Planning Commission Minutes 01-07-2003 . . . MIN1JTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - January 7, 2003 7:00 P.M. Members: Council Liaison: Staff: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Lloyd llilgart To be appointed at the January 13, 2003 City Council Meeting Jeff O'Neill, Steve GriUman and Fred Patch 1. Call to order. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Approval of the minutes of the re1!ular Plannin2: Commission meetill1! held December 3, 2002. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE TIlE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MI,:ETINC; I-IELD DECEMBER 3, 2002. ROB81E SMITII SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the aeenda. Chair Frie advised of a leHer received fron1 Scott Douglas, Fire Chief, inviting them to attend a meeting to discuss issues with new developments in the City. R.od Dragsten asked for clarification regarding cOlmnercialbuilding facades in eCD. This was placed as agenda item 13. Chair Frie asked to discuss the Autumn Ridge development concerning standards previously approved by the Planning COl11lnission. This was placed as agenda item 14. . Chair Frie asked to discuss concerns regarding the number of public hearings placed on the agenda, as well as the possibility of rescheduling the February meeting due to conl1icts. This was placed as agenda item 15. . . . 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Public Headn : Consideration of a re uest for a v~uianee to thc buffcr ard width in the CCD _ Central Communitv District. Aoplicant: TDS Telccom. Steve Grittman provided the report advising of the request by TDS Telecom for a variance to the buffer yard widths in order to expand their building and parking lot. He advised in regard to landscaping, the plant counts proposed exceed the requirements of the ordinance. Due to the narrow lot, the ordinance standards would make it impossible to develop the parking lot, possibly having the applicant remove existing parking. Therefore, the Endings for hardships arc met, considering the size of the lot the existing conditions on the lot. and -1- . the purpose ofthe CCD zoning district. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Tom Ollig. Manager ofTDS, Monticello, advised that he had met with the residents next to this property on E. 4th Street, Mr. & Mrs. Quick, regarding proposed shrubbery to be planted and the possibility of installing a fence as well. Ollig advised the Quick's that as they go through the project, with no planting until Spring, they would at that time install plantings agreed upon with the residents. lIe addcd that they would be in f~lVor of putting something into writing if the Quick's desired. Frie asked about requcsting that the applicant escrow money for landscaping as they would not be planting until Spring and O'Neill advised that this would happen via a landscape bond. Frie asked Ollig if the Quick's were comfortable with what was being proposed and he staled that they had bcen in contact with them, but it is difficult to anticipate what the plantings will look like oncc installed. . Richard Quiek, 1 13 E. 4th Street, added that thcy met with Mr. Ollig on one occasion, at their initiative, and that it wasn't until they reccived the public hearing notice that they became aware of this request. f Ie stated that the notice was vague and that he came to staff on several occasions and did not feel he got a clear explanation. He was concerned with the rcquest, although he did understand that this request may be granted. Quick also agreed with Ollig in getting somcthing in writing. Hc also added that the conscnsus of the other neighbors was a concern regarding the noise from the gencrator at that site. adding that they did discuss this with Ollig as well. They had hoped that TDS would lnove thc generator away from the residences. They will also at SOllle time sit with the Mayor during an open forum to discuss the zoning in that neighborhood. He docs feel that things will work. out, but would like to he morc infimned. Frie asked if they had approached the City or TDS previously rcgarding the noise concern and Quick stated they had, and that they had been sensitive to thcir issue. Quick felt that this may become more of a concern as the bui Iding expands, and Ollig added that at some point they may need to install a larger generator but not at this time. Frie added that this should be brought to stafl's attention prior to the public hearing so that the concern could be addressed in the staff report. Kim Nelson, 112 E. 3rd Street, agreed with Quick on the noise eoneern. lIe asked about the building addition and Ollig advised it would be one story and only as high as the highest part of the existing building. Nelson addcd that he is opposcd to giving up any butler area and felt that if this happened, the applicant may eventually come back to them for additional property. . Chair Frie thcn closed the public hearing. It was noted that the new building would be similar in quality and style with the East side more decorativc with brick and windows, the South sick will mirror the arehitecture of the original building. Ollig added that due to the continued growth in this area, where the eentral oflice is located within the building, it cannot be expanded and therefore the need to relocate employces out of that area of the -2- . . . huilding as it is iJl1possible for them to go anywhcre else. Ollig added that this will not create any more noise, no plans to changc the generator at this tinle, but he did advise the Quick's that he would look into relocating