Planning Commission Minutes 02-04-2003 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - February 4, 2003 6:00 P.M. Members present: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf .IefrO'Neill, Fred Patch, and Steve Grittman StafT present: 1. Call to order. Chair Fric called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and declared a quorum. Chair Frie welcomed new Council Liaison Brian Stumpf. 2. Approval of the minutes of the reuular Planninu Commission meeting held January 7, 2003. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of TilE JANUARY 7, 2003 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. LLOYD IIILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addinu items to the agenda. Frie noted that he preferred, due to the number of items on the agenda, that nothing further be added and that public comments be held to a minimum, although he did note that no one would be denied being heard. . 4. Citizens comments. Brad Klatt, 13 Sandtrap Circle, had concerns regarding the CMHP project such as aesthetics and the lack of space between each unit. O'Neill advised that the project was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and added that the project is far from complete at this point. O'Neill noted there had been concerns from others as well. The homes will be operated with an association which will handle snow removal, and will have extensive landscaping as well. Each one has pre-finished, low maintenance siding, sidewalks, and front porches. lIe again stated there is an extensive landscape plan and will include a payed alley in the back. Each home will have 2 car garages, approx. 912 sq. ft. finished with basements. . O'Neill stated that he is aware of the public's concern at this time, but that steps have been taken to ensure that this will be a good project. lie also noted that he would appreciate holding judgement until Spring when the project is completed. Klatt advised that he felt the buildings were too close together and was surprised that the Fire Department approved of this. O'Neill advised that they are to code and were approved, and also that staff has been working with the Fire Department on other developments as well. Klatt then asked what was the intended. use of the land where Ruff Auto ti:mllerly was located and O'Neill advised that it is being sold through Edina Realty and is not a project of the same nature as CMHP. O'Neill advised this is a single spot project, intended to replace blighted homes, which will be under the control of an association. There were no further comments. - 1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 s. Public Hearinu - Consideration of a request f()r development stm,:e approval of a planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for The Home Depot Addition. Applicant: l3irchland Development Companv, John Lundsten, Jerrv Mathwig, and Lee Parks Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report, summarizing the proposed project, noting that the request was fex approval of the Home Depot portion of the project. lIe advised that staff has worked extensively with the applicants. Grittman noted several ponds on the site and that the applicants have stated that in the event that the pond in the northwest corner was found to not be needed, they would look to develop this as a commercial site, which Grittman advised would be looked at by the Planning Commission at that time. Grittman also summarized issues that were previously discussed, as well as rurthcr changes that staff has asked f(x such as parking lot size reduction, which the applicant has done; landscaping and. screening, specifically potential landscaping in the front of the site along the building; seasonal outdoor sales area in regard to chain link display area; and paving and curbing, advising the applicant preferred a smooth surface to avoid problems with uneven pavement and safety issues. Grittman advised ofthc sign plan submitted by Home Depot for a monument sign as well as wall sign, stating the monument sign meets the requirements of the code and although the wall sign is quite large, it appears appropriate due to the size of the site. He also noted a proposed pylon sign in the northeast corner which is 392 sq. ft. and 80 ft. in height, which is larger than what is allowed by ordinance. Grittman advised the ordinance allows 200 sq. ft. and 24' feet high, 32 ft. high for freeway allowance, although he noted it does not qualify ti:)r freeway height sign allowance. Grittman added that this is not typically a sign that stafT would approve. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Jennifer Maxwell of Greenberg Farrow Architecture, representing Home Depot, addressed. the Planning Commission regarding two issues noted. in the stall report. The first being parking in regard to the addition of a right turn lane which they were not aware of previously. Maxwell noted. that they were trying to climinate some of the parking and increase the landscaping, however with the request for the turn lane to be added they would like to keep the additional parking space. In regard to the pylon sign, Maxwell noted that due to the location of the site they were concerned. with visibility from Hwy 25 and 1-94. To maintain visibility they require a higher pylon. Maxwell noted that they had sign testing done which gave them the information on height and visibility. She also noted that this issue was not addressed in the staff report, therefore they were unaware of any stalT concerns. Grittman noted that he had not noticed the pylon on the applicant's site plan at the time of his review. Grittman clarified that the height and square fiJotage allowed was for one sign and if another business located at that site they would need to come back to the Planning Commission for approval. .., -.:...- Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Grittman advised that the issue with the turn lane was an engineering issue and would have to be discussed with the City Engineer. He did advise that he felt it was a potential requirement and that having parking along that side would interfere, but that was only his speculation, adding that proof of parking would take care of that issue. The seasonal sale area was discussed as wcll and Maxwell advised that they would be open to either of the alternative's provided by staff. She clarified that the sales area is taken down when not in season, including the fencing. There was discussion regarding landscaping around the building entrance and front of the building, and Maxwell stated although it was doable, they preferred not to have an overabundance of landscaping in that area as it makes it difficult for customers moving about that area with large items. The final landscape plan was discussed and Grittman stated it appeared to be adequate. There was furthcr discussion on the proposed signage, stating this included the Retail B area as well. Grittman also stated that if the proposed sign plan was approved, it would include Retail B as well. . Frie asked Maxwell if they were receptive to the additional landscaping as rcquested in the staff report and she advised that at concept stage they were askcd to reduce the parking lot size, add landscaping and proof of parking, which they did. This was prior to the request for the right turn lane and therel()[e they would prefer to reserve the additional parking at this time. O'Neill added that this mattcr came up whcn they were looking at the Cedar Street improvement project, but there seems to be a solution. There was further discussion regarding building design and that the building had quite extensive wall space. O'Neill advised that there would be a lined drainage ponel. Brian StumpL Council Liaison, asked stalTwhat the height of the highest sign on that side of town was at this time and O'Neill stated 57 ft., noting this was the sign on the Mielke property. lie added that this height was allowed due to several reasons such as consolidation of sign systems, total land area, etc. 