscdDOliccdcDartmcntbudIl:Clforve;!r1000. It\vus noted that the proposed 2000budgd forp,,]ice prmcction did not include the additional foUl' hours of coverage that the Police Commi;:sion members had previously l'cquested the City Coul1cil to consider. In an eIJ()rllO keep the tax lcvy for yeilr 1000 nearlhe 1999 level,lhe COllncil had prcviollslydiminatedtheaddiliona I hours which wlluldhave adlkd $55J{45 10 lhcbudgct. Chief Deputy Lindell provided information comparing u few communiti~s m Wright County thm indicated th~ Cily oD,lnnticello spends substantially Jess p~r cap1l<llur police protection coverage than ,;ome olher communities, For example, tb~ City 01' [luffillosp~nds$9IQ,QOQ l'orlheiTpolieedepurtmentwhiehequutestoapproximalely $94/per p~rson wherea, lhe Cily o[\-jontieello \\iould be spending approximal~ly $57/pe,- caplla. ItlS the re~()mmendallOn oflhe committ.c.c that the adminislralor requesl lhal the Cily Coune,] reconsider adding the additional four bours ol'~<>verage 10 the budget. As all all~malive 10 adding the four hours fol' the entire year, lh~ COlLn~il could c-on~ider adding addllional hour~ ~tarting in Apl'il to lower the ilnnual ~,-,,,ts 2. Cllnsiduati,m of reeommendim! installation of savc drivinl! ,il!:ns throul!:hout the communih'. Commissl(m members reviewed the idea of the City installing signs allh~ exils of various City publi~ parking lots lhat wOllld advise motorists to concentrate on driving. The ~igns are available free of ~harg~ Irom the Save Comnlllllitics of Wright County organi~"'tion andthc installation is supported by the Police Department. It is rec ommended that the administrator \vork with the Public Worh Director 10 lind appropriate locmions at City facilities sllch as the Community Cemer, library and vanO\L' parks where these signs eouldbein;;tallcd. Ifncccssary, Council approval for the inslallalion cOllld be sough t. 1 . . . PoliceComm;;;sionl\iIiulllCS-12/1/99 3. Discus,ion 011 speed limit stud, results from EM", Connh-' Road 39. ChiefDep\ltyLindellpresent"d~lalislicaldalafromarcccntspeed,tudy dllne along East Coumy Road 39. The posted spc<;d limll in lhe area is 45 mph and the datil MLpplied did indicate that up to 20% of the vehicle>; were exceeding 55 mph in the area. Ivfr_ L.imkll also noted tl1at the deputies "vho patrol this arC<l did 1101 rccl thatsp ceding 'was uecessarily a problem in the area hut the Wright County equipment ,cems 10 indicate that many vehaoles do exceed the po;;lcd speed limit. llcalso noted thaI many drivers have a tendency l"dnve"-la~peedlhatlhcroacl,,\illallowalldthalpo8,;ih]yewn45mphinlhi, area lS [00 low Further study will be done and this item will again he di;;etlss~d at a l-lll11r~ ~"mmisslOn meeting tJ/(~ Ri~k Wllll\t~ller, Ci Administrator 2