Parks Commission Minutes 01-18-2001 . . . MINLJTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, .January 18,2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members present: Fran Fair, Nancy MeCani'ey, Larry Nolan. Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. StatT: Clregg Engle 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval ohhe minutes of the re2:ular meeting on December 14,2000. The Parks Commission noted that minutes of the November 2000 meeting had not yet been made available to the Parks Commission for review and approval. EARL SMITII MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES or;' THE DECEMBER 14.2000 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AS PRESENTED. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin2: items to the agenda. The follO\ving items were added to the agenda: I) LJpdate on grant applications: 2) Cen1etery issues and ]) Goals. 4. Citizen ReQuests. None. 5. Review Mcadow Oaks and Parkside park plans. Gregg Engle introduced Mike Rogers and Leo Sehroden, two members of his statTwho were present at the meeting. Gregg Engle reviewed with the Parks Commission the work that was proposed for the Meadow Oaks Park. It is proposed that the Park Department stall will take out the existing swing and replace it with a new swing. remove the old playground border and replace it with a new border and replace the sand with the wood chip fiber material which is being used in all new playground installations. The spiral slide which was installed in 1998 will rell1ain. The playground equipment will be installed by a private contractor. It is estimated that this work will take approximately $21,650 of the $25,000 budgeted amount. Earl Smith noted that having swings as part of the playground equipment created more liability and risk exposure flJr the City and he asked if the Park Department felt comtortable about including swings in the playground equipment knowing the risk they pose. Gregg Engle presented pictures of various types of playground structures all of which met the Parks Commission Minutes - 1/18/01 . criteria of: I) Spacing - docs not exceed 40' x 40': 2) Capacity - would handle 8 to 15 children: 3) Was designed flJr children ages 2 through 12: 4) Consisted of at least seven play components which were accessible by transfer points thus 111aking it handicapped accessible and 5) Cost of $17.000 or less installed. Gregg Engle asked the Parks Commission to study the pictures and later in the meeting make a recommendation on which of the models the Parks Commission Llvored. . Larry Nolan noted that the proposed ISTEA pathway would be going along this park and asked how the proposed pathway would affect the improvements scheduled for the park. Gregg Engle replied that in looking at the placement of the play structure and other improvements they had determined that they were outside the area of the proposed pathway. Gregg Engle also reported that Public Works Director. John Simola had suggested not putting in the playground equipment but instead use those funds to put in a new pathway. The existing pathway is less than 6' and does not meet the current pathway design standards. The pathway surt~lCe is also deteriorating. The Parks Commission discussed whether there were funds budgeted that could be used tor replacing the pathway. The Parks Commission felt that were funds allocated in 1994 which had not been used and wondered if these funds were still availahle for use. Ciregg Eng1c indicated that in thc five year plan for West Bridge Park there is $35,000 budgeted for a playground structurc which could possible go towards the new patlnvay. The Parks Commission stated that the f\lCP felt that in order to get things going on the North Anchor project it was impot1ant to irnpr,lVc West Bridge Park and the Parks Conlll1ission did not feel funds f()r the W-:st Bridge Park improvement should be used elsewhere. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO USE TI IE 2001 BUDGET'ED FUNDS FOR PLA YGROtJND EQUIPMENT FOR MEADOW OAKS PARK AND PUT THE NEW P ATIIW A Y IN PI,ACT IN THE YEAR 2002 UNLESS THERE WAS OTHER FUNDING CURRENTL Y A V AILABLE FOR REPLACING THE PA THW A Y. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED Till.: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Gregg Engle reported he had gotten a price from a contractor f()r rcplacing the pathway. With the Park Department stalTremoving the old pathway and the contractor bringing in class Vand placing the bituminous surElce. the estimated cost was $26.000. . City Engineer. Brett Weiss was present and updated the Parks Commission on the ISTEA pedestrian bridge and pathway project. Brett Weiss outlined the scope of the project and noted that at this time the City had not yet acquired the three easements needed from the property owners in the area. It is proposed to bid the project in March or April of this year. There was some discussion on including the trail work on County Road 18 as part of the ISTEA project. Brett Weiss indicated that if it was determined that the work was going to be done this ycar it could possibly be done as a change order to thc ISTEA project or could be bid at the same time but he did not feel it could be bid as part of the ISTEA project. Earl Smith asked why the Council has not taken the lead on this. He indicated that the Parks COllHnission has discussed this for some time but there has been no Council action on it. Jeff (YNeill was 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/18/01 directed to check into the pathway dedication funds collected from the residential developments in that area to see if that could be utilized for the trail improvement. Gregg Engle then explained his proposal fi:)[" improvements at the Parkside Park which would take the balance of $4.650 and apply it toward planting 01" trees in the park. The Parks Cornmission indicated that they feel this park is a passive park and concurred that the plantings would be all that is necessary t()r now. If the park's use changes in the future as more development takes place in the area. then the Parks Commission could look at additional improvements. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED THAT REMAINING MONEY FROM TilE $25.000 BUD(JETI':D FOR 2001 FOR MEADOW OAK PARK BE UTILIZED FOR PLANTINGS FOR PARKSIDE PARK. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Discussion on Phase II planning of River Mill Park. Gregg Engle submittcd a hreakdown of the work proposed ti:)r the River Mill Park. The in1provcments wcre scheduled to be completed in three phases. Phase" includes construction of the parking lot. installation of the pathway. landscaping. lighting improvernents and cost J(lr building materials. Initially it \vas thought to put the parking lot in and get the trail constructed li'om the parking lot to the shelter to provide easier access to the sliding hill. At the last Parks Commission meeting. Earl Smith had indicated that residents in the arca had cOlnll1ented that they did not want to see the parking lot go in. Ciregg Engle wanted the Parks Commission direction on whether to proceed with the improvements in Phase II which ineludcd the parking lot or consider improvements from Phase III and put the Phase II improvements in later. The Parks Commission discussed whether the sliding hill generated enough use of the park to merit the construction of the parking lot at this time. carl Smith questioned whether River Mill Park is a ncighborhood park or a destination park. The consensus of the Parks Commission was that the sliding hill made the park a destination park during the winter months but otherwise the use was such that it would be considered a neighborhood park. Earl Smith questioned whether this wasn't an awful big investment fix just a neighborhood park. Phase III improvements include a shelter. volleyball and basketball courts. picnic tables. grills and building materials. Phase 111 also includes an irrigation system which would not be done at this time il"the Parks Commission determines that they will initiate Phase 111 this year. The j"eeling ol"the Parks Commission was that the parking lot and trail may make the sliding hill more acccssible but that these improvernents could be delayed a year or two. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO RESERVE TilE AREA FOR TIlE PARKING LOT BUT NUl' TO INSTALL THE PARKING LOT AT THIS TIME BUT INSTEAD USE TilE BUDGETED FUNDS TO INSTALL. rn':MS FROM PHASE III OF TIlE RIVER MILL PARK PI:ZOJECT. NANCY MCCAfFREY S[.:CONDED THE MOTION. -. -) . . . Parks Conunission Minutes - 1 118!O 1 In t"urther discussion or the motion. Earl Smith stated that the Parks Conll11ission should determine how River Mill Park should be classified. He noted that there are a number of parks that are coming in that need to be developed. [t is important I()r the Parks Commission to determine what classi/ication of park they will be so that they can budget /()r and develop these new parks accordingly. Gregg Engle requested specific comments as to what items tt-onl Phase III the Parks Commission was looking at. They indicated all items in Phase III except the irrigation system should be considered. MOT[ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Review plans for Pioneer Park shelter - discussion on meeting held with the Lions on Tuesdav. .Januarv 16.2001. Gregg Engle met with Mike Lundquist regarding the shelter for Pioneer Park. The Lions will be building the shelter this year. The design will be the one submitted earlier to the Parks Commission by Gregg Engle. The Lions are having an architect draw up the plans and Gregg [~ngle will be meeting with them to work out the details on storage. rentals, etc. Once the plan is completed. the Lions will bring it back to the city. The $47,000 in the park budget for Pioneer Park will go