'fhey felt the Ilome Depot sign was too high at 80 n. and Stumpf stated he would likc to see a compromise. frie added that the application for a pun allows them some llexibility in exchangc for a sLlperior design and that could be takcn into consideration as well. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRlE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE pun, WITH CONDITIONS STATED BELOW, BASED ON A FINDING TIIAT THE CHANGES ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE TI IE PROPOSAL CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S PLANNING AND ZONING OBJECTIVES: a. b. Provision for right turn lane along Cedar St. at Chelsea Road. Provision of a final landscaping plan to City staff for review. Changes are made to the Seasonal Sales area, by either incorporating it into the Garden Centcr area, or alternative enclosures that avoid galvanized fencing. c. . -3- Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . d. The sign package would be acceptable as proposed, based on the extraordinary size of the site and building. (Sign package does not includc thc latest pylon sign. This needs to be taken into consideration between stall and applicant). ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. There was further discussion on how to proceed with the pylon sign issue. O'Neill advised that the Planning Commission could request staff to work with the applicant, determining minimum height required, not to exceed 60 ft. This would keep the project moving forward. Maxwell advised that the sign testing did determine a height where the sign would no longer be visihle and shc would provide that inf'(Jrlllation to stall. Frie asked Council Liaison Stumpfifhe felt the City Council would feel comfortahle directing stall to work with the applicant, and Stumpf felt they would he. . Maxwell stated she did not feel that they had visibility at 60 ft. and O'Neill asked about location of the pylon sign on the site in regard to visihility. Maxwell stated the northeast corner gave them the hest visihility. Frie asked if the applicant was aware of the sign height ordinance and Maxwell stated they were and that is the reason they applied for a PUD which would allow them flexibility. O'Neill asked about distance and height and Maxwell stated that possihly visibility from 1/4 mile would he acceptable, but she would have to consult with their realtor. O'Neill stated perhaps the Planning Commission could give them that flexihility. Smith and Oragsten both felt that they need to work within their sign ordinance. O'Neill also added that regarding texture of the surface regarding pedestrian areas, staff agreed with the applicant on a smooth surface as well. 'n IERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO DENY APPROVAL OF THE 80 fOOT PYLON SIGN. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. There was further discussion to have the sign issue eome hack before the Planning Commission. Grittman stated that would work, hut that he was not surc that thc Planning Commission would he comfortable with allowing the sign to be higher. Grittman also stated that it was his oversight and not the applicant's. Dragstcn added that he would not be comfortablc going over 60 feet and Smith added that he felt the City should do the study on sign height. Frie addcd that they would not have to amend the ordinance as this is a PUD. ROBBIE SMITH AMENDED THE MOTION TO ALLOW STAFF FLEXIBILITY, NOT '1'0 EXCEED 60 I.'EET IN HEIGHT, AND TO COME BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR APPROV AL. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. . Thcre again was discussion that if it was determined that 60 feet was not sufficient for the -4- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 applicant, the Planning Commission would need to look at possibly amending the sign ordinance. TI IERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Public Hearin!.! - Consideration of a request for a development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for athletic complex containing ice arena, lockers, public areas, domed athletic field and parkin!.! lot. Applicant: RSP Architects on hehalf of the Montieello Youth Hoekev Association, Monticello Soccer Association, and City of Monticello Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report with a summary of the applicant's request. I Ie discussed parking requirements and stated it appeared there is adequate parking space, Grittman noted that parking stalls should he constructed at 20 n. and there is adequate space for this on site. Staff advises the need for an increased amount of overstory trees along JIll Street and stated that the existing berm will be moved out of the ROW per Puhlic Work's request. Staffalso requests that landscaping be provided on the north side of JIll Street to screen vehicle headlights, and provide overstory trees along the freeway side. Grittman advised that there needs to be a 3011. fire lane behind the building and it appears that there is adequate space tl)f this, also noting they will ask the Fire Department to comment as well. Staff recommends approval, with conditions noted. It was noted hy Grittman that this site will need to be subdivided, which is one of the conditions they would ask of the applicant, although it is not significant for site planning at this time. It was also advised that the applicant will need to work with the City Engineer regarding parking and ponding. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Chuck Frieherg, RSP Architects, advised that he is aware of the issues noted by stall and stated that there is no plat at this time as they prefer to get the site plan approved so they can move f()rward in determining the layout. He advised there were two holding ponds on the site between the two proposed buildings and there are no cross easements. Frieberg also advised that it would not be a problem to enlarge the parking spaces and they arc looking at landscaping in the ROW to hlock headlights from the residences, as well as looking at placement of entrances so that headlights would not shine into residences either. He stated he received the City Engineer's letter and they are willing to comply, seeing no problems. Brad Klatt, ] 3 Sandtrap Circle, stated he feels this facility is needed in the community, but not at this site. Concern with what age group would be using this facility, and again felt this project should be focused back out to the school area. Klatt stated a concern with school buses and teenage drivers using this f~tcility, again stating he fecls there is room out at the school site for this. He is concerned that they are creating a situation where they are -5- Planning Comlnission Minutes - 02/04/03 . trying to squeeze this project into a residential site, it's disruptive, concerncd about operating hours and what would be the overall use of the f~lcility other than hockey/soccer. Klatt added that his main concern is what will be proposed to go on the remainder of the property and how that would impact the residents. Frie stated that is not somcthing that is being discussed tonight and there would be a public hearing at that time. Klatt stated he felt it should be talked about at this time before moving forward. Frie added that there has been no proposal at this time. hie added that this has already been discussed by