Parks Commission Minutes 05-17-2001 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, May 17,2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Memhers Absent: Council Liaison, Roger Carlson S tafT: Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of the minutes of the ioint meetine: on April) 9.2001. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TilE JOINT PARKS COMMISSION AND MCC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 19,2001. RICK "l'RA VER SECONDED "I'HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval ofthe minutes ofthe regular meeting on Anril19. 2001. Larry Nolan stated that under Item #] I for the West Bridge Park the playground structure should be deserihed as a riverhoat. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE RECrUI.AR MEETINCi ON APRIL 19,2001 AS CORRECTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the ae:enda. Larry Nolan added an update on the ISTEA project to the agenda. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 5. Clearwater Trail Committee Chairman Presentation. Gregg Engle introduced Don Hemming who is with the Clearwater "rrail Committee. Mr. Hemming spoke about a proposal to construct a bike trail from Sl. Cloud to Warner Lake Park. Mr. lIemming indicated that some time ago there was a plan to have the bike trai I running from St. Cloud to Anoka. That plan L1iled to happen hut Mr. Hen1l11ing felt that if they could present a regional focus it would be more likely that the trail segment would be constructed. In . . . Park Commission Minutes - 5/17/01 addition he added that grant applications supported by a number of entities usually produce better results. For that reason he was asking for support from the Parks Commission for the City of Monticello as well as from the Wright County Parks Department. Gregg Engle stated that if trail is constructed from St. Cloud to Clearwater it could be extended to the Montissippi Park and then linked with the City's trail system. There is a meeting scheduled next week with several members of the Wright County Commissioners. At this time, the group is asking for support from the Parks Commission to pursue the development of this trail system. The Parks Commission agreed that a hike trail is a way of linking communities together and they encouraged the idea. RICK TRAVER MOVED THAT' THE PARKS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WAS SUPPORTIVE Of' THE IDEA Of' A REGIONAL PLAN FOR A BIKE TRAIL SYSTEM AND TO IIA VE GREGG ENGLE BE THE LINK WITH THIS GROUP FOR THE PARKS COMMISSION. EARL SMITI-I SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Nancy McCaffrey win work with Gregg Engle in this area and attend meetings on the proposed trai I. 6. Summer Applications/Emnloyment. Gregg Engle reported that 17 applications were received for summer employment in the Park Departmenl. All ofthosc hired except one had previously worked for the City. Four positions were filled. The Parks Commission discussed the nced to add additional staffing for the Park Department. Earl Smith stated that in looking at the parks it appeared that the Park Department was a little behind with their work. Gregg Engle replied that once the summer help was in place things would pick up. Earl Smith felt the Parks Commission need to consider the ramifications of what they do has on the Parks Departrnent staff. The Parks COlnmission cannot keep adding parks and park development projects without having the staff to handle it. lie felt the Parks Commission should look at: 1) Can we maintain what we have without more staff; 2) Should we be looking at money fix park dedication in lieu of land; 3) Should the emphasis he on regional parks rather than neighhorhood parks. Gregg Engle said that in July he would be hetter able to answer questions and concerns about starting needs to handle the existing work load and future park needs. The Parks COlnmission discussed staffing and other personnel issues and felt that this should be addressed with Roger Carlson, the council liaison. 7. Otter Creek Park lJpdate. On Apri I 2 I, 2000 clcan LIP was done or thc Otter Creck Park and some plantings werc donc on May 211(1. Earl Smith askcd who was going to bc responsible for watering the plantings. Gregg 2 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 5/17/01 Engle responded that the Park Department would handle that. Earl Smith questioned why that wasn't the responsi bility of the park sponsor. 8. Pioneer Park Update. Gregg Engle reported that the Lions did the clean up on May 2"d. He has not yet received any plans for the park shelter from the Lions but he is still optimistic that the shelter will be done this year. 9. River MilllJpdate. 