thc generator or measures to muffle the noise. He also stated that thcy could null and void their agrcemcnt with NSP where currently during pcak hours they would shut down and usc the generator. He dicl advise that testing of the generator is during the day and typically tl)r several hours, however when they arc asked to disconnect due to high peak times thc gencrator could run for an entire day. Ollig advised that if they outgrow this building they would relocate employees as there is not (ullple parking for additional employees, nor has there been any discussion to expand at that site. The Quick's advised that vehicles are not a prohlem. Grittman explainecl the request f~lr the variance was for a rcduction Ii'om 20' on either side to 8' to the East on 4th Street and a reduction from 20' to 4' at the adjacent residential property to the East on ]'" Street. O'Neill advised that he had met with Mr. Quick and gave him a copy of the site plan, and clarified that the purpose of the public hearing notice is to notify neighboring property owners that there has been an application made. The property owner can then contact City I I all t~)r specific details. O'Neill added that the DA T had met and nlade a recommendation to approve as well. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD ORAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL or A v AR[ANCE TO THE r3UFPER YARD WIDTH FROM 20 FT. TO 8 Fr. TO THE EAST ON 4111 STREET. AND FROM 20 FT. TO 4 FT. AT THE ADJACI.':NT RES[DENTIAL PROPERTY TO T[-[E EAST ON 3RD STREET, f1ASED ON A FINDING THAT A IIARDSHIP EXISTS IN COMPLYING W[TH TYP[CAL STANDARDS, INCL,l)DINC; W[DTI[ OF THE PARCEL EXISTING DEVELOPMENT, AND PURPOSE OF TilE ZONING DISTR[CT. MOTION TO INCLlJOE CONDITION T[IAT AN AGREEMENT BE SIGNED BETWEEN TDS TELECOM AND MR & MRS. QUICK, SlATING THE BUFFER YARD PLANTINGS WILL BE MUTUALL Y AGREED UPON AND MEET CITY CODE, AND THE EX[STING GENERATOR BE EITHER RELOCATED OR BUFFERED. [,LOYD I ULGART SECONOED THE MOTION. There was further discussion regarding the generator and it was advised by Tom Ollig that thc only time it would run at night would be if there was no clectricity or if they were contacted hy NSP. Ollig again statcdthat thc only other times it is run is during working hours, other than emergencies. Quick added that they understand that this gencrator is neccssary. '1'[ fERE BEING NO nJRTHER DISCUSSION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Puhlic Hearing - Consideration of a request for a conditional use pCl'mit allowing an antenna supllort stnll~tUl'c for Ilel'sonal wireless communications systems in the Li!!ht Industrial I-I A district. Allplicant: Spl'int PCS. Fred Patch, Building Official, provided the report rcgarding the applicant's request at 4067111 Street East. He stated that Sprint PCS has demonstrated the coverage is needed and have -3- . met all other requirements. Hc added that once thesc poles are painted they arc not as visible. Staff's rceommendation is to approve. subjcct to the zoning code. Chair Fric opcned the public hearing. Johanna DeMan!, Sprint PCS, introduced herself and stated she would be available for questions. Tina /apt~ Apartment Manager for apartments directly across the street ham applicant, stated she was concerned with aesthetics as well as size. It was noted that the pole will be 160 ft. tall, gray in color, no light on top, with a galvanized surt~lce and fairly ohtuse. . Chair Frie then closed thc public hearing. There was discussion as to why the applicant could not hook up to the tower located on the 130ndhus site and it was advised that the applicant had applied, however it was at capacity already. DeMma explained that the number of carriers is detennined at the tinle the towers are ordercd and placed. The lower will be located behind the huilding, adjacenl to the edge of the parking lot and will not takc up any spaces. There was a concern that there will he an excessive number of towers and questioned the need. Gritman advised that the FCC requires cities to accommoclatc tower capacity to the extent it is necessary to supply carriers. 'fhisis common in other areas as well. Grittman also added that the towers are allowable in the industrial areas hy City codc and the 130ndhus tower is the only one in that imlllediate area. They also discussed the proposed new office/warehouse building next to this site in regard to aesthetics of the tower. Grittman stated that if they look at the tower as a negative, what is the least had place to locate them and the industrial area would he the placc. Kenny Schultz, propcrty owner near thc water tOWCL stated lhere are 3 towers there now, with roorl1 for more. The Engineer t(}r Sprint PCS then explained that thc property Mr. Schultz was referring to was too high and covered Buihlo, Big Lake and Becker, but not Monticello. He also provided a location map and eXplained why they could not lower the towers to include Monticello. It was questioned if carriers could hc added to the new "tower" located on West Broadway and it was advised that there could not. DeMma advised that they need 10 feet of vertical separation between the stations and the proposed tower is only 160 feet, however they could add space i~)r several more and make it a 5 carrier tower but jtwould increase the dianleter or base of antenna, not height. There was further discussion on possibly placing towers on the water tower, strategically placed, hut Patch advised that Sprint PCS is looking at a 25 year longevity and the City's waler tower would be torn down before that tinle. DeMara also stated they need 20 feel around the tower for equipment to be located and there might not be amhle room for additional carriers. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE TO TABLE ACTION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING OTHER POTENTIAL LOCATIONS. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . Chair Frie asked if Sprint pes could be ready by the next Planning Commission rnecting and DeMara staled that would he possihle. They would look at diamcter if adding more -4- . . . carriers as well. 7. Public Hearin!!: Consideration of a request 1'01" an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit pun within the PZM Zoning District a)]owing expansion of the Monticello-Bi Lake Communit Hos lital and alterations to the existin arkinc:'" lot and street layout on the north side ofthe facilitv. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the report regarding the applicant's request lor an amendment to thc PUO allowing expansion. The function of the expansion arc a would be for truck loading/unloading area, whiJc allowing passenger vehicles to bypass the loading area. Grittman advised of recommendations by slaff including trail connection, joint access parking, grading plans approved by the City Engineer, parking stall size to be rcvised to llleet minimum standards, landscaping plan showing increased quality and quantity, specifically to scrcen from residential, (this to be provided with final plans along with lighting plans), and further conditions required by the City Engineer. Grittman noted that statland the Hospital's engineer have been working together on utility issues, and generally the plan is consistent with the concept plan. There were concerns that this would create more traffic on River Strcet and (irittman stated it would actually reconfigurc the tratlic, but Griltman added that there continues to be temporary parking that needs to be taken care of as well. Over time, as the hospital continues to grown the traffic may increase, but the use is already there at that sileo Chair Frie opened the public hearing. 8arh Schwientek, Hospital Executive Director, introduced the architect, Tim Sessions. Sessions advised they have been working with City sta(J and they fee! they are on the samc page with stan~ exccpt for a Jew issues. One issue was parking stall si7.e which he advised was 9 x 18 feet at the time of the original PUD due to lack ofland available, and they ask that they be able to continue with what was originally approved. Regarding the request (()r a grading plan approved by the City Engineer, Sessions added that there is a potential for a pond on that site, but they advised they would need to have a dry retention basin versus a wet pond. Also, Sessions stated that condition 7 stating "further conditions requircd by the City Engineer" was too vague and they would Iikc lhis clarified. Regarding condition 8 requiring landscaping and sidewalk improvements, Sessions stated the applicant had anticipated cOlnplctionlast Fall but other issues arose and therc1()re lhe delay. Walter Klatt, 924 E. River St., stated he was concerned with where the parking was anticipated, and Schwientek added that their intent is to remove all parking where thc tenlporary parking currently is and there may be a need J(Jr landscaping or a fence to deter parking. Klatt stated he was more concerned with traffic on River Street by the parle Schwientck also stated that some water/sewer lines would need to be relocated and they are in the process of working on easements for this work. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. There \vas discussion regarding future phasing, future parking, and a future parking ramp to the west, and that the origi nal PU D incI uded a -5- . parking ramp, and although it was noted that a ramp is not needed at this time, there needs to be an area Jor it in the hlture. Schwientek stated that originally they did not have the amount of property that they currently do and that they will re-addrcss the parking ramp at a futurc date. There was also discussion regarding the long~range plan presented several years ago and a concern with increased traffic on River Street. Carlson stated he was under the impression that delivcry traffic was to be brought in hom Broadway and not River Street, however Schwientck did not recall that ruling and added that delivery trucks would have difiiculty due to the steep grade of the road. Carlson added that he was not in J~lvor of anything that would increase truck traffic onto H.iver Street. GrittJnan advised that staff would be comfortable with allowing the shallower parking stalls as requested. He was not able to comment on the City Engineer's behalf and advised that comlnents and requests would need to come directly from the Engineer. O'Neill stated that the site design would not be impacted by the Engineer" s comments, advising that there are still items that need to be worked out with the City Engineer and the applicant but this would be done prior to going to City Council. lie also advised that at some point in time there may need to be an area for a wet pond. . Mr. Klatt advised again that there is a lot of truck traffic already on River Street, as well as a manhole that should be looked at. This will be brought to the attention of the Public Works Department. O'Neill added that they could bring the truck traffic issue to City Council and see if they would like to restrict truck twiTic on Rivcr Street. Chair Frie felt the hospital had not been complying with conditions that were to be taken care of previously, speciiically the temporary parking. Also, Frie asked