both the Planning Commission and the City Council and has been approved, so it is no longer an issue and has moved forward. Jack Neslon, 8 Center Circle, questioned where the 3 cul-de-sacs would be located in comparison to the proposed site. Grittman advised of both the pond and cul-de-sacs. Nelson questioned the height of the soccer dome and Frieberg stated it would be 53 n. high. It was also advised that there would only be one sheet of ice. Nelson had concerns as well with what might be proposed beyond this site and again it was stated there have been no proposals. lie asked if this project would be completed prior to extension of Jlh Strect and Frie advised that it is not the intent to coincide 71h Strcet with this project. Nelson questioned entrances into this sitc asking if there would be more than one route. He also asked about sidewalks and Frieberg stated they would be installed. . Grittman pointed out the portion of the site that is being proposed as therc seemed to be the perception that the proposed site was larger than it actually was. Mrs. Larson, 11 Sandtrap Circle, questioned the financial situation asking how the project will be paid fi)f. Frie stated the Planning Commission does not address this and stated she could possibly visit with the applicant at another timc on that matter, but not at the puhlic hearing. Shc questioned what happens if this was approved but the applicant could not get the financing. Frie stated that he felt they would be ready to move forward as soon as they got approval. Larson noted a culvert/holding pond that is in the area not yet proposed f()f develoPlnent and O'Neill stated the City Engineer is aware of this and would make sure it is handlcd appropriately. She also stated that she did not feel that the City was moving forward on ?h Strect and Council Liaison Stumpf advised that it is moving forward at the City Council level. Larson stated a concern with traffic and O'Neill stated that Jlh Street is a high priority for the City Council, and if not completed this year, it most likely will occur next year, although funding is an issue. He also addressed her concern with JIll Street. Dee Torgerson, 6 Center Cir, asked for clarification on zoning. O'Neill advised that it was re-zoned to a PUD some months ago, but nothing beyond this site, which was her concern. She also stated a concern with traffic and felt ?h Strect should be a priority. . Chair Frie closed the public hearing. He asked Frieberg to answer the public's questions, as wcll as if there would be security, what would be the hours of operation, and who would be managing the site in regard to scheduling, maintenance, etc. friebcrg stated all of those -6- Planning Conunission Minutes - 02/04/03 . questions arc operational, not site design, and could be answered by the Hockey Association and Soccer Association. It was advised that even though the facility would be owned by thc Hockey and Soccer Associations, they would hire employees to manage it. There will be lights installed for security and they will work with the Sherifl's Dept. on this. There is also a fire lane around the site. Gregg Engle, president of MYIIA, stated that the operation hours would mainly be Monday - Friday, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Engle stated he would be happy to talk with Mr. Klatt regarding his questions. lie also advised that the age group would be approximately from 4 years to 18 years of age; they have sold over 2500 hours of ice time and have enough ice hours to use the facility in just a hockey capacity with not going out to other activities to help with expenses. They have looked at other parcels within the City such as the school sites, and would like to meet with Mr. Klatt and answer those questoins as well. Engle concurred that management would be hircd, as well as a combination of voluntecrs. The method of managcment will be a common board, 2 hockey representatives, 2 soccer, a rcprescntativc li"om the school and onc from the City. Thcre would be a Facility Manager and Assistant Manager, working with both associations. Frie askcd them also to invite Mrs. Larson to meet with them after the meeting regarding the financing. . Frie asked Stumpf to rcspond to the 24 foot fire lane versus 30 foot and Stumpf stated he prefcrred that this be contingent on working with the Fire Department. There were further questions rcgarding SUlnmer hours versus winter and Engle advised that they would be the same in regard to Hockey. Prieberg clarified that of the 2500 hours of icc time. 85% of that is practicc and therefore would not be filling up the parking lot most of the time as it would be more dropping olT and picking up. Thcre was discussion on the complction of Chelsea Road and O'Neill stated that there is a petition from Denny Ilecker and platting is in the works, but also that it may be some time before that happens. It was then noted again that thc previous R-3 zoning could have allowed a possible apartment complex with ovcr 600 cars pcr day and this would be a much bettcr alternative. Kent Johnson, President of the Socccr Association, adviscd that their hours would coincide with the Hockey Association's hours, although 11l0St likely not quite as early, stating possibly like 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., perhaps at times 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. f()r walking/running. Management would be thc common board as was previously stated. He also advised that anything that could takc placc on grass could also take place in the dome, and that would necd to be addressed by the common board. Stumpf advised that he had recently spoken with the Mayor of Clcarwatcr stating they are in the early stages of dcsiging a rink in their community, but they would be drawing from the St. Cloud arca. Decision One: Request for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development ClJP: . A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF -7- . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 THE PUD CUP, SUBJECT TO TIlE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: J. Applicant is to provide additional subdivision related information showing the name of the proposed plat and dimensions of lot boundaries, prior to submittal offinal plat. The applicant must receive approval from both the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator to allow for a curb cut of28 ft. The west access area is to be reviewed for improved circulation. The width of the fire lanc at the rear of the building is to be Icssened to 24 ft in ordcr to provide room for landscaping and/or any shifting in the structure that may be necessary. This contingent on approval of the Fire Department. The applicant is to provide an updated number of total capacity for both the soccer and hockey arenas. The design of the parking stalls should be () ft in width and 20 ft in length, as described in Section 3-5[0]9(a) of the zoning ordinance. I ncrease the amount of overstory trees along 71h St. Berm is to be moved away from the ROWand onto the property. Provide landscaping design along north side Of?h St. Provide overstory trces along freeway side of the structure. Applicant is to submit a photometric plan. Applicant to provide updated description of building exterior and be required to obtain Planning Commission approval of significant alterations. Landscaping on opposite side of the road. Operation hours to be 6 a.m. to ] 0 p.m., with flexibility of extended hours on an occasional basis. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. There was further discussion on adding opcrational hours to the list of conditions, but O'Neill stated there was discussion but no actual time was establishcd, although it was a concern at concept stagc. Engle added that the 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. would be normal hours. lie did state that the t~lcility could possibly bc used Sunday mornings as well lor tournaments, and they would like to utilize the facility to its fullest. Robbie Smith wishcd to add to condition #4 that there be an agreement with the Fire Department regarding the width of the fire lane. THERE BEING NO FURTIIER DISCUSSION, RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Decision 2: Request for a Preliminary Plat A MOTION WAS MADE BY LLOYD HILGART TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL OF ALL DATA REQUIRED IN SECTION 11-2 OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. APPROVAL OF THE PlJD/ClJP, AND COMMI~NTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. ROD I)RAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -8- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 7. Public Hearinl!: - Consideration of a request l()f rezoninl!: from AO to R-l A and R-2; and consideration of development stage PUD and preliminary plat approval l()r Spirit Hills residential development. Applicant: Mapkwood Development & Construction, Inc. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report summarizing the applicant's request for rezoning and development stage PUD/preliminary plat approval. Grittman pointed out concerns that staff continues to have such as the requirement for higher amenities in accordance with PUD standards. Grittman provided the original list of conditions as well as additional issues by staff. Grittman stated the one of the primary issues was a conCern by the Fire Department recommending that drives be connected to provide f()r a more continuous loop to get vehicles in and around the units. Grittman advised that if the Planning Commission wished to approve the applicant's request, it should be contingent on compliance with original conditions, as well as any new concerns stated at this public hearing. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Dick Van Allen, 6448 River Mill Drive, stated his concerns were with location of units in regard to benning and ponding. He also stated a request from the church next to this site, for additional parking which might impact this proposal. Van Allen stated there could be an additional 100 spaces added to the church site, as well as a possible future addition to the church. Van Allen stated he is concerned with the number of units backing up to each other with no access, the 25 foot minimum setbacks in some of the areas, and added that this area was previously zoned R-I. Mario Coccherella, Maplewood Development Co., stated that since the time they Went bel()fc the Planning Commission at their last mccting, he was very taken aback by the staff report and felt after reading the report it looked as if they had never spoken to staff in the past. He advised that this project dates back to 200 I, noting at least 4 separate meetings, and that the plan in front of them tonight was the one that stall had givcn their approval on, and therefore they proceeded. He addressed comments regarding elevations in that they resembled apartment units, which he felt was not so. Again he stated he felt they had staff approval and is now hesitant to proceed to the City Council with this type of report. I Ie stated that they had previously talked about the plan preserving open space, noting other amenities they had added. Frie askcd him about his resistance to changing the unit style implicating that somewhere along the line they had been asked to do this, and this should come as no surprise to them. Coccherclla stated they had provided 4 separate concepts and what was provided in October had not changed. O'Neill added that in concept they did. not show the housing types or elevations. Also, the Planning Commission reviewed a previous sketch plan and did not include house style or impact of the hill, noting that approval to move l()fward was based on the assumption that housing styles would be ditTerent. O'Neill d.id concur with Coccherella that the housing styles were presented without a full grading plan showing how the hillside would be impacted or how the housing units would work with the grade. O'Neill advised that they did not have complete inf()fIl1ation at that time to give full approval. -9- . Planning C0Il1111 ission Minutes - 02/04/03 Coccherella stated he wants to work with staff: but if this is not something that they feel is worth the site amenities that they have provided, then provide them with what they would like to see and give them direction. He also added that in this area of the City where thcy arc attempting to put in up-scale housing, they must look at the homes currently there and thc fact that they are dated. He felt there needed to be a smoothcr transition. He also pointed out the 2 towers and a gas line to work around. Frie asked if for the townhomes they arc still looking at the upper $200,000 and Coccherella stated uppcr $100,000. Frie stated he recalled previously that they had statcd $225,000+. Frie also advised that this arca was designated to be upscale and the townhouses and single family units are being reviewed together, although it appears the townhomes are the ones in dispute. It was questioned if the request could be individual and moving f()rward with the single I~Ullily units, having the applicant come back to stall with the townhome concept. Frie further noted that only 9 items are in compliance out of the initial 26, but Coccherella slatcd he felt that a majority of them had to do with engineering and would be dcalt with as thcy proceed. Coccherella questioned also the new issues with the Fire Department, stating they were not going to design a site for fire trucks, but would meet the requirements. Frie asked Coecherella to address a concern from the previous meeting by a resident across the street from the site regarding entrances and he stated that they have moved the entrance into the site away from the resident across the street. . There was further discussion regarding a concern by other residents regarding the number of units, and Grittman advised that stall looks at the overall site and land use in regard to density, noting there were trade ofts with the R-I single l~lmily large lots. He also noted at that time they were working with annexation issues as well and what would be appropriate on this site, as well as how would the townhouses fit in. The number oftownhome units already in the City was discussed again and Grittman stated that the market determines this, and town homes arc very popular in the market at this time. He also advised that combining the two phases and avcraging them makes the density work out. Carlson noted that he recalled the consensus of the Planning Commission at the last meeting was fc)r the applicant to move ahead and hc was also surprised with the stafTreport. He felt this style of home is popular at this time and staff needs to look at density, streets, and grading issues. His perception from the last meeting is that they looked at the same diagrams and gave direction to proceed. - Dragsten concurred with Carlson and felt it was a good project. Jerry Lazar, Design Forum, noted that this type of housing is being built all over. He added that the interior units can be less desirable than the ends units, but what thcy have tricd to do with interior units in order to improve visibility, is to put in a 2 story with a loft, adding a dormer and a bank of windows above so the lighting conditions would be highly improved. A 1i-ont court yard is also not difficult. Lazar added that this