City Council Minutes 05-24-1999MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 2a, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Rager Cazlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held Mav 10. 1„999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUNIPF AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 10, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of minutes of the Board of Review meeting held Mav 12: 1999. A MOTION WAS y[ADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MNUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD titAY 12, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a enda. See 7A, 15A. 15B, 15C, 15D. 4. iti2ens comments/ etitions re uests and com Taints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of an amendment to the relocation settlement benefits for Monticello Bulk Petroleum-Bill Aydt. Recommendation: Approve the relocation agreement with Monticello Bulk Petroleum allowing for an additional two years to request reimbursement of expenditures. Eligible for reimbursement only if a facility is established in the city limits, if Mr. Aydt is the owner of the facility and it is completed by June 30, 2001. B. Consideration of granting annual approval for municipal licenses. Recommendation: Approve liquor licenses effective 7/1/99, contingent upon applicants providing appropriate proof of insurance. C. Consideration of Change Orders No. 2-8 for the Monticello Training and Community Center project. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 2-8 in the amount of $93,929.00. Council Minutes - 5/24/99 D. Consideration of a resolution approving construction plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for the County State Aid Highway 75 improvement project (SAP 86-67~-12), City Project 98-17C and County Project. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications and order advertising for bids. E. Consideration of appointment of Parks Commission member. Recommendation: Appoint Nancy McCaffrey to the Pazks Commission. F. Consideration of approving purchase agreement between the City and Danner Trucking outlining terms of sale at vacated Marvin Road right-of way and adjacent remnant parcel. Recommendation: Approve purchase agreement. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO APPROVE ALL ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. None. 7. Pu lic Hearin --Review of trunk storm water ro'ect fundin -~TH 25. Bret Weiss explained the backer ound of storm, water funding relating to assessment of trunk improvement projects. In the Highway 25 improvement project, the trunk drainage area includes land from 85th Av (south) to Oakwood Dr (north) and Kjellberg's West. Drainage has to be discharged within city limits. About $1 million in trunk fee assessments aze proposed for the trunk tine to drain from existing ponds in the area. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. John Bondhus commented that he thought the project was too expensive. He felt the City should consider hiring its own engineer, who could provide checks and balances to whether a project was cost effective. Brian Southwell, manager of Kjellberg's, objected to the project because Kjellberg Inc. feels that there is sufficient drainage already. They would like to see more details about the project to determine whether it is necessary- Bret noted that there appears to be an agreement in place allowing Kjellberg Inc. to provide its own drainage system thus avoiding any assessment. Brett explained that Kjellberg was allowed to construct a stormwater drainage pond in conjunction with the sanitary sewer installation at Kjellberg's East. Bret noted that Kjellberg did not construct the pond that was proposed; however, excavation is taking place slowly by allowing developers to remove some of the soil and thus creating a ponding area. Clint Herbst asked about cast of doing project now versus waiting until later. He suggested that it may be wise to have another engineer take a look at the project also. Council Minutes - S/24/99 Bret noted that he had no problem with that. He also noted that the state has gone through all phases of the project. Bruce Thielen commented that he feels comfortable with the estimated costs because of the standards required for astate-funded project. Clint questioned the depth of the lines. Bret explained that the Klein Farms drainage area to the south is intended to tie into that system eventually and the lines will be laid deep enough to accomodate the drainage from that area. Glen Posusta asked if the City has acquired the large pond on the west side of Hwy 25 (south of Marvin Rd). Bret commented that the city is taking over the drainage around that pond. Bret noted that later this year, they will have completed the storm water and pond plan which probably should be reviewed by another engineer. Glen Posusta asked if the cost of the trunk fees could be pinpointed for the landowners and how would it be charged. Bret explained that developed properties would be assessed approximately .03 per square foot. Properties developed in the future will be charged a per acre trunk fee at the time the building permit is issued. The public hearing was closed. Clint commented that he feels there is no choice but to continue with the project. It will be less expensive in the long run. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND APPROVE CONTINUATION OF THE PROJECT. Motion carried unanimously. 7A. Consideration of desianatin Marvin Road as a minimum maintenance road. John Simola explained the idea of opening Marvin Raad as a minimum maintenance road during construction process for Hwy 25 project. Council approval is required far opening road. Although this is intended to be temporary, Cauncil would need to take action after the project to close the road again. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO OPEN IVL4RVIN ROAD AS A MINIl~fUM MAINTENANCE ROAD. Motion carried unanimously. $. Public Hearing-Review of trunk storm water project funding-(:SAH 75. Bret Weiss explained project in relation to CSAH 75. Clint asked about the size of the pipe and access location. Bret noted that $.S trillion in expenditures is estimated to extend storm water pipe to from Hart Blvd to south side of Hwy 75. Cost estimated at .02 per square foot to benefitting landowners. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Council vlinutes - S/24/99 John Bondhus commented that he thinks the school does not really want the City to take its land for the project. He feels that the city could just use the land that is necessary and then make it into a pond habitat area. Bondhus was concerned about the design to maximize use of the area and preserve land and pond. Bret offered to include Bondhus and school district in the design process. Public hearing was closed. A I~iOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUE THE PROJECT. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Discussion of design ooptions for Oakwood Drive median opening„at I~IcDonalds. Bret painted out the options available to provide access to McDonald's if median were closed to left turns in the future. It would probably be necessary to construct an extension to Cedar Street to access McDonald's along north side of Super America. Bret felt, at a mitumum, it would be necessary to obtain aright-of--way agreement For the land between Super America and Hoglund Bus to construct Cedar Street extension at a later time, if necessary. Greg LePage, McDonald's Corporation, commented on the preference for maintaining easy access to their site. He felt that conditions for allowing an opening in the median were fair. He feels that the company would agree to extension of Cedar Street if the need was proven necessary in the future. Bret noted that appraisal value of right-o£ way was $5,000 with improvements cost approximately $26,000. City could possibly purchase land and convey it back to businesses in some manner with them providing upkeep. Bret suggested that private businesses may come up with an easement agreement between them to acquire right-off way for Cedar Str extension A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST A~iD SECONDED BY BRIAN STUNLPF TO SELECT OPTION C MEDIAN DESIGN, CONTINGENT ON AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHED BETWEEN MCDONALD'S, SUPER AMERICA AND HOGLUND'S TO ACQUIRE ARIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR A FUTURE CEDAR STREET EXTENSION. The agreement must be presented to Council prior to median being built on Oakwood Drive. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of a rezoning and concept site~lan approval for an R-4. Mobile Home Park District. Applicant: Kjellbergilnc. Steve Grittman reviewed the concept plan proposed by Kjellberg's, Inc. He explained the history of the previous concept plan which was turned down by the City because it was found to be inconsistent with city's comprehensive plan. The new concept plan proposes a medium density pattern for an R-4, Nlobile Home Park district. Grittman explained the pros and cons of the proposal in regard to the city's comprehensive plan and OAA land use planning. The comprehensive plan currently indicates R-2 zoning but Council Minutes - 5/24/99 also encourages higher value housing. Clint and Brian both stated they feel that Council should table this and let Planning Commission recommendation for R-2 zoning go before the NIOAA board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAi~( STUNIPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO TABLE THE REZONNG REQUEST A1~iD WAIT FOR PLANNING CONINIISSION'S REQUEST TO BE PRESENTED TO THE MOAA BOARD. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of a conditional use errnit fora Tanned unit develo ment in an R-2 district. Applicant: Little Mountain Limited Partnership. Steve Grittman explained the development plan for the north 4.8 acres of the Klucas property, which would contain 28 townhouse units. Some of the concerns brought up were the location of the street access onto the curve of i1Ylarvin Elwood Rd and the eventual development of an access road to Prairie Rd. Steve explained the layout of townhomes and parking. Access roads within the development will be private drives requiring 24 ft width. Jahn Simola asked that the City ensure that streets are wide enough for services to the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PLAN SUBJECT TO CONCERNS BEING RESOLVED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of approval of Request far. Proposals relating. to redevelopment of former Ferrellgas site. Jeff O'Neill discussed the Ferrellgas site as a prime location for redevelopment. City has been receiving requests from developers about the land. The city is proposing putting out an RFP to see what interest is out there for developing the property to fit in with the central community district. Redevelopment guidelines for the central community district would be included with the RFP. Jeff reviewed the standards planned to be incorporated into the RFP. He noted that the RFP is to include remodeling/redevelopment of the liquor store. John Simola addressed the issue of convenient parking for the community center. He felt that there should be parking allowed near the street on the Ferrellgas site. Jeff explained the reason for the zero setback was due to the wish to utilize the site as prime retail space. Clint Herbst expressed an interest in being more specific about the size and layout of the liquor store. Bruce Thielen suggested changing the RFP for liquor store renovation to read up to 8500 sq ft. Brian Stumpf asked if it was possible to remove the