Planning Commission Minutes 03-01-2004 . . . MINlJTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday - March 1st, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Richard Carlson, IJoyd Hilgart, David Rietveld, Council Liaison Glen Posusta Chairman Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten JefTO'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, Angela Schumann Absent: Staff: 1. Call to order. Richard Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M., and declared a quorum. Carlson noted the absence of Chaiman Frie and Rod Dragsten, and that Roger Carlson would be serving as the Council member liaison in place of Glen Posusta for this meeting. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held February 3rd, 2004. A MOTION WAS MADE BY I IlLGART TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE fEBRUARY 3RD, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens comments. None. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an ice arena expansion to an existing educational institution in a PZM District and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing the establishment of a joint parking facility, as allowed by the General Provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Monticello Independent School District #882 and the Monticello-Big I,ake Hospital District Planning Commission Minutes -- 03/01/04 . Steve Grittman presented the staff report, referring to the provided aerial photo which illustrated both the proposed site location and the existing parking. Grittman indicated that the school district is seeking approval of a Conditional Use Permit that will facilitate the construction of an ice arena as an addition to the south side of the Middle School Building along East Broadway Street. The arena will have its main entrance near the southeast corner of the existing school building. Access to the arena will also be possible from interior corridors in the existing building. Grittman stated that the applicants have worked with staff to identify parking issues and solutions that will be available when the arena use raises the level of activity on the site. The district has identified more than 440 existing parking spaces on-site, at various locations around the building. Grittman noted that the most intensive use of the existing building occurs when the auditorium is being used for a performance. Even then, only full use of the 600 seat ice arena would likely cause an overflow condition. . Grittman reported that the applicants have reached an agreement with the Hospital District to utilize the hospital's existing parking lots for these overflow times. For this purpose, the applicants are seeking a Conditional Use Permit for ajoint parking faci lity. Grittman indicated that it is expected that use of the overflow faci lity at the hospital would most I ikeIy occur on weekends and/or evenings when the hospital parking lot is at its lowest level of use. Individuals using the hospital parking area will be able to cross Broadway at the existing signal, using the existing sidewalk system. Grittman also noted that to ensure that the existing school parking is used to the greatest efficiency, the district will recommend that bus parking be directed to the south side of the school property. Grittman recommended approval of the two Conditional Use Permits, based on the conditions that (I) the City may require additional parking to be constructed if overflow parking on City streets becomes a problem for the adjoining neighborhood, and (2) the applicants continue to work with engineering staff to resolve issues related to utility services and drainage of the site. Reitveld inquired whether the current number of spaces was considered adequate for the proposed expansion. Grittman anticipates that more spaces will be needed at certain peak times, however the school has indicated that those circumstances would be relatively few. It will be during those times that hospital parking would be used. Grittman stated that condition 1 requires that should parking occur in residential areas at a higher than anticipated level, the City and school would work together to resolve those issues. . Carlson asked whether there were any specific engineering problems resulting in the statement of condition 2. Grittman stated that at this point there were no specific -2- Planning Commission Minutes 03/01/04 . problems. However, the plan is not finalized and the City would seek to ensure that engineering standards are met. O'Neillnotcd that School District Superintendent Michael Benedetto had relayed his regret at being unable to attend the meeting due to a conflicting School Board meeting. Bill Holmgren, the business manager for the school district, spoke to the Commission on behalf of the district. Holmgren stated that he had no furthcr comments to add and indicated he would answer any questions from the public or Commission. Carlson opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comment, Carlson closed the public hearing. Carlson asked J lolmgren whether the school district had a formal agreement with the hospital board to establish the joint parking facility. Holmgren stated that the school district and hospital did have an agreement to that effect. He stated that the school does not anticipate much use of the hospital parking, only during times of overflow. . Carlson inquired where current cntrance points would be. Grittman noted that the current main entrance would serve the new f~tcility with a corridor being provided to the arcna. A lower level service entrance would also be provided. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP FOR THE EXPANSION OF AN ICE ARENA TO THE EXISTING MIDDLE SCHOOL WITH CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 AS FOLLOWS, BASED ON A FINDING THA T THE r ACILITY IS AN APPROPRIATE ACCESSORY USE FOR A PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING, AND THAT THE PARKING MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS OFFERED BY THE APPLICANTS WILL MINIMIZE NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF TI IE INCREASE IN USE. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. 1. The City may require additional parking to be constructed if overflow parking on City streets becomes a problem for the adjoining neighborhood, and 2. The applicants continue to work with engineering staff to resolve issues related to utility services and drainage of the site. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP FOR THE JOINT PARKING FACILITY, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE HOSPITAL PARKING IS IN REASONABLE PROXIMITY TO THE SCHOOL, AND ACCESS ACROSS BROADWAY IS PROTECTED BY AN EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL. MOTION SECONDED BY REITVELD. . MOTION CARRIED. -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 03/01/04 6. Puhlic Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permits to allow five four- unit townhouse buildings and a Preliminary Plat for 7 townhouse lots in an R-2 District. Applicant: Mike Schneider - Homestead Multi-Familv Development Corp. Grittman provided the staff report, stating that the applicant is seeking a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of five four-unit townhouse buildings on property along West Prairie Road, south of the Timber Ridge Townhouse project The plat is a replat of "The Brothers" plat, a single family plat that has existed for some time with no homes. The applicant recently rcceived approval to begin construction on eight units north of Prairie Road, It is thc intention of this application that the two projects will he comhined for Jinal plat and association purposes, Grittman noted that the final plat must be processed through the City and County prior to occupancy of any of the buildings in either project. As a rcsult, the plat rcquest is for 2X units on seven lots, however thc Conditional Use Permits arc needed only for 20 new units. (i-rittman stated that the area for the proposed development is zoned R-2. Four-unit townhouse structures arc Conditional Uses in the district. The zoning ordinance permits townhouses at a dcnsity of one unit per 5,000 square fect oflot area. Grittman statcd that each of thc proposed lots exceeds 20,000 square feet, and as such, the density requirement is met. All units would face public streets, ineluding Prairie Road and a new cul-de-sac extending south from Prairie Road. Grittman referred to the preliminary plat, which shows 7 total lots, Two lots are located on land north of Prairie Drive, known as "The Meadows", and five are located to the south, The two lots to the north mirror the previous lot lines, while the five lots to the south are arrayed both along Prairic Road and around a cuI-dc-sac. The cul-de- sac was platted as a part ofthe Brother's Plat, but never constructed. The proposed units appear to mcet all sethack requirements as designed. Grittman indicated that the four-unit buildings are allowed by CUP in this district and that the density easily meets the zoning minimum. The gcneraIlayout of the units is reasonable, and the existence of all public streets in the project is preferred by thc City Engineer. Grittman statcd that there were a number of issues related to the project, which were outlined for the commission in the staff report. Specifically, Grittman referrcd to the need f(n improved landscaping, as well as maintcnance of the recommended landscaping and other common areas. Planning staff would recommend that any approval include a condition f()r additional tree and f(mndation plantings. Grittman indicatcd that this condition was noted when the applicant originally discussed this project with the City, and was also applicd to the CUP approval for the first eight units. Grittman stated that as with the Timber Ridge development, a significant landscape buffer is recommcnded along the boundary of the property, adjacent to the single f~tmily neighborhoods. -4- Planning Commission Minutes - 03/0 1/04 . Grittman reported that the City had required developers of the townhouses in "Sunset Ponds" to provide a landscaped berm along the interstate. The purpose of thc berm is to provide some sound attenuation from the adjoining freeway. This requirement should also be applied to this project. Planning sta1l is concerned that housing adjacent to the freeway would have signillcant negative impacts from freeway noise. The applicant has objected to this condition, however, the City has received a written objection to the project from MnDOT due to noise from the freeway with a berm. This condition should be actively pursued to ensure the highcst quality neighborhood possible. Grittman indicated that the berm rcquirement will likely change the plan layout due to the minimum setback requirements. Grittman noted that the project should include sidewalk on one side of Prairie Road that connects to thc pathway in Timber Ridge. Grittman indicated that the applicant should make a number of design changes that will result in a significantly altered set of plans. Grittman also stated that all of the issues mentioncd have been raised with the developer in previous