is a difficult site as there is an 80 ft. drop and added that they would not build thcse units 1()r the City or themselves if they did not lCel they - -10- . . . Planning COll1ll1ission Minutes - 02/04/03 would sell. Coccherella added that regarding the church, Jon Bogart, surveyor, had approached him as well. He asked also that they look again at the current homes across the street and if they would be as well maintained as his townhomes would with an association. Hilgart agreed that the projcct looks nice and felt the price range is adequate as well. It was further advised that the median would be landscaped and drawings will be provided. It was noted that these would be maintained by a smallcr association in the single family dcvelopment. Carlson asked staff and Grittman what the main issues were and Grittman stated that it is the mass of the buildings. He added that they find the buildings to be attractive and it has nothing to do with architecture. Grittman also added that he is not accustomed to coming to a meeting recommending denial either, but that they had discussed this previously with the developer. It was advised that drawings had been submitted regarding conditions 3 and 22 in the staff report. Smith again questioncd the $225,000 price range now being $189,900. Grittman stated that was an issue at the last meeting as well and he concurs with Coccchcrella. They then discussed square footagcs and it was noted that the units would be approx. 1400 to 1600 sq. ft, with interior units at approx. 1300 sq. ft. Fred Patch, Building Official, questioned the developer regarding IBC and UBC standards. as well as the request for the 8 plexes to be sprinklered. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSn':N TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL or THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND DEVELOPMEN'f STAGE PUD FOR SPIRIT' HILLS. CONTINGENT ON THE APPLICANT'S COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXllIRlT Z FROM THE ORIGINAL REPORT OF 1/7/03, AND CONDITIONS or THIS REPORT, AS WELL AS COMPLIANCE WITII IBC STANDARDS AND INCLUSION OF FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN THE 8 PLEXES. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of development staf.!e planned unit development. IT-zoning from Agriculture to R-I, R-2, and R-2A and preliminary plat approval for a residential subdivision. Applicant: Lois & Eugcne Bauer; Tyler South, LLC; Virl!inia & Earl Husak; Mark Gergen & Associates/Bruggeman Properties, LLC Steve Grittman provided the statT report regarding the request for re-zoning and preliminary plat approval for a residential development to consist of 44 single family lots, 53 smaller single family lots and 183 attached townhomc units. He advised ofMnDOT's plan l(n 1-94, including a temporary bypass lane that MnDOT will construct during freeway construction. Staff leels that irthe bypass is leH in place it may be beneficial to trallic patterns in the area. Grittman explained that they are not sure whether MnDOT will allow the City to maintain that "frontage road", but they have asked the applicant to provide a conncction to it, which they have done. Staff noted their preference that the connection be made from 95th Strect. -11- Planning COlllmission Minutes - 02/04/03 . A park is located in the northeast corner of the site and the Parks Commission has reviewed the plan and concurs with the design of the plat as shown. Most comments in the staff report relate to final design details, and staff has made some comments regarding potential issues with access, although they are not aware of the City Engineer's input at this time. Staff also requests that the design of cuI de sacs meet City standards. The applicant meets minimum setback and have worked with statTto design a public street system based on ROW needs, also providing l()r adequate boulevard space. The typical standards used on private streets has not heen adequate in the past, and Grittman notcd this is an unusual arrangement from what stall has typically seen and leels it should work. This design gives it a more spacious tee! as well. There was discussion regarding conneetion fl'om Meadow Brook Lane and it was advised that connection is designed to allow access to a future frontage road they hope to retain from MnDOT. . Chair Frie opened the publie hearing. Greg Schlink, Bruggeman Homes, provided a quick history of the project, noting this is their third appearancc befi)re the Planning COlllmission. I Ie advised of the underground gas line casement and overhead powcr line easement, and descrihed wherc the transition area between the single family homes and town homes would he located. He pointed out that the small lot. single family home is consistent with the City's zoning ordinance and the plat is similar to what they had previously brought to the Planning Commission. Schlink stated the request hy stafr for a potential connection to a future frontage road from 95th St/Gillard Cir" has heen provided, as well as constructing a cui de sac on Meadow Brook Lane to provide anothcr access to the neighborhood. Regarding parkland and opcn space, it was noted that there is approx. 6 Y2 acres to be dedicated to the City, and an additional acre of trail area to connect to the existing trail on Gillard Ave., back through the development to the townhome area and sidewalk area, and back to Haug Ave. It was also noted that staff had asked them to considcr a trail along 951h Street. lhe applicant leels these are good amenities to the project, adding that the total of 7 Y:: acres of park space puts them over the required amount. It was also noted that the Parks ('ommission did have somc issues with park land. Mark Gergen, Gergen & Associates, addressed the Planning Commission regarding the concern in the stall report regarding park area. At a previous Parks Commission meeting they recommended moving, changing, or eliminating 3 lots, which they did, and Gcrgen provided a drawing eliminating those lots. Parks Commission also looked for increased park spaee and the applicant would like to go back with another proposal. They moved the trail entrance over so it would connect directly to the park. Rather than all lots being 80 n., they are willing to reduce thelll, while still meeting City requirements and havc increased frontage and access to parks. . Bill Schiller, 95th Street and Haug Ave., askcd for clarification of access roads which Gergen -12- Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . advised of. He was concerned with increased traffic and O'Neill advised of a finance plan that would reconstruct the road and would take place possibly at the time the road needs to be reconstructed, although not at this time. O'Neill advised that they will get funding from the developer for this. There wi II be no access shut ofT but the prospect of extending along 951h Street f()r future frontage area. Schiller questioned the wetland and O'Neill advised of that, also noting the foundations have to meet the requirements fix elevations which the City Engineer would address. He asked about Ditch 33 and O'Neill advised there are plans to reduce water in that ditch. 