Grittman to clari(y "gcnerally acceptable" and "generally COlIlply"', as stated in his staff report. Frie preferred that the report state whether it is in compliance or not. Grittman advised that it is nearly impossible to have a concept plan that shows exactly what the final plan would show, but that in regard to this itenl the concept plan is consistent. Frie also wanted to discuss aesthetics ofthe hospital building, speciiically that there are at least 4 different typcs of facades that do not match. He kIt that the Planning Commission should have demanded more at the time of the initial PUD approval. Frie added that he did not feel the parking area was being utilized, there was no landscaping, and he had a concern with patient and visitor parking area where patients have to cross Hart Blvd. to get to the building, however the physician parking is closer to the building and sidewalk. He stated he felt the ambulance building was an eyesore as well and also had a concern with who regulates the signage. adding that the signs should look permanent rather thaIl temporary. . Frie pointed out specific conditions noted in Exhibit Z of the staff report such as trail connection along the River, which needs to be reviewed by the Parks Commission prior to approval, as well as a landscaping plan with increased quality and quantity of landscaping to be completed prior to the Planning Commission's approval of the pun. Also, required landscaping and sidewalk inlprovements associated v,:ith the recent cxpansion of the parking lot which must be completed prior to or in conjunction with this project. Frie wished to add sign age to be in compliancc with City ordinance as item 9 in Exhihit Z as well and asked -6- . that all 9 issues he resolved prior to Planning Commission approval. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION 1'0 TABLE ACTION ON Tl IE MONTICEI LO-BIG L^KE HOSPITAL PUD AMENDMEN'/" SUBJECT TO FURTHER REVIEW BY THE PARKS COMMISSION, AND CONCERNS REGARDING ITEMS 1,5,8, ^ND THE ADDITfON OF ITEM 9, IN THE UST OF CONDITIONS FOR APPROV AL NOTED IN EXI-lIBIT Z, AS I.ISTED BELOW. MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. There was further discussion by Carlson as to why there was not a sitc plan showing building Jacades as part oCthe information the Planning Commission received. O'Neill advised that typically the City has not heen involved in beade issucs, except in the CeD, but that it could bc included, adding that perhaps that is why there is inconsistency. Carlson questioned the parking and truck traffic issue again, which Schwientek did not recall. O'Neill advised that he would research further. RICI lARD CARLSON ADDED A REQUEST THAT FACADE fNFORMA TlON BE PROVIDED IN THEIR AGENDA PACKETS AS WELL. .THEREFORE, FRIE AMENDED HIS MOTION, CARLSON SECONDED, AND MOTION CARRIED LJNAN I MOUSL Y. OEVELOPMF:NT STAGE PlJD AMENDMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . I. Sufficient area for an east west trail connection along the Mississippi River must be provided and noted on the applicants plan. The location must be compatible with any future stormwatcr pond area that may be required with future phases. ? ^ joint access and parking agreelllent should be signed and a copy submitted to the city prior to approval of the pun amend,nent. 3. The grading plan is subject to approval by the City Engineer. 4. The parking stall sizc should be revised to meet the minimum standards as described in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the zoning ordinance. 5. ^ landscaping plan showing an increase in quality and quantity of landscaping along thc north and west of the parking and loading area, abutting the residential use, should be submitted and approved by City Staff prior to approval of the pun a 111 en dm cnt. 6. All lighting should be hooded to dellect light away ti.om the adjacent residential area and County 75. 7. Any further conditions required by the City Engineer. 8. Required landscaping and sidewalk improvements associated with the recent westerly expansion of the parkiug lot must be completed prior to or in conjunction with this project. . 9. Signage to be in compliance with City ordinance. -7- . . . Planning COll1mission Minutes - 01/07/03 8. Public Hearin~: Consideration of a re(IUest to amend the preliminary plat of Groveland Fourth Addition, and rezone from A-f>. Agriculture to R-l. Sin~lc Family Residential and B-2. Business. Applicant: Ocello LLC. Steve Grittman provided the starf report regarding the applicant's request to amend thc original prclilninary plat, as well as rc-zoning to aceOlllmodatc some changes that havc occurrcd due to development around the property. They discussed access on the East side if thc road went through the comlnercial area, and Orittman pointed out a half way connection with the street continuing on through to the residential area. Hc advised that the residential arca would basically have access ft"om School Blvd. and it is unlikely that commercial tratJic would go through the rcsidcntial area, noting that this actually facilitates better traffic. Weinand advised that there are now 7 additional lots, but this has less to do with lot averaging and more to do with the extension of the strcct. Chair Frie opcned the public hearing. Shawn Weinand eXplained how this lllatter came about including the length of time before School Blvd. would go through. It appeared to be an opportunity to connect to School Blvd. He added that once Brad Larson put in his access, they reduced the size or some of the lots to accOlllmodatc 1<:)1' linancing of the new road. Also, where there