towards the shelter with the Lions picking up the balance of the cost.l"he I.ions will be nleeting again on February 13th and Gregg Engle will report back to the Parks Commission on this meeting. s. Discussion on the idea of a Communitv Centel' Parle Kitty Baltos presented inf(wmation 1'01' prelill1inary discussion on establishing a community center park on a lot that city recently purchased. The property is roughly 80' x 100' and is currently fenced. It is proposed to remove the t"ence. install a shelter and some picnic tables and include some plantings and landscaping. This area could be utilized for Riverfest activities and othcr activities held at the Community Center. [t is estimatcd that the improvements being proposed would run approximately $ 10.000 and neither the Parks Department nor the Community Center budgeted funcls f(x this. The Monticello COll1munity Center Advisory Boarcl and thc Parks Commission wil1 hold a joint meeting to discuss the proposal. Kilty Baltos will notify the Parks Commission of the date and time of the joint meeting. 9. Discussion on Year 2 of West Brid1!e Park Plan, The amount budgeted f(Jr 2001 tor West/East Bridge Park is $47,000. Gregg Engle reported that he met with Fran Fair and her group regarding plantings in the [':ast Bridge Park and presented a preliminary sketch. Gregg Engle asked direction from the Parks Commission on whether to pursue since it would be a deviation rronl the master plan. Grcgg Engle notcd that the placemcnt of utility lines in the East Bridge Park area poses problems for construction of the irrigation system so the cost of installing an irrigation system will probably run higher. approximately $26.000. Gregg Engle felt they should focus on getting the irrigation system done for the East Bridge Park and then they could go back 10 work on the other improvements 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/18/0 I proposed.fhere was some discussion on the design drawing f'()r the plantings and Gregg Engle indicated that he would be meeting with the group again to finalize the design. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE TilE CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE PLAN'l"INGS IN EAST BRIDGE PARK ALONG WITII A CONCERTED EFF01rI' TO "TIE TIlE IMPROVEMENTS IN EAST BRIDGE PARK TO WIIAT lIAS BEEN DONE IN WEST BRIDGE PARK. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlI]) UNANIMOUSL Y. 10. East Brid{!e irrieation projeet plan. Gregg Engle reported that the irrigation system for the East Bridge Park will bc a rnajor project and the Park Departlnent will continue working on the design of it. The DNR has grantcd a pennit to allow clean up of the bank in the Battle Creek area. Thcre was also discussion of cleaning up the bank area behind the pIantings in the East Bridge Park. Gregg Engle indicated that the Parks Department staff has only small windows of time bet ween periods of winter park duties and summer maintenance duties where they can work new projects and he didn't know when they would be able to get to the c1can up of the bank. It was suggested that the Conservation Corp or Sentence to Serve people be used on some of these projects. 11. Park Maintenanee Items. Gregg Engle updated the Parks Commission on the maintenance work and noted that there was some vandalisn1 at the 41h Street Park. I Ie also reportcd that the rink edger has been purchascd and the trai ler has been ordered. Gregg Engle me( with the Polecats about getting a raised bleacher for ficld #4. The cost estimate for the bleacher is $11.000. Gregg Engle didn't feel that the City should be spending that much moncy on just one bleacher. He indicated that the City may contribute a portion of the cost of a raised bleacher and the Polecats could fund the balance but at this time no decision has been Inadc. Other Items: Grant Update: Gregg Engle updated the Parks Commission on the grants applications he is applying 1'0 r. Cemetery Issues: (ircgg Engle stated that John Silnola, Public Works Director talked with him about a rcprcscntative f1'onl the Parks Commission being on a temporary committee being set up to deal with issues relating to Rivcrside Cemetery. The Park Departnlent staff currently maintains the cemetery site. Rick Traver offered to serve on this committee. There was also some discussion on Park Department staff dutics and relatcd time managelnent issues. Goals: This item will be added to the next agenda. The Park Commission members were encouraged to turn in their list of goals. 5 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/18/01 At this time the Park Commission upon reviewing the playground structures for the Mcadow Oak Park indicated that they felt the Max Fitness Center ($11,019) was the structure they preferred. 12. Adjourn. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:45. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. U~'""" _ .~SS ~~ Recording Secretary 6