'fhis also has to be reviewcd by the Wright County Conservation Dcpt., but it looks like the grade can be modified to their satisl~lction to maintain the wetland. Annexation was tabled, pending further review f(x water and scwer capacity, another f~lct that needs to be resolved prior to final approval. Corey HutTy, 951h Street. stated concerns with access and increased traffic, noting Haug Ave. is quite narrow. He feels that needs to be addressed now, versus "as needed". lie was also concerned with the value of homes proposed, noting across the street are 2 and 3 acre lots with higher value homes. Schlink responded to traffic and stated that they tried to minimize traffic by creating the internal street so much of the traffic would bc maintained internally, adding that they considered this in their planning. . Gergen addressed the drainage plan stating there was previous work done that redirected some of the water and they would add another 55 acres to improve that as well. He advised of the style of housing for larger single hunily lots, noting larger setbacks, two stories, ramblers, and splits. He felt the larger lot single family price range would be $200.()00+, the townhomes would possibly be 3 ditTerent styles, on the higher value end, and the small lot single t~lInily will be a mix of front and side loaded garages, and he leJt thcy would be adding value by proposing row townhomes versus big box townhomes. Keith I~ohncs, 951h Street, questioned the value of the homes as well and it was advised they would be $160.000+ liJr the small lots, the townhomes $130,000+ . Chair t"ric closed the public hearing. There was discussion regarding square foot standards and Grittman advised they had not yet revicwed floor plans. Gergen noted thcy were not aware of the new standards adopted last year and O'Neill stated he would provide this inl()fmation. Therc was further discussion regarding the pathway in the northwest corner to the southwest corner changing to sidewalk versus a continuous path. O'NeillleJt that they wcre trying to maintain a corridor and Schlink provided a drawing showing wherc the pathway stops and connects to sidewalk, noting the reason bcing that there really is not room to extend the pathway due to a grading issuc. Oragsten felt that was a concern. Gergen added that two of the three neighborhoods would have associations and all roads would bc public. . Gergcn advised of proposed square footages, two stories from approx. 1900 to 2400 sq. 1'1:.; splits w(ndd range from 1100 sq. n. on the main floor up to 1200 to 1400 sq. ft; ramblers -13- Planning COll1ll1ission Minutes - 02/04/03 . 1300+ sq. n. on the large lots. Small lots approx. 1000 sq. n. on one floor, with at least 2 floors and possibly up to 3 floors. Townhomes would be over 1500 sq ft, the other design presented is approx. 1300 sq. ft., and the new design would possibly be about 1100 sq. ft. There was further discussion regardi ng Haug Ave. and the steep ditch directly to the east needing more immediate attention. Grittman added that this would be true but his guess would be that the traffic would follow the internal street pattern, although Dragsten stated the townhome traffic would possibly use Haug Ave. Grittman still felt they would follow the internal pattern out to Gillard Ave. Frie asked about aceess/cirrculation, and noted that this had been discussed on public reeord previously and that the public should keep up on this issue, noting when/if there were concerns they should come to the City Councilor Planning Commission. Frie also addressed the growth area boundary noting that the City Engineer recommended extending water and sewer to that area. Planning Commission states that if growth is available, water and sewer should be extended to that area. . There was more discussion regarding the gas line easement running through the park and O'Neill advised that the Parks Commission accepted that area as park land, but not park dedication as they felt it did not meet minimum standards and did not have value. O'Neill advised they were quite adamant about this. The area ean be used as parks/open space. Decision One: Request for rezoning from AO to R-I, R-2A, and R-2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII TO APPROVE THE REZONING FROM AO TO R-l, R-2A, AND R-2, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH TilE COMPREIIENSIVE PLAN. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Decision Two: Request for a Planned Unit Development ConditiomtlUse Permit. ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII TO APPROVE THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. I ^"lot dimcnsions and easemcnts arc to he shown on the site plan. The applicant should cover costs associated with improvemcnts to Gillard Avenuc, 951h ^ vcnue, and Haug A venue in order to support the incrcased traffic causcd hy this development. The dcad end on Meadow l3rook Lane should he eliminated and possibly rcdesigncd, and Gillard Circle should he redesigned to allow for futurc conncction to potential frontage road. Thc dead cnd on Golden Mcadow Road should be el im inated and redesigned. " -, . 4. . -14- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 5. Thc ROW width and paved area dimensions throughout the project are subject to comments from the City Engineer and Public Works Director. ^n elevation plan showing berrn ing, fencing and landscaping along interstate 94 is to be submitted and reviewed by City staff. A sidewalk/trail is to be shown on the site plan, running cast/west along 951h Street. 6. 7. 8. The Parks C:onllnission recommendations relating to pathway and park land provision are met. 9. Ruilding elevations are submitted to denlOnstrate cOlnpliance with applicable City objectives, including minimizing the impacts of street-front garage doors and ensure that proper structure separation exists. 10. The City approve the vacation of existing side lot line drainage and utility easements. II. Approval of grading and drainage issues by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. ] 2. Approval of grading and drainage plan as it affects the wetlands by the Wright County Soils & Conservation District. 13. Modifications of plat nanle and street names to assure distinct identity. 14. Adjust cui de sacs to comply with City requirements. Riel-lARD CARLSON SECONDED 'rHE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Decision Three: Request for a Preliminary Plat for Wild Meadow. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LLOYD IIILGART TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WILD MEADOW, AS PRESENTED. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of a re(]lIest for a conditional usc pcrmit allowing a cell tower in an I-I A district. Applicant: Sprint PCS and Fulfillmcnt Systems (Tabled from previous meeting). Fred Patch, Building Official, provided a brief summary of the previous meeting and tabling of this item. I Ie noted that the requested infl1rmation was provided by Sprint pes and based on that information, staff recommends approval. Patch advised that the othcr two locations the applicant was requested to consider were determined to be not viable. Chair hie opened the public hearing. JoAnna DeMara, Spring pes, advised of the additional information requested at thc last meeting providing the coverage maps regarding the radioti-equency arcas and capacity. She noted an error on a previous letter to staff regarding amount of square footage of unencumbered land this facility requires and that it should have been stated 400 sq. ft. She also stated that the diameter of the 3 carrier poles and 5 carrier poles is not significant as it is only 5 inches in diameter. -15- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. Dragsten asked for inic)Hnation regarding coverage based on proposed location, which DeMara provided. Dragsten still stated a concern with cell towers in general, again noting the various towers which have been added over the years and Carlson concurred also stating he did not like the location or the height of the tower. DeMara added that according to the City's zoning ordinance, if they prove that another tower is not viable, the tower would be allowable. Grittman