originally was a cul-de-sac is now a conncetion to School Blvd, Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. Decision 1: A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMrfH TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A REZONING FOR GROVELAND 4111 ADDITION TO R-I, SINGLE FAMJL Y RESIDENTIAL AND B-2, LIMITED BUSINESS FOR THE EASTERL Y TWO PARCELS, BASED ON THE FINDING THA l' THE REZONING IS CONSISTENT WITI I THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND WILL ACCOMMODATE ORDERLY LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PATTERNS IN THIS AREA. RICI lARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Decision 2: A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A PRELlMINARY PLAT FOR GROVELAND 4111 ADDITION, BASED ON A FINDING 'fJ-IA T 1'1 IE PLA Y LA YOUT APPEARS TO REFLECT THE APPROPRIATE ZONING S'rANDARDS. WITI I CONDITIONS TrIA T TIlE LOTS NOTED IN THIS REPORT ARE REDESIGNED TO A VOID THE SHARPL Y POINTED REAR YARD DESIGN. THE APPLlCANT SUPPL Y ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VERIFYING COMPLIANCE WITI I LOT WIDTH STANDARDS. LANDSCAPE PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITII THE BUFFER YARD STANDARDS AS DEFINED IN Tl-IE REVISED R-l PI,AT REGULATIONS. AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENTS ASSURING ROADWAY CONNECTION WITH SCHOOL BOLJLLV ARD -s- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/07/03 A T THE SOUTHWI':STERL Y CORNER OF TIlE PLAT. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Considcration of a Conditional Use Pcrmit pun for development of a Home Dcll!!! loc~lted on Cedar Strcet bctwecn Dundas Road and Chelsca Road. Applicant: Birchland Devclopmcnt Co., John Lundsten, Jcrrv Mathwi~, Lcc Parks and The Homc Dcpot. Steve Cirittrnan provided the staff report summarizing the request by the applicant for a conditional use permit for the Home Depot planned unit development. The Ilomc Depot portion is proposcd to be on the west portion of the property, and the overall project accommodatcs for a commercial parcel to thc east. GTittrnan advised of scveral items to be reviewed at thc next stage with thc submittal of the developmcnt stage application. These included traflic circulation, parking, landscaping, seasonal/outdoor salcs, parking lot landscaping, paving/curbing, property lines, and future stormwater detention ponding. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. .Ian Erickson, owner of the Monticcllo - Big Lake Pet Hospital at 1260 S. Cedar Street, questioned how this will directly impact properties on the west sidc of Cedar Street, speci1ically ir the applicant and/or City was secking to acquirc future propcrties in that area. O'Neill statcd that at this point there is no plan by the City to acquire any properties, nor was hc aware of thc applicant acquiring properties. Paul Bilotta, Birchland Developmcnt, assured Erickson that no onc/l'om their firm is looking to acquire any properties at this timc, stating the projcct ends at Cedar Strcet. Jennifer Maxwcll, Site Developmcnt Coordinator, introduced herself and stated she would be available /()r questions. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. Thcre was discussion among the cOIllmissioners relating to completion of Ccdar Street, which O'Neill advised is slated to be completed at the timc the proposed Home Depot is devcloped, adding that Cedar St. lllay be slightly realigned and plans arc undcrway for curb, guttcr and turn lanes. They asked Maxwcll what Home Depot's time frame was and she advised they were anticipating a spring construction with opening in November of2003. Parking vvas discussed and Grittman stated that the applicant actually exceeds the parking requirelnents and there is a potential to reduce the parking on the Home Depot site. The commissioners also asked if the potential retailer would have to cOIne bdl1fe the Planning Commission and it was advised that it would. Chair Frie asked Maxwcll ir she was familiar with thc conditions listed in l:xhibit Z, which she stated she was. Cirittman advised Frie that circulation and drivc aisles were 'ippropriately designed and safe. Maxwell also advised that there is a landscape plan in progress which takes into consideration changes rcq uestcd by staff as well. She notcd that -9- . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/07/03 the boundary lines are not yet resolved as there arc a ICw discrepancies, but that the title company is working on that. There was ftlrther discussion regarding Dundas Road and Co Rd 117 improvements and O'Neill advised that I 17 will remain as is until "Retail 13" is developed. Dundas Road would need to be re-paved and will be included with the Cedar Street project. Maxwell addressed condition #4 regarding paving Illaterial, stating that they would preler to have the entire front be asphalt due to safety reasons. Maxwell requested a smooth surt~lce in the area of the pedestrian crossing due to prob]ellls transferring loaded shopping carts on a stamped concrete surJ~lCe. Regarding condition #2, seasonal sales, Maxwell advised that this is an integral part of Ilome Depot and that these are typically enclosed and chain linked which is removable when not in season. It was noted also that they have an opportunity to fc>nn a nice screen along Cedar Street, although they prefer to have it as part of their project. Bi]otta added that this already needs to be intcnsively screened and it is more to the side of the building, not the front and would not be the view line from Hwy. 25. . O'Neill questioned if other conununity's had these same issues and Maxwell stated that it would be their preference to have these recommendations as part of the pun approval that I-Iome Depot could follow and be in compliance, as well as making it more cnJ()l'ceable by City sta1T. She also added that they are willing to work with staff. Grittman addcd that the building is precast and (),Neill stated that Ilome Depot has made some efl()I"t to make changes in some of the style to accomnlOdatc stall requests. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THE POD CONCEPT' PLAN BASED ON TilE FINDING THAT TilE PUD CONCEPT PLAN. WITII CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, IS CONSISTENT WITlI THE CITY COMPREI IENSIVE PLAN AND IS IN COMPLIANCE Wrn-I TI IE ZONING ORDINANCE. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. There was further discussion regarding conditions ://2 and #4 in Exhibit Z, and it was advised that these could be reviewed at the next stage. 'fHERE BEING NO FUR'fHER DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 01<' CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL I. A landscape plan is submitted that includes screening of the loading area and mechanical equiplnent from Cedar Street. . 2. The outdoor seasonal sales area is acceptable but Inust Ineet landscaping and perflwmance standards identified at develoPlnent stage PlJ!). 3. Landscaped islands arc added in fhll1t of the entry vestibule and along the drive aisle -10- . . . Planning COlllmission Minutes - 01/07/03 adjaccnt to the neighboring retail site. 4. The entire parking and drive area is surrounded with curbing. 5. Incorrect property lines are elilninated fi"om the site plan to add clarity. 6. I I' phasing of the storm water detention pond is proposed. this is incorporated as pali of the planning and would be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. The developer submit a eomplete PUD dcveloplnent stage application in accordance with Chapter 20. Section 20-4[815 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the developlnent stage appl ication be subm itted within nine (9) months of the date of concept plan approval. 8. Comments from other City stafr. l!1 Public Hear'int!: Consideration of applications for Preliminary Plat approval of a residential subdivision called Spirit Hills. and for Concept and Development Stage PUD approval of the townhomc portion of the project. Applicant: Maplewood Development. Inc, Steve Oriuman, City Planner, provided thc staff report regarding the request for preliminary plat approval by Maplewood Dcvelopment. He advised that this is a combination of two phases with the first phase to be townhollle units and the second to be single t~Hnily homes. The single 1~1Il1ily would he re-zoncd to R~ 1 i\. and the townhouse portion would be R~2, mid density. Inldti~t~lmily. detached. Grittman advised that the single l~unily portion generally is laid out appropriately and stafl would support prel iminary plat approval. The townhouse layout had concerns by staff and ask that thc developer look at alternative layouts that would be more sensitive to existing topography. Griuman added that the developer has been working with staff and made some changes, however staff would ask that they discuss these in n10re dctaiI at this tillle. Grillman advised that Public Works had coneerns with the road layout in regard to maintenance, snovvplowing, and trash pickup. lie noted that if this was a typieal single family plat, there would perhaps bc 40 units, but given the topography it may he dimcult to do single f~unily. Ililgart stated hc was not sure the City needed more townhouses at this time, but if they were to consider R-2A zoning, the devcloper could get more single l~unily/smalllot units. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. A township resident on 851h Street slated her concern with Fenning Ave. already having heavy traffic and she questioned if the City would be looking into this. O'Neill advised that the road. Co. Rd. 118/Fenning Ave. would be lnaintained by the City and there would be plans to Llpgrade the road, such as adding shoulders, but that this would all have to be lookcd at hy the traffie engineer. - I 1- . Planning COl1llnissioll Minutes ~ () 1/07/03 Rcne McCullouglL g829 Fcnning ^ vc., stated some issues he had with this proposed developmcnt such as entrance/exits being directly across from his driveway in thc center of the street. I-Ie also notcd contrasting traffic such as tractors vcrs us semi trucks, but stated his main concern was with safety regarding the entrance to the project and feels it should bc llloved down further. McCullough added that he l'eels it is necessary to upgrade the road now and not in the futurc. Hc is not concerned with what type of housing but rather iftherc will be sufficient plantings, hcnning, as well as the quality of the homes. He qucstioned who would pay f()r upgrading the road, adding that he did not want to be charged for that. Also thcre is eurrently no place for walkers, runners, or bikers in that arc a and he asked if the developer will bc willing to consider putting in paths or sidcwalks. Hc statcd his opposition to the density of the townhousc site as well. Chair Frie advised him of the pathway system that is in place in thc City and that it would bc connected with the new devcloplllents. Ralph Mack, 9009 Jason ^ vc., stated that he was not opposed to this proposed devclopmcnt. . Chair Fric then closed the public hcaring. He asked O'Neill if the Parks Commission had reviewed the proposed development regarding park land, pathways, etc., and O'Neill stated they had reviewed an earlier