10. Gregg Engle reported that everything is ready to go and he has met with several contractors. Work will soon be starting on the volleyban court and the shelter. Some planting has been done. West Bridge/East Bridl!e Park Update. Gregg Engle reported that a temporary irrigation system has been installed. He is meeting with Deb Colfield from NSP about removal of the pole and the electrical hookups. He received the specitications for thc riverboat play structurc and will gct the specifications ready so the play structure can bc bid. They have been getting the park ready for Walk and Roll which takes place on June 2nd. He noted that approximately lam trees died and would need to be removed. The Park Conunission also asked him to check on another tree in the park that appears to be dead. 11. Mcadow OakslParkside Parks Update. (rregg Engle reported that the playground structure is in except for the bordcrs which will be done in June. Recycled plastic is being used for the borders. There is a sign up stating that the park is under construction. Nothing has been done at Parksidc as ofthis date. 12. 4th Street PlaY2:round Update. Gregg Engle reported the playground is done and the borders will be put in at a later date. 13. Community Center Conceptual Plans IJpdate. CJregg I':nglc presented a concept drawing of the Community Centcr Park and an estilnated cost for thc park construction. As proposed most of the work would be done by thc Park Department with the construction of the shelter being contracted out. Thc estimated cost lar removing the existing fence, constructing the shelter, installing the railing and natural stonc stcps, installing grills and picnic tables and landscaping of the area is $24.300 or $32.300 if a clifTerenl type of railing is used. The preliminary design and cost estimate will be submitted to " ,) Park Commission Minutes - 5/17/01 . the MCC Advisory Board for their review. EARL SMlTll MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CONCEPT DESIGN fOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER PARK AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $32,300. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Maintenance Updates. Grcgg Engle reported that the Parks Department has: 1. Aerfied all the areas and have donc some fertilizing as wel\. Spraying for weeds is also bcing done. 2. Trees were cut down in the Battle Rapids Park by some individual. 3. Some residents requested a change in the mowing policy at Pioneer Park. They would like to keep it a more natural area by their homes. The Park Department will still be cutting the arca around the ponds. 4. Some of the adjacent propcrty owners are using the Cardinal Hills Park far dumping thcir litter and Gregg Engle has sent lettcrs to the property owncrs on this. . 5. The balltields are being heavily used ineluding the Hillcrest Park also. The Community Center is considering having an evening T ~ballleague which would also use the Ilillcrest Park. The Park Commission discusscd that parking at the Hillcrest Park. 6. The Park Commission brought up the ParWest Park and discussed planting some trees in the area and also discussed future plans for the area. Rick Traver felt that there was additional land in the area that could be utilizcd. Added Item: ISTEA IJpdate. City Engineer. Brct Wciss informed Larry Nolan that the pathway project will be bid in June and that it is likely the cost for the project will bc higher than originally anticipated. Other Discussions: Fran Fair and Nancy McCaffrey indicated that they will help at the Park Commission event for Walk & Roll on J Line 2. 200 I . The Park COlnmission discussed setting datcs for the parks tour. They felt it would best be done in two separate trips; one covering thc developed parks and one covering the arca to be dcveloped. Rick . 4 . Park Comm ission Minutes ~ 5/1 7/01 Traver suggested that the Park Commission meet twice a month during the months of June. JLlly and August. RICK TRA VI.:J{ MOVED THAT THE PARK COMMISSION MEET TWICE DURING THE MONTlIS Of JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. EARL SMITII SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. The Park Commission discussed dates and times for the second meeting. It was decided to meet on the second Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m. The meeting dates would then be: June 11 th June 21 st July 9th July 19th August 13th August 23rd 2p.m. 4:30 p.m 2p.m. 4:30 p.m 2p.m. 4:30 p.m. Gregg Engle indicated that he would be on vacation and not be able to attend the August 13th meeting. The Park Commission decided to wait with scheduling the second meeting in August. . NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6: 15 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. \\ t1u:r0 0- . s~ U ..-~~ - -~-- Recording Secretary . 5