advised also that they have to abide by FCe regulations. Frie asked if the ordinance could be amendcd to limit the towers to within 3 miles versus 1/4 mile, but Grittman stated that was not an option. Patch also advised that when the ordinance was drafted in 1997 there seemed to be a proliferation of towers, they also had extensive inJc)Hnation at that time. The height is a basic standard established by the FCC and the industry and to exceed that could he defeated hy the FCC regulations. Co-location was a supported option as well. DeMara also advised that they have a master agreement with other carriers as well which is reciprocal and not a deterrent for co-locations. Stumpf concurred that putting up the tower in that location was not desirable, hut if this complies with the ordinance he did not see how they could not approve. Carlson then asked ifthere was any way to mitigate the impact of the tower with a fence right at the second exit and Patch advised that they had done that with some landscaping. He also advised of the requirements for hutlering. A MOTION WAS MADE RY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF TIlE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. SUBJEeT TO CONDITIONS LISTED IN ZONING CODE SECTION 3-12. AS WELL AS THE CONDITION TO PLACE TilE 5 CARRIER TOWER AND LANDSCAPE BUrFER TOWARD 1-94 TO PROVIDE FOR 5()(Yo OF OPACITY, BASED ON A FINDING TIIAT THE PROPOSED USE COMPLIES WITH TIlE REQUIREMENTS FOR SlJCH FACILITIES IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 2 WITII RICHARD CARLSON AND ROD DRAGSTEN VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Frie requested this ordinance be addressed and hrought back to the Planning Commission at a future date. 10. Consideration of a re(llIest ic)r development stal-':e planned unit development approval allowinl-': expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Ilospital. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. (Tabled from previous meeting). Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report summarizing the previolls meeting where the Planning Commission tabled this item. He noted that the majority of the previous concerns generally were acceptable. although staff felt there were further conditions that should he considered. Some of these concerns included east/west trail connection,joint access and parking agreement, submittal of a grading plan. parking stall size, landscape plan, lighting, and other possihle comments by the City Engineer. -16- Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . Grittman then advised of the previous River Street traflic discussion and stated what they had found was that previous discussions related more to access of service area /l.)r delivery services. He did note however that the City could place signs restricting truck trat1ic on River Street. Regarding building design, it was staff's position that this was not inconsistent with concepts previously brought forward. Grittman advised that staff does recommend approval of development stage PLIO, with recommendations as noted. Chair Frie opened the pubic hearing. Tim Sessions, B WR Architects, spoke on the Hospital's behalf. He advised the trail connection would be constructed by the Hospital and placed along the River making the east/west connection. The joint access agreement had been taken care of. Sessions added that they would still appreciate to be able to continue using the smaller parking stall size, especially in the back area, noting that if they increase the size to 20 n, it would push the parking lot out too far making it almost impossible for truck loading and turnarounds. Therefore, they asked to continue with the 18 ft. stalls previously approved by the Planning Commission under the PUD. . Session's advised that additions to the landscaping were made in accordance with the Parks Commission specifications. In rcgard to the building design, Sessions adviscd that the building was constructed in the 1960's by a separate developer, as well as the Mississippi Shores and the Dental Clinic. He stated the Hospital recognizes this concern and they have tried to address those issues. He provided pictures of the previous building in 1997 to what is there today, noting an improvement. lIe also provided drawings of the next phase and how it will fit in, and the overall character which will now throughout the campus. They also would like to move thc parking lot and ambulance garage when funds arc available. Scssions advised that they will try to limit trucks on River Street although it should be recognized that this access is necessary. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. There was discussion regarding the temporary parking stalls and that they will be removed when the ramp is installed. Frie asked about the responsibility of the trail construction and Sessions noted that would be the Ilospital's. O'Neill added that the gap between where the Hospital constructed pathway ends and the future alignment within the property to the east is yet to be determined. In the agreement with the Hospital District there will be leeway granted to allow connection of the path to the River Street ROW, or to another easement alignment which could more closely follow the River's edge. Also, frie noted in regard to design, they asked them specifically to provide a bui Iding design so that they could address this. He added that the Planning Commission had not received this information, although Sessions did state this information was provided. Frie stated signage was another concern and the applicant was asked to address this at the previous meeting as well. Another concern of Frie's was the lack of completion of previous projects and not in compliance. Frie stated he was also concerned about not receiving a copy of the signed joint access agreement. . Sessions again addressed building design, stating he could not speak to the buildings built previously. but only the current design, which he again stated was submitted. O'Neill -17- . Planning COlllmission Minutes - 02/04/03 concurred this had been suhmitted. He advised that the 10 open spaces that Frie was referring to would be filled in with windows. Roger Oberg, Associate Administrator 1()f the Hospital, stated they are aware of their temporary agreement with the City regarding the parking lot and it is their hope to begin ground hrcaking, getting that area ready for use by construction vehicles during that time. Frie asked staff who is responsible t()f enforcing conformance and Fred Patch, Building OfficiaL adviscd of the difficulty with enforcement issues involving hospitals and schools. O'Neill noted that many times issues arc taken care ot~ but others do linger. Regarding the extension that Oberg noted, O'Neill advised that he would have to research that but did not feel it was that long of an extension period. There was further discussion on restricting truck traflic and O'Neill stated that there has been a loading berth at that site for years which would be covered under the original PUt) approval. He did note that the City could possibly post no truck route signs west of Ramsey St. so that traflic comes off of Broadway, taking the closest entrance, which might help to moderate truck traffic on Ri ver St. . Carlson advised that over the years they have had many discussions with Sunny Fresh and their reduction of truck traffic, but ieels that this is encouraging truck traffic. O'Neill asked the applicant if the truck traffic would change at all, and they advised it would not. O'Neill stated that this is an existing condition and doesn't know that they can now go hack and change it. They discussed e1forts to mitigate truck traffic