plan and this would need to go back to thcm f(x further review. He added that there is a pathway plan for this area and this projcct docs include it, adding that there is provision li)r a trail along the County Road. O'Neill stated that this was just a segmcnt at this timc and there is currently no plan li)r trail along Fenning ^ ve. Frie thcn commented that the Planning Commission had spent an extensive amount of time dcsigning standards fi)r this area of Monticello whieh is proposed for upscale housing. He concurred with llilgart regarding the munber oftownhonles being constructed in the City as well. l-I i 19art questioned the price of the lots on thc proposed South side and Mario Cocchiarella, Maplewood Development, estimated they would be in the area of $40,000 to $50,000 per lot, due to thc type of higher standards set in this district. Cocchiarella advised that he also had conccrns regarding scveral itenls in thc staff report, stating that several months ago they submitted a concept plan for townhomes and werc not advised at that time of any concerns. Hc advised ofa similar project in St. Michael, stating those homcs were starting at approximately $210,000 and up. I Ie cOlllmentcd that they would also have to dcal with the devclopmcnt across the strcet, in regard to marketing. Cocchiarclla stated they are working on preserving the topography in this arca as well and that the area of thc "tower sitc" wi II be rctained by Mr. Schultz. He added that they would select a group of builders to work with and would havc protective covenants in place. . Ken AdolL Schuell & Madson, addcd that there is a pipeline angling across the property which adds some restrictions in respect to site grading. I Ie statcd that the rcvised inlilrl11ation provided to staff and commissioners today was due to comments in the stafT rcport they received on Friday. 'fheir intent is also to show they could provide a temporary stormwater pond to handle sitc run off in the proposed single Lunily area. The original proposal included sonle center islands, which Public Works felt would be a problem. although Adolf -12- . Plallning Conllnission Minutes - 01/07/01 stated that due to elevations of the landscape islands, they feel this is necessary. Adolf stated the turn radius is adequate lilr fire trucks, trash renlOval, etc. Further information they provided revised setbacks, 74' separations betvveen buildings, widening private drives to 24', and back-to-back townhomes that thcy felt by clustering the development it would allow thelll to retain significant open area, particularly the hill on the southeast corncr. He stated the hill will be graded on thc edge but the top of tile hill left undisturbed. There are also plans for enhanced landscaping which allows them to leave open space and still get the requi red density. Jcrry Mazzara, Dcsign Forum, addressed the site 1110numentation and architectural character of the units and land preservation. Thcy are proposing walkways around the dcvelopnlent to a potential park area, providing for pedcstrian walkways. Mazzara dcscribed the proposed 2- tier pond area with benl1ing, which would also hold their entrance sign into the dcveloplllcnt. He also describcd the styles ofthc homes, including square footage and exteriors. McCullough again stated hc felt the cntrance to the singlc family area would be dangerous. He asked aboutl~:l.cades as well. Cocchiarella advised that they can place thc cntrance elsewhere and wi II work with staft~ adding that they retained a grcat entrancc and did not put in the lllaximum density, as well as added amenities. He requcsted that the Planning Commission have them come back rather than vote ncgatively. . Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. There was discussion rcgarding square lootages, which the developer advised would be 1300 sq. ft:. to 1400 sq. n., with end units up to 1550 sq. 1'1., meeting the requirements of the R-2A standards. Cocchiarella advised further on the proposed pond, which is a requircmenL adding that they would line the pond with clay and landscape around the perimeter and be maintained by an association. lIe added that therc are approximately 3 central spots for trash pickup where therc is no turnaround, and 18 ft. wide drivcways allowing for adequate stacking. Fric asked Clrittman about thc 26 conditions listcd in the staff report and did hc feel many of them had been resolved. Grittman stated it appears that they have addrcssed many of them, but had not bcen able to look at them closcly at this time. Carlson stated he felt the developcr had done a good job at creating amenitics, especially in regard to the islands, which he fclt was a huge amenity. Cocchiarella statcd typically they would creatc a small association tl.X the singlc bmily phase to maintain the landscaped island. O'Neill stated that he would like to have the revised concept plan reviewed by the Parks Commission j(lr thcir recommendation, and included that approval should be contingent on a favorable rcview by the Parks COllunission. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIEfO TABLE ACTION ON THE SPIRIT HILLS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD, SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION OF ADDITIONAL AND RI<:VISED INFORMATION, ADDRESSING THE 26 CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z OF 'rl-lE STAFF REPORT, AND A FAVORABLE REVIEW BY THE PARKS COMMISSION. ROD DRAGSTEN -13- . . . 