financing statement and see what developers submit for financing options. Council Minutes - S/24/99 Glen Posusta suggested that city consider selling the Ferrellgas site to private business and let them pay for developing the property and be responsible for paying taxes. The city could relocate the liquor store rather than stick more money into it at the present site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUlvlPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WITH LVIODIFICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTE IT TO DEVELOPERS. MODIFICATIONS: (1) LIQUOR STORE RE:~IODELING/RECONSTRUCTION UP TO SSQd SQ FT AND MEET DESIGN GUIDELINES AND (2) REMOVE THE SECTION ON FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS. Motion carried unanimously. U. onsrderation of resolution authonzm2 pregaration of la „ ,,,,,,,_,.,_ _ ~ ~^ _ ~ p ns and specifications for reconstruction of Walnut Street. Jeff O'Neill explained plan for reconstruction of Walnut St and some of the changes made to the preliminary plan. It is suggested to put in brick pavers rather than colored stamped concrete. Marquette Bank requests moving forward as they need the additional parking. It is believed that the Edina Realty property would be in favor of the plan as they may need more parking for future building expansion. Bret Weiss pointed out that Walnut St will not meet state aid standards so it is recommended to remove it from state aid designation in the future. The state aid funds could then be applied to some other street segment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAN AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Motion carried unanimously. 14, Review_conceptplans for community center plaza desig_n~ Steve Grittman reviewed the design and landscaping for the Community Center Plaza put together by the Design Advisory Team. Design concept was planned for the front of the building and the courtyard area on the 6th St side. The design for the front incorporates a small cascading pool with a bridge over it, plantings and benches and plantings and seating in the courtyard. Clint Herbst asked how much maintenance would be required. Bruce Thielen pointed out that plantings axe generally low maintenance. He also noted that the cost for the landscaping is hoped to be raised through donations. Area could be sodded in lieu of landscaping if funds aze not raised. It may also be possible to recruit volunteers to help with the maintenance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE COLViMUNITY CENTER LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONCEPT. Motion carried unanimously. Council Nlinutes - 5/24/99 15. Consideration of review of bids and awarding contract on southeast water booster station John Simola handed out copies of bids received, which he indicated were much higher than anticipated. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUlVIPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO REJECT THE BIDS AND DIRECT STAFF TO REVIEW THE PROPOSAL TO REDUCE COSTS. Motion approved unanimously. l~A Consideration of land swa between City of Monticello/HRA and Domino's Pizza. Ollie Koropchak explained that the HRr1 is looking for direction in pursuing a land swap between Domino Pizza (on the south side of Broadway) and the lot next to the iVICP building. HRA wanted to know if the City wanted to proceed at this time. Consensus of Council is to hold off until more is known about plans for north anchor. 1SB onsideration of re airs to the library building. Diane Herbst attended the last city council meeting requesting repairs to be completed on the library building. Council directed staff to have an outside consultant determine extent of repairs necessary and report back to the Library Board at its May 24 meeting. John Simola noted that the roof is already scheduled for repair. John Simola offered to contact the building architect to discuss concerns of building repairs. Bruce Thielen asked if there were routine checks done on the building and that there should be in the future on all cit;r buildings. Mayor Belsaas requested that staff present a plan for repairs to the library building to the Council at the second June meeting. Bruce also suggested that the Library Boazd should make presentations to Council on a regular basis to keep them apprised of situation at the library. l5C U date on Parks Commission. Roger Carlson noted that Parks Commission is planning on keeping West Bridge Park at its current size and not giving up any part for the north anchor. John Simola mentioned that the lift station in the pazk needs upgrading and is planned to be relocated to Front Street. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON Al~iD SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE DEVELOPING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE LIFT STATION- Motion carried unanimously. 15D Consideration of land„swap between qty of Monticello, and Value Plus Homes. Bret Weiss explained that Value Plus Homes is interested in swapping a pazcel of land for pieces of land they own in the Little Mountain Development azea. The proposed land r Council Minutes - 5/24/99 swap would accomodate layout of pond drainage and that area and provide the developer with a better piece of property to develop. Bret noted that Tony Emmerich may be interested in purchasing Value Plus' land provided he can get the same deal for the land swap. Consensus was to proceed with working out an agreement for a land swap. Proposed agreement will be brought back at a later time for Council approval. 16. Consideration of ills for the last half of Ma 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF MAY 1999. l~Iation carried unanimously. [7 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously.- r ~/I Catherine M. Shuman ,~.d,JnU Finance Assistant/MIS