Parks Commission Minutes 02-15-2001 . . ~ ....., MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, February 15,2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fail'. Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan Larl Smith and Council Liaison: Roger Carlson Members Absent: Riek Traver Staff: Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent 1. Call to Ordcr. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.n1. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of the minutcs ofthc regular meetin!::!: of.lanuarv 18.2001. The Parks COllnllission asked if a date had been set fl.)!" a meeting with the Monticello Corllrllunity Center Advisory Hoard for a joint meeting regarding the Community Center Park. Gregg Lngle reported that they tentatively set a April 19th as the date for a combined meeting of the two boards. The Parks Commission also asked about whether the Polecats would be funding any of the cost of a raised bleacher f()r ballfield #4. Gregg I.:ngle stated that they would not and had dropped the issue. EARL SMIIII M()VED I() ACCEPT THE MINlJTI<:S (W TIlE JANUARY 1 x. 2ClOl PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AS PRESENTI.:!). FRAN FAIR SECONDLD TilL MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the ~H!emJa. Larry Nolan added an update on the casement acquisition t~)r the ISTEA project which was to report that the casements had not yet been obtained. 4. Citizcns rcqucsts. None 5. ParJs.s Commi~);ion Goals. Parks Commission members submitted a listing of their goals f(lr the yedr. Cregg Lngle will review the lists submitted and come back dt Ihe ne~\t meeting \\ilh a comprehensive list. 6. Revicw Pionccr Shcltcl- plans. Gregg Lngle reported that he met with Mike Lundquist orthe Lions Club regarding the plans . Park Minutes - 2115/01 f'()l' the shelter at Pioneer Parle Al the present time there is only a preliminary sketch bUllhe Lions Club has an architect who is working on thc plans fl.l!"lhe sheller. The shelter is proposed to be a 60' x 60' building which includes a storage area. eoneession area and an open patio Iype area. Clregg Engle indicated Ihat the Lions were reminded Ihallhe shelter should be eompatible with the .'pioneer" theme. It is hoped that the archilect's drawing will be available for Ihe next mecting. There was some discussion on thc parking 101 I'(lr Pioneer Park and how big il would need to be. Gregg Engle indicated that the size of the building construeted would impact the amoun t of area needed Il)r park i ng. 7. Discussion on Y c~lr 2 of the West Bridgc Park (lIan. Agenda items 1/7 and # I 0 were eombined jll!' discussion. Gregg Engle reported hc had complcted the irrigation plan I~)r [::ast Bridge Park and had submitted ilto Ihree different lirms: 'foro, Rainbird Hunter and Nelson and Ihey will design a plan based on Ihe drawing, Once the irrigation plans have been received from these lirms, they will be reviewed with the Parks Commission. Cregg Engle noted that there were factors at East Bridge Park thai made the design Ill!' the irrigalion systelll somewhalunique. . Fran r:air asked about the proposed plantings in East Bridge Park along TI I 25. The terracing \vork would need to be done so that the planting could be done in April. (iregg Fngle slated that for Ihe Parks Depmtment it is a \'ery tight schedule to gel Ihe tree planting done ,IS \\ell as the other park duties so he could not assure the landscaping group Ihat the terrace \\ork could be done in April. lIe did indicate that if the \vork 10,ld Jl.)J" Ihe Park Department didn'tlighlen, the terracing work could be contracted out. Fran Fair asked about "senlence to ser\'e'" people being used. (jregg Engle staled Ihal in this case it wasn.t just the need Il)!' manpmver but also equipment. He was considering using the sentence to ser\'e people ll.)!" the cleanup at Battle Rapids. Nancy McCaffrey noted that the landscaping sketch was preliminary and that may they could look at the plantjngs being done in slages which lllight lessen the pressure on Ihe Parks lkpartmenl slalT. Larry Nolan slated that he would like to see the work in East Bridge Park started this year. Nancy' McCaffrey questioned the number of boulders Ihat were a\'ailable Jllr use in Ihe lerracing project. Earl Smith asked about the amount of time Ihe work \\ould takc. Cregg Engle indicated Ihal there arc some boulders available but he did not have a count of them. For comparison purposes the landscape work in Wesl Bridge Park took two park staJ"!" and one seasonal \vorker two weeks to compkte. (Jregg F~:ngle reported that they completed Step I of qualifying fl)!'lhe grant application fl)!' funds for West Bridge Park through the Outdoor Recrealion (irant Program. In Ihe preliminary requl'sl the Park Department proposed a new playground structure, obslT\alion deck and bituminous trail. The nexl phase of the grant application must be submitll'd by i\'1arch 31, 200 I. !