13. Planning Commission Minutes - 01/07/03 SECONDED TIlE MOTION. There was further discussion regarding the moving of the proposed entrance and this was noted that this would be looked at prior to the next Planning Commission meeting. '('HERE HEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 L Consideration of Callin!! for A Publie Hearinc: on Amendments to the District Boundarv Map identified in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. JeffO'NeiII stated the Planning Commission is asked to make some simple changes to the Downtown Redevelopment Plan due to recent additions/changes such as the Marquette Bank, the Town Centre site, and that realigning district boundaries is now necessary. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBI3IE SMITII TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENTS TO TIlE DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP IDENTIFIED IN THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Considemtion of re-appointment for expired terms of pia nil in!! commission members Dick Fr.ie and Rod Dnl!!sten. Jeff O'Ncill advised that the terms lllled by Dick Frie and Rod Dragsten expire in January and if they are intcrested in continuing to serve on the Planning Commission, they should let their interest be known and thc Planning Commission should then J()I"ward a recommendation to the City Council. Rod Dragstcn and Dick Frie both stated they would likc to serve another term. Frie added that he would like to continue to be pro-active as the City grows and it has been his pleasure to serve with the other commission mell1bcrs. He stated he would also like to j()lIow through on the previous items. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIl, THAT ROD DRAGSTEN AND DICK FRIE HI: APPOINTED TO SER VE ANOTIIER TERM. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MO'fION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMO{)SLY. Commercial Buildin2 Facades Rod Dragsten stated that he was under the ilnpression that in the CCD therc were certain standards that buildings had to comply with. His concern in particular was with the new building on the fi.Jrl11er Amoco site which is mostly vinyl with some brick. Grittman advised that the standards don't state specifics, and that a cOlllbination may be ~lcceptablc. O'Neill added that the DAT gave their approval considering the entire package. Dragsten Ielt it -14- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/07/03 detracts Ji'om what they are trying to achieve in the ceo. Carlson felt it was tastefully done. [)ragsten thought stucco or brick would have been lllore appropriate, something other than vinyl siding. O'Neill stated that there should be more dialogue between OAT and the Planning Commission, as they work together. Prie added a concern that there is no longcr an entrancc in the northwest corner of the building and now it is from behind the building. The Planning Commission stated a concern with that. 14. SW Wold Development 15. Dick Frie asked Shawn Weinand about the sign for the new Autumn Ridge development stating homes starting in the $120,000's. Weinand stated he had the samc concern when he saw the sign stating that he would guess that they are most likely around $129,900 and then adding utilities. He clarified that nothing had changed iI-om what the Planning Commission had approved, stating they actually made additions. The lots are $31,000 and Wold typically gets activity going by cutting some fees. Wcinand added that this is without speaking to Wold, but he stated the Planning Commission is still getting what they approved. Number of public hearin2s on the agenda Chair Frie advised that he had spoken withillcomillg Mayor Thielen rcgarding options the Planning Commission has regarding rcducing the number of public hearings that could be takcn on one agenda, and ifthcrc could some tlexibility to set thc number of hearings, possibly a first come first serve basis, and any more than that would have to go to a special meeting. Frie advised that there are other cities that have 2 meetings per month. He advised that the Mayor stated the City Council did not have to have discussion as this was a Planning Commission decision. Grittman stated that regardless of how the agenda is set, there is still the 60 day rule and the law still applies even if there were to be 100 applications. There is some tlexihility, however. O'Neill stated they could possibly go to anothcr Ineeting, using the first come first servc basis, but the Planning Commission may not want to set a schedule. Grittman added that the Planning Commission could hold all the public hearings and the people could be heard at that time, but they did not have to act on the itenls at that time. O'Neill felt that this agenda is not typical and maybe they would want to wait and see how future agendas look. The consensus was to wait and see how the next agcnda goes. Chair Frie then proposed to move the february meeting to the last week in January due to a scheduling conflict hc had. Ilc advised that in checking with City staff, this is legal as long as the appropriate dcadlines arc met. Frie also proposed that the meeting tinle change to 6:00 p.m. /i'om now on. - 15- . . . Planning COllllnission Minutes - () 1 /07/03 A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE '1'0 MOVE THE FEBRUARY PLANNING COMMISSION MI':ETING TO TUESDA Y. JANUARY 28, 2003 AT 6:00 P.M., WITH ALL l;UTURE MEETINGS TO BEGIN AI" 6:00 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Adjourn. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBRIE SMITH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 11:25 P.M. RICI lARD CARLSON SECONDED 1'1 II~ MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~14i ltk(~rder -16-