in other areas in the City and Grittman advised that it is allowable, except where the City has posted signs. Grittman felt a reasonable solution eould he to direet traffic up Washington to Broadway and post the road, without putting restrictions on the Hospital. [<"rie asked Oberg how many trucks he felt traveled that road per day and Oberg thought it to be 1 to 2 per day, typically large semis delivering i()od or supplies. Frie asked if there was any way to direct the Hospital to restrict times oftrallic. Oberg felt that trucks delivering from suppliers to buyers would be working on their own schedules and may not be in their control. Oberg also cOlnInented that he assumed since 1965 there have been trucks dclivering off River Street, also pointing out that due to the grade of the road he was not sure trueks could come off Washington. Smith questioncd the parking lot length and Sessions advised that he could not answer at this time hut that he felt that eventually the Hospital's objective is to obtain the Dental Clinic and remove the amhulance garage, moving the parking around. Linda Doerr, Vice Chair of the Hospital Board, stated they have looked at constructing a parking ramp several times and cannot at this time due to eost, hut advised it is still their desire. Smith qucstioned what would happen with the property if the ramp were constructed and Sessions felt that there would then be a levcl of development, the land would be used, but prohably not for parking. Smith also noted a concern about landscaping along Broadway and Sessions stated that when the Parks Commission reviewed their plans, additionallandseaping was added along Broadway. Sessions also advised that they arc working with thc County on taking some of the hlack dirt from that site and creating a berm to screen the parking lot, but they need to work with the County to see if they can extend into the ROW. . Smith also commented on truck traffic and a concern with the Middle School across -18- . . . ll: Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 Broadway. O'Neill advised that according to the comprehensive transportation plan, thcre will be a light installed on Broadway at Washington. [<'rie asked Doerr what the strategic long term plan is tor the I lospital and she advised that she could not state exactly at this time, but Sessions advised that it is typical to go out 5 ycars. Oberg added that this is a phase of their 10 ycar plan. He also noted thc projections they use and advised Frie that he believes this addition will take them beyond 5 years as thcy will build spaee to grow into. There was further discussion rcgarding currcnt parking and that employec parking lots should be switched with patient parking, which the applicants agrecd with. Sessions added that the hospital did a parking study, and with projections, they are within 20 cars of being maxed out. Scssions noted that hospital parking tluctuates. Oberg advised they expect to have additional parking to the wcst. Jim Agosto, Hospital Board member, addressed the Planning Commission in regard to signage, stating the Hospital wants it to be clcar and not to bc compared with ncw devclopments in the City, stating again that it nccds to be clear l()r patients. ~Ie also noted that in the mcdical field things bccome obsoletc in 5 years and therc will bc changcs. Frie advised Agosto that he did not feel they should be trcated dit1erently than anyone clse, but Agosto advised that signage is different in the mcdical field and thc inlportant thing is that paticnts necd to know where to go. Again Fric advised of his dissatisfaction with the building aesthetics. Ilc also felt signs should be aesthetically pleasing, again Agosto disagrced, Jeeling that it should be clear and concise. There was no furthcr discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE HOSPITAL DEVEI,OPMENT STAGE PUD, BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WIT}I THE I 10SPlTAL CAMPUS CONCEPT PUD. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Considcration of acccPting revised Fields of Hillside Hurst preliminarv plat as being consistent with original preliminary plat. Jeff(),Neill, Deputy City Administrator, asked the Planning Commission to revicw a rcvised plat for this site to see if it is consistent with the original preliminary plat prcviously proposed. O'Neill noted scveral changes to the plat including the revised pathway system rcmoving the trail from the pipeline easement, adding that it is a nicc park and trail plan that thc Parks Commission is in favor of O'Neill advised of an issue that had considerable discussion on which was regarding value of the land and compliance with R-l standards, with R-I A to t()llow. Previous action was taken to deny a PUD and adhere to the subdivision standards. O'Ncill statcd there is now a new developer who is aware of those concerns and thc desire for upper end housing on that sitc. The number of lots increascd slightly and cnginecring data needs to be brought up to date beJ()f"c bringing it bcfore the City Council. [<'rie adviscd approval should bc contingent upon dctails of the City Engineer regarding sewer and storm water. Bob Pcarson, owncr/developer, provided a sketch of the changes thcy had made. I Ie also . -19- . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 introduced developer I IowaI'd Triggs. Pearson advised that they made the changes to thc trails after discussions with staff and input Irom the Parks Commission. There will be sidewalks on all streets, trail access tying in with the Spirit Hills development, a rcduction in the numher of crossings over the pipeline and improved ponding. The engineer is working on drainage problems out of the Rolling I Iills development and will correct them. Pearson provided the general layout and stated they anticipate 851h Street to be shifted to the south versus north. Hilgart questioned if there would be a numher of builders and Pcarson noted that had not been determined. Triggs added that they are currently working with 6 builders. Hilgart asked about layout and Triggs advised that the site slopes to the south and they will provide complete plan sets within the next week for staff to review. Staff advised that the developer must adhere to the R-I standards. Pearson added that all changes have bcen enhancements to the layout and these wi]] not he entry level homes, anticipating approximatcly $200,000+ homes. It was questioned if the developer would he back with plans for the property to the south but it was advised that thcy are not in possession of that property at this time. Smith stated he was still concerned with R-IA standards that were promiscd by the previous developer and Pearson stated that he was not familiar with the City's R-I A standards but felt that they would meet them. although the property is zoned R-I and they nced to abide by those standards. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE ACCEPTING IIJLLSIDE FARMS AS BEING SUFFICIENTLY CONSISTENT WITH THE FIELDS OF HILLSIDE HURST PROPOSAL. CONTINGENT UPON DETAILS BEING ACCEPTABLE BY THE CITY ENGINEER REGARDING SEWER AND W A'fER. THE MODIFIED PLAT MEETS APPLICABLE CONDITIONS ORIGINALL Y NOTED WITH THE FIELDS OF HILLSIDE HURST PLAT, AND TilE CONDITION TIIAT TilE LOT SIZES MUST BE INCORPORATED AND VERIFIED BY STAfF, PRIOR TO PROCEEDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Consideration of providing input on goals and proiects for the City. Chair Frie recommended that Planning Conunission take this under consideration and bring back to the March meeting. 13. Adjourn ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 11: 15 P.M. RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . -20-