\ny funds rl'ceived through this grnnt \\ould have to be matched by the City. ..-.... ...., Ciregg Fngle brought a number of calalogs of playground structures for Ihe Parks Commission to r('vie\v. Ik felt that the Parks Commission should consider a pln)ground structUlT that ! . . ..-.... - Park Minutes - 2/15/0] would cmphasi/e a theme fl.)r Bridge park. l~or example if you \vent with a nautical thcme. the playground structure might be in the shape of a ship, Ihe Parks Commission Jelt that a good design ll.lr this park would not only uttract visitors to use thc I)urk but could also attract devclopment around the parle The Parks Commission discussed which area of the West Bridge Park \vould be the most suitable tl.lr the play structurc. The eonscnsus of the Parks Commission \vas that the area closest to rivcr should bc the passive portion of the park and the arca closer to Walnut Street would be more suitable fl.lr activities and the play structure. The grants are to be awarded this year and if the City receives grant funds. it is likely that the work would be done in October. The Park Commission members will make their recOlnmendation on the play structure to Gregg and he will procced with preparing speeitieations and getting prices. So Tn'c plantinc: day discussion, Gregg r~nglc reported on the tree planting workshops and tree distribution program that is being set up. lJpon uttending one ot'the t\VO tree planting workshops. homeowners will be allowed to purchase t wu trees at a cost of $1 O/each. The trees wi II be picked up at the Publ ie Works Huilding on ^pril 28. 2001. InJ~mmltion about Gopher State One-Call. tree planting in thc boulevard area. etc. will be covered in the workshop, Minnesota Tree Trust will be cundueting the workshop in conjunction with the Park Lkpartment staIr Cregg Engle reported that the Park Departllll'nt may be doing some tree planting along School Boulevard this filiI. The Parks Commission discussed the tree planting proposed on School Boulevard. Ciregg Engle suggested that Juhn Silllola attend thc ncxt Parks Commission meeting to explain the proposed planting \vork. (iregg Engle also reviewed the inll.ll'Il1ation that \viII be going out in the City's newsletter concerning the tree planting program. 9. Park Maintcnance Items. lJ nder th is item Ciregg Fngle reported: a. Price l~)r playground structure Il..lr Ml'adow Oaks park including installation is $14.900. The specificutions have been writtellup and March ]4.2001 is the deadline ll.ll' submitting proposals fl.)!' the equipment. It is proposed to install the equipment this spring, b. Ciregg Lngle has ordered the backstop (S I.:J I J). picnic tables. shelter alld IXlsketball court ($11.188). volleyball kit ($12:)) and rl'cycled plastic landscape timbers Il.)I' bordlTs ll.lr the Ri\er l'v1ill Park, c. R,eported that thl' Parks Depurtment has purch,lsed the edger. the trailer and li\e :J rim ])' aluminum bleaehcrs to be placed at the Hillcrest. 4111 Street and h'('Cway Fields park. ^II ufthese itl'ms came in at less than the budgeted amount. -, . . Park Minutes - 2/15/01 d. Skating rinks arc still in operation, If weather permits. they \vill be operated until Fehruary 281h. Gregg Engle also reported on two incidents that occurred at the sliding hi II. e. Battle Rapids Park - A boundary layout has been done so that thc trees can be clcaned up. I'. The City Council approved changes in the sno'vv plowing/removal policy which will require staff to clear the pathway along TII 25 from K.iellberg's Fast to Oakwood Drivc and along School Boulevard. g. The Cemetery Committee has been set up and the IiI'S! meeting is schedulcd for Wednesday. f.'ehruary 21. 2001 at J p.m. JO. Updatc on East Bridc:e irri!!ation project plan. Included with Item #7. II. Walk and Roll Update. 'lhc Parks COlllmission reviewed the infonnation on Walk and Roll and decided they would participate and conduct the f1'ee throw contest. 12. Adjourn. FAR I. Sf'v1/'n I MOVED TO ADJCH)RN AT 5:50 P.M. N^NC'Y MCCAFFREY SECONDI.:!) Illl; MOTION. MOTION C^RRII:/) lJN^NIMOllSL'r', Q~_..~,~~v.~____ _ Recording Secretary ~ 4