discussions and reviews, but the applicant has chosen not to make changes in his plans. Without the changes recommended, staff recommends denial. At this time, Grittman recommended tabling action on the plat and Conditional Use Permits. Carlson opened the public hearing. . Marla Hughes, 147 Ilcdman Lane, Monticello, addressed the commission. Hughes stated that she does not see landscaping as the primary issue with the proposed development. Hughes stated that her concern is that an area which was originally platted as single-family homes is now proposed to put too many people in too small of a space. Hughes believes that the proposed plan would create too much traffic and the potential for more accidents. Hughes stated her opinion that the entry points onto the development's main road are too small. She explained that children now walk through backyards bccause it is no longer safe for children to walk from bus stop to home. Hughes also indicated that she had spoken with the applicant, who told her that the proposed properties would be rental units. Hughes stated that she believes that this will bring down home values in the area. Mike Schneidcr, Ilomestead Multi-Family Development Corporation, addressed the commission. Schneider stated that he had only received stafT comments over the weekend and inquired whether he could review with the commission the changes that would meet the recommendations during this meeting. . O'Neill stated that the comments provided to Schneider for thc mceting were almost identical to those provided during a meeting with him over a month ago. O'Neill said that at this stage, planning staff would prefer to complete a review of a revised plan set -5- Planning Commission Minutes 03/0 1/04 . based on the provided comments. O'Neill stated that although a new plan set had been provided by the applicant, none of the recommended changes had been made. Hilgart stated that he would prefer that stafl had the opportunity to review any changes made as a result of the comments listed in the staff report for this item. Reitveld also stated his preference to table the item to allow thc developer work with staff to develop a more detailed plan. Carlson asked Schneider to clarify whether the proposed units would be for sale or rental. Schneider stated that they would be owner-occupied. Carlson expressed his opinion that Prairie Road docs not seem to meet City specifications as far as improvements. O'Neill stated that after a review of this particular site plan, the City had initiated including Prairie Road as are-construction project. That project would occur within the next year, with or without this development, and would include sidewalk, widening, and curb and gutter. Some of the cost would be assesscd to property owners, but much of the costs would be taken on as part of the City's reconstruction fund. O'Neill explained that the City had also authorized a study to determine a crossing point over or under County Road 75 in the area. . Schneider commented that when he first considered developing the property, he spoke with Mr. O'Neill, whose response to the projeet was favorable. Hc also indicated that he was encouraged to re-plat the entire area rather than combine the lots. What he is being requcsted to do now is different than what he understood from meeting. Grittman clarified that the land use is consistent with zoning and that staff has no objection to dcnsity of project. The overall goal is to ereate a product eonsistent with the surrounding neighborhoods and with adequate buffering measures in relationship to the freeway. Hilgart questioned whether the proposcd re-platting would change the density. Grittman stated that it would not; it would actually be below density. Hughes asked for a clarification of how zoning designations work. If this area was originally platted for single-family home lots, when and how can it change? Grittman stated that an R-2 designation allows f()r both single family and attached dwellings. Townhouses are a Conditional Use within that district. Hughes noted that the proposed layout is so tight, it would not allow for porches. Grittman noted that although this is true, it would have also been true for single family homes along the eastern boundary. Ilughes re-stated her concerns regarding traffic, density and safety. . Hearing no further comments, Carlson closed the public hearing. -6- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 03/0 1/04 Carlson questioned whether having 16 units with driveways backing onto Prairie Road is an issue. Grittman stated that re-construction will turn Prairie Road in to a minor collector and that this configuration is actually preferred by the City Engineer duc to greater backing room and visibility factors. Hilgart stated that it would appcar that overall, City staff is in favor of the project. Ilowever, they are simply requesting that the recommended changes be made. Carlson inquired whethcr Nicholas Circle would be a public street. O'Neill stated that it would be a private with a public easement or simply public. Reitveld indicated he supports the concept, with the provision that the developer work to address the conditions in exhibit Z before approval. A MOTrON WAS MADE BY l-IILGART TO TABLE DECISIONS ON THE PROPOSED PREll MINAR Y PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS TO A FUTURE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY REITVELD. MOTION CARRIED. Carlson encouraged Schneider to meet with staff to re-configure plans in order to meet conditions before rc-submission. 7. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit amendment for the expansion of a religious institution in the P-S/Public-Semi-Public District. Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church Grittman provided the staff report, indicating to the Commission that Resurrection Lutheran Church has requested a Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow an expansion of their church taci /ity located at the intersection of Highway 118 and Fenning A venue. The subject site is zoned P-S, Public/Semi-Public which allows religious institutions by conditional use permit. The proposed building addition measures 11,121 square feet in size (168.5' x 66') and is to be located on the south side of the existing church building. The proposed addition includes 14 classrooms, a 2,760 square f()ot "community square", a nursery and toilet/storage facilities. Grittman stated that the proposed expansion mects the requirements of a Conditional Use for that district. -7- Planning Commission Minutes- 03/01/04 . The church has also met the requirements for off-street parking. According to the ordinance, churches must provide at least one ofT-street parking space for each f()ur seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall. According to the applicant, a total of 305 seats exist within the sanctuary of the church. This equates to an off-street parking supply requirement of 73 stalls. Presently, the churches parking lot includes 133 stalls significantly exceeding the minimum required parking supply. No additional stalls are required or proposed as part of the expansion project. Grittman did note that a ring of maple trees has been proposed on the northeast side of the addition. Whilc therc are no specific screening issues related to the project, it is recommendcd that additional building foundation plantings on the west side of the building (near the entry area) be provided. Grittman stated that additional plantings in this area will further reinforce building entry (by adding color) and lessen the starkness of the bui Iding to ground. Grittman stated that a grading, drainage and utility plan has been submitted. Any issues related to thosc plans are subject to comment and recommcndation by the City Engineer. Grittman noted that a recommended condition of approval is that the side and rear facades of the addition arc to match the existing vinyl lap siding of the existing structure. . Rcitveld inquired whether the lighting as proposed would present any issues. Grittman stated that although the City normally requires a photometric lighting plan, staff does not expcct any issues that would necessitate this submission. Carlson sought clarification on whether increascd square footage requires additional parking. Grittman indicated that because parking is bascd on the seating capacity of the sanctuary, which is not changing, no additional parking is needed. Paul Grunswick, a representative from Resurrection Lutheran Church, addressed the commission. Grunswick stated that he had been involved in the campus planning effort and that he had no further comments, but was available to answer questions related to the plan. Hilgart inquired whethcr the current expansion was the only proposcd addition. Grunswick explained that a master plan for thc church docs show further futurc expansions, however none are proposed at this time. Carlson opened the public hearing. Hcaring no further comment, Carlson closed the public hcaring. . -8- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 03/01/04 A MOTION WAS MADE BY REITVELD TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION WITHIN A P-S, PUBLIC/SEMI- PUBLIC ZONING DISTRICT BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE MARCH 1,2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED. Grunswick thanked the planning staff for their consideration and effort on the project, ensuring that the process moved forward in a timely manner. O'Neill noted that in the case of the church's application, the developer did respond to the list of concerns prepared by staff and produced a revised plan in time for an adeq uate review. 8. Public hearing - Consideration of a comprehensive plan amendment establishing a 3: I ratio of single family homes to attached townhomes. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission Grittman referred to the policy statement provided. Grittman asked for the item to be tabled to the April meeting when a fl111 compliment of commissioners would be available to review and comment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING TIIE REQUEST TO THE APRIL 6th MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJSL Y. O'Neill asked the commissioners whether they would like the staiTto complete an inventory of R-2 areas in relationship to the mixture of single-fanlily and attached dwellings, in light of public comments provided on the Homestead Multi-Family application. O'Neill stated that an inventory may help determine whether changes need to be made in terms of density and building standards in these areas. Carlson indicated that the general perception seems to be that the closer development is to the downtown area, the more density is acceptable. Carlson stated that he is not opposed to taking a second look at these areas, as well as some of the outlots on other projects that didn't develop initially. -9- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 03/0 I /04 9. Adiourn A MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 9:00 PM WAS MADE BY HILGART. MOTION SECONDED BY REITVELD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -10-